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The key to understanding the full significance of oxidants in health and disease is the development of tools and methods that allow the study of proteins that sense and transduce changes in cellular redox. Oxidant-reactive deprotonated thiols commonly operate as redox sensors in proteins and a variety of methods have been developed that allow us to monitor their oxidative modification.

Scope of the review

This outline review specifically focuses on gel-based methods used to detect, quantify and identify protein thiol oxidative modifications. The techniques we discuss fall into one of two broad categories. Firstly, methods that allow oxidation of thiols in specific proteins or the global cellular pool to be monitored are discussed. These typically utilise thiol-labelling reagents that add a reporter moiety (e.g. affinity tag, fluorophore, chromophore), in which loss of labelling signifies oxidation. Secondly, we outline methods that allow specific thiol oxidation states of proteins (e.g. S-sulfenylation, S-nitrosylation, S-thionylation and interprotein disulfide bond formation) to be investigated.

Major conclusions

A variety of different gel-based methods for identifying thiol proteins that are sensitive to oxidative modifications have been developed. These methods can aid the detection and quantification of thiol redox state, as well as identifying the sensor protein.

General significance

By understanding how cellular redox is sensed and transduced to a functional effect by protein thiol redox sensors, this will help us better appreciate the role of oxidants in health and disease. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled Current methods to study reactive oxygen species - pros and cons and biophysics of membrane proteins. Guest Editor: Christine Winterbourn.  相似文献   

A significant challenge in proteomics biomarker research is to identify the changes that are of highest diagnostic interest, among the many unspecific aberrations associated with disease burden and inflammation. In the present study liver tissue specimens (n=18) from six experimental stages were collected from the resistant hepatocyte (RH) rat model of liver cancer and analyzed by 2D DIGE. The study included triplicates of regenerating liver, control "sham-operated" liver, three distinct premalignant stages and hepatomas. Out of 81 identified proteins two-thirds were differentially abundant in rat hepatomas compared to control rat liver and, secondly, the majority of proteins were also changed in precursor stages. This underscores the importance of adequate control samples in explorative cancer biomarker research. We confirm several proteomic changes previously identified in human hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) and we identify novel candidate proteomic aberrations for further analysis in human HCC. In particular, increased levels of HSP70, HSP90, AKR1B1, AKR7A3, GCLM, ANXA5, VDBP, RGN and SULT1E1 were associated specifically with rat hepatomas, or with liver cancer progression in rat. In addition, we examine an integrated gel-based workflow for analysis of protein post-translational modifications (PTMs) and microtubule-association. We highlight differential PTM and localization of HSP60 as an interesting target for further analysis in liver cancer.  相似文献   

Gamma knife surgery (GKS) is used for the treatment of various brain disorders. The biological effects of focal gamma ray irradiation on targeted or surrounding areas in the brain are not well-known. In the present study, we evaluated protein expression changes in the unilateral irradiated (60 Gy) striatum in rat. Striata of irradiated and control brains were dissected 16 h post-irradiation for analysis by large-format two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2-DGE). In parallel, we also examined the un-targeted contralateral striatum over the control for potential changes in proteins patterns that may have occurred due to the effects of irradiation to the unilateral striatum. A total of 17 reproducible and differentially expressed silver nitrate-stained protein spots in the irradiated striatum was detected on 2-D gel. Their subsequent analysis by tandem mass spectrometry (nESI-LC-MS/MS) resulted in the identification of 13 nonredundant proteins. Interestingly, out of these 13 changed proteins, 2 proteins were also detected in the contralateral striatum. Some of the significantly changed proteins identified were creatine kinase, protein disulfide isomerase A3 precursor (PDA3), and peroxiredoxin 2 (Prx2). Western analysis with anti-PDA3 and anti-Prx2 antibodies revealed 4 and 2 cross-reacting protein spots on 2-D gel blots. Interestingly, after GKS, in the irradiated and un-irradiated striata, these spots showed a shift toward the acidic side, suggesting post-translational modifications. Taken together, these results indicate that unilateral irradiation during GKS triggers molecular changes in the bilateral striata.  相似文献   

"Subcellular proteomics" is currently the most effective approach to characterize subcellular compartments. Based on the powerful combination of subcellular fractionation and protein identification by LC-MS/MS we were able for the first time to 1) isolate intact neuromelanin granules from the human brain and 2) establish the first protein profile of these granules. This compartment containing neuromelanin (NM) is primarily located in the primate's substantia nigra, one of the main brain regions that severely degenerates in Parkinson disease. We used mechanic tissue disaggregation, discontinuous sucrose gradient centrifugation, cell disruption, and organelle separation to isolate NM granules from human substantia nigra. Using transmission electron microscopy we demonstrated that the morphological characteristics of the isolated NM granules are similar to those described in human brain tissue. Fundamentally we found numerous proteins definitely demonstrating a close relationship of NM-containing granules with lysosomes or lysosome-related organelles originating from the endosome-lysosome lineage. Intriguingly we further revealed the presence of endoplasmic reticulum-derived chaperones, especially the transmembrane protein calnexin, which recently has been located in lysosome-related melanosomes and has been suggested to be a melanogenic chaperone.  相似文献   

Human pendrin (SCL26A4, PDS) is a 780 amino acid integral membrane protein with transport function. It acts as an electroneutral, sodium-independent anion exchanger for a wide range of anions, such as iodide, chloride, formate, bicarbonate, hydroxide and thiocyanate. Pendrin expression was originally described in the thyroid gland, kidney and inner ear. Accordingly, pendrin mutations with reduction or loss of transport function result in thyroid and inner ear abnormalities, manifested as syndromic (Pendred syndrome) and non-syndromic hearing loss with an enlarged vestibular aqueduct (ns-EVA). Pendred syndrome, the most common form of syndromic deafness, is an autosomal recessive disease characterized by sensorineural deafness due to inner ear malformations and a partial iodide organification defect that may lead to thyroid goiter. Later, it became evident that not only pendrin loss of function, but also up-regulation could participate in the pathogenesis of human diseases. Indeed, despite the absence of kidney dysfunction in Pendred syndrome patients, evidence exists that pendrin also plays a crucial role in this organ, with a potential involvement in the pathogenesis of hypertension. In addition, recent data underscore the role of pendrin in exacerbations of respiratory distresses including bronchial asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Pendrin expression in other organs such as mammary gland, testis, placenta, endometrium and liver point to new, underscored pendrin functions that deserve to be further investigated.  相似文献   

We have used gel electrophoretic techniques including isoelectric focusing, blue native, acid-urea, 16-benzyldimethyl-n-hexadecylammonium chloride or SDS first dimensions and SDS Laemmli or tricine second dimensions to separate the proteins from highly-purified Neurospora mitochondria and sub-mitochondrial fractions (membrane, soluble, protein complexes and ribonucleoproteins). The products of 260 genes, many of them in multiple processed or modified forms, were identified by MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry. This work confirms the existence, expression, and mitochondrial localization of the products of 55 Neurospora genes previously annotated only as predicted or hypothetical, and of 101 genes not identified in previous mass spectrometry studies. Combined with previous mass spectrometry studies, and re-evaluation of genome annotations, we have compiled a curated list of 358 proteins identified in proteomic studies that are likely to be bona fide mitochondrial proteins plus 80 other identified proteins that may be mitochondrial. Literature data mining and computational predictions suggest that Neurospora mitochondria also contain another 299 proteins not yet identified in proteomics projects. Taken together, these data suggest that the products of at least 738 genes comprise the Neurospora mitochondrial proteome.  相似文献   

Cellular death is characterized by a complex pattern of molecular events that depend on cell type. Specifically, muscle cells first undergo rigor mortis due to ATP depletion, and later, on the time scale of days, muscle fiber degradation due to proteolytic enzyme activity. In the present review, we will refer to proteomic investigations on the post-mortem evolution of the protein patterns of animal muscle cells. These studies, carried out with the application of either bottom-up or top-down methods, are relevant for understanding the biochemical reactions that i) convert muscle to meat, ii) are associated with meat aging and iii) impact on meat tenderness, a feature of significant commercial value. We also report on the proteomic investigations that have been made to analyze the transformation of meat in industrial processes. These studies are primarily aimed at identifying protein patterns and/or individual proteins diagnostic of the quality of the final product.  相似文献   

When the p-value is set at <0.05 in statistical group comparisons, a 5% rate of "false significant" results is expected. In order to test the reliability of our 2-DE method, we loaded each of 24 gels with equal-sized samples (200 mug protein from pooled rat brain, pH 4-7, stained with ruthenium fluorescent stain for visualization) and statistically compared the first 12 gels with the last 12. In numerous experiments the rate of significant differences found far exceeded 5%. Several factors were identified as causing the following rates of false significant differences in spot intensities: (i) running samples in two different 2-DE runs (42%), (ii) running second dimension gels produced in two different gel casters (16%), (iii) normalizing the entire gel instead of separately normalizing several different gel zones (11%), (iv) using IPG strips from different packages (19%), (v) dividing the whole sample into subgroups during software analysis (9%). After controlling for all these factors, the rates of "false positive" results in our experiments were regularly reduced to approximately 5%. This is an indispensable prerequisite for avoiding too high a rate of false positive results in experiments in which different subgroups are compared statistically.  相似文献   

The genomes of most economically important microbial cells are already sequenced and proteomic technologies can be applied during various process development steps, starting with the selection and optimization of the functions of the industrial strains, application of the knowledge of cell function in response to the changes of production parameters, validation of the downstream processing, and thorough characterization of the final product. Unfortunately, there are only a few direct examples in the literature that present the optimization of the production process based on proteomics. In this review, we discuss the potential of this technology for the design of future bioprocesses and for optimization of existing ones.  相似文献   

Studies on cation-exchange capacities of roots   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  


Hermjakob H 《Proteomics》2006,6(Z2):34-38
Proteomics is a key field of modern biomolecular research, with many small and large scale efforts producing a wealth of proteomics data. However, the vast majority of this data is never exploited to its full potential. Even in publicly funded projects, often the raw data generated in a specific context is analysed, conclusions are drawn and published, but little attention is paid to systematic documentation, archiving, and public access to the data supporting the scientific results. It is often difficult to validate the results stated in a particular publication, and even simple global questions like "In which cellular contexts has my protein of interest been observed?" can currently not be answered with realistic effort, due to a lack of standardised reporting and collection of proteomics data. The Proteomics Standards Initiative (PSI), a work group of the Human Proteome Organisation (HUPO), defines community standards for data representation in proteomics to facilitate systematic data capture, comparison, exchange and verification. In this article we provide an overview of PSI organisational structure, activities, and current results, as well as ways to get involved in the broad-based, open PSI process.  相似文献   

Calpains are a family of calcium-dependent cysteine proteases that are ubiquitously expressed in mammals and play critical roles in neuronal death by catalyzing substrate proteolysis. Here, we developed two-dimensional gel electrophoresis-based protease proteomics to identify putative calpain substrates. To accomplish this, cellular lysates from neuronal cells were first separated by pI, and the immobilized sample on a gel strip was incubated with a recombinant calpain and separated by molecular weight. Among 25 altered protein spots that were differentially expressed by at least 2-fold, we confirmed that arsenical pump-driving ATPase, optineurin, and peripherin were cleaved by calpain using in vitro and in vivo cleavage assays. Furthermore, we found that all of these substrates were cleaved in MN9D cells treated with either ionomycin or 1-methyl-4-phenylpyridinium, both of which cause a calcium-mediated calpain activation. Their cleavage was blocked by calcium chelator or calpain inhibitors. In addition, calpain-mediated cleavage of these substrates and its inhibition by calpeptin were confirmed in a middle cerebral artery occlusion model of cerebral ischemia, as well as a stereotaxic brain injection model of Parkinson disease. Transient overexpression of each protein was shown to attenuate 1-methyl-4-phenylpyridinium-induced cell death, indicating that these substrates may confer protection of varying magnitudes against dopaminergic injury. Taken together, the data indicate that our protease proteomic method has the potential to be applicable for identifying proteolytic substrates affected by diverse proteases. Moreover, the results described here will help us decipher the molecular mechanisms underlying the progression of neurodegenerative disorders where protease activation is critically involved.  相似文献   


A new method for rapid proteolytic digestion of proteins under high pressure that uses pressure cycling technology in the range of 5-35 kpsi was demonstrated for proteomic analysis. Successful in-solution digestions of single proteins and complex protein mixtures were achieved in 60 s and then analyzed by reversed phase liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization ion trap-mass spectrometry. Method performance in terms of the number of Shewanella oneidensis peptides and proteins identified in a shotgun approach was evaluated relative to a traditional "overnight" sample preparation method. Advantages of the new method include greatly simplified sample processing, easy implementation, no cross contamination among samples, and cost effectiveness.  相似文献   

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