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《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2018,17(3):201-219
Heavy-duty scrapers are documented as a specific morphotype in ancient African and Eurasian toolkits from the Oldowan into the Acheulian. They are characterized by a flat platform perpendicularly oriented to a carinated edge. The convex surface of that edge displays semi-peripheral, unidirectional removals associated with steep retouch and/or crush marks. This morphotype has been described from numerous sites covering a long temporal scale and are diversely referred to in French as “rostro-carénés” or “nucléus-racloirs” and in English as “massive scrapers”, “core scrapers”, “large scrapers”, or “heavy end-scrapers”. Morpho-technological definitions and interpretations are reviewed to track the origin and evolution of heavy-duty scrapers over time and space. Results show that tools referred to as heavy-duty scrapers were made on thick cobbles during the Oldowan, and later, at the onset of the Acheulian, on Large Flakes, while smaller-sized items in Late Acheulian sites assume end-scraper morphologies. But should all of these tools really be grouped under a single denomination? Experimental work explores whether heavy-duty scrapers are the result of knapping processes, or if their morphology could be derived from other kinds of activities. Chronological continuity of the attributes specific to heavy-duty scrapers points to their role in ancient toolkits, suggesting that these scarce but ubiquitous primitive implements are, on equal footing with chopper-cores, one of the oldest morphotypes in the world.  相似文献   

The lithic industries of the sites Kermek, Ciscaucasia (2.1–2.0 Ma) and Karakhach, South Caucasus (1.85–1.78 Ma) contain almost all the components of the Acheulian, indicating that this techno-complex appeared in the different areas of the Caucasus region not later than at the end of the Gelasian. Such extremely old ages of these industries as well as a number of their features due to the influence of the local raw material (tabular clasts) suggest that they were formed independently of the Early Acheulian industries known in Africa and the Near East. The very early appearance and further dispersal of Early Acheulian in the Caucasus can be explained by the presence there of raw materials with qualities supporting the production of large tools inherent of Acheulian, and by the very favorable natural conditions of the region in the final Gelazian-initial Calabrian (low or medium altitude terrain with subtropical climate and savanna-like landscape).  相似文献   

The Acheulean of the southern Iberian Peninsula is markedly similar to the north African Acheulean. However, the characteristics of the stone tool assemblages are heterogeneous and represent complex cultural phenomena. From MIS 15, the lithic assemblages in fluvial (Guadiana, Guadalquivir and Guadalete rivers), fluvio-lacustrine (Solana del Zamborino) and karstic (Cueva del Ángel, Bolomor, Cueva Negra del río Quípar, Cueva Horá and Santa Ana) contexts exhibit analogies and technical differences representative of a phenomenon of multiplicity. Contributing to this phenomenon is the perception of technological stasis or conservatism of the Acheulean technocomplex and the different technical responses articulated by hominins to achieve equivalent results. These equivalences generate the uniformity that allows us to recognise typologies of large cutting tools (LCTs) regardless of the lithic materials used or the organisational structures of the operational sequences. These diversified typologies include handaxes, picks, and cleavers, which maintain a consistent presence despite innovations such as the Levallois flaking method. In some cases, the presence of cleavers and spheroids affects the range of represented typologies. Beneath the uniformity of the handaxes, lie organisational differences in the operational sequences. The changes and differences in the use of flakes to shape handaxes, the representation of cleavers and diversification of shaped-tool typologies all suggest differential cultural behaviours linked in part to divergent contexts. These aspects indicate that this multiplicity is related to diffusion, adaptation and cultural changes produced at the margins of the conservatism of this technocomplex. Observed changes could indicate inter-group cultural replacements, most of which retained a similar techno-typological diversity to that seen in the north African Acheulean until MIS 5. Cyclical climate change during the Middle Pleistocene affected the Strait of Gibraltar, regulating its function and conditioning the circulation of hominins and affecting cultural interactions between southern Iberian groups.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2013,12(5):305-325
The Middle Stratigraphical Complex of the Caune de l’Arago cave site (Eastern Pyrenées, France) is dated to between 690,000 and 400,000 years old. The site contains successive, spatially distinct archaeological levels. At the base of the sequence, Unit I (OIS 14), where the P levels are among the earliest Mode 2 assemblages presently known in western Europe, contains finely shaped handaxes and a cleaver. Situated above this ensemble, Unit II (OIS 13) has revealed a series of artefact levels lacking handaxes and cleavers. Coiffing the sequence, Unit III (OIS12) has provided numerically rich faunal and lithic assemblages in association with Homo heidelbergensis remains. This paper analyses the stone industries from each artefact level taking into account raw material variability and highlights subtle technological and typological differences. This intrasite study uses a multidisciplinary approach to examine common elements and differences between levels, taking into consideration how external impact factors might have influenced global assemblage features. The Caune de l’Arago's long stratigraphical sequence provides an exceptional opportunity to observe both change and stability in Mode 2 stone-tool manufacture over a period spanning nearly 300,000 years, within the context of contrasting paleoenvironmental conditions.  相似文献   

The Middle Awash region of Ethiopia contains a rich record of Acheulean occupation spanning from Early Pleistocene times through much of the Middle Pleistocene. Here we will present an overview of some of the major reported features of the Acheulean archaeological record of the Middle Awash (Clark et al., 1994; de Heinzelin et al., 2000) and compare and contrast earlier and later biface technological patterns in this important study area. As an overall pattern, later Acheulean bifaces, here tend to differ from earlier ones in the following characteristics: later biface forms tend to be smaller, more ovate, wider relative to length, thinner (both relative to length and width and in absolute terms), more symmetrical, more heavily flaked, show greater use of soft hammer flaking and Kombewa technique, be straighter-edged or less sinuous, and often exhibit a remarkably high degree of standardization at a given site. These technological changes over perhaps half a million years (between approximately 1.0 and 0.5 million years ago) accompany the transition from Homo erectus to Homo heidelbergensis in this region. The later technological patterns thus correlate with the emergence of larger-brained, more intelligent hominids that exhibit greater technological finesse and also appear to develop and maintain stronger rules and traditions pertaining to their technological behaviors. It is likely that, relative to earlier hominids, these later hominid forms (which would evolve into early anatomically modern humans or Homo sapiens) had richer communicative abilities and cultural complexity, which we believe to be manifested in the technological finesse and standardization of their material culture.  相似文献   

The Hoabinhian is a distinctive lithic techno-complex of mainland and Island Southeast Asia. Knowledge of its relationships with key patterns of technological change at a global scale has progressed over the last two decades. However, our understanding of the Hoabinhian as an indicator of evolution during Prehistory can be substantially enhanced by examining its regional and chronological variability. Here, we present the characteristics of original Hoabinhian artefacts found in a new open-air site at Houay Pano, near Lak Sip (Luang Prabang province, Laos). This technological study of such a classic assemblage, including sumatraliths dated to 5.5 ± 0.6 ka, is a major contribution to Laotian prehistory and our understanding of the tempo-spatial variability of the Hoabinhian techno-complex.  相似文献   

In 2004–2006 a group of Lower Palaeolithic sites was discovered in the northeastern Caucasus: Ainikab I–VI, Gegalashur I–III and Muhkai I–II. Since then, they have been the subject of comprehensive scientific investigations. One site which is undergoing active research is the multilayered site of Muhkai II. Multiple cultural layers at the site have been found in a 73 m thick sequence of Early Pleistocene sediments. The geological age of the layers encompasses the interval 2.1–0.8 million years ago, or the majority of the Early Pleistocene. Layer 80 of Muhkai II is located in the central part of the section at a depth of −33.6 to −34.0 m. Its significance lies in the fact that the site contains two cultural layers–the upper and the lower (main)–that are preserved in situ or have been subject to minimal fluvial processes. The finds consist of lithic artefacts and osseous faunal remains. According to field observations and microstratigraphic analyses, the cultural layers can be characterised as the ancient surfaces of an occupation area. Two stages of occupation can be defined in the lower cultural layer. Layer 80 of Muhkai II was a periodically visited location at the banks of a waterbody, where the acquisition and butchery of large mammals took place. The faunal collection contains 301 bones, deriving from four carnivorous and six herbivorous species of mammals. The total lithic collection contains 1094 finds. According to typological and technological criteria the lithic assemblage relates to the Oldowan and has analogies with Oldowan sites in Africa (particularly with sites of the Olduvai Gorge as well as others). At the same time, some specifics of the lithic assemblage reflect the uniqueness of the site and its functional type. Layer 80 of the Muhkai II site is estimated to date to within the chronological interval ∼2.1–1.7 mya.  相似文献   

Recent discoveries of ancient sites in mainland Southeast Asia confirm the presence of old lithic industries as early as 0.8 Ma, i.e., at the transition between the Early to Middle Pleistocene. Although these open-air sites still require geochronological and biostratigraphic precisions, they allow us to understand the oldest vestiges of human presence in the tropics and the technical orientations chosen by these hominins. This article aims to present an objective and critical synthesis of the material discovered at the main sites. Some sites in Cambodia and Thailand have been the subject of archaeological field missions by the Ministère de l’Europe et des Affaires Étrangères (MEAE). The diversity of lithic tool types and manufacture methods encountered from the Middle Pleistocene in peninsular Asia shows a technical variability that stands out as a counterexample to diffusionist hypotheses of a cultural fabrication inherited from the West. The diversity of production methods, tools, and raw material matrices remains incomparable to those encountered in the West, Africa, or South Asia. To date, only evidence from China has allowed us to put forward the hypothesis of a common technical basis that would have spread from its southern territories; however, this hypothesis is currently under debate. Researchers have proposed the idea of continuous technical progress and the shift from heavy industry to a lighter and polished stone in Southeast Asia. However, the omnipresence of the pebble prevents a clear conclusion because these technical objects from Southeast Asia are quite simply incommensurable; a chopper in these regions may not be comparable with another chopper from the terraces of the Garonne or the Roussillon in France, for example. In other words, these tools are above all ‘tropical’ tools, and they belong to a distant cognitive world(s) with specific use(s), gesture(s), and meaning(s), making it impossible for them to be compared or evaluated by our faculty of Western judgment.  相似文献   

A faunistic inventory is proposed for the known Vietnamese scorpion species. The aim of this contribution is to bring an up-to-date checklist of all known species in Vietnam, prior to a more detailed study of the Vietnamese fauna to be performed by one of the authors (T.-H.T.) in the context of the preparation of a doctoral degree. Final taxonomic decisions should be taken at the end of the doctoral dissertation.  相似文献   

Pythons are harvested for the international leather industry and pet trade. We analyzed the CITES export records (1999–2008) of the most intensively commercialized wild pythons (Python regius, Python sebae, Python reticulatus, Python molurus, Python curtus species complex) from African and Asian countries where reliable data on trade rates and ecology are available. Mean declared annual numbers of exported pythons were 30,000 in five African countries and 164,000 in Indonesia. Trade intensity tripled in Indonesia over the last decade, but declined in Africa. African international trade is exclusively associated with the pet market (mainly United States and Europe), whereas Asian pythons are sold mostly for luxury leather, albeit more recently also for the pet trade. A negative correlation between the annual numbers of pythons traded in Africa vs. Asia suggests a rapid and recent shift of the pressure exerted on wild populations in the two main exporting continents. We also found a strong effect of the currency exchange rate (i.e., U.S.$/€, the currencies used by the major importing countries) on African python exports: when the cost per African python increased, importers relied increasingly on Asian providers for pet trade. Overall, our data indicate that Asian pythons (especially P. reticulatus) might be threatened due to the rapidly increasing pressure, whereas the decreasing international trade in African pythons is likely more sustainable.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2014,13(8):737-746
The spatial relationships of the Early Oldowan toolmakers with their environment have been so far addressed through raw material procurement analyses and the characterization of hominid habitat. This paper proposes to integrate these two approaches into a broader spatial analysis encompassing archaeological and environmental data (palaeontological, geological and isotopic data) from Member F and lower Member G of the Shungura Formation (Lower Omo Valley, Ethiopia). Heterogeneity in data resolution induces a multiscale approach with three levels of analysis. The level of occurrence complex allows focusing on the characterization of archaeological occurrences and on their environmental settings. The level of “study area” allows working on hominid habitats and on their raw material procurement behaviours. Finally, at the Shungura Formation scale, we can address temporal issues related to the evolution of spatial behaviours between Member F and the lower part of Member G, ca. 2.3 to 2 million years (Ma).  相似文献   

The Central Asian agamid lizards are ecologically and morphologically diverse, occurring across a broad range of desert environments in this biogeographically important region. It is probable that past climatic shifts have significantly influenced the diversification patterns and distributions of the agamid lizards of this region. To assess this within a phylogenetic framework we sequenced a 1200 bp region of mitochondrial DNA and a 1200 bp nuclear gene (RAG-1), incorporating both inter- and intraspecific sampling across Central Asian agamids. Our topology and divergence time estimates support an Eocene origin of the Agaminae subfamily on the Indian subcontinent, coinciding with the collision of India into Eurasia. The onset of aridification in Central Asia during the Late Oligocene, resulting from the retreat of the Paratethys Sea and the intensified uplift of the Tibetan–Himalayan complex, probably played an important role in the diversification of Phrynocephalus, one of the three genera studied. Intensification of aridity and geologic events in the Plio-Pleistocene and Quaternary glacial cycling probably had a significant influence on intraspecific diversification patterns within Phrynocephalus.  相似文献   

Three osteostracan genera, Tannuaspis, Tuvaspis and Ilemoraspis, from the Silurian and Devonian of the Autonomous Republic of Tuva and the Autonomous Region of Khakassia (USSR), are revised on the basis of the type material briefly described by Obruchev (1956, 1961, 1964). Tannuaspis bears some resemblances with the Tremataspididae. Tuvaspis may be closely related to Tannuaspis. Finally, there is no evidence of paired fins and cornual processes in Ilemoraspis (neither is there any evidence of their absence). Tannuaspis and Ilemoraspis share some characters which are not found in any other osteostracan: widely separated orbits, very small and oval lateral fields, situated at the same level as the median dorsal field. These resemblances may suggest that these two genera (to which Tuvaspis may be added) form a monophyletic group of osteostracans, which may be endemic to this part of Central Asia.  相似文献   

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