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Growth and maturation of fetal lungs are regulated by both humoral and physical factors. Mechanical stretch stimulates fetal lung cell proliferation and affects fetal lung maturation by influencing the production of extracellular matrix molecules and the expression of specific genes of fetal lung cells. These effects are mediated through special signal transduction pathways in fetal lung cells. Various in vivo and in vitro model systems have been developed to investigate the mechanotransduction process. The diversity and discrepancy of these studies have raised many questions. We will briefly summarize mechanical force-induced signals in fetal lung cell proliferation and differentiation and then discuss several important issues related to these studies.  相似文献   

This study was designed to clarify the effects of D-penicillamine (DPA), a drug used for treatment of various pathological events, on lung elastin formation and maturation of the newborn in the perinatal period. The investigation was conducted on 20 newborn rats bred from 40 female and six male rats. DPA doses 400 mg kg(-1) day(-1) and physiological saline were given intraperitoneally (i.p) to experimental and control groups. To assess newborn maturation, their body and lung weights were determined. Serum Cu levels were measured by atomic absorption spectroscopy and ceruloplasmin (Cp) activities were measured spectrophotometrically. Newborn lung tissue elastin, desmosine (DES) and isodesmosine (IDES) levels were measured by HPLC. The results showed that DPA treatment caused loss of skin elasticity and reduction in body and lung weight in newborns of the experimental group. The serum Cu levels and Cp activity were found to be significantly lower in both maternal and newborn of the experimental groups compared with the control group. The lung DES, IDES and elastin values of newborns in the experimental group were decreased compared with the control group. In conclusion, our results indicate that 400 mg kg(-1) day(-1) DPA, a dose that is used in the treatment of Wilson's disease, rheumatoid arthritis and cystinuria, caused the retardation of newborn maturation, a decrease in DES-IDES cross-links and levels of lung elastin of offspring in the perinatal period. Another conclusion to be drawn from this study is that even low levels of Cu depletion due to DPA administration induces a change in cross-linking in lung elastin during the perinatal period.  相似文献   

Despite advances in critical care, the mortality rate in patients with acute lung injury remains high. Furthermore, most patients who die do so from multisystem organ failure. It has been postulated that ventilator-induced lung injury plays a key role in determining the negative clinical outcome of patients exposed to mechanical ventilation. How mechanical ventilation exerts its detrimental effect is as of yet unknown, but it appears that overdistension of lung units or shear forces generated during repetitive opening and closing of atelectatic lung units exacerbates, or even initiates, significant lung injury and inflammation. The term "biotrauma" has recently been elaborated to describe the process by which stress produced by mechanical ventilation leads to the upregulation of an inflammatory response. For mechanical ventilation to exert its deleterious effect, cells are required to sense mechanical forces and activate intracellular signaling pathways able to communicate the information to its interior. This information must then be integrated in the nucleus, and an appropriate response must be generated to implement and/or modulate its response and that of neighboring cells. In this review, we present a perspective on ventilator-induced lung injury with a focus on mechanisms and clinical implications. We highlight some of the most recent findings, which we believe contribute to the generation and propagation of ventilator-induced lung injury, placing a special emphasis on their implication for future research and clinical therapies.  相似文献   

To clarify the maturation process of the pituitary-thyroid axis during the perinatal period, thyrotropin (TSH) response to thyrotropin releasing hormone (TRH) and serum thyroid hormone levels were examined in 26 healthy infants of 30 to 40 weeks gestation. A TRH stimulation test was performed on 10 to 20 postnatal days. Basal concentrations of serum thyroxine (T4), free thyroxine (free T4) and triiodothyronine (T3) were positively correlated to gestational age and birth weight (p less than 0.001-0.01). Seven infants of 30 to 35 gestational weeks demonstrated an exaggerated TSH response to TRH (49.7 +/- 6.7 microU/ml versus 22.1 +/- 4.8 microU/ml, p less than 0.001), which was gradually reduced with gestational age and normalized after 37 weeks gestation. A similar decrease in TSH responsiveness to TRH was also observed longitudinally in all of 5 high responders repeatedly examined. There was a negative correlation between basal or peak TSH concentrations and postconceptional age in high responders (r = -0.59 p less than 0.05, r = -0.66 p less than 0.01), whereas in the normal responders TSH response, remained at a constant level during 31 to 43 postconceptional weeks. On the other hand, there was no correlation between basal or peak TSH levels and serum thyroid hormones. These results indicate that (1) maturation of the pituitary-thyroid axis is intrinsically controlled by gestational age rather than by serum thyroid hormone levels, (2) hypersecretion of TSH in preterm infants induces a progressive increase in serum thyroid hormones, and (3) although there is individual variation in the maturation process, the feedback regulation of the pituitary-thyroid axis matures by approximately the 37th gestational week.  相似文献   

Active ion transport drives iso-osmolar alveolar fluid clearance, a hypothesis originally suggested by in vivo studies in sheep 20 yr ago. Over the last two decades, remarkable progress has been made in establishing a critical role for active sodium transport as a primary mechanism that drives fluid clearance from the distal air spaces of the lung. The rate of fluid transport can be increased in most species, including the human lung, by cAMP stimulation. Catecholamine-independent mechanisms, including hormones, growth factors, and cytokines, can also upregulate epithelial fluid clearance in the lung. The new insights into the role of the distal lung epithelium in actively regulating lung fluid balance has important implications for the resolution of clinical pulmonary edema.  相似文献   

Invited review: lung edema clearance: role of Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Acute hypoxemic respiratory failure is a consequence of edema accumulation due to elevation of pulmonary capillary pressures and/or increases in permeability of the alveolocapillary barrier. It has been recognized that lung edema clearance is distinct from edema accumulation and is largely effected by active Na(+) transport out of the alveoli rather than reversal of the Starling forces, which control liquid flux from the pulmonary circulation into the alveolus. The alveolar epithelial Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase has an important role in regulating cell integrity and homeostasis. In the last 15 yr, Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase has been localized to the alveolar epithelium and its contribution to lung edema clearance has been appreciated. The importance of the alveolar epithelial Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase function is reflected in the changes in the lung's ability to clear edema when the Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase is inhibited or increased. An important focus of the ongoing research is the study of the mechanisms of Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase regulation in the alveolar epithelium during lung injury and how to accelerate lung edema clearance by modulating Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase activity.  相似文献   

Amiloride-sensitive sodium channels in the lung play an important role in lung fluid balance. Particularly in the alveoli, sodium transport is closely regulated to maintain an appropriate fluid layer on the surface of the alveoli. Alveolar type II cells appear to play an important role in this sodium transport, with the role of alveolar type I cells being less clear. In alveolar type II cells, there are a variety of different amiloride-sensitive, sodium-permeable channels. This significant diversity appears to play a role in both normal lung physiology and in pathological states. In many epithelial tissues, amiloride-sensitive epithelial sodium channels (ENaC) are formed from three subunit proteins, designated alpha-, beta-, and gamma-ENaC. At least part of the diversity of sodium-permeable channels in lung arises from the assembling of different combinations of these subunits to form channels with different biophysical properties and different mechanisms for regulation. This leads to epithelial tissue in the lung, which has enormous flexibility to alter the magnitude and regulation of salt and water transport. In this review, we discuss the biophysical properties and occurrence of these various channels and some of the mechanisms for their regulation.  相似文献   

Several factors (the lengthening of the average and, to a lesser extent, of the maximum human life span; the increase in percentage of elderly in the population and in the proportion of the national expenditure utilized by the elderly) have stimulated and continue to expand the study of aging. Recently, the view of aging as an extremely complex multifactorial process has replaced the earlier search for a distinct cause such as a single gene or the decline of a key body system. This minireview keeps in mind the multiplicity of mechanisms regulating aging; examines them at the molecular, cellular, and systemic levels; and explores the possibility of interactions at these three levels. The heterogeneity of the aging phenotype among individuals of the same species and differences in longevity among species underline the contribution of both genetic and environmental factors in shaping the life span. Thus, the presence of several trajectories of the life span, from incidence of disease and disability to absence of pathology and persistence of function, suggest that it is possible to experimentally (e.g., by calorie restriction) prolong functional plasticity and life span. In this minireview, several theories are identified only briefly; a few (evolutionary, gene regulation, cellular senescence, free radical, and neuro-endocrineimmuno theories) are discussed in more detail, at molecular, cellular, and systemic levels.  相似文献   

Invited review: Aging and sarcopenia.   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Aging is associated with progressive loss of neuromuscular function that often leads to progressive disability and loss of independence. The term sarcopenia is now commonly used to describe the loss of skeletal muscle mass and strength that occurs in concert with biological aging. By the seventh and eighth decade of life, maximal voluntary contractile strength is decreased, on average, by 20-40% for both men and women in proximal and distal muscles. Although age-associated decreases in strength per unit muscle mass, or muscle quality, may play a role, the majority of strength loss can be accounted for by decreased muscle mass. Multiple factors lead to the development of sarcopenia and the associated impact on function. Loss of skeletal muscle fibers secondary to decreased numbers of motoneurons appears to be a major contributing influence, but other factors, including decreased physical activity, altered hormonal status, decreased total caloric and protein intake, inflammatory mediators, and factors leading to altered protein synthesis, must also be considered. The prevalence of sarcopenia, which may be as high as 30% for those >/=60 yr, will increase as the percentage of the very old continues to grow in our populations. The link between sarcopenia and disability among elderly men and women highlights the need for continued research into the development of the most effective interventions to prevent or at least partially reverse sarcopenia, including the role of resistance exercise and other novel pharmacological and nutritional interventions.  相似文献   

1. In the fetal rat hypophysis, the "opio-melano-corticotropic" cells were immunocytologically revealed earlier in the pars distalis (day 16) than in the pars intermedia (day 17). At an early stage of embryonic development, some factors, possibly of nervous origin, could exert inductive influence on the differentiation and/or the increase in the number of immunoreactive cells. 2. Several forms of ACTH, characterized by their apparent molecular weight, bioactivity and immunoreactivity, can be observed when acid extracts are subjected to gel filtration on Sephadex G 50 fine columns. The ratios between these ACTH forms change during fetal development; the rise in bioactive ACTH content during the last days of gestation, is correlated with an increase of the "intermediate" and "little" molecular forms of ACTH and a parallel decrease of the "big" form. 3. The hypophyseal corticotropic activity is highest on days 18-19 of gestation. Between days 17 and 19, the cortico-stimulating activity is largely independent of the hypothalamus although the fetal hypothalamus shows light hypophyso-stimulating influence. In contrast, between days 19 and 21, the hypophyseal corticotropic activity is mostly under the hypothalamic control; the ACTH release is greatly reduced in its absence. 4. Circulating corticosteroids exert a negative feedback directly at the hypothalamic and pituitary levels. Such negative feedback could explain the decrease of the corticotropic activity of the pituitary during the last three days of gestation and the first postnatal days. 5. The fetus at the end of gestation, as the newborn, is responsive to stress; however, the extent of the pituitary response is weaker than in the adult.  相似文献   

Aging is associated with complex and diversified changes of cardiovascular structure and function. The heart becomes slightly hypertrophic and hyporesponsive to sympathetic (but not parasympathetic) stimuli, so that the exercise-induced increases in heart rate and myocardial contractility are blunted in older hearts. The aorta and major elastic arteries become elongated and stiffer, with increased pulse wave velocity, evidence of endothelial dysfunction, and biochemical patterns resembling early atherosclerosis. The arterial baroreflex is sizably altered in aging, but different components are differentially affected: there is a definite impairment of arterial baroreceptor control of the heart but much better preserved baroreceptor control of peripheral vascular resistance. Alterations at the afferent, central neural, efferent, and effector organ portions of the reflex arch have been claimed to account for age-related baroreflex changes, but no conclusive evidence is available on this mechanistic aspect. Reflexes arising from cardiopulmonary vagal afferents are also blunted in aged individuals. The cardiovascular and reflex changes brought about by aging may have significant implications for circulatory homeostasis in health and disease.  相似文献   

The following two hypotheses regarding diaphragm contractile properties in the perinatal rat were tested. First, there is a major transformation of contractile and fatigue properties during the period between the inception of inspiratory drive transmission in utero and birth. Second, the diaphragm muscle properties develop to functionally match changes occurring in phrenic motoneuron electrophysiological properties. Muscle force recordings and intracellular recordings of end-plate potentials were measured by using phrenic nerve-diaphragm muscle in vitro preparations isolated from rats on embryonic day 18 and postnatal days 0-1. The following age-dependent changes occurred: 1) twitch contraction and half relaxation times decreased approximately two- and threefold, respectively; 2) the tetanic force levels increased approximately fivefold; 3) the ratio of peak twitch force to maximum tetanic force decreased 2.3-fold; 4) the range of forces generated by the diaphragm in response to graded nerve stimulation increased approximately twofold; 5) the force-frequency curve was shifted to the right; and 6) the propensity for neuromuscular transmission failure decreased. In conclusion, the diaphragm contractile and phrenic motoneuron repetitive firing properties develop in concert so that the full range of potential diaphragm force recruitment can be utilized and problems associated with diaphragm fatigue are minimized.  相似文献   

Recent advances in genomics open up new avenues in the analysis of complex behaviors such as sleep. In this analysis, the mouse is the model species of choice because it is amenable to high throughput phenotype and genotype analysis. With the use of the mouse model, unprecedented progress in our understanding of sleep physiology and the treatment of sleep disorders is awaited. This review is intended to provide an overview of available methods and techniques for genetic dissection of sleep in mice. Limits and advantages of different approaches are discussed to highlight the necessity for combining methods to avoid erroneous interpretations. The gap between understanding mechanisms of sleep and its functions may be bridged by finding its molecular bases.  相似文献   

Summary 500 chromosome results were obtained from 726 necropsied hospital perinatal deaths in London. There were 28 chromosome abnormalities (5.6% of the results). 9% of ante-partum deaths, 4% of intra-partum deaths and 6% of early neonatal deaths were chromosomally abnormal. 13% of lethally malformed infants had a chromosomal anomaly. Trisomy 18 was the most common abnormality and appears to be considerably more frequent at birth than is generally thought. Genetic disorders were found in a further 1% of perinatal deaths. The importance of the perinatal necropsy as a screening procedure for genetic disease is stressed.
Zusammenfassung 500 Chromosomenbefunde wurden bei 726 sezierten perinatalen Todesfällen in London erhoben. Es fanden sich 28 Chromosomenanomalien (5,6%). 9% der vor der Geburt Verstorbenen, 4% der Verstorbenen unter der Geburt sowie 6% der Todesfälle lurz danach zeigten eine Chromosomenanomalie. 13% der letal mißgebildeten Kinder wiesen einen Chromosomenbefund auf. Trisomie 18 was am häufigsten; sie scheint zum Zeitpunkt der Geburt wesentlich häufiger zu sein, als bisher angenommen. Bei einem weiteren Prozent der verstorbenen Neugeborenen wurden genetisch bedingte Erkrankungen entdeckt. Es wird die Bedeutung der Sektion perinataler Todesfälle als Screeningverfahren für genetisch bedingte Erkrankungen betont.

Invited review: Aging and energy balance.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Humans over 70 yr of age often lose weight. This appears to be due to a physiological anorexia of aging as well as a loss of lean mass (sarcopenia) and, to a lesser extent, fat mass. The causes of the physiological anorexia of aging include changes in taste and smell and a decrease in adaptive relaxation of the fundus of the stomach, which leads to more rapid antral filling and early satiation. In addition, basal and stimulated levels of the satiating hormone, cholecystokinin, are increased. In men, the decline in testosterone leads to an increase in leptin and a loss of lean mass. Although resting metabolic rate declines with aging, this is mainly due to the decline in lean body mass. Energy metabolism is also decreased due to a decline in Na+-K+-ATPase activity, decreased muscle protein turnover, and possibly changes in mitochondrial membrane protein permeability. Physical energy expenditure declines with aging. Meal-induced thermogenesis shows a delay to peak, possibly due to a delay in gastric emptying. Inadequate data are available on the effect of aging in humans on other energy-producing mechanisms such as adaptive thermogenesis. These physiological changes place older men and women at major risk of developing pathological weight loss when they develop disease states, especially those associated with cytokine elaboration.  相似文献   

At the time of birth, respiratory muscles must be activated to sustain ventilation. The perinatal development of respiratory motor units (comprising an individual motoneuron and the muscle fibers it innervates) shows remarkable features that enable mammals to transition from in utero conditions to the air environment in which the remainder of their life will occur. In addition, significant postnatal maturation is necessary to provide for the range of motor behaviors necessary during breathing, swallowing, and speech. As the main inspiratory muscle, the diaphragm muscle (and the phrenic motoneurons that innervate it) plays a key role in accomplishing these behaviors. Considerable diversity exists across diaphragm motor units, but the determinant factors for this diversity are unknown. In recent years, the mechanisms underlying the development of respiratory motor units have received great attention, and this knowledge may provide the opportunity to design appropriate interventions for the treatment of respiratory disease not only in the perinatal period but likely also in the adult.  相似文献   

Invited review: pulmonary capillary stress failure.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
J B West 《Journal of applied physiology》2000,89(6):2483-9;discussion 2497
The pulmonary blood-gas barrier is an extraordinary bioengineering structure because of its vast area but extreme thinness. Despite this, almost no attention has been given to its mechanical properties. The remarkable area and thinness come about because gas exchange occurs by passive diffusion. However, the barrier also needs to be immensely strong to withstand the very high stresses in the capillary wall when capillary pressure rises during exercise. The strength of the thin region of the barrier comes from type IV collagen in the basement membranes. When the stresses in the capillary walls rise to high levels, ultrastructural changes occur in the barrier, a condition known as stress failure. Physiological conditions that alter the properties of the barrier include severe exercise in elite human athletes. Animals that have been selectively bred for high aerobic activity, such as Thoroughbred racehorses, consistently break their pulmonary capillaries during galloping. Pathophysiological conditions causing stress failure include high-altitude pulmonary edema and overinflation of the lung, which frequently occurs with mechanical ventilation. Remodeling of the capillary wall occurs in response to increased wall stress in diseases such as mitral stenosis. The barrier is able to maintain its extreme thickness with sufficient strength as a result of continual regulation of its wall structure. How it does this is a central problem in lung biology.  相似文献   

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