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Characterization of flocculation for cell removal from fermentation broth via polyelectrolyte addition is commonly based on qualitative methods such as physical appearance of the floc. The use of zeta potential as a quantitative measure of floc character was evaluated as an indicator of optimal polymer addition. Zeta potential was found to increase with increasing cationic polyelectrolyte dosage, but never reached zero regardless of the total amount of polymer added, indicating flocculation occurs at least partially through a bridging type mechanism. Experiments were conducted using various polymer concentrations (25-75 g/L) and dosing methods (batch, incremental and continuous addition) that resulted in variable overall polymer requirements to achieve optimum flocculation. Zeta potential was found to be constant at optimal floc character regardless of the total amount of polymer added, polymer concentration, or method of polymer addition. Experiments with two additional types of fermentation broth also showed characteristic zeta potentials at optimal flocculation. Polymer requirements to achieve a particular floc character can vary greatly, depending on polymer dosing conditions and fermentation batch. The effect of polymer dosing conditions on the polymer requirement to obtain optimal floc character was evaluated. Polymer dosing method and calcium concentration were both found to have a significant effect (P < 0.0001) with continuous polymer addition and high calcium concentration requiring less polymer than did batch polymer addition and low calcium concentration, respectively. Polymer dosing concentration did not significantly affect polymer requirement for optimal flocculation.  相似文献   

This study investigated the detoxification of a dilute acid pretreated Ponderosa pine slurry using the polyelectrolyte polyethyleneimine (PEI). The addition of polyelectrolyte to remove enzymatic and/or fermentation inhibitory compounds, that is, acetic acid, furfural, and 5-hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF), was performed either before or after enzymatic hydrolysis to determine the optimal process sequence. Negligible acetic acid, glucose, and xylose were removed regardless of where in the process the polymer addition was made. Maximum furfural and HMF separation was achieved with the addition of PEI to a clarified pre-enzymatic hydrolysis liquor, which showed that 88.3% of furfural and 66.4% of HMF could be removed. On the other hand, only 23.1% and 13.4% of furfural and HMF, respectively, were removed from a post-enzymatic hydrolysis sample; thus, the effects of enzymes, glucose, and wood solids on inhibitor removal were also investigated. The presence of solid particles >0.2 μm and unknown soluble components <10 kDa reduced inhibitory compound removal, but the presence of elevated glucose levels and enzymes (cellulases) did not affect the separation. The fermentability of detoxified versus undetoxified hydrolysate was also investigated. An ethanol yield of 92.6% of theoretical was achieved with Saccharomyces cerevisiae fermenting the detoxified hydrolyzate, while no significant ethanol was produced in the undetoxified hydrolyzate. These results indicate that PEI may provide a practical alternative for furan removal and detoxification of lignocellolosic hydrolysates, and that application before enzymatic hydrolysis minimizes separation interferences.  相似文献   

A series of polysulfone and polyacrylate-based zwitterionic coatings were prepared on epoxy-primed aluminum substrata and characterized for their antifouling (AF) and fouling-release (FR) properties towards marine bacteria, microalgae and barnacles. The zwitterionic polymer coatings provided minimal resistance against bacterial biofilm retention and microalgal cell attachment, but facilitated good removal of attached microbial biomass by exposure to water-jet apparatus generated hydrodynamic shearing forces. Increasing the ion content of the coatings improved the AF properties, but required a stronger adhesive bond to the epoxy-primed aluminum substratum to prevent coating swelling and dissolution. Grafted poly(sulfobetaine) (gpSBMA), the most promising zwitterionic coating identified from microfouling evaluations, enabled the removal of four out of five barnacles reattached to its surface without incurring damage to their baseplates. This significant result indicated that gpSBMA relied predominately on its surface chemistry for its FR properties since it was very thin (~1–2 µm) relative to commercial coating standards (>200 µm).  相似文献   

Commercial porous polypropylene membranes were chemically modified with polyaniline (PANI) using ammonium persulfate as the oxidizer. The influence of polymerization conditions on the membrane properties was studied by adsorption analysis and membrane permeability. The PANI-coated polypropylene (PANI/PP) membranes possessed high affinity toward the proteins, which can be immobilized onto the membrane surface through physical adsorption or covalent immobilization. The quantity of immobilized horseradish peroxidase (HRP) and its activity depended on the quantity and quality (oxidation level) of PANI. The storage conditions for PANI/PP membranes containing immobilized HRP were studied. HRP immobilized on the PANI/PP membrane was shown to retain 70% of its activity after 3-month storage at +5 degrees C, suggesting that this material can be used for practical application, such as in bioreactors as enzyme membranes.  相似文献   

This report describes the construction of ultrathin multicomponent films with an internal structure on the nanometre scale. In the simplest case, the films are built-up by the subsequent adsorption of polyanions and polycations. They can be fabricated on inorganic substrates such as glass, quartz or silicon wafers, or on various organic materials. The polymeric interlayers can incorporate materials with desired electrical or optical properties. The average thickness of the layers can be fine-tuned with Angstrom precision by the addition of suitable salts. They are temperature stable up to at least 200°C and can be laterally structured using conventional photolithographic techniques. The films provide for a well-defined substrate-independent interface for the immobilization of biological macromolecules, such as proteins or DNA, in their active state. The immobilization of streptavidin enables the controlled attachment of any biotinylated molecule with no resulting loss in its biological activity. Area-selective immobilization provides the possibility of built-in quality control for the fabrication of biosensors with separated reference and sample areas on the same substrate.  相似文献   

We previously developed a calcium phosphate (CaP) calcifying solution that allows to deposit a uniform layer of nanocrystalline apatite on metallic implants in a few hours. In this work we modified the composition of the CaP solution by addition of Sr2+, Mg2+, and Mn2+, in order to improve the biological performance of the implants. The results of the investigation performed on the coatings, as well as on the powders precipitated in the absence of the substrates, indicate that both Sr2+ and Mg2+ reduce the extent of precipitation, although they are quantitatively incorporated into the nanocrystalline apatitic phase. The inhibitory effect on deposition is much more evident for Mn2+, which completely hinders the precipitation of apatite and yields just a small amount of amorphous phosphate relatively rich in manganese content. Human osteoblast-like MG-63 cells cultured on the different materials show that the Mg2+ and Sr2+ apatitic coatings promote proliferation and expression of collagen type I, with respect to bare Ti and to the thin layer of amorphous phosphate obtained in the presence of Mn2+. However, the relatively high content of Mn2+ in the phosphate has a remarkable beneficial effect on osteocalcin production, which is even greater than that observed for Sr2+.  相似文献   

Magnetic particles of size 10 nm have been coated with silica to a mean diameter of 40 nm and charged with Cu2+ ions via a multidentate ligand, iminodiacetic acid (IDA), for the immobilization of His-tagged Bacillus stearothermopilus L1 lipase. Microporous (average pore diameter of 60 Å) silica gel with a mean particle diameter of 115 µm has been used as a comparative support material. The molar ratio of Cu2+ to IDA was found to be 1:1.14 and 1:1.99 in the silica gel and the silica-coated magnetic nanoparticles (SiMNs), respectively. The specific activity of the immobilized enzyme was found to conform to the following order: Cu2+-charged SiMN>SiMN>Cu2+-charged silica gel>silica gel. When it was immobilized on the Cu2+-charged SiMNs, over 70% of the initial activity of the lipase remained after it had been reused five times. However, only 20% of the initial activity remained after the enzyme immobilized on the Cu2+-charged silica gel had been reused five times. For the enzyme immobilized on supports without Cu2+ cations, all activity was lost after threefold reuse. The differences in the specific activities and the efficiencies of reuse of the enzymes immobilized on the various support materials are discussed in terms of immobilization mechanisms (physical adsorption vs. coordination bonding), mass transfer of a substrate and a product of the enzyme reaction, and the status of the Cu (Cu bound to the IDA on the silica layer vs. Cu directly adsorbed on the silica layer).  相似文献   

Peptide affinity tags have become efficient tools for the purification of recombinant proteins from biological mixtures. The most commonly used ligands in this type of affinity chromatography are immobilized metal ions, proteins, antibodies, and complementary peptides. However, the major bottlenecks of this technique are still related to the ligands, including their low stability, difficulties in immobilization, and leakage into the final products. A model approach is presented here to overcome these bottlenecks by utilizing macroporous ceramic fluorapatite (CFA) as the stationary phase in chromatography and the CFA‐specific short peptides as tags. The CFA chromatographic materials act as both the support matrix and the ligand. Peptides that bind with affinity to CFA were identified from a randomized phage display heptapeptide library. A total of five rounds of phage selection were performed. A common N‐terminal sequence was found in two selected peptides: F4‐2 (KPRSMLH) and F5‐4 (KPRSVSG). The peptide F5‐4, displayed by more than 40% of the phages analyzed in the fifth round of selection, was subjected to further studies. Selectivity of the peptide for the chemical composition and morphology of CFA was assured by the adsorption studies. The dissociation constant, obtained from the F5‐4/CFA adsorption isotherm, was in the micromolar range, and the maximum capacity was 39.4 nmol/mg. The chromatographic behavior of the peptides was characterized on a CFA stationary phase with different buffers. Preferential affinity and specific retention properties suggest the possible application of the phage‐derived peptides as a tag in CFA affinity chromatography for enhancing the selective recovery of proteins. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The results presented demonstrate how the screening of 104 light‐absorbing low band gap polymers for suitability in roll coated polymer solar cells can be accomplished through rational synthesis according to a matrix where 8 donor and 13 acceptor units are organized in rows and columns. Synthesis of all the polymers corresponding to all combinations of donor and acceptor units is followed by characterization of all the materials with respect to molecular weight, electrochemical energy levels, band gaps, photochemical stability, carrier mobility, and photovoltaic parameters. The photovoltaic evaluation is carried out with specific reference to scalable manufacture, which includes large area (1 cm2), stable inverted device architecture, an indium‐tin‐oxide‐free fully printed flexible front electrode with ZnO/PEDOT:PSS (poly(3,4‐ethylenedioxythiophene):polystyrene sulfonate), and a printed silver comb back electrode structure. The matrix organization enables fast identification of active layer materials according to a weighted merit factor that includes more than simply the power conversion efficiency and is used as a method to identify the lead candidates. Based on several characteristics included in the merit factor, it is found that 13 out of the 104 synthesized polymers outperformed poly(3‐hexylthiophene) under the chosen processing conditions and thus can be suitable for further development.  相似文献   

Amphiphilic copolymers containing different amounts of poly(ethylene glycol)-fluoroalkyl acrylate and polysiloxane methacrylate units were blended with a poly(dimethyl siloxane) (PDMS) matrix in different proportions to investigate the effect of both copolymer composition and loading on the biological performance of the coatings. Laboratory bioassays revealed optimal compositions for the release of sporelings of Ulva linza, and the settlement of cypris larvae of Balanus amphitrite. The best-performing coatings were subjected to field immersion tests. Experimental coatings containing copolymer showed significantly reduced levels of hard fouling compared to the control coatings (PDMS without copolymer), their performance being equivalent to a coating based on Intersleek 700?. XPS analysis showed that only small amounts of fluorine at the coating surface were sufficient for good antifouling/fouling-release properties. AFM analyses of coatings under immersion showed that the presence of a regular surface structure with nanosized domains correlated with biological performance.  相似文献   

Enzymatic biofuel cells (BFC) have a great potential as a small power source, but their practical applications are being hampered by short lifetime and low power density. This study describes the direct immobilization of glucose oxidase (GOx) onto the carbon paper in the form of highly stable and active enzyme precipitation coatings (EPCs), which can improve the lifetime and power density of BFCs. EPCs were fabricated directly onto the carbon paper via a three-step process: covalent attachment (CA), enzyme precipitation, and chemical crosslinking. GOx-immobilized carbon papers via the CA and EPC approaches were used as an enzyme anode and their electrochemical activities were tested under the BFC-operating mode. The BFCs with CA and EPC enzyme anodes produced the maximum power densities of 50 and 250 μW/cm(2) , respectively. The BFC with the EPC enzyme anode showed a stable current density output of >700 μA/cm(2) at 0.18 V under continuous operation for over 45 h. When a maple syrup was used as a fuel under ambient conditions, it also produced a stable current density of >10 μA/cm(2) at 0.18 V for over 25 h. It is anticipated that the direct immobilization of EPC on hierarchical-structured electrodes with a large surface area would further improve the power density of BFCs that can make their applications more feasible.  相似文献   

The antifouling (AF) properties of zinc oxide (ZnO) nanorod coated glass substrata were investigated in an out-door mesocosm experiment under natural sunlight (14:10 light: dark photoperiod) over a period of five days. The total bacterial density (a six-fold reduction) and viability (a three-fold reduction) was significantly reduced by nanocoatings in the presence of sunlight. In the absence of sunlight, coated and control substrata were colonized equally by bacteria. MiSeq Illumina sequencing of 16S rRNA genes revealed distinct bacterial communities on the nanocoated and control substrata in the presence and absence of light. Diatom communities also varied on nanocoated substrata in the presence and the absence of light. The observed AF activity of the ZnO nanocoatings is attributed to the formation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) through photocatalysis in the presence of sunlight. These nanocoatings are a significant step towards the production of an environmentally friendly AF coating that utilizes a sustainable supply of sunlight.  相似文献   

A density functional method based on weighted density approximation is extended to study the selective adsorption of small molecules on a surface modified with end-grafted square-well chains. The excess part of the Helmholtz free energy functional is divided into two components: the hard sphere repulsion and the square-well attraction. The equation of state for hard sphere chain fluids developed by Liu et al. is used to calculate the repulsive part of the excess Helmholtz free energy functional, and the equation of state for square-well chain fluid with variable range developed by Li et al. is employed to calculate the attractive part. With this theoretical model, we examine the physical properties of the grafted polymer and the selective adsorption of small molecules on the modified surface.  相似文献   

Despite the sizeable and growing body of research on polymers of intrinsic microporosity (PIMs), a greater understanding of the relationship between the monomer, polymer–polymer and polymer–gas interaction is of significant interest. Methane (CH4), carbon dioxide (CO2), oxygen (O2) and nitrogen (N2) adsorption isotherms at 20°C and up to 20 bar obtained from grand canonical Monte Carlo simulations are presented for PIM-1, PIM-1c, PIM-1n and PIM-1f. The new proposed structure, PIM-1f, is presented and characterised by geometric accessible surface area, pore size distribution, radial distribution function, X-ray scattering and gas adsorption isotherms. PIM-1f increased the geometric surface area when compared with PIM-1; however, the higher system density in combination with the lack of strong adsorption sites yielded the least effective adsorbent for the gases analysed in this study. The gas solubility and ideal solubility selectivity values are also presented and compared with available experimental data for all gases and several gas mixtures illustrating that PIM-1c is the most effective functionality studied for adsorbing these four gases. The conclusions made here are projected to facilitate the design of a material that combines the higher surface area of PIM-1f with the high adsorption capacity of PIM-1c, which will improve the performance of future PIMs.  相似文献   

Integration of the chemical extraction of recombinant inclusion-body protein from Escherichia coli, and its recovery by metal-affinity expanded-bed adsorption (IMAC-EBA) under denaturing conditions, was investigated. The viral coat protein L1 with a hexa-histidine tag was expressed in Escherichia coli HMS174(DE3) as a model protein. Interference of released host DNA with adsorbent fluidization in the EBA step was solved by selective precipitation using spermine and low-speed centrifugation. However, the capacity and selectivity of the adsorbent for L1 remained lower than anticipated. The binding of L1 to immobilized Ni(2+) was therefore studied in detail using surface plasmon resonance (SPR). The Tris buffer and ethylene-diamine tetraacetic acid (EDTA) used in the extraction mixture were found to interfere significantly with the L1-Ni(2+) interaction. The SPR studies suggest that L1 binding could be improved by replacing the Tris buffer with HEPES and by adding CaCl(2) to inactivate the EDTA. The modified chemical extraction conditions resulted in effective L1 extraction from cytoplasmic inclusion bodies, at high cell density (OD(600 )= 80) and without the use of reducing agent, into a medium optimized for subsequent IMAC recovery. The modified buffer conditions resulted in an improved binding capacity and a good L1 purification factor (12.7) and recovery yield (71%). This work demonstrates that it is possible to reduce the complexity and hence the cost associated with traditional processes used to prepare purified denatured protein, ready for refolding, from cytoplasmic inclusion bodies.  相似文献   

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