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To be able to study the effect of mixing as well as any other parameter on productivity of algal cultures, we designed a lab‐scale photobioreactor in which a short light path (SLP) of (12 mm) is combined with controlled mixing and aeration. Mixing is provided by rotating an inner tube in the cylindrical cultivation vessel creating Taylor vortex flow and as such mixing can be uncoupled from aeration. Gas exchange is monitored on‐line to gain insight in growth and productivity. The maximal productivity, hence photosynthetic efficiency, of Chlorella sorokiniana cultures at high light intensities (1,500 μmol m?1 s?1) was investigated in this Taylor vortex flow SLP photobioreactor. We performed duplicate batch experiments at three different mixing rates: 70, 110, and 140 rpm, all in the turbulent Taylor vortex flow regime. For the mixing rate of 140 rpm, we calculated a quantum requirement for oxygen evolution of 21.2 mol PAR photons per mol O2 and a yield of biomass on light energy of 0.8 g biomass per mol PAR photons. The maximal photosynthetic efficiency was found at relatively low biomass densities (2.3 g L?1) at which light was just attenuated before reaching the rear of the culture. When increasing the mixing rate twofold, we only found a small increase in productivity. On the basis of these results, we conclude that the maximal productivity and photosynthetic efficiency for C. sorokiniana can be found at that biomass concentration where no significant dark zone can develop and that the influence of mixing‐induced light/dark fluctuations is marginal. © 2010 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 2010  相似文献   

Maximal productivity of a 14 mm light‐path panel photobioreactor under high irradiance was determined. Under continuous illumination of 2,100 µmol photons m?2 s?1 with red light emitting diodes (LEDs) the effect of dilution rate on photobioreactor productivity was studied. The light intensity used in this work is similar to the maximal irradiance on a horizontal surface at latitudes lower than 37°. Chlorella sorokiniana, a fast‐growing green microalga, was used as a reference strain in this study. The dilution rate was varied from 0.06 to 0.26 h?1. The maximal productivity was reached at a dilution rate of 0.24 h?1, with a value of 7.7 g dw m?2 h?1 (m2 of illuminated photobioreactor surface) and a volumetric productivity of 0.5 g dw L?1 h?1. At this dilution rate the biomass concentration inside the reactor was 2.1 g L?1 and the photosynthetic efficiency was 1.0 g dw mol photons. This biomass yield on light energy is high but still lower than the theoretical maximal yield of 1.8 g mol photons?1 which must be related to photosaturation and thermal dissipation of absorbed light energy. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2009; 104: 352–359 © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Temperature‐tolerant Chlorella sorokiniana was cultivated in a 51‐L column photobioreactor with a 1.1 m2 illuminated area. The reactor was operated outdoors under tropical meteorological conditions (Singapore) without controlling temperature and the culture was mixed at a power input of 7.5 W/m3 by sparging CO2‐enriched air at 1.2 L/min (gas hold‐up of 0.02). Biomass productivity averaged 10 ± 2.2 g/${\rm m}_{{\rm illuminated}\,{\rm area}}^{{\rm 2}} {\rm \hbox{-} day}$ over six batch studies, yielding an average photosynthetic efficiency (PE) of 4.8 ± 0.5% of the total solar radiation (P = 0.05, N = 6). This demonstrates that temperature‐tolerant microalgae can be cultivated at high PE under a mixing input sevenfold to ninefold lower than current operational guidelines (50–70 W/m3) and without the need for temperature control (the culture broth temperature reached 41°C during operation). In this study, the PE value was determined based on the amount of solar radiation actually reaching the algae and this amount was estimated using a mathematical model fed with onsite solar irradiance data. This determination was found to be particularly sensitive to the value of the atmospheric diffusion coefficient, which generated a significant uncertainty in the PE calculation. The use of the mathematical model, however, confirmed that the vertical reactor geometry supported efficient photosynthesis by reducing the duration and intensity of photoinhibition events. The model also revealed that all three components of direct, diffuse, and reflected solar radiation were quantitatively important for the vertical column photobioreactor, accounting for 14%, 65%, and 21% of the total solar radiation reaching the culture, respectively. The accurate prediction of the discrete components of solar radiation reaching the algae as a function of climatic, geographic, and design parameters is therefore crucial to optimize the individual reactor geometry and the layout/spacing between the individual reactors in a reactor farm. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2013; 110: 118–126. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Carbon dioxide (CO2) is a colorless gas that exists at a concentration of approximately 330 ppm in the atmosphere and is released in great quantities when fossil fuels are burned. The current flux of carbon out of fossil fuels is about 600 times greater than that into fossil fuels. With increased concerns about global warming and greenhouse gas emissions, there have been several approaches proposed for managing the levels of CO2 emitted into the atmosphere. One of the most understudied methods for CO2 mitigation is the use of biological processes in engineered systems such as photobioreactors. This research project describes the effectiveness of Chlorella vulgaris, used in a photobioreactor with a very short gas residence time, in sequestering CO2 from an elevated CO2 airstream. We evaluated a flow-through photobioreactor's operational parameters, as well as the growth characteristics of the C. vulgaris inoculum when exposed to an airstream with over 1850 ppm CO2. When using dry weight, chlorophyll, and direct microscopic measurements, it was apparent that the photobioreactor's algal inoculum responded well to the elevated CO2 levels and there was no build-up of CO2 or carbonic acid in the photobioreactor. The photobioreactor, with a gas residence time of approximately 2 s, was able to remove up to 74% of the CO2 in the airstream to ambient levels. This corresponded to a 63.9-g/m3/h bulk removal for the experimental photobioreactor. Consequently, this photobioreactor shows that biological processes may have some promise for treating point source emissions of CO2 and deserve further study. Received 25 April 2002/ Accepted in revised form 27 July 2002  相似文献   

The autotrophic growth of an oil‐rich indigenous microalgal isolate, identified as Chlorella vulgaris C? C, was promoted by using engineering strategies to obtain the microalgal oil for biodiesel synthesis. Illumination with a light/dark cycle of 14/10 (i.e., 14 h light‐on and 10 h light‐off) resulted in a high overall oil production rate (voil) of 9.78 mg/L/day and a high electricity conversion efficiency (Ec) of 23.7 mg cell/kw h. When using a NaHCO3 concentration of 1,500 mg/L as carbon source, the voil and Ec were maximal at 100 mg/L/day and 128 mg/kw h, respectively. A Monod type model was used to describe the microalgal growth kinetics with an estimated maximum specific growth rate (μmax) of 0.605 day?1 and a half saturation coefficient (Ks) of 124.9 mg/L. An optimal nitrogen source (KNO3) concentration of 625 mg/L could further enhance the microalgal biomass and oil production, leading to a nearly 6.19 fold increase in voil value. © 2010 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 2010  相似文献   

The photosynthetic performance of a conical, helical tubular photobioreactor (HTP) incorporating Chlorella sorokiniana was investigated under conditions of high temperature and light intensity during midsummer in an outdoor environment. Although the culture medium temperature exceeded 40 degrees C for approximately 5 h each day, peaking at 47.5 degrees C under sunny conditions, a photosynthetic productivity of 30.0 g x m(-2) (installation area) x day(-1) and a photosynthetic efficiency of 8.66% [photosynthetically active radiation (PAR), 400-700 nm] were achieved. A maximum photosynthetic productivity of 33.2 g x m(-2) x day(-1) was achieved on a sunny day, when solar energy input was also maximal (11.5 MJ x m(-2) x day(-1) [PAR]). On the other hand, a maximum photosynthetic efficiency of 9.54% was obtained on a day that was rainy in the morning and cloudy in the afternoon, and there was relatively little solar energy input. The average daily photosynthetic efficiency over the two culture periods (August 4 to 7 and August 10 to 13, 1999) was 7.25%. Thus, a high level of photosynthetic performance was achieved in the conical HTP incorporating Chlorella sorokiniana despite the fact that culture medium temperature was not controlled. The use of Chlorella sorokiniana in the conical HTP should be a good choice to produce microalgal biomass during the summer under field conditions.  相似文献   

The profiles of photon flux density incidented on a tubularloop photobioreactor in the day could be altered by inclining the bioreactor at an angle with the horizontal. The photon flux density at noon decreased with increasing angle of inclination, whereas the photon flux density in the early morning and late afternoon increased with increasing angle of inclination. The overall photosynthetic radiance received by the bioreactor inclined at 0, 25, 45, and 80 degrees was 1:0.89:0.77:0.62. Regardless of the angle of bioreactor inclination, the overall biomass output rate of a fed-batch culture over an 8-h/day period was comparable (26-36 g-biomass m(-2) bioreactor surface area day(-1)). As a bioreactor inclined at an angle occupied smaller land area, and daily biomass output rate per land area of a bioreactor inclined at 80 degrees (130 g-biomass m(-2) land) was about six times of that obtainable at horizontal position (21-g biomass m(-2) land). The bioenergetics growth yield from the absorbed photosynthetic radiance was not a constant but an inverse function of the photon flux density. The quasi-steady state chlorophyll content of the Chlorella cells varied between 36 and 63 mg g(-1) cells. Photoinhibition of the maximum photosynthetic capacity was not observed in this study.  相似文献   

High density cultivation is essential to industrial production of biodiesel from microalgae, which involves in variations of micro‐environment around individual cells, including light intensity, nutrition distribution, other abiotic stress and so on. To figure out the main limit factor in high inoculum cultivation, a quantitative proteomic analysis (iTRAQ‐on‐line 2‐D nano‐LC/MS) in a non‐model green microalga, Chlorella sorokiniana, under different inoculum sizes was conducted. The resulting high‐quality proteomic dataset consisted of 695 proteins. Using a cutoff of P < 0.05, 241 unique proteins with differential expression levels were identified between control and different inoculum sizes. Functional analysis showed that proteins participating in photosynthesis (light reaction) and Calvin cycle (carbon reaction pathway) had highest expression levels under inoculum size of 1 × 106 cells mL?1, and lowest levels under 1 × 107 cells mL?1. Canonical correlation analysis of the photosynthesis related proteins and metabolites biomarkers showed that a good correlation existed between them (canonical coefficient was 0.987), suggesting photosynthesis process greatly affected microalgae biodiesel productivity and quality. Proteomic study of C. sorokiniana under different illuminations was also conducted to confirm light intensity as a potential limit factor of high inoculum size. Nearly two thirds of proteins showed up‐regulation under the illumination of 70–110 µmol m?2 s?1, compared to those of 40 µmol m?2 s?1. This result suggested that by elegantly adjusting light conditions, high cell density cultivation and high biodiesel production might be achieved. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2013; 110: 773–784. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

A novel green unicellular microalgal isolate from the freshwater of the Inner Mongolia Province of China and named as CCTCC M209220, grows between pH 6 and 11 and temperatures of 20-35°C with optimal conditions at pH 9 and 30°C. Morphological features and the phylogenetic analysis for the 18S rRNA gene reveal that the isolate is a Chlorella sorokiniana strain. A nitrogen source test reveals that this strain can grow well with nitrate and urea, but not ammonium. The strain can grow heterotrophically with glucose as the carbon source and accumulates lipid content as high as 56% (w/w) dry weight after 7 days in high glucose concentrations compared to 19% lipids achieved in 30 days of photoautotrophic culture. The relative neutral lipid content as a fraction of the total lipid is also much higher in heterotrophic culture as compared to photoautotrophic culture.  相似文献   

This article describes the enrichment of the fresh-water green microalga Chlorella sorokiniana in selenomethionine (SeMet). The microalga was cultivated in a 2.2 L glass-vessel photobioreactor, in a culture medium supplemented with selenate (SeO42?) concentrations ranging from 5 to 50 mg L?1. Although selenate exposure lowered culture viability, C. sorokiniana grew well at all tested selenate concentrations, however cultures supplemented with 50 mg L?1 selenate did not remain stable at steady state. A suitable selenate concentration in fresh culture medium for continuous operation was determined, which allowed stable long-term cultivation at steady state and maximal SeMet productivity. In order to do that, the effect of dilution rate on biomass productivity, viability and SeMet content of C. sorokiniana at several selenate concentrations were determined in the photobioreactor. A maximal SeMet productivity of 21 μg L?1 day?1 was obtained with 40 mg L?1 selenate in the culture medium. Then a continuous cultivation process at several dilution rates was performed at 40 mg L?1 selenate obtaining a maximum of 246 μg L?1 day?1 SeMet at a low dilution rate of 0.49 day?1, calculated on total daily effluent volume. This paper describes for the first time an efficient long-term continuous cultivation of C. sorokiniana for the production of biomass enriched in the high value amino acid SeMet, at laboratory scale.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to establish and validate a model for the photosynthetic growth of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii in photobioreactors (PBRs). The proposed model is based on an energetic analysis of the excitation energy transfer in the photosynthesis apparatus (the Z-scheme for photosynthesis). This approach has already been validated in cyanobacteria (Arthorspira platensis) and is extended here to predict the volumetric biomass productivity for the microalga C. reinhardtii in autotrophic conditions, taking into consideration the two metabolic processes taking place in this eukaryotic microorganism, namely photosynthesis and respiration. The kinetic growth model obtained was then coupled to a radiative transfer model (the two-flux model) to determine the local kinetics, and thereby the volumetric biomass productivity, in a torus PBR. The model was found to predict PBR performances accurately for a broad set of operating conditions, including both light-limited and kinetic growth regimes, with a variance of less than 10% between experimental results and simulations.  相似文献   

Biological denitrification using a pure culture of Alcaligenes denitrificans was investigated in a closed rotating biological contactor, which operated with a hydraulic retention time of 2 h, a carbon/nitrogen ratio of 2:1, with a dissolved O2 concentration below 6 mg l–1 and under three different phosphate concentrations. Alcaligenes denitrificans was not repressed by O2 limitation and the removal of nitrate was about 30% more efficient at the intermediate phosphate concentration (20 mg P l–1).  相似文献   

Physical-chemical monitoring and characterization of ciliate communities from a full-scale rotating biological system (RBC) have been carried out for a year. RBC system operated efficiently in removing the organic matter, as the decrease of the BOD5 loading along the successive RBC units revealed. 55 species of ciliated protozoa were identified in the RBC biofilms. Differences in abundance, occurrence and type of species were found along the different units of the RBC system; the last RBC held a more stable and diverse ciliate community. The complexity of interspecific relationships among the ciliates has been outlined using multivariate methods (Cluster and Correspondence analysis). Correlation between ciliate species and physical-chemical conditions were obtained by regression analysis. Results show that 12 species of ciliates were related to an optimal efficiency in organic matter removal, Litonotus crystallinus being the most sensitive species. The presence and abundance of Litonotus crystallinus and Acineria uncinata was associated with a decrease in the organic factor. Metopus es was the only species related to a decrease in process efficiency due to its association with an increase in organic factor. The results provide statistical evidence of the use of certain ciliate species as reliable bioindicators in full-scale RBC wastewater treatment plants.  相似文献   

To reduce CO2 emissions and simultaneously produce biomass rich in essential fatty acids, Chlorella vulgaris CCAP 211 was continuously grown in a tubular photobioreactor using air alone or air enriched with CO2 as the sole carbon source. While on one hand, nitrogen‐limited conditions strongly affected biomass growth, conversely, they almost doubled its lipid fraction. Under these conditions using air enriched with 0, 2, 4, 8, and 16% (v/v) CO2, the maximum biomass concentration was 1.4, 5.8, 6.6, 6.8, and 6.4 gDB L?1 on a dry basis, the CO2 consumption rate 62, 380, 391, 433, and 430 L?1 day?1, and the lipid productivity 3.7, 23.7, 24.8, 29.5, and 24.4 mg L?1 day?1, respectively. C. vulgaris was able to grow effectively using CO2‐enriched air, but its chlorophyll a (3.0–3.5 g 100gDB?1), chlorophyll b (2.6–3.0 g 100gDB?1), and lipid contents (10.7–12.0 g 100gDB?1) were not significantly influenced by the presence of CO2 in the air. Most of the fatty acids in C. vulgaris biomass were of the saturated series, mainly myristic, palmitic, and stearic acids, but a portion of no less than 45% consisted of unsaturated fatty acids, and about 80% of these were high added‐value essential fatty acids belonging to the ω3 and ω6 series. These results highlight that C. vulgaris biomass could be of great importance for human health when used as food additive or for functional food production. © 2014 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 30:916–922, 2014  相似文献   

An in‐depth investigation of how various illumination conditions influence microalgal growth in photobioreactors (PBR) has been presented. Effects of both the light emission spectrum (white and red) and the light incident angle (0° and 60°) on the PBR surface were investigated. The experiments were conducted in two fully controlled lab‐scale PBRs, a torus PBR and a thin flat‐panel PBR for high cell density culture. The results obtained in the torus PBR were used to build the kinetic growth model of Chlorella vulgaris taken as a model species. The PBR model was then applied to the thin flat‐panel PBR, which was run with various illumination conditions. Its detailed representation of local rate of photon absorption under various conditions (spectral calculation of light attenuation, incident angle influence) enabled the model to take into account all the tested conditions with no further adjustment. This allowed a detailed investigation of the coupling between radiation field and photosynthetic growth. Effects of all the radiation conditions together with pigment acclimation, which was found to be relevant, were investigated in depth. © 2016 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 32:247–261, 2016  相似文献   

The freshwater microalga Chlorella vulgaris was cultured batchwise on the seawater‐simulating Schlösser medium either in a 1.1‐L‐working volume helicoidal photobioreactor (HeP) or Erlenmeyer flask (EF) as control and continuously supplying air as CO2 source. In these systems, maximum biomass concentration reached 1.65 ± 0.17 g L?1 and 1.25 ± 0.06 g L?1, and maximum cell productivity 197.6 ± 20.4 mg L?1 day?1 and 160.8 ± 12.2 mg L?1 day?1, respectively. Compared to the Bold's Basal medium, commonly employed to cultivate this microorganism on a bench‐scale, the Schlösser medium ensured significant increases in all the growth parameters, namely maximum cell concentration (268% in EF and 126% in HeP), maximum biomass productivity (554% in EF and 72% in HeP), average specific growth rate (67% in EF and 42% in HeP), and maximum specific growth rate (233% in EF and 22% in HeP). The lipid fraction of biomass collected at the end of runs was analyzed in terms of both lipid content and fatty acid profile. It was found that the seawater‐simulating medium, despite of a 56–63% reduction of the overall biomass lipid content compared to the Bold's Basal one, led in HeP to significant increases in both the glycerides‐to‐total lipid ratio and polyunsaturated fatty acid content compared to the other conditions taken as an average. These results as a whole suggest that the HeP configuration could be a successful alternative to the present means to cultivate C. vulgaris as a lipid source. © 2016 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 32:279–284, 2016  相似文献   

A two-plane tubular photobioreactor for outdoor culture of Spirulina   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A photobioreactor in the form of a 245-m-long loop made of plexiglass tubes having an inner diameter of 2.6 cm was designed and constructed for outdoor culture of Spirulina. The loop was arranged in two planes, with 15 8-m-long tubes in each plane. In the upper plane, the tubes were placed in the vacant space between the ones of the lower plane. The culture recycle was performed either with two airlifts, one per plane, or with two peristaltic pumps. The power required for water recycle in the tubular photobioreactor, with a Reynolds number of 4000, was 3.93 x 10(-2) W m(-2). The photobioreactor contained 145 L of culture and covered an overall area of 7.8 m(2). The photobioreactor operation was computer controlled. Viscosity measurements performed on Spirulina cultures having different biomass concentrations showed non-Newtonian behavior displaying decreasing viscosity with an increasing shear rate. The performance of the two-plane photobioreactor was tested under the climatic conditions of central Italy (latitude 43.8 degrees N, longitude 11.3 degrees E). A biomass concentration of 3.5 g L(-1) was found to be adequate for outdoor culture of Spirulina. With a biomass concentration of 6.3 g L(-1), the biomass output rate significantly decreased. The net biomass output rate reached a mean value of 27.8 g m(-2) d(-1) in July; this corresponded to a net photosynthetic efficiency of 6.6% (based on visible irradiance). (c) 1993 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

玻璃管道光合生物反应器中小球藻大规模培养的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
设计并装置容积1000L玻璃管道光合生物反应器进行小球藻大规模中试培养研究。当停留时间为3d.收获培养物总体积的1/3时。可建立稳定的连续培养系统,使小球藻的平均密度保持干重3g/L,最大生长量为干重0.605g/L·d,平均生长量为干重O.375g/L·d。所设计的光合反应器是稳定的.研究建立的培养技术具有推广应用前景。  相似文献   

Light is the main limiting factor in photoautotrophic-intensive production of microorganisms, and improvement of its use is an important concern for photobioreactor design and operation. Swirling flows, which are known to improve mass and photon transfers, were applied to annular light chambers of a photobioreactor and studied by simulation and microalgal culture. Two hydrodynamic conditions were compared: axial flow generating poor radial mixing, and tangential flow generating three-dimensional swirling motion. Batch and continuous cultures of the Rhodophyte Porphyridium cruentum were performed in a 100-L, 1.5-m(2), fully controlled photobioreactor with eight light chambers. The inlet design of these chambers was modified to create the hydrodynamic conditions for comparison. Various intensities of swirling motion were used, characterized by the velocity factor (VF), defined as the ratio between annular chamber flow and inlet aperture sections. Experiments were performed within the range of photon flux densities (PFD) optimizing the yield of light energy transformation into living substance for the species and the temperature used. Culture kinetics with swirling flows generated by apertures of VF = 2, 4, and 9 were compared with pseudoaxial VF = 2 chosen as reference. Batch cultures with VF = 4 swirling flow showed no significant difference, whereas continuous cultures proved more discriminating. Although no significant difference was obtained for VF = 2, a 7% increase of steady-state productivity and a 26% decrease in time required to reach this steady state were obtained with VF = 4 swirling flow. This beneficial effect of swirling flow could have accounted for increased mixing. Conversely, VF = 9 swirling flow resulted in a 9% decrease of steady-state productivity and a 9% increase in the time required to reach this steady state, a negative effect that could have accounted for increased shear stress. CO(2) bioconversion yield at steady state showed a 34% increase for VF = 4. These results suggest that swirling motion makes microalgal cultures more efficient, provided that the resulting adverse effects remain acceptable. Experimental investigation was completed by a theoretical approach in which simulation of continuous cultures of P. cruentum was based on the hydrodynamic conditions achieved in the photobioreactor. Although the results obtained with pseudoaxial flow were correctly predicted, simulations with swirling flow showed a marked enhancement of productivity not observed experimentally. The influence of side effects induced by increased mixing (particularly hydrodynamic shear stress) was considered with respect to modeling assumptions. Comparison of experimental results with theoretical simulation provided a better understanding of the mixing effect, a key factor in improving the efficiency of such bioprocesses.  相似文献   

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