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Summary Membrane-permeant weak acids and bases, when applied to the bath, modulate the resting membrane potential and the glucose-induced electrical activity of pancreatic B cells, as well as their insulin secretion. These substances alter the activity of a metabolite-regulated. ATP-sensitive K+ channel which underlies the B-cell resting potential. We now present several lines of evidence indicating that the channel may be directly gated by pH i . (1) The time course of K+(ATP) channel activity during exposure to and washout of NH4Cl under a variety of experimental conditions, including alteration of the electrochemical gradient for NH4Cl entry and inhibition of the Na o + H i + exchanger, resembles the time course of pH i measured in other cell types that have been similarly treated. (2) Increasing pH o over the range 6.25–7.9 increases K+(ATP) channel activity in cell-attached patches where the cell surface exposed to the bath has been permeabilized to H+ by the application of the K+/H+ exchanger nigericin. (3) Increasing pH i over a similar range produces similar effects on K+(ATP) channels in inside-out excised patches exposed to small concentrations of ATP i . The physiological role of pH i in the metabolic gating of this channel remains to be explored.  相似文献   

Inward rectifier K+ channels of the Kir1.1 (ROMK) and Kir4.1 subtype are predominantly expressed in epithelial cells where they are responsible for K+ transport across the plasma membrane. Uniquely among the members of the Kir family, these channels are gated by intracellular pH in the physiological range. pH-gating involves structural rearrangements in cytoplasmic domains and the P-loop of the Kir protein. The energy for the gating transition is delivered by protonation of a lysine residue that is located prior to the first transmembrane segment and serves as a 'pH sensor'. The anomalous titration required for lysine operating in the neutral pH range results from its close interaction with two positively charged arginines from the distant N- and C-termini termed the R/K/R triad. Disturbance of this triad as results from a number of point mutations found in patients with hyperprostaglandin E syndrome (HPS) increases the pKa of the pH sensor and results in channels being permanently inactivated under physiological conditions. This article will focus on the mechanism of pH-gating, its implications for the tertiary structure of Kir proteins and on its significance for the pathogenesis of HPS.  相似文献   

Cytosolic free Ca2+ rises in pancreatic beta-cells in response to glucose stimulation and is part of the coupling to insulin secretion. This study evaluates a possible role for cytosolic long chain acyl-CoA esters in modulating Ca2+ handling by clonal beta-cells (HIT). Intact cells incubated with 20 microM free palmitic acid exhibited a 40% decrease in basal cytosolic free Ca2+. In contrast, acyl-CoA esters, up to a chain length of 16, but not the corresponding fatty acids, significantly lowered the Ca2+ set point maintained by cells permeabilized with saponin. The maximum response to the various acyl-CoA esters increased with increasing chain length, with no differences in the half-maximally effective concentration of 0.5 microM. Long chain acyl-CoA esters caused a 40-50% increase in 45Ca2+ influx into a non-mitochondrial pool in the permeabilized HIT cells, consistent with a stimulatory effect on the endoplasmic reticulum Ca(2+)-ATPase activity, but did not affect inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate-induced Ca(2+)-efflux. Thapsigargin, an inhibitor of endoplasmic reticulum Ca(2+)-ATPase activity, blocked the decrease in the Ca2+ set point caused by acyl-CoA esters. The ability of acyl-CoA esters to lower the Ca2+ set point depended on the ATP/ADP ratio (or free ADP); the Ca2+ set point was lowered by 36 +/- 3.6% at an ATP/ADP ratio of 90 and by 14 +/- 1.9% at an ATP/ADP ratio of 7. Depletion of cellular protein kinase C did not prevent the acyl-CoA-induced lowering of the Ca2+ set point. These findings suggest that the increases in long chain acyl-CoA esters may play a role in restoring cytosolic free Ca2+ through activation of Ca(2+)-ATPases.  相似文献   

Summary Modulation of the voltage-gated K+ conductance in T-lymphocytes by substance P was examined. Whole-cell recordings from Jurkat E6-1 human T-lymphocytes revealed two components of substance P action on the outward K+ current: (i) dose- and time-dependent reduction of current peak amplitude; and (ii) acceleration of the current inactivation rate. This action was blocked by substituting Cs+ for K+ in the recording pipette and by the substance P antagonist, [d-Arg1,d-Phe5,d-Trp7.9, Leu11]-substance P. As indicated by conductance-voltage relationship, the reduction in current peak amplitude as a result of substance P application was not due to a shift of the voltage dependence of the channel. Raising intracellular free calcium concentration from 2 to 200nm reversed the reduction, induced by substance P, in current peak amplitude and disclosed an apparent desensitization towards the neuropeptide action. The treatment, however, did not reverse substance P-induced acceleration of the rate of current decay. Intracellular administration of hydrolysis-resistant guanosine triphosphate (to persistently activate GTP-binding protein) and guanosine diphosphate (to competitively inhibit GTP—binding proteins) analogues mimicked and inhibited substance P-induced reduction of K+ conductance, respectively. The data demonstrate a modulation of T-lymphocyte K+ channels by substance P and substantiate a possible role for GTP-binding proteins in this modulation.  相似文献   

The mechanistic link between mitochondrial metabolism and inward rectifier K+ channel activity was investigated by studying the effects of a mitochondrial inhibitor, carbonyl cyanide p-trifluoromethoxyphenylhydrazone (FCCP) on inward rectifiers of the Kir2 subfamily expressed in Xenopus oocytes, using two-electrode voltage-clamp, patch-clamp, and intracellular pH recording. FCCP inhibited Kir2.2 and Kir2.3 currents and decreased intracellular pH, but the pH change was too small to account for the inhibitory effect by itself. However, pre-incubation of oocytes with imidazole prevented both the pH decrease and the inhibition of Kir2.2 and Kir2.3 currents by FCCP. The pH dependence of Kir2.2 was shifted to higher pH in membrane patches from FCCP-treated oocytes compared to control oocytes. Therefore, the inhibition of Kir2.2 by FCCP may involve a combination of intracellular acidification and a shift in the intracellular pH dependence of these channels. To investigate the sensitivity of heteromeric channels to FCCP, we studied its effect on currents expressed by heteromeric tandem dimer constructs. While Kir2.1 homomeric channels were insensitive to FCCP, both Kir2.1-Kir2.2 and Kir2.1-Kir2.3 heterotetrameric channels were inhibited. These data support the notion that mitochondrial dysfunction causes inhibition of heteromeric inward rectifier K+ channels. The reduction of inward rectifier K+ channel activity observed in heart failure and ischemia may result from the mitochondrial dysfunction that occurs in these conditions.  相似文献   

Glucose stimulation of pancreatic beta-cells is reported to lead to sustained alkalization, while extracellular application of weak bases is reported to inhibit electrical activity and decrease insulin secretion. We hypothesize that beta-cell K(ATP) channel activity is modulated by alkaline pH. Using the excised patch-clamp technique, we demonstrate a direct stimulatory action of alkali pH on recombinant SUR1/Kir6.2 channels due to increased open probability. Bath application of alkali pH similarly activates native islet beta-cell K(ATP) channels, leading to an inhibition of action potentials, and hyperpolarization of membrane potential. In situ pancreatic perfusion confirms that these cellular effects of alkali pH are observable at a functional level, resulting in decreases in both phase 1 and phase 2 glucose-stimulated insulin secretion. Our data are the first to report a stimulatory effect of a range of alkali pH on K(ATP) channel activity and link this to downstream effects on islet beta-cell function.  相似文献   

Voltage-dependent (Kv) outward K(+) currents repolarize beta-cell action potentials during a glucose stimulus to limit Ca(2+) entry and insulin secretion. Dominant-negative "knockout" of Kv2 family channels enhances glucose-stimulated insulin secretion. Here we show that a putative Kv2.1 antagonist (C-1) stimulates insulin secretion from MIN6 insulinoma cells in a glucose- and dose-dependent manner while blocking voltage-dependent outward K(+) currents. C-1-blocked recombinant Kv2.1-mediated currents more specifically than currents mediated by Kv1, -3, and -4 family channels (Kv1.4, 3.1, 4.2). Additionally, C-1 had little effect on currents recorded from MIN6 cells expressing a dominant-negative Kv2.1 alpha-subunit. The insulinotropic effect of acute Kv2.1 inhibition resulted from enhanced membrane depolarization and augmented intracellular Ca(2+) responses to glucose. Immunohistochemical staining of mouse pancreas sections showed that expression of Kv2.1 correlated highly with insulin-containing beta-cells, consistent with the ability of C-1 to block voltage-dependent outward K(+) currents in isolated mouse beta-cells. Antagonism of Kv2.1 in an ex vivo perfused mouse pancreas model enhanced first- and second-phase insulin secretion, whereas glucagon secretion was unaffected. The present study demonstrates that Kv2.1 is an important component of beta-cell stimulus-secretion coupling, and a compound that enhances, but does not initiate, beta-cell electrical activity by acting on Kv2.1 would be a useful antidiabetic agent.  相似文献   

Pancreatic beta-cells are known to maintain intracellular pH (pHi) at a value well above that predicted from the electrochemical gradient. The mechanisms for the active extrusion of protons were examined by continuously monitoring pHi in individual beta-cells from ob/ob mice using the fluorescent indicator 2',7'-bis(carboxyethyl)-5(6)-carboxyfluorescein (BCECF). In a medium nominally devoid of bicarbonate, the steady-state pHi was 6.82 +/- 0.02 and the intracellular buffering capacity was equivalent to 79 +/- 3 mM/pH unit. pHi remained unaffected after raising the glucose concentration from 3 to 20 mM, it was lowered when depolarizing the beta-cells with tolbutamide and it increased in the presence of carbachol. After removal of Na+ there was a significant drop of pHi and blockage of the pHi recovery following acid loading with the NH4+ prepulse technique. Whereas addition of amiloride had a similar, but less pronounced effect, omission of Cl- resulted in moderate alkalinisation. After switching to a medium containing bicarbonate, minor acidification was followed by adjustment of pHi to a steady state higher than the initial one. The results indicate that the acid load arising from glucose metabolism in the beta-cells is effectively buffered and the protons extruded both by Na+-H+ and Cl- -HCO3- exchangers.  相似文献   

Summary The properties of transporters (or channels) for monovalent cations in the membrane of isolated pancreatic zymogen granules were characterized with an assay measuring bulk cation influx driven by a proton diffusion potential. The proton diffusion potential was generated by suspending granules in an isotonic monovalent cation/acetate solution and increasing the proton conductance of the membrane with a protonophore. Monovalent cation conductance had the sequence Rb+ > K+ > Na+ > Cs+ > Li+ > N-methyl glucamine+. The conductance could be inhibited by Ca2+, Mg2+, Ba2+, and pharmacological agents such as quinine, quinidine, glyburide and tolbutamide, but not by 5 mm tetra-ethyl ammonium or 5mm 4-aminopyridine, when applied to the cytosolic surface of the granule membrane. Over 50% of K+ conductance could be inhibited by millimolar concentrations of ATP or MgATP. The inhibition by MgATP, but not by ATP itself, was reversed by the K+ channel opener diazoxide. The inhibitory effect is probably by a noncovalent interaction since it could be mimicked by nonhydrolyzable analogs of ATP and by ADP. The reversal of MgATP inhibition by diazoxide may be mediated by phosphorylation since it was not affected by dilution, and was blocked by the protein kinase inhibitor H7. The properties of the K+ conductance of pancreatic zymogen granule membranes are similar to those of ATP-sensitive K+ channels found in the plasma membrane of insulin-secreting islet cells, neurons, muscle, and renal cells.This research was supported by grants from the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation (ZO298) and NIH (DK-39658). F.T. is recipient of a Fellowship from the American Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. K.C.V. is a participant of a summer research program for undergraduate students from Knox College, Galesburg, IL.  相似文献   

Glucose triggers bursting activity in pancreatic islets, which mediates the Ca2+ uptake that triggers insulin secretion. Aside from the channel mechanism responsible for bursting, which remains unsettled, it is not clear whether bursting is an endogenous property of individual beta-cells or requires an electrically coupled islet. While many workers report stochastic firing or quasibursting in single cells, a few reports describe single-cell bursts much longer (minutes) than those of islets (15-60 s). We studied the behavior of single cells systematically to help resolve this issue. Perforated patch recordings were made from single mouse beta-cells or hamster insulinoma tumor cells in current clamp at 30-35 degrees C, using standard K+-rich pipette solution and external solutions containing 11.1 mM glucose. Dynamic clamp was used to apply artificial KATP and Ca2+ channel conductances to cells in current clamp to assess the role of Ca2+ and KATP channels in single cell firing. The electrical activity we observed in mouse beta-cells was heterogeneous, with three basic patterns encountered: 1) repetitive fast spiking; 2) fast spikes superimposed on brief (<5 s) plateaus; or 3) periodic plateaus of longer duration (10-20 s) with small spikes. Pattern 2 was most similar to islet bursting but was significantly faster. Burst plateaus lasting on the order of minutes were only observed when recordings were made from cell clusters. Adding gCa to cells increased the depolarizing drive of bursting and lengthened the plateaus, whereas adding gKATP hyperpolarized the cells and lengthened the silent phases. Adding gCa and gKATP together did not cancel out their individual effects but could induce robust bursts that resembled those of islets, and with increased period. These added currents had no slow components, indicating that the mechanisms of physiological bursting are likely to be endogenous to single beta-cells. It is unlikely that the fast bursting (class 2) was due to oscillations in gKATP because it persisted in 100 microM tolbutamide. The ability of small exogenous currents to modify beta-cell firing patterns supports the hypothesis that single cells contain the necessary mechanisms for bursting but often fail to exhibit this behavior because of heterogeneity of cell parameters.  相似文献   

The effects of glucose, diazoxide, K+, and tolbutamide on the activity of K+ channels, membrane potential, and cytoplasmic free Ca2+ concentration were investigated in beta-cells from the Uppsala colony of obese hyperglycemic mice. With [K+]e = [K+]i = 146 mM, it was demonstrated that the dominating channel at the resting potential is a K+ channel with a single-channel conductance of about 65 picosiemens and a reversal potential of about +70 mV (pipette potential). This channel is characterized by complex kinetics with openings grouped in bursts. The channel was completely inhibited by 20 mM glucose in intact cells or by intracellularly applied Mg-ATP (1 mM). The number of active channels was markedly reduced already by 5 mM glucose. However, the single channel current of the channels remaining active was unaffected, indicating no major depolarization. To evoke a substantial depolarization of the membrane and thereby action potentials, a total block in channel activity was necessary. This could be achieved either by increasing the concentration of glucose to 20 mM or by combining 5 mM glucose with 100 microM tolbutamide. In both cases, the effect was counteracted by the hyperglycemic sulfonamide diazoxide. The effects on single channel activity were paralleled by changes in membrane potential and cytoplasmic free Ca2+ concentration, also when the latter measurements were performed at room temperature. The transient increase in the number of active channels and the resulting hyperpolarization observed after raising the glucose concentration to 20 mM probably reflected a drop in cytoplasmic ATP concentration. It is suggested that ATP works as a key regulator of the beta-cell membrane potential and thereby the opening of voltage-activated Ca2+ channels.  相似文献   

Summary The effect of cholecystokinin (CCK) and internal Ca2+ on outward K+ current in isolated pig pancreatic acinar cells has been investigated using the patch-clamp method for whole-cell current recording under voltage-clamp conditions. CCK (2 × 10–10 M) applied to the bath evoked a marked increase in the outward K+ current associated with depolarizing voltage steps, and this effect was fully reversible and acutely dependent on the presence of external Ca2+. When strongly buffered Ca2+-EGTA solutions were used inside the cells CCK failed to evoke an effect. Increasing the internal Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+] i ) from 5 × 10–10 M to 10–7 and 5 × 10–7 M mimicked the effect of CCK. It would appear therefore that CCK controls K+ conductance in the acinar cells via changes in the internal free ionized Ca2+ concentration.  相似文献   

Modulation of M-current by intracellular Ca2+   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
IM is a voltage- and time-dependent K+ current that is suppressed by muscarinic receptor activation. IM augmentation following agonist washout was blocked by heavily buffering [Ca2+]i using BAPTA. Although IM is not primarily Ca2+ dependent, small increases in [Ca2+]i by photolysis of the "caged" Ca2+ chelator nitr-5 or by evoking action potentials augmented, while larger increases inhibited, IM. Raising [Ca2+]i for prolonged periods, by nitr-5 photolysis, reduced its sensitivity to agonist, leaving a poorly reversible response. These results suggest that IM can be regulated by physiologically relevant changes in [Ca2+]i, placing IM in a unique position to modulate cell excitability.  相似文献   

We have used three-microelectrode voltage clamp in conjunction with the ammonium prepulse method to investigate the effects of lowered intracellular pH (pHi) on resting potassium currents of frog skeletal muscle fibres. Potassium currents were recorded in 40 mM K+, Cl(-)-free solution in response either to voltage steps or ramps. An ammonium prepulse (2 h) reduced pHi to 6.45 from a control value of 7.19. The intracellular ATP concentration, measured with high-pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC), was unchanged by this procedure. Mean outward potassium currents were larger in low pHi than in control fibres, being about twice as large at +40 mV, whereas mean inward currents were very similar in control and low-pHi fibres. The sulphonylurea glibenclamide blocked single KATP channels in excised patches with a Kd of 3 microM. In intact fibres 50 microM glibenclamide had no effect on K+ currents in controls but reduced currents in low-pHi fibres. In the presence of glibenclamide, K+ currents in low-pHi fibres were not significantly different from those in control fibres. We suggest that reduced pHi in intact skeletal muscle fibres opens ATP-dependent potassium channels (KATP channels), as has been shown to occur in excised patches of membrane.  相似文献   

The apically restricted, voltage-dependent K+ conductance of Necturus taste receptor cells was studied using cell-attached, inside-out and outside-out configurations of the patch-clamp recording technique. Patches from the apical membrane typically contained many channels with unitary conductances ranging from 30 to 175 pS in symmetrical K+ solutions. Channel density was so high that unitary currents could be resolved only at negative voltages; at positive voltages patch recordings resembled whole-cell recordings. These multi-channel patches had a small but significant resting conductance that was strongly activated by depolarization. Patch current was highly K+ selective, with a PK/PNa ratio of 28. Patches containing single K+ channels were obtained by allowing the apical membrane to redistribute into the basolateral membrane with time. Two types of K+ channels were observed in isolation. Ca(2+)-dependent channels of large conductance (135-175 pS) were activated in cell-attached patches by strong depolarization, with a half-activation voltage of approximately -10 mV. An ATP-blocked K+ channel of 100 pS was activated in cell-attached patches by weak depolarization, with a half-activation voltage of approximately -47 mV. All apical K+ channels were blocked by the sour taste stimulus citric acid directly applied to outside-out and perfused cell-attached patches. The bitter stimulus quinine also blocked all channels when applied directly by altering channel gating to reduce the open probability. When quinine was applied extracellularly only to the membrane outside the patch pipette and also to inside-out patches, it produced a flickery block. Thus, sour and bitter taste stimuli appear to block the same apical K+ channels via different mechanisms to produce depolarizing receptor potentials.  相似文献   

We have developed a detailed mathematical model of ionic flux in beta-cells that includes the most essential channels and pumps in the plasma membrane. This model is coupled to equations describing Ca2+, inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP3), ATP, and Na+ homeostasis, including the uptake and release of Ca2+ by the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). In our model, metabolically derived ATP activates inward Ca2+ flux by regulation of ATP-sensitive K+ channels and depolarization of the plasma membrane. Results from the simulations support the hypothesis that intracellular Na+ and Ca2+ in the ER can be the main variables driving both fast (2-7 osc/min) and slow intracellular Ca2+ concentration oscillations (0.3-0.9 osc/min) and that the effect of IP3 on Ca2+ leak from the ER contributes to the pattern of slow calcium oscillations. Simulations also show that filling the ER Ca2+ stores leads to faster electrical bursting and Ca2+ oscillations. Specific Ca2+ oscillations in isolated beta-cell lines can also be simulated.  相似文献   

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