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An assay method for glycogen synthase (EC has been developed based on the continuous measurement of the change of pH accompanying the glycogen synthesis reaction. The use of low buffer concentrations and an amplifier with variable gain and offset voltage allow us to register changes in the pH of the system small enough to ignore the significant pH dependence of the enzyme activity. A theoretical approach has been used to correlate the pH measurements with the progres of the reaction in terms of glucose incorporated into glycogen. The method offers the advantages of being continuous and of low cost.  相似文献   

A two-step forward sandwich assay was developed for the determination of the ovarian tumour associated glycoconjugate antigen CA125 with anti-CA125 Monoclonal antibody B27.1 on the solid phase and125I-labelled wheat germ lectin as tracer in the solution phase. This Mab-lectin heterosandwich assay was optimized and the clinical utility was evaluated in sera from healthy volunteers and ovarian cancer patients. A correlation was established between Mab-lectin assay and the dual monoclonal antibody sandwich assay, TRUQUANT®OV2 RIA, that uses the same MAb B27.1 on the solid phase and a second125I-labelled B43.13 MAb in the solution phase. A potentially improved clinical utility is suggested for the Mab-lectin assay. The unique format seems to identify novel isoforms of CA125 with different carbohydrate side chains that would otherwise be undetectable in the MAb-MAb sandwich assay wherein the paratopes are likely directed to protein determinants.  相似文献   

Kun Yan Zhu 《Insect Science》2013,20(2):158-166
Abstract Chitin synthase (CHS) is an important enzyme catalyzing the formation of chitin polymers in all chitin containing organisms and a potential target site for insect pest control. However, our understanding of biochemical properties of insect CHSs has been very limited. We here report enzymatic and inhibitory properties of CHS prepared from the African malaria mosquito, Anopheles gambiae. Our study, which represents the first time to use a nonradioactive method to assay CHS activity in an insect species, determined the optimal conditions for measuring the enzyme activity, including pH, temperature, and concentrations of the substrate uridine diphosphate N‐acetyl‐d ‐glucosamine (UDP‐GlcNAc) and Mg++. The optimal pH was about 6.5–7.0, and the highest activity was detected at temperatures between 37°C and 44°C. Dithithreitol is required to prevent melanization of the enzyme extract. CHS activity was enhanced at low concentration of GlcNAc, but inhibited at high concentrations. Proteolytic activation of the activity is significant both in the 500 ×g supernatant and the 40 000 ×g pellet. Our study revealed only slight in vitro inhibition of A. gambiae CHS activity by diflubenzuron and nikkomycin Z at the highest concentration (2.5 μmol/L) examined. There was no in vitro inhibition by polyoxin D at any concentration examined. Furthermore, we did not observe any in vivo inhibition of CHS activity by any of these chemicals at any concentration examined. Our results suggest that the inhibition of chitin synthesis by these chemicals is not due to direct inhibition of CHS in A. gambiae.  相似文献   

A series of novel 3-substituted amino-4-hydroxycoumarin derivatives have been designed and synthesized as chitin synthase (CHS) inhibitors. All the synthesized compounds have been screened for their CHS inhibition activity and antimicrobial activity in vitro. The enzymatic assay indicated that most of the compounds have good inhibitory activity against CHS, in which compound 6o with IC50 of 0.10?mmol/L had stronger activity than that of polyoxins B, which acts as control drug with IC50 of 0.18?mmol/L. As far as the antifungal activity is concerned, most of the compounds possessed moderate to excellent activity against some representative pathogenic fungi. Especially, compound 6b was found to be the most potent agent against Cryptococcus neoformans with minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) of 4?μg/mL. Moreover, the results of antibacterial screening showed that these compounds have negligible actions to some tested bacteria. Therefore, these compounds would be promising to develop selective antifungal agents.  相似文献   

唐斌  王世贵  张文庆 《昆虫学报》2009,52(7):736-742
几丁质不仅是昆虫的表皮和围食膜的主要成分,也是一个非常关键的害虫控制靶标,主要通过几丁质合成酶(chitin synthase,CHS)基因合成。本文在克隆甜菜夜蛾Spodoptera exigua的两个几丁质合成酶基因(SeCHSA和SeCHSB)cDNA和基因组序列的基础上,从基因的5′末端设计特异性引物和构建特定的基因组文库, 采用PCR的方法获得了5′端侧翼序列。通过5′RACE的方法确定SeCHSA和SeCHSB基因的转录起始位点后,获到了启动子序列。这为研究昆虫几丁质合成和转录调控奠定了基础。  相似文献   

The polytopic yeast protein Chs3 (chitin synthase III) relies on a dedicated membrane‐localized chaperone, Chs7, for its folding and expression at the cell surface. In the absence of Chs7, Chs3 forms high molecular weight aggregates and is retained in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Chs7 was reported to be an ER resident protein, but its role in Chs3 folding and transport was not well characterized. Here, we show that Chs7 itself exits the ER and localizes with Chs3 at the bud neck and intracellular compartments. We identified mutations in the Chs7 C‐terminal cytosolic domain that do not affect its chaperone function, but cause it to dissociate from Chs3 at a post‐ER transport step. Mutations that prevent the continued association of Chs7 with Chs3 do not block delivery of Chs3 to the cell surface, but dramatically reduce its catalytic activity. This suggests that Chs7 engages in functionally distinct interactions with Chs3 to first promote its folding and ER exit, and subsequently to regulate its activity at the plasma membrane.   相似文献   

Current assays for the activity of viral RNA-dependent RNA polymerases (RdRps) are inherently end-point measurements, often requiring the use of radiolabeled or chemically modified nucleotides to detect reaction products. In an effort to improve the characterization of polymerases that are essential to the life cycle of RNA viruses and develop antiviral therapies that target these enzymes, a continuous nonradioactive assay was developed to monitor the activity of RdRps by measuring the release of pyrophosphate (PP(i)) generated during nascent strand synthesis. A coupled-enzyme assay method based on the chemiluminescent detection of PP(i), using ATP sulfurylase and firefly luciferase, was adapted to monitor poliovirus 3D polymerase (3D(pol)) and the hepatitis C virus nonstructural protein 5B (NS5B) RdRp reactions. Light production was dependent on RdRp and sensitive to the concentration of oligonucleotide primer directing RNA synthesis. The assay system was found to be amenable to sensitive kinetic studies of RdRps, requiring only 6nM 3D(pol) to obtain a reliable estimate of the initial velocity in as little as 4 min. The assay can immediately accommodate the use of both homopolymer and heteropolymer RNA templates lacking uridylates and can be adapted to RNA templates containing uridine by substituting alpha-thio ATP for ATP. The low background signal produced by other NTPs can be corrected from no enzyme (RdRp) controls. The effect of RdRp/RNA template preincubation was assessed using NS5B and a homopolymer RNA template and a time-dependent increase of RdRp activity was observed. Progress curves for a chain terminator (3(')-deoxyguanosine 5(')-triphosphate) and an allosteric NS5B inhibitor demonstrated the predicted time- and dose-dependent reductions in signal. This assay should facilitate detailed kinetic studies of RdRps and their potential inhibitors using either standard or single-nucleotide approaches.  相似文献   

The enzymes 6-hydroxymethylpterin pyrophosphokinase (HPPK) and dihydropteroate synthase (DHPS) catalyze sequential steps in folate biosynthesis. They are present in microorganisms but absent in mammals and therefore are especially suitable targets for antimicrobials. Sulfa drugs (sulfonamides and sulfones) currently are used as antimicrobials targeting DHPS, although resistance to these drugs is increasing. The most widely used assay that measures activity of these enzymes, to assess new inhibitors in vitro, is not amenable to automation. This article describes a simple, coupled, enzymatic spectrophotometric assay where the product of the DHPS reaction, dihydropteroate, is reduced to tetrahydropteroate by excess dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR) using the cofactor NADPH. The oxidation of NADPH is monitored at 340 nm. The activity of both HPPK and DHPS can be measured in this assay, and it has been used to measure kinetic parameters of wild-type and sulfa drug-resistant DHPS enzymes to demonstrate the utility of the assay. It is a sensitive and reproducible assay that can be readily automated and used in multiwell plates. This NADPH-coupled microplate photometric assay could be used for rapid screening of chemical libraries for novel inhibitors of folate biosynthesis as the first step in developing new antimicrobial drugs targeting the folate biosynthetic pathway.  相似文献   

本研究旨在明确棉铃虫Helicoverpa armigera(Hübner)几丁质合成酶1(HaCHS1)基因在不同发育时期和不同组织的表达及氟啶脲处理后对该基因表达的影响。利用RT-PCR和RACE技术克隆获得棉铃虫HaCHS1基因,HaCHS1基因全长为5247 bp,其中开放阅读框4698 bp,编码1565个氨基酸,5′非翻译区为168 bp,3′非翻译区为381 bp。预测蛋白的相对分子质量为180.7 kDa,等电点为6.50,HaCHS1具有16个跨膜螺旋和6个N-糖基化位点。RT-qPCR检测结果表明,HaCHS1基因在预蛹期表达量最低,在蛹期第1天表达量最高。HaCHS1基因在头部的表达量最高,其次是表皮,而在中肠、气管、马氏管和脂肪体中的表达量均极低。亚致死浓度(60 mg/L)氟啶脲处理后,棉铃虫HaCHS1基因呈现出“抑制-激活-再抑制”的波动。本研究将为棉铃虫HaCHS1基因功能的研究奠定基础,为基于几丁质合成途径设计新药提供科学的理论依据。  相似文献   

The measurement of prostaglandin E synthase (PGES) activity is cumbersome because the product of the reaction, PGE(2), is not readily quantitated by spectral means. The activity of isolated PGES is typically determined by PGE(2) immunoassay or by high-performance liquid chromatography using radiolabeled substrate. A relatively rapid continuous spectrophotometric assay which uses 15-hydroxyprostaglandin dehydrogenase (PGDH) to couple the oxidation of the 15-hydroxy group of PGE(2) to the formation of NADH was developed. PGDH is relatively specific for PGE(2) over the substrate for the PGES reaction, PGH(2), allowing a highly reproducible assay of PGES activity to be obtained.  相似文献   

We developed a gel filtration assay for the determination of glycogen synthase activity in cultured cells or tissue homogenates. Compared to the commonly used filter paper assay, the gel filtration assay resulted in a more than 5-fold reduction of background levels leading to an--at least--twofold increase in precision. These benefits allow the gel filtration method to detect differences of +/-5% in enzyme activity out of 300 microg total cell protein. In addition to high precision and sensitivity, the method's additional salient advantages include lesser expenditure of time and labour and reduced exposure time of the personnel to radioactivity.  相似文献   

Protein kinases play an important role in many cellular processes and mediate cellular responses to a variety of extracellular stimuli. They have been identified by many pharmaceuticals as valid targets for drug discovery. Because of the large number of protein kinases, and the large number of compounds to be screened, it is important to develop assay systems that are not only sensitive but also homogeneous, fast, simple, nonradioactive, and cost-effective. Here we present a novel, rapid, robust assay to measure the enzyme activity of low concentrations of several serine/threonine and tyrosine protein kinases. It is based on the use of fluorogenic peptide substrates (Rhodamine 110, bis peptide amide) that are cleaved before phosphorylation to release the free Rhodamine 110; upon phosphorylation, cleavage is hindered, and the compound remains as a nonfluorescent peptide conjugate. The assay can be carried out in single- as well as multiwell plate formats such as 96- and 384-well plates. The signal-to-noise ratio is very high (40), the Z(') is over 0.8, and the signal is stable for at least 4h. Finally, the assay is easily adapted to a robotic system for drug discovery programs targeting protein kinases.  相似文献   

A novel high throughput colorimetric urease activity assay was compared to the Nessler method. The new method employs phenol red to determine the urease activity. This method reduces significantly sample processing time and allows real-time investigations. This method is rapid, sensitive, easy, cost-effective, and does not use any toxic chemical reagents.  相似文献   

The standard assay for sodium iodide symporter (NIS) function is based on the measurement of radioiodide uptake (125I) in NIS-expressing cells. However, cost and safety issues have limited the method from being used widely. Here we describe a simple spectrophotometric assay for the determination of iodide accumulation in rat thyroid-derived cells (FRTL5) based on the catalytic effect of iodide on the reduction of yellow cerium(IV) to colorless cerium(III) in the presence of arsenious acid (Sandell-Kolthoff reaction). The assay is fast and highly reproducible with a Z′ factor of 0.70. This procedure allows the screening of more than 800 samples per day and can easily be adapted to robotic systems for high-throughput screening of NIS function modulators. Using this method, the potency of several known inhibitors of NIS function was evaluated in a single day with high accuracy and reliability. Measured IC50 values were essentially identical to those determined using Na125I.  相似文献   

Trans-sialidase (E.C. catalyzes the transfer of preferably alpha2,3-linked sialic acid to another glycan or glycoconjugate, forming a new alpha2,3 linkage to galactose or N-acetylgalactosamine. Here, we describe a nonradioactive 96-well plate fluorescence test for monitoring trans-sialidase activity with high sensitivity, specificity, and reproducibility using sialyllactose and 4-methylumbelliferyl-beta-D-galactoside as donor and acceptor substrates, respectively. The assay conditions were optimized using the trans-sialidase from Trypanosoma congolense and its general applicability was confirmed with recombinant trans-sialidase from Trypanosoma cruzi. Using this procedure, a large number of samples can be tested quickly and reliably, for instance in monitoring trans-sialidase during enzyme purification and the production of monoclonal antibodies, for enzyme characterization, and for identifying potential substrates and inhibitors. The trans-sialidase assay reported here was capable of detecting trans-sialidase activity in the low-mU range and may be a valuable tool in the search for further trans-sialidases in various biological systems.  相似文献   

A new assay for 5-enolpyruvylshikimate-3-phosphate synthase is described. This enzyme of the shikimate pathway of aromatic amino acid biosynthesis generates 5-enolpyruvylshikimate 3-phosphate and orthophosphate from phosphoenolpyruvate and shikimate 3-phosphate. The shikimate pathway is present in bacteria and plants but not in mammals. The assay employs a paper-chromatographic separation of radiolabeled substrate from product. The method is specific, is sensitive to 50 pmol of product, and is suitable for use in crude extracts of bacteria. This enzyme appears to be the primary target site of the commercial herbicide glyphosate (N-phosphonomethyl glycine). A procedure for the enzymatic synthesis of [14C]shikimate 3-phosphate from the commercially available precursor [14C]shikimic acid is also described.  相似文献   

The acyl composition of sphingolipids is determined by the specificity of the enzyme ceramide synthase (EC Ceramide contains a long-chain base (LCB) linked to a variety of fatty acids to produce a lipid class with potentially hundreds of structural variants. An optimized procedure for the assay of ceramide synthase in yeast microsomes is reported that uses mass spectrometry to detect any possible LCB and fatty acid combination synthesized from unlabeled substrates provided in the reaction. The assay requires the delivery of substrates with bovine serum albumin for maximum activity within defined limits of substrate concentration and specific methods to stop the reaction and extract the lipid that avoid the non-enzymatic synthesis of ceramide. The activity of ceramide synthase in yeast microsomes is demonstrated with the four natural LCBs found in yeast along with six saturated and two unsaturated fatty acyl-coenzyme As from 16 to 26 carbons in length. The procedure allows for the determination of substrate specificity and kinetic parameters toward natural substrates for ceramide synthase from potentially any organism.  相似文献   

A method is described for measuring the activity of G(s)-coupled receptors in a nonradioactive homogeneous membrane-based assay. This method has several major advantages over currently used methods for measuring functional activity of G(s)-coupled receptors. The assay is high throughput (>150,000 data points/day using a single reader). Dimethyl sulfoxide tolerance is high ( approximately 10%). Compared to complex cell-based assays, there is limited potential for nonspecific compound action. This resulted in low compound hit rates in robustness screening, where hit rates from a simulated screen were 1.0% (antagonist screen) and 0.1% (agonist screen). No continuous cell culture is required for the assay, reducing cell culture overheads and allowing the screen to run every day. Automation is simple and requires no temperature- or humidity-controlled incubation. No radioactivity is required. The method relies on measurement of cyclic AMP (cAMP) generation by fluorescence polarization assay using commercially available reagents. Membranes (1-2 microg protein per well, containing anti-cAMP antibody) are transferred to 384-well plates containing 1 microl test compound. For antagonist screens, agonist is added 15 min later. After 30 min incubation at room temperature, one further assay reagent (fluorescein-cAMP in a buffer containing detergent) is added. The signal may be read after 1 h and is stable for greater than 12 h. Typical Z' for the assay is approximately 0.5.  相似文献   

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