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This report examines the taxonomic distribution of the in vitro biosynthesis of ascorbic acid in the Prosimii (Order: Primates). Liver and kidney samples of 15 prosimian taxa, including Tarsius bancanus, were quantitatively tested for the enzyme L-gulono-1,4-lactone oxidase. Liver samples from all taxa except Tarsius had substantial levels of the enzyme. Furthermore, unlike other eutherian mammals, kidney tissue from members of the family Lemuridae showed low but consistent levels of enzyme activity. The result for Tarsius, by fitting with the pattern exhibited by the monkeys, apes, and man, adds significant independent evidence for this animal's relatively close genetic relationship with the Anthropoidea.  相似文献   

Non-maternal infant care in many of the small-bodied New World primate species has been hypothesized by some researchers to be related to the high infant/adult weight ratio found in these species. The spectral tarsier, Tarsius spectrum, an Old World primate, has one of the highest infant/adult weight ratios of any primate, with infants weighing between 20-33% of adult weight at birth. On the basis of the hypothesized relationship between allocare and the infant/adult weight ratio, it is predicted that the spectral tarsier will also exhibit extensive allocaretaking behaviour. The results of this study indicate that although spectral tarsiers show care by male and female subadults as well as adult males, it is extremely limited compared to the extensive allocaretaking behavior observed in New World primate species such as Aotus and Callicebus. Spectral tarsier subadult females provide substantially more allocare to infants than do subadult males or adult males. Female subadults were observed sharing food, transporting, grooming, playing, alarm calling, baby-sitting and maintaining physical contact with infants more than other age/sex classes. Although the amount of allocare exhibited by adult males and subadult males was much less than that exhibited by female subadults, the data suggest that adult and subadult male spectral tarsiers do play a small part in the care and socialization of the infant. Adult males and subadult males were both observed occasionally engaging in allocaretaking behaviors such as grooming and playing, as well as frequently patrolling and defending the territory's boundaries. The results from this study suggest that although a high infant/adult weight ratio may be a prerequisite for selection to favor extensive allocare, it is not a causal factor. Additional research is needed in order to understand better the selective pressures involved and the costs and benefits of providing allocare to subadults and adult male spectral tarsiers.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of the epididymal sperm of Tarsius bancanus is described. The sperm possess the typical eutherian pattern of a dorsoventrally flattened, ovate sperm head, comprising a nucleus capped by a symmetrical acrosome, and a distinct midpiece and principal piece containing a 9 + 9 + 2 arrangement of outer coarse fibres and microtubules. However, unique features are also present. The overall head length (9 μm) equals the greatest for any primate yet examined, and the subacrosomal space ("perforatorium" or "pseudoperforatorium") tilted at 30° to the sagittal axis of the sperm, is described for the first time for mammals. The acrosome extends only a short distance beyond the length of the nucleus of the mature sperm, and a significant reduction in the acrosome to nuclei ratio appears to occur during the final stages of sperm maturation. In contrast to earlier predictions based on the spermatid of Tarsius syrhicta , the mature spermatozoa of Tarsius shows greatest morphological similarity with the sperm of the Anthropoidea, which have a short symmetrical acrosome, than with the Strepsirhini, which have a relatively long acrosome that can be either symmetrical (Lemuriformes) or asymetrical (Lorisiformes). Four proposed phylogenies of the Primates are assessed using comparative sperm ultrastructure. Placing the Tarsiidae as a sister group to the Lorisidae appears the least likely. The sperm data are consistent with the Tarsiidae being a sister group to the Anthropoidea, to the Strepsirhini, or even to the extant primate groups as a whole. Use of sperm morphology to provide characters in phylogenetic systematics of the primates is discussed, and the principle of "total evidence" is preferred to the common practice of "hanging" sperm on phylogenetic hypotheses based on other evidence. © 1997 The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd.  相似文献   

Reproductive ecology of the crosshatch triggerfish, Xanthichthys mento (Balistidae) was studied at Hachijojima, Izu Islands, Japan. Males established territories and repeatedly chased females passing nearby. There were 1–3 females in each male's territory before spawning and during egg care. This species spawned in pairs on the sandy bottom. Eggs were scattered and attached to sand particles. Females care for the eggs by blowing water on them and guarding them against intruders, while males helped in guarding. Thus, biparental egg care was observed for 2 days until hatching. Both the males and females disappeared from the territories after the egg care. The reproductive ecology of this species is compared with that of other balistids and the unique features of X. mento are described.  相似文献   

The size of the territory defended by the grazing fish ayu, Plecoglossus altivelis, often increases with decreasing intruder pressure. This territorial extension occurs even after additional growth of the fish reaches a plateau due to a surplus supply of algal food. This raises questions about the ecological advantages of defending an apparently enlarged territory. Enclosures were used to carry out observations on fish maintained as: (i) individuals with algae attached to the whole bottom area (2.4m2); (ii) individuals with algae covering 0.8m2; and (iii) with three conspecifics (competitive use) with algae attached to 2.4m2. In the competitive use enclosures, one (occasionally two) fish that exclusively foraged the area appeared in each of the groups. Algal resources were sufficiently renewable that no significant difference in growth rate was detected between the dominants of the competitive groups and the two types of solitary enclosures, indicating that the defended area supplied algal resources that exceeded the dominants ability to grow. All the territorial holders realized an increase in relative body weight, suggesting the occurrence of inhibition, which corresponds to Verners concept of superterritory. However, as inferred from the pheophytin/chlorophylla ratios, algae within a territory showed less senescence, perhaps owing to cropping by the dominant, and this was considered to be an adaptive response by the fish to an unpredictable food supply. In conclusion, the ayu conditionally defends a territory for long-term benefits, and inhibition is a consequence of facultative territory size and not a cause of it.  相似文献   

Lowland rain forest chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes verus) of the Taï National Park, Ivory Coast, responded to the minor dry season (July and August) of 1988 in a predictable manner by spending more time feeding, feeding more frequently on lower quality food items, reducing day range and party size, and spending more time solitarily and less time in mixed groups than during the rainy season. These behaviors are consistent with a response to scarce resources. My findings do not support Boesch's (1991, 1996) hypothesis of bisexually bonded chimpanzees. Females spent 45% of time alone and associated with males in mixed parties only 18% of their time. This major discrepancy in our results probably stems from differences in the time of year when our studies were conducted, the year in which my study was conducted (potentially scarcer resources than on average), and methodological differences: focal animal sampling of males and females equally. Although Boesch (1991, 1996) and Steiner (1996) have demonstrated that Taï parties are usually larger and more mixed, Taï chimpanzee social structure—party size and composition—during this study closely resembles that found at other study sites.  相似文献   

Insectivorous birds are known to play a decisive role for the natural control of herbivorous insects. Thus, they enhance the growth, reproduction, and survival of plant individuals and in the long‐term benefit plant regeneration. However, particularly in the tropics, forest fragmentation has been suggested to cause a loss of insectivorous birds. Yet, it is unclear whether this hampers the trophic control of herbivorous insects with potential consequences for plants. Therefore, we investigated the effect of increasing forest fragmentation on tritrophic interactions between insectivorous birds, herbivorous insects, and plants in a subtropical forest landscape, South Africa. We monitored the community composition of birds and estimated insectivorous bird abundances along a gradient of forest fragmentation. In the same sites, we installed bird exclosures on a common plant species (Englerophytum natalense) to assess effects of the trophic control of insectivorous birds on herbivorous insects and leaf area loss (LAL). Forest fragmentation strongly shaped the functional composition of bird communities, particularly through a loss of forest‐dependent insectivorous birds. Moreover, LAL was higher within bird exclosures than on control branches and increased with increasing forest fragmentation on the control branches. Altogether, forest fragmentation seems to hamper the trophic control of herbivorous insects by insectivorous birds through changes in the community composition. This, in turn, may interfere with tritrophic interactions and ecological processes. Thus, conservation efforts aiming at enhancing the natural control of herbivorous insects should focus on the maintenance of continuous indigenous forests that are well‐connected to smaller forest fragments on the landscape scale.  相似文献   

Infant-care behavior patterns of captive cotton-top tamarins were examined to assess factors defining participation by non-reproductive helpers. The time spent carrying infants and characteristics of infant transfers were examined for 47 helpers in a total of 18 groups. We predicted that age, previous experience, and carrying opportunity would all affect participation of non-reproductive helpers. Our results confirm that carrying by non-reproductive helpers was related to age, with older helpers carrying more often. However, this difference declined with increasing infant age, suggesting that body size of the carrier was not the only factor determining participation in carrying. When observations were classified relative to type of interaction with infants, older juveniles were found to both investigate and harass infants more often than subadults or younger juveniles. There was no effect of gender on carrying. The carrying behavior of subadults was not affected by their previous experience; that is, subadults with no previous exposure to infants carried as often as those with previous experience. Inter-individual variation among helpers was high; within 11 twin litters of helpers, one animal usually carried significantly more than the other.  相似文献   

Territorial males may adopt a mating tactic that yields greater reproductive success but that at the same time increases the risk of predation. Plasticity in reproductive behavior can reflect a balance between sexual selection and natural selection. In this study, we sought to verify the effect of predation risk on territorial behavior of males of the solitary bee Ptilothrix fructifera (Apidae). Males of the species employ alternative mating tactics and can be territorial in defense of larval food sources. By manipulating predator models in the field, we tested whether (1) males avoid perch flowers containing predator models; (2) males alternate between mating tactics when their territory is associated with a predation risk; and (3) female foraging on flowers in a territory is altered in the presence of a predator model. We measured the responses of males and females in flowers containing and not containing a model of a spider or a stuffed bird. The results show that territorial males of P. fructifera alter their territorial behavior when faced with a high risk of predation. They do not abandon their territory or change to a non‐territorial mating tactic, but instead change the use of their territory, avoiding flowers containing predator models or perching on other flowers when the previous flower presented a potential predation risk. Female P. fructifera decreases the frequency of their visits to flowers and the length of time spent there in the presence of a spider model. In short, in the face of predation risk, females and males alter their behaviors at the cost of less efficient foraging and searching for partners, respectively.  相似文献   

In this article, we use game theory to understand the emergence of various kinds of territorial arrangements in the Maine lobster fishery during the past century. Using the Nash equilibria of models of the fishery as our theoretical framework, we show that informal territorial arrangements in this fishery went through three sequential stages. These stages are the result of decisions by groups of lobster fishermen to defend fishing areas or invade those of other groups. A large number of factors influence these defensive and offensive strategies: concentrations of lobsters, the adoption of better technology, transportation costs, ecological changes, trap monitoring costs, the ability to organize defensive and offensive groups, and better law enforcement---all of which are captured by crucial parameters of our model. We argue that this technique can be applied to elucidate territorial changes more generally.  相似文献   

The biggest male grayling present on a spawning area was strongly territorial and developed more aggressive behaviours than smaller males. However, its spawning frequency was similar to that of Smaller males.  相似文献   

The study of sexual selection has recently been enriched by an explicit life history focus. This lifetime perspective has much to offer the field; however, most existing interdisciplinary exchanges have restricted themselves to the context of mate choice and associated phenomena. The present study explores the consequences of an explicit life history view upon the evolution of male–male contest competition. Key to this view is the fact that fighting typically has lifetime consequences, and thus the costs involved with contests are best considered in lifetime currencies such as residual reproductive value. The rate of contemporary contest cost accrual may vary among contestants due to differences between them in what they 'stand to lose', in terms of future reproductive opportunities. It is also suggested that it may be fruitful to partition key life history parameters into components that are either dependent or independent of future choice of mating strategy. Using a simple simulation, it is demonstrated that the optimum pattern of lifetime contest participation may vary depending upon lifetime variation in 'strategy-independent' components of reproductive value (such as the rate of mortality experienced in contexts unrelated to mating behaviour). In line with previous models of age-specific sexual advertisement, increasing lifetime aggression appears as the most favoured strategy; however, young age aggression is predicted if resource holding potential is expected to decline with age irrespective of prior contest participation. The model is discussed, along with key concepts surrounding the life history viewpoint, in light of prior life history/sexual selection models and the existing empirical data regarding lifetime fighting strategies in the wild.  © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2006, 88 , 565–578.  相似文献   

Soil often becomes contaminated with a variety of chemicals due to leakage of under/aboveground chemical storage tanks, improper discharge of waste, or improper design of waste containment facilities. Contaminated soil water can influence the soil's behavior seriously. Mineralogical alterations play a vital role in such circumstances. This paper describes the impact of varying concentrations of sulfuric acid solutions on the swell behavior of expansive soil containing predominantly montmorillonite. Using the conventional oedometer tests, the swell behavior of soil compacted with water inundated with acid solutions was studied. The soil swell, which is about 2% in water, increases to about 9% with 1N and to 50% with 4N acid solutions. The induced swell in acid solutions is attributable to mineralogical changes. The formation of new minerals and their associated fabric changes are investigated by scanning electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction, and energy dispersive analysis of X-ray on soil samples treated with sulfuric acid. While minerals like gypsum and kornelite are formed in the presence of 1N sulfuric acid, aluminite and chloritoid are formed in the presence of 4N sulfuric acid. These types of alterations are known to occur in iron sulfate minerals and are also found on Mars. The mechanism of mineralogical alterations is presented.  相似文献   

Underwater observations were conducted on the reproductive behavior and mating system of the lefteye flounder,Engyprosopon grandisquama, off Nagashima, southwest of Kyushu Island, Japan. Two types of males were found: large males, which defended territories against other large males, and small males, which did likewise but only against smaller males. Large males established territories which encompassed or ovelapped the home ranges of 1 or 2 cohabitant females. Territories of the small males, in which a smaller female often maintained a home range, overlapped those of large males. Pair spawning occurred around sunset. Mating of large males with cohabitant females was observed 36 times and that of a small male with a smaller female once. Pair formation was assorted by body size, paired males being larger than females in most cases. Thus, inE. grandisquama, gigamous large males were common, small males occurring within the former's erritorial boundaries mating with smaller females.  相似文献   

We here present the first behavioral, morphological, and ecological data on a living group of highland pygmy tarsiers, Tarsius pumilus, and compare them with the lowland tarsier species of Sulawesi. Pygmy tarsiers were previously known only from 3 museum specimens and had not been seen alive since the first specimens were collected in 1917 and 1930. As part of a 2-mo exploratory study, we recently located a group consisting of ≥4 pygmy tarsiers in the mossy cloud forest of Lore Lindu National Park, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia. We captured 1 adult female and 2 adult male group members. The tarsiers weighed a mean of 50 g, less than half the weight of adult lowland tarsiers. Our behavioral observations indicate that these tarsiers live in small groups that return to the same sleeping tree each morning. Though our data are preliminary, pygmy tarsier body proportions appear to differ from the lowland Sulawesian tarsier species, with relatively long hind limbs compared to total body length. We also observed differences in grouping and communication behaviors. Unlike lowland tarsiers, pygmy tarsiers possess multiple adult males per group and rarely vocalize or scentmark. These differences may correlate with variables unique to their high altitude habitat, especially a reduction in food and tree resources, given that tree density declined sharply along an altitudinal gradient. Our preliminary study identifies the importance of altitudinal ecological gradients to tarsier behavioral ecology in Central Sulawesi, providing questions and predictions for future research directions.  相似文献   

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