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On the basis of a review of the approximately 4300 species of apicomplexan protozoa, the following new species, new names, new combinations, and emendations are given: NEW GENUS, Erhardovina; NEW SPECIES, Ascogregarina polynesiensis, Eimeria golemanskii, Isospora tamariscini; NEW NAME, Gregarina kazumii; NEW COMBINATIONS, Ascogregarina brachyceri (Purrini, 1980), Erhardovina euzeti (Lipa, 1981), E. scutovertexi (Erhardová, 1955), Haemorhormidium batrachi (Chaudhuri & Choudhury, 1983); EMENDATIONS, Selenidium francianum (Arvy, 1952) Tuzet & Ormières, 1965, Pyxinioides bolitoides D. P. Henry, 1938, P. japonicus H. Hoshide, 1951, P. kamenote H. Hoshide, 1951, P. kurofuji H. Hoshide, 1951, P. oshoroensis H. Hoshide, 1951, P. pugetensis D. P. Henry, 1938, Gregarina levinei Haldar & Sarkar, 1980, Retractocephalus halticae Haldar, Chakraborty & Kundu, 1982, Cnemidospora schizophylli Tuzet & Guerin, 1947, Grebneckiella indica (Merton, 1911) Watson, 1916, Quadruspinospora atractomorphae Haldar & Chakraborty, 1978, Haemogregarina acipenseri Nawrotzky, 1914, H. lobianci Yakimov & Kohl-Yakimov, 1912, H. yakimovikohlae Wladimiroff, 1910, Hepatozoon luehi (Sambon, 1909) Pessoa, Cavalheiro & de Souza, 1970, Eimeria beyerae Ovezmukhammedov, 1977, E. (?) gigantea (Labbé, 1896) Reichenow, 1921, E. (?) labbei Hardcastle, 1943, E. rufi Prasad, 1960, E. (?) scylii (Drago, 1902) Levine & Becker, 1933, Isospora corvi Ray, Shivnani, Oommen & Bhaskaran, 1952, I. melopsittaci Bhatia, Chauhan, Arora & Agrawal, 1973, I. seicerci Ray, Shivnani, Oommen & Bhaskaran, 1952, I. stomatici Chakravarty & Kar, 1944, I. triffitae Nukerbaeva & Svanbaev, 1973, Wenyonella mackinnonae Misra, 1947, Octosporella sanguinolentae Ovezmukhammedov, 1975, Lankesterella millani Alvarez Calvo, 1975, Sarcocystis woodhousei Dogel', 1916, Haemoproteus lari Yakunin, 1972, Babesia ninakohlyakimovae (Yakimoff & Shokhor, 1916), Theileria ninakohlyakimovae (Yakimov, 1916) Krylov, 1974, Haemohormidium batrachi (Chaudhuri & Choudhury, 1983).  相似文献   

On the basis of a review of the approximately 4300 species of apicomplexan protozoa, the following new species, new names, new combinations, and emendations are given: NEW GENUS,Erhardovina; NEW SPECIES,Ascogregarina polynesiensis, Eimeria golemanskii, Isospora tamariscini; NEW NAME,Gregarina kazumii; NEW COMBINATIONS,Ascogregarina brachyceri (Purrini, 1980),Erhardovina euzeti (Lipa, 1981),E. scutovertexi (Erhardová, 1955),Haemorhormidium batrachi (Chaudhuri & Choudhury, 1983); EMENDATIONS,Selenidium francianum(Arvy, 1952) Tuzet & Ormières, 1965,Pyxinioides bolitoides D. P. Henry, 1938,P. japonicus H. Hoshide, 1951,P. kamenote H. Hoshide, 1951,P. kurofuji H. Hoshide, 1951,P. oshoroensis H. Hoshide, 1951,P. pugetensis D. P. Henry, 1938, Gregarina levinei Haldar & Sarkar, 1980,Retractocephalus halticae Haldar, Chakraborty & Kundu, 1982,Cnemidospora schizophylli Tuzet & Guerin, 1947,Grebneckiella indica (Merton, 1911) Watson, 1916,Quadruspinospora atractomorphae Haldar & Chakraborty, 1978,Haemogregarina acipenseri Nawrotzky, 1914,H. lobianci Yakimov & Kohl-Yakimov, 1912,H. yakimovikohlae Wladimiroff, 1910,Hepatozoon luehi (Sambon, 1909) Pessoa, Cavalheiro & de Souza, 1970,Eimeria beyerae Ovezmukhammedov, 1977, E. (?) gigantea (Labbé, 1896) Reichenow, 1921, E. (?) labbei Hardcastle, 1943, E. rufi Prasad, 1960, E. (?) scylii (Drago, 1902) Levine & Becker, 1933, Isospora corvi Ray, Shivnani, Oommen & Bhaskaran, 1952,I. melopsittaci Bhatia, Chauhan, Arora & Agrawal, 1973, I. seicerci Ray, Shivnani, Oommen & Bhaskaran, 1952,I. stomatici Chakravarty & Kar, 1944,I. triffitae Nukerbaeva & Svanbaev, 1973,Wenyonella mackinnonae Misra, 1947,Octosporetla sanguinolentae Ovezmukhammedov, 1975,Lankesterella millani Alvarez Calvo, 1975,Sarcocystis woodhousei Dogel', 1916,Haemoproteus lari Yakunin, 1972, Babesia ninakohlyakimovae (Yakimoff & Shokhor, 1916),Theileria ninakohlyakimovae (Yakimov, 1916) Krylov, 1974,Haemohormidium batrachi(Chaudhuri & Choudhury, 1983).  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Technics are described for isolating and maintaining Tintinnopsis sp. in vitro. The principal factors which have made cultivation possible appear to be low temperature, a mixture of live algal foods, and control of the bacteria in the medium. A constant supply of material in good physiologic condition is now available for nutritional and developmental studies.  相似文献   

SUMMARY. The structure and life history of a new species of eugregarine, Gregarina garnhami n.sp., is described from the intestinal caeca and mid-gut of Schistocerca gregaria Forsk. The parasite destroys considerable areas of the caecal epithelium and in cases of heavy infection, the masses of parasites present in the mid-gut result in the formation of localized barriers between the gut wall and the food material in the lumen. The cephalont and sporont stages of gregarines from Locusta migratoria migratorioides R. & F. and Anacrydium aegyptium Linn. are shown to be similar to those from Schistocerca gregaria and are believed to belong to the same species.  相似文献   

山楂童锤角叶蜂的生物学及防治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
山楂童锤角叶峰是近年来在安徽大别山区发现的一种新害虫。该虫严重为害山植和梨树、1年发生1代,以预蛹在茧内越夏越冬。幼虫食叶为害,每年5月上中旬为猖极为害期。此虫发生与海拔高度及温湿度关系密切。  相似文献   

对地钱(Marchantia polymorpha)颈卵器发育和卵发生过程进行了显微观察和细胞化学的研究,颈卵器起始于原始细胞,该细胞呈乳突状,经横分裂产生基细胞和顶细胞,顶细胞经3次纵斜向分裂和1次横分裂产生初生细胞,初生细胞是颈卵器内的第一个细胞,经横分裂产生中央细胞和颈沟母细胞,前者产生1个腹沟细胞和1个卵细胞,后者最终产生4个颈沟细胞。颈卵器的成熟表现为颈部显著伸长和腹部膨大,卵细胞成熟时具有不规则的核,细胞质内含有丰富的囊泡和颗粒物,卵细胞周围充满粘性物质,细胞化学研究表明,该粘性物质为多糖,卵细胞质中深染色的颗粒可能为脂类物质,腹沟细胞自产生后就逐渐退化,颈沟细胞的退化迟于腹沟细胞,其数量通常为4个,偶尔可见5个颈沟细胞或具有双核的现象。  相似文献   

Gregarina ronderosi n. sp. is described based on life cycle observations conducted on nymphs and adults of its natural host, the grasshopper Dichroplus elongatus. Following ingestion of oocysts by the host, parasite development occurs between the epithelium and the food mass in the midgut and gastric caeca. Gametocysts are liberated in the faeces. Natural prevalence in the type locality, Girondo, northwestern Buenos Aires Province, was 39.7% (n=131). The earliest trophozoites seen were small (< or = 10 microm), somewhat ovoid, unsegmented bodies. Fully developed trophozoites (the body is divided into epimerite, protomerite, and deutomerite) were slender, with conical or globular epimerites in attached or unattached forms, respectively. Trophozoites varied greatly in size [total length: 10.4-275.1 microm; mean (+/-S.E.): 126.3+/-78.9]. Gamonts, which were the most common stages observed and filled the midgut and gastric caeca in grasshoppers kept in rearing rooms, had a stocky appearance and also varied greatly in size (total length: 80-348 microm; 205+/-13). Association of gamonts was precocious, biassociative, and caudofrontal. Gametocysts were spherical and highly variable in size (96-376 microm in diameter; 202.8+/-52.5), and normally have 14 sporoduct basal discs. Everted sporoducts were up to 60 microm long. Oocysts were uniformly doliform in shape, measured (5+/-0.08 by 3.2+/-0.06 microm) and contained eight sporozoites. Wall reinforcements (carinae) were present. No infection resulted in experimentally inoculated Locusta migratoria, which is a host of Gregarina acridiorum. G. ronderosi is strikingly similar to G. acridiorum, but has larger oocysts.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Haemogregarina balli sp. n. is described from the blood and organs of the common snapping turtle Chelydra serpentina serpentina and from the gastric and intestinal ceca of the presumed invertebrate hosts, the leeches Placobdella parasitica and Placobdella ornata. In the peripheral blood of the turtle, male and female gametocytes and immature erythrocytic schizonts are found within erythrocytes. The maturation of erythrocytic schizonts containing 6–8 merozoites is recorded from liver imprints. Schizonts with 13–25 merozoites are found in various cells of the liver, lung and spleen. In the gastric ceca of the leeches the host erythrocytes are digested, releasing the gametocytes and immature erythrocytic schizonts. Immature erythrocytic schizonts degenerate. Association of the gametocytes occurs in the intestinal ceca. The microgametocyte apparently gives rise to 4 nonmotile microgametes, one of which fertilizes the macrogamete while the other remain as condensed, residual nuclei on the periphery of the developing oocyst. The oocyst increases in size with maturity. A mature oocyst produces 8 sporozoites from a single germinal center. Sporozoites liberated from the oocyst are found in the tissues of the leech. Transovarial transmission of the parasite does not occur in the turtle. Attempts at experimental transmission failed. Previously unfed (control) leeches were negative for the parasite. Haemogregarina balli is compared with other haemogregarines described from C. serpentina. Features of species of Haemogregarina and Hepatozoon as well as the taxonomy of these genera are discussed.  相似文献   

Alloencotyllabe caranxi n. g., n. sp. is found in groups of 9–15 specimens attached close together to the lower pharyngeal plate of Caranx sp. It is characterized by having an elongate body, a prohaptor with large spines, an armed penis which lies in a pouch and a vaginal pouch guarded by two sets of glands. Encotyllabe kuwaitensis n. sp. is attached individually to the lower pharyngeal plate of Caranx sp. It is characterized by having an elongate body and tandem testes. E. spari is reported from the lower pharyngeal tooth plate of Plectorhynchus cinctus, P. pictus and P. schotaf. All fish hosts were caught in Kuwaiti waters in the Arabian Gulf. The subfamily Encotyllabinae is reviewed and the genus Neoencotyllabe is regarded as a genus inquirendum. The new genus is attached to the subfamily Encotyllabinae.  相似文献   

Gregarines are enteric parasites of invertebrates but little is known about the negative effects of this parasitism on host species. The present study evaluates the influence of the parasitism of Gregarina sp. on the survival of Blattella germanica and methods for elimination of gregarine infection in laboratory rearing systems. Insects were dissected and the infection was detected in 80% of a sample of 50 adults. Diseased cockroaches had swollen abdomens, slower movement at high incidences of the protozoan, and short antennas. Dead cockroaches showed darkened body and putrid smell, indicating septicaemia. Infected insects were more susceptible than healthy cockroaches when treated with Metarhizium anisopliae and triflumuron.  相似文献   

The microsporidium Pleistophora crangoni n. sp. is a common parasite of Crangon franciscorum, C. nigricauda, and C. stylirostris in the vicinity of Yaquina Bay, Oregon. Characteristics of the parasite are described. Skeletal muscle was the only host tissue infected. The seasonal prevalence and intensity of the parasite in crangonids are described, based on examination of 1556 C. franciscorum, 3877 C. nigricauda, and 1674 C. stylirostris collected at monthly intervals from June 1975 through June 1976. Prevalence in C. franciscorum and C. stylirostris increased through the autumn and reached winter peaks of 30.3 and 41.0%, respectively, then decreased in the spring. Prevalence in C. nigricauda remained below 8% through the year. Intensity increased with size of the shrimps in the three species. Infection experiments and field observations suggest that only very young shrimps are susceptible to infection during a relatively short period during the summer months. Following natural infection, the parasite spreads within the host, indicating repeated schizogonic cycles. Parasitic castration was indicated by the absence of gravid infected female shrimps and was confirmed by histological examination. Ovaries of infected shrimps did not develop beyond a very early stage. A shift in sex ratio toward females in infected shrimps indicates that the parasite may influence sex determination. Shrimps showed little cellular response to infection. Only rarely in heavily infected shrimps was encapsulation of parasite cysts observed; necrotic tissue was occasionally observed. Infected shrimps usually succumbed before uninfected shrimps when subjected to oxygen stress. The collection of infected shrimps that were unusually large may indicate that these individuals grew faster or lived longer than uninfected shrimps.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. The structure and cytochemistry of spores of Myxobolus sp. from plasmodia which occur in the gill filaments of the common shiner Notropis cornutus were studied by light microscopy and by scanning and transmission electron microscopy. The thin-walled valves of the pyriform spores are thickened in the lateral sutural and apical regions. Mucous material is associated predominantly with the posterior end of many spores. The plasmodium is surrounded by a syncytial wall bounded by 2 membranes. Pinocytotic channels are formed by the inner membrane and numerous dense vesicles are pinched off at the distal ends of the channels. Sporogenesis is initiated by the envelopment of one vegetative cell by another. The larger, enveloped cell divides to form a disporous pansporoblast, which contains 2 pairs of capsulogenic and valvogenic cells and 2 binucleate sporoplasm cells. Each capsular primordium and connecting external tubule gives rise to a polar capsule which houses a helically coiled polar tubule. The apical end of each polar capsule is plugged by a stopper. The valvogenic cells surround the capsulogenic and posteriorly situated sporoplasm cells to form the spore valves. Iodinophilic (glycogen) inclusions were not seen in spores stained with iodine or Best's carmine. A darkly stained band was observed around the posterior region of most spores stained with Best's carmine. In the electron microscope large aggregates of β glycogen particles were seen in the cytoplasm of sporoplasm cells in mature spores.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. The Eugregarine Gregarina garnhami is parasitic in the mid-intestine and caecae of the desert locust Schistocerra gregaria (Forsk). The penetration oi the sporozoite and its development into a three-segmented cephalont is described. At no time in its development is the Fregarine completely intracellular; the so-called intracellular stages of other workers are shown to be the breakdoan products of the intestinal host cells themselves.
After penetrating the host intestinal cell the sporozoite grows rapidly and the anterior intracellular region outgrows the posterior estracellular region. Once the intracellular region reaches a size 13–16 μ in diameter. growth oi this region ceases and growth is now concentrated in the posterior region. When this latter region has reached 20 μ in diameter an annulus appears. This, by growing diametrically across the posterior epimerite region, divides the extracellular region into protomerite and deutomerite.
Detachment of the cephalont is considered to be a passive and not an active process and is dependent on the breakdown and extrusion of host cells. In this process the epimerite may or may not become detached from the protomerite.
A system of lonpitudinal fibres (myonemes) exists within the protomerite, and these play an important role in converting the protomerite into an adhesil-e disc prior to conjugation.
Extensive folding of the epicyte occurs in both the protomerite and deutomerite in the three-segmented cephalont; this folding could not be observed prior to the division of the gregarine into three regions. The epimerite has a dual function in the early stages of development, serving both as an attachment organelle and as an absorptive region across which iood materials may pass from the host cell.  相似文献   

Two new ciliate species, Clevelandella lynni sp. n. and Nyctotherus galerus sp. n., were discovered in the hindgut of wood‐feeding panesthiine cockroaches. Their morphology was studied using standard methods, and their phylogenetic positions within the order Clevelandellida were determined using the 18S rRNA gene sequences. Clevelandella lynni is characterized by a prominent peristomial projection, a notched left body margin, a tear‐shaped to broadly ovoidal macronucleus, a karyophore attached to the right body margin, and by an adoral zone composed of on average 48 membranelles and extending about 51% of body length. The diagnostic features of N. galerus include a short posterior body projection, a spherical to broadly ellipsoidal macronucleus, a karyophore attached to the right and left body margins, refractile bodies densely packed anterior to the macronucleus, and an adoral zone composed of on average 57 membranelles and extending about 70% body length. The order Clevelandellida was consistently depicted as monophyletic in 18S rRNA gene phylogenies. Nyctotherus galerus was placed in the paraphyletic family Nyctotheridae, as sister taxon to all other Nyctotherus and Clevelandella species isolated from cockroaches. Clevelandella lynni fell in the monophyletic family Clevelandellidae, as sister taxon to C. panesthiae KC139718 but with very poor statistical support.  相似文献   

SUMMARY. A small ameba found both in rocky tide pools and tide washed sand is described. It is widely distributed, having been collected in both Pacific and Gulf of Mexico waters. The ameba extends clear, conical pseudopods which wave prior to retraction. It is presented as Vexillifera telmathalassa n. sp., in the Family Mayorellidae, Order Amoebida.  相似文献   

Meloidogyne camelliae n.sp. on camellia (Camellia japonica) from Japan and M. querciana n.sp. on pin oak (Quercus palustris) from Virginia, USA, are described and illustrated. M. camelliae n.sp. is distingnishable from other species of the genus especially by its striking perineal pattern having heavy ropelike striae forming a squarish to rectangular outline with shoulders or projections, appearing sometimes ahnost starlike. M. querciana differs from other species by its characteristic perineal pattern round to oval in outline, sometimes with a low arch, and sunken vulva surrounded by a prominent obovate area devoid of striae. M. querciana shows some relationship to M. ovalis, but differs further fxom the latter by longer larvae, absence of annules on head of larvae, and rarity of males. Examination of specimens of M. camelliae n.sp. and M. querciana n.sp. with the scanning electron microscope confirmed observations made by optical microscopy and revealed diagnostic and other structures in greater detail. In greenhouse host tests, M. camelliae infected camellia heavily, showed moderate infection on oxalis, only a trace infection on tomato, and no infection on five other plants tested; and M. querciana attacked pin oak, red oak, and American chestnut heavily, but did not infect nine other test plants. In another test, pin oak seedlings did not become infected when heavily inoculated with and grown in the presence of two populations of M. incognita incognita and one of M. incognita acrita. The common names "camellia root-knot nematode" and "oak root-knot nematode" are respectively proposed for M. camelliae and M. querciana.  相似文献   

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