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We present in this work a leaf-type corresponding to the Ginkgoales genus Sphenobaiera recorded in deposits from the middle-upper Albian (Lower Cretaceous) of northeastern Spain. The fossil leaf shows a widely dissected lamina that forks regularly six times ending at the apex in sixty-four tiny wedge-shaped segments, which are characters similar to those in Sphenobaiera pecten from the Middle Jurassic of England. The exceptional preservation of this fossil leaf, which preserves all segments in connection with its base, in addition to taphonomical and sedimentological data, indicates a nearby location for the parent plant, which grew near the shores of a tidally-influenced fluvial environment. A palaeoenvironmental reconstruction of the sub-environments where the different types of Ginkgoales known from the Albian of northeastern Spain developed is also presented. The presence of a variety of different types of Ginkgoales in middle-upper Albian deposits from Spain represents a new contribution to the knowledge of the palaeoenvironmental conditions for this region of southwestern Eurasia during the late Early Cretaceous.  相似文献   

Two isolated trunk vertebrae from the ?uppermost Albian–lower Cenomanian Kem Kem beds of Morocco are described and assigned to Lapparentophis, an early snake genus known from coeval deposits in Algeria. The Moroccan specimens represent a new species, Lapparentophis ragei, which can be distinguished from the type and only known species, Lapparentophis defrennei, by its smaller size, its more elongate vertebrae, the presence of parazygosphenal foramina, and paradiapophyses extending anteroventrally closer to the cotyle. The discovery of Lapparentophis in the Kem Kem beds adds to the relatively diverse snake assemblage previously reported from this formation and extends the geographical range of the genus. The distribution of Lapparentophis and lapparentophiid-grade (?lapparentophiid) snakes is discussed. This poorly known family of terrestrial snakes seems to be restricted to the latest Albian–early Cenomanian of North Africa, with the exception of Pouitella from the early–middle Cenomanian of France. As for many other vertebrate taxa of this period, this distribution is consistent with a dispersal event from Africa to the western part of the European archipelago.  相似文献   

A fossil plant assemblage composed of a great amount of macro, meso and microscopical charcoalifed remains occur in a single layer in Albian deposits of the Escucha Formation in northeastern Spain. This assemblage consists fundamentally of fragments of pinnae and pinnules corresponding to the Matoniaceous ferns Weichselia reticulata and Phlebopteris dunkeri also with some gymnosperm wood remains. The features of both the fossil plants and the deposit itself indicate accurate paleoenvironmental conditions related to the action of wildfires over the vegetation growing in freshwater swamp plains during Albian in Southwestern Eurasia.  相似文献   

The Gargano Promontory, located on the eastern margin of the Apulia Platform, represents a distinctive Tethyan area where the transition from carbonate platform to adjacent basin is exposed on land. The Albian stratigraphic record, represented by shallow-water, slope and deep-water deposits, provides a good opportunity to investigate the regional response to oceanic anoxic events (OAEs) in different depositional settings by using an integrated, high-resolution micropalaeontological (planktonic foraminifers and calcareous nannofossils) approach. Results show that organic matter preservation is confined to the more distal areas (Marne a Fucoidi Formation), and consists of black shale intervals from the middle and late Albian (Ticinella primula/Prediscosphaera columnata Zones; upper Ticinella praeticinensis Subzone/R. achlyostaurion Zone, respectively). Integrated biostratigraphic data correlate the intervals of black shale deposition to the Urbino and Amadeus levels, previously identified and named in the Umbria-Marche Basin. These black shales record the effects of OAEs 1b and 1c. The biotic changes in the pelagic Albian succession of the Apulian Platform Margin provide evidence for episodes of eutrophication that correlate to the deposition of these black shales. Genetic models for the two episodes of organic matter preservation are proposed, taking into account both global and local controlling factors.  相似文献   

新疆塔里木盆地早白垩世克孜勒苏群孢粉组合   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
基于新疆塔里木盆地西南区和东南区下白垩统克孜勒苏群发现的孢子花粉57属96种的研究,建立了克孜勒苏群下亚旋回和上亚旋回孢粉组合,并根据孢粉组合讨论了地层时代。克孜勒苏群孢粉组合以松杉目的优势、真蕨目海金沙科的显赫和原始被子植物的出现为特征。克孜勒苏群下亚旋回孢粉组合与欧洲韦尔登期(陆相尼欧克姆期)和北美巴列姆期孢粉组合可以对比,克孜勒苏群上亚旋回孢粉组合与欧亚大陆、北美和澳大利亚阿普第期至阿尔必期孢粉组合可以对比。根据孢粉学证据,克孜勒苏群下亚旋回应属于尼欧克姆期,或赫特里夫期至巴列姆期,克孜勒苏群上亚旋回应归于阿普第期至阿尔必期。  相似文献   

Preliminary lithostratigraphic and biostratigraphic data recovered from Upper Albian pelagic successions of the Jebel Srassif area (Tunisian trough) reveal the presence of a moderately well preserved radiolarian fauna. This fauna is fossilized in blackshale beds of Rotalipora subticinensis, R. ticinensis and the lower part of the R. appenninica foraminifer zones. Thirty-five radiolarian morphotypes were identified. A correlation established with foraminifer planktic biochronology allows us to distinguish three radiolarian assemblages. The close association between organic-rich deposits and the radiolarian bloom can be interpreted as productivity proxy triggered by semi-enclosed basin configuration and an intensified upwelling currents provided by a possibly halokinetic-induced hydrothermalism.  相似文献   

We present the oldest report of Mariusia andegavensis Pons and Boureau that also constitutes the first evidence of this taxon from the Albian deposits of the Iberian Peninsula (Escucha locality, northeastern Spain). The examined fossil fungi consist of four in situ aligned stromata on the stem of a cheirolepidiacean Frenelopsis sp. cf. F. turolensis Gómez from the late-middle Albian Escucha Formation. Another occurrence of this taxon in this area consists of dispersed fungi from the latest Albian Transitional Marls Unit above the Utrillas Formation at Fuente del Vaso. This study documents the oldest known occurrence of these fungi, that in our case, is aligned on stems rather than a randomly distribution on leaves, as previously reported in Cenomanian deposits of France. This arrangement of fruiting bodies in the studied specimens is best explained by a plant–arthropod interaction involving subsequent invasion by a fungus.  相似文献   

《Annales de Paléontologie》2017,103(3):223-233
The « Marnes et calcaires lumachelles à huîtres » Formation (late Albian–early Cenomanian) of the South Riffian Ridges, rich in bivalves, yielded in levels of upper Albian some gastropod specimens including: Ampullina aff. uchauxiensis Cossmann, Ampullina indet., Aporrhaidae indet., Calliomphalus cf. orientalis (Douvillé), Cerithioidea indet., Mrhilaia indet.,?Neogastropoda indet., Pleurotomaria indet., Pseudamaura subbulbiformis (d’Orbigny), Tylostoma aff. globosum Sharpe, and a rare bivalve, Pinna (Pinna) cretacea cretacea (Schlotheim). The two underlying formations « Conglomérat et marnes sableuses » and « Calcaires gréseux » (early to middle Albian?), poor in macrofauna, yielded rare Nerineopsis aff. excavata (Brongniart) and Turritella indet. These species are reported for the first time in the Moroccan Cretaceous deposits.  相似文献   

Site 1258, drilled during Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 207 on Demerara Rise off the northern coast of South America, recovered organic-rich Albian sediments that yield abundant, moderately to well preserved calcareous nannofossils. Biostratigraphic analysis shows the section primarily spans Roth’s (Initial Reports DSDP 44. US Government Printing Office, Washington (1978) 731) middle to late Albian Zone NC9. A disconformity separates these sediments from overlying uppermost Albian laminated shales from Zone NC10. The presence of Seribiscutum primitivum within the Albian section represents the first known occurrences of this species at such low latitudes, as Demerara Rise was located within 15° of the equator during the mid-Cretaceous. This species exhibits a bipolar distribution and is considered a cool-water, high-latitude species. Its presence on Demerara Rise indicates cooler water incursions either through changes in surface circulation or upwelling conditions during the opening of the Equatorial Atlantic.  相似文献   

Three new species of the genus Sapindopsis Fontaine from Central Asia and western Siberia are described: S. neuburgae (Vachr.) Golovn., comb. nov., S. janschinii (Vachr.) Golovn., comb. nov., and S. kryshtofovichii (I. Lebed.) Golovn., comb. nov. Geographical and stratigraphic analyses have shown that the genus evolved in Eurasia from the Middle Albian to the Cenomanian, and was mostly restricted to the subtropics of the Euro-Sinian phytogeographic area from the Middle East to Russian Primorye and northern China. The are no reliable records of Sapindopsis from Europe. The migration of Sapindopsis from North America to Eurasia through the Bering Land Bridge was most probably related to the Early-Middle Albian climatic optimum.  相似文献   

The Upper Cretaceous succession in the Madenli area (western Central Taurides, Southern Turkey) consists of platform carbonate rocks deposited in entirely peritidal environments, which are sensitive to sea level changes driven by global eustasy, but also strongly affected by local and regional tectonics. It includes economically important bauxite deposits. Previous works suggest different ages for bauxite formation ranging from the Albian to the Santonian. Benthic foraminiferal biostratigraphy and facies analysis of the Madenli and Doğankuzu outcrop sections allow for a more precise dating of the platform emersion periods. The footwall limestones of the bauxite deposits consist of well-bedded limestones (Unit-1), which contain a benthic foraminiferal assemblage (BFA) including mainly Biconcava bentori and Pastrikella biplana, Chrysalidina gradata (BFA I), assigned to the middle-upper Cenomanian. In the Madenli section, the first bauxite deposit occurs in the upper part of Unit-1 as a layer interbedded with pinkish sparitic and dolomitic beds (subunit-1a) deposited in supratidal environment. Subunit-1a is stratigraphically equivalent to the Doğankuzu and Mortaş bauxite deposits considered as karst-related, unconformity-type deposits. The hanging-wall limestones of the bauxite are represented by the massive limestones (Unit-2) starting locally with either the upper Cenomanian characterized mainly by the presence of Pseudolituonella reicheli or upper Campanian comprising mainly Murciella cuvillieri and Moncharmontia apenninica (BFA II). There is no field evidence of a discontinuity surface at the contact between the lower part of Unit-2, including BFA I, and the upper part of Unit-2, including BFA II. This contact is defined as a paraconformity indicating a stratigraphic gap from the Turonian to the early Campanian. The top of Unit-2 is truncated by another discontinuity surface associated with a minor bauxite deposit. The overlying Unit-3 is characterized by well-bedded, rudist-bearing limestones topped by laminated and dolomitized limestones organized in shallowing upward cycles. It is assigned to the upper Maastrichtian based on the presence of Rhapydionina liburnica (BFA III) and rudist assemblage. A third emersion period of the platform corresponds to the early Maastrichtian.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2002,1(5):267-274
The study of the ammonite fauna of the Albian formations allows a major revision of its biostratigraphic frame in northern and central Peru. A carving in ammonite biozones is proposed for the Inca, Chulec and Pariatambo Formations and the Pulluicana group. The Lower Albian is represented by the Nicholsoni Biozone (subdivided into the umbilicostatus, and nicholsoni biohorizons, followed by an interval subzone) and by the Raimondii Biozone (carved in three subzones: Haasi, Raimondii – itself subdivided into the ebrayi and alternum biohorizons – and Mathewsi, including the pseudolyelli biohorizon). The Middle Albian is characterised by the Carbonarium Biozone, carved in the Ulrichi and Carbonarium Subzones. The base of Upper Albian is represented by the Cristatum Subzone.  相似文献   

The fossil-rich site within the Albian Escucha Formation in the Oliete Sub-basin, located in the Northeast of Spain, has provided a great abundance of impressions, including leave remains and seed cones of Coniferales (Sphenolepis kurriana, Sphenolepis sternbergiana, Elatides curvifolia, Brachyphyllum sp. and Geinitzia sp. cf. G. rigida), leaves of Caytoniales (Sagenopteris elliptica), Ginkgoales (Ginkgoites pluripartita, and Sphenobaiera sp. cf. S. longifolia), Bennettitales (Ptilophyllum sp. cf. P. pecten and aff. Zamites sp.), Cycadales (Nilssonia tenuinervis and Ctenozamites with entire and denticulate pinnae margins), Czekanowskiales, and reproductive structures of Gnetales. The gymnosperm remains are fairly abundant in the upper member, built up of sediments deposited in fluvial and swamp environments without marine influence. The different gymnosperm associations in this outcrop indicate a wide variety of environments in a subtropical climate, and a mixture of North American and European taxa in the Iberian plate during the Middle Albian.  相似文献   

Well-preserved Cretaceous (Albian–Turonian) radiolarians were extracted from radiolarian-bearing chert olistoliths of the Monagroulli Member within the Moni Mélange (Campanian-Maastrichtian, Southern Cyprus). Four assemblages were distinguished: Middle Albian–Lower Cenomanian (Thanarla spoletoensis Zone), Upper Albian–Lower Cenomanian (Thanarla spoletoensis Zone, Dorypyle? anisa Subzone), lowermost Turonian (base of Alievium superbum Zone) and Lower Turonian (Alievium superbum Zone). The radiolarian assemblages are diverse and have taxonomic composition similar to coeval assemblages of Italy and Spain. The sediments of the Monagroulli Member differ from coeval rocks of the Mamonia Complex (western Cyprus) by the more common presence of radiolarian cherts and may have been formed in the distal part of a continental margin with less input of clastic material. A new spicular radiolarian genus Cyprothamnus with 2 new species (C. multifurcatus and C. moniensis) is described from the Lower Turonian strata.  相似文献   

This study revealed additional data concerning the spawning period of the Japanese anchovy Engraulis japonicus Temminck et Schlegel, 1846 in Vostok Bay (Peter the Great Bay, Sea of Japan). The spawning of E. japonicus in this area ends in September at a water temperature of 17.5 ± 3°C. Some important peculiarities of the embryonic and postembryonic development of E. japonicus in the natural environment are described. The anchovy larvae have characteristic upper and lower rows of melanophores and subcaudal paired rows of melanophores on the trunk. Regular alternating rows of long and short cones were found in the retina of the early larval stages (TL 5.5 ± 0.1 mm). The planes of the photoreceptive lamellae in the outer segments of the short cones are oriented parallel to the long cell axis, which evidently provides sensitivity to polarized light.  相似文献   

In Tunisia, in the platform domain, the Aptian-Albian transition is associated with a major stratigraphic gap not precisely dated, which is related to the subaerial exposure of the Aptian Orbata platform. Locally, in central Tunisia (Jebel Kebar), this gap is substituted by the sedimentary records of the Kebar Formation. This formation provided a rich association of fossil charophytes, formed by Atopochara trivolvis trivolvis, Clavator harrisii zavialensis and Sphaerochara verticillata which allows attributing it to the late Aptian–early Albian interval (most probably early Albian). In addition, a new variety, Sphaerochara verticillata var. kebariensis, is described. The charophyte assemblage shows significant biogeographic affinities with a coeval flora found in the Iberian Peninsula. The Kebar Formation was previously regarded as exclusively nonmarine, but the presence of the assemblage of charophytes and associated ostracods described rather indicates a fluctuation between margino-littoral (lagoonal) and continental environments.  相似文献   

The vertical distribution of Albian ammonites of the North Pacific Province is described on the basis of several sections located in Northern California. Nine Albian ammonite assemblages are identified, compared to the 4 previously described by Murphy in 1956. Owing to several gaps of observation possibly more assemblages could exist. In the North California Albian history, the first results show a succession of confinement periods - with numerous endemic faunas - followed by periods of open communications with other faunal provinces. As an example, the base of the Middle Albian is marked by exotic ammonites coming from the Tethyan realm (Oxytropidoceras, Lyelliceras) and from the Arctic Province of the Boreal realm (Gastroplites, Pseudopulchellia). These ammonites - except Oxytropidoceras - were not known in that area and are described relatively to their palaeobiogeographical interest. Although rare these migrant faunas give valuable elements to correlate these various provinces. Planktonic foraminifera confirm the existence of open sea communications during the uppermost Albian.With such faunal links, a comparison is proposed between the Albian ammonite zonation of Northern California and the standard and phyletic ones of Europe. This attempt suggests that the major connections between the three faunal provinces are established at second order peak transgressions in the Early and Middle Albian, and during the sea-level high of the Late Albian transgressive period. So, it seems that the vertical distribution of Albian non-endemic ammonites of North California and Europe is largely controlled by global eustatic events. Two palaeobiogeographic maps for Early and Middle Albian and one map for the late Late Albian show the migration outer of these exotic ammonites.  相似文献   

J. Rey  M. Bilotte  B. Peybernes 《Geobios》1977,10(3):369-393
The marine Albain from Estremadura is splited up into four Orbitolinidae zones, adjusted to biostratigraphic scales from mesogean province: zone with Orbitolina (Mesorbitolina) minuta (lower to middle Albian); zone with Neorbitolinopsis conulus (base of upper Albian); zone with Orbitolina (Orbitolina) concava (top of upper Albian) and zone with Orbitolina (Orbitolina) duranddelgai (Vraconian). The vertical extension of the main fossils is replaced in the framework of these zones. The most interesting species for biostratigraphy, paleoecology or taxinomy are summarily described.  相似文献   

An abundant fauna with Mariella and Stoliczkaia from the Uppermost Albian (top of the Dispar zone) has been found in the Fontanil quarry of Pont-de-Peille, near Drap (Maritim-Alps, France).For the first time a population of Stoliczkaia (Lamnayella) tetragona Neumayr is described, autorizing a better knowledge of the species. The simultaneous presence of S. (Stoliczkaia) clavigera Neumayr shows the indo-pacific affinities of the ammonite fauna.  相似文献   

A complete skeleton of a new scincomorph lizard from the Early Cretaceous deposits of Tepexi de Rodriguez is described. Tepexisaurus tepexii gen. et sp. nov. is the best preserved early scincomorph and the first known taxon that is morphologically primitive to scincoids and paramacellodid lizards. The presence of pointed ventral parietal downgrowths, the coronoid overlapped anteriorly and posteriorly by the dentary and surangular, a small medial flange on the retroarticular process, and weak zygosphene and zygantrum articulations suggest scincoid relationships, but the absence of ventral and dorsal osteoscutes place Tepexisaurus as sister-group of this taxon. It shares the presence of + 30 closely packed teeth with the poorly known Upper Jurassic genus Saurillus and Pseudosaurillus , but differences in the coronoid structure, Meckelian groove and jaw proportions indicate that both taxa are distinct. Similar to Tepexisaurus , the absence of osteoscutes in Saurillus, Pseudosaurillus and Saurillodon place these taxa in a more primitive position relative to other paramacellodids which should be included within Scincoidea. Thus, Paramacellodidae as previously defined is a paraphyletic assemblage. The late presence of a pre-scincoid lizard in the Albian deposits of Tlayua can be correlated with the presence of sphenodontians and the relictual nature of the basal squamate Huehuecuetzpalli mixtecus. It gives additional evidence to support the hypothesis that Tlayua was a refuge for terrestrial archaic forms during the Albian.  相似文献   

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