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If maturation is more costly for females, they may need more distinct environmental cues to induce sexual reproduction than males. We verified this hypothesis by comparing the indirect costs of maturation to males and females of the heterogonic Hydra oligactis, reproducing both asexually and sexually. The laboratory experiments revealed that males mature 2 weeks earlier than the first females at falling temperatures simulating the natural conditions that precede sexual reproduction. The difference between the energy costs of maturation for males versus females has been considered a likely factor responsible for the observed difference in maturation time. Available food supply positively affected the percentage of sexually mature females, indicating that females are more sensitive to food limitation than males. The number of gonads was correlated positively with the size of mature hydra for both males and females. However, males produced twice as many testes as ovaries produced by females. We postulate that females are induced later than males in order to prevent gonadal development after an unseasonable drop in temperature. As sexual reproduction in H. oligactis interferes with asexual budding, under favorable conditions for asexual proliferation unnecessary gonadal development decreases an individual’s fitness through reduction of the number of produced offspring.  相似文献   

单细胞真核绿藻在中国水螅(Hydra sinensis)内胚层皮肌细胞中共生是有较高科研价值的特殊生物学现象。水螅宿主细胞为共生藻提供CO2、氮源及矿物质,而共生藻通过光合作用可能为宿主提供碳水化合物等有机物营养,因此水螅与共生藻间代谢流是以共生藻光合作用为中心,但基于代谢流二者间的互作机制目前尚未阐明。水螅通过营养积累进行出芽生殖,从母体脱落的芽体数量间接反映水螅营养积累的相对量。而光暴露时长能影响共生绿藻光合作用,如果共生藻的确能向水螅细胞转移光合作用产物,那光暴露时长应该能间接影响水螅的营养积累、从而进一步影响水螅无性出芽生殖。为证实该假说,本研究应用种群累积培养法,观察了光周期对中国水螅种群增长、无性出芽生殖及抗氧化酶(SOD和CAT)活力的影响。结果显示,光周期对中国水螅种群增长具有明显的影响。培养15 d后,所有实验组水螅的种群密度均为正增长,其中8L∶16D(在一个24h周期内光暴露8 h、黑暗16 h)实验组种群密度最大、而0L∶24D(持续黑暗)实验组种群密度最小。另外,随着光暴露时长的增加,中国水螅SOD及CAT活力整体均呈下降趋势。结果表明,从光周期对中国水螅无性出芽生殖及两种抗氧化酶活力的影响来看,中国水螅对光周期的生理学响应较为敏感,这个现象可能源于共生绿藻能通过向宿主细胞转移光合作用产物的方式为水螅提供营养补充。  相似文献   

In the parasitoid Venturia canescens Gravenhorst (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae), asexual and sexual wasps coexist in the field in the Mediterranean basin, but only the asexual strain is present indoors. The sexual strain dominates outdoors despite the demographic costs associated with the production of males and mate location. The present study tests whether females of the sexual and asexual strains of V. canescens differ in flight characteristics in line with the differences of their preferred habitats and enquires whether these differences might contribute to the persistence of sexually reproducing individuals in the vicinity of asexual counterparts. The results show that sexual female wasps are smaller than their asexual counterparts. The size of wasps has a strong influence on flight parameters, with larger animals generally being better fliers. In wasps of approximately the same size, sexual wasps fly faster than their asexual counterparts under experimental laboratory conditions, in terms of both the average speed over the observation period as well as the longest single flight. Sexual wasps also perform fewer flights to cover the same distance. Sexual wasps have higher wing loading than asexual ones of the same size, which could have contributed to the observed differences in speed between individuals of both reproductive modes. There are no significant differences between the two reproductive modes in the parameters related to the distance traversed or the time spent in flight. This study shows clear differences in the flight behaviour of sexual and asexual V. canescens. Together with previous results, this finding suggests differential adaptations to their preferred habitats. These differences might ease the competition between modes of reproduction through niche and habitat differentiation and might help to explain their coexistence on a geographical scale.  相似文献   

We investigated the reproduction of the amphioxus Branchiostoma belcheri in the southern Ariake Sea, Japan, from 1999 to 2002. Gonads were very small or almost absent from September to December and began to develop in January. Changes in the gonad length index indicated that spawning began in mid June, after the gonads had attained maximum size. Although most gametes were extruded during the first spawning, some remained in the gonads. Shrunken gonads were much smaller but contained gametes, and the second spawning occurred around 10 July. It was unclear whether all adults spawned twice, but a large proportion of individuals did. After the first spawning, both males and females lost 30% of their body weight. Most one-year-old individuals did not spawn, and the minimum size at maturity was ca. 20 mm. We found no termination of reproduction among very large individuals. The average number of gonads was significantly larger on the right side of the body (26.2 in males and 26.1 in females) than on the left side (24.0 in males and 23.5 in females). We found two hermaphrodites in a total of 11,184 specimens examined. Each had four or three ovaries among a total of 45 or 54 gonads.  相似文献   

Kaliszewicz, A. and Lipińska, A. 2011. Environmental condition related reproductive strategies and sex ratio in hydras. —Acta Zoologica (Stockholm) 00 :1–7. Temperature and food supply appeared to affect sex ratio, sex composition and percentage of sexual individuals in three Hydra species: Hydra vulgaris, Hydra circumcincta and Hydra viridissima. We found three sexes present: females, males and hermaphrodites depending on environmental conditions. Hydra vulgaris appeared to be a species with a temperature‐dependent sex determination (TSD). The males and hermaphrodites were present only under rising temperatures, whereas females were observed exclusively at lowering temperatures. Hydras reproduced asexually at constant room temperature. Unlimited food affected sex ratios and induced the presence of males in H. circumcincta at lowering temperatures. Thus, H. circumcincta may be recognised as another Hydra species in which sex is determined by environmental factors (ESD). Under rising temperatures, the number of hermaphroditic individuals was higher when food supply was unlimited in all three species, indicating that hermaphrodites may need more energy to produce both male and female gonads. Both temperature changes and food supply positively affected asexual reproductive strategies in hydras, especially budding rates. Hydra circumcincta appeared to be less agile than other hydras and able to self‐fertilise. It is likely that self‐fertilisation is an adaptation to the low probability of meeting a mate belonging to the other clone.  相似文献   

Selection acting on individuals is not predicted to maximize population persistence, yet examples that explicitly quantify conflicts between individual and population level benefits are scarce. One such conflict occurs over sexual reproduction because of the cost of sex: sexual populations that suffer the cost of producing males have only half the growth rate compared to asexuals. Male behaviour can additionally impact population dynamics in a variety of ways, and here we study an example where the impact is unusually clear: the riddle of persistence of sperm‐dependent sexual–asexual species complexes. Here, a sexually reproducing host species coexists with an ameiotically reproducing all‐female sperm parasite. Sexual–asexual coexistence should not be stable because the proportion of asexually reproducing females will rapidly increase and the relative abundance of the sexually reproducing host species will decline. A severe shortage of males will lead to sperm limitation for sexual and asexual females and the system collapses. Male mate choice could reduce the reproductive potential of the asexual species and thus potentially prevent the collapse. In the gynogenetic (sperm‐dependent parthenogenetic) Amazon molly Poecilia formosa and its host (P. latipinna or P. mexicana), males discriminate against asexual females to some extent. Using a population‐dynamical model, we examine the population dynamics of this species complex with varying strengths of male discrimination ability and efficiency with which they locate females and produce sperm. The sexual species would benefit from stronger discrimination, thus preventing being displaced by the asexual females. However, males would be required to evolve preferences that are probably too strong to be purely based upon selection acting on individuals. We conclude that male behaviour does not fully prevent but delays extinction, yet this is highly relevant because low local extinction rates strongly promote coexistence as a metapopulation.  相似文献   

Despite the common assumption that most Haplosclerida are viviparous sponges, this study of the reproductive cycle of Haliclona fulva demonstrates that this species is actually oviparous and gonochoric. Intriguingly, not a single male was recorded in 15 months of sampling. Oogenesis is synchronous, starting in late April and terminating in September. Asexual reproduction is represented by cyclic budding, which occurs from late November to early March. During the season of asexual reproduction, the reproductive effort represents from 0.21% to 1.49% of the parental tissue, with the highest values being recorded in winter. During the season of sexual reproduction, the female reproductive effort ranges 0.05–1.15%, with the highest effort appearing in early summer. However, no significant correlation between reproductive efforts and seawater temperature fluctuations could be detected. We describe the ultrastructural morphogenesis of the buds for the first time in this species. This process is asynchronous, with buds of variable size being attached to the maternal apical surface via a short stalk. Young buds lack any particular anatomical organization, whereas bud maturity is characterized by the development of mesohyl and by the appearance of an increasing number and volume of lacunae in the central part of each bud. At this stage, buds harbor numerous small choanocyte chambers scattered throughout the inner region, and all cell types known from the mesohyl of parental sponges: microgranular cells, granular cells, archaeocytes, endopinacocytes and exopinacocytes, central cells, and sclerocytes.  相似文献   

All‐female sperm‐dependent species are particular asexual organisms that must coexist with a closely related sexual host for reproduction. However, demographic advantages of asexual over sexual species that have to produce male individuals could lead both to extinction. The unresolved question of their coexistence still challenges and fascinates evolutionary biologists. As an alternative hypothesis, we propose those asexual organisms are afflicted by a demographic cost analogous to the production of males to prevent exclusion of the host. Previously proposed hypotheses stated that asexual individuals relied on a lower fecundity than sexual females to cope with demographic advantage. In contrast, we propose that both sexual and asexual species display the same number of offspring, but half of asexual individuals imitate the cost of sex by occupying ecological niches but producing no offspring. Simulations of population growth in closed systems under different demographic scenarios revealed that only the presence of nonreproductive individuals in asexual females can result in long‐term coexistence. This hypothesis is supported by the fact that half of the females in some sperm‐dependent organisms did not reproduce clonally.  相似文献   

Sexual conflict arises when the optimal reproductive strategy differs for males and females. It is associated with every reproductive stage, yet few studies have considered how the outcome may be changed by interactions with other species. Here, we show that phoretic mites Poecilochirus carabi change the outcome of sexual conflict over the supply of prehatching parental investment in the burying beetle Nicrophorus vespilloides. Burying beetles require a small dead vertebrate for reproduction, which they prepare by shaving it, rolling up the flesh, and burying it. When pairs were given a medium‐sized mouse to prepare (13–16 g), mites changed how the costs of reproduction were divided between the sexes, with males then sustaining greater costs than females. We found no equivalent difference when pairs prepared larger or smaller carcasses. Thus, our experiment shows that the outcome of sexual conflict over prehatching parental investment is changed by interactions with other species during reproduction.  相似文献   

Sexual development was studied in 25 hermaphrodite mice with the genotype T16H/XSxr. The majority of the animals had a male phenotype similar to that seen in XXSxr males. A few, however, had feminized external genitalia and were classified as females. Examination of the gonads and reproductive tracts of the male hermaphrodites revealed a strong tendency for the left gonad to be more masculine than the right. Most of the gonads in male and female hermaphrodites appeared to be ovaries or testes rather than ovotestes.  相似文献   

Anatomical and histological examination of Serranus scriba L. showed the existence of primary females (67%), hermaphrodites (31%) and primary males (2%). Synchronous functional hermaphroditism is described on the basis of an anatomical and histological study of the gonads. Although they function simultaneously, the testicular and ovarian parts of hermaphrodite gonads have completely separate ducts. Females and hermaphrodites have the same annual reproduction cycle. In hermaphrodites, the testicular part matures one month sooner than the ovarian part. Cross fertilization between primary females and hermaphrodite individuals and between two different hermaphrodites probably occurs, while self-fertilization is less likely. The testicular tissues of primary males are of the acinar type and those of hermaphrodites are of the radial type. It is possible that primary males do not take part in reproduction. Serranus scriba in Egyptian Mediterranean waters is a longperiod spawner, which spawns from June to the end of October, i.e. it is a summer-autumn spawner.  相似文献   

Analysis of original and literary data permits to conclude that the life cycle in Orthonectida may be characterized as a monohost--monoxenous one, including regular interchange of three generations: asexual and parthenogenetic ones, which are represented by parasitic plasmodiums, and sexual generation, represented by free living and non-feeding males and females or, rarely, hermaphrodites. The sexual individuals are bilaterial, while the parasitic ones are anaxonic. The life cycle of Orthonectida includes the agamic reproduction, apomictic parthenogenesis and sexual reproduction regularly following one another. The life cycle of Orthonectida can be considered as a combination of metagenesis and heterogony. So far, such combination has not been described in any group of metazoan parasites.  相似文献   

The frequency and dynamics of sexual and asexual reproduction were investigated in a dioecious epixylic hepatic, Anastrophyllum hellerianum, which has declined in recent decades in Finland as a consequence of forestry practices. In our investigation asexual reproduction by gemmae was the dominant mode of reproduction and specialised gemmiparous shoots were present in all colonies studied. The proportions of dead shoots were considerably higher among sex-expressing than among non-sexexpressing shoots. Our results suggest that lower reproductive investment is required for asexual than for sexual reproduction. For instance, no trade-off is detected between asexual reproduction and survival of the gemmiparous shoots in A. hellerianum. Sexual reproduction occurred only in 12% of the colonies and it was promoted by the following factors: medium shoot density, high proportion of sex-expressing shoots, an even sex ratio and very short distances between individuals representing opposite sexes. The ratio of dead males to dead females was significantly female-biased, which suggests higher mortality among female shoots. At the level of individual shoots, more spores than gemmae were produced. However, as a consequence of the low frequency of sporophyte-bearing shoots, gemma production highly exceeded spore production at the colony level. Furthermore, cultivation tests of the propagules showed that gemmae germinate faster than spores.  相似文献   

In several asexual taxa, reproduction requires mating with related sexual species to stimulate egg development, even though genetic material is not incorporated from the sexuals (gynogenesis). In cases in which gynogens do not invest in male function, they can potentially have a twofold competitive advantage over sexuals because the asexuals avoid the cost of producing males. If unmitigated, however, the competitive success of the asexuals would ultimately lead to their own demise, following the extinction of the sexual species that stimulate egg development. We have studied a model of mate choice among sexual individuals and asexual gynogens, where males of the sexual species preferentially mate with sexual females over gynogenetic females, to determine if such mating preferences can stably maintain both gynogenetic and sexual individuals within a community. Our model shows that stable coexistence of gynogens and their sexual hosts can occur when there is variation among males in the degree of preference for mating with sexual females and when pickier males pay a higher cost of preference.  相似文献   

Abe T 《Annals of botany》2002,89(6):675-681
Sexual differences were investigated to determine the significance of flower bud abortion in the dioecious shrub Aucuba japonica Thunb. The mean number of flowers per inflorescence and the mean number of flowering inflorescences (as opposed to aborted inflorescences) per individual were greater in males than in females in 1997 and 1998. Reproductive investment by males was 0.4-times (1997) and 1.4-times (1998) that by females. In addition, females aborted 30.9% (1997) and 42.7% (1998) of their total flower buds without blooming, whereas no male flower buds aborted. One of the architectural traits of this shrub is that in the year that a flower bud is produced at the shoot apex, the shoot will branch into two or more shoots. Thus, there was less sexual difference in the number of current shoots per individual than there was in the number of flowering inflorescences. The relationship between annual growth and reproduction, and the probability of reproduction in the following year, suggested that the higher investment in female reproduction was manifested as a cost for reproductive frequency rather than as a cost for annual growth. The spatial distribution of both males and females was clumped, which may be the result of clonal growth. In addition, overall sex ratios were not skewed and the number of sprouts did not differ significantly between sexes. These results suggested that flower bud abortion by females might reduce sexual dimorphism in terms of clonal growth.  相似文献   

Telomerase is critical for the protection of germ line and stem cell chromosomes from fatal shortening during replication. In most organisms, telomerase activity is suppressed in progressively committed cells and falls to basal rates in terminally differentiated lineages. The colonial ascidian Botryllus schlosseri propagates asexually and sexually, presumably from pools of stem cells that self-renew throughout the 2- to 5-year colony life span. Asexual budding takes place continuously from the parental body wall. When the colony reaches a critical size, sexual reproduction commences with the generation of gonads. Here, we establish the existence of 6-15 kb telomeres on the ends of Botryllus chromosomes. We develop a real-time quantitative PCR telomeric repeat amplification protocol (TRAP) assay that reliably detects 0.2-100 TPG units in cells and tissues. We find highest levels of enzymatic activity in the gonads, developing embryos, and tissues containing the earliest asexual buds. Telomerase activity appears to be suppressed in later buds during organogenesis and falls to basal rates in mature zooids. We postulate that this pattern reflects maximum telomere restoration in somatic stem cells of early buds and suppression of telomerase activity in progenitors and terminally differentiated cells, indicative of an alternate role for stem cells as repeated body regenerators in colonial life histories.  相似文献   

M Neiman 《Animal behaviour》2004,67(5):811-822
Despite the two-fold reproductive advantage of asexual over sexual reproduction, the majority of eukaryotic species are sexual. Why sex is so widespread is still unknown and remains one of the most important unanswered questions in evolutionary biology. Although there are several hypothesized mechanisms for the maintenance of sex, all require assumptions that may limit their applicability. I suggest that the maintenance of sex may be aided by the detrimental retention of ancestral traits related to sexual reproduction in the asexual descendants of sexual taxa. This reasoning is based on the fact that successful reproduction in many obligately sexual species is dependent upon the behavioural, physical and physiological cues that accompany sperm delivery. More specifically, I suggest that although parthenogenetic (asexual) females have no need for sperm per se, parthenogens descended from sexual ancestors may not be able to reach their full reproductive potential in the absence of the various stimuli provided by copulatory behaviour. This mechanism is novel in assuming no intrinsic advantage to producing genetically variable offspring; rather, sex is maintained simply through phylogenetic constraint. I review and synthesize relevant literature and data showing that access to males and copulation increases reproductive output in both sexual and parthenogenetic females. These findings suggest that the current predominance of sexual reproduction, despite its well-documented drawbacks, could in part be due to the retention of physiological dependence on copulatory stimuli in parthenogenetic females.  相似文献   

Sexual reproduction involves many costs. Therefore, females acquiring a capacity for parthenogenetic (or asexual) reproduction will gain a reproductive advantage over obligately sexual females. In contrast, for males, any trait coercing parthenogens into sexual reproduction (male coercion) increases their fitness and should be under positive selection because parthenogenesis deprives them of their genetic contribution to future generations. Surprisingly, although such sexual conflict is a possible outcome whenever reproductive isolation is incomplete between parthenogens and the sexual ancestors, it has not been given much attention in the studies of the maintenance of sex. Using two mathematical models, I show here that the evolution of male coercion substantially favours the maintenance of sex even though a female barrier against the coercion can evolve. First, the model based on adaptive-dynamics theory demonstrates that the resultant antagonistic coevolution between male coercion and a female barrier fundamentally ends in either the prevalence of sex or the co-occurrence of two reproductive modes. This is because the coevolution between the two traits additionally involves sex-ratio selection, that is, an increase in parthenogenetic reproduction leads to a female-biased population sex ratio, which will enhance reproductive success of more coercive males and directly promotes the evolution of the coercion among males. Therefore, as shown by the individual-based model, the establishment of obligate parthenogenesis in the population requires the simultaneous evolution of strong reproductive isolation between males and parthenogens. These findings should shed light on the interspecific diversity of reproductive modes as well as help to explain the prevalence of sexual reproduction.  相似文献   

Sclerasterias richardi, a relatively deep sea asteroid (140–200 m) from the border of the Mediterranean continental shelf, is characterized by an asexual reproduction by fissiparity concomitant with a functional sexuality.

A monthly sampling of a population from Calvi (Corsica) has allowed a study of the complete sexual cycle from 354 histologically-treated specimens.

The 218 sexually defined animals (62% males, 38% females) show strict gonochorism. In males, spermatogenesis is cyclic and sexual maturity seems to be reached before that of the females. In females, the different stages of oogenesis are well marked: oogonia and parietal oocytes disappear only at maturity. Oligolecithic oocytes (120–150 μn) show a synchronous growth.

The annual reproductive cycle is well defined in both sexes with one spawning period from mid-September to mid-October.

After spawning, a resting period (from mid-October to mid-January) occurs during which unspawned oocytes are phagocytized by more or less isolated accessory cells. These phagocytic cells have never been found in male specimens.

Each month the presence of specimens without gonads or unsexable individuals is one of the characteristics of this cycle. Their high proportion during the organization stage and after spawning can be easily explained. In March they are frequent too, owing to the infestation of gonads by Ciliates.

As shown by our samples, the bottom water temperature is nearly the same during the whole year and cannot be directly involved as the dominant exogenous variable stimulating spawning.

As a consequence of fissiparity which affects the main part of the population there is a great inter- and intra-individual variability.

The reproductive potentiality is low: as a female emits approximatly 400–500 ova whose development produces planktotrophic larvae with a long pelagic life, it is clear that sexual reproduction is accessory in comparison with asexual reproduction by fission.  相似文献   

In isogamous brown algae, the sexuality of populations needs to be tested by laboratory crossing experiments, as the sexes of gametophytes are morphologically indistinguishable. In some cases, gamete fusion is not observed and the precise reproductive mode of the populations is unknown. In the isogamous brown alga Scytosiphon lomentaria in Japan, both asexual (gamete fusion is unobservable) and sexual populations (gamete fusion is observable) have been reported. In order to elucidate the reproductive mode of asexual populations in this species, we used PCR‐based sex markers to investigate the sex ratio of three asexual and two sexual field populations. The markers indicated that the asexual populations consisted only of female individuals, whereas sexual populations are composed of both males and females. In culture, female gametes of most strains from asexual populations were able to fuse with male gametes; however, they had little to no detectable sexual pheromones, significantly larger cell sizes, and more rapid parthenogenetic development compared to female/male gametes from sexual populations. Investigations of sporophytic stages in the field indicated that alternation of gametophytic and parthenosporophytic stages occur in an asexual population. These results indicate that the S. lomentaria asexual populations are female populations that lack sexual reproduction and reproduce parthenogenetically. It is likely that females in the asexual populations have reduced a sexual trait (pheromone production) and have acquired asexual traits (larger gamete sizes and rapid parthenogenetic development).  相似文献   

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