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Summary Human corticosteroid binding globulin (CBG) cDNA fragments were radiolabeled and hybridized in situ to metaphase chromosome preparations. The results localized the CBG gene to the q31–q32.1 region of human chromosome 14. This location also contains the genes for two closely related serine protease inhibitors: alpha1-proteinase inhibitor and alpha1-antichymotrypsin. It is therefore likely that these genes evolved by duplication events, and it would appear that this region contains a series of functionally related genes.  相似文献   

Sublocalization of the human protein C gene on chromosome 2q13–q14   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
Summary The localization of human protein C gene on chromosome 2 was investigated by in situ hybridization using a partial cDNA for protein C. Silver-grain analysis indicates that the protein C gene is located on 2q13-q14.  相似文献   

The human genes encoding α1-antitrypsin (α1AT, gene symbol PI), corticosteroid-binding globulin (CBG), α1-antichymotrypsin (AACT), and protein C inhibitor (PCI) are related by descent, and they all map to human chromosome 14q32.1. This serine protease inhibitor (serpin) gene cluster also contains an antitrypsin-related sequence (ATR, gene symbol PIL), but the precise molecular organization of this region has not been defined. In this report we describe the generation and characterization of an 370-kb cosmid contig that includes all five serpin genes. Moreover, a newly described serpin, kallistatin (KAL, gene symbol PI4), was also mapped within the region. Gene order within this interval is cen–CBG–ATR–α1AT–KAL–PCI–AACT–tel. The genes occupy 320 kb of genomic DNA, and they are organized into two discrete subclusters of three genes each that are separated by 170 kb. The distal subcluster includes KAL, PCI, and AACT; it occupies 63 kb of DNA, and all three genes are transcribed in a proximal-to-distal orientation. Within the subcluster, there is 12 kb of intergenic DNA between KAL and PCI and 19 kb between PCI and AACT. The proximal subcluster includes α1AT, ATR, and CBG; it occupies 90 kb of genomic DNA, with 12 kb of DNA between α1AT and ATR and 40 kb between ATR and CBG. These genes are all transcribed in a distal-to-proximal orientation. This represents the first detailed physical map of the serpin gene cluster on 14q32.1.  相似文献   

We have determined the chromosomal location of the human genes coding for the 3 and 3 subunits of soluble guanylyl cyclase (GC-S). The study was performed by in situ hybridization of human metaphase spreads with two human cDNA probes, containing the coding sequences of the GC-S 3 and 3 subunits, respectively. Each probe gave a strong specific signal on chromosome 4 at the 4q31.3–4q33 region, with the maximal signal in the 4q32 band. The colocalization of both genes in 4q32 represents an interesting feature for the coordinated regulation of expression of both GC-S subunits.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to establish a porcine physical map along the chromosome SSC7q by construction of BAC contigs between microsatellites Sw1409 and S0102. The SLA class II contig, located on SSC7q, was lengthened. Four major BAC contigs and 10 short contigs span a region equivalent to 800 cR measured by IMpRH7000 mapping. The BAC contigs were initiated by PCR screening with primers derived from human orthologous segments, extended by chromosome walking, and controlled and oriented by RH mapping with the two available panels, IMpRH7000Rad and IMNpRH12000Rad. The location of 43 genes was revealed by sequenced segments, either from BAC ends or PCR products from BAC clones. The 220 BAC end sequences (BES) were also used to analyze the different marks of evolution. Comparative mapping analysis between pigs and humans demonstrated that the gene organization on HSA6p21 and on SSC7p11 and q11-q14 segments was conserved during evolution, with the exception of long fragments of HSA6p12 which shuffled and spliced the SLA extended class II region. Additional punctual variations (unique gene insertion/deletion) were observed, even within conserved segments, revealing the evolutionary complexity of this region. In addition, 18 new polymorphic microsatellites have been selected in order to cover the entire SSC7p11-q14 region.  相似文献   

Bacterial isolates from soils contaminated with (chlorinated) aromatic compounds, which degraded biphenyl/chlorinated biphenyls (CB) and belonged to the genera Rhodococcus and Pseudomonas, were studied. Analysis of the 16S rRNA gene sequences was used to determine the phylogenetic position of the isolates. The Rhodococcus cells were found to contain plasmids of high molecular mass (220–680 kbp). PCR screening for the presence of the bphA1 gene, a marker indicating the possibility for induction of 2,3-dioxygenase (biphenyl/toluene dioxygenase subfamily), revealed the presence of the bphA1 genes with 99–100% similarity to the homologous genes of bacteria of the relevant species in all pseudomonad and most Rhodococcus isolates. A unique bphA1 gene, which had not been previously reported for the genus, was identified in Rhodococcus sp. G10. The absence of specific amplification of the bphA1 genes in some biphenyl-degrading bacteria (Rhodococcus sp. B7b, B106a, G12a, P2kr, P2(51), and P2m), as well as in an active biphenyl degrader Rhodococcus ruber P25, indicated the absence of the genes encoding the proteins of the biphenyl/toluene dioxygenase subfamily and participation of the enzymes other than this protein family in biphenyl/CB degradation.  相似文献   

Summary The cross-reactions of human 1-antichymotrypsin and C 1 q with their homologues in the plasmas of the chimpanzee, several Old World monkeys and nine non-primate eutheria were investigated by standard procedures. The results show that cross-reactions are limited to the first species mentioned. Comparative Ouchterlony tests and absorption controls revealed the presence of two (human) determinants on both human and chimpanzee molecules, while the cercopithecoids analyzed carried only one of them on their homologue. The results are discussed briefly with reference to earlier findings from this laboratory.
Zusammenfassung Die Kreuzreaktionen des menschlichen 1-Antichymotrypsin und des C 1 q mit seinen Homologen im Plasma des Schimpansen, einiger Altweltaffen und demjenigen von 9 Nichtprimaten (Eutheria) wurden mit Standardmethoden untersucht. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, daß Kreuzreaktionen auf die zuerst genannten Species beschränkt sind. Vergleichende Ouchterlony-Tests und Absorptionskontrollen ließen die Anwesenheit zweier (menschlicher) Determinaten auf den Molekülen des Menschen und des Schimpansen erkennbar werden, während die untersuchten Cercopithecoidea nur eine dieser Determinanten besitzen. Die Ergebnisse werden kurz im Zusammenhang mit früheren Befunden aus unserem Laboratorium diskutiert.

The levels of haplotype diversity associated with different alpha1-antitrypsin (PI) alleles were assessed by the analysis of three microsatellites located within or close to corticosteroid-binding globulin (CBG), alpha1-antitrypsin [PI-(TG)n] and protein C inhibitor [PCI-(TG)n] loci in three populations with different historic backgrounds: Portugal, the Basque Country and S?o Tomé Príncipe (Gulf of Guinea). Unlike the more distant PCI-(TG)n repeat, allelic variation at PI-(TG)n reflected distinct phases of mutational recovery of microsatellite diversity around different founder alleles and showed a considerable differentiation between alpha1-antitrypsin protein variants. In accordance with population history, the Basque sample presented overall reduced levels of microsatellite variation. The African sample, although presenting the highest PCI-(TG)n diversity, showed a lineage-specific reduction in PI-(TG)n heterozygosity within the oldest M1Ala213 variant that could have been caused by (1) selection at a closely linked locus or (2) biases in the microsatellite mutation process leading to a stable equilibrium distribution. Age estimates of alpha1-antitrypsin variants based on microsatellite variation suggest that the Z deficiency allele appeared 107-135 generations ago and could have been spread in Neolithic times. The S mutation has an older 279- to 470-generation age, indicating that its high frequencies in Iberia did not result from a recent bottleneck and that PI*S could have originated in this region. M2 and M3 types had lower age estimates than would be expected from their wide geographical distributions, suggesting that their dispersion in Europe might have been preceded by important bottlenecks.  相似文献   

We have used linkage analysis and fluorescence in situ hybridization to determine the chromosomal organization and location of the mouse (Atp4a) and human (ATP4A) genes encoding the H,K-ATPase subunit. Linkage analysis in recombinant inbred (BXD) strains of mice localized Atp4a to mouse Chromosome (Chr) 7. Segregation of restriction fragment length polymorphisms in backcross progeny of Mus musculusxMus spretus mating confirmed this assignment and indicates that Atp4a and Atp1a3 (gene encoding the murine Na,K-ATPase 3 subunit) are linked and separated by a distance of 2 cM. Analysis of the segregation of simple sequence repeats suggested the gene order centromere-D7Mit21-D7Mit57/Atpla3-D7Mit72/Atp4a. A human Chr 19-enriched cosmid library was screened with both H,K-ATPase and Na,K-ATPase 3 subunit cDNA probes to isolate the corresponding human genes (ATP4A and ATP1A3, respectively). Fluorescence in situ hybridization with gene-specific cosmid clones localized ATP4A to the q13.1 region, and proximal to ATP1A3, which maps to the q13.2 region, of Chr 19. These results indicate that ATP4A and ATP1A3 are linked in both the mouse and human genomes.  相似文献   

Summary Using a 166-nucleotide-long DNA synthetic probe corresponding to the v-kit sequence (1458-1623), we have mapped the human c-kit gene to chromosome 4 at the q11–q12 band by in situ hybridization on chromosomes from human lymphocyte preparations.  相似文献   

Large-scale physical mapping of the porcine genome has been limited because up to now no suitable genomic libraries for this purpose have been available. Therefore, we have constructed a yeast artificial chromosome (YAC) library from porcine lymphocytes. The library was cloned in the amplifiable vector pCGS966. A total of 10080 YAC clones was obtained and has been ordered into 105 96-well microtiter plates. An average insert size of 300 kb was calculated from the analysis of 78 randomly selected clones, giving a onefold coverage of the porcine genome. To analyze the complexity, we have screened the library for five different genes and isolated four different clones containing parts of three of these genes. One YAC clone harboring parts of the porcine cardiac muscle ryanodine receptor (RYR2) gene allowed us to assign this locus to Chromosome (Chr) 14q22-q23. The data were confirmed by PCR analysis of a rodent-porcine hybrid cell panel.  相似文献   

Interleukin-1 α and β genes: linkage on chromosome 2 in the mouse   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Two interleukin-1 polypeptides, and , are known, and cDNAs corresponding to each have been described. Genomic cloning and Southern blotting experiments suggest that in the mouse each is encoded by a gene present in one copy per haploid genome. Analysis of a panel of somatic cell hybrids carrying various mouse chromosomes on a constant Chinese hamster background indicates that both genes map to mouse chromosome 2. Further, analysis of the inheritance of DNA restriction fragment length polymorphisms associated with each gene in recombinant inbred strains of mice shows the two loci to be tightly linked to one another, and to lie approximately 4.7 centimorgans distal to B2m (beta-2 microglobulin). We have named the locus encoding IL-1 Il-1 and the locus encoding IL-1 Il-1b.  相似文献   

The α-esterase cluster of D. melanogaster contains 11 esterase genes dispersed over 60 kb. Embedded in the cluster are two unrelated open reading frames that have sequence similarity with genes encoding ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme and tropomyosin. The esterase amino acid sequences show 37–66% identity with one another and all but one have all the motifs characteristic of functional members of the carboxyl/cholinesterase multigene family. The exception has several frameshift mutations and appears to be a pseudogene. Patterns of amino acid differences among cluster members in relation to generic models of carboxyl/cholinesterase protein structure are broadly similar to those among other carboxyl/cholinesterases sequenced to date. However the α-esterases differ from most other members of the family in: their lack of a signal peptide; the lack of conservation in cysteines involved in disulfide bridges; and in four indels, two of which occur in or adjacent to regions that align with proposed substrate-binding sites of other carboxyl/cholinesterases. Phylogenetic analyses clearly identify three simple gene duplication events within the cluster. The most recent event involved the pseudogene which is located in an intron of another esterase gene. However, relative rate tests suggest that the pseudogene remained functional after the duplication event and has become inactive relatively recently. The distribution of indels also suggests a deeper node in the gene phylogeny that separates six genes at the two ends of the cluster from a block of five in the middle. Received: 18 January 1996 / Accepted: 12 March 1996  相似文献   

J. Neurochem. (2012) 122, 1137-1144. ABSTRACT: The α9α10 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) may be a potential target in pathophysiology of the auditory system, chronic pain, and breast and lung cancers. Alpha-conotoxins, from the predatory marine snail Conus, are potent nicotinic antagonists, some of which are selective for the α9α10 nAChR. Here, we report a two order of magnitude species difference in the potency of α-conotoxin RgIA for the rat versus human α9α10 nAChR. We investigated the molecular mechanism of this difference. Heterologous expression of the rat α9 with the human α10 subunit in Xenopus oocytes resulted in a receptor that was blocked by RgIA with potency similar to that of the rat α9α10 nAChR. Conversely, expression of the human α9 with that of the rat α10 subunit resulted in a receptor that was blocked by RgIA with potency approaching that of the human α9α10 receptor. Systematic substitution of residues found in the human α9 subunit into the homologous position in the rat α9 subunit revealed that a single point mutation, Thr56 to Ile56, primarily accounts for this species difference. Remarkably, although the α9 nAChR subunit has previously been reported to provide the principal (+) binding face for binding of RgIA, Thr56 is located in the (-) complementary binding face.  相似文献   

Nε-acetylation occurs on select lysine residues in α-crystallin of the human lens and alters its chaperone function. In this study, we investigated the effect of Nε-acetylation on advanced glycation end product (AGE) formation and consequences of the combined Nε-acetylation and AGE formation on the function of α-crystallin. Immunoprecipitation experiments revealed that Nε-acetylation of lysine residues and AGE formation co-occurs in both αA- and αB-crystallin of the human lens. Prior acetylation of αA- and αB-crystallin with acetic anhydride (Ac2O) before glycation with methylglyoxal (MGO) resulted in significant inhibition of the synthesis of two AGEs, hydroimidazolone (HI) and argpyrimidine. Similarly, synthesis of ascorbate-derived AGEs, pentosidine and Nε-carboxymethyl lysine (CML), was inhibited in both proteins by prior acetylation. In all cases, inhibition of AGE synthesis was positively related to the degree of acetylation. While prior acetylation further increased the chaperone activity of MGO-glycated αA-crystallin, it inhibited the loss of chaperone activity by ascorbate-glycation in both proteins. BioPORTER-mediated transfer of αA- and αB-crystallin into CHO cells resulted in significant protection against hyperthermia-induced apoptosis. This effect was enhanced in acetylated and MGO-modified αA- and αB-crystallin. Caspase-3 activity was reduced in α-crystallin transferred cells. Glycation of acetylated proteins with either MGO or ascorbate produced no significant change in the anti-apoptotic function. Collectively, these data demonstrate that lysine acetylation and AGE formation can occur concurrently in α-crystallin of human lens, and that lysine acetylation improves anti-apoptotic function of α-crystallin and prevents ascorbate-mediated loss of chaperone function.  相似文献   

The genetic linkage relationships of the human glycosphingolipid beta-galactosidases were determined using human--mouse somatic cell hybrids. A new method was devised for the estimation of human galactosylceramide, lactosylceramide, and GMI-ganglioside beta-galactosidase activities in the presence of their mouse counterparts, which takes advantage of the reproducible specific activity of lysosomal hydrolases under a given set of culture conditions and is based on differences in both pH optima and sensitivity to chloride ion. Human and mouse chromosomes were identified by their characteristic banding patterns obtained after quinacrine staining, and the optimum glycolipid beta-galactosidase activity was determined for three different substrates. A ratio was defined for each activity which was the specific activity at the human pH optimum divided by the specific activity at the mouse pH optimum. Linear regression analysis was used to test for concordant segregation between pH ratios for each enzyme and the frequency of occurrence of different human chromosomes in the man--mouse somatic hybrid clones. The results obtained from two independent series of hybrid clones indicated that human beta-galactosidase activities consistently segregated with human chromosome 12 in these somatic cell hybrids.  相似文献   

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