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There is concern that cotton gins may serve as loci for reintroduction of boll weevils, Anthonomus grandis grandis Boheman, to eradicated or suppressed zones when processing weevil-infested cotton from neighboring zones. Previous work has shown that virtually all weevils entering the gin in the seed cotton will be removed before they reach the gin stand. Those not killed by the seed cotton cleaning machinery will be shunted alive into the trash fraction, which passes through a centrifugal trash fan before exiting the gin. The objective of this study was to determine survival potential of boll weevils passed through a trash fan. Marked adult weevils were distributed in gin trash and fed through a 82.6-cm (32.5-in.) diameter centrifugal fan operated across a range of fan-tip speeds. A small number of boll weevils were recovered alive immediately after passage through the fan, but all were severely injured and did not survive 24 h. In another experiment, green bolls infested with both adult- and larval-stage weevils were fed through the fan. Several teneral adults survived 24 h, and there was no evidence that fan-tip speed affected either initial survival of weevils, or the number of unbroken boll locks that could harbor an infesting weevil. Thus, designating a minimum fan-tip speed for ensuring complete kill is not possible for the boll weevil. Experiments suggest that a device installed in a gin that partially crushes or cracks bolls open before entering a trash fan will increase mortality, possibly enough that further precautions would be unnecessary.  相似文献   

There is concern that gins located in boll weevil, Anthonomus grandis grandis Boheman, eradication zones may become points of reintroduction when they process cotton grown in a neighboring infested area. We estimated boll weevil survival through two typical machine sequences used in commercial cotton gins to clean and dry the seed cotton in advance of the gin stand, as well as separately through two incline cylinder cleaners or one or two tower dryers operating at different temperatures. Large numbers of laboratory-reared adult boll weevils were marked with fluorescent powder, fed into the test system, and recovered with the assistance of blacklights. We found no evidence of survival through the seed cotton cleaning systems even when the dryers were not heated, or when passed separately through the two incline cleaners alone. Upper confidence limits (95%) were calculated for the observed zero recoveries based on sample size and the binomial distribution, and these represent the statistical worst-case (i.e., highest) survival potential. Survival through heated tower dryers declined rapidly to zero at higher temperatures, especially when two dryers were running. Although we conclude that the potential for survival of weevils in the seed cotton to the gin stand is zero or close to zero, a small percentage of live weevils was recovered in the green boll/rock trap, which may represent the greatest threat of reintroduction at the gin. Escape of live weevils with the gin trash is also possible, and studies addressing this issue will be presented elsewhere.  相似文献   

There is concern that cotton gins located in boll weevil, Anthonomus grandis grandis Boheman, eradication zones serving customers in adjacent infested zones may serve as a site for boll weevil reintroductions if weevils are transported alive inside cotton modules. We surveyed fields in three distinct areas of Texas and found that weevils can be present in large numbers in cotton fields that have been defoliated and desiccated in preparation for harvest, both as free adults and as immatures inside unopened bolls. Harvested cotton taken from module builders indicated that approximately = 100-3700 adult boll weevils were packed inside modules constructed at the sampled fields. Marked weevils were forced through a laboratory field cleaner (bur extractor) commonly mounted on stripper-harvesters, and 14% were recovered alive in the seed cotton fraction and lived at least to 24 h. Survival of weevils placed inside modules declined over time up to 7 d, but the magnitude of the decline varied with experimental conditions. In one experiment, 91% of the weevils survived to 7 d, whereas under harsher environmental conditions, only 11% survived that long. Together, our results indicate that when cotton is harvested in an infested area, boll weevils likely will be packed alive into cotton modules, and many will still be alive by the time the module is fed into the gin, at least up to 7 d after the module's construction.  相似文献   

We characterized the level of risk of boll weevil, Anthonomus grandis grandis Boheman, reintroduction to an eradication zone posed by dispersal from cotton modules during and after transport to the gin. Mark-release-recapture experiments in August and September in Texas indicated that most weevils disperse rapidly from the module surface, temperature permitting, unless confined under a module tarp, where most died. Nevertheless, 1-5% of released weevils were recovered alive after 24 h on the side and top surfaces of modules, representing potential dispersants. Mortality of boll weevils caged on the top surface of a module was 95-100% after 1-4 d when maximum air temperatures were > or = 33 degrees C and 72-100% when minimum temperatures were -7 degrees C or lower, but a few survived even after experiencing a minimum daily temperature of -12 degrees C. Under warm (daily maximum temperatures > or = 25 degrees C) and cold (daily minimum temperatures < or = 0 degrees C) weather conditions, survival was higher under the tarp than on the open surface of the module (20 versus 7% and 42 versus 26%, respectively), but mortality was 100% in both locations when temperatures reached 34 degrees C. Our results indicate that although the threat to an eradication zone posed by boll weevil dispersal from an infested module is very low under most environmental conditions, it is probably greatest when 1) a module is constructed and transported from an infested zone during weather too cool for flight, followed by warm weather favorable for flight at the gin yard; or 2) such a module is transported immediately after construction in moderate-to-warm weather.  相似文献   

Effects of soil condition and burial on boll weevil, Anthonomus grandis grandis Boheman, mortality in fallen cotton, Gossypium hirsutum L., fruit were assessed in this study. During hot weather immediately after summer harvest operations in the Lower Rio Grande Valley of Texas, burial of infested fruit in conventionally tilled field plots permitted significantly greater survival of weevils than in no-tillage plots. Burial of infested squares protected developing weevils from heat and desiccation that cause high mortality on the soil surface during and after harvest in midsummer and late summer. A laboratory assay showed that burial of infested squares resulted in significantly greater weevil mortality in wet than in dry sandy or clay soils. Significantly fewer weevils rose to the soil surface after burial of infested bolls during winter compared with bolls set on the soil surface, a likely result of wetting by winter rainfall. A combination of leaving infested fruit exposed to heat before the onset of cooler winter temperatures and burial by tillage when temperatures begin to cool might be an important tactic for reducing populations of boll weevils that overwinter in cotton fields.  相似文献   

The phenology and ecology of Hibiscus pernambucensis Arruda and its interaction and importance in maintaining populations of the boll weevil, Anthonomus grandis Boheman, were studied over a period of 3 yr in the Soconusco Region of the state of Chiapas, Mexico. H. pernambucensis is a small tree of Neotropical distribution, restricted to lowland areas, and generally associated with halophytic vegetation. This species is found exclusively along the shores of brackish estuaries, in or near mangrove swamps in southeastern Mexico. In this region, H. pernambucensis has a highly seasonal flowering pattern in which the greatest bud production occurs shortly after the start of the rainy season in May and the highest fruit production occurs in July and August. Boll weevil larvae were found in buds of H. pernambucensis during all months but February and densities of buds and weevils were highest from May through September. The percentage of buds infested with boll weevil larvae rarely exceeded 30%. Because plant densities and reproductive output of H. pernambucensis is relatively low and, consequently, the number of oviposition and larval development sites for boll weevils is limited, the importance of this plant as a source of boll weevils with potential of attacking commercial cotton is minimal in comparison with the quantity produced in cultivated cotton. However, the plant could be important as a reservoir of boll weevils in areas of boll weevil quarantine and eradication programs. The factors and circumstances that may have led to this apparent recent host shift of the boll weevil in this region are discussed.  相似文献   

It is commonly believed that colonization of early-season cotton, Gossypium hirsutum L., by overwintered boll weevils, Anthonomus grandis grandis Boheman, is concentrated on field margins. However, supporting experimental evidence is not available. In 1999 and 2000, we examined colonization patterns of overwintered boll weevils in Central Texas cotton on the bases of adult collections by a pneumatic sampler and hand collections of abscised infested squares. Samples were taken from sites arranged in a grid that extended inward >70 m from the field margin. Adults were collected from shortly after seedling emergence until the flowering stage, and infested squares were collected during the one-third grown square stage. Despite numerical trends, the numbers of adult weevils collected were not significantly different between years or sexes, or among plant phenological stages. Field-to-field variation among collections was considerable and likely prevented detection of differences among these factors. Spatial patterns represented by adult weevil and infested square collections were examined by logistic regressions fitted to the respective probabilities of weevil detection at each designated sample site. Although we observed trends for slightly decreased probability of weevil detection with increased distance from the field margin, these trends were too weak to be demonstrated statistically. Our results indicate the boll weevil does not consistently exhibit a strong edge-oriented colonization pattern, and that management tactics that are predicated on these patterns, such as border sprays, should be used with caution.  相似文献   

This study examined a non-insecticidal tactic for suppressing boll weevil, Anthonomus grandis grandis Boheman, damage to cotton, Gossypium hirsutum L. In cage assays, kaolin, a reflective white mineral, applied to excised cotton squares or to the cotton foliage, initially resulted in lower levels of boll weevil injury to squares than nontreated squares. Boll weevil oviposition and feeding on kaolin-treated squares and squares on kaolin-treated cotton plants increased when nontreated squares and cotton plants were in short supply. A laboratory assay and field trials suggested that boll weevils distinguished between cotton plots based on color differences caused by kaolin and this appeared to influence levels of damage to squares. Random sampling in small plots indicated that oviposition damage to squares in plots treated with kaolin was reduced (P < 0.05) compared with nontreated controls, except when rain washed the kaolin off the foliage. Lint yield differences were not detected between the small plots, but the kaolin-treated small plots yielded as much as 2.36 times more cotton lint than a large but unreplicated adjacent nontreated control plot, and up to 1.39 times more than another large but unreplicated adjacent plot sprayed twice with preemptive applications of azinphosmethyl when cotton squares were first developing (pinhead stage). Potentially important avenues for future research on boll weevil injury suppression using kaolin are discussed.  相似文献   

Flat and cylindrical adhesive boll weevil, Anthonomus grandis grandis Boheman (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), pheromone traps captured significantly more (P < or = 0.05) boll weevils than the Hercon (Hercon Environmental, Emigsville, PA) trap during the late cotton-growing season, and larger adhesive areas were associated with higher captures; a flat plywood board collected the most boll weevils because it had the largest surface area. The flat board trap, chosen for measuring large late-season adult boll weevil populations common to the Lower Rio Grande Valley of Texas in 2000 and 2001, collected more (P < or = 0.05) weevils when deployed in proximity to natural and cultivated perennial vegetation, and mean numbers of captured boll weevils were higher (P < or = 0.0001) on the leeward sides of the board traps than on the windward sides. The board trap had an estimated potential capacity of approximately 27,800 boll weevils, and the large capacity of the board trap allowed for more accurate measurements of large adult boll weevil populations than the more limited Hercon trap. Measurement of adult boll weevil numbers after the routine field operations of defoliation, harvest, shredding, and stalk-pulling, demonstrated that large populations of boll weevils persist in cotton fields even after the cotton crop has been destroyed. Increases (P < or = 0.05) in the percentage variation of trapped boll weevils relative to the numbers collected just before each field operation were observed after defoliation, harvest, shredding, and stalk-pulling, but the percentage variations followed a quadratic pattern with significant correlation (P < 0.0001; 0.59 < adjusted r2 < 0.73). Numbers of adult boll weevils caught on board traps deployed at 15.24-m intervals on windward and leeward edges of cotton fields suggested that boll weevil populations in flight after field disturbances might be affected by large-capacity trapping.  相似文献   

The standard practice of two or three preemptive insecticide applications at the start of pinhead (1-2-mm-diameter) squaring followed by threshold-triggered (when 10% of randomly selected squares have oviposition punctures) insecticide applications for boll weevil, Anthonomus grandis grandis Boheman (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), control does not provide reliable protection of cotton, Gossypium hirsutum L., lint production. This study, conducted during 2004 and 2005, showed that three to six fewer spray applications in a "proactive" approach, in which spraying began at the start of large (5.5-8-mm-diameter) square formation and continued at approximately 7-d intervals while large squares were abundant, resulted in fewer infested squares and 1.4- to 1.7-fold more lint than the standard treatment. Fewer sprays and increased yield made proactive spraying significantly more profitable than the standard approach, which resulted in relatively low or negative economic returns. Harvest at 75% boll-split in the proactive spray regime of 2005 resulted in four-fold greater economic return than cotton harvested at 40% boll-split because of improved protection of large squares and the elimination of late-season sprays inherent to standard spray regime despite the cost of an extra irrigation in the 75% boll-split treatments. The earlier, 40% harvest trigger does not avoid high late-season boll weevil pressure, which exerts less impact on bolls, the predominant form of fruiting body at that time, than on squares. Proactive spraying and harvest timing are based on an important relationship between nutrition, boll weevil reproduction, and economic inputs; therefore, the tactic of combining proaction with harvest at 75% boll-split is applicable where boll weevils are problematic regardless of climate or region, or whether an eradication program is ongoing.  相似文献   

It is known that substantial boll weevil, Anthonomus grandis grandis Boheman, individuals can survive mild subtropical winters in some habitats, such as citrus orchards. Our study shows that endocarp of the fruit from prickly pear cactus, Opuntia engelmannii Salm-Dyck ex. Engel.; orange, Citrus sinensis L. Osbeck.; and grapefruit, Citrus paradisi Macfad., can sustain newly emerged adult boll weevils for >5 mo, which is the duration of the cotton-free season in the subtropical Lower Rio Grande Valley of Texas and other cotton-growing areas in the Western Hemisphere. Cotton, Gossypium hirsutum L., and the boll weevil occur in the same areas with one or all three plant species (or other citrus and Opuntia species that might also nourish boll weevils) from south Texas to Argentina. Although adult boll weevils did not produce eggs when fed exclusively on the endocarps of prickly pear, orange, or grapefruit, these plants make it possible for boll weevils to survive from one cotton growing season to the next, which could pose challenges to eradication efforts.  相似文献   

Boll weevil traps baited with a ComboLure (25 of mg grandlure + 30 mg of eugenol + 90 of mg dichlorvos [DDVP]), an extended-release lure (25 mg of grandlure + 30 mg of eugenol + 60 of mg DDVP kill-strip), and extended-release lure with no DDVP were evaluated for boll weevil, Anthonomus grandis grandis Boheman (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), captures in South Texas cotton, Gossypium hirsutum L., fields during February-March 2005 and March-April 2006. The traps were serviced once a week for five consecutive weeks by using the same methodology as active boll weevil eradication programs. Mean captured boll weevils from extended-release lures with no DDVP were significantly higher in five of 10 trapping weeks compared with captures of the ComboLure and extended lure. Weekly mortality of boll weevils captured was similar for the ComboLure (72.6 +/- 4.7%) and extended lure + DDVP (73.5 +/- 4.0%), and both were significantly higher than the extended lure (32.8 +/- 5.0%) with no DDVP. The presence or absence of DDVP did not significantly affect the sex ratio of field-captured boll weevils. We found no functional reasoning for using DDVP in large scale trapping of boll weevils regardless of the formulation or presentation in the trap. We conducted two additional trapping evaluations after the 2005 and 2006 studies, but the numbers of boll weevils captured were too low for statistical comparisons, indicating that boll weevil eradication is reducing populations in the Rio Grande Valley of Texas.  相似文献   

The feeding and oviposition activity of overwintering boll weevils, Anthonomus grandis grandis (Boheman), and seasonal fluctuations in development, survival, and reproduction of progeny of overwintering and first- and second-generation boll weevil females were determined in the laboratory at 27 degrees C, 65% RH, and a photoperiod of 12:12 (L:D) h. During the cotton-free period in the Lower Rio Grande Valley, female boll weevils without access to cotton resorb their unlaid eggs and enter reproductive diapause. However, when they were provided daily with greenhouse-grown cotton squares, commencement of oviposition began after 7, 15, or 20 d, depending on when they were captured. Females captured later in the winter fed longer before laying eggs than those captured in the early fall, suggesting that it may take females longer to terminate diapause the longer they have been dormant. The rate of feeding by females was significantly less during the winter months, and this may have affected the rate of diet-mediated termination of dormancy. Females of the first and second generations after the overwintering generation produced a significantly higher percentage of progeny surviving to adulthood and a higher proportion of these progeny were females. Offspring development time from overwintering female parents was significantly longer than that from first and second generations under the same laboratory conditions. The total number of lifetime eggs produced by females of the second generation during the cotton-growing season were approximately 9.9-fold higher than for overwintering females and 1.5-fold higher than for first-generation females. Life table calculations indicated that the population of second-generation boll weevils increased an average of 1.5-fold higher each generation than for females of the first generation and 22.6-fold higher than for overwintering females. Our data showed variation in boll weevil survival, development, and reproductive potential among the overwintering and first- and second-generation females, suggesting inherent seasonal fluctuations in these parameters.  相似文献   

Field experiments in the subtropical Lower Rio Grande Valley of Texas were conducted to determine the extent of adult boll weevil, Anthonomus grandis grandis Boheman (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), dispersal from cotton, Gossypium hirsutum L., fields during harvest operations and the noncotton-growing ("overwinter") period between 1 September and 1 February. Using unbaited large capacity boll weevil traps placed at intervals extending outward from commercial field edges, boll weevils did not move in substantial numbers during harvest much beyond 30 m, primarily in the direction of prevailing winds. From traps placed in fallow cotton; citrus; lake edge; pasture; treeline; sorghum, Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench, and sugarcane, Saccharum spp., habitats during the overwinter period, the most boll weevils were collected in the fallow cotton fields and adjacent treelines during the fall. However, the greatest abundances of boll weevils were found in citrus orchards in the spring, before newly planted cotton fields began to square. One of the three lake edges also harbored substantial populations in the spring. Egg development in females was not detected between November and April, but in cotton fields most females were gravid between May and August when cotton fruiting bodies were available. Mated females, as determined by discoloration of the spermatheca, made up 80-100% of the female population during November and December but declined to approximately 50% in February. The lower incidence of mating indicates a reduction in physical activity, regardless of overwinter habitat, until percentages increased in March and April after cotton fields had been planted and squares were forming.  相似文献   

Mated 3‐day‐old female boll weevils, Anthonomus grandis grandis Boheman, reared from field‐infested cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) squares were topically treated with an estimated LD50 of malathion (2 μg) to assess its effects on fecundity, oviposition, and body fat condition. Two different food sources, cotton squares and artificial diet, were assessed in malathion‐treated and nontreated (control) weevils. The LD50 caused ~50% mortality in the square‐fed malathion treatment, but the artificial diet‐fed malathion‐treated weevils were less susceptible. LD50 survivors fed on the squares produced ≥ 9 times more chorionated eggs in the ovaries and oviposited ≥ 19‐fold more than survivors fed artificial diet, regardless of the malathion treatment. Boll weevils that survived a 2 μg LD50 malathion and also fed squares were ~4.5‐fold leaner than diet‐fed weevils. Our findings demonstrate that non‐resistant boll weevils surviving a sublethal dose of malathion will reproduce without any delay or significant loss in fecundity, and the food source for which boll weevils are maintained when conducting these assays will directly affect the results. The significance of these findings and how they are related to the final stages of eradicating the boll weevil from the US are discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract  The reproductive potential of overwintering boll weevil, Anthonomus grandis grandis (Boheman), females collected from pheromone traps in September, November and January, fed for 1, 3, and 5 weeks on plant pollens, and then provided cotton squares, was determined in the laboratory at 27 ± 1°C, 65% RH, and a photoperiod 13 : 11 (L : D) h. Duration of pollen feeding by overwintering boll weevils did not significantly influence egg and feeding punctures, or puncture ratios (egg to total punctures) for any of the three months of parent weevil collections when provided cotton squares on a daily basis. However, punctures and puncture ratios are significantly different when comparing mean data between months of boll weevil collections. When boll weevils were provided with cotton squares daily, the pre-ovipositional periods of female parents captured in September, November and January were 5, 9 and 14 days, respectively. The rate of eggs by females was significantly lower during November and January than September. Female parents collected in September produced a significantly higher percentage of eggs yielding adult progeny than those collected in November and January. Life table parameters indicated that net reproductive rate ( R o) of boll weevil females collected in September was 1.2-fold higher than those collected in November and 10.7-fold higher than those collected in January. Except for testes size, no differences in male reproductive parameters were observed during the cotton-free period compared with males captured during mid-cotton (June). The number of oocytes in the ovarioles and the number of oocytes containing yolk were significantly lower during September, November and January compared with June. The reproductive potential of overwintering boll weevil females collected in different months is an important consideration in determining the success of any control strategy.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the relationship between oogenesis and flight duration and the use of tethered flight as an indicator of tendency to migrate inAnthonomus grandis grandis Boheman (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), the boll weevil. When boll weevils were flown to exhaustion in tethered flight tests, many flew between 2 and 3 h, with several flying more than 4 h. To test the validity of the tethered flight test as an indicator of tendency to migrate, comparisons of mean flight duration were made between boll weevils trapped in pheromone traps far from any cultivated cotton and those trapped at the edge of heavily infested, flowering cotton fields. There was a significant difference in mean flight time between the two groups, supporting the assumption that long-duration tethered flight in the laboratory reflects the tendency to make long-distance flights in the field. Groups of weevils of different ages were killed after flight testing, and the degree of ovarian development and fat body status were determined and related to duration of tethered flight. Insects with undeveloped or partially developed ovaries were the most likely to make long flights. Weevils with ovaries bearing chorionated eggs made very few long flights. Flight duration was positively correlated with degree of fat body development. In contrast, there were no significant differences in the degree of ovarian development with fat body status. We conclude from these experiments thatA. grandis grandis is capable of long-distance flight, that this species displays some behavioral and physiological characteristics typical of many insect migrants including an oogenesis-flight syndrome, and that a tethered flight test is an appropriate means of measuring migratory tendency in this species.  相似文献   

The survival of overwintering boll weevil, Anthonomus grandis grandis (Boheman), adults on non-cotton hosts in the Lower Rio Grande Valley (LRGV) of Texas was examined from 2001 to 2006. The success of the Boll Weevil Eradication Program, which was reintroduced into the LRGV in 2005, depends on controlling overwintering boll weevil populations. Laboratory studies were conducted using boll weevil adults that were captured in pheromone traps from September through March. The number of adults captured per trap declined significantly in the field from fall to the beginning of spring (3.5-7.0-fold). The proportion of trapped males and females did not differ significantly. The mean weight of boll weevil adults captured in September was 13.3 mg, while those of captured adults from November to February were significantly lower and ranged from 6.7 to 7.8 mg. Our results show that boll weevil adults can feed on different plant pollens. The highest longevity occurred when adults were fed almond pollen or mixed pollens (72.6 days and 69.2 days, respectively) and the lowest when they fed on citrus pollen or a non-food source (9.7 days or 7.4 days, respectively). The highest adult survival occurred on almond and mixed pollens [88.0%-97. 6% after 1st feeding period (10 days), 78.0%-90.8% after 3rd feeding period (10 days), 55. 0%-83.6% after 5th feeding period (10 days), and 15.2%-32.4% after lOth feeding period (10 days)]. The lowest adult survival occurred on citrus pollen [52.0%-56.0% after 1st feeding period (10 days), 13.3% after 3rd and 5th feeding periods (10 days), and 0 after 6th feeding period (10 days)]. Pollen feeding is not a behavior restricted to adult boll weevils of a specific sex or physiological state. Understanding how boll weevil adults survive in the absence of cotton is important to ensure ultimate success of eradicating this pest in the subtropics.  相似文献   

Cotton pests damaging fruiting bodies (squares and young bolls) are difficult to control and their damage results in direct yield loss. Small growers, with low technological inputs, represent a large portion of cotton growers worldwide comprising more than 76 countries; they rely mainly on cultural practices to counteract pest attack in their crops. Boll weevil, Anthonomus grandis Boheman (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), oviposition involves puncturing cotton squares and young bolls, causing abscission. We examined the impact on boll weevil population of collecting abscised cotton fruiting bodies and clipping plant terminals at 50% boll maturation in the field during two cotton‐growing seasons and under field cage conditions. Greatest numbers of damaged squares occurred ca. 117 days after planting and clipped plants resulted in reduction of abscised structures and adult boll weevils compared with non‐clipped plants, irrespective of cotton variety. Damaged young bolls were found ca. 128 days after planting in 2009 and 2011, but clipping had no effect. Numbers of boll weevils found in plants of the varieties BRS 201 and BRS Rubi (both in 2009) and BRS Rubi (in 2011) were, respectively, 13‐, 17‐, and 20‐fold greater when clipping plus collecting abscised fruiting bodies were not practiced. Furthermore, the average percentage of the boll weevil parasitoid Bracon vulgaris Ashmead (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) emerging from abscised and collected structures was similar between clipped and non‐clipped plant terminals in both seasons. Clipping plant terminals did not result in yield reduction and reduced adult boll weevil production. Collecting abscised reproductive structures, clipping plant terminals, and using both practices together reduced boll weevil populations by as much as 63, 57, and 79%, respectively, in cage trials. Thus, these practices cause significant impact on boll weevil populations and are feasible of adoption, especially for smallholder cotton growers.  相似文献   

Programs to eradicate the boll weevil, Anthonomus grandis grandis Boheman, from cotton, Gossypium hirsutum L., in the United States rely heavily on pheromone traps for monitoring weevil populations in both active and posteradication maintenance programs. Modifications to trapping protocols that increase trap effectiveness should contribute to this eradication effort. Between October 1996 and May 1997 and between September 1997 and April 1998, we compared trap effectiveness, indicated by the numbers of captured weevils, in relation to selected habitat types. Each study period was divided into fall, winter, and spring seasons. Traps were closely associated with seven habitat types, including four types with prominent erect vegetation (brush-lined irrigation canal, brush, sugarcane, and resaca or ox-bow lake) and three types with only low-growing or sparse erect vegetation (irrigation drainage canal, unimproved pasture, and fallow fields). Captures of male and female weevils were statistically similar regardless of season or trapping habitat. Although captures differed significantly among habitats, these differences varied among seasons. Trapping habitats with prominent vegetational features generally produced higher weekly captures of weevils than habitats lacking these features. Also, captures in traps associated with prominent vegetation indicated seasonal differences in weevil activity, with highest captures occurring during the fall. Traps associated with habitats lacking prominent vegetation did not statistically demonstrate seasonal differences. Our results indicate that immediate trap surroundings strongly influence the effectiveness of the boll weevil pheromone trap. These results also suggest that effectiveness of current trapping programs may be improved through purposeful association of traps with selected vegetational features.  相似文献   

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