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The nucleotide sequence of the DNA fragment containing the streptomycin phosphotransferase (streptomycin kinase) [corrected] gene from the streptomycin-producer Streptomyces griseus strain HUT 6037 was determined. Analysis of the sequence revealed an open reading frame which could encode 325 amino acid residues. A biased codon usage pattern, reflecting the high G + C composition (approximately 74%) of Streptomyces DNA, was observed in the gene.  相似文献   

Summary In streptomycin (SM)-producing organisms, the lower affinity of ribosomes for SM gives rise to a lower susceptibility of protein synthesis to SM. But, even in a strain with considerably low affinity of ribosomes for SM, phosphorylation of SM in the cells by SM 6-kinase is necessary for the protein synthesis to be fully tolerant to SM.  相似文献   

Summary While the mycelium of streptomycin (SM) producer takes up extracellular SM, it eliminates the accumulated SM after phosphorylation with SM 6-kinase. The rate of uptake of SM, rather than the content of SM 6-kinase in mycelium, limits the capacity of mycelium to phosphorylate the extracellular SM.  相似文献   

Three strains of the fungus Aspergillus, Aspergillus quadricinctus (E. Yuill), A. fumigatus (Fresenius), and A. melleus (Yukawa), each producing different iron-chelating compounds during iron-deficient cultivation, were used for 55Fe3+ uptake measurements. Iron from chelates of the ferrichrome-type family was taken up by young mycelia of all strains tested, irrespective of the ferrichrome-type compound these strains predominantly produce in low-iron cultures. Ferrichrysin-producing strains, however, seem to favor ferrichrysin iron uptake, whereas ferrichrome, ferricrocin, and even ferrirubin showed similar iron transport properties in all of these strains. Compared to iron uptake from ferrichrome-type compounds (Km approximately 4 uM) iron uptake from fusigen revealed completely different kinetic values (Km approximately 50 to 80 muM). Iron from exogenous chelates, e.g., from coprogen produced by Neurospora crassa for ferrioxamine B produced by Streptomyces pilosus, can obviously not be taken up by Aspergillus, confirming the pronounced specificity of chelate-iron transport in fungi.  相似文献   

Streptomycin 6-kinase of the streptomycin-producing strain Streptomyces griseus HUT 6037 was purified by fractionation with (NH4)2SO4 and chromatography on DEAE-Sephadex A-25, hydroxyapatite and Sephadex G-100. After PAGE of the final fraction, a protein band corresponding to streptomycin 6-kinase was detected, together with a less intense band having no enzyme activity. Molecular weights determined by SDS-PAGE and by Sephadex G-100 chromatography were about 36000 and 38000, respectively, suggesting that the enzyme was a monomer. The isoelectric point of the enzyme was pH 6.6. Among the nucleoside 5'-triphosphates tested, ATP was the preferred phosphoryl donor. The Km values for streptomycin and ATP were 3.5 mM and 0.4 mM, respectively. The enzyme activity was strongly inhibited by EDTA and AgNO3. It was shown by using an in vitro protein-synthesizing system that purified streptomycin 6-kinase could protect polyphenylalanine synthesis of the streptomycin-susceptible S. griseus strain KSN from inhibition by streptomycin.  相似文献   

Intrinsic antibiotic resistance and streptomycin uptake in cowpea rhizobia   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Abstract Uptake of [3H]dihydrostreptomycin in sensitive and resistant strains of cowpea rhizobia was examined to explain one of the possible mechanisms of intrinsic antibiotic resistance. The rate of accumulation of labelled streptomycin in resistant strains was drastically reduced when compared to that of sensitive strains. Our results indicated that high levels of intrinsic antibiotic resistance was due to decreased permeability causing failure to accumulate the drug.  相似文献   

Kinetic analyses were made on intracellular Na+-dependent Ca2+ uptake by myocardial cells and neuroblastoma cells (N-18 strain) in culture. Cells loaded with various concentrations of Na+ could be prepared by incubating them in Ca2+-free medium containing various concentrations of Na+. Cells pre-loaded with various concentrations of Na+ were incubated in medium containing Ca2+ and 45Ca. The resulting 45Ca uptake by the two types of cell depended greatly on the initial intracellular concentrations of Na+. Lineweaver-Burk plots of the initial rate of Ca2+ uptake against the external concentration of Ca2+ fitted well to straight lines obtained by linear regression (r > 0.95). This result shows that Ca2+ uptake by the two types of cell was achieved by a carrier-mediated transport system. This Na+-dependent Ca2+ uptake was accompanied by Na+ release and the ratio of Na+ release to Ca2+ uptake was close to 3 : 1. A comparison of the kinetic data between myocardial cells and N-18 cells suggested that N-18 cells possess a carrier showing the same properties as that of myocardial cells, i.e.: (1) a similar dependency on the intracellular concentration of Na+; (2) the coincidence of the apparent Michaelis constants for Ca2+ (0.1 mM); (3) the similarities of the Ki values for Co2+, Sr2+ and Mg2+ (Co2+ < Sr2+ < Mg2+) and (4) a similar dependency on pH. However, the maximal initial rate, V, of N-18 cells was about 1100 that of myocardial cells. The rate of Na+-dependent Ca2+ uptake by non-excitable cells was much lower than that by myocardial cells.  相似文献   

Kinetic measurements of the uptake of native mitochondrial aspartate aminotransferase and malate dehydrogenase into mitochondria in vitro were carried out. The uptake of both the enzymes is essentially complete in 1 min and shows saturation characteristics. The rate of uptake of aspartate aminotransferase into mitochondria is decreased by malate dehydrogenase, and vice versa. The inhibition is exerted by isoenzyme remaining outside the mitochondria rather than by isoenzyme that has been imported. The thiol compound beta-mercaptoethanol decreases the rate of uptake of the tested enzymes; inhibition is a result of interaction of beta-mercaptoethanol with the mitochondria and not with the enzymes themselves. The rate of uptake of aspartate aminotransferase is inhibited non-competitively by malate dehydrogenase, but competitively by beta-mercaptoethanol. The rate of uptake of malate dehydrogenase is inhibited non-competitively by aspartate aminotransferase and by beta-mercaptoethanol. beta-Mercaptoethanol prevents the inhibition of the rate of uptake of malate dehydrogenase by aspartate aminotransferase. These results are interpreted in terms of a model system in which the two isoenzymes have separate but interacting binding sites within a receptor in the mitochondrial membrane system.  相似文献   

To help interpret the electron spin resonance (esr) spectra of spin-labeled actin, the positions of attachment of the spin labels, N-(1-oxyl-2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-4-piperidinyl) maleimide and N-(1-oxyl-2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-4-piperidinyl) iodoacetamide to rabbit skeletal muscle actin have been determined. For this purpose spin-labeled peptides released by tryptic digestion of the spin-labeled actin were isolated by chromatography and identified from their positions of elution and amino acid composition.With purified F-actin that had not undergone structural changes both labels reacted exclusively with the sulfhydryl group of the C-terminal sequence. But if the actin was stored in the F-form in the absence of ATP it evidently underwent a structural alteration because reaction was then at another sulfhydryl group, in the N-terminal sequence, and the actin had an irregular appearance in the electron microscope. ADP and tripolyphosphate were as effective as ATP in preventing this alteration. A maximum of 1 equiv of spin label was bound, irrespective of the site of labeling, and the two sites appeared to be mutually exclusive, possibly because they are adjacent. With G-actin, and with actin denatured by guanidine hydrochloride, there was also reaction at other sites. The shapes of the esr spectra of F-actin that contained Mg2+, Ca2+, or Mn2+ did not depend on whether labeling was at the C- or N-terminal positions, although F-actin labeled in the latter position contained a small proportion of highly mobile label, possibly a result of denaturation. The reduction in the size of the esr signal of labeled G-actin on replacing Mg2+ with Mn2+ did not appear to be dependent on the position of labeling.  相似文献   

Prostate cells accumulate high cellular and mitochondrial concentrations of zinc, generally 3-10-fold higher than other mammalian cells. However, the mechanism of mitochondrial import and accumulation of zinc from cytosolic sources of zinc has not been established for these cells or for any mammalian cells. Since the cytosolic concentration of free Zn(2+) ions is negligible (estimates vary from 10(-9) to 10(-15) M), we postulated that loosely bound zinc-ligand complexes (Zn-Ligands) serve as zinc donor sources for mitochondrial import. Zinc chelated with citrate (Zn-Cit) is a major form of zinc in prostate and represents an important potential cytosolic source of transportable zinc into mitochondria. The mitochondrial uptake transport of zinc was studied with isolated mitochondrial preparations obtained from rat ventral prostate. The uptake rates of zinc from Zn-Ligands (citrate, aspartate, histidine, cysteine) and from ZnCl(2) (free Zn(2+)) were essentially the same. No zinc uptake occurred from either Zn-EDTA, or Zn-EGTA. Zinc uptake exhibited Michaelis-Menten kinetics and characteristics of a functional energy-independent facilitative transporter associated with the mitochondrial inner membrane. The uptake and accumulation of zinc from various Zn-Ligand preparations with logK(f) (formation constant) values less than 11 was the same as for ZnCl(2;) and was dependent upon the total zinc concentration independent of the free Zn(2+) ion concentration. Zn-Ligands with logK(f) values greater than 11 were not zinc donors. Therefore the putative zinc transporter exhibits an effective logK(f) of approximately 11 and involves a direct exchange of zinc from Zn-Ligand to transporter. The uptake of zinc by liver mitochondria exhibited transport kinetics similar to prostate mitochondria. The results demonstrate the existence of a mitochondrial zinc uptake transporter that exists for the import of zinc from cytosolic Zn-Ligands. This provides the mechanism for mitochondrial zinc accumulation from the cytosol which contains a negligible concentration of free Zn(2+). The uniquely high accumulation of mitochondrial zinc in prostate cells appears to be due to their high cytosolic level of zinc-transportable ligands, particularly Zn-Cit.  相似文献   

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