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In considering the mechanism of transformation of epithelium to mesenchyme in the embryo, it is generally assumed that the ability to give rise to fibroblast-like cells is lost as epithelia mature. We reported previously that a definitive embryonic epithelium, that of the anterior lens, gives rise to freely migrating mesenchyme-like cells when suspended in type I collagen matrices. Here, we show that a highly differentiated epithelium that expresses cytokeratin changes to a vimentin cytoskeleton and loses thyroglobulin during epithelial-mesenchymal transformation induced by suspension in collagen gel. Using dispase and collagenase, we isolated adult thyroid follicles devoid of basal lamina and mesenchyme, and we suspended the follicles in 3D collagen gels. Cells bordering the follicle lumen retain epithelial polarity and thyroid phenotype, but basal cell surface organization is soon modified as a result of tissue multilayering and elongation of basal cells into the collagenous matrix. Cytodifferentiation, determined by thyroglobulin immunoreactivity, is lost as the basal epithelial cells move into the matrix after 3-4 days in collagen. By TEM, it can be seen that the elongating cells acquire pseudopodia, filopodia and mesenchyme-like nuclei and RER. Immunofluorescence examination of intermediate filaments showed that freshly isolated follicles and follicles cultured on planar substrata react only with anticytokeratin. However, all of the mesenchyme-like cells express vimentin and they gradually lose cytokeratin. These results suggest that vimentin may be necessary for cell functions associated with migration within a 3D matrix. The mesenchymal cells do not revert to epithelium when grown on planar substrata and the transformation of epithelium to mesenchyme-like cells does not occur within basement membrane gels. The results are relevant to our understanding of the initiation of epithelial-mesenchymal transformation in the embryo and the genetic mechanisms controlling cell shape, polarity and cytoskeletal phenotype.  相似文献   

Definitive epithelia suspended within type I collagen gel give rise to individual, freely migrating cells that express the mesenchymal phenotype. They become elongate in shape, invade collagenous matrices and develop abundant RER. We investigated whether mesenchyme-like cells that derive from lens epithelia retain the mesenchymal phenotype or revert to epithelial phenotype when cultured on basement membrane (BM). Mesenchyme-like cells placed on top of BM gel or lens capsule BM retain the elongate, bipolar morphology of mesenchymal cells. They migrate individually along and into the BM matrix. Mesenchyme-like cells on or in BM ultrastructurally resemble true mesenchymal cells. They extend pseudopodia and filopodia, exhibit a circumferential actin cortex, and contain well developed RER. Mesenchymal products, such as type I collagen, continue to be expressed. We conclude that the phenotype of mesenchyme-like cells derived from definitive epithelia is stable even in or on matrix known to promote the epithelial genetic program. Their behavior, thus, is similar to that of true (secondary) mesenchymal cells in the embryo.  相似文献   

NCAM in the differentiation of embryonic lens tissue   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The role of the neural cell adhesion molecule (NCAM)2 in ocular lens differentiation was investigated in chicken embryos. Changes in expression of NCAM were documented by immunohistology of frozen sections. This analysis revealed that NCAM diminished during lens fiber differentiation, in contrast to the gap junction-associated protein MP26 which became more abundant. The form of NCAM expressed was determined by Western blot analysis of proteins extracted from the different regions of the Embryonic Day 6 lenses. All regions expressed NCAM with an apparent molecular weight of 140 kDa and relatively low levels of polysialylation. The function of NCAM in lens differentiation was investigated using antibodies that inhibit NCAM-mediated adhesion. Two parameters that change during maturation of the lens epithelial cells were monitored: the thickness of the tissue, indicating the length of lens cells, and the particle arrangement of gap junctions, reflecting the state of junctional differentiation. When epithelial cell explants of Embryonic Day 6 lenses were cultured for 5 days, the cells elongated and displayed an increase in the loose, random intramembranous particle arrangements characteristic of maturing lens fiber gap junctions. When the explants were cultured in the presence of anti-NCAM Fabs, the epithelia were thinner than in matched controls and had particle arrangements characteristic of a less mature state. The expression of NCAM during lens differentiation and the effects of attenuating NCAM function suggest that adhesion mediated by NCAM is an essential event in lens cell differentiation.  相似文献   

Pancreatic tissue formation from murine embryonic stem cells in vitro   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The in vitro formation of organs and/or tissues is a major goal for regenerative medicine that would also provide a powerful tool for analyzing both the mechanisms of development and disease processes for each target organ. Here, we present a method whereby pancreatic tissues can be formed in vitro from mouse embryonic stem (ES) cells. Embryoid body-like spheres (EBSs) induced from ES cell colonies were treated with retinoic acid (RA) and activin, which are candidate regulators of pancreatic development in vivo. These induced tissues had decreased expression of the sonic hedgehog (shh) gene and expressed several pancreatic marker genes. ES cell-derived pancreatic tissue was composed of exocrine cells, endocrine cells, and pancreatic duct-like structures. In addition, the ratio of exocrine to endocrine cells in the induced tissue was found to be sensitive to the concentrations of RA and activin in the present experiment.  相似文献   

The in vivo differentiation of embryonic chicken lens epithelial cells into lens fibers is accompanied by a marked decrease in the rate of degradation of phosphatidylinositol. The present experiments were undertaken to determine whether a similar change in phosphatidylinositol metabolism occurs during in vitro lens fiber formation in cultured explants of embryonic chicken lens epithelia. Lens epithelial cells in the explants differentiate into lens fibers following the addition of fetal calf serum, insulin or chicken vitreous humor to the culture medium. The results show that phosphatidylinositol is degraded with a half-life of 3-6 h in cultured lens epithelia that are not stimulated to differentiate. In contrast, no degradation occurs for at least 6 h in lens epithelia stimulated to form lens fibers. The stabilization of phosphatidylinositol is apparent within 4 h after the onset of fiber cell formation, and thus represents an early event in differentiation. The rapid degradation of phosphatidylinositol in lens epithelia is accompanied by comparably rapid synthesis. During this metabolic turnover only the phosphorylinositol portion of the molecule is renewed, as expected if hydrolysis occurs by the action of a phospholipase C, such as phosphatidylinositol phosphodiesterase. Thus, these data suggest that agents which produce in vitro differentiation of embryonic chicken lens epithelial cells into lens fibers lead to a reduction in either the amount or the activity of phospholipase C.  相似文献   

Our previous research has demonstrated that lens induction in Xenopus laevis requires inductive interactions prior to contact with the optic vesicle, which classically had been thought to be the major lens inductor. The importance of these early interactions has been verified by demonstrating that lens ectoderm is specified by the time it comes into contact with the optic vesicle. It has been argued that the tissues which underlie the presumptive lens ectoderm during gastrulation and neurulation, dorsolateral endoderm and mesoderm, are the primary early inductors. We show here, however, that these tissues alone cannot elicit lens formation in Xenopus ectoderm. Evidence is presented that presumptive anterior neural plate tissue (which includes the early eye rudiment) is an essential early lens inductor in Xenopus. The presence of dorsolateral mesoderm appears to enhance this response. These findings support a model in which an essential inductive signal passes through the plane of ectoderm during gastrula and early neurula stages from presumptive anterior neural tissue to the presumptive lens ectoderm. Since there is evidence for such interactions within a tissue layer in mesodermal and neural induction as well, this may be a general feature of the initial stages of determination of many tissues.  相似文献   

Inasmuch as 17α,20β-diOHprog was identified as the maturation-inducing hormone, we now have two known biologically important mediators of oocyte growth and maturation in salmonids, estradiol-17β and 17α,20β-diOHprog. It is now established that the granulosa cells are the site of production of these two mediators, but production by the ovarian follicle depends on the provision of precursor steroids by the thecal cell (two-cell type hypothesis). A dramatic switch in the steroidogenic pathway from estradiol-17β to 17α,20β-diOHprog occurs only in ovarian follicle cells immediately prior to oocyte maturation. This switch is a prerequisite step for the growing oocyte to enter the maturation phase. Resolution of the molecular events regulating this switch will provide new insight into the hormonal events regulating oocyte growth and maturation.  相似文献   

Protein synthesis in embryonic chick lens cells   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Hemidesmosome formation by embryonic chick corneal epithelium in vitro   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study was undertaken in order to determine whether 15-day embryonic chick corneal epithelial cells can form hemidesmosomes when cultured on a variety of substrata. It was found that hemidesmosomes were formed on gelatin films, hydrated collagen gels, lens capsule, scraped corneal stroma, matrix produced by corneal endothelial cells and untreated tissue culture plastic. Hemidesmosomes were found after 5 days in cultures produced from either dissociated epithelial cells or whole epithelial explants. Hemidesmosomes occurred both singly and in groups and their morphology varied between well-defined structures with attachment plaques, sub-basal dense plates and connections to intracellular filamentous networks, and more rudimentary forms. The presence of extracellular material was often associated with the hemidesmosomes, although it was also possible to find hemidesmosomes where this material was absent. This work suggests that, in the embryonic chick cornea, extracellular structures such as anchoring filaments and anchoring fibres often associated with mature hemidesmosomes are not essential for hemidesmosome formation.  相似文献   

The DNA repeat size is determined by micrococcal nuclease digestion kinetics and subsequent electrophoresis of the products among various chick embryonic tissues. The repeat size is found to be not significantly different from 193 to 197 bp, for brain and liver at 11 days and for lens epithelium and fiber at different embryonic stages. However, the pattern of micrococcal digestion seems to reveal an overall chromatin modification as a function of development in the lens fibers.  相似文献   

Protein synthesis and ultrastructure were studied in the cultured epithelium and in the intact lens of the 6-day chick embryo. Proteins were examined by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis.  相似文献   

The addition of K2Cr2O7, at concentrations ranging from 0.1 to 0.5 microng/ml, to hamster total embryonic cells for 24 h, resulted in consistent and drastic chromosomal aberrations including gaps, breaks and exchanges. The above effect, however, was reduced successfully by the addition of a reducing agent, Na2SO3. Among other chromium compounds examined, divalent and trivalent chromium salts were ineffective on chromosome morphology even at a concentration of 3.5 microng/ml as chromium, whereas a hexavalent compound, CrO3, was highly effective. K2Cr2O7 also enhanced the morphological transformation rate in a short-term colony assay, in whicy hamster embryonic cells (1x10(4) cells/60-mm dish) were treated and the morphology was observed 8 to 10 days after the treatment.  相似文献   

The surfaces of miracidia of Schistosoma mansoni were examined ultrastructurally during in vitro transformation to sporocysts. Before transformation, the surface was composed of ciliated epithelial plates (EP) that were set into a reticulum of narrow syncytial ridges (SR). The EP were attached to SR by extensive pleated septate junctions that had 18-24 strands of intramembrane particles (IMP) on the protoplasmic faces and complementary pits on the ectoplasmic faces. These junctions also appeared to separate the EP plasma membrane into apical and basolateral domains with a larger number of IMPs on the latter. Transformation was induced by placing the miracidia in salt containing medium which also halted ciliary beating. In 2-5 hr, the SR expanded until they formed a syncytium covering the parasite surface, while the EP retracted and rounded up. During this time, the EP and SR were held in contact with one another by the septate junctions which became progressively convoluted. Subsequently, the EP detached from the parasite. When transforming miracidia were returned to fresh water, the cilia resumed beating and the EP detached from the parasite surface and exposed the underlying basement membrane. Those EP that remained attached were connected only by septate junctions to the expanded SR. These studies demonstrate that the formation of the syncytium occurs gradually with contact maintained between EP and SR via the septate junctions. Further, the septate junctions are similar to occluding junctions in mammalian epithelia since they segregate the plasma membrane of the EP and they have an adhesive function.  相似文献   

Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) have been induced to differentiate successfully from human embryonic stem cells (hES-MSCs), which could serve as an in vitro source of MSCs. However, the homing behaviors of such cells and their potential utility for liver regeneration in vivo have not been reported. We investigated factors that influenced early homing and the hepatic-directed differentiation potency of hES-MSCs in a mouse model of acute liver injury. The hES-MSCs could be detected 36 h after cell infusion and this was unaffected by the number of cell passages in culture. Pretreatment of hES-MSCs with TNF-α resulted in higher rates of homing of these cells to the injured liver. Interestingly most of the cells homing at an early stage expressed alpha-fetoprotein (AFP), indicating hepatic differentiation. Thus, hES-MSCs can home to the acutely injured liver at high efficiency and undergo hepatic differentiation, suggesting that these cells could be useful for treating acute human liver injury.  相似文献   

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