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The appropriate conditions for the measurement of ovine uterine cytoplasmic progesterone receptors (PR) have been determined to be 20 nM 3H-progesterone (3H-P4) with and without a 100-fold excess of non-radioactive progesterone (P4) 0–4°C and 4 h of incubation. Under these conditions PR readily exchanged bound progesterone for progesterone added during the assay. This exchange occurred even when saturating concentrations of P4 were present. The progestins, R5020 and P4, effectively competed for the ovine uterine PR binding while non-progestin steroids and diethylstilbestrol failed to compete for the PR binding. The dissociation constant (Kd) measured for the 3H-P4 binding was 1.60 × 10?9 M indicating that the 3H-P4 binding was of high affinity. The levels of PR and the dissociation constant measured using 3H-R5020 in place of 3H-P4 were similar indicating a lack of corticosteroid binding globulin (CBG)-like binding in the ovine uterus.  相似文献   

We previously showed that progesterone rapidly down regulates nuclear estrogen receptor (Re) in the estrogen-primed rodent uterus. We have now extended these studies to test the response of the Re system in sheep uterus to progesterone withdrawal. Since the estrogen-Re complex is believed to regulate hormone-dependent gene expression, it was of interest to determine whether withdrawal of progesterone under constant estrogen stimulation would lead to the recovery of nuclear Re levels and estrogen action, i.e. oxytocin receptor (ROT) synthesis. Ovariectomized ewes were primed with estradiol-17 beta and serum steroid levels were maintained by constant infusion of estradiol (0.5 microgram/h) and progesterone (500 micrograms/h) for 5 days. The animals were anesthetized with fluothane/O2, and uterine samples were excised 1 h before and 3, 6 and 12 h after progesterone withdrawal. Estradiol infusion was continued during the experiment in order to maintain estrogen levels at a steady state (14 pg/ml plasma). Re, ROT and progesterone receptor (Rp) were measured in endometrium and myometrium using standard 3H-hormone binding assays. Following progesterone withdrawal, the nuclear Re concentration increased in both uterine compartments, and the nuclear Re level was correlated significantly with the ROT concentration in the membrane fraction of both uterine tissues (endometrium, r = 0.79; myometrium, r = 0.86). Although cytosol Re rose between 6 and 12 h in the endometrium, cytosol Re levels remained unchanged in myometrium. Cytosol Rp appeared to increase in endometrium but not in myometrium. Uterine tissue sampled from a control animal before stopping the progesterone infusion revealed that the observed changes in receptor concentration following progesterone withdrawal were not due to regional differences in receptor levels. These results demonstrate that the recovery of nuclear Re in the ovine endometrium and myometrium following progesterone withdrawal represents a selective effect on Re retention in the nucleus rather than on cytosol Re availability or Re activation which was controlled by constant estrogen infusion. Thus, these results are consistent with the hypothesis that progesterone induces an Re regulatory factor which acts to down regulate nuclear Re, and that the activity of this factor diminishes rapidly after progesterone withdrawal.  相似文献   

The mechanisms involved in the control of oxytocin and progesterone secretion by the ovine corpus luteum have been investigated in vitro using luteal slice incubations. Oxytocin and progesterone were secreted at constant rates from luteal slices for 2 h of incubation (366 +/- 60 pg X mg X h and 18.9 +/- 0.18 ng X mg X h, respectively). Secretion of progesterone, but not of oxytocin, was significantly (p less than 0.02) stimulated in the presence of ovine luteinizing hormone. Incubation of luteal slices in medium containing 100 mM potassium, however, resulted in increased secretion of oxytocin and, to a lesser extent, of progesterone (294 +/- 59% and 142 +/- 15%, respectively, p less than 0.05). Basal oxytocin secretion was reduced during incubation in calcium-free medium, compared to secretion in the presence of calcium (70 +/- 15 and 175 +/- 25 pg X mg X 20 min, respectively, p less than 0.01), whereas progesterone secretion was not altered in the absence of calcium. Secretion of both hormones by luteal slices was stimulated by the addition of the calcium ionophore A23187 (p less than 0.05). Addition of prostaglandin F2 alpha (2.8 microM) had no effect on secretion of either oxytocin or progesterone. We have demonstrated that oxytocin and progesterone can be stimulated, independently, from corpus luteum slices incubated in vitro. The pattern of release is consistent with the proposal that oxytocin, but not progesterone, is associated with and actively released from luteal secretory granules. Our results also indicated that prostaglandin F2 alpha does not directly stimulate release of oxytocin or progesterone from luteal cells in vitro.  相似文献   

Ubiquitin cross-reactive protein (UCRP) is a functional ubiquitin homolog synthesized by the ruminant endometrium in response to conceptus-derived interferon-tau (IFNtau). Progesterone is required for IFNtau to exert antiluteolytic actions on the endometrium. Therefore, this study was designed to determine whether progesterone is requisite for IFNtau induction of UCRP expression within the ovine uterus. Cyclic ewes were ovariectomized and fitted with intrauterine (i.u.) catheters on Day 5 and treated daily with steroids (i.m.) and protein (i.u.) as follows: 1) progesterone (P, Days 5-24) and control serum proteins (CX, Days 11-24); 2) P and ZK 137.316 (ZK; progesterone receptor antagonist, Days 11-24) and CX proteins; 3) P and recombinant ovine IFNtau (roIFNtau, Days 11-24); or 4) P and ZK and roIFNtau. All ewes were hysterectomized on Day 25. In P-treated ewes, roIFNtau increased endometrial UCRP mRNA and protein levels. However, administration of ZK to ewes ablated roIFNtau induction of UCRP. Recombinant ovine IFNtau induced expression of UCRP mRNA in progestinized endometrial luminal (LE) and glandular (GE) epithelium as well as in both stratum compactum and spongiosum layers of the stroma (ST). Progesterone receptor protein was located in endometrial ST, but not in LE and GE from these ewes. Results support the hypothesis that progesterone is required for IFNtau induction of type I IFN-responsive genes, such as UCRP, in the ruminant uterus.  相似文献   

D Egert 《Steroids》1978,31(2):269-287
The effect of estrogen pretreatment was stud-ed on the in vitro metabolism and binding of progesterone in uteri of ovariectomized rats in order to prove the dependence of the metabolism of progesterone on its binding. For this purpose, the extent of progesterone binding was varied in uterine tissue by different estrogen treatment of the rats and compared with the metabolism under the same conditions. The protein content determined in 100 mg tissue was used as parameter indicating the success of the pretreatment. Estrogen exposure of the rats for 30 or 45 hrs. caused a rise of protein amount in uterine tissue which was accompanied by an increase of binding sites of progesterone binding components. The binding sites were determined by charcoal adsorption technique and SCATCHARD-analysis. Under nearly the same success of estrogen pretreatment, the increase of the portein amount and with it the rise of binding sites reduced the amount of progesterone metabolites in uterine tissue. The metabolites were determined by quantitative TLC-analysis of the recovered compounds from uterine segments after incubation with radioactive progesterone. Additionally, an enlarged metabolic rate could be observed after saturation of binding components. It is concluded from the results of these experiments that progesterone binding components are factors limiting the enzymatic conversion of progesterone in rat uterus.  相似文献   

Gastrin-releasing peptide (GRP) is abundantly expressed by endometrial glands of the ovine uterus and processed into different bioactive peptides, including GRP1-27, GRP18-27, and a C-terminus, that affect cell proliferation and migration. However, little information is available concerning the hormonal regulation of endometrial GRP and expression of GRP receptors in the ovine endometrium and conceptus. These studies determined the effects of pregnancy, progesterone (P4), interferon tau (IFNT), placental lactogen (CSH1), and growth hormone (GH) on expression of GRP in the endometrium and GRP receptors (GRPR, NMBR, BRS3) in the endometrium, conceptus, and placenta. In pregnant ewes, GRP mRNA and protein were first detected predominantly in endometrial glands after Day 10 and were abundant from Days 18 through 120 of gestation. Treatment with IFNT and progesterone but not CSH1 or GH stimulated GRP expression in the endometrial glands. Western blot analyses identified proGRP in uterine luminal fluid and allantoic fluid from Day 80 unilateral pregnant ewes but not in uterine luminal fluid of either cyclic or early pregnant ewes. GRPR mRNA was very low in the Day 18 conceptus and undetectable in the endometrium and placenta; NMBR and BRS3 mRNAs were undetectable in ovine uteroplacental tissues. Collectively, the present studies validate GRP as a novel IFNT-stimulated gene in the glands of the ovine uterus, revealed that IFNT induction of GRP is dependent on P4, and found that exposure of the ovine uterus to P4 for 20 days induces GRP expression in endometrial glands.  相似文献   

D Egert  H Maass 《Steroids》1975,26(6):731-747
Incubations of rat uterine segments with varying 3H-progesterone concentrations were performed to study the hormone uptake by the tissue. The radioactivity of the uterus and the nutrient medium were plotted in form of a SCATCHARD plot. Additionally, the binding capacity of the uterine cytosol was measured. In both systems, the hormone was found to be associated with two components which differ from each other in their association constants. The progesterone metabolism occuring at a hormone concentration of 10(-6)M and more in the incubation medium is discussed with respect to the affinity and the capacity of the hormone binding components.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine whether progesterone (P)-induced down regulation of estrogen receptors (Re) and oxytocin receptors (ROT) changes with the time of P exposure. Ovariectomized hamsters were given s.c. Silastic implants of estradiol (E2) and P for 4, 8 and 16 days. Cytosol and nuclear Re were measured at low temperature with the pyridoxal phosphate exchange assay, and ROT was assayed in the membrane fraction by [3H] oxytocin binding. Nuclear Re and ROT were down regulated throughout the 16-day P exposure period, but cytosol Re (and total Re) increased progressively from 4 to 16 days indicating that the down regulation of cytosol Re escapes P control with time. This conclusion was supported by P withdrawal studies in which P implants were removed for 6 or 12 h. P withdrawal resulted in equivalent recovery responses of nuclear Re and ROT after 4, 8 and 16 days of P exposure. Although cytosol Re recovery to P withdrawal occurred at 4 and 8 days, no response was obtained after 16 days of P exposure. Uterine weight increased during steroid treatment, and morphometric analysis of the P-dominated uterus revealed significant increases in the cross sectional area of the endometrium and myometrium with time of P exposure. Cytological examination of the uterus showed prominent secretory changes in the epithelial compartment on day 16 with accumulation of secretion in the uterine lumen. These results demonstrate that P can chronically down regulate nuclear Re and ROT. However, the control of cytosol Re varies with the time of P exposure, and cytosol Re levels become refractory to P domination by 16 days. The present observations indicate that the escape of cytosol Re from P control may be associated with the proliferation of one of more uterine cell populations such as glandular and luminal epithelial cells.  相似文献   

Expression of the gene for prostaglandin synthase (PGS) was examined in whole endometrial tissue derived from ewes during the oestrous cycle (Days 4-14), on Day 15 of pregnancy and following ovariectomy and treatment with ovarian steroid hormones. Whilst no significant differences were seen in PGS mRNA concentrations analysed by Northern blot analysis in endometrial tissue during the oestrous cycle or in early pregnancy, treatment of ovariectomized (OVX) ewes with oestradiol-17 beta markedly reduced endometrial PGS mRNA concentration. There was no difference in PGS mRNA concentration in ewes treated with progesterone, either alone or in conjunction with oestrogen, from that in OVX controls. In contrast, differences in immunolocalization of PGS observed in uterine tissue from OVX-steroid-treated ewes were much more marked and reflected similar changes seen previously in the immunocytochemical distribution of endometrial PGS during the oestrous cycle. In OVX ewes and those treated with oestrogen, immunocytochemical staining for PGS was seen in stromal cells, but little immunoreactive PGS was located in the endometrial epithelial cells. However, in ewes treated with progesterone alone or with oestrogen plus progesterone, PGS was found in luminal and glandular epithelial cells and in stromal cells. Intensity of immunostaining for PGS in endothelial cells and myometrium did not differ between the treatments. Thus, whilst oestrogen lowers PGS mRNA in the endometrium, presumably in stroma, it may also increase the stability of the enzyme itself in the stromal cells. Although oestradiol-17 beta has no effect on PGS in endometrial epithelium, progesterone stimulates the production of PGS in endometrial epithelial cells without altering the overall abundance of PGS mRNA in the endometrium as a whole. Conceptus-induced changes in PGF-2 alpha release by ovine endometrium would not appear to be mediated via effects on PGS gene expression or protein synthesis.  相似文献   

Stanniocalcin (STC) is a hormone in fish that regulates calcium levels. Mammals have two orthologs of STC with roles in calcium and phosphate metabolism and perhaps cell differentiation. In the kidney and gut, STC regulates calcium and phosphate homeostasis. In the mouse uterus, Stc1 increases in the mesometrial decidua during implantation. These studies determined the effects of pregnancy and related hormones on STC expression in the ovine uterus. In Days 10-16 cyclic and pregnant ewes, STC1 mRNA was not detected in the uterus. Intriguingly, STC1 mRNA appeared on Day 18 of pregnancy, specifically in the endometrial glands, increased from Day 18 to Day 80, and remained abundant to Day 120 of gestation. STC1 mRNA was not detected in the placenta, whereas STC2 mRNA was detected at low abundance in conceptus trophectoderm and endometrial glands during later pregnancy. Immunoreactive STC1 protein was detected predominantly in the endometrial glands after Day 16 of pregnancy and in areolae that transport uterine gland secretions across the placenta. In ovariectomized ewes, long-term progesterone therapy induced STC1 mRNA. Although interferon tau had no effect on endometrial STC1, intrauterine infusions of ovine placental lactogen (PL) increased endometrial gland STC1 mRNA abundance in progestinized ewes. These studies demonstrate that STC1 is induced by progesterone and increased by a placental hormone (PL) in endometrial glands of the ovine uterus during conceptus (embryo/fetus and extraembryonic membranes) implantation and placentation. Western blot analyses revealed the presence of a 25-kDa STC1 protein in the endometrium, uterine luminal fluid, and allantoic fluid. The data suggest that STC1 secreted by the endometrial glands is transported into the fetal circulation and allantoic fluid, where it is hypothesized to regulate growth and differentiation of the fetus and placenta, by placental areolae.  相似文献   

In many species, endometrial gland adenogenesis occurs neonatally in an ovary- and steroid-independent manner. Chronic exposure of the developing neonatal ovine uterus to norgestomet (NOR) from birth permanently ablates endometrial gland morphogenesis or adenogenesis, creating an adult ovine uterine gland knockout (UGKO) phenotype. This study was conducted to determine the mechanism(s) whereby NOR inhibits adenogenesis in the neonatal ewe. Ewe lambs received no implant or a NOR implant at birth and on postnatal day (PND) 14, and they were necropsied on PND28. Histological analyses of the tracts indicated NOR exposure specifically inhibited endometrial adenogenesis, but no histoarchitectural differences were observed in the oviduct, cervix, or vagina. No effect of NOR treatment was detected on proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) expression in the endometrial luminal epithelium (LE), stroma, or myometrium. In control (CX) ewes, estrogen receptor alpha (ER-alpha) and progesterone receptor (PR) mRNA and protein were expressed strongly in nascent and proliferating glandular epithelium (GE) but were undetected in epithelium of NOR uteri. Expression of c-met and fibroblast growth factor receptor 2IIIb (FGFR2IIIb) mRNA was detected in the LE and GE of CX uteri. In NOR uteri, c-met was expressed in the LE similar to CX uteri, but FGFR2IIIb mRNA levels were lower than in the LE of CX uteri. Uterine hepatocyte growth factor (HGF), the ligand for c-met, and FGFR2IIIb mRNA expression was substantially lower in NOR ewes, but expression of FGF-7 and FGF-10 mRNAs, ligands for FGFR2IIIb, was unaffected. These results indicate that NOR disrupts endometrial adenogenesis by ablating epithelial ER-alpha expression and altering expression of paracrine growth factors and/or receptors involved in epitheliomesenchymal interactions. Likewise, these mechanisms are proposed to be important regulators of normal uterine gland morphogenesis in the neonate.  相似文献   

Wendler A  Albrecht C  Wehling M 《Steroids》2012,77(10):1002-1006
After almost 30 years of research, the existence of nongenomic steroid actions is no longer disputed. Yet, there is still a debate on the nature of receptors involved, and answers to the inherent questions are important for translational activities. In the case of aldosterone, the existence of receptors different from the classic mineralocorticoid receptors (MR) had been postulated 25 years ago as the pharmacology of about 50% of rapid actions of aldosterone reported so far is incompatible with MR involvement (insensitivity to classic MR antagonists). Candidates proposed as alternatives to MR were protein kinase C, sodium-potassium ATPase or aberrant forms of MR, none of which supported convincing evidence to represent 'the aldosterone membrane receptor'. Early in 2011, data on GPR30 showed its involvement in rapid aldosterone action, and major pharmacological aspects of this action are compatible with the landmark deviations from MR pharmacology mentioned above. GPR30, therefore, may be a receptor candidate for nongenomic aldosterone action. Similarly, a variety of promising candidates mediating rapid progesterone action has been described, including progesterone receptor membrane component 1 (PGRMC1) which seems to be associated with tumor proliferation, and membrane progesterone receptor (mPR) originally identified in fish with potential linkage to reproductive processes. So far, no candidate was unanimously convincing. In 2010, two independent groups reported that CatSper, a calcium channel, is a strong receptor candidate for the rapid action of progesterone on sperm fertilization. With these novel receptors cloned, translational activities ultimately leading to new drugs for cardiovascular protection (in the case of aldosterone) or fertilization benefits (for progesterone) are much more promising.  相似文献   

Progesterone receptors, both nuclear and cytosolic, were determined in the embryonic and inter-embryonic segments of the rabbit uterus at 6, 7 and 8 daypost-coitum. At day6 postcoitum a higher concentration of nuclear receptor in the embryonic segment was observed compared with that in the inter-embryonic segment. A reverse situation was observed in the case of cytoplasmic receptors. On the 7th daypost-coitum, no significant alteration in the concentration of either kind of the receptors was observed. However, on day 8, a higher concentration of both nuclear and cytosolic receptors at the embryonic site was observed compared to that in inter-embryonic segment. Since receptors are influenced only in the immediate vicinity of the blastocyst, it can be suggested that the blastocyst plays a role in the induction of its own implantation. Further, at day 8 increase in receptor concentration at the embryonic site may be related to the presence of decidual tissue at this site. CDRI Communication no. 2741.  相似文献   

Circular dichroism (CD) spectra have been determined for chromatin fractions obtained by ECTHAM-cellulose chromatography. The molecular ellipticity at the positive long wavelength maximum is about 3000 deg cm2/dmol for early-eluted chromatin fractions, thought to be relatively repressed in vivo, and 5000–6000 deg cm2/dmol for late-eluted chromatin fractions, those thought to be preferentially transcribable in vivo. CD bands in the peptide bond spectral region also differ for the two chromatin fractions, early-eluted chromatin having a more helical conformation for proteins. In addition to previously known differences in protein content, the biological activity of a native chromatin fraction can now be correlated with the conformation of its DNA.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine whether uterine stromal and/or epithelial progesterone receptor (PR) is required for the antagonism by progesterone (P(4)) of estradiol-17beta (E(2)) action on expression of PR and lactoferrin in uterine epithelium. Uterine tissue recombinants were prepared with epithelium (E) and stroma (S) from wild-type (wt) and PR knockout (PRKO) mice: wt-S+wt-E and PRKO-S+wt-E. P(4) action on epithelial PR expression was studied in wt-S+wt-E and PRKO-S+wt-E tissue recombinants. E(2) down-regulated epithelial PR in both types of tissue recombinants, but P(4) blocked E(2)-induced down-regulation of epithelial PR only in wt-S+wt-E tissue recombinants. Thus, P(4) requires stromal PR to inhibit E(2)-induced down-regulation of epithelial PR. Epithelial PR is not sufficient in itself. The inhibitory effect of P(4) on lactoferrin expression was studied in 4 types of tissue recombinants (wt-S+wt-E, PRKO-S+wt-E, wt-S+PRKO-E, and PRKO-S+PRKO-E). E(2) induced lactoferrin in all 4 types of tissue recombinants. P(4) blocked E(2)-induced lactoferrin expression only in wt-S+wt-E tissue recombinants. In wt-S+PRKO-E tissue recombinants, P(4) inhibited lactoferrin expression only partially. P(4) failed to block E(2)-induced lactoferrin expression in PRKO-S+wt-E and PRKO-S+PRKO-E tissue recombinants. Thus, both epithelial and stromal PR are essential for full P(4) inhibition of E(2)-induced lactoferrin expression.  相似文献   

Slices of caruncular endometrium from steroid-treated ovariectomized sheep were incubated with myo-[2-3H]inositol to label tissue phosphatidylinositol. Effects of oxytocin were determined on the rate of incorporation of radioactivity into phosphatidylinositol and on the hydrolysis of phosphoinositides to inositol phosphates and diacylglycerol. Incorporation of radioactivity into phosphatidylinositol was linear during 2 h incubations; 10(-7) M (100 nM)-oxytocin caused a 2.8-fold increase in the rate of incorporation. In the presence of Li+, addition of 10(-7) M-oxytocin to slices in which phosphatidylinositol was pre-labelled caused mean increase of 40-fold in the incorporation of radioactivity into inositol mono-, bis- and tris-phosphates. Inositol 1,3,4-trisphosphate was quantitatively the major trisphosphate formed. The action of oxytocin on phosphoinositide hydrolysis was dose- and time-dependent, occurring at concentrations within the range observed in plasma during episodes of secretion in vivo, and with a time course comparable with that of the action of oxytocin on uterine prostaglandin production. The effect of oxytocin on incorporation of radioactivity into inositol phosphates was not affected by inhibitors of prostaglandin synthesis. Diacylglycerol 1- and 2-lipases in caruncular endometrium converted up to 72% of added 2-[3H]arachidonyldiacylglycerol into [3H]arachidonic acid during 30 min incubations at pH 7.0. Caruncular endometrium contained 1.49 mumol of phosphatidylinositol/g, representing approx. 0.2 mumol/g of phosphatidylinositol arachidonic acid. It is proposed that the stimulation of endometrial prostaglandin synthesis by oxytocin is accounted for by increased hydrolysis of phosphoinositides to diacylglycerol and inositol phosphates with subsequent release of arachidonic acid from diacylglycerol.  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of 17beta-estradiol, an estrogen, on [(3)H]norepinephrine ([(3)H]NE) secretion in PC12 cells. Pretreatment with 17beta-estradiol reduced 70 mM K(+)-induced [(3)H]NE secretion in a concentration-dependent manner with a half-maximal inhibitory concentration (IC(50)) of 2 +/- 1 microM. The 70 mM K(+)-induced cytosolic free Ca(2+) concentration ([Ca(2+)](i)) rise was also reduced when the cells were treated with 17beta-estradiol (IC(50) = 15 +/- 2 microM). Studies with voltage-sensitive calcium channel (VSCC) antagonists such as nifedipine and omega-conotoxin GVIA revealed that both L- and N-type VSCCs were affected by 17beta-estradiol treatment. The 17beta-estradiol effect was not changed by pretreatment of the cells with actinomycin D and cycloheximide for 5 h. In addition, treatment with pertussis or cholera toxin did not affect the inhibitory effect of 17beta-estradiol. 17beta-Estradiol also inhibited the ATP-induced [(3)H]NE secretion and [Ca(2+)](i) rise. In PC12 cells, the ATP-induced [Ca(2+)](i) rise is known to occur through P2X(2) receptors, the P2Y(2)-mediated phospholipase C (PLC) pathway, and VSCCs. 17beta-Estradiol pretreatment during complete inhibition of the PLC pathway and VSCCs inhibited the ATP-induced [Ca(2+)](i) rise. Our results suggest that 17beta-estradiol inhibits catecholamine secretion by inhibiting L- and N-type Ca(2+) channels and P2X(2) receptors in a nongenomic manner.  相似文献   

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