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In vitro transcription analysis of DNA alkylation by nitrogen mustard   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

S Kumar  R Lipman  M Tomasz 《Biochemistry》1992,31(5):1399-1407
Synthetic oligodeoxyribonucleotides were reacted with mitomycin C (MC) under conditions which restricted MC to monofunctional alkylating activity. The yields of monofunctional alkylation of oligonucleotides with variable sequence were determined by enzymatic digestion of the reaction mixture to unreacted nucleosides and the product of alkylation, a MC-deoxyguanosine adduct (2), followed by quantitative analysis by HPLC. The relative yields of 2 reflected relative monoalkylation reactivities. They were compared in a series of oligonucleotides having the sequence 5'-NGN' in which the 5'-base was varied while the 3'-base was kept constant as T. Under Na2S2O4 activation conditions a striking enhancement of the yield was observed at the 5'-CG sequence: 36%, compared to 2% at 5'-AG and 4.1% at 5'-TG. The 5'-GG sequence also showed enhanced reactivity although to a lesser extent (14.7%). The enhancements were specific to the duplex state of the oligonucleotides. Using NADPH:cytochrome c reductase as the reducing agent gave similar results. MC activated by acidic pH also displayed 5'-CG alkylation specificity. 10-Decarbamoyl-MC activated by Na2S2O4 showed the same 5'-CG specificity as MC. Replacement of deoxyguanosine by deoxyinosine in the opposite strand at a 5'-CG site abolished the enhancement of alkylation. Such replacement at a 5'-GG site had a similar effect. It was found that the base 3' to the guanine had only a relatively modest modulating effect on the enhanced reactivity of the G at the 5'-CG sequence. This 3'-base effect appeared to be independent of the 5'-base of the 5'-NGN' triplet. The order of reactivity is 3'-(C greater than T greater than A).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The cytotoxic action of the antitumor antibiotic mitomycin C occurs primarily at the level of DNA. Using highly sensitive fluorescence assays which depend on the enhancement of ethidium fluorescence only when it intercalates duplex regions of DNA, three aspects of mitomycin C action on DNA have been studied: (a) cross-linking events, (b) alkylation without necessarily cross-linking, and (c) strand breakage. Cross-linking of DNA is determined by the return of fluorescence after a heat denaturation step at alkaline pH's. Under these conditions denatured DNA gives no fluorescence. The cross-linking was independently confirmed by S1-endonuclease (EC 3.1.4.-) digestion. At relatively high concentrations of mitomycin the suppression of ethidium fluorescence enhancement was shown not to be due to depurination but rather to alkylation, as a result of losses in potential intercalation sites. A linear relationship exists between binding ratio for mitomycin and loss of fluorescence. The proportional decrease in fluorescence with pH strongly suggests that the alkylation is due to the aziridine moiety of the antibiotic under these conditions. A parallel increase in the rate and overall efficiency of covalent cross-linking of DNA with lower pH suggests that the cross-linking event, to which the primary cytotoxic action has been linked, occurs sequentially with alkylation by aziridine and then by carbamate. Mitomycin C, reduced chemically, was shown to induce single strand cleavage as well as monoaklylation and covalent cross-linking in PM2 covalently closed circular DNA. The inhibition of this cleavage by superoxide dismutase (EC and catalase (EC, and by free radical scavengers suggests that the degradation of DNA observed to accompany the cytotoxic action of mitomycin C is largely due to the free radical O2. In contrast to the behavior of the antibiotic streptonigrin, mitomycin C does not inactivate the protective enzymes superoxide dismutase or catalase. Lastly, mitomycin C is able to cross-link DNA in the absence of reduction at pH 4. This is consistent with the postulated cross-linking mechansims.  相似文献   

M Tomasz  A K Chawla  R Lipman 《Biochemistry》1988,27(9):3182-3187
The relative amounts of monofunctional and bifunctional alkylation products of DNA with mitomycin C (MC) depend on whether one or both masked alkylating functions of MC are activated reductively; adduct 8 is the result of one function and adducts 7 and 9, formed as a pair, are the result of both functions being activated [Tomasz, M., Lipman, R., Chowdary, C., Pawlak, J., Verdine, G. L., & Nakanishi, K. (1987) Science (Washington, D.C.) 235, 1204-1208]. To determine the mechanism governing this differential reactivity of MC with DNA, MC-Micrococcus luteus DNA complexes formed under varying conditions in vitro were digested to nucleosides and adducts. Adduct distribution, analyzed by high-performance liquid chromatography, served as the measure of monofunctional and bifunctional activation. H2/PtO2 and xanthine oxidase/reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NADH) activated MC mostly monofunctionally, and Na2S2O4 activated the drug bifunctionally under comparable conditions. Excess MC selectively suppressed, but excess PtO2 selectively promoted, bifunctional activation by H2/PtO2; excess xanthine oxidase and/or NADH also had promoting effects. O2 tested in the Na2S2O4 system was inhibitory. 10-Decarbamoyl-MC acted strictly monofunctionally under all conditions. Monoadducts bound to DNA were converted to bis adducts upon rereduction. A mechanism with the following features was derived: (i) Activation of MC at C-1 and C-10 is sequential (C-1 first). (ii) A one-time reduction is sufficient for both. (iii) Activation of the second function may be selectively inhibited by kinetic factors or O2. (iv) 7 and 9 are coproducts of bifunctional activation; their ratio depends on the DNA base sequence. (v) Activation of the second function involves an iminium intermediate. Direct applications to the action of MC in vivo are discussed.  相似文献   

The interaction of ethidium bromide (EB) with DNA has been investigated using the pulse radiolysis technique. In particular, the absolute rate constant for the reaction of hydrated electrons, generated by single pulses of high-energy electrons, with EB is shown to drop dramatically in the presence of DNA. This drop in diffusion-limited reactivity results from the interaction of EB with DNA, effectively immobilising it, thus lowering the reaction cross-section or probability. Analysis of the resulting kinetic spectrophotometric data shows that they are consistent with a reversible interaction of EB with DNA as described by the law of mass action. The Scatchard-type plots obtained are linear, and give quantitative information on the extent and degree of association, comparable with that obtained by more conventional methods. The potential of the pulse radiolysis technique for studying different types of interactions between small molecules and various biopolymers has been demonstrated.  相似文献   

DNA-DNA crosslinks in cells treated with mitomycin C, nitrogen mustard, or decarbamoyl mitomycin C were measured in alkaline isopycnic gradients as a function of pH. Crosslinks from cells treated with mitomycin C and nitrogen mustard, which react with DNA purines, could be detected at pH 12.5 but not at pH 14. No crosslinks from cells treated with decarbamoyl mitomycin C were detected at either pH. Previous studies with cells exposed to psoralen derivatives plus 360 nm light, which produce DNA-DNA crosslinks with pyrimidines, demonstrated stable crosslinks at pH 14. These studies indicate that DNA-DNA crosslinks involving DNA purines are much less stable at high pH than those involving pyrimidines, and that methods involving exposure to extreme alkaline conditions may give inaccurate information for some agents.  相似文献   

The azide analog of 14C-labeled ethidium bromide was mixed with yeast cells and when photolyzed by visible light, formed covalent complexes with all yeast cell organelles. The 14C counts were found in DNA, RNA and protein of yeast subcellular fractions, illustrating the complexity of binding of a drug which appears highly specific in its actions.  相似文献   

The mitomycins are a group of antitumor antibiotics that covalently bind to DNA upon reductive activation. Mitomycin A (1b; MA) is more toxic than its clinically useful mitomycin C (1a; MC). The greater toxicity of mitomycin A has been previously attributed to its higher reduction potential. In this report, the DNA alkylation products of reductively activated MA were isolated and characterized by conversion to the known 7-amino mitosene-deoxyguanosine adducts. The three major adducts formed were identified as a monoadduct, N2-(2"beta-amino-7"-methoxymitosen-1"alpha-yl)- 2'-deoxyguanosine (5), a decarbamoyl monoadduct, N2-(2"beta-amino-10"-decarbamoyl-7"-methoxymitosen-1"alpha-y l)-2'- deoxyguanosine (6), and a bisadduct, N2-(2"beta-amino-10"-deoxyguanosin-N2-yl-7-methoxymitosen-1" alpha- yl)-2'-deoxyguanosine (7). Under all reductive activation conditions employed, MA selectively alkylated the 2-amino group of guanine in DNA, like MC. In addition, both MA and MC alkylated DNA and cross-linked oligonucleotides to a similar extent. However, variations in the reductive activation conditions (H2/PtO2, Na2S2O4, or enzymatic) affected the distribution of the three major MA adducts in a different manner than the distribution of MC adducts was affected. A mechanism is proposed wherein the 7-methoxy substituent of MA allows initial indiscriminate activation of either of the drugs' two electrophilic sites. While oxygen inhibited cross-linking by MC, similar aerobic conditions exhibited little influence on the cross-linking ability of MA. Hence, the greater toxicity of MA may be influenced by increased and nonselective activation and cross-link formation in both aerobic and anaerobic cells. This effect is a direct consequence of the higher redox potential of MA as compared to MC.  相似文献   

Mitomycin C requires reductive activation to cross-link DNA and express anticancer activity. Reduction of mitomycin C (40 microm) by sodium borohydride (200 microm) in 20 mm Tris-HCl, 1 mm EDTA at 37 degrees C, pH 7.4, gives a 50-60% yield of the reactive intermediate mitomycin C hydroquinone. The hydroquinone decays with first order kinetics or pseudo first order kinetics with a t(12) of approximately 15 s under these conditions. The cross-linking of T7 DNA in this system followed matching kinetics, with the conversion of mitomycin C hydroquinone to leuco-aziridinomitosene appearing to be the rate-determining step. Several peroxidases were found to oxidize mitomycin C hydroquinone to mitomycin C and to block DNA cross-linking to various degrees. Concentrations of the various peroxidases that largely blocked DNA cross-linking, regenerated 10-70% mitomycin C from the reduced material. Thus, significant quantities of products other than mitomycin C were produced by the peroxidase-mediated oxidation of mitomycin C hydroquinone or products derived therefrom. Variations in the sensitivity of cells to mitomycin C have been attributed to differing levels of activating enzymes, export pumps, and DNA repair. Mitomycin C hydroquinone-oxidizing enzymes give rise to a new mechanism by which oxic/hypoxic toxicity differentials and resistance can occur.  相似文献   

The [14C]-labeled monoazido analog of ethidium, 3-amino-8-azido-5-ethyl-6-phenylphenanthridinium chloride, when mixed with yeast cells and photolyzed, produced covalent adducts with both nuclear and mitochondrial DNA via the light-generated nitrene. The binding efficiency was about 12 times higher in mitochondrial than nuclear DNA. Moreover, the parent ethidium bromide at a 5-fold excess was an effective competitor for the binding of the monoazide analog with mitochondrial DNA, but not with nuclear DNA.  相似文献   

Cytotoxicity and mutagenesis by streptozotocin, BCNU, nitrogen mustard, and mitomycin C were evaluated in E. coli mutants deficient in SOS repair, SOS-mediated mutagenesis, the adaptive response, and mutants that engage in aberrant mismatch repair. The results demonstrate that premutagenic lesions are caused by nitrogen mustard, BCNU and streptozotocin that are not repaired by ada or recognized by umuDC. Further, recA mutants were hypomutable after exposure to nitrogen mustard, BCNU, and streptozotocin compared to wild type. With the exception of the monofunctional nitrosourea, streptozotocin, both recA and uvrA gene products contribute to the repair of DNA damage caused by the alkylating agents tested. In the case of streptozotocin, although recA mutants were more sensitive than wild type, uvrA mutants were not. Moreover, while ada and alkA E. coli mutants showed increased sensitivity to streptozotocin, they were not more sensitive to the other alkylating agents evaluated.  相似文献   

On the cooperative and noncooperative binding of ethidium to DNA.   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
The equilibrium binding of ethidium bromide to native DNAs and to poly(dG-dC) X poly(dG-dC) has been studied by both phase partition and direct spectrophotometric techniques. The binding isotherms obtained from both experimental techniques show that ethidium binds in a cooperative manner to E. coli DNA. On the other hand, no evidence of cooperative binding was observed in the binding isotherms obtained with calf thymus, C. perfringens, M. lysodeikticus, or poly(dG-dC) X (dG-dC) under the experimental conditions used (0.1 M NaCl).  相似文献   

FCE 24517, a novel distamycin derivative possessing potent antitumor activity, is under initial clinical investigation in Europe. In spite of the presence of a benzoyl nitrogen mustard group this compound fails to alkylate the N7 position of guanine, the major site of alkylation by conventional nitrogen mustards. Characterisation of DNA-drug adducts revealed only a very low level of adenine adduct formation. Using a modified Maxam-Gilbert sequencing method the consensus sequence for FCE 24517-adenine adduct formation was found to be 5'-TTTTGA-3'. A single base modification in the hexamer completely abolishes the alkylation of adenine. Using a Taq polymerase stop assay alkylations were confirmed at the A present in the hexamer TTTTGA and, in addition, in one out of three TTTTAA sequences present in the plasmid utilized. The sequence specificity of alkylation by FCE 24517 is therefore the most striking yet observed for an alkylating agent of small molecular weight.  相似文献   

DNA binding properties of the proteins required for induction of the Escherichia coli L-arabinose operon were measured using a polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis assay. The mechanisms of induction and repression were studied by observing the multiple interactions of RNA polymerase, cyclic AMP receptor protein and araC protein with short DNA fragments containing either the araC or araBAD promoter regions. These studies show that binding of araC protein to the operator site, araO1, directly blocks RNA polymerase binding at the araC promoter, pC. We find that cyclic AMP receptor protein and araC protein do not bind co-operatively at their respective sites to linear DNA fragments containing the pBAD promoter. Nevertheless, both these positive effectors must be present on the DNA to stimulate binding of RNA polymerase. Additionally, binding of the proteins to the DNA is not sufficient; araC protein must also be in the inducing state, for RNA polymerase to bind. Equilibrium binding constraints and kinetics were determined for araC protein binding to the araI and the araO1 sites. In the presence of inducer, L-arabinose, araC protein binds with equal affinity to DNA fragments containing either of these sites. In the presence of anti-inducer, D-fucose, the affinity for both sites is reduced 40-fold. The apparent equilibrium binding constants for both states of the protein vary in parallel with the buffer salt concentration. This result suggests that the inducing and repressing forms of araC protein displace a similar number of cations upon binding DNA.  相似文献   

Nitrogen mustards alkylate DNA primarily at the N7 position of guanine. Using an approach analogous to that of the Maxam-Gilbert procedure for DNA sequence analysis, we have examined the relative frequencies of alkylation for a number of nitrogen mustards at different guanine-N7 sites on a DNA fragment of known sequence. Most nitrogen mustards were found to have similar patterns of alkylation, with the sites of greatest alkylation being runs of contiguous guanines, and relatively weak alkylation at isolated guanines. Uracil mustard and quinacrine mustard, however, were found to have uniquely enhanced reaction with at least some 5'-PyGCC-3' and 5'-GT-3' sequences, respectively. In addition, quinacrine mustard showed a greater reaction at runs of contiguous guanines than did other nitrogen mustards, whereas uracil mustard showed little preference for these sequences. A comparison of the sequence-dependent variations of molecular electrostatic potential at the N7-position of guanine with the sequence dependent variations of alkylation intensity for mechlorethamine and L-phenylalanine mustard showed a good correlation in some regions of the DNA, but not others. It is concluded that electrostatic interactions may contribute strongly to the reaction rates of cationic compounds such as the reactive aziridinium species of nitrogen mustards, but that other sequence selectivities can be introduced in different nitrogen mustard derivatives.  相似文献   

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