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综述了三大主粮小麦、玉米、水稻和部分杂粮的营养功效及其生物活性物质的研究进展,分析了近年来三大主粮和杂粮相关保健功能性食品的研究现状与未来发展趋势。  相似文献   

甘肃省干旱地区抗逆农作物种质资源普查   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为全面普查和抢救性收集农作物种质资源,2011-2012年采用查阅文献、访问和实地调查相结合的方法,对分布在甘肃省干旱地区10个县/市的抗逆农作物种质资源进行了普查,填写基础信息表格960余张。通过资源普查发现,近25年来出现了气温升高、降雨量减少、农业总产值比重下降、小麦和特色杂粮杂豆锐减、生物多样性降低,抗旱形势严峻、资源保护压力加大等问题。针对这些问题,本研究提出了甘肃省农作物种质资源有效保护和高效利用建议,为科技创新和政府决策提供了基础信息和材料。  相似文献   

随着人们收入水平的提高和健康意识的增强,杂粮主食的需求不断增加。本文通过对我国主食消费需求情况和杂粮主食化发展情况的分析,指出杂粮主食化的发展前景及推进杂粮主食化的政策建议。  相似文献   

在调研山西省大同市小杂粮种植和产业化发展的基础上,重点剖析大同市小杂粮产业发展存在的问题,并对大同市小杂粮产业的发展路径进行了深入分析,最后有针对性地提出合理化建议。  相似文献   

以问卷调查数据为基础,分析了成都市消费者挂面消费行为的基本特征,并采用Logistic回归方法,探讨了影响购买决策的主要因素。结果表明,鸡蛋面和原味面是最受欢迎的挂面种类。就杂粮面而言,消费者比较喜欢全麦面和荞麦面。产品的口感和配料表/营养成分表是影响挂面和杂粮面购买决策的主要因素,而影响儿童面购买决策的主要因素是产品的配料表/营养成分表、品牌知名度和生产执行标准,口感不再是主要因素。不同性别、年龄、学历、收入的消费群体在购买挂面、杂粮面和儿童面的行为上存在差异。在选购挂面和杂粮面时,女性比男性更加关注价格,年轻人比年长者更关注口感。在选购儿童面时,学历越高的消费者对品牌越关注,收入较低的人群会更多地考虑包装因素。  相似文献   

[简讯]由农业部作物品种资源监督检验测试中心主持制定的《禾谷类杂粮作物分类与术语》和《荞麦及其制品中总黄酮含量的测定》两项农业标准于2007年通过审定并由农业部颁布实施,标准颁布编号分别为:NY/T1294—2007,NY/T1295—2007.  相似文献   

本系自解放以来,在虫害方面的研究工作,一直以贯徹粮棉增产为中心,围绕稻、麦、棉、杂粮、及果树等做了不少课题,其已取得成果并业经发表者,麦类方面计有:小麦吸浆虫、麦蜘蛛,蟋蟀;棉花方面计有:盲蝽象、蜗牛;杂粮方面计有:马铃薯块茎蛾、豌豆象、粘虫;果树方面计有:柑桔恶性叶虫、潜叶蛾、梨星毛虫。及为害瓜类的守瓜等。1956年的研究工作,粮虫方面着重研究水稻螟虫的生态及防治;棉虫方面着重研究棉花  相似文献   

全谷和豆类对于降低多种慢性疾病的风险具有重要意义,将全谷杂豆引入米食生活当中,用它们替代部分精白米煮成杂粮饭,是提升主食健康作用的可行方法。本文综述了杂粮饭的健康益处及接受性相关因素的研究进展。  相似文献   

应用民族植物学的基本原理和方法,选择中国云南和山东为试点,兼顾其他省区,开展芋[Colocasia esculenta(L.)Schott]的民族植物学研究.结果表明:在云南传统栽种芋的菜园和农地被高附加值的经济作物所代替,芋在不同民族家庭中的地位也从传统作为主食变成蔬菜或杂粮;在山东已形成芋的产业化、标准化生产的格局,芋在汉族农家经济中的地位得到提升.在云南分布有芋的野生近缘种、半栽培种、栽培品种,种质资源丰富;在山东未发现芋的野生类型,以旱芋类型的多子芋栽培品种为主.由于经济的发展和主流文化的影响,民间对芋的植物崇拜及植物崇拜文化丢失的速度大大加剧.在古朴的传统食芋文化中,蕴含着丰富的关于芋植物资源利用和保护的传统知识和朴素的科学内涵,需要进行深入的挖掘和探讨.  相似文献   

荞麦Fagopyrum esculentum Moench.是我国重要的杂粮作物,内蒙古是我国甜荞的主产区,西伯利亚龟象Rhinoncus sibiricus Faust是2013年在内蒙古地区新发生的严重为害荞麦的害虫,目前主要依靠化学杀虫剂进行防治.本论文主要研究了不同种类杀虫剂对西伯利亚龟象的毒力和作用机制.结果...  相似文献   

禾本科植物的组织培养研究及其应用   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
邵宏波   《广西植物》1992,12(1):41-58
禾本科植物是粮食作物的主要来源,随着人口的增加和生活水准的提高,人类对粮食的产量、种类和质量的需求也日益迫切。根据国外在1982年对90个发展中国家的统计和预测的结果说明到1990年末,这些国家共缺少72百万吨谷物而到2000年将缺少144百万吨谷物。近十余年以来,随着植物分子生物学的迅猛发展和作为植物生物技术重要组成部分的植物组织培养技术的日臻完善,被公认为非常困难从事的禾本科植物(Gramina-ceae)的组织培养也取得了异常迅速的发展,并且已经在作物改良的生产中取得了成效,显示了越来越大的潜能和威力,为人类从根本上解决食物问题指出了一条切实可行的途径。本文拟在评述近年来禾本利植物组织培养(主要指胚胎培养、器官培养、细胞培养和原生质体培养)的理论性研究和应用性研究的进展,并重点描述和讨沦在应用上较为成熟和有发展前景的几个领域的发展现状以及利用禾本科植物的组织培养技术而进行的基因转移技术的概况。希望能为我国从事植物组织培养的工作者们提供某些参考资料并对于一些问题进行共同的商榷和探讨。  相似文献   

An investigation for the occurrence of nivalenol (NIV), deoxynivalenol (DON) and zearalenone (ZEN) in cereals (ten wheat, one rye and one corn) harvested in Canada have been carried out using a procedure, which is rapid and sensitive for Fusarium mycotoxins. NIV, DON and ZEN were detected in 4, 9 and 9 out of ten wheat samples, and their average levels in the positives were 23 ng/g, 1257 ng/g and 9 ng/g, respectively. One rye and one corn were also contaminated with a minor amount of NIV. This is the first evidence for the natural occurrence of NIV in cereals grown in Canada, though its level was far less than DON.  相似文献   

根癌农杆菌转化禾谷类作物及影响其转化的因素   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
张秀君  荆玉祥 《生命科学》2001,13(5):219-221,213
综述了根癌农杆菌转化禾谷类作物的研究现状,根癌农杆菌与禾谷类作物间的相互作用研究,根癌农杆菌成功转化禾谷类的例子;影响根癌农杆菌转化成功的因素,如菌株类型,感受态细胞的选择,Vir基因的活化,选择合适的转化途径等。这些将为利用根癌农杆菌介导的方法,将外源基因导入禾谷类作物提供有益的帮助。  相似文献   

Of 88 isolates of Fusarium graminearum collected from soil or cereals in the United States, 49 produced 15-acetyldeoxynivalenol (15-ADON) as the major isomer; one produced 3-acetyldeoxynivalenol (3-ADON). A total of 26 isolates collected from cereals or soil in Australia, New Zealand, Norway, China, and Poland were used for comparison. Of these, 15 produced 3-ADON as the major isomer and 2 produced 15-ADON.  相似文献   

Hybrid breeding in autogamous cereals   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Hybrid breeding in autogamous cereals has a long history of attempts with moderate success. There is a vast amount of literature investigating the potential problems and solutions, but until now, market share of hybrids is still a niche compared to line varieties. Our aim was to summarize the status quo of hybrid breeding efforts for the autogamous cereals wheat, rice, barley, and triticale. Furthermore, the research needs for a successful hybrid breeding in autogamous cereals are intensively discussed. To our opinion, the basic requirements for a successful hybrid breeding in autogamous cereals are fulfilled. Nevertheless, optimization of the existing hybridization systems is urgently required and should be coupled with the development of clear male and female pool concepts. We present a quantitative genetic framework as a first step to compare selection gain of hybrid versus line breeding. The lack of precise empirical estimates of relevant quantitative genetic parameters, however, is currently the major bottleneck for a robust evaluation of the potential of hybrid breeding in autogamous cereals.  相似文献   

Various sites in the valley of the Sant Cugat stream in Cerdanyola del Vallès (Catalonia) were subject to systematic archaeobotanical sampling to obtain an overview of the crops and agriculture of the area during the Iron Age and late antiquity. In all cases, the most numerous taxa were crop plants. Among these, cereals were clearly predominant at all sites investigated, especially Hordeum vulgare var. vulgare (hulled barley) and Triticum aestivum/durum (bread or macaroni wheat), both in numbers and frequency. Other cereals, such as Triticum dicoccum (emmer) or Setaria italica (foxtail bristle-grass), were regularly present in considerably lower numbers but in fairly high frequencies. Pulses were much less numerous, although their presence increases in terms of frequency. Among them, clearly the best represented was Lens culinaris (lentil). The results show that the agriculture in the period considered was principally based on winter cereals, with a gradual substitution of hulled barley by bread/hard wheat, accompanied by other cereals of minor importance, led by Triticum dicoccum (emmer), and pulses. The appearance of Vitis (grapevine) in the Iberian period is one of the important characteristics of agriculture in the Iberian world. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Detailed studies of the long-term development of plant use strategies indicate that plant subsistence patterns have noticeably changed since the Upper Paleolithic, when humans underwent a transitional process from foraging to agriculture. This transition was best recorded in west Asia; however, information about how plant subsistence changed during this transition remains limited in China. This lack of information is mainly due to a limited availability of sufficiently large, quantified archaeobotanical datasets and a paucity of related synthetic analyses. Here, we present a compilation of extensive archaeobotanical data derived from interdisciplinary approaches, and use quantitative analysis methods to reconstruct past plant use from the Upper Paleolithic to Middle Neolithic in China. Our results show that intentional exploitation for certain targeted plants, particularly grass seeds, may be traced back to about 30,000 years ago during the Upper Paleolithic. Subsequently, the gathering of wild plants dominated the subsistence system; however, this practice gradually diminished in dominance until about 6~5 ka cal BP during the Middle Neolithic. At this point, farming based on the domestication of cereals became the major subsistence practice. Interestingly, differences in plant use strategies were detected between north and south China, with respect to (1) the proportion of certain plant taxa in assemblages, (2) the domestication rate of cereals, and (3) the type of plant subsistence practiced after the establishment of full farming. In conclusion, the transition from foraging to rice and millet agriculture in China was a slow and long-term process spanning 10s of 1000s of years, which may be analogous to the developmental paths of wheat and barley farming in west Asia.  相似文献   

Liu  Tengfei  Sun  Liang  Meng  Qiucheng  Yu  Jianghui  Weng  Lushui  Li  Jinjiang  Deng  Lihua  Zhu  Qihong  Gu  Xingyou  Chen  Caiyan  Teng  Sheng  Xiao  Guoying 《Plant and Soil》2021,463(1-2):39-53
Plant and Soil - Rice accumulates higher levels of cadmium (Cd) in grain than other cereals, and hybrid rice varieties cover around half of the total rice area in China. Therefore, understanding...  相似文献   

There are many different agricultural expression systems that can be used for the large-scale production of recombinant proteins, but field-grown cereal crops are among the most attractive because recombinant proteins can be targeted to accumulate in the seed, and specifically in the endosperm, which has evolved naturally as a protein storage tissue. Within the developing endosperm, proteins are supplied with molecular chaperones and disulfide isomerases to facilitate folding and assembly, while the mature tissue is desiccated to prevent proteolytic degradation. Proteins expressed in cereal seeds can therefore remain stable for years in ambient conditions. Recent basic research has revealed a surprising diversity of protein targeting mechanisms in the endosperm, which can help to control post-translational modification and accumulation. Applied research and commercial development has seen several pharmaceutical proteins produced in cereals reach late stage preclinical development and the first clinical trials, with a number of companies now dedicated to developing cereal-based production platforms. In this review we discuss the basic science of molecular pharming in cereals, some of the lead product candidates, and challenges that remain to be addressed including the emerging regulatory framework for plant-made pharmaceuticals.  相似文献   

Ergot alkaloids are toxins produced by some species of fungi in the genus Claviceps, that may infect rye and triticale and, in a minor degree, other types of cereals. In this study, a new UHPLC-FLD method for the quantification of the six major ergot alkaloids as well as their corresponding epimers was developed. The sample preparation was done by a solid-liquid extraction with acetonitrile and clean-up via freeze-out. The method was fully validated and then applied to 39 samples (wheat, rye, triticale, and barley) harvested in Luxembourg in 2016. Samples were sieved (1.9?×?20 mm) prior to analysis in order to remove sclerotia, hosting the alkaloids. However, 23 samples still contained at least one ergot alkaloid >?LOQ and concentrations of the sum of the 6 ergot alkaloids ranged from 0.3 to 2530.1 μg/kg. Interestingly, the highest concentrations were measured in wheat and not in rye or triticale, suggesting that all kinds of cereals should be included in monitoring programs. The outcome of this study allowed giving a first overview of ergot alkaloid concentrations in cereals harvested in Luxembourg, and the measured concentrations were in similar ranges than in other parts of the world (e.g., Canada, France, Germany).  相似文献   

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