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Summary Cytochromec added during the formation of lecithin-cardiolipin liquid crystals in 0.015m KCl is readily bound. After successive washings with 0.15m KCl, only about 50% of this bound cytochromec is removed. The remaining cytochromec is resistant to further salt extraction, and the amount of this cytochromec that is bound varies with the concentration of added cytochromec to a maximum binding ratio of 170, mole ratio cytochromec to phospholipid. This binding appears to be electrostatic; it is competitively inhibited by increasing the initial molarity of KCl from 0.015 to 0.10m. Binding of cytochromec is insignificant in the absence of cardiolipin, and is affected by varying the pH. Electron microscope studies of osmium tetroxide-stained thin sections show that the liquid crystals consist of vesicles, each of which contains a large number of concentric, alternating light and dense lines. The dense lines have been identified by other workers with the polar head groups of the phospholipids on the surface of a bilayer, and the light area represents the hydrophobic interior. The addition of cytochromec causes an average decrease in the number of lines per vesicle. It increases the center-to-center distance between two neighboring light or dense lines and the width of the dense lines. On the basis of this evidence and electrostatic binding, it is concluded that cytochromec is binding on the polar surfaces of the phospholipid bilayers comprising the liquid crystalline vesicles.  相似文献   

Participation of electrostatic and other noncovalent interactions in the binding of tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs) to the lipid bilayers was estimated from pH-dependencies of imipramine, desipramine, amitriptyline and nortriptyline binding to the lipid bilayers prepared from different phospholipids, both electroneutral and acidic. The binding was studied using a radioligand binding assay. It was found that the membrane phospholipid composition and methylation of the acyl side chain of TCA has a decisive effect on participation of particular noncovalent interactions in the binding. Apparent high-affinity binding of TCAs to the phosphatidylcholine or phosphatidylethanolamine membranes are achieved mainly by incorporation of uncharged drug molecules into the hydrophobic core of the bilayers. Van der Waals forces and hydrophobic effect are responsible for this binding. Both charged and uncharged drug molecules bind to phosphatidylserine membranes, therefore coulomb- or ion-induced dipole interactions play a role in these binding. Different spatial distribution of charged residues within the interface causes different electrostatic interactions between charged TCAs and vesicles formed from phosphatidylserine and phosphatidylinositol. The data supports the hypothesis under which TCAs could have effect on affective disorders partially via binding to the lipid part of the membrane and following changes of lipid-protein interactions.  相似文献   

Kinetic and thermodynamic stability of bacterial intracellular aggregates   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Espargaró A  Sabaté R  Ventura S 《FEBS letters》2008,582(25-26):3669-3673
Protein aggregation is related to many human disorders and constitutes a major bottleneck in protein production. However, little is known about the conformational properties of in vivo formed aggregates and how they relate to the specific polypeptides embedded in them. Here, we show that the kinetic and thermodynamic stability of the inclusion bodies formed by the Abeta42 Alzheimer peptide and its Asp19 alloform differ significantly and correlate with their amyloidogenic propensity and solubility inside the cell. Our results indicate that the nature of the polypeptide chain determines the specific conformational properties of intracellular aggregates. This implies that different protein inclusions impose dissimilar challenges to the cellular quality-control machinery.  相似文献   

Antisense oligonucleotides have the ability to inhibit individual gene expression in the potential treatment of cancer and viral diseases. However, the mechanism by which many oligonucleotide analogs enter cells to exert the desired effects is unknown. In this study, we have used phospholipid model membranes (liposomes) to examine further the mechanisms by which oligonucleotide analogs cross biological membranes. Permeation characteristics of 32P or fluorescent labelled methylphosphonate (MP-oligo), phosphorothioate (S-oligo), alternating methylphosphonate-phosphodiester (Alt-MP) and unmodified phosphodiester (D-oligo) oligodeoxynucleotides were studied using liposomal membranes. Efflux rates (t1/2 values) at 37 degrees C for oligonucleotides entrapped within liposomes ranged from 7-10 days for D-, S- and Alt-MP-oligos to about 4 days for MP-oligos. This suggests that cellular uptake of oligonucleotides by passive diffusion may be an unlikely mechanism, even for the more hydrophobic MP-oligos, as biological effects are observed over much shorter time periods. We also present data that suggest oligonucleotides are unlikely to traverse phospholipid bilayers by membrane destabilization. We show further that MP-oligos exhibit saturable binding (adsorption) to liposomal membranes with a dissociation constant (Kd) of around 20nM. Binding appears to be a simple interaction in which one molecule of oligonucleotide attaches to a single lipid site. In addition, we present water-octanol partition coefficient data which shows that uncharged 12-15 mer MP-oligos are 20-40 times more soluble in water than octanol; the low organic solubility is consistent with the slow permeation of MP-oligos across liposome membranes. These results are thought to have important implications for both the cellular transport and liposomal delivery of modified oligonucleotides.  相似文献   

Trehalose lipids are biosurfactants produced by rhodococci that, in addition to their well known potential industrial and environmental uses, are gaining interest in their use as therapeutic agents. The study of the interaction of biosurfactants with membranes is important in order to understand the molecular mechanism of their biological actions. In this work we look into the interactions of a bacterial trehalose lipid produced by Rhodococcus sp. with dimyristoylphosphatidylserine membranes by using differential scanning calorimetry, X-ray diffraction and infrared spectroscopy. Differential scanning calorimetry and X-ray diffraction show that trehalose lipid broadens and shifts the phospholipid gel to liquid-crystalline phase transition to lower temperatures, does not modify the macroscopic bilayer organization and presents good miscibility both in the gel and the liquid-crystalline phases. Infrared experiments show that trehalose lipid increases the fluidity of the phosphatidylserine acyl chains, changed the local environment of the polar head group, and decreased the hydration of the interfacial region of the bilayer. Trehalose lipid was also able to affect the thermotropic transition of dimyristoylphosphatidyserine in the presence of calcium. These results support the idea that trehalose lipid incorporates into the phosphatidylserine bilayers and produces structural perturbations which might affect the function of the membrane.  相似文献   

The interaction and mixing of membrane components in sonicated unilamellar vesicles and also non-sonicated multilamellar vesicles prepared from highly purified phospholipids suspended in NaCl solutions has been examined. Electron microscopy and differential scanning calorimetry were used to characterize the extent and kinetics of mixing of membrane components between different vesicle populations. No appreciable fusion was detected between populations of non-sonicated phospholipid vesicles incubated in aqueous salt (NaCl) solutions. Mixing of vesicle membrane components via diffusion of phospholipid molecules between vesicles was observed in populations of negatively charged phosphatidylglycerol vesicles but similar exchange diffusion was not detected in populations of neutral phosphatidylcholine vesicles. Incubation of sonicated vesicle populations at temperatures close to or above the phospholipid transition temperature resulted in an increase in vesicle size and mixing of vesicle membrane components as determined by a gradual change in the thermotropic properties of the mixed vesicle population. The interaction of purified phospholipid vesicles was also examined in the presence of myristic acid and lysolecithin. Our results indicate that while these agents enhance mixing of vesicle membrane components, in most cases mixing probably proceeds via diffusion of phospholipid molecules rather than by fusion of entire vesicles. Increased mixing of vesicle membrane components was also produced when vesicles were prepared containing a purified hydrophobic protein (myelin proteolipid apoprotein) or were incubated in the presence of dimethylsulfoxide. In these two systems, however, the evidence suggests that mixing of membrane components results from the fusion of entire vesicles.  相似文献   

Quantification of membrane partition potential of drug compounds is of great pharmaceutical interest. Here, a novel approach combining liquid-state NMR diffusion measurements and fast-tumbling lipid/detergent bicelles is used to measure accurately the partition coefficient K(p) of amantadine in phospholipid bilayers. Amantadine is found to have a strong membrane partition potential, with K(p) of 27.6 in DMPC and 37.8 in POPC lipids. Electrostatic interaction also plays a major role in the drug's affinity towards biological membrane as introduction of negatively charged POPG dramatically increases its K(p). Saturation transfer difference experiments in small bicelles indicate that amantadine localizes near the negatively charged phosphate group and the hydrocarbon chain of bilayer lipid. The approach undertaken in this study is generally applicable for characterizing interactions between small molecules and phospholipid membranes.  相似文献   

Antibiotics acting on bacterial membranes are receiving increasing attention because of widespread resistance to agents acting on other targets and of potentially improved bactericidal effects. Oritavancin is a amphiphilic derivative of vancomycin showing fast and extensive killing activities against multi-resistant (including vancomycin insusceptible) Gram-positive organisms with no marked toxicity towards eukaryotic cells. We have undertaken to characterize the interactions of oritavancin with phospholipid bilayers, using liposomes (LUV) and supported bilayers made of cardiolipin (CL) or phosphatidylglycerol (POPG) and phosphatidylethanolamine (POPE), all abundant in Gram-positive organisms. Changes in membrane permeability were followed by the release of calcein entrapped in liposomes at self-quenching concentrations, and changes in nanoscale lipid organization examined by Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM). Oritavancin caused a fast (< 5 min) and complete (> 95%) release of calcein from CL:POPE liposomes, and a slower but still substantial (50% in 60 min) release from POPG:POPE liposomes, which was (i) concentration-dependent (0-600 nM; [microbiologically meaningful concentrations]); (ii) enhanced by an increase in POPG:POPE ratio, and decreased when replacing POPG by DPPG. AFM of CL:POPE supported bilayers showed that oritavancin (84 nM) caused a remodeling of the lipid domains combined with a redisposition of the drug and degradation of the borders. In all the above studies, vancomycin was without a significant effect at 5.5 μM. Electrostatic interactions, together with lipid curvature, lipid polymorphism as well of fluidity play a critical role for the permeabilization of lipid bilayer and changes in lipid organization induced by oritavancin.  相似文献   

The major mechanism by which bacteria acquire free or haemoglobin-bound haem involves direct binding of haem to specific outer membrane receptors. Serratia marcescens and Pseudomonas aeruginosa have an alternative system, which involves an extracellular haemophore, HasA, that captures free or haemoglobin-bound haem and shuttles it to a specific cell surface outer membrane receptor, HasR. Both haem-free (apoprotein) and haem-loaded (holoprotein) HasA bind to HasR, evidence for direct protein-protein interactions between HasA and HasR. HasA binding to HasR takes place in a tonB mutant. TonB is thus required for a step subsequent to HasA binding.  相似文献   

The binding of inorganic mercury Hg(II) to phospholipid headgroups has been investigated by phosphorus-31 nuclear magnetic resonance of phosphatidylethanolamine (PE), phosphatidylserine (PS) and phosphatidylcholine (PC) in water micellar and multilamellar phases. HgCl2 triggers the aggregation of phospholipid micelles, leading to a lipid-mercury precipitate that is no longer detectable by high-resolution31P-NMR. The remaining signal area corresponds to micelles in the soluble fraction and is a non-linear function of the initial mercury-to-lipid molar ratio. Kinetics of micelle aggregation are exponential for the first 15 min and show a plateau tendency after 120 min. Apparent Hg(H) affinities for phospholipid headgroups are in the order: PE > PS > PC. The same binding specificity is observed when HgCl2 is added to (1:1) mixtures of different micelles (PE + PC; PS + PC). However, mercury binding to mixed micelles prepared with two lipids (PE/PC or PS/PC) induces the aggregation of both lipids. Hg(II) also leads to a31P-NMR chemical shift anisotropy decrease of PC, PS and mixed (1:1) PE/PC multilamellar vesicles and markedly broadens PS spectra. This indicates that HgCl2 binding forces phospholipid headgroups to reorient and that the concomitant network formation leads to a slowing down of PS membrane collective motions. Formation of a gel-like lamellar phase characterized by a broad NMR linewidth is also observed upon HgCl2 binding to PE samples both in fluid (L) or hexagonal (HII) phases. The PE hexagonal phase is no longer detected in the presence of HgCl2. Mixed PE/PC dispersions remain in the fluid phase upon mercury addition, indicating that no phase separation occurs. Addition of excess NaCl leads to the appearance of the non-reactive species HgCl inf4 sup2– and induces the reversal of all the above effects.Abbreviations A(t) time-dependence of peak area - A40 peak area at t=40 min - 1/ rate of peak area decrease - isotropic chemical shift - isotropic chemical shift change - chemical shift anisotropy - DPPC dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine - Hg(II) inorganic mercury - NMR nuclear magnetic resonance - pCl –log [Cl] - PC phosphatidylcholine - PE phosphatidylethanolamine - PL phospholipid - PS phosphatidylserine - Ri mercury-to-lipid molar ratio - MLV multilamellar vesicles - SUV small unilamellar vesicles  相似文献   

Aluminum is a neurotoxic agent; however, little information has been obtained regarding its molecular cytotoxicity and the effects on the stability of biological membranes. This is mainly due to the ill-defined chemical speciation of the metal compounds. For this reason, the present study used aluminum acetylacetonate, (Al(acac)3), a neutral, chemically well-defined, hydrolytically stable and lipophilic compound. To understand the molecular mechanism of its interaction with cell membranes, Al(acac)3 was incubated with human erythrocytes, isolated toad skin and molecular models of biomembranes. The latter consisted of multilayers of dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine (DMPC) and dimyristoyphosphatidylethanolamine (DMPE), representative of phospholipid classes located in the outer and inner monolayers of the human erythrocyte membrane, respectively. The results showed that Al(acac)3 interacted with the erythrocyte membrane modifying its normal discoid morphology to both echinocytic and stomatocytic shapes. This finding indicates that the Al complex was inserted in both the outer and inner layers of the red cell membrane, a conclusion supported by X-ray diffraction analyses of DMPC and DMPE bilayers. Electrophysiological measurements performed on toad skin revealed a significant decrease in the potential difference and short-circuit current responses after application of Al(acac)3, effects interpreted to reflect inhibition of the active transport of ions. Al(acac)3 was active on both surfaces of the skin suggesting that the membrane was permeated by the metal complex. It is concluded that Al(acac)3 both alters the molecular structure of the lipid bilayer, thereby modifying the biophysical properties of the cell membrane, and changes its physiological properties.  相似文献   

The effects of lidocaine on chemical composition of membrane phospholipids and membrane fluidity of Streptococcus mutans have been studied. Increasing concentra-tions of lidocaine induced both an increase in cardiolipin and a decrease in the degree of unsaturation of its fatty acid composition. A lidocaine-dependent decrease of membrane fluidity was observed from an electron spin resonance spectroscopic study. It was considered thal bacteria grown with lidocaine below its minimum inhibitory concentration resisted the effect of the drug by modifying phospholipid and fatty acid composition resulting in a decreased membrane fluidity.  相似文献   

An extensive 100-ns molecular dynamics simulation of lipid bilayer composed of mixture of phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) and phosphatidylglycerol (PG) was performed to elucidate the role of PGs to the stability of bacterial membranes. In addition, a control simulation of pure PE over 150 ns was performed. We observed that PGs decrease both the PE headgroup protrusions into the water phase, and the PE headgroup motion along bilayer normal. The above effects are caused by stronger inter-lipid interactions in the mixed bilayer: the number of hydrogen bonds created by PEs is 34% higher in the mixed than in the pure bilayer. Another contribution is due to the numerous ion-mediated inter-lipid links, which strongly enhance interface stability. That provides a plausible mechanism for preventing lipid desorption from the membrane, for example, under the influence of an organic solvent. A more compact and less dynamic interface structure also decreases membrane permeability. That provides a possible mechanism for stabilizing, e.g., bacterial membranes.  相似文献   

Fusion of multilamellar phospholipid vesicles with planar phospholipid bilayer membranes was monitored by the rate of appearance in the planar membrane of an intrinsic membrane protein present in the vesicle membranes. An essential requirement for fusion is an osmotic gradient across the planar membrane, with the cis side (the side containing the vesicles) hyperosmotic to the opposite (trans) side; for substantial fusion rates, divalent cation must also be present on the cis side. Thus, the low fusion rates obtained with 100 mM excess glucose in the cis compartment are enhanced orders of magnitude by the addition of 5-10 mM CaCl2 to the cis compartment. Conversely, the rapid fusion rates induced by 40 mM CaCl2 in the cis compartment are completely suppressed when the osmotic gradient (created by the 40 mM CaCl2) is abolished by addition of an equivalent amount of either CaCl2, NaCl, urea, or glucose to the trans compartment. We propose that fusion occurs by the osmotic swelling of vesicles in contact with the planar membrane, with subsequent rupture of the vesicular and planar membranes in the region of contact. Divalent cations catalyze this process by increasing the frequency and duration of vesicle-planar membrane contact. We argue that essentially this same osmotic mechanism drives biological fusion processes, such as exocytosis. Our fusion procedure provides a general method for incorporating and reconstituting transport proteins into planar phospholipid bilayer membranes.  相似文献   

Nath A  Atkins WM  Sligar SG 《Biochemistry》2007,46(8):2059-2069
Phospholipid bilayer Nanodiscs are novel model membranes derived from high-density lipoprotein particles and have proven to be useful in studies of membrane proteins. Membrane protein enzymology has been hampered by the inherent insolubility of membrane proteins in aqueous environments and has necessitated the use of model membranes such as liposomes and detergent-stabilized micelles. Current model membranes display a polydisperse particle size distribution and can suffer from problems of inconsistency and instability. It is also unclear how well they mimic biological lipid bilayers. In contrast, Nanodiscs, the particle size of which is constrained by a coat of scaffold proteins, are relatively monodisperse, stable model membranes with a "nativelike" lipid bilayer. Nanodiscs have already been used to study a variety of membrane proteins, including cytochrome P450s, seven-transmembrane proteins, and bacterial chemoreceptors. These proteins are simultaneously monomerized, solubilized, and incorporated into the well-defined membrane environment provided by Nanodiscs. Nanodiscs may also provide useful insights into the thermodynamics and biophysics of biological membranes and binding of small molecules to membranes.  相似文献   

The outer membrane is the first line of contact between Gram-negative bacteria and their external environment. Embedded in the outer membrane are integral outer membrane proteins (OMPs) that perform a diverse range of tasks. OMPs are synthesized in the cytoplasm and are translocated across the inner membrane and probably diffuse through the periplasm before they are inserted into the outer membrane in a folded and biologically active form. Passage through the periplasm presents a number of challenges, due to the hydrophobic nature of the OMPs and the choice of membranes into which they can insert. Recently, a number of periplasmic proteins and one OMP have been shown to play a role in OMP biogenesis. In this review, we describe what is known about these folding factors and how they function in a biological context. In particular, we focus on how they interact with the OMPs at the molecular level and present a comprehensive overview of data relating to a possible effect on OMP folding yield and kinetics. Furthermore, we discuss the role of lipo-chaperones, i.e. lipopolysaccharide and phospholipids, in OMP folding. Important advances have clearly been made in the field, but much work remains to be done, particularly in terms of describing the biophysical basis for the chaperone-OMP interactions which so intricately regulate OMP biogenesis.  相似文献   

Chelation binding of divalent cations to phospholipid membranes may cause deformation in the headgroup regions of these lipid molecules. This deformation may be responsible for the observed large increase in surface tension of acidic phospholipid membranes induced by divalent cations. On the other hand, simple binding of monovalent cations without being followed by such a deformation of membrane molecules, does not result in a large surface tension increase in the membrane. A theoretical explanation for the above situation is given and the divalent cation-induced acidic phospholipid membrane fusion as well as other lipid membrane fusions are discussed in terms of the increased surface energy of membranes.  相似文献   

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