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The activities of DNA polymerases alpha, beta, and gamma were determined in control and repair-deficient human fibroblasts (xeroderma pigmentosum complementation groups A, C, and D; Fanconi's Anemia; and Bloom's syndrome). Assays were done on 103,000XG supernatants which had been chromatographed on DEAE cellulose to remove nucleic acids and on fractions containing polymerase activities which had been separated from one another on a second DEAE cellulose column. All repair-deficient cell types contained all three DNA polymerase activities. Caffeine, which has been observed to inhibit some DNA-repair processes in intact cells, had no effect on DNA polymerase activities from XP-A, XP-C, XP-D or XP-variant cells. These data indicate that all three polymerases are present in cells which have reduced or absent repair functions and that the caffeine effects observed in living cells are probably not due to the direct action of caffeine on DNA polymerases.  相似文献   

Differential inhibitors of DNA polymerases alpha and delta   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
DNA polymerases alpha and delta from bone marrow are similar in many respects, the major known difference being the exonuclease activity of delta. Differential inhibitors of alpha and delta have been sought to assist in their functional and physical separation. Butylphenyl deoxyguanosine triphosphate is one. It effectively inhibits alpha at less than 1 microM concentration, whereas more than 100 microM is required to similarly inhibit delta. Another is the monoclonal antibody, SJK 132-20, which neutralizes the polymerase activity of alpha but not delta. These differential inhibitors further define alpha and delta as separate categories of eukaryotic DNA polymerase and promise to facilitate the study of both.  相似文献   

DNA polymerase activities from HeLa cells and from cultured diploid human fibroblasts in various growth states were compared. alpha-Polymerase activities from log phase fibroblasts treated with sodium butyrate and from stationary phase HeLa cells had DEAE-cellulose elution patterns that differed from those of polymerases from dividing cells. Moreover, alpha- and beta-polymerases from nondividing cells replicated synthetic polymers less faithfully. Although similar changes were observed previously for polymerases from late-passage and postconfluent early passage fibroblasts, amounts of alpha-polymerase activity recovered from nondividing cells in this study did not dramatically decline as they had in the former cases. The alpha-polymerase activities from HeLa cells and fibroblasts in various growth states sedimented near 7.5S in 0.4 M KCI and could be inhibited by a monoclonal IgG fraction prepared against KB cell alpha-polymerase. By several criteria, there was no significant differences in levels of UV-stimulated repair synthesis observed in early or late-passage postconfluent fibroblasts or in log phase fibroblasts treated with sodium butyrate. In summary, levels of alpha-polymerase do not necessarily correlate either with replicative activity or with apparent levels of repair synthesis. However, cells with decreased replicative activity always yielded enzyme with decreased fidelity in vitro and altered chromatographic behavior. It appears, therefore, that the alterations observed for alpha-polymerase from late-passage cells may be attributed more generally to the nondividing nature of these cells.  相似文献   

Immunocytochemical localization of chick DNA polymerases alpha and beta +   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
An immunofluorescent method using specific antibodies was employed to detect DNA polymerases alpha and beta in chick cells. With monoclonal antibodies produced by four independent hybridoma clones, most of the DNA polymerase alpha was shown to be present in nuclei of cultured chick embryonic cells. With a polyclonal, but highly specific, antibody against DNA polymerase beta, this enzyme was also shown to be present in nuclei. DNA polymerase alpha was detected in proliferating cells before cell contact and in lesser amount in resting cells after cell contact, indicating that its content is closely correlated with cell proliferation. On the other hand, similar amounts of DNA polymerase beta were detected in proliferating and resting cells. Furthermore, DNA polymerase beta was detected in nuclei of most cells, while DNA polymerase alpha was detected only in large round nuclei in seminiferous tubules of chick testis. DNA polymerase alpha is presumably present in cells that are capable of DNA replication, and during the cell cycle it seems to remain in the nuclei during the G1, S, and G2 phases, but to leave from condensed chromatin for the cytoplasm during the mitotic phase.  相似文献   

It has often been suggested that the high molecular weight DNA polymerase alpha of eukaryotes plays a role in de novo replication of DNA, while the low molecular weight polymerase beta is involved in repair replication. Previous studies have shown that when diethylnitrosamine is fed in the diet to rats it causes after a few weeks an increase in de novo replication of DNA, which then returns to normal values. In contrast, repair replication may be expected to continue throughout the feeding period. Study of DNA polymerase activity in livers of animals during carcinogenesis showed that an increase in polymerase alpha occurred at the time of increased de novo replication, while there was a gradual increase in polymerase beta during the time diethylnitrosamine was present in the diet. When diethylnitrosamine treatment was stopped, there was a rapid drop in polymerase beta activity. These results support the view that the polymerase alpha is involved in DNA replication, that the polymerase beta functions in repair replication, and that the beta enzyme can be induced by chronic damage to DNA.  相似文献   

Fibroblasts derived from patients with diseases affecting DNA repair processes, such as Xeroderma Pigmentosum (classical and variant), Fanconi's anemia, Bloom's syndrome, Ataxia Telangiectasica, Progeria and Werner's syndrome, were assayed for the three DNA polymerases. The specific activities of these enzymes were found within the limits observed in normal human fibroblasts. Also the sedimentation properties of the three polymerases were unaltered.  相似文献   

By using a defined gapped DNA substrate that mimics a lagging strand of 230 nucleotides and that contains a defined pause site, we have analyzed calf thymus DNA polymerases (pol) alpha, beta, delta, and epsilon in the presence of the three auxiliary proteins proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA), replication factor C (RF-C) and replication protein A (RP-A) for their ability to complete an Okazaki fragment. Pol alpha alone could fill the gap to near completion, but was strongly stopped by the pause site. Addition of low amounts of RP-A resulted in an increased synthesis by pol alpha past the pause site. In contrast, high amounts of RP-A strongly inhibited gap filling by pol alpha. Further inhibition was evident when the two other auxiliary proteins, PCNA and RF-C, were added in addition to RP-A. Pol beta could completely fill the gap without specific pausing and also was strongly inhibited by RP-A. PCNA and RF-C had no detectable effect on pol beta. Pol delta, relied as expected, on all three auxiliary proteins for complete gap filling synthesis and could, upon longer incubation, perform a limited amount of strand displacement synthesis. Pol epsilon core enzyme was able to fill the gap completely, but like pol alpha, essentially stopped at the pause site. This pausing could only be overcome upon addition of PCNA, RF-C and E. coli single-stranded DNA binding protein. Thus pol epsilon holoenzyme preferentially synthesized to the end of the gap without pausing. Ligation of the DNA products indicated that pol beta core enzyme, pol delta and pol epsilon holoenzymes (but not pol alpha and pol epsilon core enzyme) synthesized products that were easily ligatable. Our results indicate that pol epsilon holoenzyme fills a defined lagging strand gapped template to exact completion and is able to pass a pause site. The data favour the hypothesis of Burgers (Burgers, P.M.J. (1991) J. Biol. Chem. 266, 22698-22706) that pol epsilon might be a candidate for the second replication enzyme at the lagging strand of the replication fork.  相似文献   

The endogenous nuclease sensitivity of repaired DNA in human fibroblasts   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The limited DNA excision repair that occurs in the chromatin of UV-irradiated growth arrested cells isolated from a xeroderma pigmentosum (XP) complementation group C patient is clustered in localized regions. The repaired DNA was found to be more sensitive to nicking by endogenous nucleases than the bulk of the DNA. The extra-sensitivity does not change with increasing amounts of DNA damage or repair activity in the locally-repaired regions and is retained through a 24-h chase period. We suggest that these results are due to the occurrence of DNA repair limited to pre-existing, non-transient chromatin fractions that contain actively transcribed DNA. A similar extra-sensitivity of repaired DNA was not detected in cells of normal or XP complementation group A strains that exhibit either normal or limited repair located randomly throughout their genomes. The association between endogenous nuclease sensitivity and clustered repair probably defines a normal excision repair pathway that is specific for selected chromatin domains. The repair defect in XP-C strains may be one in pathways targeted for other endogenous nuclease-resistant domains.  相似文献   

The involvement of DNA polymerases alpha, beta, and delta in DNA repair synthesis induced by N-methyl-N'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine (MNNG) was investigated in human fibroblasts (HF). The effects of anti-(DNA polymerase alpha) monoclonal antibody, (p-n-butylphenyl)deoxyguanosine triphosphate (BuPdGTP), dideoxythymidine triphosphate (ddTTP), and aphidicolin on MNNG-induced DNA repair synthesis were investigated to dissect the roles of the different DNA polymerases. A subcellular system (permeable cells), in which DNA repair synthesis and DNA replication were differentiated by CsCl gradient centrifugation of BrdUMP density-labeled DNA, was used to examine the effects of the polymerase inhibitors. Another approach investigated the effects of several of these inhibitors on MNNG-induced DNA repair synthesis in intact cells by measuring the amount of [3H]thymidine incorporated into repaired DNA as determined by autoradiography and quantitation with an automated video image analysis system. In permeable cells, MNNG-induced DNA repair synthesis was inhibited 56% by 50 micrograms of aphidicolin/mL, 6% by 10 microM BuPdGTP, 13% by anti-(DNA polymerase alpha) monoclonal antibodies, and 29% by ddTTP. In intact cells, MNNG-induced DNA repair synthesis was inhibited 57% by 50 micrograms of aphidicolin/mL and was not significantly inhibited by microinjecting anti-(DNA polymerase alpha) antibodies into HF nuclei. These results indicate that both DNA polymerases delta and beta are involved in repairing DNA damage caused by MNNG.  相似文献   

The effects of the inhibitors 2'3' dideoxythymidine triphosphate (ddTTP) and 1-beta-D-arabinofuranosyl cytosine triphosphate (araCTP) on DNA synthesis in isolated S-phase HeLa S3 nuclei have been examined. These effects are compared with the effects of the same inhibitors in partially purified preparations of DNA polymerases alpha and beta. The effect of ddTTP on partially purified DNA polymerase gamma was also tested. DNA polymerases beta and gamma were very sensitive to ddTTP whereas DNA polymerase alpha and DNA synthesis in isolated nuclei were quite resistant. The synthesis and subsequent ligation of primary DNA pieces ('Okazaki fragments') were not affected by the presence of this inhibitor. DNA synthesis in isolated nuclei and DNA polymerase alpha activity were very sensitive to araCTP whereas DNA polymerase beta was almost totally resistant to the inhibitor. The results indicate a major role for DNA polymerase alpha in DNA replication.  相似文献   

Biotinylated lithocholic acids have been synthesized. The compounds inhibited mammalian DNA polymerases alpha and beta with dose-dependent manner. The streptavidine columns conjugated with the synthetic biotinylated compounds chromatographed both two enzymes eluted by KCl solution at the different concentrations.  相似文献   

DNA polymerases involved in bleomycin-induced unscheduled DNA synthesis in some permeable human cells and rodent cells were studied by using selective inhibitors (aphidicolin, 2′,3′-dideoxythymidine-5′-triphosphate and N-ethylmaleimide) for DNA polymerases. The results suggest that both DNA polymerases α and β are involved in bleomycin-induced unscheduled DNA synthesis in permeable HeLa-S3 cells and probably in some other permeable human cells (HEp-2, KB and WI-38 VA-13 cells). Bleomycin-induced unscheduled DNA synthesis in some permeable rodent cells (SR-C3HHe, Balbc 3T3, 3Y1 and XC cells) is mostly attributed to DNA polymerase β.  相似文献   

Extension of synthetic primers by purified human polymerase alpha (Hpol alpha) with the (+)-strand of M13mp18 DNA as template encounters numerous specific pause sites on the M13 template. Some of these are regions of template secondary structure, at others the template codes for incorporation of the same base in multiple consecutive positions, but at some the responsible feature in the sequence is not obvious. 2-Chloro-dATP (CldATP) substitutes efficiently for dATP in such chain extension, with 2-chloroadenine (ClA) incorporation into many positions coding for A. However, there are more sites where extension is interrupted than with all four normal nucleotide substrates, particularly (but not exclusively) at template secondary structure and sites of multiple consecutive ClA insertion. DNA synthesis from normal substrates by Hpol beta in this system shows less frequent and less marked pauses, but with CldATP substituted for dATP chain extension is limited because of marked slowing of extension at sites of multiple consecutive ClA insertion. With either polymerase, the rate of extension is decreased even more at such regions when bromo-dATP is used as substrate. Some misincorporation of ClA instead of G or T can occur at certain sites in absence of the corresponding normal substrate, but misincorporation as C is rare. CldATP is a very weak inhibitor of chain extension by Hpol alpha, but a somewhat better inhibitor of Hpol beta. These results may account in part for the inhibition of DNA synthesis in cells exposed to 2-chlorodeoxyadenosine or 2-bromodeoxyadenosine.  相似文献   

Modeling functional sites in DNA polymerases   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  

Results presented here and in a previous paper (Tanabe et al. (1979) Biochemistry 18, 3401--3406) indicate that mouse beta-polymerase is a single polypeptide with an apparent molecular weight of 40,000. This polypeptide has now been analyzed by tryptic peptide mapping. Comparison of the results with identical analysis of mouse alpha-polymerase reveals that the tryptic peptides derived from the two enzymes are different. These results indicate that beta-polymerase is neither a subunit of alpha-polymerase nor a proteolytic degradation product of alpha-polymerase.  相似文献   

alpha-like and beta-like DNA polymerases have previously been isolated from a halophilic archaebacterium Halobacterium halobium. In this report, we show that the alpha-like DNA polymerase has an associated 3' to 5'-exonuclease activity which is specific for single-stranded DNA, sensitive to both aphidicolin and N-ethylmaleimide and dependent on high salt concentrations like the polymerase activity. As this DNA polymerase has been shown to contain a primase activity, it may be considered as the equivalent to both eukaryotic DNA polymerases alpha and delta. As shown by glycerol-gradient centrifugation and electrophoresis under denaturing conditions, the beta-like polymerase would appear to have a monomeric structure and comprise of a single 65-kDa polypeptide. This DNA polymerase has both 3' to 5'-exonuclease and 5' to 3'-exonuclease activities which, contrary to polymerase activity, are inhibited by high salt concentrations.  相似文献   

The roles of DNA polymerases alpha and beta in DNA replication and repair synthesis were studied in permeable animal cells, using different agents to induce repair synthesis. DNA polymerase inhibitors were used to investigate which polymerases were involved in repair synthesis and in replication. Polymerase alpha was responsible for replication. On the other hand, both polymerases alpha and beta were involved in DNA repair synthesis; the extent to which each polymerase participated depended primarily on the agent used to damage DNA. Polymerase beta was primarily responsible for repair synthesis induced by bleomycin or neocarzinostatin, whereas polymerase alpha played a more prominent role in repair synthesis indiced by N-methyl-N'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine or N-nitrosomethyl urea. More DNA damage was induced by the alkylating agents than by bleomycin or neocarzinostatin, suggesting that the extent of involvement of polymerase alpha or beta in DNA repair synthesis is related to the amount or type of DNA damage. In addition, salt concentration was found to have little or no effect on the results obtained with the DNA polymerase inhibitors. Our findings provide an explanation for conflicting reports in the literature concerning the roles of DNA polymerases alpha and beta in DNA repair.  相似文献   

We have previously demonstrated that human placental fibroblasts produce a pregnancy-specific beta 1-glycoprotein (PS beta G) immunologically indistinguishable from placental PS beta G. This was confirmed by the immunocytochemical localization of PS beta G in these fibroblasts. In addition, placental fibroblasts contain all three PS beta G mRNAs of 2.3, 2.2, and 1.7 kilobases which hybridize with the three PS beta G cDNAs (PSG16, PSG93, and PSG95) identified, although at 1.4-2.5% of the levels in human term placenta. The major PS beta G species synthesized by placental fibroblasts is a 62K glycopolypeptide formed from a 58K intracellular precursor polypeptide. However, the PS beta G species found in human placenta are one major glycoprotein of 72K and two minor ones of 64K and 54K. Poly(A)+ RNA from placental fibroblasts directed the synthesis of two polypeptides of 48K and 46K (major), whereas, poly(A)+ RNA from human placenta directed the synthesis of higher levels of four polypeptides of 50 K, 48 K (major), 46 K, and 36 K. Thus, the major PS beta G species found in fibroblasts and human placenta differ. The carbohydrate side-chains are essential for the stability of fibroblast PS beta G, because PS beta G synthesis in these fibroblasts could not be detected in the presence of tunicamycin, a protein glycosylation inhibitor which did not affect PS beta G mRNA expression. Our finding that a variant PS beta G species is produced in placental fibroblasts raises the possibility that the authentic placental PS beta G species may have different functions.  相似文献   

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