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Shelf-stable milk, also known as ultra-high-temperature (UHT) milk is the most common form of milk in many parts of the world. This study compared the differences in flavor and texture of 37 commercially available UHT and sterilized milk samples including whole, 2% reduced-fat and low-fat milk obtained from markets in seven countries: France ( n =  2), Italy ( n =  11), Japan ( n =  1), Korea ( n =  2), Peru ( n =  3), Thailand ( n =  13) and the U.S.A. ( n =  5). Five highly trained panelists used flavor and texture profiling to describe the sensory properties of each milk sample. Data were analyzed by principal component analysis and hierarchical cluster analysis. Higher levels of processed, chalky, brown and cooked flavor notes generally corresponded to lower levels of fresh dairy flavor characteristics. In general, samples did not vary consistently within a country. Fat content did not correlate with dairy fat flavor or with viscosity. This research suggests that companies' manufacturing processes for UHT milk may have more impact than country or fat content in determining sensory properties of UHT milk.


Sensory properties of UHT milk from different countries developed in this study could be used by the dairy industry to understand the similarities and differences of UHT milk characteristics from different regions and to modify UHT milk characteristics to meet consumers' criteria or expectation. The study suggests that manufacturers who want to improve quality of UHT milk by modify flavor and texture properties should focus on improvements to the manufacturing processes.  相似文献   

The flavor of eight samples of commercial strawberry yogurt was studied by Free-Choice Profile analysis (FCP). Generalized Procrustes Analysis (GPA) applied to FCP allowed differentiation between samples and highlighted flavor attributes responsible for the observed differences. The relation between sensory and physicochemical datasets was studied by means of GPA. Those samples with higher carbohydrate content were perceived as sweeter, having stronger strawberry flavor, and with more dairy and yogurt flavors. Samples with higher titratable acidity, ash and protein content were perceived as more acidic and higher in intensity of "faulty" or "defective" flavors. Higher moisture content was associated with lower intensity of "dairy" flavors (creamy, dairy, and yogurt) and greater intensity of rancid flavor. It is concluded that, though not often used to this end, GPA is a suitable method to study the relationship of sensory and instrumental measurements.  相似文献   

贵州四个山羊品种mtDNA多态性及起源分化   总被引:33,自引:1,他引:33  
采用15种限制性内切酶,研究贵州省4个山羊品种共93只个体的线粒体DNA多态性。其中BomHI、HindⅢ和SalⅠ3种酶的酶切类型存在多态。共检测到18种限制性态型,归结为3种mtDNA单倍型。单倍型Ⅰ、Ⅱ在贵州山羊4个品种分布频率较高,分别为77.42%和21.50%,单倍型Ⅲ分布频率较低(1.08%);品种间亲缘关系聚类分析表明白山羊和黑山羊亲缘关系最近,其次为黔林羊,而与小香羊的亲缘关系最  相似文献   

山羊品种间线粒体DNA限制性片段长度多态性研究   总被引:26,自引:2,他引:24  
本试验利用ApaⅠ、BamHⅠ、BclⅠ、BglⅠ、BglⅡ、ClaⅠ、EcoRⅠ、EcoRⅤ、HaeⅡ、HindⅢ、KpnⅠPstⅠ、PvuⅡ、SacⅠ、SalⅠ、SmaⅠ和XhoⅠ计18种限制性内切酶,研究了来自欧洲,非洲及国内的5个山羊品种共计33只个体的mtDNA,共检测了27处限制性态型,可归结为8种单倍型。结果表明,国内2个百品种的基本单倍型为BamHⅠ-A,BclⅠ-B、ClaⅠ-A  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine if hedonically different sweetness levels in yogurt, determined by the ideal-relative rating methods, affected the consumption of yogurt in a sensory specific satiety test. Fifteen subjects attended a preliminary session, six taste tests and three sensory specific satiety tests. During each taste test, subjects rated yogurt with one of the three levels of sweetness (high, optimum, and low) for six attributes. During each sensory specific satiety test, subjects were offered a large serving of yogurt with one of the sweetness levels. Liking for optimum or high sweet yogurts decreased more after consumption than the liking for the low sweet yogurt, however, the consumption of optimum and high sweet yogurts was also greater, thus confounding the experiment.  相似文献   

Eleven samples of strawberry yogurt prepared with different red color concentrations using Ponceau 4R (E-124) were evaluated by instrumental and sensory methods. Color intensity evaluation was carried out by a panel of eight assessors specifically trained to measure strawberry color in yogurt. Color acceptability was measured with 120 regular and frequent consumers of yogurt. Color was measured with a Minolta Chroma Meter CR-200b, obtaining parameters L*, a* and b*. Principal component analysis was performed on the instrumental variables. Regression models between the instrumental first principal component, red color concentration, sensory intensity, and acceptability allowed determining quality control limits for red color attribute. These limits may be controlled by selecting either instrumental or sensory methods, being the latter easy to implement and providing dependable results.  相似文献   

The olfactory properties,-‘strength’, character,and odor threshold values ofthe series of chlorinated anisoleshas been studied. 2,3,4,6-, 2,4,6-, 2,3,6- and 2,6-chloroanisoleare shown to have a strongly musty odour and low thresholds,whereas the other compoundsare less musty and weaker. Thesechemicals with a 2,6- chlorination are shown to have a pronouncedfatiguing effect.  相似文献   

Three muscles ( Semimembranosus, Quadriceps femoris, Adductor ) from Podolian young bulls (aged 18 months) were processed into bresaolas, which were compared with commercial products, in terms of sensory profile and preference expressed by consumers. Slope analysis was conducted to study the preference drivers. The preference of homogeneous groups of consumers and the relationships with sensory properties of bresaola were investigated using partial least squares (PLS) regression analysis. The products differed for several sensory properties, such as sweetness, flavor intensity ( P <  0.001), saltiness ( P <  0.01), peppered, seasoned and tenderness ( P <  0.05). The slope analysis showed that taste/flavor ( k =  0.86) and appearance ( k =  0.76) play an important role in orienting consumer preference, while texture ( k =  0.54) is less important. No general trend was found for product liking. Conversely, PLS regression clustered the consumers in homogeneous groups: one preferred the commercial products characterized by sensory properties such as peppered, saltiness, seasoned and marbling, another one was more oriented toward properties such as sweetness, odor and chewiness, which characterized Podolian bresaolas.


Partial least squares regression analysis clustered the consumers in homogeneous groups according to their liking: those preferring peppered, salty, seasoned and marbling bresaolas versus those oriented toward sweet and odorous products. In addition, the relationship between overall liking and attribute liking (appearance, taste/flavor and texture) was analyzed by linear regression analysis. This may be helpful in order to establish meaningful criteria for grading bresaolas and identify the particular attributes that move its acceptance (i.e., taste/flavor and appearance rather than texture).  相似文献   

不同真菌纤维素酶一些生物化学性质的比较   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
比较了属于6个属,即青霉(Penicillium)、曲霉(Aspergillus)、木霉(Trichoderma)、漆斑菌(Myrothecium)、镰孢霉(Fusarium)和腐质霉(Humicola),总计9株真菌在麦麸液体培养基中所产纤维素酶的一些生物化学性质。此外,还比较了这9株真菌在麦麸固体培养基上所产纤维素酶的活力以及对脱脂棉、水曲柳木屑、水曲柳木粉、废报纸和玉米芯糠醛废渣的糖化能力。  相似文献   

The influence of brand and price on the sensory acceptability of alfajor (an individual cake covered in chocolate) among children from different household incomes was measured. Two brands of alfajores, “cheap” and “expensive,” were used. A total of 120 children, half from low‐income households (LI) and half from medium‐ to high‐income households (M–HI), participated in the study. They tasted the alfajores in three conditions: blind, package‐alone and package + product. The LI children were not influenced by brand. For the M–HI children, an assimilation effect was observed. The findings highlight the importance of socioeconomic factors in sensory expectation. In the blind condition, if the price is very high, no matter how much a child likes an alfajor he/she will not buy it. If the price is low, the overall liking will highly influence the choice. Implications of results for manufacturers, money providers and nutritional education agencies are discussed.  相似文献   

The present study considers the influence of reducing the fat content of ovine milk on the sensory and instrumental texture characteristics of the resulting cheeses. Three manufacturing runs were performed. In each run three cheese batches were manufactured using milks with differing percentage fat contents (8%, 4%, and 2% fat). Analysis of cheese samples was performed at 60, 90, and 120 days of ripening.
The instrumental method used to evaluate cheese texture was uniaxial compression at constant speed, taking readings of stress, strain, and modulus of elasticity (E). Statisticalanalysis revealed differences forboth the differentfat contents and the ripening times considered. Instrumental parameter values increased with lower cheese fat contents; with a 20% reduction in the fat to dry matter content from full-fat to reduced-fat cheeses, resulting in a 35% increase in maximum stress and in the slope of the stress-strain curve at the end of ripening. The greatest sensory differences between samples were recorded for firmness.  相似文献   

Milk powders available commercially are of different qualities. The quality deviations may be due to inherent quality of the milk which in turn is dependent on various conditions like the fat content, the processing parameters, the storage time and the packaging materials used. The various brands of milk powders have been profiled sensorily for odor and flavor and also positioned using Canonical Discriminant Analysis (CDA). The study throws light on the relative qualities of the different brands, their positive and negative points and their relative position with respect to each other. The results indicate that the various types like whole milk powder, partially skimmed milk powder, skimmed milk powder and infant milk formula cluster together into the same group but the groups are separate from each other. The dominant quality attributes for the groups are different and are discussed in relation to the directional vectors.  相似文献   

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