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This study examines the effects of Ramadan fasting on performance during an intense exercise session performed at three different times of the day, i.e., 08:00, 18:00, and 21:00?h. The purpose was to determine the optimal time of the day to perform an acute high-intensity interval exercise during the Ramadan fasting month. After familiarization, nine trained athletes performed six 30-s Wingate anaerobic test (WAnT) cycle bouts followed by a time-to-exhaustion (T(exh)) cycle on six separate randomized and counterbalanced occasions. The three time-of-day nonfasting (control, CON) exercise sessions were performed before the Ramadan month, and the three corresponding time-of-day Ramadan fasting (RAM) exercise sessions were performed during the Ramadan month. Note that the 21:00?h session during Ramadan month was conducted in the nonfasted state after the breaking of the day's fast. Total work (TW) completed during the six WAnT bouts was significantly lower during RAM compared to CON for the 08:00 and 18:00?h (p?相似文献   

In 2009, the World Health Organization (WHO) issued a new guideline that stratifies dengue-affected patients into severe (SD) and non-severe dengue (NSD) (with or without warning signs). To evaluate the new recommendations, we completed a retrospective cross-sectional study of the dengue haemorrhagic fever (DHF) cases reported during an outbreak in 2011 in northeastern Brazil. We investigated 84 suspected DHF patients, including 45 (53.6%) males and 39 (46.4%) females. The ages of the patients ranged from five-83 years and the median age was 29. According to the DHF/dengue shock syndrome classification, 53 (63.1%) patients were classified as having dengue fever and 31 (36.9%) as having DHF. According to the 2009 WHO classification, 32 (38.1%) patients were grouped as having NSD [4 (4.8%) without warning signs and 28 (33.3%) with warning signs] and 52 (61.9%) as having SD. A better performance of the revised classification in the detection of severe clinical manifestations allows for an improved detection of patients with SD and may reduce deaths. The revised classification will not only facilitate effective screening and patient management, but will also enable the collection of standardised surveillance data for future epidemiological and clinical studies.  相似文献   

The National University of Ireland in Galway established a Master in Science (MSc.) program in medical physics in 2002. The course was designed to be 90 ECTS1 credits and of one calendar year duration. From the outset the MSc. was designed to be part of an overall medical physics training program. MSc. programs are now widely used as part of the training and education of medical physicists. There is however paucity of data on the effectiveness of such courses and the purpose of the study reported here is to provide information on one particular MSc. course in medical physics. This is relevant to medical physicists who are involved in the development and running of medical physics training programs. The study used as methodology the Kirkpatrick levels of professional training. It was conducted through an online survey, both from students who graduated from the course and from students who were in the process of completing the course.The survey proved to be an effective way to determine attributes of modules such as learning outcomes, knowledge imparted, quality of teaching materials and others. The survey proved to be remarkably able to demonstrate interventions in the individual course modules. Although the course was shown to be effective in the imparting of the knowledge required to become a qualified medical physicist several areas for improvement were identified. These are mainly in the areas of increased practical experience and in course delivery.  相似文献   

Whereas Arctic benthic decapods are not a species-rich group, they can dominate the local epifauna and play important roles in the ecosystem. We studied the decapod fauna from Isfjorden (Svalbard, Norway, 78°N) by sampling from 22 stations and comparing with 50 and 100-year-old data from the same localities. Our data provide no evidence of changes in the species composition of decapods during the last 50 years. Hence, we do not observe the poleward shift of species found in several pelagic communities in the North Atlantic. However, there is statistical evidence for changes in the community structure between 1908 and both 1958 and 2007. The main change is a shift towards communities more dominated by the spider crab Hyas araneus and the hermit crab Pagurus pubescens in 2007, and with a corresponding decrease in the two shrimp species Lebbeus polaris and Spirontocaris spinus. These shrimps are specialist predators compared to the more opportunistic, scavenging crabs. We argue that increased disturbance levels may be a causal factor behind the observed community change, with likely sources of disturbance including trawling and climatic fluctuations.  相似文献   

The upper leaf sheath of rice (Oryza sativa L.) serves as a temporary starch sink before heading, subsequently becoming a carbon source tissue to the growing panicle at the post-heading stage. The time of sink–source transition in upper leaf sheaths is highly correlated to the panicle exsertion. Here, we found that the expression profiles of starch synthesis genes such as ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase large subunit 2, granule-bound starch synthase II, soluble starch synthase I, starch branching enzyme (SBE) I, SBEIII, and SBEIV were highly correlated with starch content changes during the heading period in the second leaf sheath below the flag leaf. In addition, the α-amylase2A and β-amylase were considered as major genes that were in charge of starch degradation at the post-heading period. Of the five sucrose transporter (OsSUT) genes, OsSUT1 and OsSUT4 appeared to play an important role in sucrose loading into the phloem of source leaf sheaths. Moreover, the microarray-based data implied that the dominant processes associated with functional leaf sheath transition from sink to source were carbohydrate metabolism and the translocation of the carbon and nitrogen sources and inorganic phosphate.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: In this article we build a model of the CpG dinucleotide substitution rate and use it to challenge the claim that, that rate underwent a sudden mammalian-specific increase approximately 90 million years ago. The evidence supporting this hypothesis comes from the application of a model of neutral substitution rates able to account for elevated CpG dinucleotide substitution rates. With the initial goal of improving that model's accuracy, we introduced a modification enabling us to account for boundary effects arising by the truncation of the Markov field, as well as improving the optimization procedure required for estimating the substitution rates. RESULTS: When using this modified method to reproduce the supporting analysis, the evidence of the rate shift vanished. Our analysis suggests that the CpG-specific rate has been constant over the relevant time period and that the asserted acceleration of the CpG rate is likely an artifact of the original model.  相似文献   

Reasoning ability in crows was investigated by means of the Revecz-Krushinski? test, in which the bird has to apprehend the rule of stimulus (food bait) displacement: "In each next trial the food bait is hidden in a new place--one step further along the row". By means of computer modelling the criteria of statistical evaluation of this problem solving were established. The test was considered solved when the number of trials which preceded the detection of food was less than those which were calculated for chance performance. High level of reasoning ability in crows is discussed.  相似文献   

Eclampsia is thought to be similar to hypertensive encephalopathy, whereby acute elevations in intravascular pressure cause forced dilatation (FD) of intrinsic myogenic tone of cerebral arteries and arterioles, decreased cerebrovascular resistance, and hyperperfusion. In the present study, we tested the hypothesis that pregnancy and/or the postpartum period predispose cerebral arteries to FD by diminishing pressure-induced myogenic activity. We compared the reactivity to pressure (myogenic activity) as well as factors that modulate the level of tone of third-order branches (<200 microm) of the posterior cerebral artery (PCA) that were isolated from nonpregnant (NP, n = 7), late-pregnant (LP, 19 days, n = 10), and postpartum (PP, 3 days, n = 8) Sprague-Dawley rats under pressurized conditions. PCAs from all groups of animals developed spontaneous tone within the myogenic pressure range (50-150 mmHg) and constricted arteries at 100 mmHg (NP, 30 +/- 3; LP, 39 +/- 4; and PP, 42 +/- 7%; P > 0.05). This level of myogenic activity was maintained in the NP arteries at all pressures; however, both LP and PP arteries dilated at considerably lower pressures compared with NP, which lowered the pressure at which FD occurred from >175 for NP to 146 +/- 6.5 mmHg for LP (P < 0.01 vs. NP) and 162 +/- 7.7 mmHg for PP (P < 0.01 vs. NP). The amount of myogenic tone was also significantly diminished at 175 mmHg compared with NP: percent tone for NP, LP, and PP animals were 35 +/- 2, 11 +/- 3 (P < 0.01 vs. NP), and 20 +/- 7% (P < 0.01 vs. NP), respectively. Inhibition of nitric oxide (NO) with 0.1 mM N(omega)-nitro-l-arginine (l-NNA) caused constriction of all vessel types that was significantly increased in the PP arteries, which demonstrates significant basal NO production. Reactivity to 5-hydroxytryptamine (serotonin) was assessed in the presence of l-NNA and indomethacin. There was a differential response to serotonin: PCAs from NP animals dilated, whereas LP and PP arteries constricted. These results suggest that both pregnancy and the postpartum period predispose the cerebral circulation to FD at lower pressures, a response that may lower cerebrovascular resistance and promote hyperperfusion when blood pressure is elevated, as occurs during eclampsia.  相似文献   

An imbalance between pro- and anti-inflammatory molecules occurs in metabolic syndrome X. High-energy diet, saturated fats and trans-fats during perinatal period could suppress Delta(6) and Delta(5) desaturases both in the maternal and fetal tissues, resulting in a decrease in the concentrations of long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LCPUFAs): arachidonic acid (AA), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) that have a negative feedback control on inflammation. EPA, DHA and AA augment endothelial nitric oxide synthesis, potentiate insulin action both in the peripheral tissues and brain and alter leptin production. LCPUFAs are essential for brain growth and development and synaptogenesis and modulate the action of several neurotransmitters and hypothalamic peptides. This suggests that metabolic syndrome X could be a disorder of the brain due to suboptimal LCPUFAs during perinatal period that triggers low-grade systemic inflammation, implying that perinatal strategies are needed to prevent its development.  相似文献   

As aging proceeds, fertility problems arise, and the success rate of in vitro fertilization declines. During reproductive aging, rat ovaries present spontaneous formation of cysts, followed by a concomitant increase in sympathetic nerve activity, causing infertility and cessation of ovarian function. β2-Adrenergic receptors, which are activated by noradrenaline (NA), modify follicular development and steroid secretions; thus, increased nerve activity has been associated with the development and maintenance of cystic structures. The purpose of this work was to block the effect of this sympathetic activity through in vivo administration of propranolol (a β-adrenergic receptor antagonist) to determine whether it delays cyst formation and cessation of the ovarian function in rats that had reached the subfertile period. Propranolol was administrated daily to 8- and 10-month-old rats for 2 months. Estrous cycling activity was monitored by vaginal smear, serum concentration of the steroidal hormones was determined by enzyme-immune assay and morphological analysis of the ovaries was performed using 6 μm tissue slices stained with hematoxylin-eosin. Propranolol increased the number of healthy follicles, the ovulation rate, and levels of serum sexual steroids (androstenedione, testosterone, and estradiol) and recovered estrous cycling activity. It also decreased the number of follicular cysts. These results suggest that the blockade of β-adrenergic receptors recovered ovarian function during reproductive aging. It is suggested that propranolol induces a time-dependent extension of the subfertile window, and it could be used to increase the success rate of fertility programs in aging woman.  相似文献   

<正>Dear Editor,Dengue infection is one of the emerging concerns for public health on a global scale.Over the past few years,dengue transmission has increased in the Americas,the western Pacific and southeast Asia.The magnitude,distribution,and clinical severity of dengue outbreaks have been an alarming signal in the southeast Asia region.Major outbreaks have been reported in countries in this  相似文献   

Although penguins are key marine predators from the Southern Ocean, their migratory behaviour during the inter-nesting period remains widely unknown. Here, we report for the first time, to our knowledge, the winter foraging movements and feeding habits of a penguin species by using geolocation sensors fitted on penguins with a new attachment method. We focused on the macaroni penguin Eudyptes chrysolophus at Kerguelen, the single largest consumer of marine prey among all seabirds. Overall, macaroni penguins performed very long winter trips, remaining at sea during approximately six months within the limits of the Southern Ocean. They departed from Kerguelen in an eastward direction and distributed widely, over more than 3.106 km2. The penguins spent most of their time in a previously unrecognized foraging area, i.e. a narrow latitudinal band (47–49° S) within the central Indian Ocean (70–110° E), corresponding oceanographically to the Polar Frontal Zone. There, their blood isotopic niche indicated that macaroni penguins preyed mainly upon crustaceans, but not on Antarctic krill Euphausia superba, which does not occur at these northern latitudes. Such winter information is a crucial step for a better integrative approach for the conservation of this species whose world population is known to be declining.  相似文献   

WNTs (wingless-type MMTV integration site family, member) are morphogenes considered as important factors taking part in uterus developmental processes and implantation. β-catenin is a downstream effector of WNTs action within the cell as well as, through E-cadherin, affecting epithelial organization and function. This study was conducted to investigate WNT4, WNT5A, WNT7A, β-catenin (CTNNB1) and E-cadherin (CDH1) gene expression and protein localization in the endometrium during the periimplantation period. Furthermore, the effect of 17β-estradiol (E2) and progesterone (P4) on WNTs, CTNNB1 and CDH1 gene expression in the porcine endometrium in vitro was examined. WNT4 protein was localized in the luminal and glandular epithelium as well as in the basal lamina of the uterine mucosa. WNT5A protein was detected only in the luminal epithelium. WNT7A, β-catenin and E-cadherin protein were identified both in the luminal and glandular epithelial cells, however, WNT7A protein immunoreactivity varied during respective days of estrous cycle and/or pregnancy. Despite unchanged expression of WNT4 mRNA in the endometrium of cyclic and early pregnant pigs, the negative influence of E2 on WNT4 gene during in vitro experiment was observed. WNT4 and CDH1 gene expression was negatively correlated with blood plasma E2 and P4 level in uterine luminal flushings (ULFs) on Day 12 of pregnancy. Expression of WNT5A gene was up-regulated in the endometrium on Day 9 of pregnancy when compared to the respective day of the estrous cycle. A significant decrease of WNT7A gene expression and increase of CDH1 mRNA amount was detected on Day 12 of pregnancy. Overall, the results show the spatial localization of WNT4, WNT5A, WNT7A, β-catenin and E-cadherin proteins in porcine endometrium during periimplantation period of pregnancy and indicate significant changes of WNT5A, WNT7A and CDH1 gene expression before implantation in the pig.  相似文献   

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