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An intraperitoneal injection of newborn calf serum (NBCS) into CRF Swiss mice causes an inflammatory reaction characterized by an increase in the number of macrophages in the peritoneal cavity and a concomitant monocytosis. The serum of such mice contains a monocytosis-inducing factor, as demonstrated by the intravenous injection of serum collected 18 (CalS18) and 24 hr (CalS24) after the intraperitoneal injection of NBCS. Serum from normal untreated mice, from mice given an intraperitoneal injection of sterile pyrogen-free saline, which does not cause an inflammatory reaction, or from mice 72 hr after an intraperitoneal injection of NBCS, when the inflammatory reaction has subsided, does not cause a monocytosis in test mice. Intravenous injection of CalS18 causes not only a monocytosis but also an increase in the number of promonocytes and bone marrow monocytes, suggesting an increased in the number of promonocytes and bone marrow monocytes, suggesting an increased production of monocytes. The effect of CalS18, CalS24 and CalS18 filtrate is specific for the mononuclear phagocytes, since only non-significant increases in the numbers of lymphocytes and granulocytes were observed. The active factor in CalS18 was shown to be different from the monocytosis-inducing factor present in NBCS. The monocytosis-inducing factor in CalS18 passes through an ultrafiltration membrane with an exclusion limit of 50,000 Daltons, so that the molecular weight must be below this value.  相似文献   

Intestinal blood loss in calves infected with various numbers of Oesophagostomum radiatum was measured using 51Cr-labeled erythrocytes, and compared with the subsequent changes in the packed cell volume of jugular blood. Emergence of histotropic fourth-stage larvae from the submucosal cysts was associated with intestinal hemorrhage in all infected calves but only in the calves given a near lethal dose of larvae was the bleeding sufficient to cause anemia. At the lower infection rates the hemorrhage caused by larvae was considerably less than that produced by the ensuing adult population. The proportion of adult worms recovered from the infecting dose diminished as the dose increased.  相似文献   

A cryofibrinogen complex was detected in the plasma of cattle infected with Oesophagostomum radiatum. Its formation coincided with the development of hypofibrinogenaemia and it consisted basically of fibrinogen and soluble noncross-linked fibrin in both monomer and high molecular forms. Also present in the complex, albeit in trace amounts, were cold insoluble globulin, TgG, and plasminogen. It is suggested that the complex results from thrombin activation in vivo and its role is to maintain fibrin in solution thus preventing its deposition in the vascular system.  相似文献   

Extracts of adult Oesophagostomum radiatum were resolved into four fractions by gel filtration chromatography on a Superose 12 column. ELISA assays on these four fractions showed that the antibodies produced by naturally infected calves predominantly reacted with the void volume fraction (VV). Three trials were conducted in which calves were vaccinated with the VV fraction of adult extract. When compared to untreated controls, vaccination with the VV of adult extract significantly (P less than 0.05) reduced worm establishment and faecal egg output after challenge infection relative to untreated controls.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to compare fetal calf serum, new-born calf serum and normal steer serum as medium supplements in the development of bovine morulae in vitro . Bovine morulae were cultured in Hams F-10 tissue culture medium (HF-10) supplemented with 5% or 10% (v/v) fetal calf serum (FCS), new-born calf serum (NBCS) or normal steer serum (NSS). Embryos were recovered at slaughter from mixed bred donor cows of mixed breeding following estrus synchronization with prostaglandin and superovulation with follicle stimulating hormone. A total of 88 morulae were recovered, washed in HF-10 + 1% Bovine Serum Albumin and randomly assigned to treatments. Embryos were cultured in microdrops of medium under paraffin oil at 37 degrees C in a 5% CO(2) humidified atmosphere. Observations for stage of development were made every 24 hours. In vitro development was analyzed by assigning to each embryo a value of 0-5 based on the most advanced stage reached (0= no development, 5= development to a hatched blastocyst). Analysis of variance of these data revealed a significant treatment effect (P<.001) while no level effect or treatment x level interaction was apparent. Comparison of treatment means by Duncans new mulitple range test showed that NSS was superior to NBCS (P<.05) which was in turn superior to FCS (P<.05) as supplements of HF-10 in promoting the in vitro development of bovine morulae.  相似文献   

Prolonged exposure to hyperoxia markedly inhibits normal lung development (alveolarization and respiratory surface area expansion) in immature animals. Since (a) hyperoxia results in excess hydroxyl radical (OH.) formation, (b) (OH.) is implicated in O2-induced lipid peroxidation and DNA alterations, and (c) both OH. formation and its interaction with DNA are Fe++ dependent; chelation of Fe++ should act to protect against pulmonary O2 toxicity and hyperoxic inhibition of lung development. We therefore treated litters of newborn rats with the iron chelator Deferoxamine mesylate (DES) (150 mg/kg/day) during a 10-day exposure to greater than 95% O2. Morphometric analysis demonstrated that compared to the mean airspace size in air control rat pups (Lm = 44.5 microns), hyperoxic exposure resulted in a 34% larger mean air space diameter in O2-saline rat lungs (59.5 microns) versus only an 11% enlargement in O2-DES lungs (51.1 microns*). Lung internal surface area (cm2) per 100-g body weight were air control = 4480, O2-saline = 3570 (decreases 20.3%), and O2-DES = 4125* (decreases 7.9%) (*p less than 0.05 versus O2-saline group). DES-treated animals also had significantly decreased lung conjugated diene levels during hyperoxic exposure and increased lung elastin content (reflective of preserved lung alveolar formation) compared to O2-saline rats. These results indicate that DES treatment substantially ameliorated the inhibitory effects of neonatal hyperoxic exposure on normal lung development.  相似文献   

为了建立一种测定新生牛血清促牛肾细胞生长试验的方法,采用测定新生牛血清对原代牛肾细胞培养增殖的克隆率来评价新生牛血清的质量。结果显示,用克隆率大于25%的新生牛血清培养原代牛肾细胞至7~8d时均能形成良好单层,而克隆率小于25%的新生牛血清培养原代牛肾细胞时形成良好单层的时间将延长。由此可得出:对原代牛肾细胞培养增殖的克隆率大于25%的新生牛血清符合口服轮状病毒活疫苗生产的需要,依此结果可进行新生牛血清的筛选。  相似文献   

A simple but specific, sensitive and reproducible latex agglutination inhibition assay for the determination of foetal calf sera in viral vaccines has been developed and standardized. The detection limit was at nanogram level. The assay procedure requires two pipetting steps, a short centrifugation stage and the use of a spectrophotometer.  相似文献   

Lim JM  Okitsu O  Okuda K  Niwa K 《Theriogenology》1994,41(5):1091-1098
Bovine oocytes matured and fertilized in vitro were cultured in a chemically defined bovine embryo culture medium (BECM) or polyvinylalcohol (PVA)-free BECM supplemented with 10% heat-treated or unheated fetal calf serum (FCS). When PVA in BECM was replaced with FCS 8 h postinsemination, the proportion of >/=-cell-stage embryos 48 h postinsemination was significantly lower in heat-treated FCS (74%) than in PVA (91%) medium, but the value (84%) in unheated FCS was not different from the values in PVA and heat-treated FCS. However, the addition of either heat-treated FCS or unheated FCS to PVA-free BECM did not depress or increase the proportions (63 to 70%) of >/=-cell-stage embryos 96 h postinsemination and stimulated blastocyst formation 144 (21 to 28%) and 192 (47 to 54%) h postinsemination. Blastocyst formation was also stimulated when heattreated FCS or unheated FCS was added to PVA-free BECM 120 h postinsemination. The mean cell number of blastocysts developed in PVA-free BECM with heat-treated FCS (150 cells) or unheated FCS (152 cells) significantly increased compared with that (119 cells) developed without FCS. These results indicate that, although BECM can support bovine embryo development, a high proportion (about 50%) of morphologically normal blastocysts can be produced from oocytes matured and fertilized in vitro when they are cultured in PVA-free BECM containing FCS.  相似文献   

Embryonic molars and incisors were dissected from mandibles of 15-day post-fertilization C57BL/10 mouse embryos and were cultured in vitro for six days on agar-solidified Eagle's basal medium. Experimental explants were cultured on medium which was the same as the control except that 50, 75 or 100 microgram/ml tetracycline was added. Treated explants of both incisors and molars were suppressed in development and reduced in size. Enamel organs and dental papillae of all tooth germs subjected to higher tetracycline concentrations were abnormal in structure and differentiation of ameloblasts and odontoblasts was inhibited. Explants treated with higher dosage levels of the drug were more severely affected than those exposed to lower concentrations. Recovery from the suppression induced by tetracycline was observed in explants transferred to control medium for four days of growth following treatment. Differentiated ameloblasts and odontoblasts observed in the recovering tooth germs indicated that the inhibition in development was temporary. The results of this study showed that tetracycline can alter dental development in vitro prior to mineralization. The observed inhibition may be related to a disruption of collagen biosynthesis which is thought to play a role in the controlling epithelial-mesenchymal interaction involved in tooth germ morphogenesis.  相似文献   

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