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Summary We investigated the distribution of microtubules and microfilaments in some exocrine and endocrine cells in rats. Microtubules were stained by applying an immunofluorescent technique using antibodies against -tubulin, while microfilaments were stained with rhodamine-phalloidin, which binds selectively to polymerized actin filaments. In the cytoplasm of some exocrine cells (pancreatic acinar cells and ventral prostatic epithelial cells), the microtubules were distributed longitudinally from the apical region to the basal region, but no microtubules were found in the nuclear region. In exocrine cells, most of the microfilaments were localized beneath the apical plasma membrane. In some endocrine cells (those of the adenohypophysis and the islets of Langerhans), the microtubules exhibited a radial or reticular distribution in the cytoplasm, and intense fluorescence was observed in the perinuclear region. The immunofluorescence produced by the antibodies against -tubulin was more intense in endocrine cells than in exocrine cells. The microfilaments observed in the endocrine cells studied were homogeneously distributed beneath the plasma membrane. Dot-like rhodamine-phalloidin staining was often observed in the cytoplasm of both the exocrine and endocrine cells. The present study clearly demonstrated marked differences in the distribution of cytoskeletal elements in exocrine and endocrine cells, and these may reflect differences in the secretory direction of such cells as well as in epithelial-cell polarity.  相似文献   

The rat epididymal epithelial cells revealed features of steroidogenic cells and released 17beta-estradiol (E2) into the culture medium. In steroidogenic cells, elements of the cytoskeleton due to their influence on organelle distribution are implicated in the regulation of steroidogenesis. In the present study, the morphology of cultured epididymal epithelial cells in light, scanning and transmission electron microscopes was evaluated. The organization of microtubules and microfilaments revealed by fluorescence microscopy, and the concentration of E2 in cultured medium were also studied. The epididymal epithelial cells were cultured in different conditions: in the medium with or without exogenous testosterone (T) and in the co-culture with Leydig cells as a source of androgens. The cells in co-culture located close to Leydig cells were rich in glycogen, PAS-positive substances and lipid droplets, in higher amount than the cells cultured with addition of exogenous testosterone. Stress fibers and microtubules of epididymal epithelial cells cultured with exogenous T and in co-culture with Leydig cells presented typical structure, and numerous granular protrusions appeared on the surface of the cells. Disorganization of microtubules and shortening of stress fibers as well as the smooth cell surface deprived of granular protrusions were observed in the epididymal epithelial cells cultured without T. Change of the cytoskeleton organization caused by the absence of androgen in culture medium resulted in an increased E2 secretion.  相似文献   

Summary We investigated the distribution of microtubules and microfilaments in rat thyroid follicular epithelial cells by applying an immunofluorescence technique with monoclonal antibodies against tubulin and by staining sections with rhodamine-phalloidin. In normal thyroid cells, microtubules run longitudinally from the apical region to the basal region intersecting with each other. In addition, intense labelling with tubulin antibodies was observed in the apical part of the cell. The ultrastructural examinations showed that microtubules often run along the apical plasma membrane. Dot-like labelling with anti-tubulin antibodies was often observed in the perinuclear space, but no microtubules were recognized in the nucleus. Microfilaments bound to rhodamine-phalloidin were distributed mainly beneath the apical plasma membrane, and the portion along the basolateral membrane was scarcely positive. The apical pole of the follicle cell was also decorated by anti-microtubule-associated protein-2 (MAP-2). After TSH stimulation, the intensity of immunocytochemical staining against tubulin was remarkably increased in the cytoplasm. Simultaneously, at the apical region, the staining intensity of rhodamine-phalloidin was increased. Microtubules and microfilaments appeared in the pseudopods after TSH injection. In hypophysectomized or aged rats, thyroid follicular epithelial cells decreased in height, and both immunofluorescent labelling against tubulin and rhodamine-phalloidin labelling were markedly decreased. These results indicate that the distribution and polymerization of microtubules and microfilaments in thyroid follicular epithelial cells vary with the functional stage.  相似文献   

Summary The folliculo-stellate network of the avian adenohypophysis consists of stellate cells surrounding colloid-containing follicular cavities into which cilia and microvilli project. Other identifying criteria are agranularity, junctional complexes at the apical pole, presence of cytoplasmic processes ramifying between adjacent secretory cells, and close appositions of plasma membranes linking folliculo-stellate cells and presumptive thyrotropic cells.Transmission electron microscopy reveals that TRH and L-DOPA induce simultaneous ultrastructural changes in the folliculo-stellate network and in the thyrotropic cells. TRH transforms at cell of the cephalic lobe into a highly hypertrophic cell in which enlargement of cisterns of rough endoplasmic reticulum containing secretory granules, development of a large Golgi complex, presence of newly synthesized secretory granules, and granulation of the cytoplasm are the main features. In the meantime, the follicular cavities become dilated by large amounts of homogeneous colloid. The administration of L-DOPA also leads to the development of dilated cisterns in presumptive thyrotropic cells of the cephalic lobe. Intracisternal granules, immature secretory granules, and large Golgi complexes, however, are not observed. Degranulation of the cytoplasm is obvious. The follicular cavities of both cephalic and caudal lobes are enlarged and filled with colloid in which granular elements are noted.The ultrastructural changes observed in thyrotropic cells and in the folliculo-stellate network reflect functional changes induced by the experimental manipulation. These changes may be related, directly or indirectly, or completely independent.  相似文献   

Studies of spreading fibroblasts and glial cells showed that the initial phase of the spreading process on a solid substratum proceeds by sequential development of different kinds of protrusions. Initially there is a high blebbing activity which is followed by development of small lamellipodia and somewhat later microspikes are formed. In the periphery of the spreading cells several types of microfilament organizations are displayed, these seem to be related to different stages in the cycles of extensions and retractions performed by the lamellipodia. The presence of microtubules and their relation to the different microfilament organizations are also shown.  相似文献   

By feeding a regular laboratory chow, sand rats (Psammomys obesus) from our breeding colony gained different body weights, though they received approximately the same quantity of calories. Sand rats, reaching a body weight above 160 g (group B) showed significantly increased blood glucose values in contrast to the animals with a body weight under 160 g (group A). Isolated pancreatic islets of these two groups of sand rats were incubated with [3H]-leucine to study the incorporation of this amino acid into proinsulin and insulin. The incorporation into proteins of pancreatic islets of sand rats of group B was stimulated by 0.45 mg and 3.0 mg/ml glucose. In group A there was no further stimulation from 0.45 mg to 3.0 mg/ml glucose. Insulin secretion could be stimulated by glucose in both groups, but the stimulation was stronger in group B than in group A.  相似文献   

Summary Small electron dense plaques (EDP) were found in the plasma membrane of pancreatic islet A-, B- and D-cells and parathyroid chief cells of mice and gerbils. The identification of the EDP was facilitated by the use of special fixation techniques. The EDP may represent sites of calcium binding in the cell membranes.Supported by grants from the Swedish Medical Research Council (Project No. B76-12X-00718-11B)  相似文献   

Summary Araldite sections of formalin-fixed pancreas from chicks at hatching were treated by an indirect immuno-enzyme technique to reveal cells containing APP, somatostatin, glucagon and insulin.APP cells were found scattered in the exocrine parenchyma. A few were associated with insulin-containing B islets and occasional cells occurred in and around glucagon-containing A islets. Somatostatin-immunoreactive cells were distributed peripherally in A and B islets and were dispersed in the exocrine tissue. APP cells were roughly as numerous in the exocrine parenchyma as somatostatin-immunoreactive cells.Since certain published observations point to the possible occurrence of APP and somatostatin in the same cells, consecutive sections were stained for these hormones. In no case did the two peptides occur in the same cell. Sections subjected to double-staining confirmed this result. Therefore it is likely that the described differences between APP and somatostatin-immunoreactive cells are valid.  相似文献   

Differentiation of the pancreatic islets in grass snake Natrix natrix embryos, was analyzed using light, transmission electron microscopy, and immuno-gold labeling. The study focuses on the origin of islets, mode of islet formation, and cell arrangement within islets. Two waves of pancreatic islet formation in grass snake embryos were described. The first wave begins just after egg laying when precursors of endocrine cells located within large cell agglomerates in the dorsal pancreatic bud differentiate. The large cell agglomerates were divided by mesenchymal cells thus forming the first islets. This mode of islet formation is described as fission. During the second wave of pancreatic islet formation which is related to the formation of the duct mantle, we observed four phases of islet formation: (a) differentiation of individual endocrine cells from the progenitor layer of duct walls (budding) and their incomplete delamination; (b) formation of two types of small groups of endocrine cells (A/D and B) in the wall of pancreatic ducts; (c) joining groups of cells emerging from neighboring ducts (fusion) and rearrangement of cells within islets; (d) differentiated pancreatic islets with characteristic arrangement of endocrine cells. Mature pancreatic islets of the grass snake contained mainly A endocrine cells. Single B and D or PP–cells were present at the periphery of the islets. This arrangement of endocrine cells within pancreatic islets of the grass snake differs from that reported from most others vertebrate species. Endocrine cells in the pancreas of grass snake embryos were also present in the walls of intralobular and intercalated ducts. At hatching, some endocrine cells were in contact with the lumen of the pancreatic ducts.  相似文献   

Araldite sections of formalin-fixed pancreas from chicks at hatching were treated by an indirect immuno-enzyme technique to reveal cells containing APP, somatostatin, glucagon and insulin. APP cells were found scattered in the exocrine parenchyma. A few were associated with insulin-containing B islets and occasional cells occurred in and around glucagon-containing A islets. Somatostatin-immunoreactive cells were distributed peripherally in A and B islets and were dispersed in the exocrine tissue. APP cells were roughly as numerous in the exocrine parenchyma as somatostatin-immunoreactive cells. Since certain published observations point to the possible occurrence of APP and somatostatin in the same cells, consecutive sections were stained for these hormones. In no case did the two peptides occur in the same cell. Sections subjected to double-staining confirmed this result. Therefore it is likely that the described differences between APP and somatostatin-immunoreactive cells are valid.  相似文献   

Summary P-glycoprotein, an integral membrane protein acting as an energy-dependent efflux pump, has been detected immunocytochemically in the human pancreatic islets using C 494 monoclonal antibody. Intense P-glycoprotein immunoreactivity was found in both endothelial cells of islet blood capillaries and in endocrine cells. Strong expression of P-glycoprotein has been found in the capillary blood vessels at blood-tissue barrier sites and in numerous kinds of cells with secretory/excretory function. Therefore the present findings suggest that P-glycoprotein may play a role in controlling the composition of the extracellular fluids and the intracellular milieu of endocrine islet cells and possibly in regulating their secretory activity.  相似文献   

The disease diabetes mellitus arises as a consequence of a failure of the beta-cells in the islets of Langerhans of the pancreas to produce insulin in the amounts required to meet the needs of the body. Whole pancreas or islet transplants in patients with severe diabetes effectively restore insulin production. A lack of availability of donor pancreata requires the development of alternative sources of islets such as the ex vivo culture and differentiation of stem/progenitor cells. Earlier we discovered multipotential progenitor cells in islets isolated from adult human pancreata that express the neural stem cell marker nestin: nestin-positive islet-derived progenitor cells (NIPs). Recently it was shown that the exclusion of the Hoechst 33342 dye, which defines the pluripotential side population (SP) of hematopoietic stem cells, is mediated by the ATP-binding cassette transporter, ABCG2. Here we report that the human islet-derived NIPs contain a substantial subpopulation of SP cells that co-express ABCG2, MDR1, and nestin. Thus NIPs may be a potential source of adult pluripotential stem/progenitor cells useful for the production of islet tissue for transplantation into diabetic subjects.  相似文献   

Neural crest cells migrate along defined pathways in the trunk of avian embryos. Previous studies have demonstrated that crest-derived pigment cells migrated ventrally after injection onto the ventral neural crest pathway (M. E. Bronner-Fraser and A. M. Cohen, 1980, Develop. Biol.77, 130–141). In the present study, latex polystyrene beads and retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) cells were injected onto the ventral pathway in order to probe the environment along this migratory route. Although the RPE cells are nonmotile and not derived from the neural crest, they also translocated ventrally. Thus, factors independent of active migration may affect the localization of RPE cells (and endogenous crest cells). To test this possibility, latex polystyrene beads were injected onto the ventral pathway. Three types of beads were used: (a) uncoated latex beads; (b) latex beads coated with bovine serum albumin (BSA-beads); and (c) latex beads coated with fibronectin (FN-beads). Uncoated and BSA-beads distributed along the ventral pathway similarly to RPE cells and endogenous crest cells. However, FN-beads remained near the site of implantation and did not move ventrally. The results suggest (1) that molecules like fibronectin on the cell surface might serve as a recognition mechanism that prevents entrance onto the ventral pathway; and (2) that crest cell localization may, in part, be influenced by a driving force imparted by the embryonic environment.  相似文献   

This study aimed to determine the existence and distribution of certain neuropeptides in endocrine and exocrine pancreas of the long-legged buzzard by using immunohistochemical methods. SOM-14-, NPY- and CGRP-IR endocrine cells were determined in both central and peripheral regions in A-islets within the pancreas, while SP-IR endocrine cells were found only in the central region, and CCK-8- and galanin-IR endocrine cells were only detected in peripheral region. On the other hand, in B-islets; SP-, NPY- and CGRP-IRendocrine cells were determined in both central and peripheral regions, while SOM-14- CCK-8- and galanin-IRendocrine cells were found only in the peripheral region. In addition; SOM-14-, NPY-, CGRP-, CCK-8- and galanin-IR cells were also observed in exocrine pancreas. This distribution pattern in the pancreas of the long-legged buzzard demonstrates that neuropeptides perform their probable affects through endocrine and/or paracrine mechanisms. In conclusion, the existence and distribution of neuropeptides in the pancreas of long-legged buzzard have been introduced in this study for the first time and this bird species has also been found to differ from other types of avian species.  相似文献   

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