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Lower Permian Bryozoan fauna of Jamal Formation, exposed in Bagh-e Vang (Shotori Mountains, northeast Iran) includes six species. Three species – Streblotrypa (Streblascopora) marmionensis (Etheridge 1926), Rhabdomeson bispinosum (Crockford 1944) and Alternifenestella kungurensis (Stuckenberg 1898) – indicate the Lower Permian (Artinskian to Kungurian) age of the formation. Three additional taxa – Fistulipora sp. 1, Fistulipora sp. 2 and undetermined timanodictyid bryozoan ?Timanodictya sp. could not be identified at the species level. The investigated fauna refers to Uralian and Australian palaeobiogeographic provinces.  相似文献   

King George Island (KGI), which is located between the Antarctic and South American continents, may play a crucial role in the exchange of Bryozoa amongst the various Antarctic sectors and across the Polar Front. Knowledge regarding the biological diversity of this area could help us understand the evolution of the Antarctic ecosystem and its connectivity to the South American continent as well as the colonization ability of particular species. Here, we investigate the patterns of diversity and biogeographic affiliation of the cheilostome Bryozoa from KGI and the surrounding areas. Of 114 identified taxa from a depth range of 6–492 m, 26 species were reported for the first time in KGI. The most speciose genera were Camptoplites, Osthimosia, Smittina, and Cellarinella. Species richness at KGI consisted of 70% of the total bryozoans at the South Shetland Islands (SSI). Fifty-nine per cent of the bryozoans from KGI are endemic to Antarctica, which closely reflects the previously estimated endemism rate for bryozoans and other Antarctic taxa. Cluster analysis indicated that the strongest faunal links of SSI bryozoans were with Antarctic Peninsula assemblages, corresponding to the physical distance between both locations. The biogeographic similarities between SSI and South America confirm the broad trend of existing Antarctic–South American faunal links previously observed in bryozoans and many other taxa and indicate that SSI might be an important transitional zone between Antarctica and South America.  相似文献   

The combined influence of a pesticide (carbaryl) and a cyanotoxin (microcystin LR) on the life history of Daphnia pulicaria was investigated. At the beginning of the experiments animals were pulse exposed to carbaryl for 24 h and microcystins were delivered bound in Microcystis’ cells at different, sub-lethal concentrations (chronic exposure). In order to determine the actual carbaryl concentrations in the water LC–MS/MS was used. For analyses of the cyanotoxin concentration in Daphnia’s body enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) was used. Individual daphnids were cultured in a flow-through system under constant light (16 h of light: 8 h of dark), temperature (20°C), and food conditions (Scenedesmus obliquus, 1 mg of C l−1). The results showed that in the treatments with carbaryl egg numbers per female did not differ significantly from controls, but the mortality of newborns increased significantly. Increasing microcystin concentrations significantly delayed maturation, reduced size at first reproduction, number of eggs, and newborns. The interaction between carbaryl and Microcystis was highly significant. Animals matured later and at a smaller size than in controls. The number of eggs per female was reduced as well. Moreover, combined stressors caused frequent premature delivery of offspring with body deformations such as dented carapax or an undeveloped heart. This effect is concluded to be synergistic and could not be predicted from the effects of the single stressors.  相似文献   

New bryozoans from the Upper Devonian (Famennian) of the borderlands of the Kuznetsk Coal Basin are described: Orthopora tomensis sp. nov. and Minussina incrustata sp. nov.  相似文献   

Twelve species of the genus Fenestella from the Lower Carboniferous of the East European platform are placed in the genus Laxifenestella Morozova, 1974 based on the analysis of its species composition. These species and their stratigraphical range are described in more detail. Two species are shown to be synonymous. The stratigraphical distribution of these species over the horizons of the Viséan and Serpukhovian stages of the East European platform suggests a high degree of endemism of these bryozoans.  相似文献   

At a high arctic lowland on Ellesmere Island, heath communities dominated by Cassiope tetragona were widespread, and occurred in a variety of habitats that differred in time of snowmelt, relative site moisture, soil thaw depth, and air and soil temperature. Cover, standing crop, and production were dominated by woody plants, notably Cassiope tetragona and Dryas integrifolia . The Cassiope -dominated heaths were similar in composition to those at other Canadian high arctic localities, but were less similar to localities in Greenland and Spitzbergen. Compositional relationships among Cassiope -dominated heaths in different habitats at the study site may be largely determined by two interrelated environmental factors, time of snowmelt and site moisture.
Aboveground vascular plant biomass was concentrated near the ground surface, resulting in simple vertical structure that takes advantage of relatively warm soil and air temperatures in summer, and a protective snow cover in winter. Aboveground vascular plant standing crop was largely comprised of attached dead tissue, and there were equal proportions of above- and belowground biomass. Low community production was due to dominance by long-lived, slow-growing species, and to short growing seasons and cold temperatures. Overall character of Cassiope -dominated heaths reflects the conservative, stress tolerant growth strategy of the dominant species, Cassiope tetragona .  相似文献   

The Permian bryozoan fauna of the Surmaq Formation exposed in a section near Kuh-e Hambast (Hambast Mountains, central Iran) includes ten species. Four species (Fistulipora sawatai Sakagami 1999, Fistulipora takauchiensis Sakagami 1961, Fistulipora monticulosa Nikiforova 1933, and Eridopora parasitica, Waagen and Wentzel 1886) indicate a Middle Permian (Murgabian) age of the formation. Six additional taxa, three cystoporates Fistulipora sp. 1, Fistulipora sp. 2, and Fistuliporidae gen. et sp. indet., as well as three trepostomes Dyscritella sp., Trepostomata gen. et sp. indet. 1 and Trepostomata gen. et sp. indet. 2 could not be identified at the genus and species level. The investigated fauna refers to the Middle Permian of Thailand, Pakistan, Indonesia, and Japan.  相似文献   

Abstract: Tracks and trackways of the vertebrate ichnotaxon Ichniotherium sphaerodactylum and a trace of the invertebrate ichnotaxon Striatichnium bromackerense are described for the first time in association outside of Europe. The tracks are identified as I. sphaerodactylum based on their characteristic rounded digit ends, the ovoid sole‐pad of the pedal imprint and the increase in digit lengths from digits I–IV, and the invertebrate trace is identifiable as S. bromackerense based on the band‐like systems of distally bifurcated striae. The tracks of I. sphaerodactylum are the largest known to date and represent rare evidence of large‐bodied terrestrial vertebrates in the Kildare Capes Formation of Prince Edward Island, Canada. Morphometric differences between ichnospecies of Ichniotherium and other ichnospecies previously collected from Prince Edward Island are examined in a multivariate analysis, and results suggest that the distance between the manus and pes of the same imprint pair, the width of pace and the length of certain digits is useful for species identification. The association between I. sphaerodactylum and S. bromackerense was previously known only from the Bromacker quarry, Tambach Formation, Germany, which is interpreted as a seasonally dry, semi‐arid upland environment. The co‐occurrence of these traces suggests that the Eldon locality of Prince Edward Island is similar in depositional environment to the Bromacker quarry in Germany, and allows for comparison of these two localities for the first time. As diadectids are thought to be the trackmakers of Ichniotherium, the Eldon locality of the Kildare Capes Formation may, with further work, be considered as another example of the rare, herbivore‐dominated palaeoenvironment, which is generally uncharacteristic of the Early Permian of North America.  相似文献   

Eight bryozoan species of the order Cystoporida are described from the Emsian Stage of the Lower Devonian in the western Altai-Sayan Folded Area. Five of them are new species: Fistulipora salairiensis sp. nov., Fistuliramus fasciculus sp. nov., Fistuliphragma sibirica sp. nov., F. moniliformis sp. nov., and Fistulocladia cincinnata sp. nov. The others belong to the genera Ganiella, Physallidopora, and Fistuliporidra. Most of the cystoporid species studied from the Emsian Stage in the Altai-Sayan Folded Area are widespread laterally. Six cystoporid species have a narrow stratigraphic range and are, therefore, characteristic species of the bryozoan biostratigraphic zones of this region. The species of Physallidopora cantabrica Ernst et Buttler and Fistuliporidra hibera Ernst et Buttler, for the first time encountered in the Emsian of Gorny and Rudny Altai, were previously described from coeval deposits in northwestern Spain.  相似文献   

Distribution of members of the thermophilic genus Pteronites in the Upper Paleozoic beds of northeastern Asia is briefly considered. A new species, Pteronites magnus sp. nov., from the Lower Permian of the Omolon Massif is described.  相似文献   

A new trematopid amphibian, Acheloma dunni, is reported based on excellently preserved cranial and postcranial elements recovered from the Lower Permian fissure fill deposits of the Dolese Brothers Co. limestone quarry near Richards Spur, Oklahoma. The new taxon is characterized by lateral exposures of the palatine (l.e.p.) and ectopterygoid (l.e.e.), which are clearly visible externally and completely enclosed within the suborbital elements. This large, terrestrial carnivore may represent the top predator of the Richards Spur assemblage. A phylogenetic analysis including 12 taxa and 53 cranial characters yielded a single most parsimonious tree, placing Ach. dunni within the monophyletic Trematopidae as the sister taxon to Acheloma cumminsi. Furthermore, the analysis includes the enigmatic Ecolsonia and Actiobates within Trematopidae, forming a clade with the Upper Pennsylvanian Anconastes and the Lower Permian Tambachia. The study comprehensively analyses all valid and aberrant forms of Trematopidae. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 161 , 789–815.  相似文献   

New nymphs of the gryllones insects (Insecta; Gryllones) Iblatta attrepida gen. et sp. nov. (Eoblattida incertae sedis) and Tshekardushka artenatis gen. et sp. nov. (Reculida incertae sedis) from the Lower Permian Chekarda locality (Kungurian Stage of Russia) are described. The nymph of Czekardia blattoides Martynov, 1940 (Eoblattida incertae sedis) from Chekarda is redescribed.  相似文献   

The insect fauna of the Lower Permian Tyulkino locality in the Perm Region of Russia is considered. New members of the orders Trichoptera and Eoblattida are described. Members of the primitive family Microptysmatidae (suborder Protomeropina) are typical of the Lower and Middle Permian deposits of Eurasia and are represented by the two genera: Microptysmella Kukalová-Peck et Willmann, 1990 and Kamopanorpa Martynov, 1928. Kamopanorpa tyulkiana sp. nov. and K. tamarae sp. nov. (Trichoptera, Microptysmatidae) and Parakhosara kamica sp. nov. (Eoblattida, Megakhosaridae) are described.  相似文献   

The oldest and northernmost record of the tapir lineage, Thuliadanta mayri gen. et sp. nov. from Ellesmere Island, Arctic Canada (78°50′N) implies that tapiroid evolution was well underway by early Eocene (Wasatchian) time in northern high latitudes, and raises the possibility of a North American origin for the group. Phylogenetic analyses place the new Arctic tapir as the sister group to the later more advanced Desmatotherium, Colodon, and Irdinolophus. A phylogenetically-derived biogeographic reconstruction posed here suggests the tapir lineage may represent a rare instance of counterflow wherein an exotic North American taxon invaded Asia during the early Eocene. Moreover, Thuliadanta seems a plausible ancestor to Desmatotherium from both continents, suggesting that this branch of the tapir lineage may have originated at high latitudes and subsequently dispersed from there to mid-latitudes. Thuliadanta's occurrence on Ellesmere Island indicates that northern high latitudes should also be evaluated as a potential source area for some of the exotic taxa appearing in mid-latitudes during Eocene time. Using today's tapirs, and specifically the mountain tapir, as analogs, Thuliadanta seems a plausible year-round inhabitant in the mild temperate lowland forests of the Eocene High Arctic.  相似文献   

John R Groves  Alda Nicora 《Geobios》2003,36(4):379-389
The Chios Mélange is a thick Paleozoic wildflysch sequence that crops out on the Greek island Chios. It is composed of chert, limestone and volcanic blocks floating in a siliciclastic turbiditic matrix. New data suggest that the youngest blocks within the Chios Mélange are clasts of a breccia from the Kouramia-Nenitouria area that contain conodonts of late Visean or early Serpukovian age. The conodont fauna from the breccias is characterized by the genera Gnathodus and Lochriea, which favored deeper-water, open-marine facies. Elsewhere on the island, in the Papalia-Nagos area, calcareous microfossils of middle to late Visean age have been recovered from lime grainstone beds within the Chios Mélange. Allochems making up the grainstones are interpreted to have been transported into deeper-water turbiditic facies, but there is no evidence of stratigraphic reworking. Age-diagnostic calcareous microfossils include the alga Koninckopora inflata and foraminifers in the genus Paraarchaediscus. In situ Mississippian microfossils indicate that the Chios Mélange is older than Pennsylvanian (Upper Carboniferous) - Permian, as previously thought. The revised age suggests that the origin of the Chios Mélange may be related to the development of an accretionary prism during the Hercynian Orogeny.© 2003 Éditions scientifiques et médicales Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

A new species of microsporidian, Trichonosema algonquinensis, is described from a freshwater bryozoan, Pectinatella magnifica from Ontario, Canada. The parasite develops in epithelial cells and appears as white, spherical masses throughout the tissues. Trichonosema algonquinensis is diplokaryotic, diploblastic and undergoes development in direct contact with the cytoplasm of the host cell. Mature spores are ovoid, tapered at one end, and measure 8.5 +/- 0.3 x 4.4 +/- 0.1 microm. The polar filament is wound in 20 to 23 helical coils. Although the parasite resembles T. pectinatellae described from the same host in Michigan and Ohio, it differs in the length of the spore and number of coils of the polar filament. Analysis of 16S rDNA by maximum likelihood, parsimony and Baysian inference, complements the morphological data in supporting the placement of T. algonquinensis as a sister species of T. pectinatellae.  相似文献   

Five small ponds on Cape Herschel, Ellesmere Island, N.W.T. (latitude 78° 37 N; 74° 42 W) were investigated, and their rotifer fauna discussed. Although the number of individuals is very low, the rotifer assemblage is remarkably rich (33 species), especially considering the harsh environmental conditions, and the short ice-free period of only six weeks. The shallow ponds are all alkaline, and the rotifer species are either cosmopolitan, or very rare. Proales kostei n. sp. is described.on leave from Concordia University, Montreal, Quebecon leave from Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec  相似文献   

The growth and spread of non-indigenous green crabs (Carcinus maenas) in Atlantic Canada is of concern to the sustainability of shellfish resources, particularly in areas recently invaded. Commercial green crab fishing has been initiated on Prince Edward Island to help control this species and provide a new resource for inshore fishermen. Developing a soft-shell crab product modelled after the Venetian ‘Moleche’ would provide an economic incentive beyond the existing hard-shell crab bait market. However, answers to questions such as the timing and characteristics of green crab moulting are required. A pilot study conducted in 2014–2015 collected seven groups of crabs and held them in individual compartments for 2–4 weeks to record moulting rates and physical characteristics. We found that a synchronized ‘moulting window’ occurs during July for male crabs. Field experiments in 2015 had an average moulting rate of 34%, with group-specific rates as high as 60%. The same cohort of crabs held in the laboratory had an average moulting rate of 48%, with group-specific rates as high as 75%. We observed a gradual increase in moulting rates from early to mid-July, after which all crabs caught had recently moulted, with evidence of new carapaces on all crabs. In 2015, the moulting window followed a 5°C increase in water temperature. Regarding morphology, the presence of a ‘halo’ on the episternites of the carapace was an indicator that a crab would soon moult. These promising results represent the first step in assessing the feasibility of a soft-shell, green crab industry.  相似文献   

The earliest Permian faunal successions of central Patagonia show compositional changes that probably reflected the environmental warming at the end of the Gondwana glaciations. Bivalves of Asselian to probably Early Tastubian age are described. A new genus,Sueroa, is proposed to reunite a previously known species and a new species,Sueroa andreisi n. sp. Another five new species:Parallelodon? quichaurensis n. sp.,Heteropecten cortignasi n. sp.,Etheripecten saraviae n. sp.,Streblopteria montgomeryi n. sp. andPraeundulomya moreli n. sp. are described. Two previously known species:Malimania patagoniensis (González) andEuchondria sabattiniae González are revised and new occurrences are reported. A further eleven species are described, but they are left in open nomenclature being because they are insufficiently known; these are:Phestia? n. sp.,Modiolus sp.,Palaeoneilo sp.,Stutchburia sp.,Schizodus sp.,Vacunella? sp.,Edmondia sp.,Myonia? n. sp.,Myonia? sp. andPachymyonia? n. sp.  相似文献   

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