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冬虫夏草寄主蒲氏钩蝠蛾的生物学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蒲氏钩蝠蛾Thitarodes pui是冬虫夏草Ophiocordyceps sinensis的寄主昆虫种类之一,分布在西藏色季拉山海拔4100~4650 m的高寒灌丛草甸和高寒草甸.采用野外调查和人工饲养相结合的方法,对蒲氏钩蝠蛾的生物学进行了研究.结果表明,蒲氏钩蝠蛾的世代发育需要3~4年历时约1095~1460 ...  相似文献   

云南蝠蛾属Hepialus四新种(鳞翅目:蝙蝠蛾科)   总被引:9,自引:4,他引:5  
蝠蛾属蛾类幼虫是虫草菌的寄主,属鳞翅目蝙蝠蛾科。据朱弘复、王林瑶(1985)报道我国已知种类有13种,上田恭一郎(K.Ueda 1980、1981)报道日本有4种。近年我们在整理所采蝠蛾属标本中,经仔细的比较研究,有4种显然不同于已知的种类,故认为是新种,所有模式标本均保存于中国科学院昆明动物研究所。  相似文献   

蒲氏钩蝠蛾Thitarodes pui是分布在西藏色季拉山的冬虫夏草寄主昆虫种类之一,海拔分布范围4100~4650m,完成一个世代需要3~4年,其中幼虫期漫长,经过7~9次蜕皮、历时990~1350d才能完成发育,环境条件变化及天敌因子等都对蒲氏钩蝠蛾的种群稳定产生重要影响。采用分段饲养幼虫的方法,构建了蒲氏钩蝠蛾试验种群生命表,并分析了种群增长趋势。结果表明,蒲氏钩蝠蛾的世代总存活率为2.6%,种群趋势指数为7.95,下代数量将是当代数量的7.95倍。因此,低存活率仍能维持蒲氏钩蝠蛾实验种群的稳定增长。  相似文献   

在青海虫草最主要产区玉树巴塘地区对玉树蝠蛾Hepialus yushusis Chuet Wang进行野外定点调查观察,结果表明:玉树蝠蛾幼虫是一种多食性昆虫,对低温有特殊的适应能力,适宜生长发育的地温是6~10℃;幼虫喜潮湿,最适土壤含水量为40%~60%;幼虫世代重叠,在冻土层越冬。  相似文献   

虫草蝠蛾触角感觉器的扫描电镜观察   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
本文报道冬虫夏草的三种寄主昆虫白马蝠蛾(Hepialus baimaensis)、 人支蝠蛾(H.Renzhiensis)和中支蚯蛾(H.Zhongzhiensis)触角感觉器种类、形态和分布的扫描电镜观察结果。三种蝠蛾触角表面均缺少网状覆盖物。计有七种感觉器,名称为毛形感器、刺形感器、锥形感器、腔锥感器、Bohm氏鬃毛、鳞形感器和钟形感器。毛形感器分A和B型,数量最多。鞭节上每节具有2-3只刺形感器和l-5只锥形感器。腔锥感器分为长栓和短栓两种形态类型,腔周围都无缘栓。 Bohm氏鬃毛主要分布于基节,数量较多。钟形感器仅在雄蛾触角上见到。各类感觉器在种间无明显差异。  相似文献   

喀喇昆仑山—西昆仑山地区位于我国西部边疆,约占北纬33°—39°、东经74°—83°,是青藏高原西北隅及北部边缘的高山、高原区。本区的十字花科植物就目前所知有30属66种。从垂直分布的情况来看,大多数种都分在高山地带。其中海拔4000—5000m的高山荒漠地带有32种,占本区总属数的49%;海拔4800—5600m以上的冰缘湿地何12种,占18%;海拔2600—4000m的山地荒漠地带有15种,占23%;海拔2600—3800m的针叶林下及林缘草地有8种,占12%。表明本区十字花科值物是以寒旱生的高山、高原分布类型为主,而以中低海拔及荒漠旱生类型为次。水平分布方面,本区西部分布有49种,并以中亚成分为主;而东部和南部有28种,其中青藏高原成分较多,从属的分布区类型来看,本区的十字花科植物全都是温带性质的。其中,北温带分布类型占总属数(世界分布不计算在内,下同)的28%;其次是地中海、西亚至中亚和中亚分布类型各占21%;而东亚分布类型(全都是中国—喜马拉雅亚型)占10%。本区十字花科植物的区系特点如下:1.种类贫乏,分布广泛;2.特有种炎缺乏;3.地理成分混杂;4.同周围区系联系广泛,但同西藏区系的关系最为密切。  相似文献   

报道了采自西藏那曲地区比如基地的鳞翅目蝙蝠蛾科一新种,比如蝠蛾Hepialus biruensis Fu, sp.nov。该种幼虫是我国特产药材冬虫夏草的寄主昆虫之一。  相似文献   

云南西藏蝠蛾属四新种(鳞翅目:蝙蝠蛾科)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文报道了云南西北部和西藏东南部的高寒草甸中分布的蝠蛾属4新种:剑川蝠蛾Hepialusjianchuanensissp.nov.,甲郎蝠蛾H.jialangensissp.Nov.,察里蝠蛾H.zariensissp.nov.,异翅蝠蛾Hepialusanomopterussp.nov.4个新种都是冬虫夏草真菌的寄主昆虫。  相似文献   

康定贡嘎蝠蛾的生物学特性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
贡嘎蝠蛾Hepialus gonggaensis是冬虫夏草菌的寄主昆虫之一,为了人工饲养蝠蛾培殖冬虫夏草,提供科学依据。从1980—1985年,在四川康定贡嘎山干沟基点(海拔3800m)的自然条件下和室内,对贡嘎蝠蛾的生物学特性进行了系统的观察研究,现将结果报告于后。  相似文献   

韩红香  薛大勇 《昆虫学报》2002,45(5):651-655
雅尺蛾属 Apocolotois 1936年由Wehrli定名,属古北界分布,世界共记录3种:斑雅尺蛾A. arnoldiaria, 二白点雅尺蛾A. smirnovi, 短瓣雅尺蛾A. almatensis。本文记述了所有种类,其中A. almatensis 为中国新记录种;修订了国内部分研究,双珠雅尺蛾Chariaspilates shuangzhu Yang被确定为二白点雅尺蛾A. smirnovi的新异名;重新归纳了属的特征并编制了分种检索表;附所有种类的成虫及外生殖器图。所见标本均为雄性,猜测雌蛾可能无翅。对该属及所含物种的动物地理特征进行了初步分析。  相似文献   

青海和甘肃省蝠蛾属三新种记述(鳞翅目:蝙蝠蛾科)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨大荣  张三元 《昆虫学报》1995,38(3):359-362
In the present paper, three species of the genus Hepialus are described as new which were collected from Qinghai and Gansu Provinces. The types of 3 new species are kept in the Kunming Institute of Zoology, Academia Sinica, Kunming,China.  相似文献   

At a site in the northwestern Sonoran Desert the percent groundcover for the C3subshrubEncelia farinosawas eight-times higheron more arid 20° south-facing slopes than on 20° north-facingslopes at 820 m elevation, and was six-times higher on north-facingslopes at a 300-m-lower elevation, also the more arid condition.The ground cover of the C4bunchgrassPleuraphis rigidadecreasedover 50% from 20° north-facing slopes to the more arid conditionsof a 36° north-facing slope, a 20° south-facing slopeand a 20° north-facing slope at a 300-m-lower elevation.The CAM leaf succulentAgave desertialso had greater ground coverfor the 20° north-facing slopes at 820 m compared with 520m. For these three codominants that averaged 58% of the totalground cover, the key for the relative frequency ofE. farinosawasapparently its greater root growth on the warmer slopes duringthe winter. The key for the other two species was most likelysoil water availability, especially during the seedling stageforA. deserti. The wetter soil conditions on 20° north-facingslopes at 820 m apparently led to individual plants ofP. rigidathatwere twice as large as on south-facing slopes. Thus root propertiesmay exert the primary influence on relative plant frequencyin this desert ecosystem for which soil temperature and wateravailability are crucial.Copyright 1997 Annals of Botany Company Agave deserti; Encelia farinosa; Pleuraphis rigida; rooting patterns; soil temperature; Sonoran Desert; water availability  相似文献   

哀牢山北段西坡蝽类昆虫垂直分布的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
扈克明 《动物学研究》1988,9(2):193-200
哀牢山是横断山的余脉,由低到高分布着谷地、丘陵、山地等,逐级向上过渡,形成了多层性地形,造成气候、土壤和植被等的垂直差异。这势必也引起昆虫在垂直方向上的分异。 结合哀牢山森林生态系统生态站和云南亚热带山地生态垂直分异及其合理开发利用的研究工作,1982~1985年在哀牢山北段西坡的景东川洱坝至徐家坝山顶(北纬24°32′,  相似文献   

A latitudinal gradient, from the central north coast of the Northern Territory (11°S) to the South Australian State border (26°S), was defined to subsample a large 20 m×20 m quadrat data set (N>2000 quadrats) collected during the course of the Northern Territory 1:106 vegetation mapping programme. The mean and standard error of a range of environmental data, and structural and floristic variables pertaining to woody species were calculated for fifteen cells (3.5°E wide and 1°S long) on the transect using a total of 1050 quadrats. It was found that the interrelated measures of mean canopy height, mean canopy cover and mean total basal area steadily declined from the north coast to reach their minimum levels at 18.5°S. There was little variation in these variables south of this latitude. This pattern is probably controlled by precipitation given that there is a highly significant (r2=98%) negative exponential decay of mean annual rainfall with latitude for ten meteorological stations on or near the transect, and that the southern limit of the summer monsoon rains is at about 18°S. The mean percentage of the woody species quadrat richness attributable to Acacia species was found to increase at around 18.5°S. However, the mean Acacia basal area and the percentage of the total basal area composed of Acacia basal area increased at 21.5°S. At this latitude the mean Eucalyptus basal area, the percentage of the total basal area made up of Eucalyptus species, and the mean percentage of woody species quadrat richness composed of Eucalyptus species all decreased to minimum levels. South of 21.5°S mean landscape elevation ranges between 400 and 700 m above sea level while north of this latitude mean landscape elevation ranges 10–300 m above sea level. The combined effects of continentality and environmental lapse rates result in a highly significant (r2=82%) negative exponential decay of mean July (winter) minimum temperature with latitude for the five climate stations on the transect for which data are available. Mean slope angle, rock cover, surface soil gravel content and surface soil clay content were unrelated to any of the above patterns. It is suggested that the sharp change-over in Eucalyptus to Acacia dominance at 21.5°S is related to minimum temperature, but this hypothesis requires testing with detailed ecophysiological studies. None the less, the local dominance of Acacia shirleyi at 16.5°S suggests that environmental history also may have a strong influence on the contemporary latitudinal distribution of Acacia and Eucalyptus in the northern half of the Australian continent. Regrettably, few data are available to evaluate critically the importance of long-term environmental change on current distributional patterns of Acacia and Eucalyptus.  相似文献   

四川蜂桶寨国家自然保护区地表甲虫物种多样性   总被引:25,自引:6,他引:25  
在四川雅安蜂桶寨国家自然保护区(102°48′~103°18′ E,30°42′~30°54′ N)及其周边地区,就森林片段化和生态恢复程度的不同,选择4个代表地点,即位于保护区核心地带、以阔叶混交林为主的蜂桶寨天然林区(海拔1680~2080 m),受到经济开发干扰但植被类型丰富的锅巴岩天然林区(海拔2 280~3 340 m)、以人工针叶林进行生态恢复的蚂蝗沟人工林区(海拔2430~2525 m),以及森林高度片段化的双石镇农耕区(海拔870~1 165 m),共设26块样地,以巴氏罐诱法为主研究地表甲虫的群落组成和多样性变化。本研究共采集甲虫标本 2.338 号,隐翅虫数量最多,占39.6%;步甲次之,占29.3%,拟步甲、象甲和叶甲的数量也各在5% 以上,它们共同构成该地区地表甲虫的优势类群。锅巴岩物种的个体数量和丰富度(S)以及多样性指数(H′)较高;蚂蝗沟均匀度指数(J)较高,丰富度较低;蜂桶寨天然林区个体数量较少;双石镇农耕区的多样性和均匀度指数较低。锅巴岩、蜂桶寨和蚂蝗沟间物种分布都有一定程度的相似性,但后两者相似性程度更高,双石镇物种分布与其他3个地点差异较大,这反映了不同地点间的生境异质性和森林植被片段化程度的差异。整个鞘翅目、隐翅虫科和步甲科的个体数量分布在针叶林内较多,在阔叶林内较少;拟步甲科的数量分布在高山灌丛内较多;叶甲科的数量分布在针叶林较多;象甲科除了竹林外,在其他植被内的数量均较多。在总体趋势上,随着海拔的升高,在蜂桶寨和锅巴岩两个邻近的天然林地点,整个鞘翅目以及优势甲虫类群的种类和个体数量也逐渐增多。比较蜂桶寨林区内的个体数量、丰富度和多样性指数,北坡均大于南坡。以上结果表明,物种多样性与海拔、坡向以及生境类型密切相关,森林片段化和生态恢复对物种多样性有显著的影响。因此,在改善森林片段化进行生态恢复时,采取合理措施,增加生境异质性,有助于提高该地区地表甲虫物种多样性。  相似文献   

Mountain systems throughout the globe are characterized by high levels of species richness and species endemism. Biodiversity, however, is not distributed evenly with altitude, but often declines from mid to high altitudes. Conversely, endemic species may be over‐represented at high altitudes. Upward elevational range shifts of mountain species have been reported in response to ongoing changes in climate, yet the reports are dominated by studies on woody species and mountains at high latitudes. We investigated spatial and temporal changes in the mountain biodiversity in the subtropical island of Taiwan, based on historical survey and resurvey data during the period 1906–2006. We found that upper altitudinal limits of mountain plant distributions have risen by ca 3.6 m yr?1 during the last century, in parallel with rising temperatures in the region. Although species, genus, and family richness decline with altitude, ca 55% of species at the highest altitudes are endemic to the island. Given the steep decline in land area with increasing elevation, these high altitude areas are disproportionately important for plant biodiversity when richness and endemism are standardized by available land area. We argue that the distributional shift that we report, in combination with the altitudinal distribution of plant diversity, is likely to pose a major threat to high mountain species of this highly biodiverse island, a threat that is becoming increasingly evident for high mountain plants throughout the globe.  相似文献   

The distribution and abundance of gymnosome gastropods in theArgentine Sea and Brazil—Malvinas Confluence during 1978–1979and 1988 were studied. The collections analyzed included 768quantitative samples obtained between 48°W and the coast,and from 35°S to 55°S. Two species were found. Spongiobranchaeaaustralis was the most frequent and abundant (up to 730 per1000 m3); its presence in the area was associated with the coreof the Malvinas Current. Clione antarctica was less abundant(maximum abundance: 230 per 1000 m3) and was also associatedwith the Malvinas Current. The geographic ranges of both speciesin the area are wider than previously described. Since the rangeof S. australis in the area extends far from the range of itsprey Clio, it is not clear whether S. australis can feed onthe thecosomatous pteropod Limacina (and not only on Clio, asdescribed in the bibliography) or it starves in that area. Duringthe 1978–1979 annual cycle, the abundance of both speciesfollowed neither the abundance patterns of their prey nor ofthe total zooplankton, and differed from each other. The residencetime of swarms of both gymnosomes were shorter than one month.As a general pattern, the aggregates are rapidly transportednorthward by the Malvinas Current and also penetrate the outershelf water, but they remain there only during a short periodand cannot preclude the final expatriation. So, the abundanceof gymnosomes in the area depends on passive migration morethan intrinsic population factors. (Received 9 July 1997; accepted 15 December 1997)  相似文献   

Planktic foraminifers were studied in 96 samples collected in the southwestern Atlantic (30 °–60 °S, along 53 °W) in November 1993, mainly from depths between 0 and 50 m. Very high proportions of juveniles (unidentified) were present throughout the area, especially north of 37 °S, where they accounted for up to 70–80% of all shells recorded. For most species no clear vertical specific stratification was detected in the 0–50 m layer. Zoogeographic grouping of the 18 species identified allowed the defining of 5 distinct zones along the transect: Subtropical (north of 31 °S, 80% warm water individuals); Warm-Transitional (34 °–37 °S, 35% warm water); Transitional (37 °–49 °S, 99% cold water); Subantarctic (49–55 °S, 100% cold water); and Antarctic (south of 56 °S, 100% cold water). Boundaries between foraminiferal assemblage zones are in good agreement with hydrological fronts described for the area. Comparison of the present data with planktic collections from the North Atlantic show large differences in the proportions of various taxa. In the 14–24 °C range, G. bulloides is much more abundant in the northern hemisphere than in the southern one, whereas G. quinqueloba G. inflata and G. rubescens show the opposite trend. On the other hand, temperature-related percentage contributions within the 14 °–24 °C range indicate that the preferred thermic régimes of the 9 species considered are remarkably similar in the North and South Atlantic collections compared. The southernmost planktic distributional ranges of selected warm water taxa are roughly coincident with those established previously on the basis of surface sediments, disagreements being chiefly attributable to selective dissolution on the bottom. In contrast, at the bottom percentages of cold water foraminifers (G. bulloides G. pachyderma) are significantly enhanced with respect to their planktic populations, and their sedimentary northward limits extend well beyond their maximum ranges in the upper-layer plankton. It is suggested that submergence of these cold water species and northward displacement at subsurface depths is chiefly responsible for the mismatching patterns observed. Dissimilar species proportions in both hemispheres and plankton-sediment uncoupling can conceivably engender erroneous conclusions when distributional data are used for paleoecologic reconstructions with the aid of numerical analyses such as the Imbrie-Kipp transfer-function technique.  相似文献   

Aim Floristic blocks and areas of endemism resulting from a parsimony analysis of endemicity (PAE) using raw floristic data versus data generated from distributional modelling for 130 species in the genus Senecio Tourn. ex L. distributed in the Mediterranean‐type climate area of Central Chile were compared, and the results were used to identify conservation priorities for the flora of the region. Location Central Chile, between 30° and 38° S. Methods Using herbarium records, a species × area matrix consisting of presence/absence data was constructed from a 0.5° × 0.5° grid. Distributional modelling techniques incorporating vegetation formations, elevation and the contagion index were used to interpolate floristic composition of poorly known areas. Parsimony analysis of endemicity was used to identify floristic blocks and areas of endemism. Results Using the number of most parsimonious trees as an index, distributional modelling greatly optimized the results of the PAE analysis. Three floristic blocks and four areas of endemism were suggested based on the PAE results using potential distribution data not incorporating the contagion index, while four blocks and two areas of endemism were suggested from the PAE results using potential distribution data incorporating the contagion index. Floristic blocks for the northern coast, southern Andes, and northern/central Andes were found, with some blocks showing divisions within them representing distinct geographic subunits. Major breaks between and within floristic blocks were identified at 32.5°–33° S and 34.5°–35° S. Main conclusions The floristic blocks identified with the distributional modelling and PAE correspond well to results from some previous studies and support hypothesized biogeographic divisions within Central Chile. The results were similar to those obtained from parallel analysis of the entire tree flora of Central Chile. The vegetative formation‐based distributional modelling produced robust and reproducible results when used along with PAE, especially when the contagion index was incorporated, and is a useful technique for area classification. The results demonstrate the utility of Senecio as an indicator genus for biogeography and conservation in southern South America.  相似文献   

Two limpet species occur intertidally on subantarctic SouthGeorgia, the patellid Nacella concinna and the siphonarlid Kerguelenellalateralis. N. concinna is confined to the lower shore closeto LWS; K. lateralis occurs in middle shore pools, so theirdistributions do not overlap. N. concinna has a much narrowerthermal niche (–12.9°C to +15.6°C) than K. lateralis(–17.8°C to +31.8°C). Environmental data are presentedto show that the upper lethal temperature of N. concinna islow enough to prevent the limpet living higher on the shore.Both limpet species are slow-moving, but K. lateralis showsincreasing speed with rising temperature, peaking at 15–20°C.In contrast, N. concinna moves actively down to –1.9°C(when sea water freezes), but there is a steady decrease inspeed of locomotion above +2°C. Locomotion ceases at 14°Cin N. concinna (c.f. 30°C in K. lateralis). Both speciesexhibit very low tenacities, but in N. concinna tenacity decreaseswith increasing shell length. In K. lateralis there is no effectof temperature on tenacity. Both species show a positive allometricrelationship between foot area and shell length. N. concinnafeeds upon microbial films and microepiflora, but K. lateraliseats colonial diatoms and Enteromorpha bulbosa. Observationson shell middens of the kelp gull Larus dominicanus showed thatthe gulls did not eat K. lateralis, though they ate great quantitiesof the less accessible N. concinna. Gulls ate N. concinna assmall as 11 mm shell length (within the size range of K. lateralis).Experiments on gulls demonstrated an unwillingness to eat K.lateralis, probably because the siphonariid extrudes a viscidwhite mucus when the foot is touched. (Received 9 May 1996; accepted 8 July 1996)  相似文献   

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