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Phosphorylation of the gap junction protein connexin 43 (Cx43) by protein kinase C (PKC) decreases dye coupling in many cell types. We report an investigation of the regulation by PKC of Cx43 gap junctional hemichannels (GJH) expressed in Xenopus laevis oocytes. The activity of GJH was assessed from the uptake of hydrophilic fluorescent probes. PKC inhibitors increased probe uptake in isolated oocytes expressing recombinant Cx43, indicating that the regulatory effect occurs at the hemichannel level. We identified by mutational analysis the carboxy-terminal (CT) domain sequences involved in this response. We found that 1) Ser368 is responsible for the regulation of Cx43 GJH solute permeability by PKC-mediated phosphorylation, 2) CT domain residues 253-270 and 288-359 are not necessary for the effect of PKC, and 3) the prolinerich CT region is not involved in the effect of phosphorylation by PKC. Our results demonstrate that Ser368 (but not Ser372) is involved in the regulation of Cx43 solute permeability by PKC-mediated phosphorylation, and we conclude that different molecular mechanisms underlie the regulation of Cx43 by intracellular pH and PKC-mediated phosphorylation. protein kinase C blocker; dye loading; hemichannel  相似文献   

The oncogenic tyrosine kinase, v-Src, phosphorylates connexin43 (Cx43) on Y247 and Y265 and inhibits Cx43 gap junctional communication (GJC), the process of intercellular exchange of ions and metabolites. To test the role of a negative charge on Cx43 induced by tyrosine phosphorylation, we expressed Cx43 with glutamic acid substitutions at Y247 or Y265. The Cx43Y247E or Cx43Y265E channels were functional in Cx43 knockout fibroblasts, indicating that introducing a negative charge on Cx43 was not likely the mechanism for v-Src disruption of GJC. Cells coexpressing v-Src and the triple serine to alanine mutant, Cx43S255/279/282A, confirmed that mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase phosphorylation of Cx43 was not required for v-Src-induced disruption of GJC and that tyrosine phosphorylation was sufficient. In addition, v-Src cells containing v-Src-resistant gap junctions, Cx43Y247/265F, displayed properties of cell migration, adhesion, and proliferation similar to Cx43wt/v-Src cells, suggesting that Cx43 tyrosine phosphorylation and disruption of GJC are not involved in these transformed cell properties.  相似文献   

Gap junction channels provide the basis for the electrical syncytial properties of the heart as a communicating electrical network. Cardiac gap junction channels are predominantly composed of connexin 40 or connexin 43. The conductance of these channels (g(j)) can be regulated pharmacologically: substances which activate protein kinase C, protein kinase A or protein kinase G may alter Cx43 gap junction conductance. However, for PKC, this seems to be subtype specific. Thus, antiarrhythmic peptides can enhance g(j) via activation of PKCepsilon, while FGF-2 reduces g(j) via PKCepsilon. Lipophilic drugs can uncouple the channels. Besides an acute regulation of g(j), the expression of the cardiac connexins can also be regulated. A decrease in Cx43 with a concomitant increase in Cx40 has been found in end-stage failing hearts, while in renovascular hypertension, an increase in Cx43 has been described. Mediators like endothelin-1, angiotensin-II, TGF-beta, VEGF, and cAMP have been shown to increase Cx43. Interestingly, endothelin-1 and angiotensin-II increased Cx43 but did not affect Cx40 expression. In contrast, in humans suffering from atrial fibrillation (AF), the content in Cx40 can be enhanced while Cx43 was unaltered, although in several other studies, other changes of the cardiac connexins were found, which might be related to the type of AF. Regarding the role of calcium, the content in both Cx40 and Cx43 was decreased in cultured neonatal rat cardiomyocytes after 24 h administration of 100 nM verapamil. Thus, gap junctional channels can be affected pharmacologically either acutely by modulating gap junction conductance or chronically by altering gap junction protein expression. Interestingly, it appears that the expression of Cx43 and Cx40 can be differentially regulated.  相似文献   

To clarify the relationship of gap junction formation to phosphorylation of connexin43 (Cx43) in mouse preimplantation embryos, immunofluorescence and Western blot analysis were conducted. Immunofluorescence showed Cx43 positive spots first at the mid-eight-cell stage (6 hr postdivision to the eight-cell stage). The number of spots increased from 6 to 15 hr postdivision to the eight-cell stage. Western blot analysis suggested Cx43 to possibly be present in the nonphosphorylated form at the mid-four-cell stage (6 hr postdivision to the four-cell stage), and phosphorylated Cx43 to increase from the mid-eight-cell stage (6 hr post-division to the eight-cell stage) onward. Dibutyryl cAMP (dbcAMP), a protein kinase A (PKA) activator, added to the culture medium increased the phosphorylation of Cx43 and Cx43 positive spots. The tumor promoter 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA), a protein kinase C (PKC) activator, increased the phosphorylation of Cx43, but decreased Cx43 positive spots. These results suggest that the phosphorylation of Cx43, induced by different protein kinase, leads to a different effect on gap junction formation in mouse preimplantation embryos.  相似文献   

In the human heart, ventricular myocytes express connexin 43 (Cx43) and traces of Cx45. In congestive heart failure, Cx43 levels decrease, Cx45 levels increase and gap junction size decreases. To determine whether alterations of connexin coexpression ratio influence gap junction size, we engineered a rat liver epithelial cell line that endogenously expresses Cx43 to coexpress inducible levels of Cx45 under stimulation of the insect hormone, ponasterone A. In cells induced to express Cx45, gap junction sizes are significantly reduced (by 15% to 20%; p < 0.001), an effect that occurs despite increased levels of junctional connexons made from both connexins. In contrast, coexpression of Cx40 with Cx43 does not lead to any change in gap junction size. These results are consistent with the idea that increased Cx45 expression in the failing ventricle contributes to decreased gap junction size.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1990,111(5):2077-2088
Connexin43 is a member of the highly homologous connexin family of gap junction proteins. We have studied how connexin monomers are assembled into functional gap junction plaques by examining the biosynthesis of connexin43 in cell types that differ greatly in their ability to form functional gap junctions. Using a combination of metabolic radiolabeling and immunoprecipitation, we have shown that connexin43 is synthesized in gap junctional communication-competent cells as a 42-kD protein that is efficiently converted to a approximately 46-kD species (connexin43-P2) by the posttranslational addition of phosphate. Surprisingly, certain cell lines severely deficient in gap junctional communication and known cell-cell adhesion molecules (S180 and L929 cells) also expressed 42-kD connexin43. Connexin43 in these communication-deficient cell lines was not, however, phosphorylated to the P2 form. Conversion of S180 cells to a communication-competent phenotype by transfection with a cDNA encoding the cell-cell adhesion molecule L-CAM induced phosphorylation of connexin43 to the P2 form; conversely, blocking junctional communication in ordinarily communication-competent cells inhibited connexin43-P2 formation. Immunohistochemical localization studies indicated that only communication-competent cells accumulated connexin43 in visible gap junction plaques. Together, these results establish a strong correlation between the ability of cells to process connexin43 to the P2 form and to produce functional gap junctions. Connexin43 phosphorylation may therefore play a functional role in gap junction assembly and/or activity.  相似文献   

The precise spatial order of gap junctions at intercalated disks in adult ventricular myocardium is thought vital for maintaining cardiac synchrony. Breakdown or remodeling of this order is a hallmark of arrhythmic disease of the heart. The principal component of gap junction channels between ventricular cardiomyocytes is connexin43 (Cx43). Protein-protein interactions and modifications of the carboxyl-terminus of Cx43 are key determinants of gap junction function, size, distribution and organization during normal development and in disease processes. Here, we review data on the role of proteins interacting with the Cx43 carboxyl-terminus in the regulation of cardiac gap junction organization, with particular emphasis on Zonula Occludens-1. The rapid progress in this area suggests that in coming years we are likely to develop a fuller understanding of the molecular mechanisms causing pathologic remodeling of gap junctions. With these advances come the promise of novel approach to the treatment of arrhythmia and the prevention of sudden cardiac death. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: The Communicating junctions, composition, structure and characteristics.  相似文献   

Many cells express multiple connexins, the gap junction proteins that interconnect the cytosol of adjacent cells. Connexin43 (Cx43) channels allow intercellular transfer of Lucifer Yellow (LY, MW = 443 D), while connexin45 (Cx45) channels do not. We transfected full-length or truncated chicken Cx45 into a rat osteosarcoma cell line ROS-17/2.8, which expresses endogenous Cx43. Both forms of Cx45 were expressed at high levels and colocalized with Cx43 at plasma membrane junctions. Cells transfected with full-length Cx45 (ROS/Cx45) and cells transfected with Cx45 missing the 37 carboxyl-terminal amino acids (ROS/Cx45tr) showed 30-60% of the gap junctional conductance exhibited by ROS cells. Intercellular transfer of three negatively charged fluorescent reporter molecules was examined. In ROS cells, microinjected LY was transferred to an average of 11.2 cells/injected cell, while dye transfer between ROS/Cx45 cells was reduced to 3.9 transfer between ROS/Cx45 cells was reduced to 3.9 cells. In contrast, ROS/Cx45tr cells transferred LY to > 20 cells. Transfer of calcein (MW = 623 D) was also reduced by approximately 50% in ROS/Cx45 cells, but passage of hydroxycoumarin carboxylic acid (HCCA; MW = 206 D) was only reduced by 35% as compared to ROS cells. Thus, introduction of Cx45 altered intercellular coupling between cells expressing Cx43, most likely the result of direct interaction between Cx43 and Cx45. Transfection of Cx45tr and Cx45 had different effects in ROS cells, consistent with a role of the carboxyl-terminal domain of Cx45 in determining gap junction permeability or interactions between connexins. These data suggest that coexpression of multiple connexins may enable cells to achieve forms of intercellular communication that cannot be attained by expression of a single connexin.  相似文献   

The goals of the current study were to determine whether the conductance of Cx40 and Cx40-Cx43 mixed composition junctions was regulated by platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF)-activated signaling cascades, to ascertain the minimum number of Cx43 subunits/connexon required to confer PDGF sensitivity, and to identify specific residues in Cx43 required for this regulation. Junctional and channel conductances (g(j) and gamma(j), respectively) were determined for Cx40/Cx40, Cx43/Cx43, Cx40/Cx43, and Cx40-Cx43/Cx40-Cx43 mixed composition channels. PDGF had no effect on g(j) in Cx40/Cx40 pairs, but decreased g(j) in the remaining combinations by 53% (Cx43/Cx43), 48% (Cx40/Cx43), 41% (4:1 Cx40:Cx43 expression ratio) and 24% (10:1 Cx40:Cx43 expression ratio). Based on the predicted connexin composition of channels in cells expressing Cx40 and Cx43 at either 4:1 or 10:1 ratios, these decreases in g(j) suggest that a single subunit of Cx43 is sufficient to confer PDGF sensitivity. The effect of PDGF on g(j) involved a decrease in both gamma(j) and Po and required serine 368 in the C-terminus. These data implicate protein kinase C as the mediator of the PDGF effect and strongly suggest that acute regulation of gap junction function by PDGF-activated signaling cascades is conferred by low levels of expression of a sensitive connexin in cells that otherwise express insensitive connexins.  相似文献   

Homomeric gap junction channels are composed solely of oneconnexin type, whereas heterotypic forms contain two homomeric hemichannels but the six identical connexins of each are different fromeach other. A heteromeric gap junction channel is one that containsdifferent connexins within either or both hemichannels. The existenceof heteromeric forms has been suggested, and many cell types are knownto coexpress connexins. To determine if coexpressed connexins wouldform heteromers, we cotransfected rat connexin43 (rCx43) and humanconnexin37 (hCx37) into a cell line normally devoid of any connexinexpression and used dual whole cell patch clamp to compare the observedgap junction channel activity with that seen in cells transfected onlywith rCx43 or hCx37. We also cocultured cells transfected with hCx37 orrCx43, in which one population was tagged with a fluorescent marker tomonitor heterotypic channel activity. The cotransfected cells possessedchannel types unlike the homotypic forms of rCx43 or hCx37 or theheterotypic forms. In addition, the noninstantaneous transjunctionalconductance-transjunctional voltage(Gj/Vj)relationship for cotransfected cell pairs showed a large range ofvariability that was unlike that of the homotypic or heterotypic form.The heterotypic cell pairs displayed asymmetric voltage dependence. Theresults from the heteromeric cell pairs are inconsistent with summedbehavior of two independent homotypic populations or mixed populationsof homotypic and heterotypic channels types. TheGj/Vjdata imply that the connexin-to-connexin interactions are significantlyaltered in cotransfected cell pairs relative to the homotypic andheterotypic forms. Heteromeric channels are a population of channelswhose characteristics could well impact differently from theirhomotypic counterparts with regard to multicellular coordinatedresponses.


We used cell lines expressing wild-type connexin43 (Cx43) and Cx43 fused with enhanced green fluorescent protein (Cx43-EGFP) to examine mechanisms of gap junction channel gating. Previously it was suggested that each hemichannel in a cell-cell channel possesses two gates, a fast gate that closes channels to a nonzero conductance or residual state via fast (< approximately 2 ms) transitions and a slow gate that fully closes channels via slow transitions (> approximately 10 ms). Here we demonstrate that transjunctional voltage (V(j)) regulates both gates and that they are operating in series and in a contingent manner in which the state of one gate affects gating of the other. Cx43-EGFP channels lack fast V(j) gating to a residual state but show slow V(j) gating. Both Cx43 and Cx43-EGFP channels exhibit slow gating by chemical uncouplers such as CO(2) and alkanols. Chemical uncouplers do not induce obvious changes in Cx43-EGFP junctional plaques, indicating that uncoupling is not caused by dispersion or internalization of junctional plaques. Similarity of gating transitions during chemical gating and slow V(j) gating suggests that both gating mechanisms share common structural elements. Cx43/Cx43-EGFP heterotypic channels showed asymmetrical V(j) gating with fast transitions between open and residual states only when the Cx43 side was relatively negative. This result indicates that the fast V(j) gate of Cx43 hemichannels closes for relative negativity at its cytoplasmic end.  相似文献   

Chronic exposure to Arsenic pollution in ground water is one of the largest environmental health disasters in the world. The toxicity of trivalent Arsenicals primarily happens due to its interaction with sulfhydryl groups in proteins. Arsenic binding to the protein can change the conformation of the protein and alter its interactions with other proteins leading to tissue damage. Therefore, much importance has been given to the studies of Arsenic bound proteins, for the purpose of understanding the origins of toxicity and to explore therapeutics. Here we study the dynamic effect of Arsenic on Connexin 43 (Cx43), a protein that forms the gap junctions, whose alteration deeply perturbs the cell-to-cell communication vital for maintaining tissue homeostasis. In silico molecular modelling and in vitro studies comparing Arsenic treated and untreated conditions show distinct results. Gap junction communication is severely disrupted by Arsenic due to reduced availability of unaltered Cx43 in the membrane bound form. In silico and Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry studies revealed the interaction of Arsenic to the Cx43 preferably occurs through surface exposed cysteines, thereby capping the thiol groups that form disulfide bonds in the tertiary structure. This leads to disruption of Cx43 oligomerization, and altered Cx43 is incompetent for transportation to the membrane surface, often forming aggregates primarily localizing in the endoplasmic reticulum. Loss of functional Cx43 on the cell surface have a deleterious effect on cellular homeostasis leading to selective vulnerability to cell death and tissue damage.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine the hypothesis that delta-opioid receptor activation before ischemia suppresses gap junction (GJ) permeability by PKC-mediated connexin 43 (Cx43) modulation, which contributes to infarct size limitation afforded by the delta-opioid receptor activation. A delta-opioid receptor agonist, [D-Ala(2),D-Leu(5)]-enkephalin acetate (DADLE, 300 nM), was used in place of preconditioning (PC) ischemia to trigger PC mechanisms in rat hearts. GJ permeability during ischemia, which was assessed by Lucifer yellow, was reduced by DADLE to 47% of the control level, and this effect of DADLE was almost abolished by a PKC-epsilon inhibitor [PKC-epsilon translocation inhibitory peptide (PKC-epsilon-TIP)] but was not affected by a PKC-delta inhibitor (rottlerin). After DADLE infusion, PKC-epsilon, but not PKC-delta, was coimmunoprecipitated with Cx43, and the level of phosphorylation of Cx43 at a PKC-dependent site (Ser(368)) was significantly elevated during ischemia. DADLE reduced infarct size after 35 min of ischemia followed by 2 h of reperfusion by 69%, and PKC-epsilon-TIP and rottlerin eliminated 48% and 63%, respectively, of the infarct size-limiting effect of DADLE. Infusion of a GJ blocker, heptanol, before reperfusion reduced infarct size by 36%, and this protection was not enhanced by preischemic infusion of rottlerin + DADLE, which allows PKC-epsilon activation by DADLE. These results suggest that phosphorylation of Cx43 by PKC-epsilon plays a crucial role in delta-opioid-induced suppression of GJ permeability in ischemic myocardium and that this modulation of the GJ is possibly an adjunct mechanism of infarct size limitation afforded by preischemic delta-opioid receptor activation.  相似文献   

We used cell lines expressing wild-type connexin43 and connexin43 fused with the enhanced green fluorescent protein (Cx43-EGFP) to examine conductance and perm-selectivity of the residual state of Cx43 homotypic and Cx43/Cx43-EGFP heterotypic gap junction channels. Each hemichannel in Cx43 cell-cell channel possesses two gates: a fast gate that closes channels to the residual state and a slow gate that fully closes channels; the transjunctional voltage (V(j)) closes the fast gate in the hemichannel that is on the relatively negative side. Here, we demonstrate macroscopically and at the single-channel level that the I-V relationship of the residual state rectifies, exhibiting higher conductance at higher V(j)s that are negative on the side of gated hemichannel. The degree of rectification increases when Cl(-) is replaced by Asp(-) and decreases when K(+) is replaced by TEA(+). These data are consistent with an increased anionic selectivity of the residual state. The V(j)-gated channel is not permeable to monovalent positively and negatively charged dyes, which are readily permeable through the fully open channel. These data indicate that a narrowing of the channel pore accompanies gating to the residual state. We suggest that the fast gate operates through a conformational change that introduces positive charge at the cytoplasmic vestibule of the gated hemichannel, thereby producing current rectification, increased anionic selectivity, and a narrowing of channel pore that is largely responsible for reducing channel conductance and restricting dye transfer. Consequently, the fast V(j)-sensitive gating mechanism can serve as a selectivity filter, which allows electrical coupling but limits metabolic communication.  相似文献   

Connexins are the transmembrane proteins that form gap junctions between adjacent cells. The function of the diverse connexin molecules is related to their tissue-specific expression and highly dynamic turnover. Although multiple connexins have been previously reported to compensate for each other's functions, little is known about how connexins influence their own expression or intracellular regulation. Of the three vertebrate lens connexins, two connexins, connexin43 (Cx43) and connexin46 (Cx46), show reciprocal expression and subsequent function in the lens and in lens cell culture. In this study, we investigate the reciprocal relationship between the expression of Cx43 and Cx46. Forced depletion of Cx43, by tumor-promoting phorbol ester 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate, is associated with an up-regulation of Cx46 at both the protein and message level in human lens epithelial cells. An siRNA-mediated down-regulation of Cx43 results in an increase in the level of Cx46 protein, suggesting endogenous Cx43 is involved in the regulation of endogenous Cx46 turnover. Overexpression of Cx46, in turn, induces the depletion of Cx43 in rabbit lens epithelial cells. Cx46-induced Cx43 degradation is likely mediated by the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway, as (i) treatment with proteasome inhibitors restores the Cx43 protein level and (ii) there is an increase in Cx43 ubiquitin conjugation in Cx46-overexpressing cells. We also present data that shows that the C-terminal intracellular tail domain of Cx46 is essential to induce degradation of Cx43. Therefore, our study shows that Cx43 and Cx46 have novel functions in regulating each other's expression and turnover in a reciprocal manner in addition to their conventional roles as gap junction proteins in lens cells.  相似文献   

Propagation of electrical activity between myocytes in the heart requires gap junction channels, which contribute to coordinated conduction of the heartbeat. Some antipsychotic drugs, such as thioridazine and its active metabolite, mesoridazine, have known cardiac conduction side-effects, which have resulted in fatal or nearly fatal clinical consequences in patients. The physiological mechanisms responsible for these cardiac side-effects are unknown. We tested the effect of thioridazine and mesoridazine on gap junction-mediated intercellular communication between cells that express the major cardiac gap junction subtype connexin 43. Micromolar concentrations of thioridazine and mesoridazine inhibited gap junction-mediated intercellular communication between WB-F344 epithelial cells in a dose-dependent manner, as measured by fluorescent dye transfer. Kinetic analyses demonstrated that inhibition by 10 μmol/L thioridazine occurred within 5 min, achieved its maximal effect within 1 h, and was maintained for at least 24 h. Inhibition was reversible within 1 h upon removal of the drug. Western blot analysis of connexin 43 in a membrane-enriched fraction of WB-F344 cells treated with thioridazine revealed decreased amounts of unphosphorylated connexin 43, and appearance of a phosphorylated connexin 43 band that co-migrated with a “hyperphosphorylated” connexin 43 band present in TPA-inhibited cells. When tested for its effects on cardiomyocytes isolated from neonatal rats, thioridazine decreased fluorescent dye transfer between colonies of beating myocytes. Microinjection of individual cells with fluorescent dye also showed inhibition of dye transfer in thioridazine-treated cells compared to vehicle-treated cells. In addition, thioridazine, like TPA, inhibited rhythmic beating of myocytes within 15 min of application. In light of the fact that the thioridazine and mesoridazine concentrations used in these experiments are in the range of those used clinically in patients, our results suggest that inhibition of gap junction intercellular communication may be one factor contributing to the cardiac side-effects observed in some patients taking these medications.  相似文献   

Gap junction communication in some cells has been shown to be inhibited by pp60v-src, a protein tyrosine kinase encoded by the viral oncogene v-src. The gap junction protein connexin43 (Cx43) has been shown to be phosphorylated on serine in the absence of pp60v-src and on both serine and tyrosine in cells expressing pp60v-src. However, it is not known if the effect of v-src expression on communication results directly from tyrosine phosphorylation of the Cx43 or indirectly, for example, by activation of other second-messenger systems. In addition, the effect of v-src expression on communication based on other connexins has not been examined. We have used a functional expression system consisting of paired Xenopus oocytes to examine the effect of v-src expression on the regulation of communication by gap junctions comprised of different connexins. Expression of pp60v-src completely blocked the communication induced by Cx43 but had only a modest effect on communication induced by connexin32 (Cx32). Phosphoamino acid analysis showed that pp60v-src induced tyrosine phosphorylation of Cx43, but not Cx32. A mutation replacing tyrosine 265 of Cx43 with phenylalanine abolished both the inhibition of communication and the tyrosine phosphorylation induced by pp60v-src without affecting the ability of this protein to form gap junctions. These data show that the effect of pp60v-src on gap junctional communication is connexin specific and that the inhibition of Cx43-mediated junctional communication by pp60v-src requires tyrosine phosphorylation of Cx43.  相似文献   

Several studies have demonstrated that connexin 43 (Cx43) mediates signals important for osteoblast function and osteogenesis. The role of gap junctional communication in bone resorption is less clear. We have investigated the expression of Cx43 mRNA in osteoclasts and bone resorption cultures and furthermore, the functional importance of gap junctional communication in bone resorption. RT-PCR analysis demonstrated Cx43 mRNA expression in mouse bone marrow cultures and in osteoclasts microisolated from the marrow cultures. Cx43 mRNA was also expressed in bone resorption cultures with osteoclasts and osteoblasts/stromal cells incubated for 48h on devitalized bone slices. An up-regulation of Cx43 mRNA was detected in parathyroid (PTH)-stimulated (0.1 nM) bone resorption. Two inhibitors of gap junction communication, 18alpha-glycyrrhetinic acid (30 microM) and oleamide (100 microM), significantly inhibited PTH- and 1,25-(OH)(2)D(3)-stimulated osteoclastic pit formation. In conclusion, our data indicate a functional role for gap junction communication in bone resorption.  相似文献   

《FEBS letters》2014,588(8):1423-1429
Gap junctions, composed of proteins from the connexin gene family, are highly dynamic structures that are regulated by kinase-mediated signaling pathways and interactions with other proteins. Phosphorylation of Connexin43 (Cx43) at different sites controls gap junction assembly, gap junction size and gap junction turnover. Here we present a model describing how Akt, mitogen activated protein kinase (MAPK) and src kinase coordinate to regulate rapid turnover of gap junctions. Specifically, Akt phosphorylates Cx43 at S373 eliminating interaction with zona occludens-1 (ZO-1) allowing gap junctions to enlarge. Then MAPK and src phosphorylate Cx43 to initiate turnover. We integrate published data with new data to test and refine this model. Finally, we propose that differential coordination of kinase activation and Cx43 phosphorylation controls the specific routes of disassembly, e.g., annular junction formation or gap junctions can potentially “unzip” and be internalized/endocytosed into the cell that produced each connexin.  相似文献   

SUMOylation is a posttranslational modification in which a member of the small ubiquitin-like modifier (SUMO) family of proteins is conjugated to lysine residues in specific target proteins. Most known SUMOylation target proteins are located in the nucleus, but there is increasing evidence that SUMO may also be a key determinant of many extranuclear processes. Gap junctions consist of arrays of intercellular channels that provide direct transfer of ions and small molecules between adjacent cells. Gap junction channels are formed by integral membrane proteins called connexins, of which the best-studied isoform is connexin 43 (Cx43). Here we show that Cx43 is posttranslationally modified by SUMOylation. The data suggest that the SUMO system regulates the Cx43 protein level and the level of functional Cx43 gap junctions at the plasma membrane. Cx43 was found to be modified by SUMO-1, -2, and -3. Evidence is provided that the membrane-proximal lysines at positions 144 and 237, located in the Cx43 intracellular loop and C-terminal tail, respectively, act as SUMO conjugation sites. Mutations of lysine 144 or lysine 237 resulted in reduced Cx43 SUMOylation and reduced Cx43 protein and gap junction levels. Altogether, these data identify Cx43 as a SUMOylation target protein and represent the first evidence that gap junctions are regulated by the SUMO system.  相似文献   

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