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Health and nutrition: The power of cultural patterns Despite enormous educational efforts and widely spread common knowledge about the subject, today's nutrition as it is practiced by many consumer groups concerning health in Germany, shows great potential to be optimized. On one side this is due to a cognitive dissonance: The knowledge about a healthy nutrition is opposed to a practice that is often detrimental to health. Among other factors, the main reasons for that phenomenon can be found within psychological aspects of nutrition: Practices that are tried and tested have a stabilizing effect and lead to emotional security. On the other side nutritional systems in principle change slowly and are difficult to control, especially since food itself and communicating about it function as ideological placings, as a representation of status or are matter of distinction in a society driven by modern lifestyles. Oftentimes supposedly reasonable nutritional practices hardly show any commonalities with these realities. Furthermore people who live in Germany but who were socialized with a different cultural background tend to have conceptions of a valuable nutrition that are often contradictorily to scientific findings. That also counts for people who obtain information from internet platforms that are not scientifically oriented. There they pick up superficial knowledge, esoteric beliefs or ideology‐based hints delivered through a science‐based appearance.  相似文献   

Insects as a sustainable food of the future In Germany insects are still relatively unknown as foodstuff. However, in many countries of the world insects have been valued as foodstuff for a long time. This article examines the sustainability potential of entomophagy. Based on legal and psychological barriers it tries to explain why insects are not on the menu in Germany. Research in the fields of nutritional psychology and biodidactics is essential for the successful introduction of insects as foodstuff in Germany.  相似文献   

Vegetarianism During recent decades the social standing of vegetarians has improved considerably. Scientific studies show convincingly that a well balanced lacto‐ovo‐vegetarian diet can provide an optimal supply of all nutrients for everybody. Vegetarians practice their nutrition predominantly for ethical reasons, health concerns and ecological considerations. Vegetarianism contributes to global nutrition security and to a sustainable management of natural resources. The switch to a vegetarian diet requires conviction and knowledge about the proper selection and preparation of the diet. Vegetarians report about their high quality of life – not only because they live longer.  相似文献   

Marantaceae (arrowrood) are among the few examples of plants showing unexpectedly fast movements such as the ones in the meaningful mimosa or carnivorous plants. In the Venus flytrap (Dionaea), the movement of leaves is an extreme fast reaction to mechanical stimuli and based on the propagation of electrical signals. Of course, it was interesting to investigate, whether the explosively moving style of Marantaceae is based on a comparable mechanism. Electrophysiological experiments helped to understand how one of the fastest movements in the plant kingdom is mediated.  相似文献   

Duckweeds as crop plants Members of the plant family Lemnaceae (duckweeds) are not only interesting because they represent the smallest flowering plants; they possess also the fastest rates of producing biomass. As aquatic plants, duckweed production is not in competition with other agricultural crops that require fertile land while the cultivation of duckweeds does not contribute to further eutrophication of surface water. Instead, they can be cultivated on municipal or agricultural waste water and remove the nutrients during their propagation and growth. Duckweeds can thus be used for cleaning of waste water and the resulting biomass can be valuable starting material for animal feeds and the production of biofuels. Research focusing on these goals has begun to transfer from research laboratories to pilot plants in different parts of the world, e.g. in New Jersey and North Carolina, USA; Chengdu, P. R. China; and Armidale, Australia.  相似文献   

Global change is in full progress! Global change is in full progress and includes world‐wide climatic and biodiversity changes. Alterations of land and water use in many areas as well as passive and active spreading of exotic species are further drivers of change. Mankind is impacted in many respects. Global change will lead in many countries to increasing poverty and will result in political instability. The research about causes and consequences of biological and climatic changes and the discussion within the society is therefore a crucial challenge.  相似文献   

The Beech forests: A cultural and socio‐economic history The German strategy of maintaining biodiversity aims at an establishment of wilderness areas. Mainly beech forests shall serve as UNESCO world heritage. Here we ask, if there are any “natural” beech forests. This tree species is closely linked to human development, and at present this species is less endangered than the accompanying species of Acer, Fraxinus, Quercus and other broad leaved species.  相似文献   

Excursion in Brandenburg: Species richness in sand heathlands After many decades of an intensive military use, the former military training areas of Eastern Germany play a major role as huge, unfragmented biodiversity hotspots. While intensive agriculture causes a serious threat to many species in our cultural landscape, heathlands and dry grasslands are unique habitats on the nutrient‐poor soils in the “box of sand” of the Mark Brandenburg. But these habitats need a strong conservation management with targeted nursing measures such as removal of shrubs, grazing, soil wounding and controlled burning. However, some forest sites of the military training areas are often suitable for a wilderness development. The Heinz Sielmann Foundation pursues these nature conservation objectives and makes great nature experiences possible in the conservation areas.  相似文献   

  • 1 . Die physiognomisch-ökologische Höhenstufung der Vegetation in den Tropen wird maßgeblich von den Eigenschaften der vertikalen Temperatur- und Niederschlagsbedingungen geprägt.
  • 2 . Das Temperaturhöhenprofil in seiner Wirkung auf die Vegetation entspricht in den nordhemisphärischen Randtropen (Mexiko) nur noch in abgeschwächter Form der Tropennorm.
  • 3 . Die Mischung der Florenreiche unterliegt in den Randtropen (Mexiko) einer Steuerung durch außertropische Klimaeinflüsse. Doch bleibt die hygrische Höhenstufung in ihrer Wirkung auf die vertikale Vegetationsanordnung voll erhalten.
  • 4 . Der Klimawandel seit der Eiszeit war auch in den Tropen wirksam und hat namentlich die Vegetationsgliederung differenziert beeinflußt.
  • a) In den inneren Tropen führt der stärkere Temperaturgradient mit der Höhe und die damit verbundene Veränderung der Feuchtigkeitsverhältnisse zu einer Oszillation der einzelnen Vegetationsstufen. Dabei wurde die Waldgrenze in der hochglazialen Phase gegenüber heute abgesenkt, in der postglazialen Wärmezeit leicht angehoben.
  • b) . In den Randtropen gab es nicht nur eine vertikale, sondern auch eine horizontale Verschiebung der Vegetationsgrenzen.
  • 5 . Nach der postglazialen Wärmezeit hat sich der waldlose Höhenbereich durch Rückgang der Temperatur und Veränderung im Niederschlagsregime in Verbindung mit menschlichem Einfluß hangabwärts vergrößert; die Waldgrenze wurde erneut leicht abgesenkt.
  • 6 . Trockeneres Klima während des letzten Hochglazials um ca. 18 000 v. h. hat nicht nur die Höhenregionen der Tropen, sondern auch Teile der tropischen Niederungswälder betroffen und ihren Umfang zugunsten trockener Formationen verringert.
  • 7 . Die postglaziale Wärmezeit war in den Tropen mit höherer Feuchtigkeit verbunden und begünstigte eine schwache Ausbreitung der Tropenwälder in den Niederungen und an der oberen Waldgrenze.
  • 8 . Der im späten Holozän in der langfristigen Bilanz wieder eintretende Austrocknungsprozeß wurde bis zur Gegenwart durch das Einwirken des Menschen verstärkt.

  • 1 . Die Langzeitversuche von 1968 bis 1980 haben eindeutig ergeben, daß — von geringen Abweichungen abgesehen — ein eindeutiger Zusammenhang von Keimprozenten und Sonnenfleckentätigkeit besteht.
  • 2 . In Jahren geringer Sonnenfleckentätigkeit waren auch die Keimprozente außerordentlich gering, bzw. wurden in Jahren großer Sonnentätigkeit hohe Keimprozente beobachtet.
  • 3 . Bei Untersuchungen, ob ein Einfluß der Ionenaktivität der Luft auf die Samenkeimung besteht, konnten keine Übereinstimmungen festgestellt werden.
  • 4 . Somit ist eine Erklärung für dieses Phänomen bisher nicht möglich.

An enigmatical association of two Archaea The obligate anaerobic hyperthermophilic Nanoarchaeum equitans and Ignicoccus hospitalis represent a unique, purely archaeal biocoenosis which is mandatory for N. equitans. Its strong dependence on I. hospitalis is affirmed by the fact that its lipids and amino acids are obtained exclusively from the host. The Crenarchaeon I. hospitalis is characterized by energy production via reduction of elemental sulfur with molecular hydrogen and a novel CO2‐fixation pathway. It possesses a unique cell envelope for Archaea with an inner and an outer membrane, forming two cell compartments, the cytoplasm and a huge intermembrane compartment. By immuno‐analyses we demonstrated that the ATP synthase and H2:sulfur oxidoreductase complexes of I. hospitalis are located in the outer membrane. Thus I. hospitalis is the first Prokaryote with an energized outer membrane, ATP synthesis outside the cytoplasm, and spatial separation of energy conservation from information processing and protein biosynthesis. This raises many questions on the function and characterization of the two membranes, the two cell compartments, and a possible ATP transfer to N. equitans.  相似文献   

The influential evolutionary biologist Ernst Haeckel (1834–1919), well‐known as a highly disputatious defender of Darwin's work, sought to unite science, philosophy, ethics and art in an all‐embracing world view that he called ?monism“. In this essay his ideas and reflections on aesthetics in nature and their application are reviewed. According to Haeckel, art should be based on motifs that are to be found in the diversity of life forms, which represent, in his opinion, the highest imagineable specification in aesthetics. Beauty in nature should open men's way to nature, and man must not place himself in opposition to nature. Haeckel himself, who was also a gifted artist, helped find the way to such an attitude by publishing thousands of drawings of organisms, mostly microscopically small marine species. His illustrations made organismic structures accessible that a broader public was previously almost unaware of. With these representations he was most influential in almost all areas of art around the turn of the century, including architecture, interior design, painting, glass art and furniture design.  相似文献   

Defensive delicacies: Sea urchins and their predators in the Mediterranean Sea Despite their various defense mechanisms, sea urchins always attract predators that are able to counter these mechanisms. In the Mediterranean Sea, these predators are often invertebrates, such as gastropods, decapods, and seastars, but also fish, including sea breams. Cassid gastropods use mucus to agglutinate the defensive spines and pedicellaria, and drill the calcareous tests with the aid of sulfuric acid. Large crustaceans, such as spiny lobsters and spider crabs, crush the tests of sea urchins with their armored claws and walking legs. Starfish ingest small sea urchins completely, or evert their stomachs to digest the urchins extra‐intestinally. Fish, especially sea breams, first bite off the spines and then crush the urchins test with their specialized teeth. In some cases, recognizable traces, like drill holes, scratch marks, indentations, or breakage patterns remain on the urchins hard parts allowing these events to be reconstructed in the fossil record.  相似文献   

The Natural History of Good and Evil Morality is a result of evolution by natural selection. It facilitates the stability of groups which gives advantage to the involved individuals and is thus, at least in some basic form – as moral‐analogous behavior –, also developed in nonhuman primates and other mammalian species. Of crucial importance is reciprocal altruism that, however, for long periods of time applied only to – and was favored by natural selection in – comparatively small groups. Its extension therefore meets fundamental difficulties, and we have to consider limitations to morality. From the perspective of evolutionary theory (evolutionary ethics) humans by nature are neither good nor evil. Under certain cultural constraints they can develop enormous destructive potentials, but also experience stimuli for cooperative and helping behavior.  相似文献   

Apocarotenoids are tailored from carotenoids by highly specific oxidative enzymes cleaving different double bonds. New chromophores can be generated, which make additional nuances of the yellow‐red color spectrum available. Colorless C13 apocarotenoids can constitute potent scent and aroma compounds. Many apocarotenoid hormone functions are well‐known (abscisic acid in plants, trisporic acid in fungi, retinoic acid in mammals). A new class of apocarotenoid plant hormones, which take part in determining shoot branching has recently been identified as strigolactones. In the biosyntheses of strigolactones and mycorrhiza‐induced C13/C14 apocarotenoids several sequential cleavage reactions occur. The knowledge about biosynthetic pathways and functions of apocarotenoids opens up new perspectives for its application in horticulture and in the control of parasitic weeds as well as in the manipulation of flower scents and fruit aromas.  相似文献   

The “Unicorn Cave” Between the towns of Herzberg and Bad Lauterberg exists an important area of Permian dolomite formations with caves and special cliffs of dolomite rock with the particular location Unicorn Cave in the centre. Even the name of this cave sounds mysterious. For hundreds of years, digging for the bones of the unicorn had been the foremost interest. The cave – home of thousands of cave‐bears – has been famous and well known even far beyond the Harz‐mountains.  相似文献   

Conflicts between forest management and nature protection This study gives an overview of the change of the German flora over time with special emphasis on species growing in forest habitats. As a consequence of land use plant species numbers have continually increased. Land management has also maintained some endangered plant species. The plant diversity of managed forests is higher than that of unmanaged forests. Not a single obligate forest species has gone extinct over the past 250 years of forest management, the time span of formal records. For organisms with special habitat requirements alternative protection measures other than non‐management are needed to maintain these habitats.  相似文献   

Biodiversity and biodiversity politics Extrapolations for a range of indicators suggest that based on current trends, pressures on biodiversity will continue to increase (Global Biodiversity Outlook 4, 2014). Since services of nature, like fertile soil, clear water and clean air are achieved by consortia of organisms rather than by individual species, they are already endangered. This holds, in spite of the fact, that only 10% of the earth's organisms are known to science and that therefore the loss caused by global change cannot be reliably quantified. Today, science develops new methods for recording consortia of coexisting organisms in a habitat. With the Convention on Biological Diversity, biodiversity has become a matter of politics which is welcome with respect to species and habitat conservation, but the concern of biopiracy creates bureaucratic hurdles hindering research. The most recent achievement is IPBES (Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services, Bonn), which strives to bring more science into biodiversity politics.  相似文献   

Typical civilization diseases, such as type II diabetes, are common, complex in the underlying pathogenic mechanisms, heterogenous in the phenotype and multifactorial due to a wide variety of possible combinations of disease susceptibility or protective genes in different relevant tissues and negative or positive environmental factors. This is in sharp contrast to classical inherited diseases, such as Chorea Huntington, which are often caused by complete loss‐ or gain‐of‐function mutations in a single gene. The causative polymorphisms of susceptibility genes, however, are characterized by relative subtle alterations in the function of the corresponding gene product, which per se do not support the pathogenesis, by high frequency, high expenditure for their identification and rather low predictive value. Consequently, the reliable and early diagnosis of civilization diseases depends on the individual determination of all (or as many as possible) polymorphisms of each susceptibility gene together with the corresponding gene products and the metabolites emerging thereof.  相似文献   

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