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The M/G ratio, dyad and triad frequencies in the sodium alginate chain, were determined from 13C-nmr spectra. The interactions of sodium alginate in solution with the univalent cations K+ ion and Na+ ion have been investigated by viscometry and membrane osmometry. The dependencies of intrinsic viscosity, Huggins constant, and second virial coefficient on ionic strength were observed, and the maximums in reduced viscosity were obtained in low KCl and NaCl concentrations, respectively. These show that the electroviscous effects play an important role in polyelectrolyte solution, and the effect of the Na+ ion on aqueous solution of sodium alginate is greater than the K+ ion. The experimental observations are interpreted in terms of ion-pair formation with carboxyl groups of mannuronate and isolated guluronate residues and cooperation “egg-box” binding between polyguluronate chain sequence. The difference of interaction between univalent cations and alginate chains in solution is attributed to the ability of their binding with the polyion, which depends on the properties of ions itself. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Biopoly 46: 395–402, 1998  相似文献   

Structure and electronic properties of MoO3 bulk and the (010) surface, as well as molecular adsorption of water on the (010) surface are investigated using periodic boundary density functional calculations. The bulk structure is calculated to be in good agreement with experiment. The structure and electronic properties of the (010) surface are confirmed to be very similar to those of the bulk. The terminal oxygen in both the bulk and the (010) surface is the least ionic among the three types of lattice oxygens. This study shows that the molecular adsorption of H2O hardly takes place at the asymmetric and symmetric oxygens, but occurs at the terminal oxygen of the (010) surface. The results of the H2O adsorption on the (010) at 1 and 0.5 monolayer coverages are interpreted based on charge-transfer interactions between the surface and H2O species, and provide key information about the structural and energetic properties, in which each stable adsorption structure is suggested to orient on the surface via hydrogen bonding. These results also provide novel model systems for understanding the structure and adsorption states of MoO3.  相似文献   

2,3-Dicarboxyamylose (DCA) and 2,3-dicarboxycellulose (DCC) have been obtained by splitting with periodate of all the C(2)C(3) bonds of amylose and cellulose, and further oxidation (with chlorite) of the corresponding polydialdehydes. Small, but reproducible, differences of 13C chemical shifts in dicate that DCA and DCC retained the different configuration at C-1 of the original polysaccharides, therefore being stereoisomers. The potentiometric and conductimetric titration curves of DCA and DCC and the pH-dependence of their 1H n.m.r. spectra are those of typical polydicarboxylates. Interaction of DCA and DCC (Na salts) with divalent cations is clearly indicated by inflexions in conductimetric titration curves with Ca2+, Mg2+, Cu2+ and Fe2+, and by variation in specific optical rotation.  相似文献   

Biologically active spin labelled derivatives of calmodulin were prepared and used to study CA2+- and Mg2+-induced conformational changes of the protein. The rotational correlation time of the spin labelled residues increased upon addition of divalent cations. Two calcium ions per spin labelled calmodulin were found to induce a 75% conformational change, whereas four calcium ions were necessary for a maximum conformational change. The increase in rotational correlation time induced by Mg2+ is less pronounced. Two different covalently attached spin labels (iodoacetamide and maleimide) were compared and marked differences were found in their chemical stability. The binding of manganese ions to calmodulin could be observed directly from the electron paramagnetic resonance spectra of these paramagnetic ions. Two specific classes of binding sites, each binding two manganese ions with kD = 0.6 × 10?6mand kD = 3 × 10?5m, respectively, were determined. Further ion binding occurs at non-specific sites.  相似文献   

The interaction of a set of monovalent (Na+, K+) and divalent (Mg2+, Ca2+) metal cations with single-chain polyguluronate (periodic chain based on a dodecameric repeat unit, 21-helical conformation) is investigated using explicit-solvent molecular dynamics simulations (at 300 K and 1 bar). A total of 14 (neutralising) combinations of the different ions are considered (single type of cation or simultaneous presence of two types of cation, either in the presence or absence of chloride anions). The main observations are: (1) the chain conformation and intramolecular hydrogen bonding is insensitive to the counter-ion environment; (2) the binding of the cations is essentially non-specific for all ions considered (counter-ion atmosphere confined within a cylinder of high ionic density, but no well-defined binding sites); (3) the density and tightness of the distributions of the different cations within the counter-ion atmosphere follow the approximate sequence Ca2+>Mg2+>K+~Na+; (4) the solvent-separated binding of the cations to the carboxylate groups of the chain is frequent, and its occurrence follows the approximate sequence K+>Na+>Ca2+>Mg2+ (contact-binding events as well as the binding of a cation to multiple carboxylate groups are very infrequent); and (5) the counter-ion atmosphere typically leads to a complete screening of the chain charge within 1.0–1.2 nm of the chain axis and, for most systems, to a charge reversal at about 1.5 nm (i.e. the effective chain charge becomes positive at this distance and as high in magnitude as one-quarter of the bare chain charge, before slowly decreasing to zero). These findings agree well (in a qualitative sense) with available experimental data and predictions from simple analytical models, and provide further insight concerning the nature of alginate–cation interactions in aqueous solution.  相似文献   

The effect of bivalent cations on solutions of extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) isolated from Pseudomonas aeruginosa was monitored by means of solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance. In particular, the binding of Ca2+ and Mg2+ to the alginate in aqueous solution was studied by determining the spin-lattice relaxation rates, line widths and line shapes of 13C nuclei under variation of the ion concentration. Both cations differ strongly in their affinity towards bacterial alginate. Spectral data indicate that the strong binding capacity of calcium is connected to the formation of a chelate complex, in which binding occurs particularly with the monomer units in alternating mannuronate-guluronate blocks. In contrast to this, binding of magnesium ions was found to be much weaker and non-specific.  相似文献   

The binding of Mg2+ to intracellular 2,3-bisphosphoglycerate in the human red blood cell is significant to the function of the cell. We have studied interactions of Mg2+ and Mn2+ with 2,3-bisphosphoglycerate by magnetic resonance spectroscopy. The results of this study reveal the presence of two independent divalent metal cation binding sites of similar affinity (KD = 3.0 ± 0.5 mM) in the 2,3-bisphosphoglycerate molecule, one on each phosphoryl group, contrary to the assumption of one metal ion binding site made in the previous literature. Over the range of their intracellular concentrations, ATP and ADP, however, possess only one metal ion site in spite of the presence of multiple phosphoryl groups. These results are consistent with the chemistry of metal-chelation which requires the formation of 5- or 6-membered rings for the stability of chelate structures.  相似文献   

The binding of bivalent metal ions Cu2+, Zn2+, Ca2+, Mg2+ to low-density lipoproteins (LDL) was investigated by the ESR technique. The monitoring of ESR spectra of paramagnetic Mn2+ ions in the presence of above-listed cations made it possible to evaluate the dissociation constants of their complexes with LDL. The effective dissociation constant of the complex Mn(2+)-LDL used for calculations was KD = (1.1 +/- 0.4) x 10(-4) M according to literature data. The investigated cations may be classified into two groups: 1) low dissociation constants were characteristic for Cu2+ ions [KD = (1.3 +/- 0.5) x 10(-4) M], which demonstrated a high oxidative ability, and for Zn2+ [KD = (0.95 +/- 0.45) x 10(-4) M] and Mn2+ ions, which could strongly influence the copper-induced LDL oxidation; 2) Ca2+ and Mg2+ were characterized by higher values of KD [(6 +/- 1) x 10(-4) M and (7.5 +/- 1.5) x 10(-4) M, accordingly] and slightly affected the Cu(2+)-induced oxidation of LDL. The results of the present work reinforced our earlier conjecture that cations may influence the process of lipid peroxidation, binding only to particular binding sites on the surface of LDL.  相似文献   

Some properties of alginate gels derived from algal sodium alginate   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Alginic acid in soluble sodium alginate turns to insoluble gel after contact with divalent metal ions, such as calcium ions. The sodium alginate character has an effect on the alginate gel properties. In order to prepare a suitable calcium alginate gel for use in seawater, the effects of sodium alginate viscosity and M/G ratio (the ratio of D-mannuronate to L-guluronate) on the gel strength were investigated. The wet tensile strengths of gel fibers derived from high viscosity sodium alginate were higher than those from low viscosity sodium alginate. The tensile strength increased with diminishing sodium alginate M/G ratio. Among the gel fibers tested, the gel fiber obtained from a sodium alginate I-5G (1% aqueous solution viscosity = 520 mPa·s, M/G ratio = 0.6) had the highest wet tensile strength. After 13 days treatment in seawater, the wet tensile strength of the gel fiber retained 36% of the original untreated gel strength. For sodium alginates with similar viscosities, the seawater tolerance of low M/G ratio alginate was greater than that of the high M/G ratio one. This study enables us to determine a suitable calcium alginate gel for use in seawater.  相似文献   

We have studied the current-carrying ability and blocking action of various divalent cations in the Ca channel of Lymnaea stagnalis neurons. Changing the concentration or species of the permeant divalent cation shifts the voltage dependence of activation of the Ca channel current in a manner that is consistent with the action of the divalent cation on an external surface potential. Increasing the concentration of the permeant cation from 1 to 30 mM produces a twofold increase in the maximum Ca current and a fourfold increase in the maximum Ba current; the maximum Ba current is twice the size of the maximum Ca current for 10 mM bulk concentration. Correcting for the changing surface potential seen by the gating mechanism, the current-concentration relation is almost linear for Ba2+, and shows only moderate saturation for Ca2+; also, Ca2+, Ba2+, and Sr2+ are found to pass through the channel almost equally well. These conclusions are obtained for either of two assumptions: that the mouth of the channel sees (a) all or (b) none of the surface potential seen by the gating mechanism. Cd2+ blocks Lymnaea and Helix Ca channels at concentrations 200 times smaller than those required for Co2+ or Ni2+. Ca2+ competes with Cd2+ for the blocking site; Ba2+ binds less strongly than Ca2+ to this site. Mixtures of Ca2+ and Ba2+ produce an anomalous mole fraction effect on the Ca channel current. After correction for the changing surface potential (using either assumption), the anomalous mole fraction effect is even more prominent, which suggests that Ba2+ blocks Ca current more than Ca2+ blocks Ba current.  相似文献   

Light scattering measurements were used to assess the effectsof selected divalent and monovalent cations on alginate aggregationin vitro. Alginate, formed with either strontium, calcium orcobalt was partially dissolved with sodium. Calcium-alginatewas also partially dissolved with two other monovalent cations,lithium and potassium. Phosphate, when added to a solution containingcalcium-alginate, scrubbed algin-ate-bound calcium as well asfree calcium in solution. These findings provide an explanationfor an alternative approach for breaking down cell wall alginate. Key words: Alginate aggregates, monovalent cations, divalent cations, light scattering  相似文献   

Several rheological properties of aqueous alginate solution have been investigated in the absence and presence of four divalent cations: Ca, Cu, Mn, and Co. The concentration dependence of viscosity in alginate solution without addition of divalent cations shows a similar behavior to that found for other polysaccharides and synthetic polymers. We have found that for Ca(II) -added systems, sol-gel transition curves for different alginate concentrations can be superimposed over the concentration range of this study by using a normalized parameter. Shear-thinning behavior has been observed for all the alginate solutions by addition of four divalent cations over sol-gel transition process. The values of exponent b in the power-law relation $ {\eta \propto \dot \gamma }$ were found in the range of ?0.3 ~ ?0.6. It is suggested that a considerable portion of divalent cations remains in a cross-linking state even under shear flow. The results obtained from thixotropy measurements indicate the existence of a major framework formed in the gel-like and well-gelled samples, which can be maintained until shear rate (or shear stress) reaches a threshold value. © 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

New downstream methods for the purification of antibodies are required to meet the demands of current and future antibody applications, e.g. for mass production as cancer therapeutic. The standard chromatographic methods suffer from high material costs and mass transfer limitations. In this study, we established and characterized a method for DNA precipitation for antibody purification using divalent cations, particularly CaCl2, using four different antibodies. By implementing high‐throughput screening using a factorial design plan, we determined that CaCl2 concentration and PO43? concentration were significant factors, while temperature and pH were not significant. We detected DNA precipitation as well as host‐cell protein (HCP) reduction. Two‐dimensional difference gel electrophoresis (2D‐DIGE) revealed that improved HCP removal does not occur via an unspecific random mechanism such as the enclosure of proteins in the precipitate. CaCl2 precipitation of DNA and HCP can be combined with nonchromatographic methods such as precipitation and protein A affinity chromatography. This additional purification method not only enhances DNA removal, but also the removal of HCP and antibody multimers, which will reduce immunogenicity and increase homogeneity of the resulting drug.  相似文献   

L J Lis  V A Parsegian  R P Rand 《Biochemistry》1981,20(7):1761-1770
We have confirmed that CaCl2 swells the multilayer lattice formed by dipalmitolyphosphatidylcholine (DPPC) in an aqueous solution. Specifically, at room temperature 1 mM CaCl2 causes these lipid bilayers to increase their separation, dw, from 19 A in pure water to greater than 90 A. CaCl2 concentrations greater than 4 mM cause less swelling. We have measured the net repulsive force between the bilayers in 30 mM CaCl2 at T = 25 degrees C (below the acyl chain freezing temperature). For interbilayer separations between 30 and 90 A, the dominant repulsion between bilayers is probably electrostatic; Ca2+ binds to DPPc lecithin bilayers, imparting a charge to them. The addition of NaCl to CaCl2 solutions decreases this repulsion. For dw less than 20 A, the bilayer repulsion appears to be dominated by the "hydration forces" observed previously between both neutral and charged phospholipids. From the electrostatic repulsive force, we estimate the extent of Ca2+ binding to the bilayer surface. The desorption and bound Ca2+, apparent when bilayers are pushed together, is more rapid than one would expect if an association constant governed Ca2+ binding. The association affinity does not appear to be a fixed quantity but rather a sensitive function of ionic strength and bilayer separation.  相似文献   

Interactions of divalent cations with phosphatidylserine bilayer membranes   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The interaction of divalent cations with a homologous series of diacylphosphatidylserines (diacyl-PS) has been studied by differential scanning calorimetry and X-ray diffraction. Hydrated di-C14-PS (DMPS) exhibits a gel leads to liquid-crystal bilayer transition at 39 degrees C (delta H = 7.2 kcal/mol of DMPS). With increasing MgCl2 concentration, progressive conversion to a phase exhibiting a high melting (98 degrees C), high enthalpy (delta H congruent to 11.0 kcal/mol of DMPS) transition is observed. Similar behavior is observed for DMPS with increasing CaCl2 concentration. In this case, the high-temperature transition of the Ca2+-DMPS complex occurs at approximately 155 degrees C and is immediately followed by an exothermic transition probably associated with PS decomposition. For di-C12-, di-C14-, di-C16- (DPPS), and di-C18-PS, the transition temperatures of the Ca2+-PS complexes are in the range 151-155 degrees C; only di-C10-PS exhibits a significantly lower value, 142 degrees C. A different pattern of behavior is exhibited by DPPS in the presence of Sr2+ or Ba2+, with transitions in the range 70-80 degrees C being observed. X-ray diffraction of the Ca2+-PS complexes at 20 degrees C provides evidence of structural homology. All Ca2+-PS complexes exhibit bilayer structures, the bilayer periodicity increasing linearly from 35.0 A for di-C10-PS to 52.5 A for di-C18-PS. Wide-angle X-ray diffraction data indicate that hydrocarbon chain "crystallization" occurs on Ca2+-PS complex formation.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Voltage-dependent calcium channels from a rat brain membrane preparation ("synaptosomes") were incorporated into planar lipid bilayers. The effects of calcium, barium, strontium, manganese, and cadmium ions on the amplitudes and kinetics of single channel currents were examined. The order of single channel conductances was gBa greater than gSr greater than gMn, which was the inverse of the order of the mean channel open times: TMn greater than TCa = TSr greater than TBa. In contrast, the identity of the charge carrier had little or no effect on the mean closed times of the channel. Manganese, in the absence of other permeant ions, can pass through single channels (gMn = 4 pS). However, when added to a solution that contained another type of permeant divalent cation, manganese reduced the single channel current in a voltage-dependent manner. Cadmium, a potent blocker of macroscopic "ensemble" calcium currents in many preparations, reduced the current through an open channel in a manner consistent with Cd ions both not being measurably permeant and interacting with a single site. The permeant ions competed with cadmium for this site with the following order: Mn greater than Sr = Ca greater than Ba. These results are consistent with the existence of no less than one divalent cation binding site in the channel that regulates ion permeation.  相似文献   

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