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A corticosteroid-binding protein was detected in the whey of human colostrum and milk which resembles serum corticosteroid-binding globulin in certain respects: the equilibrium association constants for cortisol and progesterone binding and the apparent molecular size, as determined by Sephadex G-200 chromatography, were similar, and cortisol andd progesterone competed strongly for binding to the same site in each instance. Dexamethasone-binding activity could not be detected. The concentration of corticosteroid-binding protein in the colostrum obtained before parturition is about 0.1 muM; the concentration declines rapidly after parturition to about 0.01 muM. A corticosteroid-binding protein was found, also, in the whey of mature rat milk at levels of about 0.3 muM. This protein resembles rat serum corticosteroid-binding globulin: the equilibrium association constants for cortisol, corticosterone, and progesterone binding, and the apparent molecular size, as determined by Sephadex G-200 chromatography, were similar; the elution behavior of the respective proteins on anion exchange chromatography with DEAE-Sephadex A-50 was similar, also. Identity of the corticosteroid-binding proteins in whey with corticosteroid-binding globulin in serum is not presumed, however. Rat and human whey exhibited very little testosterone- or 17 beta-estradiol-binding activity. It is suggested the corticosteroid-binding proteins may play a significant physiological role in regulating the concentration of the bound and unbound forms of progesterone and cortisol in the fluids bathing the epithelial cells lining the mammary ducts and acini.  相似文献   

Milk is a source of bioactive molecules with wide-ranging functions. Among these, the immune properties have been the best characterised. In recent years, it has become apparent that besides the immunoglobulins, milk also contains a range of minor immune-related proteins that collectively form a significant first line of defence against pathogens, acting both within the mammary gland itself as well as in the digestive tract of the suckling neonate. We have used proteomics technologies to characterise the repertoire of host-defence-related milk proteins in detail, revealing more than 100 distinct gene products in milk, of which at least 15 are known host-defence-related proteins. Those having intrinsic antimicrobial activity likely function as effector proteins of the local mucosal immune defence (e.g. defensins, cathelicidins and the calgranulins). Here, we focus on the activities and biological roles of the cathelicidins and mammary serum amyloid A. The function of the immune-related milk proteins that do not have intrinsic antimicrobial activity is also discussed, notably lipopolysaccharide-binding protein, RNase4, RNase5/angiogenin and cartilage-glycoprotein 39 kDa. Evidence is shown that at least some of these facilitate recognition of microbes, resulting in the activation of innate immune signalling pathways in cells associated with the mammary and/or gut mucosal surface. Finally, the contribution of the bacteria in milk to its functionality is discussed. These investigations are elucidating how an effective first line of defence is achieved in the bovine mammary gland and how milk contributes to optimal digestive function in the suckling calf. This study will contribute to a better understanding of the health benefits of milk, as well as to the development of high-value ingredients from milk.  相似文献   

The abundant proteins in human milk have been well characterized and are known to provide nutritional, protective, and developmental advantages to both term and preterm infants. However, relatively little is known about the expression of the low abundance proteins that are present in human milk because of the technical difficulties associated with their detection. We used a combination of electrophoretic techniques, ProteoMiner treatment, and two-dimensional liquid chromatography to examine the proteome of human skim milk expressed between 7 and 28 days postpartum by healthy term mothers and identified 415 in a pooled milk sample. Of these, 261 were found in human skim milk for the first time, greatly expanding our understanding of the human skim milk proteome. The majority of the proteins identified were involved in either the immune response (24%) or in cellular (28%) or protein (16%) metabolism. We also used iTRAQ analysis to examine the effects of premature delivery on milk protein composition. Differences in protein expression between pooled milk from mothers delivering at term (38-41 weeks gestation) and preterm (28-32 weeks gestation) were investigated, with 55 proteins found to be differentially expressed with at least 90% confidence. Twenty-eight proteins were present at higher levels in preterm milk, and 27 were present at higher levels in term milk.  相似文献   

The fatty acid composition, the lipid digestibility and protein profile of Japanese-Saanen goat's milk were characterized. Caprine milk contained substantial quantities of C(4:0) to C(10:0) fatty acids as compared with Holstein cow's milk. The lipids of the former showed significantly higher digestibility in vitro by porcine lipase than those of the latter (P<0.05). As determined by SDS-PAGE, the respective contents of alpha(s1)-casein, one of the major allergens, were 3.9% and 33.7% in caprine and bovine milk.  相似文献   

Long-term experiments withCallithrix jacchus and/orSaguinus fuscicollis with semipurified diets were conducted to examine the often postulated high protein need of Callithricidae. An altogether 15 months-trial with diets containing 12%, 18%, and 24% protein (Trial I) was followed by another one, where a 6% protein-diet was fed for 12 weeks after an adaptation period with a 18% protein-diet (Trial II). Blood samplings, performed at the end (Trials I and II) and several times during the test period (Trial II), did not show differences in relevant parameters between the dietary groups, except a decrease in WBC in the period with 6% dietary protein, with no other clinical symptoms. Feed consumption did not alter with dietary protein and reproduction data were not conclusive regarding the protein supply. Although cases of death occurred, mainly caused by infections, no dependance on the dietary protein level is detectable. It can be concluded, that the protein requirement of Callithricidae is not as high as supposed, and that a supply of 2.8 g protein/kg body weight is enough forSaguinus fuscicollis.  相似文献   

Multifunctional peptides encrypted in milk proteins   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Many bioactivities of milk are latent in that they are inactive within the protein sequence, requiring enzymatic proteolysis for release of bioactive peptides from milk proteins precursors. Bioactivities of peptides encrypted in major milk proteins are latent until released and activated, e.g. during gastrointestinal digestion or food processing. Bioactive peptides can be produced in vivo following intake of milk proteins, and the proteolytic system of bacterial species used in the production of fermented milk products and cheese can contribute to the liberation of bioactive peptides or precursors thereof. Activated peptides are potential modulators of various regulatory processes in the living system: immunomodulatory peptides stimulate the activities of cells of the immune system and several cytomodulatory peptides inhibit cancer cell growth, antimicrobial peptides kill sensitive microorganisms, angiotensin-I-converting enzyme (ACE)-inhibitory peptides exert an hypotensive effect, opioid peptides are opioid receptor ligands which can modulate absorption processes in the intestinal tract, mineral binding peptides may function as carriers for different minerals, especially calcium. Many milk-derived peptides reveal multifunctional properties, i.e. specific peptide sequences having two or more different biological activities have been reported. Milk protein-derived bioactive peptides are claimed to be health enhancing components that can be used to reduce the risk of disease or to enhance a certain physiological function.  相似文献   

A survey for qualitative and quantitative variation in milk proteins from 58 inbred strains of mice revealed two electrophoretic variants. One is in a whey acidic protein of milk of YBR mice and the other is in a curd protein of the Asian house mouse, Mus musculus castaneus. The whey acidic protein variant is shown to be under the control of a single Mendelian autosomal gene with alleles expressed in a codominant manner. This gene is designated Wap, is not identical to Eg, is not X linked, and is either unlinked or loosely linked to the coat color genes a and b.  相似文献   

乳蛋白的主要组分及其研究现状   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
乳蛋白是乳中最重要的成分,包括酪蛋白、乳清蛋白和乳脂肪球膜蛋白等。本文对乳中主要蛋白质的结构组成特点、分泌的规律和功能等进行了综述,并介绍了国内外乳蛋白研究的最新进展及其研究乳蛋白的意义。  相似文献   

Allergy to milk proteins has been defined as any adverse reaction mediated by immunological mechanisms to one or several of proteins found in milk. The milk allergy has been classified according to the onset of symptoms as immediate or delayed type. The milk allergy seems to be manifested by three major proteins found in milk: α-lactalbumin, β-lactoglobulin and caseins. The structural comparison of allergenic sites in α-lactalbumin and β-lactoglobulin with the structure of lactoferrin has clearly shown that yet another major milk protein lactoferrin also possesses allergenic sites and thus may qualify to be an allergen. The heat treatment of milk proteins considerably reduces their allergenicity.  相似文献   

The mode and nature of the binding of chlorpromazine (CPZ), a psychotropic drug, with milk proteins – -lactalbumin (with substantial amounts of -helix, -sheet and random coil), -lactoglobulin (a major -sheeted protein) and s-casein (a random coiled protein) have been studied spectrofluorometrically and spectropolarimetrically. The binding affinity of CPZ for unfolded proteins is comparatively less than that of folded proteins although the number of binding sites is smaller in the latter case, due to the greater extent of binding of CPZ for folded proteins. Thermodynamic analysis reveals that CPZ binds to -lactalbumin and s-casein in an endothermic (Ho is positive) and hydrophobic manner but with -lactoglobulin in an exothermic (Ho is negative) manner. Far UV Circular dichroic studies reveal that CPZ increases the secondary structure of the major -sheeted protein, -lactoglobulin possibly by increasing the relative contact orders (non-local contacts) within the residues. On the other hand, for proteins possessing random coil, it increases the unfolded state of the protein. CPZ does not affect local contacts in a-helix when its interaction is compared with a major -helical protein, myoglobin.  相似文献   

Several variables lead to changes in human and animal eating behaviour and food choices. A pivotal role is played by food palatability, represented by food, smell, taste, texture, appearance and temperature. The aim of our study is to assess the potential differences in palatability and digestibility of four different flavoured iced desserts, consumed at the end of a standardized meal, and their impact on the emotional status of 60 healthy volunteers. Sixty healthy volunteers, after ENT and psychological assessment, were asked to fill out a Psycho-Emotional Questionnaire (PEQ) to assess their basal emotional pattern before the consumption of an iced dessert at the end of a standard meal, after which they completed an Organoleptic-Sensory Questionnaire (OSQ), a Dynamic Digestibility Questionnaire (DDQ) and again the PEQ. Four different flavors (lemon, tangerine, pineapple and chocolate) were tested on 4 consecutive days on the same subjects. Most of the 60 subjects, by means of OSQ, found taste, aspect, texture and smell of the 4 flavours pleasant, lemon and tangerine were the freshest and lightest. The DDQ identified pineapple and chocolate dessert as those less digestible. By means of PEQ we recorded an improvement in joy, mood and activation, associated with good data of digestibility and palatability after the consumption of all flavors. Our data showed that all flavors improve joy, mood and activation, after their consumption, without statistically significant differences. However, among the tested flavours, lemon and tangerine appear to be the most pleasant and those which facilitate the digestive process.  相似文献   

Albumin (Alb) and transferrin (Tf) polymorphism in plasma of Callithricidae was investigated by means of starch gel electrophoresis. In 52 blood samples of three species (Saguinus mystax, S. oedipus and S. labiatus), four Alb phenotypes (Alb 1, Alb 2, Alb 3 and Alb 2-3) and two Tf phenotypes (Tf 1 and Tf 2) were observed. No Alb variant was found in S. oedipus and S. mystax.  相似文献   

Human milk contains factors such as IgA and lactoferrin that increase the newborn infant''s resistance to infection. Preterm infants are fed pooled milk, which is normally sterilised by heating. After standard heat sterilisation IgA and lactoferrin were undetectable in milk samples. Pasteurisation also sterilised milk samples even after heavy artificial contamination and did not damage the proteins. Gamma-irradiation sterilised equally effectively but caused some denaturation of IgA and lactoferrin. Since most of the milk samples were sterile or had only light contamination with skin bacteria, there seems to be no need for routine sterilisation. If sterilisation is necessary, the method used should be chosen to minimise damage to milk proteins.  相似文献   

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