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Simultaneous saccharification and fermentation (SSF) is one process option for production of ethanol from lignocellulose. The principal benefits of performing the enzymatic hydrolysis together with the fermentation, instead of in a separate step after the hydrolysis, are the reduced end-product inhibition of the enzymatic hydrolysis, and the reduced investment costs. The principal drawbacks, on the other hand, are the need to find favorable conditions (e.g. temperature and pH) for both the enzymatic hydrolysis and the fermentation and the difficulty to recycle the fermenting organism and the enzymes. To satisfy the first requirement, the temperature is normally kept below 37°C, whereas the difficulty to recycle the yeast makes it beneficial to operate with a low yeast concentration and at a high solid loading. In this review, we make a brief overview of recent experimental work and development of SSF using lignocellulosic feedstocks. Significant progress has been made with respect to increasing the substrate loading, decreasing the yeast concentration and co-fermentation of both hexoses and pentoses during SSF. Presently, an SSF process for e.g. wheat straw hydrolyzate can be expected to give final ethanol concentrations close to 40 g L-1 with a yield based on total hexoses and pentoses higher than 70%.  相似文献   

Consolidated bioprocessing (CBP) using Clostridium phytofermentans (ATCC 700394) on ammonia fiber expansion (AFEX?)‐treated corn stover (AFEX?‐CS) at a low solids loading showed promising results [Jin et al. (2011) Biotechnol Bioeng 108(6): 1290–1297]. However, industrial relevant process requires high solids loading. Therefore, we studied high solids loading CBP performance on AFEX?‐CS. The factors potentially affecting the performance including solids loading, CBP products acetate and ethanol, and degradation products resulting from pretreatment were investigated. At 4% (w/w) glucan loading, C. phytofermentans performed well on AFEX?‐CS with no nutrients supplementation and reached similar sugar conversions as a fermentation with nutrients supplementation. A glucan conversion of 48.9% and a xylan conversion of 77.9% were achieved after 264 h with 7.0 g/L ethanol and 8.8 g/L acetate produced. Relatively high concentrations of acetate produced at high solids loading was found to be the major factor limiting the CBP performance. Degradation products in AFEX?‐CS helped enhance ethanol production. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2012; 109:1929–1936. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The process of ethanol fermentation has a long history in the production of alcoholic drinks, but much larger scale production of ethanol is now required to enable its use as a substituent of gasoline fuels at 3%, 10%, or 85% (referred to as E3, E10, and E85, respectively). Compared with fossil fuels, the production costs are a major issue for the production of fuel ethanol. There are a number of possible approaches to delivering cost-effective fuel ethanol production from different biomass sources, but we focus in our current report on high-temperature fermentation using a newly isolated thermotolerant strain of the yeast Kluyveromyces marxianus. We demonstrate that a 5°C increase only in the fermentation temperature can greatly affect the fuel ethanol production costs. We contend that this approach may also be applicable to the other microbial fermentations systems and propose that thermotolerant mesophilic microorganisms have considerable potential for the development of future fermentation technologies.  相似文献   

Carboxylic acids are important bulk chemicals that can be used as building blocks for the production of polymers, as acidulants, preservatives and flavour compound or as precursors for the synthesis of pharmaceuticals. Today, their production mainly takes place through catalytic processing of petroleum-based precursors. An appealing alternative would be to produce these compounds from renewable resources, using tailor-made microorganisms. Saccharomyces cerevisiae has already demonstrated its value for bioethanol production from renewable resources. In this review, we discuss Saccharomyces cerevisiae engineering potential, current strategies for carboxylic acid production as well as the specific challenges linked to the use of lignocellulosic biomass as carbon source.  相似文献   

Resistance to antibiotics and other antimicrobial compounds continues to increase. There are several possibilities for protection against pathogenic microorganisms, for instance, preparation of new vaccines against resistant bacterial strains, use of specific bacteriophages, and searching for new antibiotics. The antibiotic search includes: (1) looking for new antibiotics from nontraditional or less traditional sources, (2) sequencing microbial genomes with the aim of finding genes specifying biosynthesis of antibiotics, (3) analyzing DNA from the environment (metagenomics), (4) reexamining forgotten natural compounds and products of their transformations, and (5) investigating new antibiotic targets in pathogenic bacteria.  相似文献   

Probiotics--snake oil for the new millennium?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

The search for factors shaping leaf-litter ant communities has received particular attention due to the essential role of these insects in many ecological processes. Here, we aimed to investigate how the number of leaves and leaf morphotypes affect the litter-ant species density at forest edge and interior in an Atlantic Forest remnant in the state of Alagoas, Brazil. This study was developed based on 28 litter plots (1m2 each), 14 in the forest interior and 14 in the forest edge. As we early expected, ant species density increased with increasing both the number of leaves and the number of leaf morphotypes, but this result was clearly influenced by plot location. Contrasting with the forest interior, ant species density did not increase as the number of leaves increased in the forest edge. Possibly, factors such as plant species richness, vegetation structure and environmental conditions affect ant species density as well as promote a patchy distribution of species in ant communities along the edge-to-interior gradient. Our findings suggest that edge-affected forests present more simplified ant communities, with different factors shaping its structure. We encourage future studies to include leaf litter heterogeneity as one of the explanatory variables investigated.  相似文献   

Women preferred morningness significantly more than men. Differences in scores between both sexes became greater in order of the phase points of 'rising time,' 'peak of activities,' and 'falling-to-sleep time,' suggesting that oscillator(s) of men are more easily free-running than those of women. Women majoring in natural sciences or agriculture preferred morningness significantly more than women majoring in humanities, economics, or education.  相似文献   

The technologies used in histopathology are changing as a consequence of the current revolutionary progress in several areas of biology. It is likely that general cancer management will improve because of the impact of molecular techniques and immunohistochemistry on tumor diagnosis and classification and on the determination of prognosis and response to therapy. Moreover, as therapies are starting to be modelled after the distinctive molecular characteristics of a specific tumor, the availability of molecular tests to all patients will become a matter of great importance.  相似文献   

S. Zhao  Q. Dai  & J. Fu 《Journal of Zoology》2009,279(3):270-276
Using the plateau wood frog Rana kukunoris from the Hengduan Mountains as a model system, we tested whether rivers form significant genetic barriers (the riverine barrier hypothesis) to high elevation amphibians. Samples were collected from eight sites across three major river drainages, the Min, the Dadu and the Yalong Rivers, and the population genetic structure of these frogs was evaluated with data from eight microsatellite DNA loci. A large amount of genetic structure was found, and the pairwise F ST ranged from 0.022 to 0.508 and a global F ST was 0.215. Both analysis of molecular variance and isolation by distance analysis suggested that rivers, mountain ridges and geographic distances all contributed significantly to the population structure. However, no single landscape has prominent barrier effect to the plateau wood frog populations. An assignment analysis using the computer program Structure grouped the eight populations into four population clusters, and no single type of landscape can sufficiently explain the clustering. In conclusion, rivers do not appear to be the leading genetic barriers for the plateau wood frog. The strong population genetic structure is likely the consequence of attributes of the species, as opposed to environmental fragmentation, and the barrier effect of the landscapes is largely swamped by the large amount of intrinsic population structure.  相似文献   



In this issue, Estrada-Medina and coworkers described the diversity of materials in the rhizosphere of the Yucatán karst, México, and quantified the distribution of roots across karst features.


This commentary explores the implications of their work for below-ground competition and the dynamics of plant-available water on seasonal to inter-annual timescales. Though details differ, seasonal dynamics of water use were consistent with a two-layer model, characterized by water uptake from shallow soil and rock layers during the wet season and deeper soil pockets and rock layers during the dry season. Soil pockets were more densely rooted than rock and experienced large fluctuations in soil moisture, suggesting intense below-ground competition. Total water storage capacity in the rhizosphere was far greater than actual storage in the year of the study. This raises the question whether some storage components in the karst rhizosphere fluctuate on time scales exceeding 1 year.


Despite the significant global extent of karst and their larger than proportional contribution to global biodiversity, vegetation models have ignored their unique rhizosphere structure. Differences in water storage could affect the responses of karst ecosystems and communities to climate change.  相似文献   

W Nishida  M Abe  K Takahashi  K Hiwada 《FEBS letters》1990,268(1):165-168
A new method for the preparation of smooth muscle thin filaments which include calponin was established. We found that calponin readily separated from thin filaments in the presence of 10 mM ATP. By preventing thin filament extract from exposing to ATP, we obtained thin filaments which contained actin, tropomyosin, caldesmon and calponin in molar ratios of 7:0.9:0.6:0.7. We studied myosin Mg-ATPase activity by using the thin filaments in comparison with classical thin filaments prepared by the method of Marston and Smith, which contained the same amounts of caldesmon and tropomyosin as our thin filaments but lost almost all calponin. The presence of calponin reduced the Vmax value for thin filament-activated myosin Mg-ATPase activity by 33% without a significant change in Km value. These findings suggest that calponin inhibits myosin Mg-ATPase activity by modulation of a kinetic step as an integral component of smooth muscle thin filaments.  相似文献   

Haloperoxidases are enzymes that have the ability to halogenate a broad range of substrates [10]. To find a biologically produced haloperoxidase that could function at a pH greater than 3.0 and at a temperature greater than 19°C, dematiaceous hyphomycetes were isolated from the Death Valley desert and screened for their ability to produce such an enzyme. A qualitative assay using bromophenol red was employed in situ over a 12-day fermentation period. Several dematiaceous hyphomycetes, such asDreschlera haloides andUlocladium chartarum, produced haloperoxidases that were active in broth culture at 19, 25, and 34°C at pH 7.0 and 8.0.  相似文献   

We hypothesized that 20S proteasome is present and functional in the extracellular alveolar space in humans. Proteasomal activity was measured in bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) supernatant from eight humans using specific proteasomal fluorogenic substrates and I(125)-albumin with and without specific proteasome inhibitors. Furthermore, gelfiltration, Western blot technique, and mass spectrometry were applied for proteasome characterization. All proteasomal fluorogenic substrates were hydrolyzed by BAL supernatant, with hydrolysis inhibited by epoxomicin (P = 0.024) and other proteasome inhibitors as well. E64, a lysosomal inhibitor, did not inhibit enzyme activity. The majority of proteolytic activity was detected in BAL supernatant rather than in the cell pellet. No correlation was found between proteasomal hydrolysis in BAL supernatant and lactate dehydrogenase activity, the total cell count in the cell pellet, and the fraction of avital cells in the cell pellet, ruling out cell lysis as a major source of proteasomal activity. Gelfiltration revealed hydrolyzing activity in the supernatant at 660 kDa and proteasome core proteins after analysis by ESI-QqTOF mass spectrometry. Furthermore, Western blots using a polyclonal antibody against proteasomal alpha-/beta-subunits detected proteasomal proteins in the typical 20- to 30-kDa range in BAL supernatant. Incubation of BAL supernatant with I(125)-albumin showed a high mean cleavage rate (101.8 microg/ml x h lavage +/- 46 SD) that was inhibited by epoxomicin (P = 0.013) and was ATP and ubiquitin independent. We identified for the first time extracellular, biologically active, ATP- and ubiquitin-independent 20S proteasome in the human alveolar space, with a high albumin cleavage rate. Possibly, the proteasome assists in maintenance of a low intra-alveolar oncotic pressure and/or alveolar protein degradation.  相似文献   

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