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In aquatic ecosystems, carbon (C) availability strongly influences nitrogen (N) dynamics. One manifestation of this linkage is the importance in the dissolved organic matter (DOM) pool of dissolved organic nitrogen (DON), which can serve as both a C and an N source, yet our knowledge of how specific properties of DOM influence N dynamics are limited. To empirically examine the impact of labile DOM on the responses of bacteria to DON and dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN), bacterial abundance and community composition were examined in controlled laboratory microcosms subjected to various combinations of dissolved organic carbon (DOC), DON, and DIN treatments. Bacterial communities that had colonized glass beads incubated in a stream were treated with various glucose concentrations and combinations of inorganic and organic N (derived from algal exudate, bacterial protein, and humic matter). The results revealed a strong influence of C availability on bacterial utilization of DON and DIN, with preferential uptake of DON under low C concentrations. Bacterial DON uptake was affected by the concentration and by its chemical nature (labile versus recalcitrant). Labile organic N sources (algal exudate and bacterial protein) were utilized equally well as DIN as an N source, but this was not the case for the recalcitrant humic matter DON treatment. Clear differences in bacterial community composition among treatments were observed based on terminal restriction fragment length polymorphisms (T-RFLP) of 16S rRNA genes. C, DIN, and DON treatments likely drove changes in bacterial community composition that in turn affected the rates of DON and DIN utilization under various C concentrations.  相似文献   

The understanding of ecosystem responses to changing environmental conditions is becoming increasingly relevant in the context of global warming. Microbial biofilm communities in streams play a key role in organic matter cycling which might be modulated by shifts in flowing water temperature. In this study, we performed an experiment at the Candal stream (Portugal) longitudinally divided into two reaches: a control half and an experimental half where water temperature was 3 °C above that of the basal stream water. Biofilm colonization was monitored during 42 days in the two stream halves. Changes in biofilm function (extracellular enzyme activities and carbon substrate utilization profiles) as well as chlorophyll a and prokaryote densities were analyzed. The biofilm in the experimental half showed a higher capacity to decompose cellulose, hemicellulose, lignin, and peptidic compounds. Total leucine-aminopeptidase, cellobiohydrolase and β-xylosidase showed a respective 93, 66, and 61 % increase in activity over the control; much higher than would be predicted by only the direct temperature physical effect. In contrast, phosphatase and lipase activity showed the lowest sensitivity to temperature. The biofilms from the experimental half also showed a distinct functional fingerprint and higher carbon usage diversity and richness, especially due to a wider use of polymers and carbohydrates. The changes in the biofilm functional capabilities might be indirectly affected by the higher prokaryote and chlorophyll density measured in the biofilm of the experimental half. The present study provides evidence that a realistic stream temperature increase by 3 °C changes the biofilm metabolism to a greater decomposition of polymeric complex compounds and peptides but lower decomposition of lipids. This might affect stream organic matter cycling and the transfer of carbon to higher trophic levels.  相似文献   

Dissolved organic matter (DOM) and inorganic nutrients may affect microbial communities in streams, but little is known about the impact of these factors on specific taxa within bacterial assemblages in biofilms. In this study, nutrient diffusing artificial substrates were used to examine bacterial responses to DOM (i.e., glucose, leaf leachate, and algal exudates) and inorganic nutrients (nitrate and phosphate singly and in combination). Artificial substrates were deployed for five seasons, from summer 2002 to summer 2003, in a northeastern Ohio stream. Differences were observed in the responses of bacterial taxa examined to various DOM and inorganic nutrient treatments, and the response patterns varied seasonally, indicating that resources that limit the bacterial communities change over time. Overall, the greatest responses were to labile, low-molecular-weight DOM (i.e., glucose) at times when chlorophyll a concentrations were low due to scouring during significant storm events. Different types of DOM and inorganic nutrients induced various responses among bacterial taxa in the biofilms examined, and these responses would not have been apparent if they were examined at the community level or if seasonal changes were not taken into account.  相似文献   

Stream bacteria play an important role in the utilization of dissolved organic matter (DOM) leached from leaves, and in transfer of this DOM to other trophic levels. Leaf leachate is a mixture of labile, recalcitrant, and inhibitory compounds, and bacterial communities vary in their ability to utilize leachate. The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of DOM from sugar maple leaves on bacterial populations in biofilms on decomposing leaf surfaces. Populations of Acinetobacter calcoaceticus, Burkholderia cepacia, and Pseudomonas putida were enumerated on decomposing maple leaves in a northeast Ohio stream using fluorescence in situ hybridization. Additionally, artificial substrata consisting of PVC-end caps filled with agar supplemented with leaf leachate and covered with cellulose filters were used to determine bacterial response to leachate from leaves at different stages of decomposition. Population sizes of bacterial species exhibited different responses. Leachate did not affect A. calcoaceticus. B. cepacia was tolerant of phenolic compounds released from leaves and the population size increased when DOM concentrations were greatest. In contrast, P. putida was inhibited by phenolic components of leachate when total DOM concentrations were greatest. Differences in response of the bacterial species to components of leaf leachate indicate the complexity of microbial population dynamics and interactions with DOM. Differences among species in response to DOM have the potential to influence transport and retention of organic matter in stream ecosystems.  相似文献   

Ozone is widely used to disinfect drinking water and wastewater due to its strong biocidal oxidizing properties. Recently, it was reported that hydroxyl radicals (·OH), resulting from ozone decomposition, play a significant role in microbial inactivation when Bacillus subtilis endospores were used as the test microorganisms in pH controlled distilled water. However, it is not yet known how natural organic matter (NOM), which is ubiquitous in sources of drinking water, affects this process of disinfection by ozone-initiated radical reactions. Two types of water matrix were considered for this study. One is water containing humic acid, which is commercially available. The other is water from the Han River. This study reported that hydroxyl radicals, initiated by the ozone chain reaction, were significantly effective at B. subtilis endospore inactivation in water containing NOM, as well as in pH-controlled distilled water. The type of NOM and the pH have a considerable effect on the percentage of disinfection by hydroxyl radicals, which ranged from 20 to 50%. In addition, the theoretical T value of hydroxyl radicals for 2-log B. subtilis removal was estimated to be about 2.4 × 104 times smaller than that of ozone, assuming that there is no synergistic activity between ozone and hydroxyl radicals.  相似文献   

Macrophyte combined with artificial aeration is a promising in situ remediation approach for urban rivers polluted with nutrients and organic matter. However, seasonal variations and aeration effects on phytoremediation performance and root-adhered microbial communities are still unclear. In this study, Pontederia cordata was used to treat polluted urban river water under various aeration intensities. Results showed that the highest removal efficiencies of chemical oxygen demand (CODCr) and total nitrogen (TN) were attained under aeration of 30 L min?1 in spring and summer and 15 L min?1 in autumn, while total phosphorus (TP) removal reached maximum with aeration of 15 L min?1 in all seasons. Moderate aeration was beneficial for increasing the diversity of root-adhered bacteria communities, and the shift of bacterial community structure was more pronounced in spring and autumn with varying aeration intensity. The dual effect, i.e. turbulence and dissolved oxygen (DO), of aeration on the removal of CODCr and TN prevailed over the individual effect of DO, while DO was the most influential factor for TP removal and the root-adhered bacterial community diversity. P. cordata combined with 15 L min?1 aeration was deemed to be the best condition tested in this study.  相似文献   

The annual dynamics of the decomposition rate, standing stock, and residence time of labile organic matter as an index of full self-purification were investigated in Novorossiisk Bay, Black Sea. The results are suggestive of fairly effective processes of biological self-purification in polluted waters of the bay. The decomposition rate was highest (0.3–0.7 mgO2/l per day) during the summer, and it decreased by 4–8 times in winter. The residence time of labile organic matter was 97–104 days in winter and 8–11 days in summer. Oxygen consumption rates measured in different areas of the bay conformed to their trophic status and were not above the normal level for summer.  相似文献   

The effect of mineral particulate matter on the population of bacterioplankton, its aggregation, and productive characteristics was studied in model experiments with different concentrations of particulate kaolin and the same concentration of organic substance (sodium humate). It was found that the presence of mineral particulate matter stimulated the aggregation of bacterioplankton, improved bacterial production, and extended the productive period of bacterioplankton. The integral specific production of aggregated bacterioplankton was higher than that of free-swimming bacterioplankton. The energy metabolic coefficient K 2 of bacterioplankton in the presence of mineral particulate matter was higher than in its absence.  相似文献   

Photochemical transformation of dissolved organic matter (DOM) has been studied for more than two decades. Usually, laboratory or “in-situ” experiments are used to determine photodegradation variables. A common problem with these experiments is that the photodegradation experiments are done at higher than ambient temperature. Five laboratory experiments were done to determine the effect of temperature on photochemical degradation of DOM. Experimental results showed strong dependence of photodegradation on temperature. Mathematical modeling of processes revealed that two different pathways engaged in photochemical transformation of DOM to dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) strongly depend on temperature. Direct oxidation of DOM to DIC dominated at low temperatures while conversion of DOM to intermediate particulate organic carbon (POC) prior to oxidation to DIC dominated at high temperatures. It is necessary to consider this strong dependence when the results of laboratory experiments are interpreted in regard to natural processes. Photodegradation experiments done at higher than ambient temperature will necessitate correction of rate constants.  相似文献   

Monthly (or bi-weekly) water samples were collected from the Yukon River, one of the largest rivers in North America, at a station near the US Geological Survey Stevens Village hydrological station, Alaska from May to September 2002, to examine the quantity and quality of dissolved organic matter (DOM) and its seasonal variations. DOM was further size fractionated into high molecular weight (HMW or colloidal, 1 kDa–0.45 μm) and low molecular weight (LMW, <1 kDa) fractions. Dissolved organic carbon (DOC), colored dissolved organic matter (C-DOM) and total dissolved carbohydrate (TCHO) species were measured in the size fractionated DOM samples. Concentrations of DOC were as high as 2830 μmol-C l−1 during the spring breakup in May and decreased significantly to 508–558 μmol-C l−1 during open-water season (June–September). Within the DOC pool, up to 85% was in the colloidal fraction (1 kDa–0.45 μm) in early May. As DOC concentration decreased, this colloidal portion remained high (70–85% of the bulk DOC) throughout the sampling season. Concentrations of TCHO, including monosaccharides (MCHO) and polysaccharides (PCHO), varied from 722 μmol-C l−1 in May to 129 μmol-C l−1 in September, which comprised a fairly constant portion of bulk DOC (24±2%). Within the TCHO pool, the MCHO/TCHO ratio consistently increased from May to September. The C-DOM/DOM ratio and the size fractionated DOM increased from May to September, indicating that DOM draining into the Yukon River contained increased amounts of humified materials, likely related to a greater soil leaching efficiency in summer. The average composition of DOM was 76% pedogenic humic matter and 24% aquagenic CHO. Characteristics of soil-derived humic substances and low chlorophyll-a concentrations support a dominance of terrestrial DOM in Yukon River waters.  相似文献   

It was examined whether biofilm growth on dissolved organic matter (DOM) of a three-species consortium whose members synergistically degrade the phenylurea herbicide linuron affected the consortium''s integrity and subsequent linuron-degrading functionality. Citrate as a model DOM and three environmental DOM (eDOM) formulations of different quality were used. Biofilms developed with all DOM formulations, and the three species were retained in the biofilm. However, biofilm biomass, species composition, architecture, and colocalization of member strains depended on DOM and its biodegradability. To assess the linuron-degrading functionality, biofilms were subsequently irrigated with linuron at 10 mg liter−1 or 100 μg liter−1. Instant linuron degradation, the time needed to attain maximal linuron degradation, and hence the total amount of linuron removed depended on both the DOM used for growth and the linuron concentration. At 10 mg liter−1, the final linuron degradation efficiency was as high as previously observed without DOM except for biofilms fed with humic acids which did not degrade linuron. At 100 μg liter−1 linuron, DOM-grown biofilms degraded linuron less efficiently than biofilms receiving 10 mg liter−1 linuron. The amount of linuron removed was more correlated with biofilm species composition than with biomass or structure. Based on visual observations, colocalization of consortium members in biofilms after the DOM feed appears essential for instant linuron-degrading activity and might explain the differences in overall linuron degradation. The data show that DOM quality determines biofilm structure and composition of the pesticide-degrading consortium in periods with DOM as the main carbon source and can affect subsequent pesticide-degrading activity, especially at micropollutant concentrations.  相似文献   

The degradation of four soluble organic iron compounds by bacteria isolated from surface waters and the precipitation of iron from these complexes by the isolates was studied. All eight isolates brought about the precipitation of iron when grown on ferric ammonium citrate agar. Three isolates were able to degrade ferric malonate, and three others degraded ferric malate with iron precipitation. Only three isolates, two strains of Pseudomonas and one of Moraxella, were able to degrade gallic acid when this was supplied as the sole carbon source. One strain of Pseudomonas was found to be active in degrading ferric gallate. Electron microscopy of cells of this bacterium after growth in ferric gallate as the sole carbon source yielded results indicating uniform deposition of the iron on or in the bacterial cells. Seven of the isolates could degrade the iron gallate complex if supplied with additional carbon in the form of yeast extract.  相似文献   

Climate change scenarios predict that lake water temperatures will increase up to 4°C and rainfall events will become more intense and frequent by the end of this century. Concurrently, supply of humic substances from terrestrial runoff is expected to increase, resulting in darker watercolor (“brownification”) of aquatic ecosystems. Using a multi-seasonal, low trophic state mesocosm experiment, we investigated how higher water temperature and brownification affect plankton community composition, phenology, and functioning. We tested the hypothesis that higher water temperature (+3°C) and brownification will, a) cause plankton community composition to shift toward small sized phytoplankton and cyanobacteria, and, b) extend the length of the growing season entailing higher phytoplankton production later in the season. We demonstrate that the 3°C increase of water temperature favored the growth of heterotrophic bacteria and small sized autotrophic picophytoplankton cells with significantly higher primary production during warmer fall periods. However, 3X darker water (effect of brownification) caused no significant changes in the plankton community composition or functioning relative to control conditions. Our findings reveal that increased temperature change plankton community structure by favoring smaller sized species proliferation (autotrophic phytoplankton and small size cladocerans), and increase primary productivity and community turnover. Finally, results of this multi-seasonal experiment suggest that warming by 3°C in aquatic ecosystems of low trophic state may cause planktonic food web functioning to become more dominated by fast growing, r-trait species (i.e., small sizes and rapid development).  相似文献   

Climate change is generally predicted to increase net primary production, which could lead to additional C input to soil. In arid central Asia, precipitation has increased and is predicted to increase further. To assess the combined effects of these changes on soil CO2 efflux in arid land, a two factorial manipulation experiment in the shrubland of an arid region in northwest China was conducted. The experiment used a nested design with fresh organic matter and water as the two controlled parameters. It was found that both fresh organic matter and water enhanced soil respiration, and there was a synergistic effect of these two treatments on soil respiration increase. Water addition not only enhanced soil C emission, but also regulated soil C sequestration by fresh organic matter addition. The results indicated that the soil CO2 flux of the shrubland is likely to increase with climate change, and precipitation played a dominant role in regulating soil C balance in the shrubland of an arid region.  相似文献   

Batch sorptions of acetazolamide (AZ) were conducted using four soils from China. Sorption of AZ was found to be impacted by OC, clay content, and soil pH, with higher kd values for soils with higher clay content. The kd values of SOM-removed soils are much lower than those of bulk soils. Sorption data were well fitted with a Freundlich model (r2 > 0.99). Chelating with the metal ions on the surfaces of soil particles was probably involved. With pH increase, the electrostatic attraction between anionic AZ and positively charged soil surface may increase. The sorption capacity decreased when the temperature increased from 20 to 40°C, and the calculated thermodynamics parameters of ΔG0, ΔH0, and ΔS0 indicated that the sorption was a non-spontaneous, physisorption, and exothermic process. Sorption coefficients (kd) for the compound in soil were low (ranging from 0.42 to 1.19 L·kg?1) and indicated that low level sorption of AZ with appreciable risk of ground water contamination.  相似文献   

Cryptococcus neoformans is an opportunistic fungal pathogen with a propensity to infect the central nervous system of immune compromised individuals causing life-threatening meningoencephalitis. Cryptococcal biofilms have been described as a protective niche against microbial predators in nature and shown to enhance resistance against antifungal agents and specific mediators of host immune responses. Based on the potential importance of cryptococcal biofilms to its survival in the human host and in nature, these studies were designed to investigate those factors that mediate biofilm formation by C. neoformans. We observed that C. neoformans preferentially grew as planktonic cells when cultured under specific conditions designed to mimic growth within host tissues (37°C, neutral pH, and ~5% CO2) or phagocytes (37°C, acidic pH, and ~5% CO2) and as biofilms when cultured under conditions such as those encountered in the external environment (25–37°C, neutral pH, and ambient CO2). Altogether, our studies suggest that conditions similar to those observed in its natural habitat may be conducive to biofilm formation by C. neoformans.  相似文献   

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