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Geophagy is rare in primates, but has been recorded in a variety of platyrrhine genera. The first observation of geophagy in bearded sakis (Chiropotes satanas) is reported here. Two bouts were recorded during long-term monitoring of a free-ranging group inhabiting a small island in a reservoir in eastern Brazilian Amazonia. On both occasions, soil was obtained systematically from a termitarium in the crown of an Eschweilera coriacea tree. Both events occurred during the late dry season. Although there is no evidence of any significant shift in foraging behavior during this period, it is possible that soil ingested provided an essential mineral supplement to a diet limited by the small size of the island.  相似文献   

Notes are presented on the body size, behaviour, diet, and gut morphology ofChiropotes albinasus from the Rio dos Marmelos in southeastern Amazonas state, Brazil. Findings include a new upper limit of body weight for the species, gut proportions consistent with its relatively high quality diet and evidence of geophagy.  相似文献   

We surveyed howler (Alouatta) populations at 36 sites throughout the Brazilian state of Rondônia, in southwestern Amazonia, using quantitative (line transect surveys) and qualitative (interviews) methods. We recorded the red howler (Alouatta seniculus) at only one- third of the sites, and the species was relatively rare at most of them, especially in comparison with sympatric atelids (Ateles chamek and Lagothrix cana). In addition to local discontinuities, Alouatta was absent from a wide area (possibly as much as 100,000 km2) of northern Rondônia, south of the upper Madeira river. This lacuna apparently contradicts the typical association of the species with flooded forest ecosystems, but the ecological factors that may underlie it remain unclear. Competition with sympatric atelids does not appear to be a significant factor anywhere within the study area. Also, there is no evidence to suggest that the distribution patterns are related to recent human colonization of the state. We collected indirect evidence of the presence of a second howler species – Alouatta caraya – at two sites in southern Rondônia, where they are associated with highland savanna habitats and gallery forests in the Guaporé grasslands.  相似文献   

The endangered but poorly studied southern bearded saki, Chiropotes satanas, faces extremes of habitat fragmentation throughout its geographic range in eastern Amazonia. This article focuses on the behavior of the members of two groups--a large one (30-34 members) in continuous forest (home range=69 ha) and a much smaller one (7 members) on a 17-ha man-made island--at the Tucuruí Reservoir on the Tocantins River. Quantitative behavioral data were collected through scan and all-events sampling. Both groups were characterized by the fission-fusion pattern of social organization typical of the genus and relatively high rates of traveling and feeding, also characteristic of the genus. However, the island group spent significantly more time resting and significantly less traveling than the mainland group, presumably as a function of its much smaller home range. Despite resting more, island group members engaged in significantly less social interaction, possibly because of the much smaller size of this group (which also affected visibility), or other factors, such as nutritional stress. Affiliative associations of males were a mainstay of social behavior in both groups and interspecific associations with capuchins (Cebus apella) and squirrel monkeys (Saimiri sciureus) were relatively common, especially in the mainland group. Overall, the island group presented a relatively reduced behavioral repertoire, apparently reflecting factors such as group size and the size and quality of its home range.  相似文献   

Bearded saki are considered frugivores primarily specialized for the predation of immature seeds. I report the first observations of wildC. s. chiropotes actively feeding on immature or non-volant insects in the canopy of upland (“terra firme”) rain forest, in Amazonas, Brazil. During one year of field study I recorded 20 insectivory feeding bouts: 18 times on lepidopteran larvae, 1 time on coleopteran larvae, and 1 time on adult ants.  相似文献   

Morphologic, karyotypic, and molecular analyses were carried out in 25 specimens of a distinct morph of Chiropotes (henceforth termed Chiropotes sp.) obtained from a number of localities in the Brazilian Amazon. Pelage coloration clearly distinguishes the collected specimens and all other known species of this genus. A distinct karyotype was described for Chiropotes sp. It differs from C. satanas chiropotes by two pericentric inversions, and from C. satanas utahicki by three, which suggests that these taxa are reproductively isolated. Morphometric analyses did not show significant differentiation between these Chiropotes taxa. Molecular analyses confirmed the monophyly of the subfamily Pitheciinae and genera Chiropotes, Cacajao, and Pithecia (the latter appearing as the most basal lineage of the pithecine clade). The genetic distances between C. s. utahicki and Chiropotes sp. from Rio Negro were greater than those between three recognized species of Pithecia, but smaller than those between Cacajao calvus and Cacajao melanocephalus. The most appropriate name for Chiropotes sp. from Rio Negro is C. israelita. This species, C. s. chiropotes, and C. s. utahicki are allopatric. Pelage coloration, karyotype, and molecular analysis strongly indicate that C. chiropotes, C. utahicki, and Chiropotes israelita deserve species status.  相似文献   

Bearded sakis are seed predators, but are also known to consume arthropods. This is the first detailed report of arthropod predation in southern bearded sakis (Chiropotes satanas). Two groups were monitored-one in continuous forest, and one on a small island-between January 2003 and February 2004. The arthropod prey included spiders and six insect orders. Island group members spent more time foraging for arthropods (3.8% vs. 2.6% of activity time) but ingested less prey (3.7% vs. 4.6% of feeding time). Arthropods accounted for a small proportion of feeding records in most months, but there were occasional sharp peaks due to the exploitation of temporary agglomerations of insects. In November, arthropods accounted for 26.6% and 14.2% of the feeding records of the mainland and island groups, respectively. The results suggest that bearded sakis actively seek arthropods as a dietary supplement, but that they represent a minor resource during most of the year, even under conditions of intense habitat fragmentation (island group).  相似文献   

Karyological characterizations of C. s. utahicki (2n = 54) and C. s. chiropotes (2n = 54) showed that these two subspecies are chromosomally very similar. In a single, isolated specimen of C s. utahicki, however, a derived, biarmed, chromosome 14 was found in the heterozygous condition. This variant chromosome was identical with pair 10 in C. s. chiropotes in which this chromosome type was apparently fixed. Chromosome differences between these subspecies might be transitional, leading to the establishment of two different karyomorphic populations derived from a once uniform karyotypic group that split into separate allopatric subspecies. © 1992 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Samples collected in Central Amazonia contained 16 species of Chydoridae, 4 species of Macrothricidae and 1 species of Ilyocryptidae. A new chydorid,Celsinotum laticaudatum sp. nov. is described, clearly differing from Australian species of this genus. Variation ofAlona dentifera (Sars, 1901) is commented upon, as well as a peculiar specimen ofAlona.  相似文献   

The Matses Indians of northeastern Perú recognize two linguistically labeled folk species of saki monkeys (Cebidae: Pithecia) that are said to be morphologically distinguishable, to prefer different habitats, and to be noninterbreeding. Because the systematic literature recognizes only one biological taxon of Pithecia in the area inhabited by the Matses, their folk taxonomy suggests either the presence of a previously undescribed species or a hitherto undocumented range extension. All known species of Pithecia are currently thought to be allopatric, so both possibilities are of interest. We obtained blood samples and anatomical voucher material from hunters' kills in order to test the biological basis for the Matses folk taxonomy of sakis. Molecular and morphological analyses of the collected material indicate that both Matses folk species correspond to one effectively panmictic population of Pithecia monachus. Overdifferentiation in folk classification systems, whereby one biological species is represented by two or more nonsynonymous folk species names, is a potentially widespread source of error that should be considered by researchers using local informants for primate field studies. In addition to resolving a folk-taxonomic enigma, our study provides the first quantitative analyses of local (within-population) morphological and molecular variation in this little-known platyrrhine genus.  相似文献   

Mary E. Endress 《Brittonia》2004,56(4):307-313
Three new species ofMalouetia (Apocynaceae) are described and illustrated:M. amazonica andM. pumila from Brazil andM. gentryi from Peru.Malouetia amazonica grows in inundated igapó forest, whereas the other two are found in non-inundated habitats:M. pumila incampa fechada, andM. gentryi in upland forest.  相似文献   

Data on the ecology and diet of buffy sakis (Pithecia albicans) were obtained during a 20-month study in an entirely undisturbed terra firme forest in the upper Urucu river, Amazonas, Brazil. Groups of 3–7 sakis found in a 900-ha study plot used large home ranges (147–204 ha), which overlapped extensively with those of neighboring groups. Similar to other pitheciines, buffy sakis were primarily seed predators, relying heavily on young seeds of certain key plant families, such as the Sapotaceae and Leguminosae. Ripe fruits, ripe seeds, young leaves, flowers, and nectar were eaten to a lesser extent. Whether or not feeding, sakis spent most of their time in the canopy and subcanopy, a pattern similar to that of other southwestern Amazonian saki species, but sharply different from that of Guianan sakis (Pithecia pithecia), which use considerably lower levels of the forest. Comparisons are made between different Pithecia species to show whether and how P. albicans diverges ecologically from its congeners. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

One of the most common types of polyspecific association observed in Neotropical primate communities is that between squirrel monkeys (Saimiri) and capuchins (Cebus). The present study focused on association patterns in two Saimiri sciureus groups in eastern Brazilian Amazonia, between March and October, 2009. The associations were analyzed in terms of the species involved, the degree of association, and niche breadth and overlap. The study involved two S. sciureus groups (B4 and GI) on the right and left bank of the Tocantins River, respectively, within the area of the Tucuruí reservoir in southeastern Pará. Relations between species were classified as associations (individuals within 50 m and moving in the same direction), and encounters (individuals within 50 m and no coordinated movement). Group B4 was in association with Cebus apella during 100% of monitoring, and with Chiropotes satanas in 20.2%. By contrast, Group GI associated with Cebus 54.8% of the time, and with Chiropotes utahickae 2.5%. Encounters with Alouatta belzebul and Saguinus niger were recorded at both sites, with Aotus azarae and Dasyprocta prymnolopha at B4, and with Callicebus moloch, Dasyproct aleporina, Mazama gouazoubira, and Nasua nasua at GI. Overall, Saimiri had a broader niche than Cebus in terms of vertical spacing and diet, but not for substrate use. This pattern did not appear to be affected by association. While group GI spent significantly (P < 0.05) more time in association with Cebus during the wet season, group B4 associated with Chiropotes more during the dry season. Despite the higher association rates, niche overlap was greater for all variables at B4. This may reflect differences in the ranging and foraging patterns at the two sites, and the varying potential benefits of association for Saimiri.  相似文献   

Botanical exploration in southwestern Amazonia has revealed a new species, Spondias testudinis J. D. Mitch. & Daly, described and illustrated here. Its distribution appears to be restricted to the Brazilian state of Acre; Pando in Bolivia; and Huánuco and Ucayali in Peru. The sexuality of the flowers of Spondias and its implications regarding their morphology is discussed. A provisional key to the neotropical species is presented.  相似文献   

Two species of frugivorous atelids, Ateles chamek and Lagothrix cana, occur in southwestern Brazilian Amazonia. Populations were surveyed at 36 sites in the state of Rondônia. Ateles chamek is widespread, but the distribution of L. cana is limited by a combination of riverine barriers and ecological factors, possibly including competition with A. chamek. Groups of L. cana were generally larger and more abundant than those of A. chamek, even in syntopy. The transitional forest that predominates in the extreme south of Rondônia (Hylea‐cerrado) is not a barrier to either species, with both species being tolerant of habitat disturbance when hunting pressure is low. Am. J. Primatol. 56:57–64, 2002. © 2002 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Field observations of two sympatric pitheciine species reveal that the positional repertoire of the white-faced saki, Pithecia pithecia, is dominated by leaping behaviors, whereas the bearded saki, Chiropotes satanas, is predominantly quadrupedal. Examination and comparison of the postcranial skeletal morphologies and limb proportions of these species display numerous features associated with their respective locomotor behaviors. These observations accord with associations found in other primate and mammalian groups and with predictions based on theoretical and experimental biomechanics. Preliminary observations of the skeletal morphology of Cacajao calvus demonstrate a marked similarity to that of Chiropotes. The fossil platyrrhine Cebupithecia sarmientoi displays greater similarity to Pithecia, suggesting that its positional repertoire also included significant leaping and clinging behaviors.  相似文献   

This paper reports on the observation of an oilbird, Steatornis caripensis, in Peruvian lowland Amazonia in September 2006, and discusses this sighting in relation to other lowland reports of oilbirds. Taken together, available information indicates that oilbirds seem to occur in lowland Amazonia more regularly than previously known.  相似文献   

Two cytochromeb pseudogenes were isolated from PCR amplified products ofCebuella pygmaea DNA. These sequences showed insertions and deletions when compared to paralogous mitochondrial sequence regions of several primates. Phylogenetic analyses indicated that an ancestral pseudogene originated sometime before the divergence ofCebuella andCallithrix and that this sequence was later duplicated some 5.6 million years ago. Parsimony and distance analyses indicated thatCebuella pygmaea andCallithrix species of theargentata group were more closely related to one another than any of them was toCallithrix species of thejacchus group, in agreement with previous analyses based on nuclear genes and karyotypic data. These findings also indicated thatCallithrix is a paraphyletic genus, in agreement with previous propositions thatCebuella should be included within the genusCallithrix.  相似文献   

Douglas C. Daly 《Brittonia》2005,57(2):118-122
Dacryodes edilsonii Daly (Burseraceae) is one of at least 14 still undescribed neotropical species in the genus; it is also one of a large number of new species emerging from intensified botanical exploration of the Brazilian state of Acre in southwestern Amazonia. The new species is easily distinguished from most other Neotropical species of the genus by its usually densely long-pubescent petiole, rachis, petiolules, and abaxial midvein.  相似文献   

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