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We are analyzing highly conserved heat shock genes of unknown or unclear function with the aim of determining their cellular role. Hsp15 has previously been shown to be an abundant nucleic acid-binding protein whose synthesis is induced massively at the RNA level upon temperature upshift. We have now identified that the in vivo target of Hsp15 action is the free 50S ribosomal subunit. Hsp15 binds with very high affinity (K(D) <5 nM) to this subunit, but only when 50S is free, not when it is part of the 70S ribosome. In addition, the binding of Hsp15 appears to correlate with a specific state of the mature, free 50S subunit, which contains bound nascent chain. This provides the first evidence for a so far unrecognized abortive event in translation. Hsp15 is suggested to be involved in the recycling of free 50S subunits that still carry a nascent chain. This gives Hsp15 a very different functional role from all other heat shock proteins and points to a new aspect of translation.  相似文献   

Single-molecule force-quench atomic force microscopy (FQ-AFM) is used to detect folding intermediates of a simple protein by detecting changes of molecular stiffness of the protein during its folding process. Those stiffness changes are obtained from shape and peaks of an autocorrelation of fluctuations in end-to-end length of the folding molecule. The results are supported by predictions of the equipartition theorem and agree with existing Langevin dynamics simulations of a simplified model of a protein folding. In the light of the Langevin simulations the experimental data probe an ensemble of random-coiled collapsed states of the protein, which are present both in the force-quench and thermal-quench folding pathways.  相似文献   

When Bacillus stearothermophilus LDH dimer is incubated with increasing concentrations of the denaturant guanidinium chloride, three distinct unfolded states of the molecule are observed at equilibrium [Smith, C. J., et al. (1991) Biochemistry 30, 1028-1036]. The kinetics of LDH refolding are consistent with an unbranched progression through these states. The Escherichia coli chaperonin, GroEL, binds with high affinity to the completely denatured form and more weakly to the earliest folding intermediate, thus retarding the refolding process. A later structurally defined folding intermediate, corresponding to a molten globule form, is not bound by GroEL; neither is the inactive monomer. The complex between GroEL and denatured LDH is destabilized by the binding of magnesium/ATP (Mg/ATP) or by the nonhydrolyzable analogue adenylyl imidodiphosphate (AMP-PNP). From our initial kinetic data, we propose that GroEL exists in two interconvertible forms, one of which is stabilized by the binding of Mg/ATP but associates weakly with the unfolded protein. The other is destabilized by Mg/ATP and associates strongly with unfolded LDH. The relevance of these findings to the role of GroEL in vivo is discussed.  相似文献   

Feng H  Takei J  Lipsitz R  Tjandra N  Bai Y 《Biochemistry》2003,42(43):12461-12465
Structures of intermediates and transition states in protein folding are usually characterized by amide hydrogen exchange and protein engineering methods and interpreted on the basis of the assumption that they have native-like conformations. We were able to stabilize and determine the high-resolution structure of a partially unfolded intermediate that exists after the rate-limiting step of a four-helix bundle protein, Rd-apocyt b(562), by multidimensional NMR methods. The intermediate has partial native-like secondary structure and backbone topology, consistent with our earlier native state hydrogen exchange results. However, non-native hydrophobic interactions exist throughout the structure. These and other results in the literature suggest that non-native hydrophobic interactions may occur generally in partially folded states. This can alter the interpretation of mutational protein engineering results in terms of native-like side chain interactions. In addition, since the intermediate exists after the rate-limiting step and Rd-apocyt b(562) folds very rapidly (k(f) approximately 10(4) s(-1)), these results suggest that non-native hydrophobic interactions, in the absence of topological misfolding, are repaired too rapidly to slow folding and cause the accumulation of folding intermediates. More generally, these results illustrate an approach for determining the high-resolution structure of folding intermediates.  相似文献   

R. Marin  R. M. Tanguay 《Chromosoma》1996,105(3):142-149
The developmental and heat shock-induced expression of the small heat shock protein Hsp27 was investigated by confocal microscopy of whole-mount immunostained preparations of ovarioles during oogenesis inDrosophila melanogaster. In unstressed flies, Hsp27 was mainly associated with germline nurse cells throughout egg development. A small group of somatic follicle cells also expressed Hsp27 specifically at stages 8 to 10 of oogenesis. Interestingly, this Hsp showed a different intracellular localization depending on the stages of egg chamber development. Thus Hsp27 was localized in the nucleus of nurse cells during the first stages of oogenesis (from germarium to stage 6) whereas it showed a perinuclear and cytoplasmic localization from stage 8. After a heat shock, Hsp27 accumulated in somatic follicle cells surrounding the egg chamber whereas the expression of this small Hsp did not seem to be enhanced in nurse cells. The stage-dependent pattern of intracellular localization of Hsp27 observed in nurse cells of unstressed flies was also observed following heat shock. At late stages of oogenesis, Hsp27 also showed a perinuclear distribution in follicle and nurse cells after heat stress. These observations suggest that different factors may modulate the expression and intracellular distribution of Hsp27. This modulation may be associated with the specific activities occurring in each particular cell type throughout oogenesis during both normal development and under heat shock conditions. Edited by: E.R. Schmidt  相似文献   

Hsp90: a chaperone for protein folding and gene regulation.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Molecular chaperones are essential components of a quality control machinery present in the cell. They can either aid in the folding and maintenance of newly translated proteins, or they can lead to the degradation of misfolded and destabilized proteins. Hsp90 is a key member of this machinery. It is a ubiquitous molecular chaperone that is found in eubacteria and all branches of eukarya. It plays a central role in cellular signaling since it is essential for maintaining the activity of several signaling proteins, including steroid hormone receptors and protein kinases. Hsp90 is currently a novel anticancer drug target since it is overexpressed in some cancer cells. The chaperone typically functions as part of large complexes, which include other chaperones and essential cofactors that regulate its function. It is thought that different cofactors target Hsp90 to different sets of substrates. However, the mechanism of Hsp90 function remains poorly understood. As part of an effort to elucidate the Hsp90 chaperone network, we carried out a large-scale proteomics study to identify physical and genetic interactors of the chaperone. We identified 2 highly conserved novel Hsp90 cofactors, termed Tah1 and Pih1, that bind to the chaperone and that also associate physically and functionally with the essential DNA helicases Rvb1 and Rvb2. These helicases are key components of the chromatin remodeling complexes Ino80 and SWR-C. Tah1 and Pih1 seem to represent a novel class of Hsp90 cofactors that allow the chaperone to indirectly affect gene regulation in the cell in addition to its ability to directly promote protein folding. In this review, we provide an overview of Hsp90 structure and function, and we discuss the literature that links the chaperone activity to gene regulation.  相似文献   

While a significant fraction of heat shock protein 70 (Hsp70) is membrane associated in lysosomes, mitochondria, and the outer surface of cancer cells, the mechanisms of interaction have remained elusive, with no conclusive demonstration of a protein receptor. Hsp70 contains two Trps, W90 and W580, in its N-terminal nucleotide binding domain (NBD), and the C-terminal substrate binding domain (SBD), respectively. Our fluorescence spectroscopy study using Hsp70 and its W90F and W580F mutants, and Hsp70-?SBD and Hsp70-?NBD constructs, revealed that binding to liposomes depends on their lipid composition and involves both NBD and SBD.  相似文献   

The yeast homolog of DJ-1, Hsp31, is a multifunctional protein that is involved in several cellular pathways including detoxification of the toxic metabolite methylglyoxal and as a protein deglycase. Prior studies ascribed Hsp31 as a molecular chaperone that can inhibit α-Syn aggregation in vitro and alleviate its toxicity in vivo. It was also shown that Hsp31 inhibits Sup35 aggregate formation in yeast, however, it is unknown if Hsp31 can modulate [PSI+] phenotype and Sup35 prionogenesis. Other small heat shock proteins, Hsp26 and Hsp42 are known to be a part of a synergistic proteostasis network that inhibits Sup35 prion formation and promotes its disaggregation. Here, we establish that Hsp31 inhibits Sup35 [PSI+] prion formation in collaboration with a well-known disaggregase, Hsp104. Hsp31 transiently prevents prion induction but does not suppress induction upon prolonged expression of Sup35 indicating that Hsp31 can be overcome by larger aggregates. In addition, elevated levels of Hsp31 do not cure [PSI+] strains indicating that Hsp31 cannot intervene in a pre-existing prion oligomerization cycle. However, Hsp31 can modulate prion status in cooperation with Hsp104 because it inhibits Sup35 aggregate formation and potentiates [PSI+] prion curing upon overexpression of Hsp104. The absence of Hsp31 reduces [PSI+] prion curing by Hsp104 without influencing its ability to rescue cellular thermotolerance. Hsp31 did not synergize with Hsp42 to modulate the [PSI+] phenotype suggesting that both proteins act on similar stages of the prion cycle. We also showed that Hsp31 physically interacts with Hsp104 and together they prevent Sup35 prion toxicity to greater extent than if they were expressed individually. These results elucidate a mechanism for Hsp31 on prion modulation that suggest it acts at a distinct step early in the Sup35 aggregation process that is different from Hsp104. This is the first demonstration of the modulation of [PSI+] status by the chaperone action of Hsp31. The delineation of Hsp31's role in the chaperone cycle has implications for understanding the role of the DJ-1 superfamily in controlling misfolded proteins in neurodegenerative disease and cancer.  相似文献   

Small heat shock proteins (sHsps) are an evolutionary conserved class of ATP-independent chaperones that protect cells against proteotoxic stress. sHsps form assemblies with aggregation-prone misfolded proteins, which facilitates subsequent substrate solubilization and refolding by ATP-dependent Hsp70 and Hsp100 chaperones. Substrate solubilization requires disruption of sHsp association with trapped misfolded proteins. Here, we unravel a specific interplay between Hsp70 and sHsps at the initial step of the solubilization process. We show that Hsp70 displaces surface-bound sHsps from sHsp–substrate assemblies. This Hsp70 activity is unique among chaperones and highly sensitive to alterations in Hsp70 concentrations. The Hsp70 activity is reflected in the organization of sHsp–substrate assemblies, including an outer dynamic sHsp shell that is removed by Hsp70 and a stable core comprised mainly of aggregated substrates. Binding of Hsp70 to the sHsp/substrate core protects the core from aggregation and directs sequestered substrates towards refolding pathway. The sHsp/Hsp70 interplay has major impact on protein homeostasis as it sensitizes substrate release towards cellular Hsp70 availability ensuring efficient refolding of damaged proteins under favourable folding conditions.  相似文献   

During stress, the mammalian small heat shock protein Hsp27 enters cell nuclei. The present study examines the requirements for entry of Hsp27 into nuclei of normal rat kidney (NRK) renal epithelial cells, and for its interactions with specific nuclear structures. We find that phosphorylation of Hsp27 is necessary for the efficient entry into nuclei during heat shock but not sufficient for efficient nuclear entry under control conditions. We further report that Hsp27 is recruited to an RNAse sensitive fraction of SC35 positive nuclear speckles, but not other intranuclear structures, in response to heat shock. Intriguingly, Hsp27 phosphorylation, in the absence of stress, is sufficient for recruitment to speckles found in post-anaphase stage mitotic cells. Additionally, pseudophosphorylated Hsp27 fused to a nuclear localization peptide (NLS) is recruited to nuclear speckles in unstressed interphase cells, but wildtype and nonphosphorylatable Hsp27 NLS fusion proteins are not. The expression of NLS-Hsp27 mutants does not enhance colony forming abilities of cells subjected to severe heat shock, but does regulate nuclear speckle morphology. These data demonstrate that phosphorylation, but not stress, mediates Hsp27 recruitment to an RNAse soluble fraction of nuclear speckles and support a site-specific role for Hsp27 within the nucleus.  相似文献   

Small heat shock proteins (sHsps) exist in dynamic oligomeric complexes and display diverse biological functions ranging from chaperone properties to modulator of apoptosis. So far, the role of stress-dependent phosphorylation of mammalian sHsps for its structure and function has been analyzed by using various phosphorylation site mutants overexpressed in different cell types as well as by non-exclusive inhibitors of the p38 MAPK cascade. Here we investigate the role of phosphorylation of endogenous sHsp in a genetic model lacking the major Hsp25 kinase, the MAP kinase-activated protein kinase MK2. We demonstrate that in MK2-deficient fibroblasts, where no stress-dependent phosphorylation of Hsp25 at Ser86 and no in vitro binding to 14-3-3 was detectable, stress-dependent disaggregation of endogenous Hsp25 complexes is impared and kinetics of arsenite-dependent, H2O2-dependent, and sublethal heat shock-induced insolubilization of Hsp25 is delayed. Similarly, green fluorescent protein-tagged Hsp25 shows retarded subcellular accumulation into stress granules in MK2-deficient cells after arsenite treatment. Decreased insolubilization of Hsp25 in MK2-deficient cells correlates with increased resistance against arsenite, H2O2, and sublethal heat shock treatment and with decreased apoptosis. In contrast, after severe, lethal heat shock MK2-deficient embryonic fibroblasts cells show fast and complete insolubilization of Hsp25 independent of MK2 and no increased stress resistance. Hence, MK2-dependent formation of insoluble stress granules and irreversible cell damage by oxidative stresses and sublethal heat shock correlate and only upon severe, lethal heat shock MK2-independent processes could determine insolubilization of Hsp25 and are more relevant for cellular stress damage.  相似文献   

Small heat shock protein Hsp27 is required for proper heart tube formation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The small heat shock protein Hsp27 has been shown to be involved in a diverse array of cellular processes, including cellular stress response, protein chaperone activity, regulation of cellular glutathione levels, apoptotic signaling, and regulation of actin polymerization and stability. Furthermore, mutation within Hsp27 has been associated with the human congenital neuropathy Charcot-Marie Tooth (CMT) disease. Hsp27 is known to be expressed in developing embryonic tissues; however, little has been done to determine the endogenous requirement for Hsp27 in developing embryos. In this study, we show that depletion of XHSP27 protein results in a failure of cardiac progenitor fusion resulting in cardia bifida. Furthermore, we demonstrate a concomitant disorganization of actin filament organization and defects in myofibril assembly. Moreover, these defects are not associated with alterations in specification or differentiation. We have thus demonstrated a critical requirement for XHSP27 in developing cardiac and skeletal muscle tissues.  相似文献   

Cellular protein folding is challenged by environmental stress and aging, which lead to aberrant protein conformations and aggregation. One way to antagonize the detrimental consequences of protein misfolding is to reactivate vital proteins from aggregates. In the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Hsp104 facilitates disaggregation and reactivates aggregated proteins with assistance from Hsp70 (Ssa1) and Hsp40 (Ydj1). The small heat shock proteins, Hsp26 and Hsp42, also function in the recovery of misfolded proteins and prevent aggregation in vitro, but their in vivo roles in protein homeostasis remain elusive. We observed that after a sublethal heat shock, a majority of Hsp26 becomes insoluble. Its return to the soluble state during recovery depends on the presence of Hsp104. Further, cells lacking Hsp26 are impaired in the disaggregation of an easily assayed heat-aggregated reporter protein, luciferase. In vitro, Hsp104, Ssa1, and Ydj1 reactivate luciferase:Hsp26 co-aggregates 20-fold more efficiently than luciferase aggregates alone. Small Hsps also facilitate the Hsp104-mediated solubilization of polyglutamine in yeast. Thus, Hsp26 renders aggregates more accessible to Hsp104/Ssa1/Ydj1. Small Hsps partially suppress toxicity, even in the absence of Hsp104, potentially by sequestering polyglutamine from toxic interactions with other proteins. Hence, Hsp26 plays an important role in pathways that defend cells against environmental stress and the types of protein misfolding seen in neurodegenerative disease.  相似文献   

The recently-described p59 protein has been shown to be associated with untransformed steroid receptors present in rabbit uterus and rat liver cytosols (Tai, P. K., Maeda, Y., Nakao, K., Wakim, N. G., Duhring, J. L., and Faber, L. E. (1986) Biochemistry 25, 5269-5275; Renoir, J.-M., Radanyi, C., Faber, L. E., and Baulieu, E.-E. (1990) J. Biol. Chem. 265, 10740-10745), while a smaller version of this protein (p56) interacts with glucocorticoid receptors in human IM-9 cell cytosols (Sanchez, E. R., Faber, L. E., Henzel, W. J., and Pratt, W. B. (1990) Biochemistry 29, 5145-5152). In addition to interacting with glucocorticoid receptors, the p56 protein of IM-9 cell cytosol is also found as part of a large heteromeric complex that contains both the 70-kDa and 90-kDa heat shock proteins (hsp70 and hsp90, respectively). Given this association of p56 with the two major stress proteins, I have speculated that p56 may itself be a heat shock protein. In this paper, the effect of heat stress on the rate of synthesis of p56 is determined. Intact IM-9 cells were exposed to 37 or 43 degrees C for 4 h, followed by pulse-labeling with [35S]methionine. Analysis of whole cytosolic extracts by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and autoradiography reveal an increased rate of radiolabeling for hsp70, hsp90, hsp100, ad hsp110, but no heat-inducible protein of smaller relative molecular mass is detected. However, immune-purification of p56 from normal and heat-stressed cytosols with the EC1 monoclonal antibody results in the presence of a 56-kDa protein that exhibits an increased rate of synthesis in response to heat stress. The results of two-dimensional gel Western blots employing the EC1 antibody demonstrate that this heat-inducible protein is indeed the EC1-reactive p56 protein and that the induction effect is not due to unequal yields of p56 during immune-purification. Heat stress has no effect on the composition of the p56.hsp.70.hsp90 complex, except that the complex derived from heat shocked-cells contains both the constitutive and heat-inducible forms of hsp70. Induction of p56 also occurs in IM-9 cells subjected to chemical stress (sodium arsenite). It is proposed that p56 is a steroid receptor-associated heat shock protein which can now be termed hsp56. Like hsp90, hsp56 likely serves in some vital cellular role apart from any specific function it provides in steroid receptor action.  相似文献   

The roles played by heat shock proteins in fungi have been subjected to intense scrutiny. Presuming they only played roles in tolerance to stress gave way to the realization that many of them were essential for maintenance of cell physiology under all conditions. Recent progress has revealed their action as multi-component machines, playing roles in signalling and expansion of phenotypic plasticity, as well as their well-established function as molecular chaperones.  相似文献   

Drosophila melanogaster has four main small heat shock proteins (Hsps), D. melanogaster Hsp22 (DmHsp22), Hsp23 (DmHsp23), Hsp26 (DmHsp26), and Hsp27 (DmHsp27). These proteins, although they have high sequence homology, show distinct developmental expression patterns. The function(s) of each small heat shock protein is unknown. DmHsp22 is shown to localize in mitochondria both in D. melanogaster S2 cells and after heterologous expression in mammalian cells. Fractionation of mitochondria indicates that DmHsp22 resides in the mitochondrial matrix, where it is found in oligomeric complexes, as shown by sedimentation and gel filtration analysis and by cross-linking experiments. Deletion analysis using a DmHsp22-EGFP construct reveals that residues 1-17 and an unknown number of residues between 17-28 are necessary for import. Site-directed mutagenesis within a putative mitochondrial motif (WRMAEE) at positions 8-13 shows that the first four residues are necessary for mitochondrial localization. Immunoprecipitation results indicate that there is no interaction between DmHsp22 and the other small heat shock proteins. The mitochondrial localization of this small Hsp22 of Drosophila and its high level of expression in aging suggests a role for this small heat shock protein in protection against oxidative stress.  相似文献   

Reactive cysteines of the 90-kDa heat shock protein, Hsp90   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The 90-kDa heat shock protein (Hsp90) is the most abundant molecular chaperone of the eukaryotic cytoplasm. Its cysteine groups participate in the interactions of Hsp90 with the heme-regulated eIF-2alpha kinase and molybdate, a stabilizer of Hsp90-protein complexes. In our present studies we investigated the reactivity of the sulfhydryl groups of Hsp90. Our data indicate that Hsp90 as well as two Hsp90 peptides containing Cys-521 and Cys-589/590 are able to reduce cytochrome c. The effect of Hsp90 can be blocked by sulfhydryl reagents including arsenite and cadmium, which indicates the involvement of the vicinal cysteines Cys589/590 in the reduction of cytochrome c. Hsp90 neither reduces the disulfide bonds of insulin nor possesses a NADPH:quinone oxidoreductase activity. Oxidizing conditions impair the chaperone activity of Hsp90 toward citrate synthase. The high and specific reactivity of Hsp90 cysteine groups toward cytochrome c may indicate a role of this chaperone in modulation of the redox status of the cytosol in resting and apoptotic cells.  相似文献   

Inhibitors of both heat shock proteins Hsp90 and Hsp70 have been identified in assays measuring luciferase refolding containing rabbit reticulocyte lysate or purified chaperone components. Here, we report the discovery of a series of phenoxy-N-arylacetamides that disrupt Hsp70-mediated luciferase refolding by binding to DnaJ, the bacterial homolog of human Hsp40. Inhibitor characterization experiments demonstrated negative cooperativity with respect to DnaJ and luciferase concentration, but varying the concentration of ATP had no effect on potency. Thermal shift analysis suggested a direct interaction with DnaJ, but not with Hsp70. These compounds may be useful tools for studying DnaJ/Hsp40 in various cellular processes.  相似文献   

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