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Neurofibromatosis 1 (NF1), a common autosomal dominant disorder, was shown in one study to be associated with a 15-year decrease in life expectancy. However, data on mortality in NF1 are limited. Our aim was to evaluate mortality in a large retrospective cohort of NF1 patients seen in France between 1980 and 2006.


Consecutive NF1 patients referred to the National French Referral Center for Neurofibromatoses were included. The standardized mortality ratio (SMR) with its 95% confidence interval (CI) was calculated as the ratio of observed over expected numbers of deaths. We studied factors associated with death and causes of death.


Between 1980 and 2006, 1895 NF1 patients were seen. Median follow-up was 6.8 years (range, 0.4-20.6). Vital status was available for 1226 (65%) patients, of whom 1159 (94.5%) survived and 67 (5.5%) died. Overall mortality was significantly increased in the NF1 cohort (SMR, 2.02; CI, 1.6-2.6; P < 10-4). The excess mortality occurred among patients aged 10 to 20 years (SMR, 5.2; CI, 2.6-9.3; P < 10-4) and 20 to 40 years (SMR, 4.1; 2.8-5.8; P < 10-4). Significant excess mortality was found in both males and females. In the 10-20 year age group, females had a significant increase in mortality compared to males (SMR, 12.6; CI, 5.7-23.9; and SMR, 1.8; CI, 0.2-6.4; respectively). The cause of death was available for 58 (86.6%) patients; malignant nerve sheath tumor was the main cause of death (60%).


We found significantly increased SMRs indicating excess mortality in NF1 patients compared to the general population. The definitive diagnosis of NF1 in all patients is a strength of our study, and the high rate of death related to malignant transformation is consistent with previous work. The retrospective design and hospital-based recruitment are limitations of our study. Mortality was significantly increased in NF1 patients aged 10 to 40 years and tended to be higher in females than in males.  相似文献   

The PGs produced in the growth medium by skin fibroblast cultures from two O.I. affected patients were investigated. After density gradient centrifugation, in the most dense fraction two main families of molecules appeared. The patient with the more severe clinical picture showed a lower content of the PGs with the highest molecular weight. The GAG composition of PGs was different in the two patients. The more severely affected one showed an increase of HS and a decrease of ChS content, in agreement with the lower value of galactosamine to glucosamine ratio in urinary GAGs.  相似文献   

Deciduous and permanent teeth from seven patients with five different osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) syndromes and three normal subjects were demineralized with ethanolic trimethylammonium EDTA, enzymatically pretreated and immunostained with antihuman plasma fibronectin (FN) sera. Staining for FN in the dentin matrix was positive in halo and reticular patterns in the one patient with Sillence type I B OI and in two patients of three with type IV B OI, all with dentinogenesis imperfecta (DI). The staining was negative in type I A OI without DI, in type III, in one patient with type IV B, and in an unidentified type of OI, all with DI. In normal control teeth no staining of the dentin matrix was observed. The staining differences between OI types (also with DI) may reflect genetic heterogeneity. The diverse results in type IV B OI were suggestive of interfamilial variability within the OI syndrome. The presence of FN in the dentin matrix in OI may be due to its continuous synthesis or decreased degradation during dentin development.  相似文献   

Hidalgo E  Dominguez C 《Life sciences》2000,67(11):1331-1344
Sodium hypochlorite, the most widely used antimicrobial active chlorine compound in chemical disinfection, is little used as an antiseptic in clinical practice. This study aimed to assess the capacity of hypochlorite to alter human dermal fibroblast growth in vitro in relation to the concentration and exposure time. Effects of decreasing concentrations of hypochlorite (0.5%-0.00025%) on fibroblast adherence capacity and proliferation, according to varying exposure times and fetal calf serum (FCS) concentrations were investigated combining XTT assay, which provides cytochemical quantification of metabolically-active cell number, and total cell protein content, an indirect method for assessing substrate-adhered cell number. Initial cytotoxicity was produced at 0.0075% hypochlorite within contact time of two hours, provoking concentration-dependent cell detachment. From 0.1% upwards, NaOCl exerted a profound cytotoxic effect on fibroblasts. At later stages (4 h) and concentrations > or = 0.01% hypochlorite produced dose-dependent mitochondrial dysfunction: cell survival progressively diminished from 71% to 10%. Cytotoxic effects were not significantly affected by exposure-time periods, probably because maximum chlorine is released within the first four hours. Hypochlorite concentrations from 0.005% to 0.00025% were found to have no inhibitory effects on cell growth; in fact, they appear to exhibit the opposite effect. Increments in protein content found after 24 h exposure ranged from 30% to 120% above control values. Hypochlorite is highly cytotoxic for fibroblasts at concentrations > or = 0.01% provoking concentration-dependent loss of cell adherence capacity and mitochondrial dysfunction. In contrast, a mitogenic effect was observed with concentrations < or = 0.005% which supports NaOCl as a source growth-promoting activity in cultured human fibroblasts. Hypochlorite proved to be a highly reactive molecule which inhibits or stimulates cell division according to the concentration.  相似文献   

Osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) is a disease with biochemical evidence of abnormality in collagen biosynthesis. We report here that expression of the OI phenotype extends to the level of dermal fibroblast morphology in vitro. Growth characteristics and morphology of control (n = 3) and 01 cell strains (n = 10) were compared. Our results show that (1) OI fibroblasts take longer time (16 days) than that with control cells (13 days) to reach stationary phase; (2) OI fibroblasts achieve a lower cell density (1.0 +/- 0.09) at stationary phase compared to control cells (1.47 +/- 0.1); p < 0.01; (3) cell shape (expressed as the width/length ratio) was also abnormal in OI cells: they have significantly increased ratios (p < 0.05) compared to control. These changes were associated with an increased level of fibronectin concentration and engorged cytoplasmic vesicles in dermal fibroblasts in vitro. We have reason to suspect that dysmorphology of fibroblasts may be related to aberrant collagen metabolism that leads to inadequacy of extracellular substratum, that in its turn hinders normal adhesion of cells as well as their spreading, morphology and fibronectin concentration.  相似文献   

Types I, II, and III collagens are believed to have evolved from the same homotrimer ancestor and they have substantial sequence homology, but type I molecules are alpha1(I)(2)alpha2(I) heterotrimers, unlike homotrimeric types II and III. It is believed that the alpha2(I) chain first appeared in lower vertebrates and that it plays a particularly important role in bone formation. For instance, spontaneous mutations resulting in non- functional alpha2 chains and formation of type I homotrimers cause severe bone pathology (osteogenesis imperfecta) in humans and in animals. However, the exact role of the alpha2 chain is not known. Here, we report measurements of intermolecular forces between collagen helices in native and reconstituted fibers composed of type I homotrimers, heterotrimers and their mix. For comparison, we report forces between type II homotrimers in reconstituted fibers. In agreement with previous studies, we find that the absence of the alpha2 chain reduces temperature-favored attraction between collagen helices, either because of the difference in amino acid sequence of the alpha1 and alpha2 chains or because of more extensive post-translational modification of homotrimers. We find that forces between helices in fibers from type I (as well as type II) homotrimers are not sensitive to pH between pH 6 and 7.5, in contrast to type I heterotrimers. Apparently, the effect of pH is related to extra histidine residues present on alpha2 chains but not on alpha1 chains. Finally, our measurements indicate that the alpha2 chain is responsible for binding some soluble compound(s), possibly glycosaminoglycans, whose displacement results, e.g., in the loss of tendon crystallinity. The ability of the alpha2 chain to bind non-collagen matrix components may be particularly important for bone matrix formation and mineralization.  相似文献   

Xu P  Huang J  Cebe P  Kaplan DL 《Biomacromolecules》2008,9(6):1551-1557
Collagens constitute a large family of extracellar matrix proteins in humans and mammals that provide a structural framework for tissues. A number of hereditary connective tissue diseases are associated with mutations in collagens, including Osteogenesis imperfecta (OI). Collagen-like peptides were synthesized with alterations in primary sequence to represent native and mutation states related to this disease. The peptides were self-assembled in solution and on surfaces to investigate the influence of sequence chemistry on self-organization and, subsequently, how changes in structural organization impact templating for hydroxyapatite (HA) crystallization. Bulkier and more hydrophilic amino acid side chains in the peptide sequence, representing increasing severity of the disease state, resulted in a progressive disruption of the triple helix and supramolecular assembly. These changes also resulted in alterations in the nature of the mineralization pattern and composition of the calcium phosphate deposited on assembled templates.  相似文献   

Cultured skin fibroblasts from seven consecutive cases of lethal perinatal osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) expressed defects of type I collagen metabolism. The secretion of [14C]proline-labelled collagen by the OI cells was specifically reduced (51-79% of control), and collagen degradation was increased to twice that of control cells in five cases and increased by approx. 30% in the other two cases. Sodium dodecyl sulphate/polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis revealed that four of the OI cell lines produced two forms of type I collagen consisting of both normally and slowly migrating forms of the alpha 1(I)- and alpha 2(I)-chains. In the other three OI cell lines only the 'slow' alpha (I)'- and alpha 2(I)'-chains were detected. In both groups inhibition of the post-translational modifications of proline and lysine resulted in the production of a single species of type I collagen with normal electrophoretic migration. Proline hydroxylation was normal, but the hydroxylysine contents of alpha 1(I)'- and alpha 2(I)'-chains purified by h.p.l.c. were greater than in control alpha-chains. The glucosylgalactosylhydroxylysine content was increased approx. 3-fold while the galactosylhydroxylysine content was only slightly increased in the alpha 1(I)'-chains relative to control alpha 1(I)-chains. Peptide mapping of the CNBr-cleavage peptides provided evidence that the increased post-translational modifications were distributed throughout the alpha 1(I)'- and alpha 2(I)'-chains. It is postulated that the greater modification of these chains was due to structural defects of the alpha-chains leading to delayed helix formation. The abnormal charge heterogeneity observed in the alpha 1 CB8 peptide of one patient may reflect such a structural defect in the type I collagen molecule.  相似文献   

Lycium barbarum L. (Solanaceae) glycoconjugates (LbGp) display an interesting array of anti-apoptotic and antioxidant properties, which may be beneficial for human skin. We therefore set out to determine the effects of LbGp in full-thickness human skin, and in dermal fibroblasts. It was found that LbGp decreased the level of MMP (matrix metalloproteinase)-1 significantly, but not that of MMP-3 or -13, in the whole human skin system, without compromising the viability of the skin. Consistently, LbGp inhibited skin expansion under mechanical stress, which in this model depends on the activity of MMP-1. We found that one of L. barbarum glycoconjugates, the LbGp5, promoted the survival of human fibroblasts cultured in suboptimal conditions. Furthermore, in the presence of LbGp5, these cultures also contained higher levels of the MMP-1 substrate--collagen type I. Together these results suggest that L. barbarum glycoconjugates in general, and LbGp5 in particular, may have important skin-protective properties.  相似文献   

It has been proposed that ageing of human dermal fibroblasts occurs as a multi-stage process during which cells progress from a mitotic to a post-mitotic state. We describe the development of a simple and novel cell-cloning model for identifying and quantifying the different fibroblast morphotypes associated with the induction of post mitotic behaviour. We have found that under atmospheric (20%) oxygen tension a significant proportion of human dermal fibroblasts are rapidly induced to switch from a mitotic to a post-mitotic phenotype. In contrast, under more physiological (4%) oxygen conditions, the induction of a post-mitotic phenotype is largely prevented. Increasing oxidative stress by addition of hydrogen peroxide or depletion of glutathione also induced a switch from a mitotic to a post-mitotic phenotype in these cells, whereas addition of the anti-oxidant N-acetylcysteine under atmospheric (20%) oxygen tension potently inhibited this process. In addition, a statistically significant correlation was observed between the magnitude of intracellular glutathione depletion and the reduction in the population of mitotic cells in this model. We propose that the switch from a mitotic to a post-mitotic phenotype represents a process of cellular ageing and that standard atmospheric oxygen tension imposes a substantial oxidative stress on dermal fibroblasts which accelerates this process in culture. The data also suggest that intracellular glutathione levels strongly influence the induction of a post-mitotic phenotype and that, by implication, depletion of glutathione may play a significant role in the progression of cellular ageing in human skin.  相似文献   

Studies on type I procollagen produced by skin fibroblasts cultured from twins with lethal type II of osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) showed that biosynthesis of collagen (measured by L-[5-(3)H]proline incorporation into proteins susceptible to the action of bacterial collagenase) was slightly increased as compared to the control healthy infant. SDS/PAGE showed that the fibroblasts synthesized and secreted only normal type I procollagen. Electrophoretic analysis of collagen chains and CNBr peptides showed the same pattern of electrophoretic migration as in the controls. The lack of posttranslational overmodification of the collagen molecule suggested a molecular defect near the amino terminus of the collagen helix. Digestion of OI type I collagen with trypsin at 30 degrees C for 5 min generated a shorter than normal alpha2 chain which melted at 36 degrees C. Direct sequencing of an asymmetric PCR product revealed a heterozygous single nucleotide change C-->G causing a substitution of histidine by aspartic acid in the alpha2 chain at position 92. Pericellular processing of type I procollagen by the twin's fibroblasts yielded a later appearance of the intermediate pC-alpha1(I) form as compared with control cells.  相似文献   

Pseudoxanthoma elasticum (PXE) is a genetic connective tissue disease, whose gene and pathogenesis are still unknown. Dermal fibroblasts from patients affected by PXE have been compared in vitro with fibroblasts taken from sex and age-matched normal individuals. Cells were grown and investigated in monolayer, into three-dimensional collagen gels and in suspension. Compared with normal cells, PXE fibroblasts cultured in monolayer entered more rapidly within the S phase and exhibited an increased proliferation index; on the contrary, similarly to normal fibroblasts, PXE cells did not grow in suspension. Furthermore, compared with normal fibroblasts, PXE cells exhibited lower efficiency in retracting collagen type I lattices and lower adhesion properties to collagen type I and to plasma fibronectin. This behavior was associated with higher expression of integrin subunits alpha2, alpha5, alphav, whereas beta1 subunit as well as alpha2beta1 and alpha5beta1 integrin expression was lower than in controls. Compared to controls, PXE fibroblasts had higher CAM protein expression in accordance with their high tendency to form cellular aggregates, when kept in suspension. The demonstration that PXE fibroblasts have altered cell-cell and cell-matrix interactions, associated with modified proliferation capabilities, is consistent with the hypothesis that the gene responsible for PXE might have a broad regulatory role on the cellular machinery.  相似文献   

We investigated the therapeutic efficacy of the topical antiseptic sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) for antibacterial activity and in parallel the cytotoxicity mechanisms by which hypochlorite and the chloramines generated therefrom induce oxidative tissue damage, which further influences the wound-healing process. Human dermal fibroblasts were exposed to increasing concentrations of reagent NaOCl (0.00005-0.1%) at exposure times varying between 2 and 24 h and the protective effects of fetal calf serum (FCS) determined. Antibacterial power was studied by testing a wide range of hypochlorite concentrations (0.00025-0.5%) against four isolated bacterial species. Total bactericidal effects were observed only for 0.5%; concentration range 0.25-0.025% produced partial antimicrobial activity. The early NaOCl-produced cytotoxic action on cultured fibroblasts was cell ATP depletion which occurred at 0.00005% (with FCS 2%) followed by dose- and time-dependent decreases, reaching levels below 5% of control values. Using the 3'-[1-(phenylamino-carbonyl)-3,4-tetrazolium]-bis(4-methoxy-6-nitro)benzene sulfonic acid metabolic assay to evaluate cell death, we observed that NaOCl concentrations greater than 0.05% provoked null fibroblast survival at all exposure times assayed. Hypochlorous acid proved to exert a rapid inhibitory effect on DNA synthesis, consistent with its primary role in bacterial killing by phagocytes. Cytotoxicity produced by increasing NaOCl concentrations and assessed by measuring both mitochondrial function and cell DNA synthesis was reduced with the greatest presence of FCS (10%) in culture media.  相似文献   

Cultured fibroblasts were infected with vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) and the pathway of exocytosis of G protein, the transmembrane glycoprotein of VSV, was followed by immunofluorescence and electron microscopy. G protein was detected within the endoplasmic reticulum, within smooth vesicles and stacks in the Golgi region and on the cell surface. No G protein was detected in the coated regions of the Golgi. Our data are consistent with the hypothesis that coated regions of the Golgi are involved in transfer of lysosomal enzymes and other substances to lysosomes and not in exocytosis.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to provide guidelines for pediatricians, adult physicians in different medical disciplines and patients' families who are planning the transition to adult care for the adolescent with osteogenesis imperfecta (OI). This observational report reflects concerns expressed by patients, their families, and involved physicians regarding the problems encountered with the transition of care. Methods for dealing with transitional issues are presented. OI is a heritable disorder of connective tissue in which fractures are the dominant clinical feature. However, OI is a systemic disorder with broad clinical variability in which there are unpredictable episodes of trauma. Coordinated team support provides the best level of care for the child with OI. This paper discusses 4 key topics related to effecting the transition from pediatric to adult care: 1) Transitioning and maintaining health, 2) Preserving or improving the level of function, 3) Assuring continuity of medical/surgical care, and 4) Re-structuring psychosocial and work-related systems. The process of transition requires active communication between the pediatric and adult team members along with a proactive approach by the patient and family. In addition, as the transition is established, the patient with OI should be encouraged to be his/her own advocate and care coordinator.  相似文献   

Prompt deposition of fibronectin-rich extracellular matrix is a critical feature of normal development and the host-response to injury. Fibronectin isoforms that include the EDA and EDB domains are prominent in these fibronectin matrices. We now report using human dermal fibroblast cultures that the EDA domain of fibronectin or EDA-derived peptides modeled after the C–C′ loop promote stress fiber formation and myosin-light chain phosphorylation. These changes are accompanied by an increase in fibronectin synthesis and fibrillogenesis. These effects are blocked by pretreating cells with either siRNA or blocking antibody to the α4 integrin. Our data indicate that the interaction between the α4β1 integrin and the EDA domain of fibronectin helps to drive tissue fibrosis by promoting a contractile phenotype and an increase in fibronectin synthesis and deposition.  相似文献   

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