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The Delaware Bay is characterized as having greater nutrient and turbidity levels than the Chesapeake Bay. In reference to these differences, a one year study was conducted to identify any similarities and differences in the phytoplankton populations in these estuaries. The results indicated patterns of similarity in the diatom composition, with the total phytoplankton assemblage forming two site groups along a salinity gradient in each bay. These site groups were associated with stations located in the tidal fresh-oligohaline and meso-polyhaline regions of both estuaries. The seasonal concentrations of diatoms and total phytoplankton in both of these regions were higher in the Chesapeake Bay.Subtle differences between the two estuaries include a more diversified and abundant assemblage of neritic phytoplankters (including dinoflagellates) are present in the lower Chesapeake Bay. In contrast, a diatom dominated community is more characteristic of Delaware Bay. It is suggested the entry of neritic species into lower regions of the estuaries was enhanced by the reduced amount of rainfall and flow rates that occurred during the study period. The greater success of neritic species in the Chesapeake Bay is attributed to the lower turbidity of that estuary compared to Delaware Bay.  相似文献   

Wetland restoration practices can include rehabilitating degraded wetlands or creating new wetlands. Empirical evidence is needed to determine if both rehabilitated and created wetlands can support the same macroinvertebrate communities as their natural counterparts. We measured long‐term macroinvertebrate community change in seasonal wetlands known as Delmarva Bays in Maryland, U.S.A. We compared a rehabilitated, a created, and a natural Delmarva Bay. We hypothesized that the created and rehabilitated wetlands would develop different macroinvertebrate communities. We also hypothesized that the community composition of the rehabilitated wetland would become more similar to that of the natural wetland than to that of the created wetland over 9 years encompassed by this study. We monitored the macroinvertebrates, including both predators and primary consumers, and environmental conditions in the three wetlands from March to August in 2005, 2006, 2007, and 2012. Cluster analysis indicated that from 2005 to 2007, the macroinvertebrate community of the rehabilitated wetland and the created wetland were more similar to each other than to the natural wetland. In 2012, the rehabilitated wetland was more similar to the natural wetland than to the created wetland. This similarity was driven principally by changes in the composition of primary consumer taxa. Our results suggest that rehabilitated Delmarva Bays are more likely to support a natural macroinvertebrate community than are created wetlands. Restoration practices that rehabilitate existing wetlands may be preferred over practices that create new wetlands when restoration project goals include developing natural macroinvertebrate communities in a short period of time.  相似文献   

Abstract. Free-swimming trophonts of a sessiline peritrich ciliate were discovered in plankton samples from the Rhode River, Maryland, and main-stem Chesapeake Bay. Cultures revealed that the species comprises both free trophonts that swim with their peristomial cilia and sessile trophonts that attach to substrates with a contractile, helically-twisted talk. Trophonts with a short, rigid stalk or no definite stalk also were seen in culture. Binary fission of free-swimming trophonts usually produced a pair of trophonts attached scopula to scopula by a short, rigid stalk. These persisted for some time as distinctive, spinning doublets before their stalks broke and they separated. Binary fission of free-swimming trophonts also yielded trophont-telotroch pairs that stayed together for only a short time. Telotrochs from these pairs were presumably the source of attached trophonts. Conjugation occurred in both free and attached trophonts. Formation of microconjugants involved at least 2 successive divisions of a trophont. Possession of a helically-twisted, contractile stalk placed the peritrich in the family Vorticellidae, but its unique combination of life-cycle stages marks it as a new genus and species, Planeticovorticella, finleyi The morphology and life cycle of P. finleyi raise questions about the present classification of sessiline peritrichs and suggest that it may be at least partly artificial. Stalkless planktonic peritrichs that swim with their oral cilia as do trophonts of P. finleyi may have evolved from sessile ancestors by an alteration in the life cycle that created unstable clusters of trophonts on a single parental stalk. Free-swimming trophonts would originate from breakup of these clusters.  相似文献   

In situ incubations of natural autotrophic picoplankton populations during a 15 month study were used to test the frequency of dividing cells proceduresin estimating phototrophic picoplankton growth rates. These rates were estimated using dilution experiments and compared to the average frequency of dividing cells over the same time interval. The regression equation of µ = 2.85 × 10–3 (FDC) + 0.022 was calculated to relate autotrophic picoplankton growth rate and the frequency of dividing cells in this study. The resulting relationship was compared to 14C-bicarbonate derived growth rates. Productivity estimates using frequency of dividing cells correlated closely to sodium 14C-bicarbonate results and indicated a range of productivity by autotrophic picoplankton of 55.6% the total phytoplankton primary productivity in July to a January rate of 2.3%. Annual autotrophic picoplankton abundance varied seasonally in the lower Chesapeake Bay ranging from 7.26 × 106 cells 1–1 in winter to 9.28 × 108 cells 1–1 during late summer.  相似文献   

Distribution patterns of diatoms from natural substrates and surface waters of the Severn River, Maryland, are related to salinity and seasonal gradients through time and spare by minimum spanning tree cluster analysis and principal components analysis. Assemblages were found to be distributed in a complex but orderly fashion, with primary discontinuities occurring between seasons, and between planktonic and attached forms. Within seasons, benthic groupings are distributed as continua along a horizontal salinity gradient, with one discontinuity at a location with a mean salinity of approximately 7‰, Downstream from this discontinuity, most species do not follow the changing salinity patterns from season to season, and are considered euryhaline for a salinity range of 8–16‰. Upstream from this discontinuity there is a relatively distinct and persistent assemblage of oligohaline indicators. Evidence derived by comparing this study with similar studies from Oregon estuaries indicates that similar distribution patterns, community structures and taxa can be expected to occur in estuaries on the east and west coasts of North America.  相似文献   

Distribution patterns of diatoms from natural substrates and surface waters of the Severn River, Maryland, are related to salinity and seasonal gradients through time and space by minimum spanning tree cluster analysis and principal components analysis. Assemblages were found to be distributed in a complex but orderly fashion, with primary discontinuties occurring between seasons, and between planktonic and attached forms. Within seasons, benthic groupings are distributed as continua along a horizontal salinity gradient, with one discontinuity at a location with a mean salinity of approximately 7%o. Downstream from this discontinuity, most species do not follow the changing salinity patterns from season to season, and are considered euryhaline for a salinity range of 8–16%o. Upstream from this discontinuity there is a relatively distinct and persistent assemblage of oligohaline indicators. Evidence derived by comparing this study with similar studies from Oregon estuaries indicates that similar distribution patterns, community structures and taxa can be expected to occur in estuaries on the east and west coasts of North America.  相似文献   

The eastern oyster, Crassostrea virginica, is an ecologically and economically important species in Chesapeake Bay. Oysters are ecologically unique in the Chesapeake Bay because they build a structure known as a bar or reef by attaching to one another over a 45 long period of time. They have been coined the “Ecological Engineers of the Bay”. The main purpose of this activity is to investigate 5 uniquely designed organs of the eastern oyster (Crassostrea virginica). Emphasis is placed on two organs, the mantle and gills, and their ability to construct a pair of shells and to remove suspended materials from the water. Age-appropriate activities can be identified and performed in the elementary classroom that inspire inquiry and a better awareness of the relationship between structure and function and its importance for both the individual organism and the ecosystem in which it lives.  相似文献   

The goal of this study was to conduct a probabilistic ecological risk assessment for tributyltin (TBT) in surface waters of the Chesapeake Bay watershed. Ecological risk was characterized by comparing the probability distributions of environmental exposure concentrations with the probability distributions of species response data determined from laboratory studies. The overlap of these distributions was a measure of risk to aquatic life. Tributyltin exposure data from the Chesapeake Bay watershed were available from over 3600 water column samples from 41 stations in nine basins from 1985 through 1996. Most of the stations were located in the Virginia waters of Chesapeake Bay, primarily the James, Elizabeth and York Rivers. In Maryland waters of the Bay, various marina, harbor and river systems were also sampled. As expected, the highest environmental concentrations of tributyltin (based on 90th percentiles) were reported in and near marina areas. The sources of TBT causing these high concentrations were primarily boat hulls and painting/depainting operations. Lower concentrations of TBT were reported in open water areas, such as the Potomac River, Choptank River and C and D Canal, where the density of boats was minimal. Temporal data from a ten year data base (1986-1996) from two areas in Virginia showed that TBT water column concentrations have declined since 1987 legislation prohibited the use of TBT paints on recreation boats (<25?m). Acute saltwater and freshwater TBT toxicity data were available for 43 and 23 species, respectively. Acute effects for saltwater species were reported for concentrations exceeding 420?ng/L; the lowest acute value for a freshwater species was 1110?ng/L. The acute 10th percentiles for all saltwater and freshwater species were 320 and 103?ng/L, respectively. The order of sensitivity from most to least sensitive for saltwater trophic groups and corresponding acute 10th percentiles were as follows: zooplankton (5?ng/L), phytoplankton (124?ng/L), benthos (312?ng/L) and fish (1009?ng/L). For freshwater species, the order of sensitivity from most to least sensitive trophic groups and corresponding acute 10th percentiles were: benthos (44?ng/L), zooplankton (400?ng/L), and fish (849?ng/L). Chronic data for both saltwater and freshwater species were limited to a few species in each water type. Based on these limited data, the saltwater and freshwater chronic 10th percentiles were 5 and 102?ng/L, respectively. Limited mesocosm and microcosm studies in saltwater suggested that TBT concentrations less than 50?ng/L did not impact the structure and function of biological communities. The saltwater acute (320?ng/L) and chronic (5?ng/L) 10th percentiles were used to determine ecological risk because all exposure data were from saltwater areas of the Chesapeake Bay watershed. Highest ecological risk was reported for marina areas in Maryland waters of Chesapeake Bay and for areas in Virginia such as the Elizabeth River, Hampton Creek and Sarah Creek. Low ecological risk was reported for areas such as the Potomac River, Choptank River, C and D Canal and Norfolk Harbor. Regulation of TBT on recreational watercraft in 1987 has successfully reduced water column concentrations of this organometallic compound. However, various studies have showed that TBT may remain in the sediment for years and continue to be source for water column exposures.  相似文献   

Massive blooms of the dinoflagellate Cochlodinium polykrikoides occur annually in the Chesapeake Bay and its tributaries. The initiation of blooms and their physical transport has been documented and the location of bloom initiation was identified during the 2007 and 2008 blooms. In the present study we combined daily sampling of nutrient concentrations and phytoplankton abundance at a fixed station to determine physical and chemical controls on bloom formation and enhanced underway water quality monitoring (DATAFLOW) during periods when blooms are known to occur. While C. polykrikoides did not reach bloom concentrations until late June during 2009, vegetative cells were present at low concentrations in the Elizabeth River (4 cells ml−1) as early as May 27. Subsequent samples collected from the Lafayette River documented the increase in C. polykrikoides abundance in the upper branches of the Lafayette River from mid-June to early July, when discolored waters were first observed. The 2009 C. polykrikoides bloom began in the Lafayette River when water temperatures were consistently above 25 °C and during a period of calm winds, neap tides, high positive tidal residuals, low nutrient concentrations, and a low dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) to dissolved inorganic phosphorous (DIP) ratio. The pulsing of nutrients associated with intense but highly localized storm activity during the summer months when water temperatures are above 25 °C may play a role in the initiation of C. polykrikoides blooms. The upper Lafayette River appears to be an important area for initiation of algal blooms that then spread to other connected waterways.  相似文献   

Separation of trimethylsilyl derivatives of over 50 dipeptides was achieved by high-resolution gas chromatography using a fused silica capillary column coated with methyl silicone liquid phase. Excellent peak symmetry and reproducibility were obtained. Several pairs of sequence isomeric dipeptides could also be well separated. Application of this approach to peptide sequencing by means of the dipeptidyl aminopeptidase-gas chromatography/mass spectrometry method is also discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract. Aspects of the life cycle of the peritrich ciliate Zoothamnium intermedium , an epibiont on calanoid copepods in the Chesapeake Bay, were investigated using host and epibiont cultures. Experiments were designed to characterize the formation, survival, and attachment of free-swimming stages (telotrochs) and to assess whether telotrochs preferentially attach to primary ( Acartia tonsa and Eurytemora affinis ) or alternate hosts from the zooplankton community (the rotifer Brachionus plicatilis , barnacle nauplii, polychaete larvae, and a harpacticoid copepod). The results showed that telotroch formation started 2 h after the death of the host, with >90% of the zooids leaving the host carapace within 7 h. Formation of telotrochs was triggered only by the death of the host, failing to occur when the host was injured or unable to swim. Telotrochs failed to attach to non-living substrates and survived for only 14 h in the absence of host organisms, suggesting that members of Z. intermedium are obligate epibionts. Attachment success decreased with telotroch age, indicating that colonization success in nature may strongly depend on the ability to find a suitable host in a short period of time. Individuals exhibited no preferences in colonizing juvenile or adult stages of A. tonsa or E. affinis . While telotrochs were able to colonize barnacle nauplii and the harpacticoid copepod in the absence of individuals of A. tonsa or E. affinis , they did not attach to the rotifers or polychaete larvae. Telotrochs preferentially colonized individuals of A. tonsa when in the presence of other non-calanoid host species.  相似文献   

Picocyanobacteria are major primary producers in the ocean, especially in the tropical or subtropical oceans or during warm seasons. Many “warm” picocyanobacterial species have been isolated and characterized. However, picocyanobacteria in cold environments or cold seasons are much less studied. In general, little is known about the taxonomy and ecophysiology of picocyanobacteria living in the winter. In this study, 17 strains of picocyanobacteria were isolated from Chesapeake Bay, a temperate estuarine ecosystem, during the winter months. These winter isolates belong to five distinct phylogenetic lineages, and are distinct from the picocyanobacteria previously isolated from the warm seasons. The vast majority of the winter isolates were closely related to picocyanobacteria isolated from other cold environments like Arctic or subalpine waters. The winter picocyanobacterial isolates were able to maintain slow growth or prolonged dormancy at 4°C. Interestingly, the phycoerythrin‐rich strains outperformed the phycocyanin‐rich strains at cold temperature. In addition, winter picocyanobacteria changed their morphology when cultivated at 4°C. The close phylogenetic relationship between the winter picocyanobacteria and the picocyanobacteria living in high latitude cold regions indicates that low temperature locations select specific ecotypes of picocyanobacteria.  相似文献   

In response to concerns that there may be an association between harmful algal bloom (HAB) species and fish health, including the widespread use of fish health as one indicator of a possible HAB warranting further investigation, evidence for such an association was evaluated in Chesapeake Bay and other mid-Atlantic estuaries (1999–2001). A statistical approach was used, without invoking causality, to test whether there is an association between the prevalence of externally-visible lesions in fish populations above background levels and the presence of Pfiesteria spp. in co-located water and fish samples. Externally visible anomalies (e.g. ulcers, necrosis, parasites, etc.) were recorded for Atlantic menhaden (Brevoortia tyrannus) and all other fish collected. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) techniques were used to test for the presence of Pfiesteria spp. in water samples collected at routine and rapid response sampling events. No actively toxic Pfiesteria was found during this study. Fine-scale (within a given sample site) and broad-scale (estuary-wide sampling) comparisons showed positive associations between externally-visible fish lesions in menhaden populations and the presence of Pfiesteria spp. in co-located samples. Logistic regression modeling of Pfiesteria detection probabilities as a function of prevalence of menhaden with lesions was significant (P = 0.0096). Reductions in the false positive (tests indicating Pfiesteria presence when its absent) and false negative (tests indicating Pfiesteria is absent when it is actually present) rates occurred when the minimum sample size threshold increased from 1 to 30 fish (P = 0.003–0.001). This association served as a useful field indicator of potential HAB activity that could warrant further field investigation and testing.  相似文献   

Business names, as recorded by state tax departments, offer a possible indicator of cultural ecosystem services provided by nearby natural resources. Using oysters in the Chesapeake Bay as an example, we process spatial and quantitative analyses that can potentially identify cultural value for integration into monitoring efforts that aim to incorporate a variety of ecosystem services. Businesses named directly after oysters provide a useful lens to capture the many reasons people value oysters culturally, but also provide an easy aggregate indicator that could potentially be added to regular regional monitoring programs in order to factor in cultural value to adaptive management policies.  相似文献   

Dissimilatory arsenate-respiring bacteria (DARB) reduce arsenate to arsenite and may play a significant role in arsenic mobilization in aquifers and anoxic sediments. Many studies have been conducted with pure cultures of DARB to understand their involvement in arsenic contamination. However, few studies have examined uncultured DARB in the environment. In order to investigate uncultured DARB in anoxic sediments, genes encoding arsenate respiratory reductases ( arr ) were targeted as a genetic marker. Degenerate primers for the α-subunit of arr genes were designed and used with PCR amplification to detect uncultured DARB in the sediments collected from three stations (upper, mid and lower bay) in the Chesapeake Bay. Phylogenetic analysis of putative arrA genes revealed the diversity of DARB with distinct community structures at each of the three stations. Arsenate reduction in sediment communities was confirmed using enrichment cultures established with sediment samples from the upper bay. In addition, terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis of the putative arrA genes showed changes in the community structure of DARB in the enrichment cultures while reducing arsenate. This was also confirmed by cloning and sequence analysis of the arrA genes obtained from the enrichment cultures. Thus, we were able to detect diverse uncultured DARB in sediments, as well as to describe changes in DARB community structure during arsenic reduction in anoxic environments.  相似文献   

For centuries, people in the Chesapeake Bay watershed have harvested and consumed blue crabs (Callinectes sapidus). Historically, the production of the crabs was intimately connected to the work and knowledge of commercial watermen. In recent years, declining crab populations have resulted in an increased local use of pasteurized crab meat imported from Asia and South America. Also emerging is an ecological discourse that emphasizes pollution reduction to save crabs to eat. In this article, I analyze these production and consumption changes for Chesapeake Bay blue crabs within a broad-ranging framework of cultural models and environmental anthropology. Explicit textual information increasingly suggests that the cultural model of Chesapeake blue crabs as food is one of crab cakes made (with imported crab meat) in the "local tradition" and, to a lesser degree so far, is an emerging discourse presenting blue crabs as a culinary poster child for antipollution campaigns.  相似文献   

Oyster populations in Chesapeake Bay, USA, declined precipitously over the past three decades, and on-going efforts to restore the native oysters to former abundance were considered to be ineffective. Maryland and Virginia natural resource agencies proposed the introduction of a non-native Asian oyster (Crassostrea ariakensis) that is resistant to diseases affecting the native oyster and well adapted to the Chesapeake Bay environment. Numerous stakeholders raised concerns about potential adverse consequences of an introduction of a non-native species into a new environment. In response, state and federal agencies determined that an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) should be prepared to address the environmental consequences of such an introduction as well as of seven other oyster restoration alternatives, including several involving only the native oyster. Preparation of an Ecological Risk Assessment (ERA) of the proposed action as well as all alternatives was an integral element of EIS preparation. This series of articles describes several different analyses that contributed to and collectively comprised the ERA conducted as input to the EIS. The final article of this series in HERA describes how the ERA and EIS findings were taken into account in the final decision on the preferred restoration alternative by state and federal agencies.  相似文献   

Detecting marine invasions can be challenging, especially for lesser-known taxa, and requires (a) thorough field surveys of the region of interest for members of the taxon, (b) systematic analyses to identify all species found, (c) literature searches for the worldwide distribution of these species and for previous records of the taxon in this region, and (d) application of rigorous criteria to assess whether each species found is native or introduced. We carried out these steps in order to detect and document kamptozoan (entoproct) invasions on the American mid-Atlantic coast. We report on the occurrence of two colonial kamptozoans (Barentsia benedeni, Loxosomatoides laevis) in Chesapeake Bay (Maryland and Virginia, USA). On the American Atlantic coast, B. benedeni had previously only been reported from Massachusetts, although this species has a worldwide distribution in bays and harbors. The genus Loxosomatoides had not previously been reported from North America and L. laevis was known only from India. Since the genus Loxosomatoides was very poorly characterized, we briefly review all four of its species, which differ only slightly from each other. We have also synonymized L. japonicum with L. laevis. We did not find any of the kamptozoan species previously recorded in surveys of Chesapeake Bay and the American Atlantic coast. This is the first detailed consideration of anthropogenic influences on kamptozoan distributions, and we emphasize that most kamptozoan species are cryptogenic pending further investigation.  相似文献   

河口细菌群落多样性及其控制因素:以切萨皮克湾为例   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
咸淡水的混合和重要营养盐与有机物的再循环,使得河口成为地球上生产力较高而动态变化明显的水生生态系统.一个典型的河口区断面中,细菌群落包含了一些从淡水到海洋的过渡类型:例如α-变形菌(Alphaproteobacteria)、p-变形菌(Betaproteobacteria)、γ-变形菌(Gammaproteobacteria)、蓝细菌(Cyanobactenia)[聚球藻(Synechococcus)]、拟杆菌(Bacteroidetes)、放线细菌(Actinobacteria)和疣微菌(Verrucomicrobia)等.此外,河口也包含其独特的细菌群落:SAR11组、玫瑰杆菌属(Roseobacter)、SAR86和放线细菌(Actinobacteria)的一些进化亚枝(subclades),表明海湾或者大型温带河口区细菌类群具有区域生态适应性.以研究较多的美国切萨皮克湾(Chesapeake Bay)为例,其细菌群落呈现出显著的季节性变化和周期性的年际变化特征;这些变化除了受水的滞留时间和细菌生长速度影响外,还可能受其他许多环境因子的影响.其中叶绿素a和水温变化的影响最大,其他环境因子如溶解氧、铵态氮、亚硝酸盐和硝酸盐以及病毒的丰度也有影响.近年来,基于群落水平的基因组学(genomics)和后基因组学(postgenomics)(转录组学和蛋白质组学)技术应用于研究自然条件下微生物群落错综复杂的基因多样性和表达,提供了揭示水环境中微生物群落组成和新功能基因的途径.  相似文献   

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