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The availability of hundreds of complete bacterial genomes has created new challenges and simultaneously opportunities for bioinformatics. In the area of statistical analysis of genomic sequences, the studies of nucleotide compositional bias and gene bias between strands and replichores paved way to the development of tools for prediction of bacterial replication origins. Only a few (about 20) origin regions for eubacteria and archaea have been proven experimentally. One reason for that may be that this is now considered as an essentially bioinformatics problem, where predictions are sufficiently reliable not to run labor-intensive experiments, unless specifically needed. Here we describe the main existing approaches to the identification of replication origin (oriC) and termination (terC) loci in prokaryotic chromosomes and characterize a number of computational tools based on various skew types and other types of evidence. We also classify the eubacterial and archaeal chromosomes by predictability of their replication origins using skew plots. Finally, we discuss possible combined approaches to the identification of the oriC sites that may be used to improve the prediction tools, in particular, the analysis of DnaA binding sites using the comparative genomic methods.  相似文献   

The Z-curve is a three-dimensional curve that constitutes a unique representation of a DNA sequence, i.e., both the Z-curve and the given DNA sequence can be uniquely reconstructed from the other. We employed Z-curve analysis to identify one replication origin in the Methanocaldococcus jannaschii genome, two replication origins in the Halobacterium species NRC-1 genome and one replication origin in the Methanosarcina mazei genome. One of the predicted replication origins of Halobacterium species NRC-1 is the same as a replication origin later identified by in vivo experiments. The Z-curve analysis of the Sulfolobus solfataricus P2 genome suggested the existence of three replication origins, which is also consistent with later experimental results. This review aims to summarize applications of the Z-curve in identifying replication origins of archaeal genomes, and to provide clues about the locations of as yet unidentified replication origins of the Aeropyrum pernix K1, Methanococcus maripaludis S2, Picrophilus torridus DSM 9790 and Pyrobaculum aerophilum str. IM2 genomes.  相似文献   

During the late M to the G(1) phase of the cell cycle, the origin recognition complex (ORC) binds to the replication origin, leading to the assembly of the prereplicative complex for subsequent initiation of eukaryotic chromosome replication. We found that the cell cycle-dependent phosphorylation of human ORC2, one of the six subunits of ORC, dissociates ORC2, -3, -4, and -5 (ORC2-5) subunits from chromatin and replication origins. Phosphorylation at Thr-116 and Thr-226 of ORC2 occurs by cyclin-dependent kinase during the S phase and is maintained until the M phase. Phosphorylation of ORC2 at Thr-116 and Thr-226 dissociated the ORC2-5 from chromatin. Consistent with this, the phosphomimetic ORC2 protein exhibited defective binding to replication origins as well as to chromatin, whereas the phosphodefective protein persisted in binding throughout the cell cycle. These results suggest that the phosphorylation of ORC2 dissociates ORC from chromatin and replication origins and inhibits binding of ORC to newly replicated DNA.  相似文献   

We have investigated the mitochondrial genome of eight ori-zero spontaneous petite mutants of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The tandem repeat units of these genomes do not contain any of the seven canonical ori sequences of the wild-type genome. Instead, they contain one, or more, ori-S sequences. These 44-nucleotide long surrogate origins of replication are a subset of GC clusters characterized by a potential secondary fold with two sequences ATAG and GGAG , inserted in AT spacers, two AT base pairs just following them, a GC stem (broken in the middle, and, in most cases also near the base, by non-paired nucleotides), and a terminal loop. This structure is reminiscent of that of GC clusters A and B from canonical ori sequences and supports the view (Bernardi, 1982a ) that the GC clusters of the mitochondrial genome arose, by an expansion process, from the canonical ori sequences. Like the latter, ori-S sequences are present in both orientations, are located in intergenic regions, and can be used as excision sequences when tandemly oriented. Again as in the case of canonical ori sequences, the density of ori-S sequences on the repeat units of petite genomes are correlated with the replication efficiency of the latter, as assessed by the outcome of crosses with wild-type or petite tester strains.  相似文献   

During S phase, the entire genome must be precisely duplicated, with no sections of DNA left unreplicated. Here, we develop a simple mathematical model to describe the probability of replication failing due to the irreversible stalling of replication forks. We show that the probability of complete genome replication is maximized if replication origins are evenly spaced, the largest inter-origin distances are minimized, and the end-most origins are positioned close to chromosome ends. We show that origin positions in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae genome conform to all three predictions thereby maximizing the probability of complete replication if replication forks stall. Origin positions in four other yeasts—Kluyveromyces lactis, Lachancea kluyveri, Lachancea waltii and Schizosaccharomyces pombe—also conform to these predictions. Equating failure rates at chromosome ends with those in chromosome interiors gives a mean per nucleotide fork stall rate of ∼5 × 10−8, which is consistent with experimental estimates. Using this value in our theoretical predictions gives replication failure rates that are consistent with data from replication origin knockout experiments. Our theory also predicts that significantly larger genomes, such as those of mammals, will experience a much greater probability of replication failure genome-wide, and therefore will likely require additional compensatory mechanisms.  相似文献   

Replication of DNA within Saccharomyces cerevisiae chromosomes is initiated from multiple origins, whose activation follow their own inherent time schedules during the S phase of the cell cycle. It has been demonstrated that a characteristic replicative complex (RC) that includes an origin recognition complex is formed at each origin and shifts between post- and pre-replicative states during the cell cycle. We wanted to determine whether there was an association between this shift in the state of the RC and firing events at replication origins. Time course analyses of RC architecture using UV-footprinting with synchronously growing cells revealed that pre-replicative states at both early and late firing origins appeared simultaneously during late M phase, remained in this state during G(1) phase, and converted to the post-replicative state at various times during S phase. Because the conversion of the origin footprinting profiles and origin firing, as assessed by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis, occurred concomitantly at each origin, then these two events must be closely related. However, conversion of the late firing origin occurred without actual firing. This was observed when the late origin was suppressed in clb5-deficient cells and a replication fork originating from an outside origin replicated the late origin passively. This mechanism ensures that replication at each chromosomal locus occurs only once per cell cycle by shifting existing pre-RCs to the post-RC state, when it is replicated without firing.  相似文献   

An evolutionary progression leading toward replication is resolved into several phases; (a) the replication of RNA segments by self-priming and -templating, (b) the replication of single stranded molecules by elongation and controlled scission, (c) replication of complementary duplexes and (d) replication of DNA. The initial phase is suggested by evidence for the existence of tandem repeats in an early population of molecules presumed to be ancestral to today's structurl RNAs. Relics of these repeats are seen in the positioning of sequence matches between transfer and ribosomal RNAs. Conservation of the positions of the matches is indicated by persistence of a periodicity in their spacings along the molecules.Selection is viewed as a vector, with a source and a focus. The evolutionary progression entails shifts in the source of selection, from external catalysts to the replicating molecule itself, and in its focus, from substrate to replicator, to the products of the replicator's activity. When the source and focus of selection are the same selection becomes internalized, and replication and Darwinian evolution follow.Catalytic specificity is regarded as an antecedent to natural selection. Shifting of the source and focus of selection and switches in evolution's vehicle, the most fundamental thing that evolves, result in profound changes in the modes of evolution. Control provides a conceptual framwork within which entry into a Darwinian mode of evolution, and ultimately liberation from Darwinian evolution might be explained.This paper was prepared for posthumous publication by H. S. Forrest and M. P. Staves. Reprint requests should be addressed to M. P. Staves, Dept. of Biochemistry, University of Alabama at Birmingham, AL 35294, U.S.A.  相似文献   

Mammalian origins of replication.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
It has been almost twenty-five years since Huberman and Riggs first showed that there are multiple bidirectional origins of replication scattered at approximately 100 kb intervals along mammalian chromosomal fibers. Since that time, every conceivable physical property unique to replicating DNA has been taken advantage of to determine whether origins of replication are defined sequence elements, as they are in microorganisms. The most thoroughly studied mammalian locus to date is the dihydrofolate reductase domain of Chinese hamster cells, which will be used as a model to discuss the various methods of investigation. While several laboratories agree on the rough location of the 'initiation locus' in this large chromosomal domain, different experimental approaches paint different pictures of the mechanism by which initiation occurs. However, a variety of new techniques and synchronizing agents promises to clarify the picture for this particular locus, and to provide the means for identifying and isolating other origins of replication for comparison.  相似文献   



Replication origins are considered important sites for understanding the molecular mechanisms involved in DNA replication. Many computational methods have been developed for predicting their locations in archaeal, bacterial and eukaryotic genomes. However, a prediction method designed for a particular kind of genomes might not work well for another. In this paper, we propose the AT excursion method, which is a score-based approach, to quantify local AT abundance in genomic sequences and use the identified high scoring segments for predicting replication origins. This method has the advantages of requiring no preset window size and having rigorous criteria to evaluate statistical significance of high scoring segments.  相似文献   

Site-specific initiation of DNA replication is a conserved function in all organisms. In Escherichia coli and Saccharomyces cerevisiae, DNA replication origins are sequence specific, but in multicellular organisms, origins are not so clearly defined. In this article, I present a model of origin specification by epigenetic mechanisms that allows the establishment of stable chromatin domains, which are characterized by autonomous replication. According to this model, origins of DNA replication help to establish domains of gene expression for the generation of cell diversity.  相似文献   

A novel cloning strategy for sequences comprising mammalian replication origins, described by Mesner et al. (2006) in a recent issue of Molecular Cell, utilizes an origin trapping assay in which replication bubbles are selectively retained in agarose due to their circular nature.  相似文献   

In many organisms, the replication of DNA requires the binding of a protein called the initiator to DNA sites referred to as origins of replication. Analyses of multiple initiator proteins bound to their cognate origins have provided important insights into the mechanism by which DNA replication is initiated. To extend this level of analysis to the study of eukaryotic chromosomal replication, we have investigated the architecture of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae origin recognition complex (ORC) bound to yeast origins of replication. Determination of DNA residues important for ORC-origin association indicated that ORC interacts preferentially with one strand of the ARS1 origin of replication. DNA binding assays using ORC complexes lacking one of the six subunits demonstrated that the DNA binding domain of ORC requires the coordinate action of five of the six ORC subunits. Protein-DNA cross-linking studies suggested that recognition of origin sequences is mediated primarily by two different groups of ORC subunits that make sequence-specific contacts with two distinct regions of the DNA. Implications of these findings for ORC function and the mechanism of initiation of eukaryotic DNA replication are discussed.  相似文献   

Prediction of Saccharomyces cerevisiae replication origins   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文


Autonomously replicating sequences (ARSs) function as replication origins in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. ARSs contain the 17 bp ARS consensus sequence (ACS), which binds the origin recognition complex. The yeast genome contains more than 10,000 ACS matches, but there are only a few hundred origins, and little flanking sequence similarity has been found. Thus, identification of origins by sequence alone has not been possible.  相似文献   

The elusive determinants of replication origins   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Costa S  Blow JJ 《EMBO reports》2007,8(4):332-334

Until recently, the only archaeon for which a bona fide origin of replication was reported was Pyrococcus abyssi, where a single origin was identified. Although several in silico analyses have suggested that some archaeal species might contain more than one origin, this has only been demonstrated recently. Two studies have shown that multiple origins of replication function in two archaeal species. One study identified two origins of replication in the archaeon Sulfolobus solfataricus, whereas a second study used a different technique to show that both S. solfataricus and Sulfolobus acidocaldarius have three functional origins. These are the first reports of archaea having multiple origins. This finding has implications for research on the mechanisms of DNA replication and evolution.  相似文献   



Cultivated peanut, Arachis hypogaea is an allotetraploid of recent origin, with an AABB genome. In common with many other polyploids, it seems that a severe genetic bottle-neck was imposed at the species origin, via hybridisation of two wild species and spontaneous chromosome duplication. Therefore, the study of the genome of peanut is hampered both by the crop's low genetic diversity and its polyploidy. In contrast to cultivated peanut, most wild Arachis species are diploid with high genetic diversity. The study of diploid Arachis genomes is therefore attractive, both to simplify the construction of genetic and physical maps, and for the isolation and characterization of wild alleles. The most probable wild ancestors of cultivated peanut are A. duranensis and A. ipaënsis with genome types AA and BB respectively.


We constructed and characterized two large-insert libraries in Bacterial Artificial Chromosome (BAC) vector, one for each of the diploid ancestral species. The libraries (AA and BB) are respectively c. 7.4 and c. 5.3 genome equivalents with low organelle contamination and average insert sizes of 110 and 100 kb. Both libraries were used for the isolation of clones containing genetically mapped legume anchor markers (single copy genes), and resistance gene analogues.


These diploid BAC libraries are important tools for the isolation of wild alleles conferring resistances to biotic stresses, comparisons of orthologous regions of the AA and BB genomes with each other and with other legume species, and will facilitate the construction of a physical map.

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