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Six biometric characters and 15 electrophoretic loci of three known subspecies of Podarcis bocagei were studied. Contrary to biometric indications, Podarcis bocagei berlengensis showed a closer genetic relationship with Podarcis bocagei carbonelli than with the nominal subspecies. The biometric results were confounded by the relative large size of P. b. berlengensis . Post-glacial colonization from two different areas might explain the greater genetic differentiation between the P. b. bocagei and P. b. carbonelli populations (Nei's D - 0.158 - near the species threshold). It might also explain the known colonization of these two lizards through the islands off the west coast of the Iberian penninsula and their present distributions to the north of (Galicia; Northern Portugal) and to the south of the valley of river Douro (central Portugal, western and Sistema Central), respectively.  相似文献   

In natural populations the mating success of males depends on different factors. By enhancing the intensity of secondary sexual characters, testosterone can play a role in mate choice. However, paradoxically, testosterone can also decrease immunocompetence and thus potentially diminish attractiveness. To estimate the influence of testosterone on male mating success in the wall lizard, Podarcis muralis, we characterized nine polymorphic microsatellite loci. There were three to 12 alleles per locus in the five to 16 individuals screened. These microsatellites will also be useful in determining population structure in this species.  相似文献   

Using video cameras and motion detection software, we examined sequential positions of the lizard Podarcis carbonelli in a temperature gradient to look for patterns in spatial and temporal thermoregulatory movements. As lizards shuttled between warm and cool areas, their movements were typically slow; punctuated by bursts of speed. The animals were relatively inactive when heating, moved almost continually when cooling, and spent less time heating than cooling. Traditional modeling techniques proved unsuccessful, so we assessed the movement patterns with nonlinear dynamical techniques. The shuttling frequency, and the pattern of velocity changes, both met the qualitative attributes (self similarity, strange attractors, and noisy power spectra) and the quantitative criteria (positive Lyapunov exponent and capacity and/or correlation dimensions less than 5) that suggest deterministic chaos. These movement patterns appear regular, but at unpredictable times the patterns become disturbed before returning to regulation. There are both behavioral and physiological advantages to movements that follow a model of deterministic chaos control.  相似文献   

Lizards display structural and pigment‐based colorations, and their visual system is sensitive to wavelengths of 300–700 nm. However, few studies in squamate reptiles have quantified interindividual colour variation that includes the structural ultraviolet (UV) component (300–400 nm). In the present study, we investigated variability of a ventral UV/yellow–red ornamentation in the common lizard Zootoca vivipara, including an analysis of spatial distribution, as well as sex and age differences. We also investigated whether the expression of coloration is related to body size and condition. Our analyses revealed two distinct patches: a gular patch with a strong UV reflectance and a belly patch with a dominant yellow–red reflectance. Males displayed a less saturated throat coloration with higher UV chroma and UV hue, and had a redder but duller belly coloration than females. Yearlings had less elaborate ornaments than adults, although they already displayed a yellow–red sexual dichromatism on the belly. UV sexual dichromatism was only apparent in adults as a result of a weaker UV reflectance in females, suggesting potential fitness costs of a bright UV coloration in that sex. Different colour traits were related to body size in both sexes, as well as to body condition in males. We discuss the potential evolutionary scenarios leading to the maintenance of this ornament in common lizards. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2013, 110 , 128–141.  相似文献   

The demographic trend of a species depends on the dynamics of its local populations, which can be compromised by local or by global phenomena. However, the relevance of local and global phenomena has rarely been investigated simultaneously. Here, we tested whether local phenomena compromised a species’ demographic trend using the Eurasian common lizard Zootoca vivipara, the terrestrial reptile exhibiting the widest geographic distribution, as a model species. We analyzed the species’ ancient demographic trend using genetic data from its 6 allopatric genetic clades and tested whether its demographic trend mainly depended on single clades or on global phenomena. Zootoca vivipara’s effective population size increased since 2.3 million years ago and started to increase steeply and continuously from 0.531 million years ago. Population growth rate exhibited 2 maxima, both occurring during global climatic changes and important vegetation changes on the northern hemisphere. Effective population size and growth rate were negatively correlated with global surface temperatures, in line with global parameters driving long-term demographic trends. Zootoca vivipara’s ancient demography was neither driven by a single clade, nor by the 2 clades that colonized huge geographic areas after the last glaciation. The low importance of local phenomena, suggests that the experimentally demonstrated high sensitivity of this species to short-term ecological changes is a response in order to cope with short-term and local changes. This suggests that what affected its long-term demographic trend the most, were not these local changes/responses, but rather the important and prolonged global climatic changes and important vegetation changes on the northern hemisphere, including the opening up of the forest by humans.  相似文献   

Biologists commonly assume that parasites are locally adapted since they have shorter generation times and higher fecundity than their hosts, and therefore evolve faster in the arms race against the host's defences. As a result, parasites should be better able to infect hosts within their local population than hosts from other allopatric populations. However, recent mathematical modelling has demonstrated that when hosts have higher migration rates than parasites, hosts may diversify their genes faster than parasites and thus parasites may become locally maladapted. This new model was tested on the Canarian endemic lizard and its blood parasite (haemogregarine genus). In this host–parasite system, hosts migrate more than parasites since lizard offspring typically disperse from their natal site soon after hatching and without any contact with their parents who are potential carriers of the intermediate vector of the blood parasite (a mite). Results of cross-infection among three lizard populations showed that parasites were better at infecting individuals from allopatric populations than individuals from their sympatric population. This suggests that, in this host–parasite system, the parasites are locally maladapted to their host.  相似文献   

A 903 bp section of the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene was sequenced from 73 specimens of Podarcis melisellensis collected at 52 localities distributed over the major part of the species’ range. In addition, parts of the 12S (about 470 bp) and 16S rRNA (about 500 bp) genes were analysed for 11 representative samples leading to a congruent phylogeny. Our study includes representatives of all 20 subspecies recognized today. The phylogenetic analysis of the sequence data revealed three main clades: mainland with nearby islands, Vis archipelago, and Lastovo archipelago. The degree of mitochondrial DNA divergence among these clades suggests a separation of the respective population groups during the earliest Pleistocene. The phylogenetic pattern observed within the species is in sharp contrast to the actual taxonomic division into subspecies. A correlation between genetic diversity of P. melisellensis populations and paleogeography of the regions they inhabit is discussed.  相似文献   


1. 1.|Selected body temperatures (SBT) of adult male, female and subadult Lacerta vivipara from a Belgian population, were measured monthly in a laboratory thermogradient.

2. 2.|Monthly mean SBTs varied between 29.9 and 34.0°C and differed significantly among months in all three lizard groups, and among lizard groups in 4 out of 6 months.

3. 3.|Evidence for a positive relationship between monthly SBT and air temperature was found in the subadults, but not in the adult lizards.

4. 4.|Monthly mean SBTs measured in this study were consistently higher (mean difference = 2.0°C) than those obtained by Patterson and Davies (1978) in a similar study on Lacerta vivipara from southern England.

Author Keywords: Selected body temperature; behavioural thermoregulation; Lacerta vivipara; intraspecific variation in body temperature  相似文献   

Altitudinal gradients offer a good opportunity to study organisms' adaptations to clinal environmental variables. Regarding altitude, the most influential variables on organisms are temperature and ultraviolet (UV) solar radiation, the first decreasing and the second increasing with altitude. Both variables affect ectotherms' biology, as ectotherms depend on environmental temperature for thermoregulation, frequently being heliotherms. Here, we studied dorsal coloration in the lizard Psammodromus algirus (Linnaeus, 1758) along a wide altitudinal gradient (2200 m) in Sierra Nevada (south‐east Spain). We hypothesize that the skin will be darker with altitude, i.e. in environments with lower temperatures and higher UV radiation intensity. Results show that individual dorsal colorations became darker at high altitude. We propose two non‐mutually exclusive explanations for this result: (1) darker dorsal surface would favour faster warming at high altitudes, where temperature is lower, and (2) darker dorsal surface would protect against UV radiation, stronger at high altitudes. We found significant relationships between both temperature and UV radiation and population dorsal darkness, giving mixed support for the two explanations. Moreover, dorsal hue was positively correlated with substrate hue, suggesting that hue evolved to maximize crypsis. Our study therefore suggests that geographical variation in dorsal coloration in this lizard is adaptive, and darkness coloration might have evolved in response to adverse conditions (low temperature and high UV radiation) at high altitudes. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2014, 112 , 132–141.  相似文献   

1. Using data from the literature, I assessed how broad climatic patterns affected field body temperatures (Tb’s) of lizards in the genus Sceloporus.

2. Sceloporus at temperate latitudes had mean Tb’s of 35°C throughout their elevational range. This pattern is associated with “tropical” temperatures that extend into high north latitudes during the summer and the relatively low elevations occupied by the lizards.

3. At tropical latitudes, mean Tb declined from 35°C at low elevations to 31°C at high elevations. This pattern is associated with low seasonal variation in temperature at tropical latitudes and the relatively high elevations occupied by the lizards.  相似文献   

Ultraviolet (UV) colorations have garnered extensive theoretical and empirical treatment in recent years, although the majority of studies have concerned themselves with avian taxa. However, many lizards have acute visual systems with retinal photoreceptors that are sensitive to UV wavelengths, and also display UV-reflecting colour patches. In the present study, we used UV photography and full-spectrum reflectance spectrophotometry to describe intra- and intersexual colour variation in adult ocellated lizards Lacerta ( Timon ) lepida and to obtain evidence of UV-based ornamentation. We also investigated whether any colour traits correlate with morphological traits potentially related to individual quality. The results obtained show that the prominent eyespots and blue outer ventral scales (OVS) that ocellated lizards have on their flanks reflect strongly in the UV range and are best described as UV/blue in coloration. The eyespots of males are larger and cover a larger surface area than those of females. However, these differences can be entirely accounted for by sex differences in body size, with males being generally larger than females. We also found differences in the shape of reflectance curves from males and females, with the eyespots and blue OVS of males being more UV-shifted than those of females. Other body regions have extremely low UV reflectance and are not sexually dichromatic. Eyespot size and the total surface area covered by eyespots increases with body size in males but not in females, suggesting that they may be signalling an intrinsic individual characteristic such as body size or male fighting ability. We also discuss the alternative and non-exclusive hypothesis that eyespots may function in lizards of both sexes as protective markings against predators.  © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2009, 97 , 766–780.  相似文献   

A prominent scenario for the evolution of reptilian placentation infers that placentotrophy arose by gradual modification of a simple vascular chorioallantoic placenta to a complex structure with a specialized region for nutrient transfer. The structure of the chorioallantoic placenta of Niveoscincus ocellatus, apparently described originally from a single embryonic stage, was interpreted as a transitional evolutionary type that provided support for the model. Recently, N. ocellatus has been found to be as placentotrophic as species with complex chorioallantoic placentae containing a specialized region called a placentome. We studied placental development in N. ocellatus and confirmed that the chorioallantoic placenta lacks specializations found in species with a placentome. We also found that this species has a specialized omphaloplacenta. The chorioallantoic placenta is confined to the region adjacent to the embryo by a membrane, similar to that found in some other viviparous skinks, that divides the egg into embryonic and abembryonic hemispheres. We term this structure the "inter-omphalopleuric" membrane. The position of this membrane in N. ocellatus is closer to the embryonic pole of the egg than to the abembryonic pole and thus the surface area of the omphaloplacenta is greater than that of the chorioallantoic placenta. In addition, the omphaloplacenta is regionally diversified and more complex histologically than the chorioallantoic placenta. An impressive and unusual feature of the omphaloplacenta of N. ocellatus is the development of extensive overlapping folds in the embryonic component of mid-gestation embryos. The histological complexity and extensive folding of the omphaloplacenta make this a likely site of placental transfer of nutrients in this species.  相似文献   

In the viviparous skink Niveoscincus metallicus clutch size appears to be determined before vitellogenesis, and is not altered later by follicular atresia or embryonic loss. This suggests that the number of follicles recruited is determined by the endocrine environment early in the vitellogenic period. Through a series of experiments in which we manipulated gonadotropin concentrations by administering exogenous FSH, we aimed to investigate this hypothesis. Pre-vitellogenic females showed no response to exogenous ovine FSH. In early vitellogenic females, FSH induced follicular recruitment: follicles were enlarged and clutch size increased by recruitment of a second cohort of follicles; some females also ovulated. Females treated with FSH in mid-vitellogenesis had elevated mean plasma estradiol concentrations compared to controls; no follicular recruitment was observed, but most of these animals ovulated. Females treated with a range of doses of FSH in late vitellogenesis ovulated at least one month before natural ovulation, again without recruitment of extra follicles. It appears therefore that in Niveoscincus metallicus exogenous FSH can induce recruitment of additional follicles only if administered during early vitellogenesis. We conclude that in this species clutch size is determined by proximate environmental factors influencing gonadotropin levels early in follicular recruitment, and cannot be increased even if conditions become more favourable once vitellogenesis is established.  相似文献   

The oxygen consumption rate V?O2 and lactate production of the Amphisbaenian worm lizard Diplometopon zarudnyi were measured at temperatures ranging from 15?°C to 35?°C at 5?°C intervals. The V?O2 was significantly different between resting and active states at any specified temperature, while the average value at the resting state generally rose with increased temperature from 15?°C (0.05?ml O2/g/h) to 25?°C (0.111?ml O2/g/h). The aerobic respiration scopes at resting and active states were also significantly different. The highest Q10 values (3.24 and 1.69) were obtained at 15?°C–20?°C and 30?°C–35?°C during resting and active states, respectively, with these values being significantly different. Lactate concentrations were significantly higher during active states than when resting, and the anaerobic scope was found to increase with increased temperature. There was a proportional increase in ATP molecules (μmoles/g/2?min) during aerobic or anaerobic respiration, as well as in total metabolic scope, with increasing temperature, and the anaerobic scope showed significantly higher values than the aerobic scope, confirming the importance of anaerobic behavior for this species.  相似文献   

The taxonomy of the fringe-toed lizards of the Acanthodactylus scutellatus group has long been unstable and no consensus exists on the systematic status of its various forms. A multivariate analysis of morphological characters, performed on over 1000 specimens from most of the African range of this group, allowed us to clarify the specific allocation of most of the Saharan populations included in this species group. Based on comparisons of morphology between allopatric and sympatric populations of this complex, we propose the recognition of six biological species. Our results confirm the specific status of Acanthodactylus aureus , A. dumerili , A. scutellatus, A. longipes and the recently described A. taghitensis . In addition, we re-validate A. senegalensis (occurring from Mauritania and Mali south to Senegal), which has been treated as a synonym of A. dumerili by previous authors. Acanthodactylus longipes is reported for the first time from coastal Mauritania, and A. taghitensis (previously known only from a very small region in Algeria) is reported from continental Mauritania. The systematic section of this paper includes a full list of examined material, diagnosis and known distribution of each species, in addition to some information on geographical variation and ecology. A key for specific identification is provided as an appendix.  © 2003 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2003, 137 , 117−155.  相似文献   

Eight microsatellite loci are described for the lizard Psammodromus algirus, a species widely used as a model in behavioural and ecological studies. All loci were highly polymorphic (six alleles or more per locus) in a sample of 24 individuals from a single site near Navacerrada (central Spain). Observed heterozygosity ranged from 0.29 to 0.96. These markers will be used to study mating strategies and determinants of reproductive success in this species.  相似文献   

The electrophoretic variation at 26 presumptive gene loci was investigated in populations of Podarcis ivagleriana from Sicily, the Aegadian Islands, and the Aeolian Islands. For interspecific comparison, samples of the closely related lizard P. sicula from the same geographic area were also used. Population heterogeneity analyses carried out by the estimation of F-statistics and Nei's standard genetic distance, showed a high genetic homogeneity within P. sicula, but a noticeable genetic differentiation within P. wagleriana. In the latter species, Nei's D ranged from 0 to 0.212, and this is because the Aeolian populations were quite distinct from those inhabiting Sicily and the Aegadian Islands. Fixed differences identified at three loci (Ck, Ada, Gp-4) contributed to a relatively high value of Nei's standard genetic distance between the two population groups (D= 0.147). This value is very similar to those found comparing pairs of well-recognized biological species included in the genera Podarcis and Lacerta. Estimation of the time of evolutionary divergence shows that the Aeolian and Sicilian populations of P. wagleriana have been isolated geographically for a long time (0.7 Myr according to Nei's formula; 2 Myr according to Sarich's calibration), indicating evolutionary divergence at the species level. Based on genetic and biogeographic data, it is suggested the recognition of full specific status for the Aeolian populations, for which the name P. rajfonei comb. nova (Aeolian wall lizard) is proposed. Electrophoretic data and comparative species distributions suggest that (1) Podarcis sicula recently colonized the Aeolian Islands, and (2) it has competed successfully with P. rajfonei in this area, greatly reducing the range of the latter and causing the extinction of most of its populations. In fact, P. sicula is widespread in the Aeolian Archipelago, while P. rajfonei is confined at present to one large island (Vulcano) and three tiny islands (Strombolicchio, Scoglio Faraglione, La Canna). This can be considered a classic example of competitive exclusion of a native form (P. rajfonei) by a species accidentally introduced by man (P. sicula).  相似文献   

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