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The aim of this study was to test the hypothesis that all conjugative R-plasmids of Clostridium perfringens are closely related to the previously characterized tetracycline resistance plasmid, pCW3. Fourteen conjugative R-plasmids derived from 11 C. perfringens strains isolated in Australia, the United States, France, Belgium, and Japan were analyzed. Eleven of the plasmids encoded tetracycline resistance while three carried both tetracycline and chloramphenicol resistance. Each of these plasmids was compared, by restriction analysis, to the reference plasmid, pCW3. Seven of the tetracycline resistance plasmids had EcoRI, XbaI, and ClaI restriction profiles that were identical to those of the corresponding pCW3 digests. The seven remaining R-plasmids were different from pCW3. Comparison of partial restriction maps of these plasmids with a complete map of pCW3 indicated that they contained at least 17 kb of DNA that also was present in pCW3. Hybridization analysis confirmed that these plasmids shared substantial homology with pCW3. The three tetracycline and chloramphenicol resistance plasmids frequently lost a 6-kb chloramphenicol resistance segment during conjugation. Cloning experiments showed that the chloramphenicol resistance determinant was expressed in Escherichia coli and that the chloramphenicol resistance gene of one of these plasmids, pIP401, was contained within a 1.5-kb region of the 6-kb deletion segment. Hybridization analysis indicated that the deletion segment of pIP401 was related to those of the other two chloramphenicol resistance plasmids. During the course of this study, conjugative R-plasmids which appear to be identical to pCW3 or closely related to pCW3 were identified from C. perfringens strains from human, animal and environmental sources in five countries. It is concluded that C. perfringens strains in humans and animals throughout the world have overlapping gene pools and that all the conjugative C. perfringens R-plasmids examined probably evolved from a pCW3-like element.  相似文献   

Peptidoglycan hydrolases that are specifically associated with bacterial conjugation systems are postulated to facilitate the assembly of the transfer apparatus by creating a temporally and spatially controlled local opening in the peptidoglycan layer. To date little is known about the role of such enzymes in conjugation systems from Gram-positive bacteria. Conjugative plasmids from the Gram-positive pathogen Clostridium perfringens all encode two putative peptidoglycan hydrolases, TcpG and TcpI, within the conserved tcp transfer locus. Mutation and complementation analysis was used to demonstrate that a functional tcpG gene, but not the tcpI gene, was required for efficient conjugative transfer of pCW3. Furthermore, it was also shown that each of the two predicted catalytic domains of TcpG was functional in C. perfringens and that the predicted catalytic site residues, E-111, D-136, and C-238, present within these functional domains were required for optimal TcpG function. Escherichia coli cells producing TcpG demonstrated a distinctive autoagglutination phenotype and partially purified recombinant TcpG protein was shown to have peptidoglycan hydrolase-like activity on cognate peptidoglycan from C. perfringens. Based on these results it is suggested that TcpG is a functional peptidoglycan hydrolase that is required for efficient conjugative transfer of pCW3, presumably by facilitating the penetration of the pCW3 translocation complex through the cell wall.  相似文献   

The tetracycline resistance determinant from pCW3, a conjugative plasmid from Clostridium perfringens, has been identified and the structural gene localized to within a 1.4-kb region. Hybridization analysis, which utilized an internal 0.8-kb specific gene probe, showed that eight nonconjugative tetracycline resistant C. perfringens strains all carried homologous resistance determinants. No homology was detected in DNA prepared from tetracycline resistant isolates of Clostridium difficile or Clostridium sporogenes. However, the one strain of Clostridium paraputrificum that was tested did contain an homologous determinant. No homology was found to any of the recognized classes of tetracycline resistance determinants. The C. perfringens tetracycline resistance determinant represents a new hybridization group, Class P.  相似文献   

The conjugative tetracycline resistance plasmid pCW3 is the paradigm conjugative plasmid in the anaerobic gram-positive pathogen Clostridium perfringens. Two closely related FtsK/SpoIIIE homologs, TcpA and TcpB, are encoded on pCW3, which is significant since FtsK domains are found in coupling proteins of gram-negative conjugation systems. To develop an understanding of the mechanism of conjugative transfer in C. perfringens, we determined the role of these proteins in the conjugation process. Mutation and complementation analysis was used to show that the tcpA gene was essential for the conjugative transfer of pCW3 and that the tcpB gene was not required for transfer. Furthermore, complementation of a pCW3DeltatcpA mutant with divergent tcpA homologs provided experimental evidence that all of the known conjugative plasmids from C. perfringens use a similar transfer mechanism. Functional genetic analysis of the TcpA protein established the essential role in conjugative transfer of its Walker A and Walker B ATP-binding motifs and its FtsK-like RAAG motif. It is postulated that TcpA is the essential DNA translocase or coupling protein encoded by pCW3 and as such represents a key component of the unique conjugation process in C. perfringens.  相似文献   

Twenty-six isolates of Clostridium perfringens of different MLST types from chickens with necrotic enteritis (NE) (15 netB-positive) or from healthy chickens (6 netB-positive, 5 netB-negative) were found to contain 1–4 large plasmids, with most netB-positive isolates containing 3 large and variably sized plasmids which were more numerous and larger than plasmids in netB-negative isolates. NetB and cpb2 were found on different plasmids consistent with previous studies. The pathogenicity locus NELoc1, which includes netB, was largely conserved in these plasmids whereas NeLoc3, present in the cpb2 containing plasmids, was less well conserved. A netB-positive and a cpb2-positive plasmid were likely to be conjugative, and the plasmids were completely sequenced. Both plasmids possessed the intact tcp conjugative region characteristic of C. perfringens conjugative plasmids. Comparative genomic analysis of nine CpCPs, including the two plasmids described here, showed extensive gene rearrangements including pathogenicity locus and accessory gene insertions around rather than within the backbone region. The pattern that emerges from this analysis is that the major toxin-containing regions of the variety of virulence-associated CpCPs are organized as complex pathogenicity loci. How these different but related CpCPs can co-exist in the same host has been an unanswered question. Analysis of the replication-partition region of these plasmids suggests that this region controls plasmid incompatibility, and that CpCPs can be grouped into at least four incompatibility groups.  相似文献   

Clostridium perfringens causes fatal human infections, such as gas gangrene, as well as gastrointestinal diseases in both humans and animals. Detailed molecular analysis of the tetracycline resistance plasmid pCW3 from C. perfringens has shown that it represents the prototype of a unique family of conjugative antibiotic resistance and virulence plasmids. We have identified the pCW3 replication region by deletion and transposon mutagenesis and showed that the essential rep gene encoded a basic protein with no similarity to any known plasmid replication proteins. An 11-gene conjugation locus containing 5 genes that encoded putative proteins with similarity to proteins from the conjugative transposon Tn916 was identified, although the genes' genetic arrangements were different. Functional genetic studies demonstrated that two of the genes in this transfer clostridial plasmid (tcp) locus, tcpF and tcpH, were essential for the conjugative transfer of pCW3, and comparative analysis confirmed that the tcp locus was not confined to pCW3. The conjugation region was present on all known conjugative plasmids from C. perfringens, including an enterotoxin plasmid and other toxin plasmids. These results have significant implications for plasmid evolution, as they provide evidence that a nonreplicating Tn916-like element can evolve to become the conjugation locus of replicating plasmids that carry major virulence genes or antibiotic resistance determinants.  相似文献   

Clostridium perfringens is a normal gastrointestinal organism that is a reservoir for antibiotic resistance genes and can potentially act as a source from which mobile elements and their associated resistance determinants can be transferred to other bacterial pathogens. Lincomycin resistance in C. perfringens is common and is usually encoded by erm genes that confer macrolide-lincosamide-streptogramin B resistance. In this study we identified strains that are lincomycin resistant but erythromycin sensitive and showed that the lincomycin resistance determinant was plasmid borne and could be transferred to other C. perfringens isolates by conjugation. The plasmid, pJIR2774, is the first conjugative C. perfringens R-plasmid to be identified that does not confer tetracycline resistance. Further analysis showed that resistance was encoded by the lnuP gene, which encoded a putative lincosamide nucleotidyltransferase and was located on tISCpe8, a functional transposable genetic element that was a member of the IS1595 family of transposon-like insertion sequences. This element had significant similarity to the mobilizable lincomycin resistance element tISSag10 from Streptococcus agalactiae. Like tISSag10, tISCpe8 carries a functional origin of transfer within the resistance gene, allowing the element to be mobilized by the conjugative transposon Tn916. The similarity of these elements and the finding that they both contain an oriT-like region support the hypothesis that conjugation may result in the movement of DNA modules that are not obviously mobile since they are not linked to conjugation or mobilization functions. This process likely plays a significant role in bacterial adaptation and evolution.There has been increasing concern about the emergence of multiply antibiotic-resistant strains of many common bacterial pathogens. The development of multiple resistance phenotypes has already led to compromises in the ability to successfully treat infected patients and to increased treatment costs (15). The emergence of resistant bacteria is often the result of excessive or inappropriate use of antibiotics and the ability of antibiotic resistance genes to be transferred from resistant to susceptible bacteria, either within a bacterial species, between different species within the same genus, or between different genera (14). Different types of mobile genetic elements, including conjugative plasmids, conjugative transposons, mobilizable plasmids, mobilizable transposons, nonconjugative plasmids, and integrons, may contain the resistance genes (14). All of these elements have the ability to mediate the transfer of resistance genes within and between bacterial cells, either independently or cooperatively, which has significant implications for the transfer and evolution of antibiotic resistance, particularly in pathogenic bacterial species.Clostridium perfringens is a normal gastrointestinal organism that causes food poisoning, necrotic enteritis, and gas gangrene (29). It is a proven reservoir for antibiotic resistance determinants. For example, the catP chloramphenicol resistance determinant, which is located on the Tn4451/Tn4453 family of integrative mobilizable elements in C. perfringens and Clostridium difficile, has been detected in clinical isolates of Neisseria meningitidis (20, 23, 41). Similarly, genetically related variants of the macrolide-lincosamide-streptogramin B (MLS) resistance determinant Erm(B) from C. perfringens have been found in Enterococcus faecalis, Streptococcus agalactiae, and C. difficile (19). It is likely that the C. perfringens determinant is the progenitor of the C. difficile determinant (18, 19, 44). Significantly, both determinants can be transferred into recipient cells by conjugation, although the processes are different (12, 19, 43). The pathogenic clostridia also carry other uncharacterized MLS resistance determinants and can potentially act as a source from which these resistance determinants may be transferred to other bacterial pathogens (10, 18).Lincomycin belongs to the lincosamide group of antibiotics, which also includes clindamycin. The spectrum of activity of lincosamides predominantly encompasses gram-positive bacteria, and these antimicrobial agents are often used for treatment of infections caused by anaerobic bacteria (45). These antibiotics inhibit protein synthesis by blocking the peptidyltransferase site of the 23S rRNA component of the 50S subunit of the bacterial ribosome (17). Although cross-resistance to MLS antibiotics most commonly involves N6 dimethylation of the A2058 residue of 23S rRNA and is catalyzed by an erm-encoded rRNA methyltransferase (24, 34, 47), specific resistance to the lincosamides is the result of modification and inactivation by a lincosamide nucleotidyltransferase encoded by members of the lnu (previously lin) gene family (5, 34, 45). This type of resistance gene is found in staphylococci and streptococci, where it is often located on plasmids or transposons (5, 45).Lincomycin resistance in C. perfringens is relatively common, but it is usually conferred as MLS resistance by erm(B) or erm(Q) genes (10, 11). Recent studies have shown that there has been an increase in lincomycin resistance in C. perfringens strains isolated from chickens in Belgium (28). The researchers reported two strains that conferred resistance to lincomycin and carried the lnu(A) or lnu(B) gene, the first such strains reported for C. perfringens.In the current study we analyzed several multiply antibiotic-resistant isolates of C. perfringens and identified strains that were lincomycin resistant but were susceptible to erythromycin. We characterized these isolates and their lincomycin resistance determinant(s) and showed that resistance could be transferred to other C. perfringens isolates. Detailed analysis of the lincomycin-resistant strain 95-949 showed that resistance was encoded by the lnuP gene, which was located on a transposable genetic element, tISCpe8, that was located on a conjugative plasmid, pJIR2774. This plasmid is the first conjugative C. perfringens R-plasmid to be identified that does not confer tetracycline resistance.  相似文献   

Proteolytic sporeforming bacteria capable of surviving processing heat treatments in synthetic or fabricated protein foods exhibited no antagonistic effects on growth of Clostridium perfringens, but instead shortened the lag of subsequent growth of C. perfringens in sodium caseinate and isolated soy protein. Bacillus subtilis A cells were cultured in 3% sodium caseinate or isolated soy protein solutions. The subsequent effect on the lag time and growth of C. perfringens type A (strain S40) at 45 C was measured by colony count or absorbance at 650 nm, or both. B. subtilis incubation for 12 h or more in sodium caseinate reduced the C. perfringens lag by 3 h. Incubation of 8 h or more in isolated soy protein reduced the lag time by 1.5 h. Molecular sieving of the B. subtilis-treated sodium caseinate revealed that all molecular sizes yielded a similar reduced lag time. Diethylaminoethyl-Sephadex ion exchange fractionation and subsequent amino acid analysis indicated that the lag time reduction caused by B. subtilis incubation was not related to charge of the peptides nor to their amino acid composition. Apparently the shortened C. perfringens lag in these B. subtilis-hydrolyzed food proteins was a result of the protein being more readily available for utilization by C. perfringens.  相似文献   

The tryptose-sulfite-cycloserine agar pour plate method was superior to selective enrichment in liquid sulfite medium for isolation of small numbers of Clostridium perfringens from frozen ground beef.  相似文献   

Cronobacter sakazakii is an opportunistic pathogen that actively invades host eukaryotic cells. To identify invasion factors responsible for the intestinal translocation of C. sakazakii, we constructed for the first time outer membrane protein X (OmpX) and A (OmpA) deletion mutants using the lambda Red recombination system. The ompX and ompA deletion mutants showed significantly reduced invasion of human enterocyte-like epithelial Caco-2 and human intestinal epithelial INT-407 cells, and significantly fewer mutant cells were recovered from the livers and spleens of rat pups. Furthermore, compared with intact target cells, the invasion and initial association potentials of the mutants increased at a rate similar to that of the wild type in tight-junction-disrupted target cells, suggesting that OmpX and OmpA are involved in basolateral invasion by C. sakazakii. This is the first report of C. sakazakii virulence determinants that are essential for basolateral invasion and that may be critical for the virulence of C. sakazakii.Enterobacter sakazakii is an emerging pathogen associated with several outbreaks of meningitis and local necrotizing enterocolitis in premature infants (2, 28, 37). There was considerable diversity among E. sakazakii isolates (13, 14), and the original taxonomic name of E. sakazakii was reclassified as Cronobacter spp., which included Cronobacter sakazakii (13, 14). Therefore, C. sakazakii will be used throughout this paper. Although the incidence of Cronobacter infection is rare, the mortality rate is as high as 33 to 80% (11, 27, 32, 39). Even when infants survive Cronobacter infection, they often experience serious sequelae, including brain abscesses, developmental delay, and impairment of sight and hearing (8). Premature infants, whose immune systems are not fully developed, may be at high risk for Cronobacter infection (26).Very little is known about the mechanisms of pathogenicity and the virulence determinants of the genus Cronobacter. Adhesion of Cronobacter spp. to eukaryotic cells showed two distinct patterns, i.e., a diffuse pattern and the formation of localized clusters, which was nonfimbrial (21). Pagotto et al. (29) reported that the genus Cronobacter produced enterotoxins and was lethal on intraperitoneal injection into suckling mice at levels as low as 105 CFU per mouse. The genus Cronobacter interacts with and damages intestinal epithelial cells, which results in intestinal injury and villus disruption (12). In addition, the cell-bound zinc-containing metalloprotease encoded by zpx caused rounding of Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells (19), which may be important in dissemination of the pathogen into the systemic circulation. Furthermore, Townsend et al. (36) showed that Cronobacter can persist within rat macrophages.As an oral pathogen causing a systemic infection, C. sakazakii must translocate from the intestinal lumen into the blood circulation. The genus Cronobacter is capable of actively invading various epithelial and endothelial cells of human and animal origin (17, 25, 31). Kim and Loessner (17) reported that the active invasion of human intestinal Caco-2 cells by C. sakazakii requires de novo bacterial protein synthesis and the host cell cytoskeleton and that the invasion efficiency of C. sakazakii was enhanced in the absence of cellular tight junctions. With regard to the virulence determinants related to Cronobacter penetration of the host cells, Mohan Nair and Venkitanarayanan (25) and Singamsetty et al. (31) reported that outer membrane protein A (OmpA) of Cronobacter plays an important role in the invasion of human intestinal epithelial INT-407 cells and human brain microvascular endothelial cells (HBMECs); invasion was dependent on both microfilaments and microtubules in INT-407 cells but only on microtubule condensation in HBMECs. Obviously, bacterial translocation in the intestines is multifactorial, and more detailed studies are needed to gain a better understanding of C. sakazakii pathogenesis.Outer membrane protein X (OmpX) of C. sakazakii was identified in this study. Previously, OmpX in other bacteria was shown to be involved in the invasion of host cells (7, 18), neutralizing host defense mechanisms, and bacterial defense against the complement systems of the host (10, 38).In this study, we report for the first time a successful application of the lambda Red recombination system to construct in-frame OmpX and/or OmpA deletion mutants in C. sakazakii. We further report that both outer membrane proteins (OMPs) of C. sakazakii, OmpX and OmpA, play critical roles in its invasion through not only the apical side, but also the basolateral side, of the host cells. We also show that OmpX and OmpA are responsible for C. sakazakii translocation into the deeper organs (i.e., liver and spleen).  相似文献   

Conjugative plasmids encode antibiotic resistance determinants or toxin genes in the anaerobic pathogen Clostridium perfringens. The paradigm conjugative plasmid in this bacterium is pCW3, a 47-kb tetracycline resistance plasmid that encodes the unique tcp transfer locus. The tcp locus consists of 11 genes, intP and tcpA-tcpJ, at least three of which, tcpA, tcpF, and tcpH, are essential for the conjugative transfer of pCW3. In this study we examined protein-protein interactions involving TcpA, the putative coupling protein. Use of a bacterial two-hybrid system identified interactions between TcpA and TcpC, TcpG, and TcpH. This analysis also demonstrated TcpA, TcpC, and TcpG self-interactions, which were confirmed by chemical cross-linking studies. Examination of a series of deletion and site-directed derivatives of TcpA identified the domains and motifs required for these interactions. Based on these results, we have constructed a model for this unique conjugative transfer apparatus.Conjugation systems are important contributors to the dissemination of antibiotic resistance determinants and virulence factors. Extensive analysis of conjugative plasmids from gram-negative bacteria has led to the elucidation of a general mechanism of conjugative transfer (10, 22). In this process, the transferred DNA is processed by components of a relaxosome complex. Specifically, the DNA is nicked at the origin of transfer (oriT) by a relaxase, which remains covalently coupled to the transferred DNA strand. The single-stranded DNA complex then interacts with the coupling protein, a DNA-dependent ATPase that provides the energy to actively pump the DNA through the mating pair formation (Mpf) complex into the recipient cell (36). The coupling protein interacts with both DNA processing proteins and components of the Mpf complex (1, 4, 12, 35, 38). These interactions have been demonstrated using bacterial and yeast two-hybrid approaches as well as gel filtration, pull-down, and coimmunoprecipitation studies.The mechanism of conjugative transfer has yet to be precisely determined for conjugative plasmids from gram-positive bacteria although bioinformatics analysis has identified similar gene arrangements and conservation of gene sequences within the transfer regions encoded on conjugative plasmids identified from strains of streptococcal, staphylococcal, enterococcal, and lactococcal origin (15). It was proposed that gram-positive and gram-negative conjugation systems utilize a similar transfer mechanism (15).In the anaerobic pathogen Clostridium perfringens conjugative plasmids have been shown to encode antibiotic resistance genes or extracellular toxins (3, 8, 9, 18). Although the contribution of conjugation to disease dissemination has not been systematically evaluated, it has been proposed that transfer of the C. perfringens enterotoxin plasmid pCPF4969 to normal flora isolates of C. perfringens may contribute to the severity of disease caused by non-food-borne isolates of C. perfringens (9).The prototype conjugative plasmid in C. perfringens is the 47-kb tetracycline resistance plasmid, pCW3. The complete sequence of pCW3 has been determined, and its unique replication protein and conjugation locus have been identified (8). Bioinformatics analysis of this C. perfringens tcp conjugation locus identified several proteins with limited similarity to proteins encoded within the transfer region of the conjugative transposon, Tn916 (8). The role of the tcp locus in the transfer of pCW3 has been confirmed by isolation of independent tcpA, tcpF, and tcpH mutants and subsequent complementation studies (8, 29). Since the region that encompasses the tcp locus is conserved in all conjugative plasmids from C. perfringens (2, 3, 8, 9, 18, 27) and since divergent tcpA homologues can complement a pCW3tcpA mutant (29), it appears that the conjugative transfer of both antibiotic resistance and toxin plasmids from this bacterium utilizes a common but poorly understood mechanism. Note that the C. perfringens tcp conjugation locus is different from the transfer regions of conjugative plasmids from other gram-positive bacteria.We have recently shown that the essential conjugation protein TcpH, a putative membrane-associated Mpf complex component, is localized to the poles of C. perfringens cells, as is another essential conjugation protein, TcpF (37). TcpH has also been shown to interact with itself and with the pCW3-encoded TcpC protein (37). In this study we have focused on the essential conjugation protein TcpA. Since TcpA encodes an FtsK/SpoIIIE domain found in DNA translocases (8), it is proposed that TcpA is involved in the movement of DNA during conjugative transfer, fulfilling a role equivalent to that of coupling proteins in other conjugation systems. Like such proteins, TcpA encodes two N-terminal transmembrane domains (TMDs) and a C-terminal cytoplasmic region that contains three motifs predicted to be involved in ATP binding and hydrolysis (8). Our previous studies revealed that the conserved motifs, motif I (Walker A box), motif II (Walker B box), and motif III (RAAG box), are essential for the function of TcpA. The C-terminal 61 amino acids (aa), though not essential for TcpA function, were shown to be important for efficient transfer of pCW3, as were the putative TMDs (29).To further investigate pCW3 transfer and the role of TcpA in this process, we have used bacterial two-hybrid analysis to examine protein-protein interactions involving TcpA. Using this system, interactions were observed between TcpA and itself, TcpC, TcpG, and TcpH. In addition, TcpC and TcpG were also found to self-interact. By combining these data with other data generated in this laboratory (37), we have constructed a model for the conjugative transfer of pCW3.  相似文献   

Clostridium perfringens type A isolates carrying a chromosomal copy of the enterotoxin (cpe) gene are involved in the majority of food poisoning (FP) outbreaks, while type A isolates carrying a plasmid-borne cpe gene are involved in C. perfringens-associated non-food-borne (NFB) gastrointestinal diseases. To cause diseases, C. perfringens spores must germinate and return to active growth. Previously, we showed that only spores of FP isolates were able to germinate with K+ ions. We now found that the spores of the majority of FP isolates, but none of the NFB isolates, germinated with the cogerminants Na+ and inorganic phosphate (NaPi) at a pH of ∼6.0. Spores of gerKA-KC and gerAA mutants germinated to a lesser extent and released less dipicolinic acid (DPA) than did wild-type spores with NaPi. Although gerKB spores germinated to a similar extent as wild-type spores with NaPi, their rate of germination was lower. Similarly, gerO and gerO gerQ mutant spores germinated slower and released less DPA than did wild-type spores with NaPi. In contrast, gerQ spores germinated to a slightly lesser extent than wild-type spores but released all of their DPA during NaPi germination. In sum, this study identified NaPi as a novel nutrient germinant for spores of most FP isolates and provided evidence that proteins encoded by the gerKA-KC operon, gerAA, and gerO are required for NaPi-induced spore germination.Clostridium perfringens is a gram-positive, anaerobic, spore-forming, pathogenic bacterium that causes a wide array of gastrointestinal (GI) diseases in both animals and humans (14, 15). However, Clostridium perfringens type A food poisoning (FP) is the most common C. perfringens-associated illness among humans and is currently ranked as the third most commonly reported food-borne disease (14). Mostly type A isolates that produce the C. perfringens enterotoxin have been associated with C. perfringens-related GI illnesses (14). C. perfringens cpe-positive isolates can carry the cpe gene on either the chromosome or a plasmid (3, 4). Interestingly, the majority of C. perfringens type A FP isolates carry a chromosomal copy of the cpe gene, while all non-food-borne (NFB) GI disease isolates carry a plasmid copy of cpe (3, 4, 11, 29). The genetic differences involved in the pathogenesis differences between C. perfringens FP and NFB isolates seem to involve more factors than the simple location of the cpe gene. For example, spores of FP isolates are strikingly more resistant than spores of NFB isolates to heat (100°C) (27), cold (4°C), and freezing (−20°C) temperatures (12) and to chemicals used in food industry settings (13), making FP spores more suited for FP environments. Under favorable environmental conditions, these dormant spores germinate to return to active growth, proliferate to high numbers, and then produce toxins to cause disease (14).Bacterial spores germinate when they sense the presence of nutrients (termed germinants) in the environment through their cognate receptors located in the spore inner membrane (18). For C. perfringens, some nutrients that initiate germination include l-asparagine, KCl, a mixture of l-asparagine and KCl, and a 1:1 chelate of Ca2+ and dipicolinic acid (DPA) (Ca-DPA) (20). The main receptor(s) involved in sensing these compounds is the GerKA and/or GerKC receptor(s), which is required for l-asparagine and Ca-DPA and only partially required for KCl and an l-asparagine-KCl mixture (20, 21). Upon binding of the germinant to its cognate receptor, a variety of biophysical events take place, including the release of monovalent ions (i.e., Na+, K+, and Li+) followed by the release of the spore''s large depot of Ca-DPA (28). In Bacillus subtilis, release of Ca-DPA acts as a signal for activation of the cortex-lytic enzyme CwlJ (17). In contrast, Ca-DPA release from the spore core has no role in triggering cortex hydrolysis during C. perfringens spore germination (19, 22, 23); instead, Ca-DPA induces germination via the GerKA and/or GerKC receptor(s) (20, 21). Degradation of the cortex in both species leads to hydration of the spore core up to levels found in growing bacteria, allowing resumption of enzymatic activity and metabolism, and consequently outgrowth (22, 28).The ability of bacterial spores to sense different nutrients appears to be tightly regulated by their adaptation to different environmental niches. For example, spores of FP isolates, but not NFB isolates, are capable of germinating with KCl (20), an intrinsic mineral of meats that are most commonly associated with FP, suggesting an adaptation of FP isolates to FP environments. In addition, the level of inorganic phosphate (Pi) is also significant in meat products (42 to 60 mM) (USDA [http://fnic.nal.usda.gov/nal_display/index.php?info_center=4&tax_level=1&tax_subject=242]). Similarly, sodium ions are also present in meats (∼30 mM), especially in processed meat products (∼300 to 400 mM) (USDA). Consequently, in this study we found that Na+ and Pi at ∼100 mM and pH 6.0 are unique cogerminants for spores of C. perfringens type A FP isolates, act through the GerKA and/or GerKC and GerAA receptors, and also require the presence of the putative Na+/K+-H+ antiporter, GerO, for normal germination.  相似文献   

Coat protein complex I (COPI) vesicles play a central role in the recycling of proteins in the early secretory pathway and transport of proteins within the Golgi stack. Vesicle formation is initiated by the exchange of GDP for GTP on ARF1 (ADP-ribosylation factor 1), which, in turn, recruits the coat protein coatomer to the membrane for selection of cargo and membrane deformation. ARFGAP1 (ARF1 GTPase-activating protein 1) regulates the dynamic cycling of ARF1 on the membrane that results in both cargo concentration and uncoating for the generation of a fusion-competent vesicle. Two human orthologues of the yeast ARFGAP Glo3p, termed ARFGAP2 and ARFGAP3, have been demonstrated to be present on COPI vesicles generated in vitro in the presence of guanosine 5′-3-O-(thio)triphosphate. Here, we investigate the function of these two proteins in living cells and compare it with that of ARFGAP1. We find that ARFGAP2 and ARFGAP3 follow the dynamic behavior of coatomer upon stimulation of vesicle budding in vivo more closely than does ARFGAP1. Electron microscopy of ARFGAP2 and ARFGAP3 knockdowns indicated Golgi unstacking and cisternal shortening similarly to conditions where vesicle uncoating was blocked. Furthermore, the knockdown of both ARFGAP2 and ARFGAP3 prevents proper assembly of the COPI coat lattice for which ARFGAP1 does not seem to play a major role. This suggests that ARFGAP2 and ARFGAP3 are key components of the COPI coat lattice and are necessary for proper vesicle formation.  相似文献   

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