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Amiloride-sensitive sodium channels mediate sodium entry across the apical membrane of epithelial cells in variety of tissues. The rate of Na(+) entry is controlled by the regulation of the epithelial sodium channel (ENaC) complex. Insertion/retrieval of the ENaC complex into the apical membrane as well as direct kinetic effects at the single channel level are recognized mechanisms of regulation. Recent data suggest that the syntaxin family of targeting proteins interact with and functionally regulate a number of ion channels and pumps. To evaluate the role of these proteins in regulating ENaC activity, we co-expressed rat ENaC cRNA (alpha, beta, gamma subunits) with syntaxin 1A or 3 cRNAs in Xenopus oocytes. Basal ENaC currents were inhibited by syntaxin 1A and stimulated by syntaxin 3. Both syntaxin 1A and syntaxin 3 could be co-immunoprecipitated with ENaC subunit proteins, suggesting physical interaction. Interestingly, immunofluorescence data suggest that with either syntaxin isoform the ENaC-associated epifluorescence on the oocyte surface is enhanced. These data indicate that (i) both syntaxin isoforms increase the net externalization of the ENaC channel complex, (ii) that the functional regulation is isoform specific, and (iii) suggest that ENaC may be regulated through mechanisms involving protein-protein interactions.  相似文献   

Maturation of the epithelial sodium channel (ENaC) involves furin-dependent cleavage at two extracellular sites within the alpha subunit and at a single extracellular site within the gamma subunit. Channels lacking furin processing of the alpha subunit have very low activity. We recently identified a prostasin-dependent cleavage site (RKRK(186)) in the gamma subunit. We also demonstrated that the tract alpha D206-R231, between the two furin cleavage sites in the alpha subunit, as well as the tract gamma E144-K186, between the furin and prostasin cleavage sites in the gamma subunit, are inhibitory domains. ENaC cleavage by furin, and subsequently by prostasin, leads to a stepwise increase in the open probability of the channel as a result of release of the alpha and gamma subunit inhibitory tracts, respectively. We examined whether release of either thealpha orgamma inhibitory tract has a dominant role in activating the channel. Co-expression of prostasin and either wild type channels or mutant channels lacking furin cleavage of the alpha subunit (alphaR205A,R208A,R231Abetagamma) in Xenopus laevis oocytes led to increases in whole cell currents to similar levels. In an analogous manner and independent of the proteolytic processing of thealpha subunit, amiloride-sensitive currents in oocytes expressing channels carrying gamma subunits with both a mutation in the furin cleavage site and a deletion of the inhibitory tract (alphabetagammaR143A,DeltaE144-K186 and alphaR205A,R208A,R231AbetagammaR143A, DeltaE144-K186) were significantly higher than those from oocytes expressing wild type ENaC. When channels lacked the alpha and gamma subunit inhibitory tracts, alpha subunit cleavage was required for channels to be fully active. Channels lacking both furin cleavage and the inhibitory tract in thegamma subunit (alphabetagammaR143A,DeltaE144-K186) showed a significant reduction in the efficacy of block by the syntheticalpha-26 inhibitory peptide representing the tract alphaD206-R231. Our data indicate that removal of the inhibitory tract from the gamma subunit, in the absence ofalpha subunit cleavage, results in nearly full activation of the channel.  相似文献   

The activity of the amiloride-sensitive epithelial sodium channel (ENaC) is modulated by F-actin. However, it is unknown if there is a direct interaction between alpha-ENaC and actin. We have investigated the hypothesis that the actin cytoskeleton directly binds to the carboxyl terminus of alpha-ENaC using a combination of confocal microscopy, co-immunoprecipitation, and protein binding studies. Confocal microscopy of Madin-Darby canine kidney cell monolayers stably transfected with wild type, rat isoforms of alpha-, beta-, and gamma-ENaC revealed co-localization of alpha-ENaC with the cortical F-actin cytoskeleton both at the apical membrane and within the subapical cytoplasm. F-actin was found to co-immunoprecipitate with alpha-ENaC from whole cell lysates of this cell line. Gel overlay assays demonstrated that F-actin specifically binds to the carboxyl terminus of alpha-ENaC. A direct interaction between F-actin and the COOH terminus of alpha-ENaC was further corroborated by F-actin co-sedimentation studies. This is the first study to report a direct and specific biochemical interaction between F-actin and ENaC.  相似文献   

The amiloride-sensitive epithelial sodium channel is a highly selective sodium channel that constitutes the rate-limiting step of sodium reabsorption in distal nephrons. It consists of at least 3 subunits (alpha, beta, and gamma) of similar structure and plays an important role in sodium and fluid homeostasis. Defects of this channel have been critically implicated in Liddle syndrome (pseudoaldosteronism) and pseudohypo-aldosteronism type 1. A sample of 48 individuals from 23 nuclear families was selected from Anhui, China. We sequenced 12 exons and flanking intronic sequences and discovered a new 207-bp intron located in the previously described exon X of Thomas et al. (1996). In addition, 4 novel single nucleotide polymorphisms were identified; 3 were in exon 3 and 1 was in exon 13. Furthermore, 2 base substitutions in exon 13 were present in all the Chinese subjects compared with the published European SCNN1G DNA sequence.  相似文献   

The first step in transepithelial sodium absorption lies at the apical membrane where the amiloride-sensitive, epithelial sodium channel, ENaC, facilitates sodium entry into the cell. Here we report that the vesicle traffic regulatory (SNARE (soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor attachment protein receptor)) protein, syntaxin 1A (S1A), inhibits ENaC mediated sodium entry. This inhibitory effect is selective for S1A and is not reproduced by syntaxin 3. The inhibition does not require the membrane anchoring domain of syntaxin 1A. It was reversed by the S1A-binding protein, Munc-18, but not by a Munc-18 mutant, which lacks syntaxin affinity. Immunostaining of epitope-tagged ENaC subunits showed that syntaxin 1A decreases ENaC current by reducing the number of ENaC channels in the plasma membrane; S1A does not interfere with ENaC protein expression. Immunoprecipitation of syntaxin 1A from the sodium-transporting epithelial cell line, A6, co-precipitates ENaC. These findings indicate that syntaxin 1A and other members of the SNARE machinery are involved in the control of plasma membrane ENaC content, and they suggest that SNARE proteins participate in the regulation of sodium absorption in relation to agonist mediated vesicle insertion-retrieval processes.  相似文献   

The role of amiloride-sensitive Na+ channels (ASSCs) in the transduction of salty taste stimuli in rat fungiform taste buds has been well established. Evidence for the involvement of ASSCs in salt transduction in circumvallate and foliate taste buds is, at best, contradictory. In an attempt to resolve this apparent controversy, we have begun to look for functional ASSCs in taste buds isolated from fungiform, foliate, and circumvallate papillae of male Sprague-Dawley rats. By use of a combination of whole-cell and nystatin-perforated patch-clamp recording, cells within the taste bud that exhibited voltage-dependent currents, reflective of taste receptor cells (TRCs), were subsequently tested for amiloride sensitivity. TRCs were held at - 70 mV, and steady-state current and input resistance were monitored during superfusion of Na(+)-free saline and salines containing amiloride (0.1 microM to 1 mM). Greater than 90% of all TRCs from each of the papillae responded to Na+ replacement with a decrease in current and an increase in input resistance, reflective of a reduction in electrogenic Na+ movement into the cell. ASSCs were found in two thirds of fungiform and in one third of foliate TRCs, whereas none of the circumvallate TRCs was amiloride sensitive. These findings indicate that the mechanism for Na+ influx differs among taste bud types. All amiloride-sensitive currents had apparent inhibition constants in the submicromolar range. These results agree with afferent nerve recordings and raise the possibility that the extensive labeling of the ASSC protein and mRNA in the circumvallate papillae may reflect a pool of nonfunctional channels or a pool of channels that lacks sensitivity to amiloride.  相似文献   

The amiloride-sensitive epithelial sodium channel (ENaC), a multimeric plasma membrane protein composed of alpha-, beta-, and gamma-ENaC subunits, mediates Na(+) reabsorption in epithelial tissues, including the distal nephron, colon, lung, and secretory glands, and plays a critical role in pathophysiology of essential hypertension and cystic fibrosis (CF). The function of ENaC is tightly regulated by signals elicited by aldosterone, vasopressin, agents that increase intracellular cAMP levels, ions, ion channels, G-protein-coupled mechanisms, and cytoskeletal proteins. In this paper, the effects of Ca(2+) on the expression of the human ENaC subunits expressed in human embryonic kidney cells (HEK-293 cells) were examined. Incubation of cells with increased extracellular Ca(2+) and treatment of cells with A23187 and thapsigargin stimulated the expression of the monomeric ENaC subunits. Treatment of cells with Ca(2+)-chelating agents, EGTA and BAPTA-AM, reduced the levels of ENaC subunit expression. The pulse-chase experiments suggested that a rise in the intracellular Ca(2+) increases the ENaC subunit expression. Immunoblot analysis using the anti-ubiquitin antibody indicated that ENaC undergoes ubiquitination. A correlation between the processes that regulate ENaC function with the intracellular Ca(2+) was discussed.  相似文献   

A fine regulation of the amiloride-sensitive Epithelial Sodium Channel (ENaC), made of alpha, beta and gamma subunits, is crucial for maintenance of Na+ balance and blood pressure. Both beta- and gamma-ENaC participate in negative regulation by interacting with Nedd4-2, an E3 ubiquitin-ligase. Disruption of this interaction results in increased ENaC activity (Liddle syndrome). By two-hybrid screenings, we identified new potential partners of alpha-ENaC: WWP1 (E3 ubiquitin-ligase protein), UBC9 and TSG101 (E2 ubiquitin/SUMO-conjugating enzymes) and confirmed these interactions in GST pull-down assays. All these partners are implicated in protein trafficking and could be involved in the regulation of ENaC activity.  相似文献   

We have characterized sequences of genomic DNA 5' to the coding region of the rat malic enzyme gene. This sequence possesses neither TATA nor CCAAT sequences in their usual positions but is rich in GC residues. Sequences similar to those found in the regulatory regions of other genes are discussed. Deletion analyses have revealed that sequences +1 to -41 are sufficient to initiate expression, although inclusion of information up to -177 is necessary for maximal promoter activity.  相似文献   

Degenerins and amiloride-sensitive Na+ channels form a new family of cationic ion channels (DEG/NaC). DEG/NaC family emerged as common denominator within a metazoan mechanosensory apparatus. In this study, we characterized a new member of such family in amphioxus, Branchiostoma floridae. The AmphiNaC cDNA sequence encodes a protein showing amino acid residues characteristic of DEG/NaC family, such as two hydrophobic domains surrounding a large extracellular loop that includes cystein-rich domains; nevertheless its predicted sequence is quite divergent from other family members. AmphiNaC is expressed at early larval stage in some putative sensory epidermal cells in the middle of the body and in neurons of the posterior cerebral vesicle, as well as in some ventrolateral and mediolateral neurons of the neural tube. In late larvae, AmphiNaC expression is maintained in some neurons of the neural tube, and it is expressed in putative sensory epidermal cells of rostrum and mouth. The analysis of AmphiNaC gene expression pattern suggests that it might be involved in neurotransmission and sensory modulation.  相似文献   

Studies aiming at the elucidation of the genetic basis of rare monogenic forms of hypertension have identified mutations in genes coding for the epithelial sodium channel ENaC, for the mineralocorticoid receptor, or for enzymes crucial for the synthesis of aldosterone. These genetic studies clearly demonstrate the importance of the regulation of Na+ absorption in the aldosterone-sensitive distal nephron (ASDN), for the maintenance of the extracellular fluid volume and blood pressure.Recent studies aiming at a better understanding of the cellular and molecular basis of ENaC-mediated Na+ absorption in the distal part of nephron, have essentially focused on the regulation ENaC activity and on the aldosterone-signaling cascade. ENaC is a constitutively open channel, and factors controlling the number of active channels at the cell surface are likely to have profound effects on Na+ absorption in the ASDN, and in the amount of Na+ that is excreted in the final urine.A number of membrane-bound proteases, kinases, have recently been identified that increase ENaC activity at the cell surface in heterologous expressions systems. Ubiquitylation is a general process that regulates the stability of a variety of target proteins that include ENaC. Recently, deubiquitylating enzymes have been shown to increase ENaC activity in heterologous expressions systems.These regulatory mechanisms are likely to be nephron specific, since in vivo studies indicate that the adaptation of the renal excretion of Na+ in response to Na+ diet occurs predominantly in the early part (the connecting tubule) of the ASDN.An important work is presently done to determine in vivo the physiological relevance of these cellular and molecular mechanisms in regulation of ENaC activity. The contribution of the protease-dependent ENaC regulation in mediating Na+ absorption in the ASDN is still not clearly understood. The signaling pathway that involves ubiquitylation of ENaC does not seem to be absolutely required for the aldosterone-mediated control of ENaC. These in vivo physiological studies presently constitute a major challenge for our understanding of the regulation of ENaC to maintain the Na+ balance.  相似文献   

A long isoform of the human Epithelial Sodium Channel (ENaC) α subunit has been identified, but little data exist regarding the properties or regulation of channels formed by α728. The baseline whole cell conductance of oocytes expressing trimeric α728βγ channels was 898.1 ± 277.2 and 49.59 ± 13.2 µS in low and high sodium solutions, respectively, and was 11 and 2 fold higher than the conductances of α669βγ in same solutions. α728βγ channels were also 2 to 5 fold less sensitive to activation by the serine proteases subtilisin and trypsin than α669βγ in low and high Na+ conditions. The long isoform exhibited lower levels of full length and cleaved protein at the plasma membrane and a rightward shifted sensitivity to inhibition by increases of [Na+]i. Both channels displayed similar single channel conductances of 4 pS, and both were activated to a similar extent by reducing temperature, altogether indicating that activation of baseline conductance of α728βγ was likely mediated by enhanced channel activity or open probability. Expression of α728 in native kidneys was validated in human urinary exosomes. These data demonstrate that the long isoform of αENaC forms the structural basis of a channel with different activity and regulation, which may not be easily distinguishable in native tissue, but may underlie sodium hyperabsorption and salt sensitive differences in humans.  相似文献   

A long isoform of the human Epithelial Sodium Channel (ENaC) α subunit has been identified, but little data exist regarding the properties or regulation of channels formed by α728. The baseline whole cell conductance of oocytes expressing trimeric α728βγ channels was 898.1 ± 277.2 and 49.59 ± 13.2 µS in low and high sodium solutions, respectively, and was 11 and 2 fold higher than the conductances of α669βγ in same solutions. α728βγ channels were also 2 to 5 fold less sensitive to activation by the serine proteases subtilisin and trypsin than α669βγ in low and high Na+ conditions. The long isoform exhibited lower levels of full length and cleaved protein at the plasma membrane and a rightward shifted sensitivity to inhibition by increases of [Na+]i. Both channels displayed similar single channel conductances of 4 pS, and both were activated to a similar extent by reducing temperature, altogether indicating that activation of baseline conductance of α728βγ was likely mediated by enhanced channel activity or open probability. Expression of α728 in native kidneys was validated in human urinary exosomes. These data demonstrate that the long isoform of αENaC forms the structural basis of a channel with different activity and regulation, which may not be easily distinguishable in native tissue, but may underlie sodium hyperabsorption and salt sensitive differences in humans.  相似文献   

The amiloride-sensitive epithelial Na(+) channel (ENaC) plays a critical role in the maintenance of alveolar fluid balance. It is generally accepted that reactive oxygen and nitrogen species can inhibit ENaC activity and aggravate acute lung injury; however, the molecular mechanism for free radical-mediated ENaC inhibition is unclear. Previously, we showed that the expression of the alpha-subunit of ENaC, alpha-ENaC, which is indispensable for ENaC activity, is repressed by Ras activation in salivary epithelial cells. Here, we investigated whether exogenous H(2)O(2) modulates alpha-ENaC gene expression in lung epithelial cells through a similar molecular mechanism. Utilizing transient transfection reporter assays and site-directed mutagenesis analyses, we found that the glucocorticoid response element (GRE), located at -1334 to -1306 base pairs of the alpha-ENaC 5'-flanking region, is the major enhancer for the stimulated alpha-ENaC expression in A549 lung epithelial cells. We further demonstrate that the presence of an intact GRE is necessary and sufficient for oxidants to repress alpha-ENaC expression. Consistent with our hypothesis, exogenous H(2)O(2)-mediated repression of alpha-ENaC GRE activity is partially blocked by either a specific inhibitor for extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) pathway activation, U0126, or dominant negative ERK, suggesting that, in part, activated ERK may mediate the repressive effects of H(2)O(2) on alpha-ENaC expression. In addition, overexpression of thioredoxin restored glucocorticoid receptor action on the alpha-ENaC GRE in the presence of exogenous H(2)O(2). Taken together, we hypothesize that oxidative stress impairs Na(+) transport activity by inhibiting dexamethasone-dependent alpha-ENaC GRE activation via both ERK-dependent and thioredoxin-sensitive pathways. These results suggest a putative mechanism whereby cellular redox potentials modulate the glucocorticoid receptor/dexamethasone effect on alpha-ENaC expression in lung and other tight epithelia.  相似文献   

Sodium channels consist of a pore-forming alpha subunit and auxiliary beta 1 and beta 2 subunits. The subunit beta 1 alters the kinetics and voltage-dependence of sodium channels expressed in Xenopus oocytes or mammalian cells. Functional modulation in oocytes depends on specific regions in the N-terminal extracellular domain of beta 1, but does not require the intracellular C-terminal domain. Functional modulation is qualitatively different in mammalian cells, and thus could involve different molecular mechanisms. As a first step toward testing this hypothesis, we examined modulation of brain Na(V)1.2a sodium channel alpha subunits expressed in Chinese hamster lung cells by a mutant beta1 construct with 34 amino acids deleted from the C-terminus. This deletion mutation did not modulate sodium channel function in this cell system. Co-immunoprecipitation data suggest that this loss of functional modulation was caused by inefficient association of the mutant beta 1 with alpha, despite high levels of expression of the mutant protein. In Xenopus oocytes, injection of approximately 10,000 times more mutant beta 1 RNA was required to achieve the level of functional modulation observed with injection of full-length beta 1. Together, these findings suggest that the C-terminal cytoplasmic domain of beta 1 is an important determinant of beta1 binding to the sodium channel alpha subunit in both mammalian cells and Xenopus oocytes.  相似文献   

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