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Environmental control of zooplankton biomass size structure(53–100, 100–202, 202–500 and >500 µm)was investigated in the three limnetic strata of 25 southernQuébec Shield lakes, Canada. Among-lake differences werethe greatest source of variation of zooplankton biomass, whereasthe strong lake–by–stratum interaction observedindicated that the vertical variations of zooplankton biomassand its size fractions were not constant from lake to lake.The analysis of spatial and local factors based on thermal stratais consistent with conceptual models of predation and nutrientcontrol on the biomass and size structure of the zooplankton.Productivity of the aquatic systems, which was driven by lakedepth, flushing rate and total phosphorus concentration, wasthe primary factor influencing total zooplankton biomass andsize structure at among-lake scale in epilimnetic waters. Theeffects of the planktivorous fish on the large zooplankton biomass(>500 µm) was more clearly perceived when the effectof lake depth was removed by partial redundancy analysis. Thisstudy showed that although bottom-up and top-down forces arecomplementary in structuring of zooplankton communities, theycan also act differently on the community attributes (e.g. biomassand size structure). Among-lake zooplankton biomass is predictablefrom lake trophy, but the size structure and vertical distributionof zooplankton communities appear to be controlled by lake stratificationand by inference to interactions with size selective predationby fish. In metalimnetic waters, the 53–100 and 100–202µm zooplankton biomass fractions were primarily dependenton abiotic factors, while the 202–500 and >500 µmfractions were related to planktivory and picophytoplanktonconcentrations. The well-oxygenated and cold hypolimnetic watersof some lakes offered a refuge from surface turbulence and planktivoryto large zooplankton size fractions (202–500 and >500µm).  相似文献   

To gain better insight into the importance of predator and resourcecontrol in New Zealand lakes we surveyed the late summer trophicstructure of 25 shallow South Island lakes with contrastingnutrient levels (6–603 µg TP l–1) and fishdensities. Total catch of fish per net (CPUE) in multi-meshgillnets placed in the open water and the littoral zones waspositively related with the nutrient level. Trout CPUE was negativelycorrelated with total phosphorus (TP) and total nitrogen (TN).Zooplankton seemed largely influenced by fish, as high fishCPUE coincided with low zooplankton and Daphnia biomass, lowaverage weight of cladocerans, low contribution of Daphnia tototal cladoceran biomass, low ratio of calanoids to total copepodbiomass and low ratio of zooplankton biomass to phytoplanktonbiomass. However, chlorophyll a was only slightly negativelyrelated to Daphnia biomass and not to zooplankton biomass ina multiple regression that included TN and TP. Ciliate abundancewas positively related to chlorophyll a and negatively to Daphniabiomass, but not to total zooplankton biomass, while no relationshipswere found between heterotrophic nanoflagellates and zooplankton.The relationships between fish abundance and nutrients and fishabundance and zooplankton:phytoplankton ratio and between chlorophylla and TP largely followed the pattern obtained for 42 northtemperate Danish lakes. We conclude that fish, including trout,have a major effect on the zooplankton community structure andbiomass in the pelagial of the shallow oligotrophic to slightlyeutrophic New Zealand lakes, but that the cascading effectson phytoplankton and protist are apparently modest.  相似文献   

The zooplankton community structure of 22 lakes with varyingacidity and fish biomass, located southwest of the mining andsmelting region of Rouyn/Noranda, Quebec, was examined in July1987. Lakes with dominant piscivorous fish communities couldbe discriminated from non-piscivorous communities using solelypH and Chaoborus abundance, demonstrating that modificationsin the zooplankton community occurred concurrently with changesin the fUh communities. Strong discontinuities in zooplanktonspecies distributions were discerned in lakes with pH values<5.3; abundance ranges for several species could be semi-quantitativelyrelated to lake morpho-metry or chemistry. Small shallow kettlelakes with elevated heat budgets had high biomasses of smallherbivorous organisms. The presence of >5 mg m–3 ofadvanced Chaoborus instars (III and IV) was associated withreduced microcrustacean biomass in many lakes, particularlythose with low fish biomass. There was little evidence for size-selectivepredation by fish in these oligotrophic lakes. Fish biomass/effortcould be semi-quantitatively related to the biomass of Leptodorakindtii and the ratio of adult Diaptomus nunutus to copepoditestage IV.  相似文献   

Zooplankton samples were collected by a high speed sampler,the U-Tow, in the north-east Atlantic between 61.6 and 36.7°Nduring June and July 1996, and were used to examine the causalityof spatial distributions along a 4000 km transect. Peak zooplanktonabundance and biovolume estimations were associated with a frontalsystem at 48–52°N, which separated hydrographicallydistinct water masses. The zooplankton assemblage was dominatedby herbivorous/omnivorous taxa in the northern regions, andby carnivorous taxa in the southern regions. Arguments are developedto suggest that the switch in both the zooplankton size structureand trophic status, centred within the frontal region, are consistentwith ‘bottom-up’ control of zooplankton size structurein this region of the Atlantic.  相似文献   

Relatively warm (12.50–12.75°C) and high-salinity[<35.640 practical salinity units (PSU)] water flowing eastwardwas detected at the shelf-break during a cruise carried Outin the southern Bay of Biscay in Spring 1987. The slope currentinduced the formation of a convergent front separating well-mixedoceanic waters from haline-stratified coastal waters. Very highconcentrations of dissolved oxygen (295 µmol kg–1)and chlorophyll a(>4.5 mg m–3) were found at the outeredge of the frontal boundary. Small autotrophic flagellatesdominated the phytoplankton community. Primary production peakedat the boundary region. Estimated phytoplankton growth ratesindicated that active growth was taking place, with lower turnovertimes integrated over the water column at the frontal station(2.5–5 days) than at coastal (1.5–2.8 days) or oceanic(1.5–3.5 days) stations. The lowest doubling times (1–2days) were calculated for surface frontal populations. Accumulationof zooplankton was also observed associated with the convergentphysical structure, although this relationship was less markedthan for phytoplankton. Copepods, mainly Paracalanus parvus,Acartia clausi and Oithona helgolandica, formed the bulk ofthe mesozooplankton biomass. Compatibility between the sizeof phytoplankton cells and copepod size spectra indicate highfood availability for these animals, particularly in the vicinityof the front. The distribution of fish eggs and fish larvaewas also coupled with the slope current-induced front. Sardinelarvae were more abundant at the coastal side of the front,whereas larval stages of blue whiting reached the highest densitiesat off-shelf stations. Larvae of lamellibranch molluscs andbryozoa were restricted to nearshore waters, as the frontalboundary prevented larval dispersion to the open ocean. Theresults presented in this paper suggest that the Iberian slopecurrent and its associated shelf-break frontal structure werecrucial in controlling phytoplankton primary production, activityof grazers, distribution of larvae of fishes and benthic invertebrates,and ultimately in determining the structure of the pelagic foodweb in the southern Bay of Biscay during the seasonal periodof vertical mixing.  相似文献   

Cross- and long-shelf Ekman transport components were correlatedwith the variability of zooplankton biomass from 1977 to 1990off the southern Brazilian coast (27°S to 35°S and 46°Wto 54°W). During warm months the dominant cross-shelf Ekmantransport was oriented offshore, where an increase in zooplanktonbiomass occurred with intervals of 2–3 months. The presenceof the South Atlantic Central Water (SACW; the water mass thattypically upwells at the continental shelf) was confirmed byseasonal temperature–salinity diagrams. The high zooplanktonbiomass values observed in this study were frequently causedby salps, which play an important ecological role in the pelagiccommunity in upwelling zones that has not been investigatedyet.  相似文献   

Winter fish kills can be intense under ice in shallow lakes, and have cascading effects on the food web and ultimately on lake water clarity. In maritime Western Europe, winters are usually mild, but occasional colder periods may also have strong effects on lake fish communities. Global warming may have disproportionate effects by delaying freezing and shortening the period of ice coverage. We studied differences in zooplankton (cladocerans, copepods, and rotifers): phytoplankton biomass, zooplankton community structure, and individual body size among 37 Danish lakes of various depths, chemical characteristics, and trophy, by comparing four winters of different severity (mean winter temperatures ranging from −1.19°C in 1996 to +2.9°C in 1995). We found that crustacean mean body sizes were significantly larger in the summer following a severely cold winter. The zooplankton communities in the summer after a cold winter had a significantly larger proportion of larger-bodied species and taxa. Phytoplankton biomass, expressed as chlorophyll-a (chl-a), was lower and zooplankton herbivory (chl-a:TP index), higher, in the summer after the severely cold winter of 1995/1996. All these effects were stronger in shallow lakes than in deep lakes. Changes in zooplankton during summer 1996, compared with other years, were likely caused by fish kills under ice during the preceding severe winter of 1995–1996. Fish kills due to under ice oxygen depletion would be expected to occur earlier and be more complete in the shorter water columns of shallow lakes. With climate change, severe winters are predicted to become less frequent and the winters to be milder and shorter. In general, this is likely to lead to higher winter survival of fish, lower zooplankton grazing of phytoplankton the following summer and more turbid waters, particularly in shallow eutrophic lakes.  相似文献   

Zooplankton are relatively small in size in the subtropical regions. This characteristic has been attributed to intense predation pressure, high nutrient loading and cyanobacterial biomass. To provide further information on the effect of predation and cyanobacteria on zooplankton size structure, we analyzed data from 96 shallow aquaculture lakes along the Yangtze River. Contrary to former studies, both principal components analysis and multiple regression analysis showed that the mean zooplankton size was positively related to fish yield. The studied lakes were grouped into three types, namely, natural fishing lakes with low nutrient loading (Type1), planktivorous fish-dominated lakes (Type 2), and eutrophic lakes with high cyanobacterial biomass (Type 3). A marked difference in zooplankton size structure was found among these groups. The greatest mean zooplankton size was observed in Type 2 lakes, but zooplankton density was the lowest. Zooplankton abundance was highest in Type 3 lakes and increased with increasing cyanobacterial biomass. Zooplankton mean size was negatively correlated with cyanobacterial biomass. No obvious trends were found in Type 1 lakes. These results were reflected by the normalized biomass size spectrum, which showed a unimodal shape with a peak at medium sizes in Type 2 lakes and a peak at small sizes in Type 3 lakes. These results indicated a relative increase in medium-sized and small-sized species in Types 2 and 3 lakes, respectively. Our results suggested that fish predation might have a negative effect on zooplankton abundance but a positive effect on zooplankton size structure. High cyanobacterial biomass most likely caused a decline in the zooplankton size and encouraged the proliferation of small zooplankton. We suggest that both planktivorous fish and cyanobacteria have substantial effects on the shaping of zooplankton community, particularly in the lakes in the eastern plain along the Yangtze River where aquaculture is widespread and nutrient loading is high.  相似文献   

We examined the impact of five silver carp biomass levels (0, 8, 16, 20, and 32 g m−3) on plankton communities and water quality of Villerest eutrophic reservoir (France). We realized the experiments using outdoor mesocosms. The presence of silver carp led to changes in zooplankton and phytoplankton assemblages. High fish biomass strongly reduced cladoceran abundance (through predation). Silver carp inefficiently grazed down particles < 20 μm. More importantly, however, the suppression of herbivorous cladocerans resulted in the increase of small size algae which were relieved from grazing and benefit from high nutrient concentrations. In contrast, in mesocosms without fish, the dominance of cladocerans (mainly Daphnia) controlled small size algae and probably also larger size algae (colonial chlorophytes, cyanobacteria). Thus, the Secchi disc transparency increased markedly. Through cascade effects, the modification of grazers communities led to changes in the utilization patterns of the added nutrients by phytoplankton communities. In high fish biomass treatments, nutrients were more efficiently accumulated into particulate fractions compared with no-fish and low-fish biomass treatments that were characterized by higher dissolved nutrients concentrations. Zooplankton was an essential source of food for silver carp. The productivity of zooplankton sustained a moderate silver carp biomass (up to 16 g m−3). In the presence of the highest fish biomass, the productivity of zooplankton was not large enough and silver carps fed on additional phytoplankton. Although mesocosms with high fish biomass were characterized by a slight cyanobacteria development compared with other fish mesocosms, silver carp was not effective in reducing cyanobacteria dominance. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

In laboratory experiments we tested the hypothesis that nutrients supplied by fish and zooplankton affect the structure and dynamics of phytoplankton communities. As expected from their body size differences, fish released nutrients at lower mass-specific rates than Daphnia. On average, these consumers released nutrients at similar N:P ratios, although the ratios released by Daphnia were more variable than those released by fish. Nutrient supply by both fish and Daphnia reduced species richness and diversity of phytoplankton communities and increased algal biomass and dominance. However, nutrient recycling by fish supported a more diverse phytoplankton community than nutrient recycling by Daphnia. We conclude that nutrient recycling by zooplankton and fish have different effects on phytoplankton community structure due to differences in the quality of nutrients released. Received: 21 December 1998 / Accepted: 31 May 1999  相似文献   

In a limnocorral (LC) experiment performed in mesotrophic Lake Lucerne, Switzerland, a control LC containing a planktonic community similar to that in the lake was compared with a LC where the large zooplankton had been removed by filtration at the beginning of the experiment. The herbivorous zooplankton (mainly Daphnia galeata and D. hyalina) reduced algal biomass and primary production, however did not influence the size structure of the phytoplankton and the relative amount of different size classes contributing to the total primary production. Likewise, the seston (POC and PP) concentrations were diminished without changes in particle size composition. Since herbivorous zooplankton transform smaller particles into larger particles (fecal aggregates) through their grazing activity and thus enhanced particle formation owing to coagulation and microbial activity, sedimentation losses of POC and PP were increased in the LC with zooplankton. The importance of planktonic and sestonic particle size structure in aquatic ecosystems is stressed, as the smallest algae (< 12 μm) contributed 80 % of the primary production, which is in contrast to the 33 % contributed to the total POC sedimentation by this particle size class.  相似文献   

This paper describes the effect of predation by larvae of theatherinid Odontesthes bonariensis upon the zooplankton communityduring a 3-month experiment Three-day-old larvae were stockedin 45 m2 concrete tanks at rates of 100 and 200 fish m–2Gut content analyses showed that the larvae consumed relativelysmall prey all along the experiment Morphological (mouth width)and physiological (gastric inefficiency) constraints seems tohave precluded the capture of the largest prey. The prey community,however, showed all the symptoms generally ascribed to size-selectivepredation upon the largest individuals: decrease in maximumzooplankton size and mean cladoceran size, decrease in cladoceranand copepod biomass, extinction of the largest zooplankton species(Daphnia stmilis), increase in rotifer biomass, etc It is concludedthat size-selective predation is not a necessary condition forthe commonly observed decrease in zooplankton size after theincrease in density of a vertebrate predator. The ecologicalimplications of this result are discussed. Present address: Department of Biology, Lehigh University, WilliamsHall 31, Bethlehem, PA 18015-3189, USA  相似文献   

Although both nutrient inputs and zooplankton grazing are importantto phytoplankton and bacteria in lakes, controversy surroundsthe relative importance of grazing pressure for these two groupsof organisms. For phytoplankton, the controversy revolves aroundwhether zooplankton grazers, especially large cladocerans likeDaphnia, can effectively reduce phytoplankton populations regardlessof nutrient conditions. For bacteria, little is known aboutthe balance between possible direct and indirect effects ofboth nutrients and zooplankton grazing. However, there is evidencethat bacteria may affect phytoplankton responses to nutrientsor zooplankton grazing through direct or apparent competition.We performed a mesocosm experiment to evaluate the relativeimportance of the effects of nutrients and zooplankton grazingfor phytoplankton and bacteria, and to determine whether bacteriamediate phytoplankton responses to these factors. The factorialdesign crossed two zooplankton treatments (unsieved and sieved)with four nutrient treatments (0, 0.5, 1.0 and 2.0 µgphosphorus (P) l–1 day–1 together with nitrogen(N) at a N:P ratio of 20:1 by weight). Weekly sieving with 300µm mesh reduced the average size of crustacean zooplanktonin the mesocosms, decreased the numbers and biomass of Daphnia,and increased the biomass of adult copepods. Nutrient enrichmentcaused significant increases in phytoplankton chlorophyll a(4–5x), bacterial abundance and production (1.3x and 1.6x,respectively), Daphnia (3x) and total zooplankton biomass (2x).Although both total phytoplankton chlorophyll a and chlorophylla in the <35 µm size fraction were significantly lowerin unsieved mesocosms than in sieved mesocosms, sieving hadno significant effect on bacterial abundance or production.There was no statistical interaction between nutrient and zooplanktontreatments for total phytoplankton biomass or bacterial abundance,although there were marginally significant interactions forphytoplankton biomass <35 µm and bacterial production.Our results do not support the hypothesis that large cladoceransbecome less effective grazers with enrichment; rather, the differencebetween phytoplankton biomass in sieved versus unsieved zooplanktontreatments increased across the gradient of nutrient additions.Furthermore, there was no evidence that bacteria buffered phytoplanktonresponses to enrichment by either sequestering P or affectingthe growth of zooplankton.  相似文献   

Zooplankton composition and distribution off the coast of Galicia, Spain   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
During June and September 1984, zooplankton samples were collectedwith other hydrographic and biological data along the Galiciancoast (NW of Spain). In June copepods contributed {small tilde}60%to the total zooplankton community, with larvaceans, siphonophoresand cladocerans also abundant. In September >90% of the zooplanktonsampled were copepods. The dominant species of copepods in bothJune and September were Acartia clausi, Paracalanus parvus andTemora longicornis. The meroplankton was dominated by echinoderms,bryozoans, barnacle larvae and bivalve larvae. In June the averagezooplankton biomass was 31.08 mg C m–3; the Septemberaverage was 41.69 mg C m–3. The relationship between theslopes of the regression equations (biomass versus abundance)suggests that the zooplankton assemblage in June was composedby larger animals than in September. The major concentrationof zooplankton was between 0 and 50 m, with both June and Septemberdaytime surface samples having 6–7 times the amount oforganisms than the lower water column (50–100 m). Therewere no distinct differences in total zooplankton abundancesat the inshore and offshore stations; however, the inshore stationsoften had a higher percentage of meroplankton than the offshorestations. In June zooplankton abundance at the northern transectsand the western transects was similar. In September there weregreater concentrations of zooplankton in the western Galicianshelf as compared with the northern shelf. These differencesin the horizontal distribution of the zooplankton were relatedto upwelling events.  相似文献   

骆鑫  曾江宁  徐晓群  杜萍  廖一波  刘晶晶 《生态学报》2016,36(24):8194-8204
为更好地了解舟山海域浮游动物的群落结构、生物量和丰度的时空分布特征及其与主要环境因子的关系,分别于2014年7月和10月进行了夏季、秋季两次生态综合调查,并用多维尺度分析法、典范对应分析法对浮游动物群落结构进行了研究。结果表明:夏季舟山海域调查的浮游动物有13类,64种,优势种为背针胸刺水蚤(Centropages dorsispinatus)、圆唇角水蚤(Labidocera rotunda)、中华哲水蚤(Calanus sinicus)、精致真刺水蚤(Euchaeta concinna)、百陶带箭虫(Zonosagitta bedoti)和真刺唇角水蚤(Labidocera euchaeta);秋季鉴定到浮游动物12类,45种,优势种为背针胸刺水蚤(Centropages dorsispinatus)、百陶带箭虫(Zonosagitta bedoti)、双生水母(Diphyes chamissonis)、瓜水母(Beroёcucumis)和中华哲水蚤。夏季浮游动物平均丰度及平均生物量(144.0 ind/m3和176.3 mg/m~3)都分别高于秋季(21.4个/m3和86.3 mg/m3);Shannon-Wiener多样性指数夏季(3.03)高于秋季(2.82),Pielou均匀度指数则是秋季(0.83)高于夏季(0.64);夏季不同区域浮游动物群落之间具有明显的差异,而秋季大部分站位群落之间差异不显著;温度、盐度、叶绿素a浓度和营养盐含量是影响舟山海域浮游动物分布的主要环境因子;与历史资料相比,舟山海域浮游动物丰度及生物量呈下降趋势,其优势种保持较稳定。  相似文献   

Understanding the spatial dynamics of predators and their preyis one of the most important goals in aquatic ecology. We studiedspatial and temporal onshore–offshore distribution patternsin young of the year (YOY) Eurasian perch (Perca fluviatilis)and crustacean zooplankton (Daphnia hyalina, Cyclops prealpinus)along a transect in Lake Annecy (France). Our study representsa first attempt at coupling hydroacoustic fish survey and highfrequency zooplankton recording to assess simultaneously thelarge-scale distribution patterns of YOY fish and their zooplanktonprey over a diel cycle (day, dusk and night sampling). We hypothesizedthat the spatial distribution of zooplankton could be shapedby both anti-predator behaviour (horizontal and vertical migrations)and predation losses. Fish biomass, size structure and dietwere assessed from split-beam echosounding and net trawlingsamples, whereas crustacean abundances were estimated with asmall modified Longhurst–Hardy continuous plankton recorder.We evaluated the diel changes in the spatial distribution patternsof fish and zooplankton and determined the overlap between theirdistributions. Fish biomass was dominated by YOY perch in upperwarmer layers and salmonids (Coregonus lavaretus and Salvelinusalpinus) in the colder and oxygenated deep layers. YOY perchwere aggregated in dense schools in the epilimnion during theday and dispersed at night. Fish biomass was distributed alonga strong increasing onshore–offshore gradient at night,whereas crustacean prey showed a decreasing gradient. This onshore–offshorenegative gradient in crustacean distribution, expressed on ashorter scale during the day, shifted toward the surface watersat night. A distinct kinetic of diel vertical migration (DVM)patterns was exhibited by daphnid and cyclopoid populationsand resulted in distinct vulnerability to perch predation. Spatio-temporaldistribution of crustaceans in Lake Annecy during the diel cyclestudy was probably shaped both by predation loss to YOY perchand by anti-predator behaviour (DVM, DHM) by zooplankton. Theimplications for fine-scale studies of fish-zooplankton interactionsare discussed.  相似文献   

The relative strength of "top-down" versus "bottom-up" control of plankton community structure and biomass in two small oligotrophic lakes (with and without fish), located near the Polar circle (Russia), has been investigated for two years, 1996 and 1997. The comparative analyses of zooplankton biomass and species abundance showed strong negative effect of fish, stickeback (Pungitius pungitius L.), on the zooplankton community species, size structure and biomass of particular prey species but no effect on the biomass of the whole trophic level. An intensive predation in Verkhneye lake has lead to: 1) sixfold decline in biomass of large cladoceran Holopedium gibberum comparing to the lake lacking predator, 2) shift in the size mode in zooplankton community and the replacement of the typical large grazers by small species--Bosmina longirostris and rotifers. Their abundance and biomass even increased, demonstrating the stimulating effect of fish on the "inefficient" and unprofitable prey organisms. The analysis of contributions of different factors into the cladoceran's birth rate changes was applied to demonstrate the relative impact of predators and resources on zooplankton abundance. An occasional introduction of the stickleback to Vodoprovodnoye lake (the reference lake in 1996) in summer 1997 lead to drastic canges in this ecosystem: devastating decrease of zooplankton biomass and complete elimination of five previously dominant grazer species. The abundance of edible phytoplankton was slightly higher in the lake with fish in 1996 and considerably higher in the lake where fish has appeared in 1997 showing the prevailing "top-down" control of phytoplankton in oligotrophic ecosystem. The reasons of trophic cascade appearance in oligotrophic lakes are also discussed.  相似文献   

Williams  Adrian E.  Moss  Brian 《Hydrobiologia》2003,491(1-3):331-346
Thirty-six enclosures, surface area 4 m2, were placed in Little Mere, a shallow fertile lake in Cheshire, U.K. The effects of different fish species (common carp, common bream, tench and roach) of zooplanktivorous size, and their biomass (0, 200 and 700 kg ha–1) on water chemistry, zooplankton and phytoplankton communities were investigated. Fish biomass had a strong effect on mean zooplankton size and abundance. When fish biomass rose, larger zooplankters were replaced by more numerous smaller zooplankters. Consequently phytoplankton abundance rose in the presence of higher densities of zooplanktivorous fish, as zooplankton grazing was reduced. Fish species were also significant in determining zooplankton community size structure. In enclosures with bream there were significantly greater densities of small zooplankters than in enclosures stocked with either carp, tench and, in part, roach. When carp or roach were present, the phytoplankton had a greater abundance of Cyanophyta than when bream or tench were present. Whilst top-down effects of fish predation controlled the size partitioning of the zooplankton community, this, in turn apparently controlled the bottom-up regeneration of nutrients for the phytoplankton community. At the zooplankton–phytoplankton interface, both top-down and bottom-up processes were entwined in a reciprocal feedback mechanism with the extent and direction of that relationship altered by changes in fish species. This has consequences for the way that top-down and bottom-up processes are generalised.  相似文献   

The effects of severe thermal stress imposed by the intermittentoperation of a nuclear reactor on plankton abundance and dynamicswere investigated in Pond C, a cooling reservoir on the SavannahRiver Site in South Carolina, USA. Temperatures in Pond C rangedup to 58°C during reactor operation. The thermal effluenteliminated zooplankton from regions where the temperature exceeded45°C, reduced zooplankton abundance by 1–3 ordersof magnitude and typically halved the number of taxa. Reactoroperation also reduced phytoplankton biovolume, often by >70%.During intermittent reactor operation, the rotifer Filinia longisetadominated the zooplankton and two cladocerans of the genus Moinawere abundant. These species were not abundant during extendedreactor shutdowns. The success of Filinia and Moina was dueprimarily to their tolerance of high temperatures. Sparse phytoplanktonprobably limited some zooplankton taxa, although other taxa,such as Filinia may have utilized bacterial resources. Reactoroperation may have intensified predation on crustacean zooplanktonwhen fish were concentrated in refuge areas with zooplankton.Processes by which zooplankton repopulated the reservoir afterreactor shutdown were inferred from zooplankton distributionpatterns, and population growth and birth rates. Repopulationtypically occurred within a few days due to rapid growth ofpopulations from refuge areas within the reservoir and colonistsbrought in through a tributary canal. Mechanisms of zooplanktonrepopulation in Pond C suggest that refuges or colonizationcorridors should be maintained when the re-establishment ofcommunities following cessation of stresses is desired.  相似文献   

1. Responses of zooplankton to nutrient enrichment and fish predation were studied in 1998 and 1999 by carrying out parallel mesocosm experiments in six lakes across Europe. 2. Zooplankton community structure, biomass and responses to nutrient and fish manipulation showed geographical and year‐to‐year differences. Fish had a greater influence than nutrients in regulating zooplankton biomass and especially the relative abundances of different functional groups of zooplankton. When fish reduced the biomass of large crustaceans, there was a complementary increase in the biomasses of smaller crustacean species and rotifers. 3. High abundance of submerged macrophytes provided refuge for zooplankton against fish predation but this refuge effect differed notably in magnitude among sites. 4. Large crustacean grazers (Daphnia, Diaphanosoma, Sida and Simocephalus) were crucial in controlling algal biomass, while smaller crustacean grazers and rotifers were of minor importance. Large grazers were able to control phytoplankton biomass even under hypereutrophic conditions (up to 1600 μg TP L?1) when grazer biomass was high (>80–90 μg dry mass L?1) or accounted for >30% of the grazer community. 5. The littoral zooplankton community was less resistant to change following nutrient enrichment in southern Spain, at high temperatures (close to 30 °C), than at lower temperatures (17–23 °C) characterising the other sites. This lower resistance was because of a greater importance of nutrients than zooplankton in controlling algal biomass. 6. Apart from the reduced role of large crustacean grazers at the lowest latitude, no consistent geographical patterns were observed in the responses of zooplankton communities to nutrient and fish manipulation.  相似文献   

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