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Abstract Fauna serve a key role in many forest ecological processes. Despite this, few studies have considered long‐term faunal recolonization after mining and rehabilitation of forest ecosystems. In the jarrah forest of southwestern Australia, permanent fauna monitoring sites have been established in bauxite mined areas rehabilitated in 1990 and in a range of representative unmined forest control sites. At each site mammals, birds, reptiles, and ants were surveyed in 1992, 1995, and 1998. The aims of the monitoring were to develop a better understanding of faunal recolonization trends, to produce recommendations for promoting fauna return, and to consider which techniques and fauna groups are best suited for monitoring recolonization. The results showed that successional trends varied between fauna groups. Generalist foraging mammals recolonized rapidly, whereas small predators took longer. Feral mice were initially abundant and then declined. Birds gradually recolonized, and after 8 years bird communities were very similar to those in unmined forest sites. Reptile species took longer, and after 8 years numbers of species remained lower than in unmined forests. Species richness and diversity of ants in 8‐year‐old rehabilitation were comparable with those of unmined forest in some rehabilitated sites but were lower in others. The composition of ant communities was still different from that of unmined sites. Ant species that only use disturbed forest declined rapidly in abundance as rehabilitation aged. The results suggest that although the rates of faunal recolonization will vary, with time most or all mammal, bird, reptile, and ant species should inhabit rehabilitated bauxite mines. The densities of many are likely to be similar to those in unmined forest, but for others it is too early to know whether this will be the case. Techniques for promoting fauna return are discussed. This study demonstrates that no single fauna group is suitable for use as an overall “indicator” of faunal recolonization; different fauna species and groups reflect different aspects of faunal succession.  相似文献   

Restoration can be important in slowing, or reducing, rates of biodiversity loss, but needs to consider the factors influencing fauna recolonization as part of the recovery process. Although many studies of factors influencing faunal recolonization have examined the influence of in situ site factors, fewer have examined the influence of neighborhood landscape factors, especially in landscapes with permeable matrices. To assess the relative influence of landscape and site factors on reptile recolonization in a production landscape with a permeable matrix, we surveyed reptiles at intact reference sites and post‐mining restoration sites (3–20 years post‐mining [YPM]) in a forest ecosystem in southwestern Australia. Reptile assemblages in restoration sites never converged on those in reference habitat. Reptile species composition and individual species abundances (>20 detections) in restoration sites were primarily influenced by site factors such as canopy height, litter cover, and coarse woody debris volume, and not by landscape factors. We suggest that the most common reptile species in our study area are primarily influenced by site factors, not landscape factors, and most reptiles detected in restoration sites were present by 3–4 YPM. Therefore, it is likely that habitat suitability is the main barrier to most species' recolonization of restoration sites in landscapes with permeable matrices. Management should continue to focus on restoring microhabitats and vegetation structure, which is similar to reference habitat to promote recolonization of restoration sites by reptiles.  相似文献   

We explored the relationships between ground vegetation, ground fauna (native skinks and invertebrates), rabbits, and predators in a modified New Zealand dryland ecosystem. We hypothesised that vegetation cover would provide habitat for ground fauna. We also hypothesised that rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) would reduce the abundance of these fauna by reducing vegetation, and by providing prey for mammalian predators (cats Felis catus and ferrets Mustela putorius) that consume ground fauna as secondary prey. We measured these variables at 30 sites across three pastoral properties in the South Island in 1996 and 2002. There were mostly positive relationships between vegetation ground cover and fauna captures in pitfall traps. Relatively few beetles and caterpillars were caught where cover was less than 80%, no millipedes were caught where cover was less than 70%, and few spiders and mostly no skinks, crickets, flies or slugs were caught where vegetation cover was less than 50%. Most grasshoppers were caught where cover ranged from 30 to 80%. Faunal species richness was also positively related to cover. This supports our hypothesis that ground vegetation provides habitat for skinks and invertebrates in this ecosystem. The introduction of rabbit haemorrhagic disease in 1997 provided a natural experiment to test the hypothesised indirect effects of rabbits on ground fauna. Declines in rabbits varied between properties, and vegetation cover and predator abundance changed according to the magnitude of these declines. However, skink and invertebrate abundance did not track these changes as expected, but instead varied more or less consistently between properties. Some fauna increased (skink captures quadrupled and cricket captures nearly doubled), others declined (flies, caterpillars and spiders), and some did not change (beetles, millipedes, slugs and grasshoppers, and faunal species richness and diversity). Therefore, rabbits, predators and vegetation did not affect changes in skinks and invertebrates in consistent ways. The dynamics of ground fauna are likely to be more influenced by factors other than those we measured.  相似文献   


The effects of a late-summer prescribed burn on the temperature and benthic macroinvertebrate fauna of a south-western Cape mountain stream were investigated over a period of 12 months. Temperature and discharge regimes appear well-defined and relatively predictable from year to year. As in other mediterranean-type ecosystems, seasonal changes in the structure of the invertebrate community and the relative abundance of different feeding groups appear to be associated primarily with changes in the physical environment. Distinctive summer and winter communities were identified, with chironomids dominating the fauna in summer and simuliids dominant in winter. Although the riparian vegetation was only slightly damaged by the fire, a heavy, aseasonal leaf-fall occurred shortly afterwards. The canopy remained sparse for approximately four months. Stream temperature in the post-burn year was not demonstrably affected by increased exposure to solar radiation, however, probably because the canopy remained open during the winter months. The fire appeared to have little effect on the invertebrate fauna. Apart from five rare elements of the biota, all species recorded in the pre-burn year were present in the post-burn year and in similar densities. It is concluded that the riparian vegetation is of major importance in maintaining the integrity of the stream environment.  相似文献   

In an old grazed and very diverse common in Central Zealand, Denmark, the recolonization of vegetation on experimentally bared mineral soil was studied over a six years period (198691). In six experimental squares (1×1 m) in pairs placed in three different areas the plant cover and 10 cm of top soil was removed in 1986 after an analysis (Hult-Sernander-Du Rietz method) of the vegetation in a central, fixed plot (50 × 50 cm) and an examination of the flora in the nearest surroundings (<10 m).
In each of the following years (1987–91) the recolonizating vegetation of the bared plots was analysed again. After one year an almost closed vegetation was already established in most of the plots. The new vegetation consists mostly of immigrating previously found species but often with another cover value. A small number of the original species are still absent after five years. A smaller number of the species in the new vegetation are intrusive, and most of these species are coming from the nearest surroundings. In the first five years all recolonization is by means of diaspores, and the diversity increases in the last years. The paper discusses returning, disappearing and new intrusive species with background in their way of dispersal of diaspores. The conclusion is that in 1991 a succession is still - but slowly - going on and that a totally stable vegetation possibly never will be established.  相似文献   

Non-native vegetation in the riparian zone impacts on water temperatures, flow patterns, degree of shading, channel modification, and changes to natural sediment loads. Freshwater ecosystems in the Garden Route Initiative planning domain are of particular conservation value, because of the rich Gondwanaland relict aquatic macroinvertebrate fauna found in the rivers there, which are vulnerable to thermal changes. Data were collected during 2013 and 2014 at 19 sites on seven river systems between George and Knysna in the southern Cape, South Africa. These included 12 months of hourly water temperatures at all sites, and quantitative sampling of aquatic macroinvertebrates at ten sites. Each site was characterised in terms of water quality (pH, conductivity and turbidity) and general characteristics, including impacts such as density of non-native riparian trees. At the family level, aquatic macroinvertebrate communities showed variation between sites and seasons. Differences were more pronounced on the basis of natural land cover type (fynbos versus indigenous forest) than densities of non-native invasive riparian vegetation. Conservation of these river systems will depend on maintaining a mosaic of natural vegetation types.  相似文献   

Abstract. The decision was taken by an opencast coal mining company to translocate on-site blanket bog vegetation, on completion of mining, at a site in Co. Durham, UK, both to preserve it and to use it to enhance recolonization. The vegetation of the treatments was monitored for seven years after site completion and this paper reports on the progress of the translocated material and its effect on recolonization. Translocation of large turves of blanket bog into carefully prepared receptor cells preserved most of the vegetation intact, but resulted in severe decline in the frequency of Sphagnum, while the design of the receptor site as strips of translocated vegetation enclosing strips of spread, stored peat accelerated recolonization of the intervening bare peat by Calluna vulgaris, but not of other target species. This attempt to translocate blanket bog vegetation and at the same time use it to accelerate recolonization was only partly successful. It was concluded that the ecological requirements of species known to be significant for ecosystem function, such as Sphagnum, must be fulfilled if translocation of blanket bog is to be attempted in future.  相似文献   

Dispersal and establishment limitations have been proposed as important mechanisms that control vegetation colonization processes. While many studies have emphasized the role of dispersal limitation in the dynamics of plant communities, little is known about the spatial and temporal scales at which dispersal limitation affects plant population dynamics. In this study we investigate spatial and temporal scales of dispersal limitation in a system of semi-arid Mediterranean old-fields recolonized by the dominating dwarf shrub Sarcopoterium spinosum (Rosaceae). Our analysis was based on a combination of two complementary approaches: 1) age analysis of S. spinosum shrubs growing at different distances from source populations, and 2) a corresponding analysis of changes in vegetation cover since recolonization onset (ca 55 yr ago), based on information obtained from historical aerial-photographs. Shrubs sampled in plots near the source populations were similar in their age distribution to the source populations, but significantly different from shrubs sampled far from the source populations. Increasing distance from source populations was associated with a decrease in median age of the shrubs, and in the density and relative frequency of adult shrubs (>15 yr). These patterns of changes in age structure occurred over distances of several tenths of meters. Young age groups (<5 yr) were scarcely represented in all plots, suggesting that establishment limitation was also important in determining recolonization rates. Analysis of the aerial photographs supported the results of the age analysis, showing evidence for both distance effect and establishment limitation. We conclude that dispersal limitation may have a long-term impact on vegetation patterns, even at small spatial scales, and that dispersal limitation interacts with establishment limitation in determining recolonization processes.  相似文献   

Community resistance to, and resilience from, perturbation will determine the trajectory of recovery from disturbance. Although selective timber extraction is considered a severe disturbance, fish communities from headwater streams around Danum Valley Field Centre, Sabah, Malaysia, showed few long-term changes in species composition or abundance. However, some species showed short-term (< 18 months) absence or decrease in abundance. These observations suggested that both resistance and resilience were important in maintaining long-term fish community structure. Resistance to perturbation was tested by monitoring fish communities before and after the creation of log-debris dams, while resilience was investigated by following the time-course of recolonization following complete removal of all fish. High community resistance was generally shown although the response was site-specific, dependent on the composition of the starting community, the size of the stream and physical habitat changes. High resilience was demonstrated in all recolonization experiments with strong correlations between pre- and post-defaunation communities, although there was a significant difference between pool and riffle habitats in the time-course of recovery. These differences can be explained by the movement characteristics of the species found in the different habitats. Resilience appeared to be a more predictable characteristic of the community than resistance and the implications of this for ensuring the long-term persistence of fish in the area are discussed.  相似文献   

Tropical forest restoration is increasingly seen as an activity that may counteract or reduce biodiversity loss. However, few studies monitor fauna or consider measures of functional diversity to assess restoration success. We assessed the effect of a tropical montane forest restoration program on species and functional diversity, using amphibians as the target group. We compared amphibian assemblages in three types of land use: restoration areas, tropical montane cloud forest (TMCF; reference ecosystem) and cattle pastures (degraded ecosystem) in southern Mexico. We also described microclimate, microhabitat heterogeneity, woody vegetation structure and diversity for each type of land use, and their relationship to amphibian species and functional diversity. Compared to TMCF, restoration areas had similar environmental conditions. However, amphibian species richness was similar in the three types of land use and abundance was lower in the restoration areas. In TMCF, the amphibian assemblage was dominated by forest-specialist species, the pastures by generalist species, and the restoration areas by a combination of both species types. Interestingly, functional richness, functional evenness and functional divergence did not vary with land use, though the number of functional groups in restoration areas and TMCF was slightly higher. Overall, the results suggest that after seven years, active restoration provided habitat heterogeneity and recovered woody vegetation capable of maintaining amphibian species and functional groups similar to those inhabiting TMCF. Forest fragments adjacent to restoration areas seem to facilitate fauna recolonization and this emphasizes the importance of the conservation of the reference ecosystems to achieving restoration success.  相似文献   

Invasive species management (eradication or control) can be used to promote native plant restoration. The objective of this study is to evaluate different treatments to guide the selection of future modalities for the eradication (i.e. elimination of all individuals in a population) of Carpobrotus sp. from a strict nature reserve. Two removal methods were tested: (1) living Carpobrotus removal; (2) living Carpobrotus and litter removal. To assess the effectiveness of each treatment, we studied the recolonization of native vegetation, the recolonization of Carpobrotus, and soil erosion and compared these metrics to those taken in native vegetation and in patches of intact Carpobrotus. We also tested the capacity of a 50‐cm‐wide Carpobrotus strip to retain soil. The removal of Carpobrotus together with its litter led to high rates of soil erosion. The Carpobrotus strips were found to retain the soil rather well. Removing live Carpobrotus while leaving its litter in place reduced soil erosion and led to higher native plant species recolonization. The composition of the vegetation 10 months after applying the treatments was biased in favor of native pioneer species. These are typically the first species to establish (Aetheoriza bulbosa and Arisarum vulgare resprouted, Frankenia hirsuta and Lotus cytisoides germinated, and Sonchus sp. benefited from long‐distance dispersal). Few weedy species were recorded (e.g. Sonchus asper asper). Whatever the treatment, the risk of reinvasion from the seed bank or from resprouting stems is nonnegligible, so long‐term monitoring is vital to the ultimate success of the eradication program.  相似文献   

A survey was carried out on four stands of a chalk grassland (open, intensively grazed, tall and scrub) in order to monitor the permanent soil seed bank under various management regimes responsible for the decline of the ecological interest of this ecosystem. There was no real similarity between the seed banks and the associated vegetation, except in the intensively grazed stand. When vegetation changes, seed banks appear to be quite stable and are mostly dominated by three species (Centaurium erythraea, Origanum vulgare, Hypericum perforatum). The seed bank seems to be quite useless in order to restore a species-rich community after both grazing intensification or abandonment. Because recolonization processes are the critical factor, the management of species-rich grassland has to be designed with a view to preserving a given plant community as well as to improving dispersion processes from a source to target areas.  相似文献   

This field study investigated the colonization process of soil contaminated with different petroleum products (petrol, diesel fuel, spent engine oil; dose: 6000 mg of fuel·kg?1 dry mass [d.m.] of soil) by epigeic and edaphic invertebrates during the progress of natural bioremediation and bioremediation enhanced using selected microorganisms (ZB-01 biopreparation). Epigeic fauna was captured using pitfall traps. Occurrence of edaphic fauna in soil samples as well as total petroleum hydrocarbon contents (TPH) were also investigated. Results showed that inoculation with ZB-01 biocenosis allowed the degradation of petroleum derivatives in the soil contaminated with diesel fuel and engine oil, with 82.3% and 75.4% efficiency, respectively. Applying bioremediation to all contaminated soils accelerated the process of recolonization by edaphic invertebrates. However, the 28-month period was too short to observe full population recovery in soils contaminated with diesel fuel and engine oil. Microbe-enhanced bioremediation accelerated recolonization by epigeic invertebrates on soil contaminated with diesel fuel, whereas it exerted inhibitory effect on recolonization of soil contaminated with engine oil (especially by Collembola). The observed discrepancies in the rates of recolonization for soils contaminated with petrol and diesel fuel that were still noted at the stage of no longer different TPH levels justify the idea to include the survey of edaphic faunal density as one of the parameters in the ecological risk assessment of various bioremediation techniques.  相似文献   

Until 1966, Berre lagoon (Provence, southern France) was a salty lagoon with a highly diversified marine fauna and flora. Increased inputs of freshwater from a hydroelectric plant led to the desalination and stratification of the lagoon. Following these changes, a wide diversity of species disappeared, including the eelgrass Zostera marina, a keystone species which previously constituted extensive meadows in the lagoon. After almost three decades of absence, patches of eelgrass were observed in 2001 and 2002 but the success of future recolonization by this community is uncertain.  相似文献   

Abstract The savannas of South America support a relatively diverse ant fauna, but little is known about the factors that influence the structure and dynamics of these assemblages. In 1998 and 2002, we surveyed the ground‐dwelling ant fauna and the fauna associated with the woody vegetation (using baits and direct sampling) from an Amazonian savanna. The aim was to evaluate the influence of vegetation structure, disturbance by fire and dominant ants on patterns of ant species richness and composition. Variations in the incidence of fires among our 39 survey plots had no or only limited influence on these patterns. In contrast, spatial variations in tree cover and cover by tall grasses (mostly Trachypogon plumosus), significantly affected ant species composition. Part of the variation in species richness among the study plots correlated with variations in the incidence of a dominant species (Solenopsis substituta) at baits. Ant species richness and composition also varied through time, possibly as an indirect effect of changes in vegetation cover. In many plots, and independently of disturbance by fire, there was a major increase in cover by tall grasses, which occupied areas formerly devoid of vegetation. Temporal changes in vegetation did not directly explain the observed increase in the number of ant species per plot. However, the incidence of S. substituta at baits declined sharply in 2002, especially in plots where changes in vegetation cover were more dramatic, and that decline was correlated with an increase in the number of ground‐dwelling species, a greater turnover of bait‐recruiting species and the appearance of the little fire ant Wasmannia auropunctata. The extent to which these changes in fact resulted from the relaxation of dominance by S. substituta is not clear. However, our results strongly suggest that the ant fauna of Amazonian savannas is affected directly and indirectly by the structure of the vegetation.  相似文献   

Abstract. The role of the propagule bank in aquatic plant maintenance was studied in two riverine wetlands. Four sites were selected, characterized respectively by flooding, drying up, both disturbances operating, and neither operating. Our hypothesis was that recolonization after drying up would mostly involve seeds and buds from the propagule bank, whereas recolonization after floods would mostly involve rhizomes. Dry sites were characterized by a high density of seeds, and a high similarity between seed species and established vegetation. Unspecialized fragments remaining in wet parts of the sediment probably also contribute to species maintenance. Species maintenance in sites subjected to flooding was highly dependent on deeply anchored rhizomes, as indicated by the strong floristic similarity between species that occur in the established vegetation and rhizomes in the bank. Regeneration of the community after scouring floods also involved seeds, some species being able to flower under water. When scouring flooding and drying up were superimposed, regenerative strategies exhibited in the bank did not simply result from the ‘addition’ of the two disturbance effects. When the disturbances did not occur too closely together in time, species were able to survive either by: (1) producing many propagules under aquatic conditions or (2) coping with the temporal variability by producing several types of propagules.  相似文献   

Understanding how differences in intensity and frequency of hydrological disturbances affect the resistance and resilience of aquatic organisms is key to manage aquatic systems in a fast‐changing world. Some aquatic insects have strategies that improve the permanence (resistance), while others use strategies that favor recolonization (resilience). Therefore, we carried out a manipulative experiment to understand the influence of functional characteristics of aquatic insects in their permanence and recolonization against hydrological disturbances in streams in the biodiversity hotspot of the Cerrado of Brazil. We placed 200 artificial substrates in five streams and submitted them to changing water flow regimes that differed both in frequency and intensity, and we observed the response of the aquatic community for 39 days. We used a hierarchical Bayesian approach to estimate the probabilities of permanence and recolonization of each life strategy group (nine groups). We observed that the most intense changes in the water flow tended to affect the permanence of almost all groups, but the intensity of this effect reduced over time. On the other hand, less frequent disturbances, regardless of intensity, tended to reduce the permanence of most groups of aquatic insects over time. The different effects of disturbance intensity may have been related to a greater recolonization capacity of some groups. The results we present are worrisome in a scenario of reduced riparian vegetation around streams and with the expectation of precipitation becoming more concentrated in shorter periods of time due to climate change in the Cerrado hotspot, reducing the occurrence of many groups of aquatic insects in their habitat, particularly those with traits associated with resistance against hydrological disturbance.  相似文献   

Ants are a dominant group in tropical savannas and here we examined the responses of the arboreal and ground‐dwelling ant fauna to a fire in a Neotropical savanna (cerrado) reserve in Central Brazil. Ants were collected using pitfall traps and baits placed in trees and on the ground beneath each tree. Of the 36 trees marked along two transects, half (from each transect) were burned and half not. The same trees were sampled 1 wk before and again 3 and 12 mo after the fire. Rarefaction curves and ordination analyses using data from all trees from each side of each transect indicated that overall ant species richness and composition did not change after fire. Fire, however, reduced the mean number of ant species per tree, and increased the mean number of species on the ground. Fire increased the average abundance of specialist predators, Camponotini, and opportunistic species, and decreased that of arboreal specialists. Changes in the ground‐dwelling fauna were only detected 12 mo after the fire, while those in the arboreal fauna occurred earlier and were no longer apparent 12 mo after the fire. We suggest that these contrasting results represent mainly an indirect response of the ant communities to fire‐induced changes in vegetation. Given the temporary and small scale nature of the effects detected and the overall resilience of the ant fauna, our results indicate that a single fire in the cerrado vegetation does not greatly impact the structure of ant communities in the short term.  相似文献   

Biomanipulation through fish removal is a tool commonly used to restore a clear-water state in lakes. Biomanipulation of ponds is, however, less well documented, although their importance for biodiversity conservation and public amenities is undisputed. In ponds, a more complete fish removal can be carried out as compared to lakes and therefore a stronger response is expected. Fish recolonization can, however, potentially compromise the longer term success of biomanipulation. Therefore, we investigated the impact of fish recolonization on zooplankton, phytoplankton, and nutrients for several years after complete drawdown and fish removal in function of submerged vegetation cover in 12 peri-urban eutrophic ponds situated in Brussels (Belgium). Fish recolonization after biomanipulation had a considerable impact on zooplankton grazers, reducing their size and density substantially, independent of the extent of submerged vegetation cover. Only ponds with <30% cover of submerged vegetation shifted back to a turbid state after fish recolonization, coinciding with an increase in density of small cladocerans, rotifers, and cyclopoid copepods. In ponds with >30% submerged vegetation cover, macrophytes prevented an increase in phytoplankton growth despite the disappearance of large zooplankton grazers. Our results suggest that macrophytes, rather than by providing a refuge for zooplankton grazers, control phytoplankton through other associated mechanisms and confirm that the recovery of submerged macrophytes is essential for biomanipulation success. Although the longer term effect of biomanipulation is disputable, increased ecological quality could be maintained for several years, which is particularly interesting in an urban area where nutrient loading reduction is often not feasible.  相似文献   

Assessing the various mechanisms by which plants revegetate disturbances is important for understanding the effects of disturbances on plant population dynamics, plant community structure, community assembly processes, and ecosystem function. We initiated a 2-yr experiment examining temporal vegetation dynamics and mechanisms of recolonization on different-sized soil disturbances created to simulate pocket gopher mounds in North American tallgrass prairie. Treatments were designed to assess potential contributions of the seed rain, soil seed bank, clonal propagation from the edges of a soil mound, and regrowth of buried plants. Small mounds were more rapidly recolonized than large mounds. Vegetative regrowth strategies were the dominant recolonization mechanisms, while the seed rain was considerably less important in maintaining the diversity of forbs and annuals than previously believed. All recolonization mechanisms influenced plant succession, but stem densities and plant mass on soil mounds remained significantly lower than undisturbed controls after two growing seasons. Because natural pocket gopher mounds are indistinguishable from undisturbed areas after two seasons, these results suggest that multiple modes of recruitment concurrently, albeit differentially, contribute to the recolonization of soil disturbances and influence tallgrass prairie plant community structure and successional dynamics.  相似文献   

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