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Molecular dynamics simulations of proteins in lipid bilayers   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
With recent advances in X-ray crystallography of membrane proteins promising many new high-resolution structures, molecular dynamics simulations will become increasingly valuable for understanding membrane protein function, as they can reveal the dynamic behavior concealed in the static structures. Dramatic increases in computational power, in synergy with more efficient computational methodologies, now allow us to carry out molecular dynamics simulations of any structurally known membrane protein in its native environment, covering timescales of up to 0.1 micros. At the frontiers of membrane protein simulations are ion channels, aquaporins, passive and active transporters, and bioenergetic proteins.  相似文献   

Phospholipid bilayers have been intensively studied by molecular dynamics (MD) simulation in recent years. The properties of bilayer edges are important in determining the structure and stability of pores formed in vesicles and biomembranes. In this work, we use molecular dynamics simulation to investigate the structure, dynamics, and line tension of the edges of bilayer ribbons composed of pure dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine (DMPC) or palmitoyl-oleoylphosphatidylethanolamine (POPE). As expected, we observe a significant reorganization of lipids at and near the edges. The treatment of electrostatic effects is shown to have a qualitative impact on the structure and stability of the edge, and significant differences are observed in the dynamics and structure of edges formed by DMPC and palmitoyl-oleoylphosphatidylethanolamine. From the pressure anisotropy in the simulation box, we calculate a line tension of approximately 10-30 pN for the DMPC edge, in qualitative agreement with experimental estimates for similar lipids.  相似文献   

Pulmonary surfactant provides for a lipid rich film at the lung air-water interface, which prevents alveolar collapse at the end of expiration. The films are likely enriched in the major surfactant component dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC), which, due to its saturated fatty acid chains, can withstand high surface pressures up to 70 mN/m, thereby reducing surface tension in that interface to very low values (close to 1 mN/m). Despite many experimental measurements in situ, as well as in vitro for native lung surfactant films, the exact mechanism by which other fluid lipid components of surfactant, in combination with surfactant proteins, allow for such low surface tension values to be reached is not well understood. We have performed molecular dynamics simulation of films composed of DPPC alone and in mixtures with other fluid and acidic lipid components of surfactant at the high densities relevant to the low surface tension regime. 10-50 ns simulations were performed with the software GROMACS, with 40-64 lipids molecules plus water, using 5 different lipid compositions and 7 different areas per lipid. The primary focus was to learn how differences in lipid composition affect the response of the monolayer to compression, such as the development of curvature or the loss of lipids to the exterior of the monolayer. The systems studied exhibit features of two of the major schools of thought of lung surfactant mechanisms, in that although unsaturated lipids did not appear to prevent the monolayers from achieving high surface pressure, POPG did appear to be selectively squeezed out of the DPPC/POPG monolayers at high lipid densities.  相似文献   

Doxorubicin (DOX) is one of the most efficient antitumor drugs employed in numerous cancer therapies. Its incorporation into lipid-based nanocarriers, such as liposomes, improves the drug targeting into tumor cells and reduces drug side effects. The carriers' lipid composition is expected to affect the interactions of DOX and its partitioning into liposomal membranes. To get a rational insight into this aspect and determine promising lipid compositions, we use numerical simulations, which provide unique information on DOX-membrane interactions at the atomic level of resolution. In particular, we combine classical molecular dynamics simulations and free energy calculations to elucidate the mechanism of penetration of a protonated Doxorubicin molecule (DOX+) into potential liposome membranes, here modeled as lipid bilayers based on mixtures of phosphatidylcholine (PC), sphingomyelin (SM) and cholesterol lipid molecules, of different compositions and lipid phases. Moreover, we analyze DOX+ partitioning into relevant regions of SM-based lipid bilayer systems using a combination of free energy methods. Our results show that DOX+ penetration and partitioning are facilitated into less tightly packed SM-based membranes and are dependent on lipid composition. This work paves the way to further investigations of optimal formulations for lipid-based carriers, such as those associated with pH-responsive membranes.  相似文献   

Hydrophilic pores are formed in peptide free lipid bilayers under mechanical stress. It has been proposed that the transport of ionic species across such membranes is largely determined by the existence of such meta-stable hydrophilic pores. To study the properties of these structures and understand the mechanism by which pore expansion leads to membrane rupture, a series of molecular dynamics simulations of a dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC) bilayer have been conducted. The system was simulated in two different states; first, as a bilayer containing a meta-stable pore and second, as an equilibrated bilayer without a pore. Surface tension in both cases was applied to study the formation and stability of hydrophilic pores inside the bilayers. It is observed that below a critical threshold tension of approximately 38 mN/m the pores are stabilized. The minimum radius at which a pore can be stabilized is 0.7 nm. Based on the critical threshold tension the line tension of the bilayer was estimated to be approximately 3 x 10(-11) N, in good agreement with experimental measurements. The flux of water molecules through these stabilized pores was analyzed, and the structure and size of the pores characterized. When the lateral pressure exceeds the threshold tension, the pores become unstable and start to expand causing the rupture of the membrane. In the simulations the mechanical threshold tension necessary to cause rupture of the membrane on a nanosecond timescale is much higher in the case of the equilibrated bilayers, as compared with membranes containing preexisting pores.  相似文献   

Hsu JC  Yip CM 《Biophysical journal》2007,92(12):L100-L102
Identifying the mechanisms responsible for the interaction of peptides with cell membranes is critical to the design of new antimicrobial peptides and membrane transporters. We report here the results of a computational simulation of the interaction of the 13-residue peptide indolicidin with single-phase lipid bilayers of dioleoylphosphatidylcholine, distearoylphosphatidylcholine, dioleoylphosphatidylglycerol, and distearoylphosphatidylglycerol. Ensemble analysis of the membrane-bound peptide revealed that, in contrast to the extended, linear backbone structure reported for indolicidin in sodium dodecyl sulphate detergent micelles, the peptide adopts a boat-shaped conformation in both phosphatidylglycerol and phosphatidylcholine lipid bilayers, similar to that reported for dodecylphosphocholine micelles. In agreement with fluorescence and NMR experiments, simulations confirmed that the peptide localizes in the membrane interface, with the distance between phosphate headgroups of each leaflet being reduced in the presence of indolicidin. These data, along with a concomitant decrease in lipid order parameters for the upper-tail region, suggest that indolicidin binding results in membrane thinning, consistent with recent in situ atomic force microscopy studies.  相似文献   

The fusion of a membrane-bounded vesicle with a target membrane is a key step in intracellular trafficking, exocytosis, and drug delivery. Molecular dynamics simulations have been used to study the fusion of small unilamellar vesicles composed of a dipalmitoyl-phosphatidylcholine (DPPC)/palmitic acid 1:2 mixture in atomic detail. The simulations were performed at 350-370 K and mimicked the temperature- and pH-induced fusion of DPPC/palmitic acid vesicles from experiments by others. To make the calculations computationally feasible, a vesicle simulated at periodic boundary conditions was fused with its periodic image. Starting from a preformed stalk between the outer leaflets of the vesicle and its periodic image, a hemifused state formed within 2 ns. In one out of six simulations, a transient pore formed close to the stalk, resulting in the mixing of DPPC lipids between the outer and the inner leaflet. The hemifused state was (meta)stable on a timescale of up to 11 ns. Forcing a single lipid into the interior of the hemifusion diaphragm induced the formation and expansion of a fusion pore on a nanosecond timescale. This work opens the perspective to study a wide variety of mesoscopic biological processes in atomic detail.  相似文献   

Molecular dynamics simulations have become a standard tool for the investigation of biomolecules. Simulations are performed of ever bigger systems using more realistic boundary conditions and better sampling due to longer sampling times. Recently, realistic simulations of systems as complex as transmembrane channels have become feasible. Simulations aid our understanding of biochemical processes and give a dynamic dimension to structural data; for example, the transformation of harmless prion protein into the disease-causing agent has been modeled.  相似文献   

In order to investigate structural and dynamical properties of local anesthetic articaine in a model lipid bilayer, a series of molecular dynamics simulations have been performed. Simulations were carried out for neutral and charged (protonated) forms of articaine inserted in fully hydrated dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine (DMPC) lipid bilayer. For comparison purpose, a fully hydrated DMPC bilayer without articaine was also simulated. The length of each simulation was 200 ns. Various properties of the lipid bilayer systems in the presence of both charged and uncharged forms of articaine taken at two different concentrations have been examined: membrane area per lipid, mass density distributions, order parameters, radial distribution functions, head group tilt, diffusion coefficients, electrostatic potential, etc, and compared with results of previous simulations of DMPC bilayer in the presence of lidocaine. It was shown that addition of both charged and neutral forms of articaine causes increase of the dipole electrostatic potential in the membrane interior.  相似文献   

Molecular dynamics computer simulations can provide a third leg which balances the contributions of both structural biology and binding studies performed on the lipid binding protein family. In this context, these calculations help to establish a dialogue between all three communities, by relating experimental observables with details of structure. Working towards this connection is important, since experience has shown the difficulty of inferring thermodynamic properties from a single static conformation. The challenge is exemplified by ongoing attempts to interpret the impact of mutagenesis on structure and function (i.e. binding). A detailed atomic-level understanding of this system could be achieved with the support of all three legs, paving the way towards rational design of proteins with novel specificities. This paper provides an outline of the connections possible between experiment and theory concerning lipid binding proteins.  相似文献   

xDNA is a modified DNA, which contains natural as well as expanded bases. Expanded bases are generated by the addition of a benzene spacer to the natural bases. A set of AMBER force‐field parameters were derived for the expanded bases and the structural dynamics of the xDNA decamer ( xT5 ′ G xT A xC xG C xA xG T3′ ) · ( xA5′ C T xG C G xT A xC A3′) was explored using a 22 ns molecular dynamics simulation in explicit solvent. During the simulation, the duplex retained its Watson‐Crick base‐pairing and double helical structure, with deviations from the starting B‐form geometry towards A‐form; the deviations are mainly in the backbone torsion angles and in the helical parameters. The sugar pucker of the residues were distributed among a variety of modes; C2′ endo, C1′ exo, O4′ endo, C4′ exo, C2′ exo, and C3′ endo. The enhanced stacking interactions on account of the modification in the bases could help to retain the duplex nature of the helix with minor deviations from the ideal geometry. In our simulation, the xDNA showed a reduced minor groove width and an enlarged major groove width in comparison with the NMR structure. Both the grooves are larger than that of standard B‐DNA, but major groove width is larger than that of A‐DNA with almost equal minor groove width. The enlarged groove widths and the possibility of additional hydration in the grooves makes xDNA a potential molecule for various applications. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Biopolymers 91: 351–360, 2009. This article was originally published online as an accepted preprint. The “Published Online” date corresponds to the preprint version. You can request a copy of the preprint by emailing the Biopolymers editorial office at biopolymers@wiley.com  相似文献   

K. Ueda  J. W. Brady 《Biopolymers》1997,41(3):323-330
Molecular mechanics calculations have been performed for the disaccharide carrabiose, one of the repeat units of β-carrageenan, as a general model for the (1→4)-linkage in the carrageenans. An adiabatic conformational energy map for this unsulfated molecule was prepared by constrained energy minimization and compared to a previously reported rigid-residue energy map for the sulfated molecule and to a similar adiabatic map for neocarrabiose, the related (1→3)-linked dimer repeat unit of β-carrageenan. Molecular dynamics simulations of this molecule in vacuo and in an aqueous (TIP3P) solution were calculated, and the observed motions were found to be generally consistent with the vacuum adiabatic energy map. Unlike the case observed in previous simulations of neocarrabiose, little salvation shift in the molecular conformation was observed for carrabiose. From the dynamics, the linkage was observed to be relatively flexible, as has been inferred from experiment on sulfated carrageenan polymers. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Molecular dynamics simulations are now commonly applied to metalloproteins, despite the challenges introduced by the presence of metal ions. Force field parameters are nowadays available also for these 'exotic' atoms and several biological systems have been successfully studied. Some of the most relevant results and methodological advancements are reviewed.  相似文献   

Molecular dynamics simulations of biomolecules   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  

We report the results of an investigation on stratum corneum lipids, which present the main barrier of the skin. Molecular dynamics simulations, thermal analysis and FTIR measurements were applied. The primary objective of this work was to study the effect of cholesterol on skin structure and dynamics. Two molecular models were constructed, a free fatty acid bilayer (stearic acid, palmitic acid) and a fatty acid/cholesterol mixture at a 1:1 molar ratio. Our simulations were performed at constant pressure and temperature on a nanosecond time scale. The resulting model structures were characterized by calculating surface areas per headgroup, conformational properties, atom densities and order parameters of the fatty acids. Analysis of the simulations indicates that the free fatty acid fraction of stratum corneum lipids stays in a highly ordered crystalline state at skin temperatures. The phase behavior is strongly influenced when cholesterol is added. Cholesterol smoothes the rigid phases of the fatty acids: the order of the hydrocarbon tails (mainly of the last eight bonds) is reduced, the area per molecule becomes larger, the fraction of trans dihedrals is lower and the hydrophobic thickness is reduced. The simulation results are in good agreement with our experimental data from FTIR analysis and NIR-FT Raman spectroscopy.  相似文献   

Photosynthesis Research - Photosynthesis is regulated by a dynamic interplay between proteins, enzymes, pigments, lipids, and cofactors that takes place on a large spatio-temporal scale. Molecular...  相似文献   

Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations complement experimental methods in studies of the structure and dynamics of lipid bilayers. The choice of algorithms employed in this computational method represents a trade-off between the accuracy and real calculation time. The largest portion of the simulation time is devoted to calculation of long-range electrostatic interactions. To speed-up evaluation of these interactions, various approximations have been used. The most common ones are the truncation of long-range interactions with the use of cut-offs, and the particle-mesh Ewald (PME) method. In this study, several multi-nanosecond cut-off and PME simulations were performed to establish the influence of the simulation protocol on the bilayer properties. Two bilayers were used. One consisted of neutral phosphatidylcholine molecules. The other was a mixed lipid bilayer consisting of neutral phosphatidylethanolamine and negatively charged phosphatidylglycerol molecules. The study shows that the cut-off simulation of a bilayer containing charge molecules generates artefacts; in particular the mobility and order of the charged molecules are vastly different from those determined experimentally. In the PME simulation, the bilayer properties are in general agreement with experimental data. The cut-off simulation of bilayers containing only uncharged molecules does not generate artefacts, nevertheless, the PME simulation gives generally better agreement with experimental data.  相似文献   

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