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Ribosome biogenesis involves a large ensemble of trans‐acting factors, which catalyse rRNA processing, ribosomal protein association and ribosomal subunit assembly. The circularly permuted GTPase Lsg1 is such a ribosome biogenesis factor, which is involved in maturation of the pre‐60S ribosomal subunit in yeast. We identified two orthologues of Lsg1 in Arabidopsis thaliana. Both proteins differ in their C‐terminus, which is highly charged in atLSG1‐2 but missing in atLSG1‐1. This C‐terminus of atLSG1‐2 contains a functional nuclear localization signal in a part of the protein that also targets atLSG1‐2 to the nucleolus. Furthermore, only atLSG1‐2 is physically associated with ribosomes suggesting its function in ribosome biogenesis. Homozygous T‐DNA insertion lines are viable for both LSG1 orthologues. In plants lacking atLSG1‐2 18S rRNA precursors accumulate and a 20S pre‐rRNA is detected, while the amount of pre‐rRNAs that lead to the 25S and 5.8S rRNA is not changed. Thus, our results suggest that pre‐60S subunit maturation is important for the final steps of pre‐40S maturation in plants. In addition, the lsg1‐2 mutants show severe developmental defects, including triple cotyledons and upward curled leaves, which link ribosome biogenesis to early plant and leaf development.  相似文献   

Recombination during meiosis shapes the complement of alleles segregating in the progeny of hybrids, and has important consequences for phenotypic variation. We examined allele frequencies, as well as crossover (XO) locations and frequencies in over 7000 plants from 17 F(2) populations derived from crosses between 18 Arabidopsis thaliana accessions. We observed segregation distortion between parental alleles in over half of our populations. The potential causes of distortion include variation in seed dormancy and lethal epistatic interactions. Such a high occurrence of distortion was only detected here because of the large sample size of each population and the number of populations characterized. Most plants carry only one or two XOs per chromosome pair, and therefore inherit very large, non-recombined genomic fragments from each parent. Recombination frequencies vary between populations but consistently increase adjacent to the centromeres. Importantly, recombination rates do not correlate with whole-genome sequence differences between parental accessions, suggesting that sequence diversity within A. thaliana does not normally reach levels that are high enough to exert a major influence on the formation of XOs. A global knowledge of the patterns of recombination in F(2) populations is crucial to better understand the segregation of phenotypic traits in hybrids, in the laboratory or in the wild.  相似文献   

Ribosomes account for a majority of the cell''s RNA and much of its protein and represent a significant investment of cellular resources. The turnover and degradation of ribosomes has been proposed to play a role in homeostasis and during stress conditions. Mechanisms for the turnover of rRNA and ribosomal proteins have not been fully elucidated. We show here that the RNS2 ribonuclease and autophagy participate in RNA turnover in Arabidopsis thaliana under normal growth conditions. An increase in autophagosome formation was seen in an rns2–2 mutant, and this increase was dependent on the core autophagy genes ATG9 and ATG5. Autophagosomes and autophagic bodies in rns2–2 mutants contain RNA and ribosomes, suggesting that autophagy is activated as an attempt to compensate for loss of rRNA degradation. Total RNA accumulates in rns2–2, atg9–4, atg5–1, rns2–2 atg9–4, and rns2–2 atg5–1 mutants, suggesting a parallel role for autophagy and RNS2 in RNA turnover. rRNA accumulates in the vacuole in rns2–2 mutants. Vacuolar accumulation of rRNA was blocked by disrupting autophagy via an rns2–2 atg5–1 double mutant but not by an rns2–2 atg9–4 double mutant, indicating that ATG5 and ATG9 function differently in this process. Our results suggest that autophagy and RNS2 are both involved in homeostatic degradation of rRNA in the vacuole.  相似文献   

Isoprenoid lipids were found to be covalently linked to proteins of Arabidopsis thaliana. Their identity (polyprenols: Prenol-9-11 with Pren-10 dominating and dolichols: Dol-15-17 with Dol-16 dominating) was confirmed by means of HPLC/ESI-MS with application of the multiple reaction monitoring technique as well as metabolic labeling of Arabidopsis plants with [3H]mevalonate and other precursors. The occurrence of typical farnesol-, geranylgeraniol-, and phytol-modified proteins was also noted. Radioisotopic labeling allowed detection of several proteins that were covalently bound to mevalonate-derived isoprenoid alcohols. A significant portion of polyisoprenylated proteins was recovered in the cytosolic/light vesicular fraction of Arabidopsis cells upon subfractionation. Taken together our data prove that a subset of plant proteins is polyisoprenylated.  相似文献   

The uncharacterized Saccharomyces cerevisiae proteins Fcf1 and Fcf2, encoded by the ORFs YDR339c and YLR051c, respectively, were identified in a tandem affinity purification experiment of the known 40S factor Faf1p. Most of the proteins associated with TAP-Faf1p are trans-acting factors involved in pre-rRNA processing and 40S subunit biogenesis, in agreement with the previously observed role of Faf1p in 18S rRNA synthesis. Fcf1p and Fcf2p are both essential and localize to the nucleolus. Depletion of Fcf1p and Fcf2p leads to a decrease in synthesis of the 18S rRNA, resulting in a deficit in 40S ribosomal subunits. Northern analysis indicates inefficient processing of pre-rRNA at the A(0), A(1), and A(2) cleavage sites.  相似文献   

We recently demonstrated the circadian clock modulated water dynamics in the roots of a small model plant, Arabidopsis thaliana, by the Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) microimaging technique. Our developed technique was able to visualize the water distribution that depended on differences in the 1H signal among region in the shoot, such as the shoot apex, the hypocotyl and the root shoot junction. Water content in the shoot increased during periods of light in comparison with dark periods, and continued through the early stage of seedling growth until the dark period. When the water content changed, elongation and/or movement occurred in the hypocotyl, and these events were synchronized. The water dynamics of the shoot also displayed an opposite phase with the root water dynamics.  相似文献   

Different subtypes of Influenza A virus are associated with species specific, zoonotic or pandemic Influenza. The cause of its severity underlies in complicated evolution of its segmented RNA genome. Although genetic shift and genetic drift are well known in the evolution of this virus, we reported the significant role of unique RNA palindromes in its evolution. Our computational approach identified the existence of unique palindromes in each subtype of Influenza A virus with its absence in Influenza B relating the fact of virulence and vigorous genetic hitchhiking in Influenza A. The current study focused on the re-assortment event responsible for the emergence of pandemic-2009 H1N1 virus, which is associated with outgrow of new palindrome and in turn, changing its RNA structure. We hypothesize that the change in RNA structure due to the presence of palindrome facilitates the event of re-assortment in Influenza A. Thus the evolutionary process of Influenza A is much more complicated as previously known, and that has been demonstrated in this study.  相似文献   

Mutations that reduce the expression of ribosomal proteins (RPs) or limit the activity of ribosome biogenesis-related factors frequently cause physiological and morphological changes in Arabidopsis. Arabidopsis OLI2/NOP2A, a homolog of yeast Nop2, encodes a nucleolar methyltransferase that is required for the maturation of the 25S ribosomal RNA of the 60S large ribosomal subunit. Mutant oli2 plants exhibit pointed leaves and shortened primary roots. In this study, detailed phenotypic analysis of oli2 mutant and OLI2 overexpressor lines revealed a range of phenotypes. Seeds produced by oli2 mutant and OLI2 overexpressor plants were lighter and heavier than wild-type seeds, respectively. Seeds of the oli2 mutant also showed delayed germination, whereas seeds from the OLI2 overexpressor lines germinated earlier than the wild type. The oli2 mutant also had fewer and shorter lateral roots than the wild type. The lateral root development phenotype in the oli2 mutant was similar to that of auxin-related mutants, but was not enhanced by exogenously supplied auxin. Furthermore, the oli2 mutant and OLI2 overexpressor lines were hypersensitive and less sensitive to high concentrations of sugar, respectively. Split-GFP-based bimolecular fluorescence complementation analysis revealed that OLI2 interacted with a nucleolar protein, BRX1-2, which is involved in rRNA processing for the large ribosomal subunit. Moreover, overexpression of OLI2 and BRX1-2 caused similar morphological changes, including extension of plant lifespans. These results suggest that the functions of OLI2 and its interactor BRX1-2 are intimately associated with a range of developmental events in Arabidopsis.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Root hydrotropism is a response to water-potential gradients that makes roots bend towards areas of higher water potential. The gene MIZU-KUSSEI1 (MIZ1) that is essential for hydrotropism in Arabidopsis roots has previously been identified. However, the role of root hydrotropism in plant growth and survival under natural conditions has not yet been proven. This study assessed how hydrotropic response contributes to drought avoidance in nature.


An experimental system was established for the study of Arabidopsis hydrotropism in soil. Characteristics of hydrotropism were analysed by comparing the responses of the miz1 mutant, transgenic plants overexpressing MIZ1 (MIZ1OE) and wild-type plants.

Key Results

Wild-type plants developed root systems in regions with higher water potential, whereas the roots of miz1 mutant plants did not show a similar response. This pattern of root distribution induced by hydrotropism was more pronounced in MIZ1OE plants than in wild-type plants. In addition, shoot biomass and the number of plants that survived under drought conditions were much greater in MIZ1OE plants.


These results show that hydrotropism plays an important role in root system development in soil and contributes to drought avoidance, which results in a greater yield and plant survival under water-limited conditions. The results also show that MIZ1 overexpression can be used for improving plant productivity in arid areas.  相似文献   

Vacuolar processing enzymes (VPEs) are responsible for the maturation of seed proteins. These processing enzymes belong to a novel group of cysteine proteinases with molecular masses of 37 to 39 kDa. We isolated two genes of VPEs from a genomic library of Arabidopsis. The gene products were designated -VPE and -VPE, and they were 56% identical in terms of amino acid sequence. The amino acid sequences of -VPE and -VPE were also 55% and 67% identical to that of castor bean VPE, respectively. The gene for -VPE had 7 introns, while that of -VPE had 8 introns. Northern blot analysis revealed that -VPE is expressed in rosette leaves, cauline leaves and stems of Arabidopsis, while -VPE is predominantly expressed in the flowers and buds. Neither -VPE nor -VPE is expressed in the siliques. This result strongly suggests that the isolated genes encode isozymes of VPE that are specific to vegetative organs.  相似文献   

Plant-parasitic cyst nematodes form a specialized feeding site, termed a syncytium, in the roots of host plants. Monoclonal antibodies to defined glycans, in addition to a cellulose-binding module, were used to characterize the cell walls of a functioning syncytia in situ. Cell walls of syncytia were found to contain cellulose, xyloglucan and mannan. Analysis of the pectin network revealed syncytial cell walls are abundant in homogalacturonan, which was heavily methyl-esterified. Arabinan was also detected and the results suggest the cell walls of syncytia are highly flexible.  相似文献   

High-salinity, drought, and low temperature are three common environmental stress factors that seriously influence plant growth and development worldwide. Recently, microRNAs (miRNAs) have emerged as a class of gene expression regulators that have also been linked to stress responses. However, the relationship between miRNA expression and stress responses is just beginning to be explored. Here, we identified 14 stress-inducible miRNAs using microarray data in which the effects of three abiotic stresses were surveyed in Arabidopsis thaliana. Among them, 10 high-salinity-, four drought-, and 10 cold-regulated miRNAs were detected, respectively. miR168, miR171, and miR396 responded to all of the stresses. Expression profiling by RT-PCR analysis showed great cross-talk among the high-salinity, drought, and cold stress signaling pathways. The existence of stress-related elements in miRNA promoter regions provided further evidence supporting our results. These findings extend the current view about miRNA as ubiquitous regulators under stress conditions.  相似文献   

The proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) is a key component of the eukaryotic DNA replication machinery. It also plays an important role in DNA repair mechanisms. Despite the intense scientific research on yeast and human PCNA, information describing the function of this protein in plants is still very limited. In the previous study Arabidopsis PCNA2 but not PCNA1 was proposed to be functionally important in DNA polymerase η-dependent postreplication repair. In addition to the above study, PCNA2 but not PCNA1 was also shown to be necessary for Arabidopsis DNA polymerase λ-dependent oxidative DNA damage bypass. Taking into account the reported differences between PCNA1 and PCNA2, we tested the idea of a possible cooperation between PCNA1 and PCNA2 in the plant cell. In a bimolecular fluorescence complementation assay an interaction between PCNA1 and PCNA2 was observed in the nucleus, as well as in the cytoplasm. This finding, together with our previous results, indicates that PCNA1 and PCNA2 may cooperate in planta by forming homo- and heterotrimeric rings. The observed interaction might be relevant when distinct functions for PCNA1 and PCNA2 are considered.  相似文献   

Klasen JR  Piepho HP  Stich B 《Heredity》2012,108(6):626-632
A major goal of today's biology is to understand the genetic basis of quantitative traits. This can be achieved by statistical methods that evaluate the association between molecular marker variation and phenotypic variation in different types of mapping populations. The objective of this work was to evaluate the statistical power of quantitative trait loci (QTL) detection of various multi-parental mating designs, as well as to assess the reasons for the observed differences. Our study was based on an empirical data of 20 Arabidopsis thaliana accessions, which have been selected to capture the maximum genetic diversity. The examined mating designs differed strongly with respect to the statistical power to detect QTL. We observed the highest power to detect QTL for the diallel cross with random mating design. The results of our study suggested that performing sibling mating within subpopulations of joint-linkage mapping populations has the potential to considerably increase the power for QTL detection. Our results, however, revealed that using designs in which more than two parental alleles segregate in each subpopulation increases the power even more.  相似文献   

In Arabidopsis thaliana cell suspension,abscisic acid (aBa) induces changes in cytosolic calcium concentration ([Ca2+]cyt) which are the trigger for aBa-induced plasma membrane anion current activation, H+-aTPase inhibition, and subsequent plasma membrane depolarization. In the present study, we took advantage of this model to analyze the implication of intracellular Ca2+ stores in aBa signal transduction through electrophysiological current measurements, cytosolic Ca2+ activity measurements with the apoaequorin Ca2+ reporter protein and external pH measurement. Intracellular Ca2+ stores involvement was determined by using specific inhibitors of CICR channels: the cADP-ribose/ryanodine receptor (Br-cADPR and dantrolene) and of the inositol trisphosphate receptor (U73122). In addition experiments were performed on epidermal strips of A. thaliana leaves to monitor stomatal closure in response to ABA in presence of the same pharmacology. Our data provide evidence that ryanodine receptor and inositol trisphosphate receptor could be involved in ABA-induced (1) Ca2+ release in the cytosol, (2) anion channel activation and H+-ATPase inhibition leading to plasma membrane depolarization and (3) stomatal closure. Intracellular Ca2+ release could thus contribute to the control of early events in the ABA signal transduction pathway in A. thaliana.  相似文献   

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