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p130(cas) (Crk-associated substrate) is a docking protein that is involved in assembly of focal adhesions and concomitant cellular signaling. It plays a role in physiological regulation of cell adhesion, migration, survival, and proliferation, as well as in oncogenic transformation. The molecule consists of multiple protein-protein interaction motifs, including a serine-rich region that is positioned between Crk and Src-binding sites. This study reports the first structure of a functional domain of Cas. The solution structure of the serine-rich region has been determined by NMR spectroscopy, demonstrating that this is a stable domain that folds as a four-helix bundle, a protein-interaction motif. The serine-rich region bears strong structural similarity to four-helix bundles found in other adhesion components like focal adhesion kinase, alpha-catenin, or vinculin. Potential sites for phosphorylation and interaction with the 14-3-3 family of cellular regulators are identified in the domain and characterized by site-directed mutagenesis and binding assays. Mapping the degree of amino acid conservation onto the molecular surface reveals a patch of invariant residues near the C terminus of the bundle, which may represent a previously unidentified site for protein interaction.  相似文献   

Proteins of the ASPP family bind to p53 and regulate p53-mediated apoptosis. Two family members, ASPP1 and ASPP2, have pro-apoptotic functions while iASPP shows anti-apoptotic responses. However, both the mechanism of enhancement/repression of apoptosis and the molecular basis for their different responses remain unknown. To address the role of the N-termini of pro-apoptotic ASPP proteins, we solved the solution structure of N-ASPP2 (1-83) by NMR spectroscopy. The structure of this domain reveals a beta-Grasp ubiquitin-like fold. Our findings suggest a possible role for the N-termini of ASPP proteins in binding to other proteins in the apoptotic response network and thus mediating their selective pro-apoptotic function.  相似文献   

The G protein-coupled receptor kinase-interacting protein 1 (GIT1) is a multidomain protein that plays an important role in cell adhesion, motility, cytoskeletal remodeling, and membrane trafficking. GIT1 mediates the localization of the p21-activated kinase (PAK) and PAK-interactive exchange factor to focal adhesions, and its activation is regulated by the interaction between its C-terminal paxillin-binding domain (PBD) and the LD motifs of paxillin. In this study, we determined the solution structure of rat GIT1 PBD by NMR spectroscopy. The PBD folds into a four-helix bundle, which is structurally similar to the focal adhesion targeting and vinculin tail domains. Previous studies showed that GIT1 interacts with paxillin through the LD4 motif. Here, we demonstrated that in addition to the LD4 motif, the GIT1 PBD can also bind to the paxillin LD2 motif, and both LD2 and LD4 motifs competitively target the same site on the PBD surface. We also revealed that paxillin Ser(272) phosphorylation does not influence GIT1 PBD binding in vitro. These results are in agreement with the notion that phosphorylation of paxillin Ser(272) plays an essential role in regulating focal adhesion turnover.  相似文献   

The TonB-dependent complex of Gram-negative bacteria couples the inner membrane proton motive force to the active transport of iron.siderophore and vitamin B(12) across the outer membrane. The structural basis of that process has not been described so far in full detail. The crystal structure of the C-terminal domain of TonB from Escherichia coli has now been solved by multiwavelength anomalous diffraction and refined at 1.55-A resolution, providing the first evidence that this region of TonB (residues 164-239) dimerizes. Moreover, the structure shows a novel architecture that has no structural homologs among any known proteins. The dimer of the C-terminal domain of TonB is cylinder-shaped with a length of 65 A and a diameter of 25 A. Each monomer contains three beta strands and a single alpha helix. The two monomers are intertwined with each other, and all six beta-strands of the dimer make a large antiparallel beta-sheet. We propose a plausible model of binding of TonB to FhuA and FepA, two TonB-dependent outer-membrane receptors.  相似文献   

Heteronuclear 13C and 15N three-dimensional nuclear magnetic resonance (n.m.r.) techniques have been used to determine the solution structure of human interleukin 4, a four-helix bundle protein. A dynamical simulated annealing protocol was used to calculate an ensemble of structures from an n.m.r. data set of 1735 distance restraints, 101 phi angle restraints and 27 pairs of hydrogen bond restraints. The protein structure has a left-handed up-up-down-down topology for the four helices with the two long overhand loops in the structure being connected by a short section of irregular antiparallel beta-sheet. Analysis of the side-chains in the protein shows a clustering of hydrophobic residues, particularly leucines, in the core of the bundle with the side-chains of charged residues being located on the protein surface. The solution structure has been compared with a recent structure prediction for human interleukin 4 and with crystal structures of other helix bundle proteins.  相似文献   

In addition to the conserved and well-defined RNase H domain, eukaryotic RNases HI possess either one or two copies of a small N-terminal domain. The solution structure of one of the N-terminal domains from Saccharomyces cerevisiae RNase HI, determined using NMR spectroscopy, is presented. The 46 residue motif comprises a three-stranded antiparallel beta-sheet and two short alpha-helices which pack onto opposite faces of the beta-sheet. Conserved residues involved in packing the alpha-helices onto the beta-sheet form the hydrophobic core of the domain. Three highly conserved and solvent exposed residues are implicated in RNA binding, W22, K38 and K39. The beta-beta-alpha-beta-alpha topology of the domain differs from the structures of known RNA binding domains such as the double-stranded RNA binding domain (dsRBD), the hnRNP K homology (KH) domain and the RNP motif. However, structural similarities exist between this domain and the N-terminal domain of ribosomal protein L9 which binds to 23 S ribosomal RNA.  相似文献   

Stecrisp from Trimeresurus stejnegeri snake venom belongs to a family of cysteine-rich secretory proteins (CRISP) that have various functions related to sperm-egg fusion, innate host defense, and the blockage of ion channels. Here we present the crystal structure of stecrisp refined to 1.6-angstrom resolution. It shows that stecrisp contains three regions, namely a PR-1 (pathogenesis-related proteins of group1) domain, a hinge, and a cysteine-rich domain (CRD). A conformation of solvent-exposed and -conserved residues (His60, Glu75, Glu96, and His115) in the PR-1 domain similar to that of their counterparts in homologous structures suggests they may share some molecular mechanism. Three flexible loops of hypervariable sequence surrounding the possible substrate binding site in the PR-1 domain show an evident difference in homologous structures, implying that a great diversity of species- and substrate-specific interactions may be involved in recognition and catalysis. The hinge is fixed by two crossed disulfide bonds formed by four of ten characteristic cysteines in the carboxyl-terminal region and is important for stabilizing the N-terminal PR-1 domain. Spatially separated from the PR-1 domain, CRD possesses a similar fold with two K+ channel inhibitors (Bgk and Shk). Several candidates for the possible functional sites of ion channel blocking are located in a solvent-exposed loop in the CRD. The structure of stecrisp will provide a prototypic architecture for a structural and functional exploration of the diverse members of the CRISP family.  相似文献   

Type IV pili are long, thin fibres, which extend from the surface of the bacterial pathogen Neisseria meningitidis; they play a key role in adhesion and colonisation of host cells. PilP is a lipoprotein, suggested to be involved in the assembly and stabilization of an outer membrane protein, PilQ, which is required for pilus formation. Here we describe the expression of a recombinant fragment of PilP, spanning residues 20 to 181, and determination of the solution structure of a folded domain, spanning residues 85 to 163, by NMR. The N-terminal third of the protein, from residues 20 to 84, is apparently unfolded. Protease digestion yielded a 113 residue fragment that contained the folded domain. The domain adopts a simple beta-sandwich type fold, consisting of a three-stranded beta-sheet packed against a four-stranded beta-sheet. There is also a short segment of 3(10) helix at the N-terminal part of the folded domain. We were unable to identify any other proteins that are closely related in structure to the PilP domain, although the fold appears to be distantly related to the lipocalin family. Over 40 homologues of PilP have been identified in Gram-negative bacteria and the majority of conserved residues lie within the folded domain. The fourth beta-strand and adjacent loop regions contain a high proportion of conserved residues, including three glycine residues, which seem to play a role in linking the two beta-sheets. The two beta-sheets pack together to form a crevice, lined with conserved hydrophobic residues: we suggest that this feature could act as a binding site for a small ligand. The results show that PilP and its homologues have a conserved, folded domain at the C-terminal end of the protein that may be involved in mediating binding to hydrophobic ligands.  相似文献   


Human Caprin-1 and Caprin-2 are prototypic members of the caprin (cytoplasmic activation/proliferation-associated protein) protein family. Vertebrate caprin proteins contain two highly conserved homologous regions (HR1 and HR2) and C-terminal RGG motifs. Drosophila caprin (dCaprin) shares HR1 and RGG motifs but lacks HR2. Caprin-1 and Caprin-2 have important and non-redundant functions. The detailed molecular mechanisms of their actions remain largely unknown. Previously, we determined the crystal structure of a ~120-residue fragment of Caprin-1 within the HR1 region. The structure has a novel all α-helical fold that self-associates to form a homodimer. In this study, the crystal structure of a corresponding fragment from Caprin-2 is reported. The Caprin-2 fragment has similar protein fold and dimeric structure as that of the Caprin-1 fragment. Structural comparison reveals that the molecular interactions mediating homodimerization of Caprin-1 and Caprin-2 are largely conserved in the two systems. Structural-modelling study of the corresponding dCaprin fragment indicates that dCaprin may also adopt a similar dimeric structure. The presence of a dimerization domain within HR1 may represent an evolutionarily conserved feature of the caprin protein family. Interestingly, while Caprin-1 and Caprin-2 adopt similar overall dimeric structures, the two structures have quite different molecular surface properties. In the Caprin-1 dimeric structure, some of the surface areas are known or suspected to function as binding sites for Carpin-1-interacting proteins. The different surface properties of the caprin dimeric structures may dictate their intermolecular interaction with specific protein partners.

Communicated by Ramaswamy H. Sarma.  相似文献   

The introduction of disulfide crosslinks is a generally useful method by which to identify regions of a protein that are close together in space. Here we describe the use of disulfide crosslinks to investigate the structure and flexibility of a family of designed 4-helix bundle proteins. The results of these analyses lend support to our working model of the proteins' structure and suggest that the proteins have limited main-chain flexibility.  相似文献   

The three-dimensional structure of methanogen chromosomal protein 1 (MC1), a chromosomal protein extracted from the archaebacterium Methanosarcina sp. CHTI55, has been solved using (1)H NMR spectroscopy. The small basic protein MC1 contains 93 amino acids (24 basic residues against 12 acidic residues). The main elements of secondary structures are an alpha helix and five beta strands, arranged as two antiparallel beta sheets (a double one and a triple one) packed in an orthogonal manner forming a barrel. The protein displays a largely hydrophilic surface and a very compact hydrophobic core made up by side chains at the interface of the two beta sheets and the helix side facing the interior of the protein. The MC1 solution structure shows a globular protein with overall dimensions in the range of 34-40 A, which potentially corresponds to a DNA-binding site of 10-12 base pairs. The presumed DNA-binding site is located on the sequence comprising residues K62-P82, which is formed by a part of strands II2 and II3 belonging to the triple-stranded antiparallel beta sheet and a loop flanked by prolines P68 and P76. The tryptophan W74 that is expected to play a key role in the DNA-binding according to photocross-linking experiments was found completely exposed to the solvent, in a good position to interact with DNA. The overall fold of MC1, characterized by its linking beta-beta-alpha-beta-beta-loop-beta, is different from other known DNA-binding proteins. Its structure suggests a different DNA-binding mode than those of the histone-like proteins HU or HMGB. Thus, MC1 may be classified as a member of a new family.  相似文献   

Focal adhesion kinase (FAK) is a tyrosine kinase found in focal adhesions, intracellular signaling complexes that are formed following engagement of the extracellular matrix by integrins. The C-terminal 'focal adhesion targeting' (FAT) region is necessary and sufficient for localizing FAK to focal adhesions. We have determined the crystal structure of FAT and show that it forms a four-helix bundle that resembles those found in two other proteins involved in cell adhesion, alpha-catenin and vinculin. The binding of FAT to the focal adhesion protein, paxillin, requires the integrity of the helical bundle, whereas binding to another focal adhesion protein, talin, does not. We show by mutagenesis that paxillin binding involves two hydrophobic patches on opposite faces of the bundle and propose a model in which two LD motifs of paxillin adopt amphipathic helices that augment the hydrophobic core of FAT, creating a six-helix bundle.  相似文献   

Binary fission is the ultimate step of the prokaryotic cell cycle. In Gram‐negative bacteria like Escherichia coli, this step implies the invagination of three biological layers (cytoplasmic membrane, peptidoglycan and outer membrane), biosynthesis of the new poles and eventually, daughter cells separation. The latter requires the coordinated action of the N‐acetylmuramyl‐L‐alanine amidases AmiA/B/C and their LytM activators EnvC and NlpD to cleave the septal peptidoglycan. We present here the 2.5 Å crystal structure of AmiC which includes the first report of an AMIN domain structure, a β‐sandwich of two symmetrical four‐stranded β‐sheets exposing highly conserved motifs on the two outer faces. We show that this N‐terminal domain, involved in the localization of AmiC at the division site, is a new peptidoglycan‐binding domain. The C‐terminal catalytic domain shows an auto‐inhibitory alpha helix obstructing the active site. AmiC lacking this helix exhibits by itself an activity comparable to that of the wild type AmiC activated by NlpD. We also demonstrate the interaction between AmiC and NlpD by microscale thermophoresis and confirm the importance of the active site blocking alpha helix in the regulation of the amidase activity.  相似文献   

Paramyxovirus entry into cells requires the fusion protein (F) and a receptor binding protein (hemagglutinin-neuraminidase [HN], H, or G). The multifunctional HN protein of some paramyxoviruses, besides functioning as the receptor (sialic acid) binding protein (hemagglutinin activity) and the receptor-destroying protein (neuraminidase activity), enhances F activity, presumably by lowering the activation energy required for F to mediate fusion of viral and cellular membranes. Before or upon receptor binding by the HN globular head, F is believed to interact with the HN stalk. Unfortunately, until recently none of the receptor binding protein crystal structures have shown electron density for the stalk domain. Parainfluenza virus 5 (PIV5) HN exists as a noncovalent dimer-of-dimers on the surface of cells, linked by a single disulfide bond in the stalk. Here we present the crystal structure of the PIV5-HN stalk domain at a resolution of 2.65 Å, revealing a four-helix bundle (4HB) with an upper (N-terminal) straight region and a lower (C-terminal) supercoiled part. The hydrophobic core residues are a mix of an 11-mer repeat and a 3- to 4-heptad repeat. To functionally characterize the role of the HN stalk in F interactions and fusion, we designed mutants along the PIV5-HN stalk that are N-glycosylated to physically disrupt F-HN interactions. By extensive study of receptor binding, neuraminidase activity, oligomerization, and fusion-promoting functions of the mutant proteins, we found a correlation between the position of the N-glycosylation mutants on the stalk structure and their neuraminidase activities as well as their abilities to promote fusion.  相似文献   

The BEACH domain is highly conserved in a large family of eukaryotic proteins, and is crucial for their functions in vesicle trafficking, membrane dynamics and receptor signaling. However, it does not share any sequence homology with other proteins. Here we report the crystal structure at 2.9 A resolution of the BEACH domain of human neurobeachin. It shows that the BEACH domain has a new and unusual polypeptide backbone fold, as the peptide segments in its core do not assume regular secondary structures. Unexpectedly, the structure also reveals that the BEACH domain is in extensive association with a novel, weakly conserved pleckstrin-homology (PH) domain. Consistent with the structural analysis, biochemical studies show that the PH and BEACH domains have strong interactions, suggesting they may function as a single unit. Functional studies in intact cells demonstrate the requirement of both the PH and the BEACH domains for activity. A prominent groove at the interface between the two domains may be used to recruit their binding partners.  相似文献   

Winston SE  Mehan R  Falke JJ 《Biochemistry》2005,44(38):12655-12666
The aspartate receptor is one of the ligand-specific, homodimeric chemoreceptors that detects extracellular attractants and triggers the chemotaxis pathway of Escherichia coli and Salmonella typhimurium. This receptor regulates the activity of the histidine kinase CheA, which forms a kinetically stable complex with the receptor cytoplasmic domain. An atomic four-helix bundle model has been constructed for this domain, which is functionally subdivided into the signaling and adaptation subdomains. The proposed four-helix bundle structure of the signaling subdomain, which binds CheA, is fully supported by experimental evidence. Much less evidence is available to test the four-helix bundle model of the adaptation subdomain, which possesses covalent adaptation sites and docking surfaces for adaptation enzymes. The present study focuses on a putative helix near the C terminus of the adaptation subdomain. To probe the structural and functional features of positions G467-A494 in this C-terminal region, a cysteine and disulfide scanning approach has been employed. Measurement of the chemical reactivities of scanned cysteines reveals an alpha-helical periodicity of exposed and buried residues, confirming alpha-helical secondary structure and mapping out a buried packing face. The effects of cysteine substitutions on activity in vivo and in vitro highlight the functional importance of the helix, especially its buried face. A scan for disulfide bond formation between symmetric pairs of engineered cysteines reveals promiscuous collisions between subunits, indicating the presence of significant thermal dynamics. A scan for functional disulfides reveals lock-on and signal-retaining disulfide bonds formed between symmetric pairs of cysteines at buried positions, indicating that the buried face of the helix lies near the subunit interface of the homodimer in the equilibrium structures of both the apo and aspartate-bound states where it plays a critical role in kinase regulation. These results strongly support the existing four-helix bundle model of the adaptation subdomain structure. A mechanistic model is proposed in which a signal is transmitted through the adaptation subdomain by a change in supercoiling of the four-helix bundle.  相似文献   

Jumping Translocation Breakpoint (JTB) is an orphan receptor that is conserved from nematodes to humans and whose gene expression in humans is strikingly upregulated in diverse types of cancers. Translocations occur frequently at the hJTB genomic locus, leading to multiple copies of a truncated JTB gene, which potentially encodes a soluble secreted ectodomain. In addition, JTB and its orthologs likely represent a unique and ancient protein family since homologs could not be identified by direct sequence comparison. In the present study, we have determined the NMR solution structure of the N-terminal ectodomain of human JTB, showing that its fold architecture is a new variant of a three-β-strand antiparallel β-meander. The JTB structure has a distant relationship to the midkine/pleiotrophin fold, particularly in the conservation of distinctive disulfide bridge patterns. The structure of this newly characterized small cysteine-rich domain suggests potential involvement of JTB in interactions with proteins or extracellular matrix and may help to uncover the elusive biological functions of this protein.  相似文献   

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