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Ascidians are among the most distant chordate relatives of the vertebrates. However, ascidians share many features with vertebrates including a notochord and hollow dorsal nerve cord. A screen for N-ethyl-N-nitrosourea (ENU)-induced mutations affecting early development in the ascidian Ciona savignyi resulted in the isolation of a number of mutants including the complementing notochord mutants chongmague and chobi. In chongmague embryos the notochord fails to develop, and the notochord cells instead adopt a mesenchyme-like fate. The failure of notochord development in chongmague embryos results in a severe truncation of tail, although development of the tail muscles and caudal nerve tracts appears largely normal. Chobi embryos also have a truncation of the tail stemming from a disruption of the notochord. However, in chobi embryos the early development of the notochord appears normal and defects occur later as the notochord attempts to extend and direct elongation of the tail. We find in chobi tailbud embryos that the notochord is often bent, with cells clumped together, rather than extended as a column. These results provide new information on the function and development of the ascidian notochord. In addition, the results demonstrate how the unique features of ascidians can be used in genetic analysis of morphogenesis.  相似文献   

In early Ciona embryos, nuclear accumulation of beta-catenin is most probably the first step of endodermal cell specification. If beta-catenin is mis- and/or overexpressed, presumptive notochord cells and epidermal cells change their fates into endodermal cells, whereas if beta-catenin nuclear localization is downregulated by the overexpression of cadherin, the endoderm differentiation is suppressed, accompanied with the differentiation of extra epidermal cells ( Imai, K., Takada, N., Satoh, N. and Satou, Y. (2000) Development 127, 3009-3020). Subtractive hybridization screens of mRNAs between beta-catenin overexpressed embryos and cadherin overexpressed embryos were conducted to identify potential beta-catenin target genes that are responsible for endoderm differentiation in Ciona savignyi embryos. We found that a LIM-homeobox gene (Cs-lhx3), an otx homolog (Cs-otx) and an NK-2 class gene (Cs-ttf1) were among beta-catenin downstream genes. In situ hybridization signals for early zygotic expression of Cs-lhx3 were evident only in the presumptive endodermal cells as early as the 32-cell stage, those of Cs-otx in the mesoendodermal cells at the 32-cell stage and those of Cs-ttf1 in the endodermal cells at the 64-cell stage. Later, Cs-lhx3 was expressed again in a set of neuronal cells in the tailbud embryo, while Cs-otx was expressed in the anterior nervous system of the embryo. Expression of all three genes was upregulated in beta-catenin overexpressed embryos and downregulated in cadherin overexpressed embryos. Injection of morpholino oligonucleotides against Cs-otx did not affect the embryonic endoderm differentiation, although the formation of the central nervous system was suppressed. Injection of Cs-ttf1 morpholino oligonucleotides also failed to suppress the endoderm differentiation, although injection of its synthetic mRNAs resulted in ectopic development of endoderm differentiation marker alkaline phosphatase. By contrast, injection of Cs-lhx3 morpholino oligo suppressed the endodermal cell differentiation and this suppression was rescued by injection of Cs-lhx3 mRNA into eggs. In addition, although injection of delE-Ci-cadherin mRNA into eggs resulted in the suppression of alkaline phosphatase development, injection of delE-Ci-cadherin mRNA with Cs-lhx3 mRNA rescued the alkaline phosphatase development. These results strongly suggest that a LIM-homeobox gene Cs-lhx3 is one of the beta-catenin downstream genes and that its early expression in embryonic endodermal cells is responsible for their differentiation.  相似文献   

We compare the expression patterns in Ciona intestinalis of three members of the Pax gene family, CiPax3/7, CiPax6 and Cipax2/5/8. All three genes are expressed in restricted patterns in the developing central nervous system. At the tailbud stage, CiPax3/7 is present in three patches in the brain and along the posterior neural tube, CiPax6 throughout the anterior brain and along the posterior neural tube and CiPax2/5/8 in a restricted region of the posterior brain. Double in situ hybridisations were used to identify areas of overlap between the expression of different genes. This showed that CiPax3/7 overlaps with the boundaries of CiPax6 expression in the anterior brain, and with CiPax2/5/8 in the posterior brain. The overlap between CiPax3/7 and CiPax2/5/8 is unlike that described in the ascidian Halocynthia rorezti.  相似文献   

Formation of the chordate body is accomplished by a complex set of morphogenetic movements including convergent extension of notochord cells. In the ascidian Ciona intestinalis, Brachyury plays a key role in the formation of the notochord, and more than 30 Bra-downstream notochord genes have been identified. In the present study, we examined the effects of functional suppression of nine Bra-downstream notochord genes, which include Ci-PTP, Ci-ACL, Ci-prickle, Ci-netrin, Ci-trop, Ci-Noto3, Ci-ASAK, Ci-ERM and Ci-pellino. When the function of the first two genes (Ci-PTP and Ci-ACL) was suppressed with specific morpholinos, the notochord cells failed to converge, while functional suppression of Ci-prickle resulted in a failure of intercalation, and therefore the cells in these three types of embryo remained in the mid-dorsal region of the embryo. Functional suppression of the next four genes (Ci-netrin, Ci-trop, Ci-Noto3 and Ci-ASAK) resulted in the partial defect of intercalation, and the notochord did not consist of a single row. In addition, when the function of the last two genes (Ci-ERM and Ci-pellino) was suppressed, notochord cells failed to elongate in the embryo, even though convergence/extension took place normally. These results indicate that many Bra-downstream notochord genes are involved in convergence/extension of the embryo.  相似文献   

Nuclear localization of beta-catenin is most likely the first step of embryonic axis formation or embryonic cell specification in a wide variety of animal groups. Therefore, the elucidation of beta-catenin target genes is a key research subject in understanding the molecular mechanisms of the early embryogenesis of animals. In Ciona savignyi embryos, nuclear accumulation of beta-catenin is the first step of endodermal cell specification. Previous subtractive hybridization screens of mRNAs between beta-catenin-overexpressed embryos and nuclear beta-catenin-depleted embryos have resulted in the identification of beta-catenin downstream genes in Ciona embryos. In the present study, I characterize seven additional beta-catenin downstream genes, Cs-cadherinII, Cs-protocadherin, Cs-Eph, Cs-betaCD1, Cs-netrin, Cs-frizzled3/6, and Cs-lefty/antivin. All of these genes were expressed in vegetal blastomeres between the 16-cell and 110-cell stages, although their spatial and temporal expression patterns were different from one another. In situ hybridizations and real-time PCR revealed that the expression of all of these genes was up-regulated in beta-catenin-overexpressed embryos, and down-regulated in beta-catenin-suppressed embryos. Therefore, the accumulation of beta-catenin in the nuclei of vegetal blastomeres activates various vegetally expressed genes with potentially important functions in the specification of these cells.  相似文献   

We present evidence that notochord and muscle differentiation are crucial for morphogenesis of the ascidian tail. We developed a novel approach for embryological manipulation of the developing larval tissues using a simple method to introduce DNA into Ciona intestinalis and the several available tissue-specific promoters. With such promoters, we misexpressed the Xenopus homeobox gene bix in notochord or muscle of Ciona embryos as a means of interfering with development of these tissues. Ciona embryos expressing bix in the notochord from the 64-cell stage develop into larvae with very short tails, in which the notochord precursors fail to intercalate and differentiate. Larvae with mosaic expression of bix have intermediate phenotypes, in which a partial notochord is formed by the precursor cells that did not receive the transgene while the precursors that express the transgene cluster together and fail to undergo any of the cell-shape changes associated with notochord differentiation. Muscle cells adjacent to differentiated notochord cells are properly patterned, while those next to the notochord precursor cells transformed by bix exhibit various patterning defects. In these embryos, the neural tube extends in the tail to form a nerve cord, while the endodermal strand fails to enter the tail region. Similarly, expression of bix in muscle progenitors impairs differentiation of muscle cells, and as a result, notochord cells fail to undergo normal extension movements. Hence, these larvae have a shorter tail, due to a block in the elongation of the notochord. Taken together, these observations suggest that tail formation in ascidian larvae requires not only signaling from notochord to muscle cells, but also a "retrograde" signal from muscle cells to notochord.  相似文献   

Asymmetric cell divisions produce two sibling cells with distinct fates, providing an important means of generating cell diversity in developing embryos. Many examples of such cell divisions have been described, but so far only a limited number of the underlying mechanisms have been elucidated. Here, we have uncovered a novel mechanism controlling an asymmetric cell division in the ascidian embryo. This division produces one notochord and one neural precursor. Differential activation of extracellular-signal-regulated kinase (ERK) between the sibling cells determines their distinct fates, with ERK activation promoting notochord fate. We first demonstrate that the segregation of notochord and neural fates is an autonomous property of the mother cell and that the mother cell acquires this functional polarity via interactions with neighbouring ectoderm precursors. We show that these cellular interactions are mediated by the ephrin-Eph signalling system, previously implicated in controlling cell movement and adhesion. Disruption of contacts with the signalling cells or inhibition of the ephrin-Eph signal results in the symmetric division of the mother cell, generating two notochord precursors. Finally, we demonstrate that the ephrin-Eph signal acts via attenuation of ERK activation in the neural-fated daughter cell. We propose a model whereby directional ephrin-Eph signals functionally polarise the notochord/neural mother cell, leading to asymmetric modulation of the FGF-Ras-ERK pathway between the daughter cells and, thus, to their differential fate specification.  相似文献   

Solitary ascidians are hermaphrodites that release sperm and eggs simultaneously. However, many species are self-sterile, owing to a self/non-self recognition system operating at the outer surface of the chorion during sperm-egg interaction. In Ciona intestinalis, self-incompatibility is thought to have a genetic basis. Here, we report a survey of the self-fertilization potential of a Santa Barbara, California, population of Ciona savignyi, a close relative of C. intestinalis. We found that, in contrast to reports on C. intestinalis, C. savignyi is highly self-fertile. However, using two nonlethal recessive mutant strains, aimless (aim) and immaculate (imc), and a stable transgenic strain that expresses green fluorescent protein (GFP) in the notochord to follow offspring genotype, we demonstrate that non-self sperm outcompete self-sperm in fertilization competition assays. When the chorion was removed, both self- and non-self sperm performed equally well in the competition assay. Thus the non-self/self gamete recognition in C. savignyi is not absolute but relative, and is mediated by one or more components in the chorion. We discuss the significance of this finding in the context of natural populations in the wild, where individuals of C. savignyi are typically found growing in large groups that spawn in unison and where self-fertilization would be expected to be very rare.  相似文献   

Molecular mechanisms underlying the metamorphosis of larvae, e.g., ligand and receptor interaction, have to be determined and roles for the nervous system in marine invertebrates are not well understood. We report here that treatment of swimming larvae of the ascidian Ciona savignyi with noradrenaline or adrenaline promoted morphological changes in early metamorphosis, e.g., tail resorption. Antagonists of the beta-adrenergic receptor, propranolol, and the beta(1)-adrenergic receptor, metoprolol, inhibited the noradrenaline-induced tail resorption, while an antagonist of the alpha-adrenergic receptor, phentolamine, and of the beta(2)- adrenergic receptor, butoxamine, had no inhibitory effects. In addition, a selective agonist of the beta-adrenergic receptor, isoproterenol, the concentration of which was lower than the effective concentration of the neurotransmitters, facilitated tail resorption. Immunohistochemical studies, using an anti-dopamine-hydroxylase antibody, showed that neurotransmitters such as noradrenaline and adrenaline localized around the brain vesicle of the larvae during metamorphosis. The beta(1)-adrenergic receptor stained with antibodies was localized on the nervous system. Temporal expression of the beta(1)-adrenergic receptor was intense in the nervous system in the larvae competent for metamorphosis. We propose that interactions between noradrenaline or adrenaline and the beta(1)-adrenergic receptor in the nervous system mediate the process of metamorphosis of Ciona larvae.  相似文献   

Muscle cells are surrounded by extracellular matrix, the components of which play an important role in signalling mechanisms involved in their development. In mice, loss of collagen XV, a component of basement membranes expressed primarily in skeletal muscles, results in a mild skeletal myopathy. We have determined the complete zebrafish collagen XV primary sequence and analysed its expression and function in embryogenesis. During the segmentation period, expression of the Col15a1 gene is mainly found in the notochord and its protein product is deposited exclusively in the peri-notochordal basement membrane. Morpholino mediated knock-down of Col15a1 causes defects in notochord differentiation and in fast and slow muscle formation as shown by persistence of axial mesodermal marker gene expression, disorganization of the peri-notochodal basement membrane and myofibrils, and a U-shape myotome. In addition, the number of medial fast-twitch muscle fibers was substantially increased, suggesting that the signalling by notochord derived Hh proteins is enhanced by loss of collagen XV. Consistent with this, there is a concomitant expansion of patched-1 expression in the myotome of morphant embryos. Together, these results indicate that collagen XV is required for notochord differentiation and muscle development in the zebrafish embryo and that it interplays with Shh signalling.  相似文献   

From its numerical composition, the central nervous system (CNS) of the ascidian larva is one of the simplest known nervous systems having a chordate plan. Fewer than 350 cells together constitute a caudal nerve cord, an interposed visceral ganglion containing motor circuits for swimming and, rostrally, an expanded sensory vesicle containing major sensory and interneuron regions of the CNS. Some cells are ependymal, with ciliated surfaces lining the neural canal, while others are clearly either sensory receptors or motoneurons, but most are distinguishable only on cytological grounds. Although reassignments between categories are still being made, there is evidence for determinancy of total cell number. We have made three-dimensional cell maps either from serial semithin sections, or from confocal image stacks of whole-mounted embryos and larvae stained with nuclear markers. Comparisons between the maps of neural tubes in embryos of successive ages, that is, between cells in one map and their progeny in older maps, enable us to follow the line of mitotic descent through successive maps, at least for the caudal neural tube. Details are clear for the lateral cell rows in the neural tube, at least until the latter contains approximately 320 cells, and somewhat for the dorsal cell row, but the ventral row is more complex. In the hatched larva, serial-EM reconstructions of the visceral ganglion reveal two ventrolateral fibre bundles at the caudalmost end, each of 10-12 axons. These tracts include at least five pairs of presumed motor axons running into the caudal nerve cord. Two pairs of axons decussate. Complementing this vertebrate feature in the CNS of the larval form of Ciona, we confirm that synapses form upon the somata and dendrites of its neurons, and that its motor tracts are ventral.  相似文献   

Fibroblast growth factor (FGF) signalling has been implicated in the generation of mesoderm and neural fates in chordate embryos including ascidians and vertebrates. In Ciona, FGF9/16/20 has been implicated in both of these processes. However, in FGF9/16/20 knockdown embryos, notochord fate recovers during later development. It is thus not clear if FGF signalling is an essential requirement for notochord specification in Ciona embryos. We show that FGF-MEK-ERK signals act during two distinct phases to establish notochord fate. During the first phase, FGF signalling is required during an asymmetric cell division to promote notochord at the expense of neural identity. Consistently, ERK1/2 is specifically activated in the notochord precursors following this cell division. Sustained activation of ERK1/2 is then required to maintain notochord fate. We demonstrate that FGF9/16/20 acts solely during the initial induction step and that, subsequently, FGF8/17/18 together with FGF9/16/20 is involved in the following maintenance step. These results together with others' show that the formation of a large part of the mesoderm cell types in ascidian larvae is dependent on signalling events involving FGF ligands.  相似文献   

Summary We have visualized segmentation in theDrosophila embryoniccentral nervous system (CNS) by staining for acetylcholinesterase activity. This technique was used to evaluate the effect of ligation on segments in the ventral CNS. When embryos were ligated prior to cellularization (60 min) fewer segmental ganglia developed in posterior fragments than when embryos were ligated at the blatoderm stage (3 h). This result is consistent with previous ligation experiments in which hypodermal segments were counted (Schubiger and Wood 1977). The number of ganglia scored exceeded the number of hypodermal segments scored especially after ligations at 60 min. Possible explanations for this difference are discussed.  相似文献   

The notochord is one of the defining features of chordates. The ascidian notochord is a rod like structure consisting of a single row of 40 cells. The anterior 32 ;primary' notochord cells arise from the A-line (anterior vegetal) blastomeres of the eight-cell stage embryo, whereas the posterior 8 ;secondary' notochord cells arise from the B-line (posterior vegetal) blastomeres of the eight-cell stage embryo. Specification of notochord precursors within these two lineages occurs in a spatially and temporally distinct manner. We show that specification of the secondary but not the primary notochord in Ciona intestinalis requires a relay mechanism involving two signalling pathways. First, we show evidence that acquisition of secondary notochord fate is dependent upon lateral Nodal signalling sources, situated in the adjacent b-line animal cells. Expression of the notochord specific gene Ci-Brachyury in the secondary notochord precursor was downregulated following selective inhibition of Nodal signal reception in B-line derivatives and also, strikingly, following selective inhibition of Nodal signal reception in A-line cell derivatives. Within the A-line, Nodal signals are required for localised expression of Delta2, which encodes a divergent form of Delta ligand. Using four distinct reagents to inhibit Delta2/Notch signals, we showed that Delta2 signalling from A-line cells, which activates the Notch/Su(H) pathway in adjacent B-line cells, is required for specification of the secondary notochord precursor. We propose a model whereby laterally produced Nodal acts to specify the secondary notochord precursor both directly in the B-line cells and via Delta2 induction in adjacent A-line cells.  相似文献   

A demonstration of cell-specific patterns of development in the immature CNS is provided by examples of characteristic, cell-specific time-courses of enzyme development in different classes of brain cells isolated in highly purified form by bulk-separation from the cerebral and cerebellar cortex of the growing rat. The enzymatic analysis was carried out at the level of the nerve and glial cell lysosomes and mitochondria, two subcellular organelles crucial to the economy of all cells. The findings reveal rather similar developmental patterns for the lysosomal hydrolase N-acetyl-beta-D-glucosaminidase in neurons and glial cells of the cerebral cortex as well as in two different cerebellar nerve cell types, the Purkinje and the granule cell. However, significant differences in the post-natal chronology of development of the mitochondrial enzyme alpha-glycerophosphate dehydrogenase were noted between cortical nerve and glial cells, the glial enzyme exhibiting 6-fold higher levels of activity than the neuronal one throughout the first month of postnatal life. The findings emphasize the feasibility as well as the necessity of studies aimed at the elucidation of the cell-specific aspects of the biochemistry of developing nerve and glial cells.  相似文献   

Neural cell markers have been used to examine the effect of retinoic acid (RA) on the development of the central nervous system (CNS) of Xenopus embryos. RA treatment of neurula stage embryos resulted in a concentration-dependent perturbation of anterior CNS development leading to a reduction in the size of the forebrain, midbrain and hindbrain. In addition the overt segmental organization of the hindbrain was abolished by high concentrations of RA. The regional expression of two cell-specific markers, the homeobox protein Xhox3 and the neurotransmitter serotonin was also examined in embryos exposed to RA. Treatment with RA caused a concentration-dependent change in the pattern of expression of Xhox3 and serotonin and resulted in the ectopic appearance of immunoreactive neurons in anterior regions of the CNS, including the forebrain. Collectively, our results extend previous studies by showing that RA treatment of embryos at the neurula stage inhibits the development of anterior regions of the CNS while promoting the differentiation of more posterior cell types. The relevance of these findings to the possible role of endogenous retinoids in the determination of neural cell fate and axial patterning is discussed.  相似文献   

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