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The in vitro splicing of pre-mRNA of the human beta-globin gene in the presence of HeLa cell nuclear extract was investigated. Splicing was inhibited by auto-antibodies against U4 and U6 snRNP particles. No intermediates or products of the splicing reaction were evident in the presence of antibodies against U4 and U6 snRNPs which suggests their involvement in pre-mRNA splicing.  相似文献   

Splicing factors of the SR protein family share a modular structure consisting of one or two RNA recognition motifs (RRMs) and a C-terminal RS domain rich in arginine and serine residues. The RS domain, which is extensively phosphorylated, promotes protein-protein interactions and directs subcellular localization and-in certain situations-nucleocytoplasmic shuttling of individual SR proteins. We analyzed mutant versions of human SF2/ASF in which the natural RS repeats were replaced by RD or RE repeats and compared the splicing and subcellular localization properties of these proteins to those of SF2/ASF lacking the entire RS domain or possessing a minimal RS domain consisting of 10 consecutive RS dipeptides (RS10). In vitro splicing of a pre-mRNA that requires an RS domain could take place when the mutant RD, RE, or RS10 domain replaced the natural domain. The RS10 version of SF2/ASF shuttled between the nucleus and the cytoplasm in the same manner as the wild-type protein, suggesting that a tract of consecutive RS dipeptides, in conjunction with the RRMs of SF2/ASF, is necessary and sufficient to direct nucleocytoplasmic shuttling. However, the SR protein SC35 has two long stretches of RS repeats, yet it is not a shuttling protein. We demonstrate the presence of a dominant nuclear retention signal in the RS domain of SC35.  相似文献   

The nuclear envelope (NE) is a highly active structure with a specific set of nuclear envelope proteins acting in diverse cellular events. SUN proteins are conserved NE proteins among eukaryotes. Although they form nucleocytoplasmic linkage complexes in metazoan cells, their functions in the plant kingdom are unknown. To understand the function of plant SUN proteins, in this study we first investigated the dynamics of Arabidopsis SUN proteins during mitosis in Arabidopsis roots and cultured cells. For this purpose, we performed dual and triple visualization of these proteins, microtubules, chromosomes, and endoplasmic reticulum (ER) in cultured cells, and observed their dynamics during mitosis using a high-speed spinning disk confocal microscope. The localizations of SUN proteins changed dynamically during mitosis, tightly coupled with NE dynamics. Moreover, NE re-formation marked with SUN proteins is temporally and spatially coordinated with plant-specific microtubule structures such as phragmoplasts. Finally, the analysis with gene knockdowns of AtSUN1 and AtSUN2 indicated that they are necessary for the maintenance and/or formation of polarized nuclear shape in root hairs. These results suggest that Arabidopsis SUN proteins function in the maintenance or formation of nuclear shape as components of the nucleocytoskeletal complex.  相似文献   

B Séraphin  M Rosbash 《Gene》1989,82(1):145-151
In recent experiments we have used the power of yeast genetics to study U1 small nuclear RNA (snRNA): pre-messenger RNA (pre-mRNA) base pairing interactions [Séraphin et al. EMBO J. 7 (1988) 2533-2538]. Here we extend these observations to other potential U1 snRNA: pre-mRNA pairings. We show that several U1 snRNA mutants are viable. Using these U1 mutant strains we demonstrate further a base-pairing interaction between U1 snRNA position 3 and intron position 6. However, this interaction is only detected with a poor splicing substrate containing branchpoint mutations. These results provide information on the mechanism of 5' splice site-branch point interaction. We also propose several models which may explain why the sequence of the 5' end of the U1 snRNA is conserved among organisms as divergent as man and yeast.  相似文献   

U1 snRNP2 isolated from HeLa cells and purified by centrifugation in cesium chloride contains a set of proteins that may be resolved into four/five polypeptides by gel electrophoresis. When this particle was submitted to extensive digestion with micrococcal nuclease, RNA fragments of about 25 nucleotides in length were obtained. Sequence analyses showed that these highly protected fragments were derived from the same region of the U1 molecule, spanning positions 119 to 143. At low concentrations of nuclease, a longer fragment, from nucleotide 119 to the 3′ OH end, was also detected. U1 core-resistant snRNP, isolated by high performance liquid chromatography, still contains all the protein components of the intact particle.When a less drastically purified U1 snRNP containing, beside the four/five polypeptides remaining after centrifugation in cesium chloride, a set of at least three polypeptides of larger size, was digested with the nuclease, no other protected RNA fragment was detected.When a mixture of U1, U2, U4, U5 and U6 snRNPs, which contains the same four/five polypeptides as U1 snRNP, was treated with micrococcal nuclease, protected fragments of snRNAs U2, U4 and U5 were found in addition to those derived from U1. No fragment derived from U6 was found.In all cases, the region of snRNA shielded from nuclease attack corresponds to a distinctive feature of the molecule. It is a single-stranded region, comprising the sequence A(U)nG with n ≥ 3, bordered by two double-stranded stems. One of these stems includes the 3′ terminus of the RNA, except in the case of U2, where there are two stems instead of one on the 3′ side of the single-stranded stretch. Although a comparable structural domain exists also in U6 snRNA, it does not contain the sequence A(U)nG which correlates well with the fact that no U6 snRNA fragment seems to resist micrococcal nuclease digestion.  相似文献   

A R Krainer  T Maniatis 《Cell》1985,42(3):725-736
We have identified six distinct factors necessary for pre-mRNA splicing in vitro by selective inactivation and complementation studies, and by fractionation procedures. Splicing factor 1 (SF1) is sensitive to micrococcal nuclease, and appears to consist of at least U1 and U2 snRNPs, since splicing is inhibited when the 5' termini of U1 and U2 snRNAs are removed by site-directed cleavage with RNAase H. SF2 is a micrococcal nuclease-resistant factor present in the nuclear extract but absent from an S100 extract. SF3 is a factor that can be preferentially inactivated by moderate heat treatment. Two additional factors (SF4A and SF4B) were identified by fractionation of the nuclear extract using spermine-agarose and CM-sepharose chromatography. SF1, SF2, and SF4B appear to be required for cleavage of the pre-mRNA at the 5' splice site and lariat formation, whereas SF3 and SF4A are only required for cleavage at the 3' splice site and exon ligation.  相似文献   

Human small nuclear ribonucleoproteins (snRNPs) containing U1 and U2 snRNAs have been isolated from cultured cells by nonimmunological methods. The U1 snRNP population remained immunoprecipitable by systemic lupus erythematosis anti-RNP and anti-Sm antibodies throughout fractionation and contained polypeptides of molecular weights corresponding to those defined as U1 snRNP polypeptides by immunoprecipitation of crude extracts. The purified assemblies contained U1 RNA and nine snRNP polypeptides of molecular weights 67,000 (P67), 30,000 (P30), 23,000 (P23), 21,500 (P22), 17,500 (P18), 12,300 (P12), 10,200 (P10), 9,100 (P9), and 8,500 (P8). P67, P30, and P18 were unique to U1 snRNPs. The U2 snRNP population remained immunoprecipitable by the systemic lupus erythematosis anti-Sm antibody throughout fractionation. The purified U2 assemblies contained six polypeptides of molecular weights corresponding to those defined by immunoprecipitation to be common to U1 and U2 snRNPs including P23, P22, P12, P10, P9, and P8. In addition, U2 snRNPs contained a unique polypeptide of 27,000 Da.  相似文献   

This review summarizes data on expression regulation of the eukaryotic ribosomal protein genes at the level of splicing, including data obtained by the authors. In particular, the roles of ribosomal proteins in regulation of the splicing of their own pre-mRNAs are discussed. Special attention is paid to the molecular mechanisms underlying this process and the interactions between the ribosomal proteins and their own pre-mRNAs and mRNAs. In addition, the potential critical consequences resulting from disturbances of the mechanisms regulating synthesis of ribosomal proteins are considered. The special role of autoregulation in maintaining the normal level of ribosomal protein biosynthesis is underlined.  相似文献   

Methyl-CpG binding domain (MBD) proteins in Arabidopsis thaliana bind in vitro methylated CpG sites. Here, we aimed to characterize the binding properties of AtMBDs to chromatin in Arabidopsis nuclei. By expressing in wild-type cells AtMBDs fused to green fluorescent protein (GFP), we showed that AtMBD7 was evenly distributed at all chromocenters, whereas AtMBD5 and 6 showed preference for two perinucleolar chromocenters adjacent to nucleolar organizing regions. AtMBD2, previously shown to be incapable of binding in vitro-methylated CpG, was dispersed within the nucleus, excluding chromocenters and the nucleolus. Recruitment of AtMBD5, 6, and 7 to chromocenters was disrupted in ddm1 and met1 mutant cells, where a significant reduction in cytosine methylation occurs. In these mutant cells, however, AtMBD2 accumulated at chromocenters. No effect on localization was observed in the chromomethylase3 mutant showing reduced CpNpG methylation or in kyp-2 displaying a reduction in Lys 9 histone H3 methylation. Transient expression of DDM1 fused to GFP showed that DDM1 shares common sites with AtMBD proteins. Glutathione S-transferase pull-down assays demonstrated that AtMBDs bind DDM1; the MBD motif was sufficient for this interaction. Our results suggest that the subnuclear localization of AtMBD is not solely dependent on CpG methylation; DDM1 may facilitate localization of AtMBDs at specific nuclear domains.  相似文献   

Crosslinking of hnRNP proteins to pre-mRNA requires U1 and U2 snRNPs.   总被引:24,自引:6,他引:18       下载免费PDF全文
Proteins interacting with pre-mRNAs during early stages of spliceosome formation in a HeLa nuclear extract were investigated by photochemical RNA-protein crosslinking. The level of protein crosslinking to a beta-globin pre-mRNA was positively correlated with the presence of an intron. Proteins of 110,000, 59,000 and 39,000 mol. wt. were crosslinked to the beta-globin pre-mRNA, the latter of which was identified as the A1 hnRNP protein. Comparable experiments with an adenovirus pre-mRNA revealed crosslinked proteins of 110,000, 56,000 and 45,000 mol. wt., with the latter identified as belonging to the C group hnRNP proteins. Crosslinking of hnRNP proteins to both the beta-globin and adenovirus pre-mRNAs was eliminated by oligodeoxynucleotide-directed RNase H excision of an internal region (nt 28-42) of U2 RNA, but was not affected by oligo/RNase H cleavage of the 5'-terminal 15 nucleotides of U2 RNA. Cleavage of the 5'-terminal 15 nucleotides of U1 RNA preferentially eliminated crosslinking of the hnRNP A1 protein to both pre-mRNAs. The requirement of intact U1 snRNP for A1 protein crosslinking was further demonstrated by the fact that although micrococcal nuclease-treated extracts did not support crosslinking of A1 hnRNP protein to beta-globin pre-mRNA, crosslinking was restored by addition of a U1 snRNP-enriched fraction.  相似文献   

We show that addition of SR proteins to in vitro splicing extracts results in a significant increase in assembly of the earliest prespliceosomal complex E and a corresponding decrease in assembly of the heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein (hnRNP) complex H. In addition, SR proteins promote formation of the E5' and E3' complexes that assemble on RNAs containing only 5' and 3' splice sites, respectively. We conclude that SR proteins promote the earliest specific recognition of both the 5' and 3' splice sites and are limiting for this function in HeLa nuclear extracts. Using UV cross-linking, we demonstrate specific, splice site-dependent RNA-protein interactions of SR proteins in the E, E5', and E3' complexes. SR proteins do not UV cross-link in the H complex, and conversely, hnRNP cross-linking is largely excluded from the E-type complexes. We also show that a discrete complex resembling the E5' complex assembles on both purine-rich and non-purine-rich exonic splicing enhancers. This complex, which we have designated the Enhancer complex, contains U1 small nuclear RNP (snRNP) and is associated with different SR protein family members, depending on the sequence of the enhancer. We propose that both downstream 5' splice site enhancers and exonic enhancers function by establishing a network of pre-mRNA-protein and protein-protein interactions involving U1 snRNP, SR proteins, and U2AF that is similar to the interactions that bring the 5' and 3' splice sites together in the E complex.  相似文献   

The binding of the U1 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein (snRNP)-specific proteins C, A, and 70K to U1 small nuclear RNA (snRNA) was analyzed. Assembly of U1 snRNAs from bean and soybean and a set of mutant Xenopus U1 snRNAs into U1 snRNPs in Xenopus egg extracts was studied. The ability to bind proteins was analyzed by immunoprecipitation with monospecific antibodies and by a protein-sequestering assay. The only sequence essential for binding of the U1-specific proteins was the conserved loop sequence in the 5' hairpin of U1. Further analysis suggested that protein C binds directly to the loop and that the assembly of proteins A and 70K into the RNP requires mainly protein-protein interactions. Protein C apparently recognizes a specific RNA sequence rather than a secondary structural element in the RNA.  相似文献   

Pre-mRNA 5' splice site activity depends, at least in part, on base complementarity to U1 small nuclear RNA. In transient coexpression assays, defective 5' splice sites can regain activity in the presence of U1 carrying compensatory changes, but it is unclear whether such mutant U1 RNAs can be permanently expressed in mammalian cells. We have explored this issue to determine whether U1 small nuclear RNAs with altered specificity may be of value to rescue targeted mutant genes or alter pre-mRNA processing profiles. This effort was initiated following our observation that U1 with specificity for a splice site associated with an alternative H-ras exon substantially reduced the synthesis of the potentially oncogenic p21ras protein in transient assays. We describe the development of a mammalian complementation system that selects for removal of a splicing-defective intron placed within a drug resistance gene. Complementation was observed in proportion to the degree of complementarity between transfected mutant U1 genes and different defective splice sites, and all cells selected in this manner were found to express mutant U1 RNA. In addition, these cells showed specific activation of defective splice sites presented by an unlinked reporter gene. We discuss the prospects of this approach to permanently alter the expression of targeted genes in mammalian cells.  相似文献   

Assembly of splicing precursor RNAs into ribonucleoprotein particle (RNP) complexes during incubation in in vitro splicing extracts was monitored by a new system of RNP gel electrophoresis. The temporal pattern of assembly observed by our system was identical to that obtained by other gel and gradient methodologies. In contrast to the results obtained by other systems, however, we observed requirements of U1 small nuclear RNPs (snRNPs) and 5' splice junction sequences for formation of specific complexes and retention of U1 snRNPs within gel-fractionated complexes. Single-intron substrate RNAs rapidly assembled into slow-migrating complexes. The first specific complex (A) appeared within a minute of incubation and required ATP, 5' and 3' precursor RNA consensus sequences, and intact U1 and U2 RNAs for formation. A second complex (B) containing precursor RNA appeared after 15 min of incubation. Lariat-exon 2 and exon 1 intermediates first appeared in this complex, operationally defining it as the active spliceosome. U4 RNA was required for appearance of complex B. Released lariat first appeared in a complex of intermediate mobility (A') and subsequently in rapidly migrating diffuse complexes. Ligated product RNA was observed only in fast-migrating complexes. U1 snRNPs were detected as components of gel-isolated complexes. Radiolabeled RNA within the A and B complexes was immunoprecipitated by U1-specific antibodies under gel-loading conditions and from gel-isolated complexes. Therefore, the RNP antigen remained associated with assembled complexes during gel electrophoresis. In addition, 5' splice junction sequences within gel-isolated A and B complexes were inaccessible to RNase H cleavage in the presence of a complementary oligonucleotide. Therefore, nuclear factors that bind 5' splice junctions also remained associated with 5' splice junctions under our gel conditions.  相似文献   

Histone RNA 3' end formation occurs through a specific cleavage reaction that requires, among other things, base-pairing interactions between a conserved spacer element in the pre-mRNA and the minor U7 snRNA present as U7 snRNP. An oligonucleotide complementary to the first 16 nucleotides of U7 RNA can be used to characterize U7 snRNPs from nuclear extracts by native gel electrophoresis. Using similar native gel techniques, we present direct biochemical evidence for a stable association between histone pre-mRNA and U7 snRNPs. Other complexes formed in the nuclear extract are dependent on the 5' cap structure and on the conserved hairpin element of histone pre-mRNA, respectively. However, in contrast to the U7-specific complex, their formation is not required for processing. Comparison of several authentic and mutant histone pre-mRNAs with different spacer sequences demonstrates that the formation and stability of the U7-specific complex closely follows the predicted stability of the potential RNA-RNA hybrid. However, this does not exclude a stabilization of the complex by U7 snRNP structural proteins.  相似文献   

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