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Gossypium hirsutum is a high yield cotton species that exhibits only moderate performance in fiber qualities. A promising but challenging approach to improving its phenotypes is interspecific introgression, the transfer of valuable traits or genes from the germplasm of another species such as G. barbadense, an important cultivated extra long staple cotton species. One set of chromosome segment introgression lines (CSILs) was developed, where TM-1, the genetic standard in G. hirsutum, was used as the recipient parent and the long staple cotton G. barbadense Hai7124 was used as the donor parent by molecular marker-assisted selection (MAS) in BC5S1–4 and BC4S1–3 generations. After four rounds of MAS, the CSIL population was comprised of 174 lines containing 298 introgressed segments, of which 86 (49.4%) lines had single introgressed segments. The total introgressed segment length covered 2,948.7 cM with an average length of 16.7 cM and represented 83.3% of tetraploid cotton genome. The CSILs were highly varied in major fiber qualities. By integrated analysis of data collected in four environments, a total of 43 additive quantitative trait loci (QTL) and six epistatic QTL associated with fiber qualities were detected by QTL IciMapping 3.0 and multi-QTL joint analysis. Six stable QTL were detected in various environments. The CSILs developed and the analyses presented here will enhance the understanding of the genetics of fiber qualities in long staple G. barbadense and facilitate further molecular breeding to improve fiber quality in Upland cotton.  相似文献   

棉花是世界上种植最广泛的纤维作物,随着人们生活水平的提高和棉纺织工业的发展,对棉花的纤维品质提出了更高的要求.本研究利用渐渗系ZP171为亲本,该材料以陆地棉中棉所8号为遗传背景携带了纤维品质优异的海岛棉Pima90-53片段,构建遗传群体并选育优异种质材料.基于群体在多环境下的纤维品质鉴定结果,发现纤维长度和比强度与...  相似文献   

Cotton is unusual among major crop plants in that two cross-fertile species are widely cultivated for a common economic product, fiber. Both historical evidence and classical genetic studies suggest that many improved forms of Gossypium barbadense (Sea Island, Egyptian, and Pima cottons) may include chromatin derived from G. hirsutum. Using 106 restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) loci well distributed across the cotton genome, we revealed the amount and genomic distribution of G. hirsutum chromatin in 54 G. barbadense collections from around the world. The average G. barbadense collection was comprised of 8.9% alleles apparently derived from G. hirsutum. Pima cultivars (7.3 %) had fewer G. hirsutum alleles than Sea Island (9.0%) or Egyptian (9.6%) cultivars. G. hirsutum alleles were not randomly distributed, as 57.5% of the total introgression observed was accounted for by five specific chromosomal regions that span less than 10% of the genome. The average length of an introgressed chromosome segment was 12.9 cM. Overlap of introgressed chromatin in different breeding programs hints that retention of these G. hirsutum chromosomal segments may impart a selective advantage to G. barbadense genotypes. Although cluster analysis generally grouped germ plasm from common classes and/or breeding programs together, no 2 genotypes were identical — thus differences in the length and repertoire of introgressed chromosome segments also permit DNA fingerprinting of G. barbadense cultivars.  相似文献   


Key message

This study demonstrates the first practical use of CSILs for the transfer of fiber quality QTLs into Upland cotton cultivars using SSR markers without detrimentally affecting desirable agronomic characteristics.


Gossypium hirsutum is characterized by its high lint production and medium fiber quality compared to extra-long staple cotton G. barbadense. Transferring valuable traits or genes from G. barbadense into G. hirsutum is a promising but challenging approach through a traditional interspecific introgression strategy. We developed one set of chromosome segment introgression lines (CSILs), where TM-1, the genetic standard in G. hirsutum, was used as the recipient parent and the long staple cotton G. barbadense cv. Hai7124 was used as the donor parent by molecular marker-assisted selection (MAS). Among them, four CSILs, IL040-A4-1, IL080-D6-1, IL088-A7-3 and IL019-A2-6, found to be associated with superior fiber qualities including fiber length, strength and fineness QTL in Xinjiang were selected and backcrossed, and transferred these QTLs into three commercial Upland cotton cultivars such as Xinluzao (XLZ) 26, 41 and 42 grown in Xinjiang. By backcrossing and self-pollinating twice, five improved lines (3262-4, 3389-2, 3326-3, 3380-4 and 3426-5) were developed by MAS of background and introgressed segments. In diverse field trials, these QTLs consistently and significantly offered additive effects on the target phenotype. Furthermore, we also pyramided two segments from different CSILs (IL080-D6-1 and IL019-A2-6) into cultivar 0768 to accelerate breeding process purposefully with MAS. The improved lines pyramided by these two introgressed segments showed significant additive epistatic effects in four separate field trials. No significant alteration in yield components was observed in these modified lines. In summary, we first report that these CSILs have great potential to improve fiber qualities in Upland cotton MAS breeding programs.  相似文献   

Simple sequence repeat (SSR) genetic maps have been separately constructed based on doubled haploid (DH) and (or) haploid and BC1 populations from the same cross between Gossypium hirsutum L. 'TM-1' and Gossypium barbadense L. 'Hai7124'. The BC1 population was produced by pollinating individual plants of the 'TM-1' x 'Hai7124' F1 with 'TM-1', whereas the DH and (or) haploid population developed from the offspring of Vsg x ('TM-1' x 'Hai7124'). Vsg is a virescently marked semigamy line of Gossypium barbadense L. Pima. The BC1 map included 34 linkage groups with an average distance between markers of 9.80 cM (Kosambi, K) and covered 4331.2 cM (K) or approximately 78.7% of the tetraploid cotton genome constructed using 440 SSR and 2 morphological marker genes. Among them, 26 were assigned to 20 chromosomes, 7 to A or D subgenomes, and 1 was unassigned. The haploid map comprised 444 SSR markers mapped to 40 linkage groups with an average distance of 7.35 cM (K) between markers, covering 3262.9 cM (K) or approximately 60.0% of the tetraploid genome. Twenty-nine linkage groups were assigned to all 19 identified chromosomes, 10 to A or D subgenomes, and 1 was unassigned. Fairly good collinearity of marker order was observed along most of the chromosomes or linkage groups. Significant differences in recombination between maps was observed at the chromosomal and genomic level and possible reasons were discussed. Map comparison and combined data provided an essential basis for further mapping of interested genes and QTLs and for studies of diversity, population structure, and phylogeny in Gossypium species.  相似文献   

陆地棉优质纤维渐渗系中外源遗传组分的鉴定与分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
鲁原343是一个渐渗了海岛棉优质纤维基因的陆地棉种质,对其渐渗的优质纤维片段进行鉴定,对利用优质纤维渐渗系改良陆地棉品种的纤维品质具有重要意义。本研究以综合性状优良的转基因抗虫棉鲁棉研22号与鲁原343杂交构建作图群体,利用317对SSR引物对鲁原343和鲁棉研22号进行多态性分析,有24对引物表现多态。利用这些引物进一步和TM-1、优质纤维渐渗片段的供体Ash imoun i作比较,初步鉴定出10个SSR位点与海岛棉渐渗有关。利用这些标记分析(鲁棉研22×鲁原343)F2群体的标记基因型和纤维品质性状的关系,6个标记与纤维品质显著相关,涉及到4条染色体。其中与伸长率相关的标记BNL2986(R2=5.87%)和与长度、细度相关的标记NAU751(R2=6.62%,6.01%)同位于16号染色体的连锁群LG1上,标记间距离为17.7 cM;与纤维成熟度相关的标记BNL3590(R2=8.62%)和与成熟度、伸长率相关的标记BNL3971(R2=15.0%,9.79%)位于2号染色体的连锁群LG3上,标记间距离为4.5 cM;与纤维强度相关的标记BNL3279(R2=8.12%)和与细度相关的标记BNL827(R2=13.94%)分别位于LGD02和25号染色体上。  相似文献   

Hairy root cultures were induced by inoculating cotyledonary leaves and hypocotyl segments from two cotton species, Gossypium hirsutum and Gossypium barbadense, with Rhizobium rhizogenes 15834. For both species, more hairy roots formed on inoculation sites on cotyledonary leaves than on hypocotyls. The addition of sucrose to basal Murashige–Skoog media increased the frequency of hairy root formation, whereas the addition of naphthalene acetic acid (0.54 μM) did not. After transfer to a liquid culture, hairy root growth was very rapid. After 3 wk in liquid culture, both cotton species produced gossypol, a di-sesquiterpene secondary metabolite with known anticancer activity, and two related methylated derivatives. Most (60–95%) gossypol produced by cultures was retained within the hairy root tissues, but some was found in the media. The average gossypol level observed among 96 different cultures was 15 mg/g of dry culture mass; however, some cultures produced >40 mg/g of dry culture mass. Variation in gossypol levels was greater for cultures arising from different transformation events than for multiple subclones of a single transformant. The high level of gossypol production attained by most of these cultures suggests that they will be valuable for studying the biochemical and molecular aspects of gossypol biosynthesis, capable of producing large amounts of gossypol and related compounds, and useful for generating modified forms of gossypol (e.g., radio-labeled gossypol) for understanding bioactivity mechanisms. Mention of trade names or commercial products or vendors in this publication is solely for the purpose of providing specific information and does not imply recommendation or endorsement by the U.S. Department of Agriculture.  相似文献   

Genetic diversity is the foundation of any crop improvement program, but the most cultivated Upland cotton [Gossypium hirsutum L., 2n?=?52, genomic formula?2(AD)1] has a very narrow gene pool resulting from its evolutionary origin and domestication history. Cultivars of this cotton species (G. hirsutum L.) are prized for their combination of exceptional yield, other agronomic traits, and good fiber properties, whereas the other cultivated 52-chromosome species, G. barbadense L. [2n?=?52, genomic formula?2(AD)2], is widely regarded as having the opposite attributes. It has exceptionally good fiber qualities, but generally lower yield and less desirable agronomic traits. Breeders have long aspired to combine the best attributes of G. hirsutum and G. barbadense, but have had limited success. F1 hybrids are readily created and largely fertile, so the limited success may be due to cryptic biological and technical challenges associated with the conventional methods of interspecific introgression. We have developed a complementary alternative approach for introgression based on chromosome substitution line, followed by increasingly sophisticated genetic analyses of chromosome-derived families to describe the inheritance and breeding values of the chromosome substitution lines. Here, we analyze fiber quality traits of progeny families from a partial diallel crossing scheme among selected chromosome substitution lines (CS-B lines). The results provide a more detailed and precise QTL dissection of fiber traits, and an opportunity to examine allelic interaction effects between two substituted chromosomes versus one substituted chromosome. This approach creates new germplasm based on pair wise combinations of quasi-isogenic chromosome substitutions. The relative genetic simplicity of two-chromosome interactions departs significantly from complex or RIL-based populations, in which huge numbers of loci are segregating in all 26 chromosome pairs. Data were analyzed according to the ADAA genetic model, which revealed significant additive, dominance, and additive-by-additive epistasis effects on all of the fiber quality traits associated with the substituted chromosome or chromosome arm of CS-B lines. Fiber of line 3-79, the donor parent for the substituted chromosomes, had the highest Upper Half Mean length (UHM), uniformity ratio, strength, elongation, and lowest micronaire among all parents and hybrids. CS-B16 and CS-B25 had significant additive effects for all fiber traits. Assuming a uniform genetic background of the CS-B lines, the comparative analysis of the double-heterozygous hybrid combinations (CS-B?×?CS-B) versus their respective single heterozygous combinations (CS-B?×?TM-1) demonstrated that interspecific epistatic effects between the genes in the chromosomes played a major role in most of the fiber quality traits. Results showed that fiber of several hybrids including CS-B16?×?CS-B22Lo, CS-B16?×?CS-B25 and CS-B16?×?TM-1 had significantly greater dominance effects for elongation and hybrid CS-B16?×?CS-B17 had higher fiber strength than their parental lines. Multiple antagonistic genetic effects were also present for fiber quality traits associated with most of the substituted chromosomes and chromosome arms. Results from this study highlight the vital importance of epistasis in fiber quality traits and detected novel effects of some cryptic beneficial alleles affecting fiber quality on the 3-79 chromosomes, whose effects were not detected in the 3-79 parental lines.  相似文献   

We recently released a set of 17 chromosome substitution (CS-B) lines (2n = 52) that contain Gossypium barbadense L. doubled-haploid line ‘3-79’ germplasm systematically introgressed into the Upland inbred ‘TM-1’ of G. hirsutum (L.). TM-1 yields much more than 3-79, but cotton from the latter has superior fiber properties. To explore the use of these quasi-isogenic lines in studying gene interactions, we created a partial diallel among six CS-B lines and the inbred TM-1, and characterized their descendents for lint percentage, boll weight, seedcotton yield and lint yield across four environments. Phenotypic data on the traits were analyzed according to the ADAA genetic model to detect significant additive, dominance, and additive-by-additive epistasis effects at the chromosome and chromosome-by-chromosome levels of CS-B lines. For example, line 3-79 had the lowest boll weight, seedcotton yield and lint yield, but CS-B22Lo homozygous dominance genetic effects on seedcotton and lint yield were nearly four times those of TM-1, and its hybrids with TM-1 had the highest additive-by-additive epistatic effects on seedcotton and lint yield. CS-B14sh, 17, 22Lo and 25 produced positive homozygous dominance effects on lint yield, whereas doubly heterozygous combinations of CS-B14sh with CS-B17, 22Lo and 25 produced negative dominance effects, suggesting that epistatic effects between genes in these chromosomes strongly affect lint yield. The results underscore the opportunities to systematically identify genomic regions harboring genes that impart agronomically significant effects via epistatic interactions. The chromosome-by-chromosome approach significantly complements other strategies to detect and quantify epistatic interaction effects, and the quasi-isogenic nature of families and lines from CS-B intermatings will facilitate high-resolution localization, development of markers for selection and map-assisted identification of genes involved in strong epistatic effects.  相似文献   

A method of regenerating cotton plants from the shoot apical meristem of seedlings was developed for use with particle gun and Agrobacterium-mediated transformation. This method was developed to circumvent the problems of genotype restriction and chromosomal damage frequently encountered in cotton regeneration in tissue culture through somatic embryogenesis. In this procedure, the cells of the shoot meristem are targeted for transformation. Normal and fertile plants of Gossypium barbadense Pima S-6, and 19 cultivars of G. hirsutum were regenerated using this method. Shoot regeneration from these tissues was direct and relatively rapid. A MS based, hormone-free medium could be used with all the varieties tested.This project was funded by grants from Cotton Incorporated, Nisshinbo Industries, and a grant from the Texas Agricultural Experiment Station to RHS. Texas Agricultural Experiment Station Technical Article TA-25667.  相似文献   

Basbag S  Gencer O 《Hereditas》2007,144(1):33-42
Interspecific hybrid cottons (Gossypium hirsutum L. x G. barbadense L.) have great both yield and quality potential. This study was conducted to determine potential yields and quality characteristics of hybrid cotton varieties in southeastern Anatolia region of Turkey. The experiment was set out a completely randomized block design with four replications during 2003 and 2004 at University of Dicle, Faculty of Agriculture Experimental Field. Seven interspecific hybrid cotton varieties (48-08, Sevilla, Europe, Ica, Etna, 14-08 and Acalpi) which were obtained from Israel, and commonly grown varieties in this region, non-hybrid cotton varieties, GW Teks and DP-Opal were used as the materials of the study. Difference among the cultivars was significant for all traits except sympodial branch. Maximum number of boll and lint yield was 20.18 n plant(-1) and 1685.8 kg ha(-1) from interspecific hybrid cotton Ica, while interspecific hybrid cotton Europe recorded the lowest number of boll and lint yield. Interspecific hybrid cotton varieties showed higher value for fibre length, fibre fineness and fibre strength than non-hybrid cotton varieties. The longest fibres were obtained from Acalpi and Etna (34.08 and 33.88 mm), while non-hybrid varieties, DP-Opal and GW-Teks, had the lowest fibre length, 28.50 and 30.03 mm, respectively. The finest fibres obtained from Ica and 48-08 (3.42 and 3.45 mic.), the strongest fibres from Etna and Acalpi (40.07 and 40.23 g tex(-1)), and most elongation fibres from Acalpi (8.00%) and Sevilla (7.45%). Lint yield correlated positive and significant with fiber length.  相似文献   

比克氏棉渐渗到陆地棉的花色基因的遗传分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
比克氏棉的红花大基斑性状渐渗到陆地棉,并选育出了稳定的红花大基斑陆地棉纯系(HBRL)。报道了这些红花(R~(bic)_3)大基斑(R~(bic)_2)陆地棉纯系的遗传连锁实验和连锁分析结果。大基斑(R~(bic)_2)对小基斑(R_2)和无基斑(r_2)为显性,R~(bic)_2与R_2等位,R~(bic)_2、R_2和r_2构成了复等位基因系列。R~(bic)_2与Lc_1连锁,R.C%=37.31±2.44.R~(bic)_2与R~(bic)_3紧密连锁,并且R~(bic)_3对Y_1和y_1具有显性上位作用。建议从比克氏棉渐渗到陆地棉的大基斑的基因符号定为R~(bic)_2,红花瓣的基因符号定为R~(bic)_3。  相似文献   

Gossypium hirsutum L. (upland cotton) and G. barbadense L. (Pimacotton) are two of the most important fibre producing cottonspecies in cultivation. When grown side-by-side in the field,G.hirsutum has higher photosynthetic and transpiration rates (Luet al., 1997. Australian Journal of Plant Physiology24: 693–700).The present study was undertaken to determine if the differencesin physiology can be explained by leaf and canopy morphologyand anatomy. Scanning electron microscopy was used to comparethe leaf anatomy of field-grown upland (‘Delta’and ‘Pine Land 50’) and Pima (‘S6’)cotton. Compared to G. hirsutum, mature leaves of G. barbadenseare larger and thinner, with a thinner palisade layer. G. barbadenseleaves show significant cupping or curling which allows fora more even absorption of insolation over the course of theday and much more light penetration into the canopy. AlthoughG. barbadense leaves have a 70–78% higher stomatal densityon both the abaxial and the adaxial surfaces, its stomates areonly one third the size of those of G. hirsutum. This resultsin G. barbadense having only about 60% of the stomatal surfacearea per leaf surface area compared to G. hirsutum. These resultsare indicative of the anatomical and physiological differencesthat may limit the yield potential of G. barbadense in certaingrowing environments. Copyright 2000 Annals of Botany Company Cotton, leaf anatomy, leaf development, photosynthesis, Gossypium hirsutum, Gossypium barbadense, stomatal density  相似文献   

The current study is the first installment of an effort to explore the secondary gene pool for the enhancement of Upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) germplasm. We developed advanced-generation backcross populations by first crossing G. hirsutum cv. Tamcot 2111 and G. barbadense cv. Pima S6, then independently backcrossing F1 plants to the G. hirsutum parent for three cycles. Genome-wide mapping revealed introgressed alleles at an average of 7.3% of loci in each BC3F1 plant, collectively representing G. barbadense introgression over about 70% of the genome. Twenty-four BC3F1 plants were selfed to generate 24 BC3F2 families of 22–172 plants per family (totaling 2,976 plants), which were field-tested for fiber elongation and genetically mapped. One-way analysis of variance detected 22 non-overlapping quantitative trail loci (QTLs) distributed over 15 different chromosomes. The percentage of variance explained by individual loci ranged from 8% to 28%. Although the G. barbadense parent has lower fiber elongation than the G. hirsutum parent, the G. barbadense allele contributed to increased fiber elongation at 64% of the QTLs. Two-way analysis of variance detected significant (P<0.001) among-family genotype effects and genotype×family interactions in two and eight regions, respectively, suggesting that the phenotypic effects of some introgressed chromosomal segments are dependent upon the presence/absence of other chromosomal segments.Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available for this article at  相似文献   

Summary A set of diallel crosses involving ten parents was evaluated over two locations to determine the genetic control of protein per cent, oil per cent, seed index, percentage of mature seeds and number of seeds per boll. The analysis of pooled data showed that percentage of mature seeds was controlled by additive (D) and non-additive (H1 and H2) genetic effects. Overdominance was noticed. For seed index the D component measuring additive, and the H2 component measuring dominance, variation were significant. Protein content and oil content were primarily under the control of non-additive (H1 and H2) genetic effects, while for number of seeds per boll the variability was accounted for by dominance (H1) effects only. The development of pure lines through appropriate methods is suggested.Part of the thesis of the senior author, submitted in partial fulfilment for the Ph.D. degree  相似文献   

A backcross-self population from a cross between Gossypium hirsutum and G. barbadense was used to dissect the molecular basis of genetic variation governing 15 parameters that reflect fiber length. Applying a detailed restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) map to 3,662 BC3F2 plants from 24 independently derived BC3 families, we detected 28, nine, and eight quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for fiber length, length uniformity, and short fiber content, respectively. For eight, six, and two chromosomal regions containing quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for fiber length, length uniformity, and short fiber content (respectively), two-way analysis of variance showed a significant (P<0.001) among-family genotypic effect. A total of 13, two, and four loci showed genotype × family interaction, illustrating some of the complexities that are likely to be faced in introgression of exotic germplasm into the gene pool of cultivated cotton. Co-location of many QTLs for fiber length, length uniformity, and short fiber content accounted for correlations among these traits, while the discovery of many QTLs unique to each trait suggests that maximum genetic gain will require breeding efforts that target each trait (or an index including all three). The availability of DNA markers linked to G. barbadense QTLs identified in this and other studies promise to assist breeders in transferring and maintaining valuable traits from exotic sources during cultivar development.Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available for this article at  相似文献   

The full-length cDNA of an IAA-responsive gene was cloned from Gossypium barbadense L. (designated as Gbiaa-Re) by rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RACE). Gbiaa-Re gene was 1043-bp long and contained a 573-bp open reading frame encoding a polypeptide of 190 amino acid residues. Homology analysis revealed that Gbiaa-Re strongly resembled known plant IAA-responsive genes. The conserved integrated domain "AUX_IAA, AUX/IAA family" resided within the region from L11, to V190 of GbIAA-RE, and the 4 typically conserved domains of IAA-responsive gene family were all found in GbIAA-RE. The secondary structure of GbIAA-RE consisted of 20.53% alpha helix, 13.68% extended strand and 65.79% random coil. In total, 12 phosphorylation sites, 1 N-glycosylation site and 4 O-beta-GlcNAc attachment sites were predicted. Southern blot analysis indicated that Gbiaa-Re belonged to a low-copy gene family. Semi-quantitative PCR analysis indicated that the expression of Gbiaa-Re gene was inducible by IAA. Our studies suggested that Gbiaa-Re was a new member of plant AUX/IAA gene family.  相似文献   

D. A. Graves  J. M. Stewart 《Planta》1988,175(2):254-258
Cotton fibers are single elongated cells that develop from epidermal cells of the ovule. The chronology of fiber differentiation was investigated using cultured ovules. Epidermal cells differentiate into fiber cells approx. 3 d before anthesis. When ovules were cultured on a defined medium, fiber growth could be initiated on ovules any time between 2 d preanthesis and the time of anthesis by adding indole-3-acetic acid and gibberellic acid to the medium. In the absence of phytohormones, fibers did not grow, and when ovules between 2 d preanthesis and anthesis were cultured without hormones past the day of anthesis and hormones then added, most ovules failed to produce fibers. The results define the timing of fiber differentiation from epidermal cells, and also define a window of time when differentiated cells are capable of further development. During this window, fiber cells are latent awaiting appropriate stimulation which in the intact plant is apparently associated with anthesis.Abbreviations GA3 gibberellic acid - IAA indole-3-acetic acid  相似文献   

根据棉花GhCCR1基因的cDNA序列设计引物,采用PCR技术从棉花中克隆了GhCCR1基因的DNA序列,并采用半定量RT-PCR方法分析了GhCCR1基因在不同发育阶段棉纤维中的表达情况.结果表明:GhCCR1编码区DNA序列长度为1 161 bp,包含4个外显子和3个内含子,内含子富含AT,所有外显子/内含子交接点都遵从gt/ag剪接规则.半定量RT-PCR检测表明,GhCCR1基因在不同发育阶段的棉纤维中均有表达,在开花后20 d的棉纤维中表达量最高,说明该基因可能参与调控棉纤维细胞的伸长和次生壁的增厚过程.  相似文献   

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