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Experimental studies of the physiological mechanisms underlying avian migration have concentrated on small passerines. The present study is concerned with the regulation of migratory fat deposition in a galliform. the European quail (Coturnix coturnix). The increased mass associated with migration was due exclusively to the deposition of fat whereas the increased body mass of laying females was due to increases in lean tissue and water as well as fat. Annual cycles of body mass, moult, gonadal size and plasma luteinizing hormone were measured every other week in captive males and females held outdoors under natural daylengths and temperatures in Bristol, UK (51° 27' N). Males and females showed two peaks of fat deposition each year which occurred at the migratory passage times reported in wild birds. Luteinizing hormone levels and gonadal size increased in parallel with vernal fat deposition, and remained high until late summer. The pattern of primary feather moult in the intact birds was similar to that of wild quail, with moult following gonadal regression and being suspended during autumnal fattening. Castration of European quail did not inhibit the expression of migratory fattening, as it does In certain passerines. In fact, castrates displayed fattening cycles that were more clearly defined and of greater amplitude than those in the intact males. The annual cycle of European quail differs from that of other well-studied passerine migrants such as Zonotrichia sparrows, and this is most likely associated with differences in breeding ecology. In addition, the ability of quail to express vernal fattening independently of the presence of the gonads suggests that taxonomic differences between migratory species are also apparent in the physiological mechanisms of migratory fattening.  相似文献   

Long-distance migrants have evolved complex strategies for the timing of their annual moult, fattening and migration cycles. These strategies are likely to vary at different stages of a bird's life. Ringing data on 6079 Grey Plovers Pluvialis squatarola , caught on the Wash, England, between 1959 and 1996, were analysed to relate migratory strategies to patterns of primary moult and body mass changes. Adults returning from breeding grounds had a shorter and delayed primary moult (duration 90 days, starting date 19 August) in comparison with over-summering birds (duration 109 days, starting date 5 June). Three categories of migrant adults were identified on the basis of primary moult and body mass: (1) birds which did not moult, but increased body mass and migrated further south; (2) birds which moulted 1–3 inner primaries, suspended moult, increased body mass and migrated; and (3) birds which completed or suspended moult and wintered locally. In birds of the second category, timing of primary moult and body mass increase overlapped. Among wintering birds, 38% were in suspended moult. Ninety-six per cent of birds that suspended moult at the beginning of winter were males and almost all completed moult in spring. Grey Plovers which left Britain in autumn had an average body mass of 280 g, enough to reach southern Morocco without refuelling. Both wintering adults and first-year birds showed a prewinter body mass increase, peaking in December. Adults had a synchronized premigratory body mass increase in May, which suggested a negligible presence of African migrants. The average departure mass for spring migration, estimated at 316 g, would allow birds to fly non-stop to the Siberian breeding grounds in western Taymyr.  相似文献   

While many species suffer from human activities, some like geese benefit and may show range expansions. In some cases geese (partially) gave up migration and started breeding at wintering and stopover grounds. Range expansion may be facilitated and accompanied by physiological changes, especially when associated with changes in migratory behaviour. Interspecific comparisons found that migratory tendency is associated with a higher basal or resting metabolic rate (RMR). We compared RMR of individuals belonging to a migratory and a sedentary colony of barnacle geese Branta leucopsis. The migratory colony is situated in the traditional arctic breeding grounds (Russia), whereas the sedentary colony has recently been established in the now shared wintering area (the Netherlands). We measured RMR by oxygen consumption () during two ontogenetic phases (juvenile growth and adult wing moult). We also investigated juvenile growth rates and adult body mass dynamics. Mass‐independent was 13.6% lower in goslings from the sedentary colony than in goslings from the migratory colony. Similarly, in adult geese, mass‐independent was 15.5% lower in sedentary than in migratory conspecifics. Goslings in the Netherlands grew 36.2% slower than goslings in Russia, while we found no differences in body dimensions in adults. Adult geese from both colonies commenced wing moult with similar body stores, but whereas Russian barnacle geese maintained this level throughout moult, body stores in geese from the Netherlands fell, being 8.5% lower half‐way through the moult. We propose that the colony differences in resting metabolic rate, growth rate and body mass dynamics during moult can be explained by environmental and behavioural differences. The less stringent time constraints combined with poorer foraging opportunities allow for a smaller ‘metabolic machinery’ in non‐migratory geese. Our analysis suggests that range expansion may be associated with changes in physiology, especially when paired with changes in migratory tendency.  相似文献   

Phenotypic flexibility of organs in migratory birds has been documented for a variety of species of different genera during the migratory period. However, very little is known about phenotypic mass changes of organs with respect to other events within the annual cycle. This seems particularly interesting when birds face different physiological challenges in quick succession. We investigated mass changes of 13 organs from garden warblers (Sylvia borin) during the transition from moult to migration. These long-distance migratory birds perform a complete moult within their wintering area just shortly before the onset of spring migration. Birds were sampled in three successive stages according to their moult status: group I consisted of birds with growing primary or secondary wing feathers, group II consisted of birds with completed wing moult but with still moulting body feathers, and group III consisted of birds that had completed wing moult and body moult. Size-corrected flight muscle, kidney mass, and pancreas mass differed significantly among the three groups. Flight muscle was heaviest in birds that were about to leave their wintering area (group III) compared with birds still in body moult (group II). Kidney and pancreas showed a pattern similar to each other, with the heaviest mass occurring in birds with moulting wing feathers (group I) and significantly reduced mass in birds that had completed wing moult (group II) or both wing and body moult (group III). Mass reductions of kidney and pancreas during the transition from moult to migration are considered to be related to the demands of moult, while increased flight muscle may be due to moult, migration, or both. Phenotypic mass changes of organs in birds occur during their migration, but they also occur during the transition between other phases of the annual cycle such as moult and migration and are not restricted to the flight muscle.  相似文献   

Adult passerines renew their flight feathers at least once every year. This complete moult occurs either in the breeding areas, just after breeding (summer moult), or, in some long-distance migratory species, at the non-breeding areas, after arrival to the southern wintering area at the end of autumn migration (winter moult). The aim of this study was to relate moult strategies with the DMD, the difference in median migration date, through Israel, between juveniles and adults. Our data on autumn migration timing in juveniles and adults was based on ringing data of 49,125 individuals belonging to 23 passerine species that breed in Europe and Western Asia and migrate through Israel. We found that DMD was associated with moult timing. In all species that perform a winter moult, adults preceded juveniles during autumn. Among migrants who perform a summer moult, we found evidence of both migration timing patterns: juveniles preceding adults or adults preceding juveniles. In addition, in summer moulters, we found a significant, positive correlation between mean breeding latitude and DMD. Although previous studies described that moult duration and extent can be affected by migration, we suggest that moult strategies affect both migration timing and migration strategy. These two moult strategies (summer or winter moult) also represent two unique migration strategies. Our findings highlight the evolutionary interplay between moult and migration strategies.  相似文献   

Unlike other migratory hummingbirds in North America, the broad‐tailed hummingbird (Selasphorus platycercus) exhibits both long‐distance migratory behaviour in the USA and sedentary behaviour in Mexico and Guatemala. We examined the evolution of migration linked to its northward expansion using a multiperspective approach. We analysed variation in morphology, mitochondrial and nuclear DNA, estimated migration rates between migratory and sedentary populations, compared divergence times with the occurrence of Quaternary climate events and constructed species distribution models to predict where migratory and sedentary populations resided during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) and Last Interglacial (LIG) events. Our results are consistent with a recent northward population expansion driven by migration from southern sedentary populations. Phylogeographical analyses and population genetics methods revealed that migratory populations in the USA and sedentary populations in Mexico of the platycercus subspecies form one admixed population, and that sedentary populations from southern Mexico and Guatemala (guatemalae) undertook independent evolutionary trajectories. Species distribution modelling revealed that the species is a niche tracker and that the climate conditions associated with modern obligate migrants in the USA were not present during the LIG, which provides indirect evidence for recent migratory behaviour in broad‐tailed hummingbirds on the temporal scale of glacial cycles. The finding that platycercus hummingbirds form one genetic population and that suitable habitat for migratory populations was observed in eastern Mexico during the LIG also suggests that the conservation of overwintering sites is crucial for obligate migratory populations currently facing climate change effects.  相似文献   

Migratory birds have less time for moulting than sedentary birds, which may force them to produce their feathers faster at the expense of reducing feather quality. However, the effects of migration on the trade-off between moult speed and plumage quality remain to be studied in natural populations. We analysed the relationship between growth rate and quality of individual feathers, taking advantage of natural variation between migratory and sedentary populations of blackcaps Sylvia atricapilla . As predicted by life-history theory, individual blackcaps showed variable individual quality, which was revealed by positive correlations between feather growth rate and feather mass within populations. However, migrants grew up their feathers faster, producing lighter feathers than sedentary blackcaps. These results support the idea that feather growth rate and feather quality are traded against each other in blackcaps. Such a trade-off is apparently caused by different selection associated to migratory and sedentary life styles, which opens new insights into the diversification of moult patterns in birds.  © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2009, 97 , 98–105.  相似文献   

Migration is a common phenomenon across many animal taxa. Understanding how migration scales with body size across species is fundamental in the development of migration theory and in making size‐related predictions. Although aerodynamic theory and ecophysiological scaling laws have assisted greatly in generating such predictions, their verifications have been limited by a lack of empirical data across a range of body sizes. The recent development of ultra‐light tracking devices and its rapid application to migration now allows us to put theory to the test. We used tracking data of seven closely related migratory sandpiper species (family Scolopacidae) along the East Asian‐Australasian Flyway to compare their migratory behaviour when migrating towards the breeding grounds as a function of size (50–750 g). We found a marked decline in migration speed (migration distance divided by total migration duration, including time at stopover sites and in flight) with size. Departure date from the non‐breeding (i.e. wintering) ground and arrival date at the breeding ground also scaled negatively with size. Total migration duration, migration distance, total staging duration (the number of days staying at stopover sites plus days preparing, i.e. fuelling, prior to initial migration) and step length (distance covered within one migratory leg) were not significantly related with size. Correction for phylogeny showed consistent results for all variables. Besides improving our fundamental understanding of inter‐specific variation in migration behaviours, the finding of a clear scaling with size in migration speed and migration timing highlight differential size related capabilities and constraints of migrants. Migratory birds, including sandpipers, are declining on a global scale and particularly along the East Asian‐Australasian Flyway. This notion of size‐dependency in migratory traits may have a bearing on their vulnerability to specific environmental disturbances along their flyways.  相似文献   

Animal migration has been the subject of intensive research for more than a century, but most research has focused on long‐distance rather than short‐distance migration. Altitudinal migration is a form of short‐distance migration in which individuals perform seasonal elevational movements. Despite its geographic and taxonomic ubiquity, there is relatively little information about the intrinsic and extrinsic factors that influence altitudinal migratory behaviour. Without this information, it is difficult to predict how rapid environmental changes will affect population viability of altitudinal migrants. To synthesize current knowledge, we compiled literature on altitudinal migration for all studied taxa, and identified the leading hypotheses explaining this behaviour. Studies of animal altitudinal migration cover many taxonomic lineages, with birds being the most commonly studied group. Altitudinal migration occurs in all continents except for Antarctica, but about a third of the literature focused on altitudinal migration in North America. Most research suggests that food and weather are the primary extrinsic drivers of altitudinal migration. In addition, substantial individual‐level variation in migratory propensity exists. Individual characteristics that are associated with sex, dominance rank, and body size explain much of the variation in migratory propensity in partially migratory populations, but individual‐level correlates are poorly known for most taxa. More research is needed to quantify the effects of habitat loss, habitat fragmentation, and climate change on altitudinal migrants. Demographic studies of individually marked populations would be particularly valuable for advancing knowledge of the cascading effects of environmental change on migratory propensity, movement patterns, and population viability. We conclude our review with recommendations for study designs and modelling approaches that could be used to narrow existing knowledge gaps, which currently hinder effective conservation of altitudinal migratory species.  相似文献   

How seasonal migration originated and impacted diversification in birds remains largely unknown. Although migratory behaviour is likely to affect bird diversification, previous studies have not detected any effect. Here, we infer ancestral migratory behaviour and the effect of seasonal migration on speciation and extinction dynamics using a complete bird tree of life. Our analyses infer that sedentary behaviour is ancestral, and that migratory behaviour evolved independently multiple times during the evolutionary history of birds. Speciation of a sedentary species into two sedentary daughter species is more frequent than speciation of a migratory species into two migratory daughter species. However, migratory species often diversify by generating a sedentary daughter species in addition to the ancestral migratory one. This leads to an overall higher migratory speciation rate. Migratory species also experience lower extinction rates. Hence, although migratory species represent a minority (18.5%) of all extant birds, they have a higher net diversification rate than sedentary species. These results suggest that the evolution of seasonal migration in birds has facilitated diversification through the divergence of migratory subpopulations that become sedentary, and illustrate asymmetrical diversification as a mechanism by which diversification rates are decoupled from species richness.  相似文献   

Animal migration is one of the great wonders of nature, but the factors that determine how far migrants travel remain poorly understood. We present a new quantitative model of animal migration and use it to describe the maximum migration distance of walking, swimming and flying migrants. The model combines biomechanics and metabolic scaling to show how maximum migration distance is constrained by body size for each mode of travel. The model also indicates that the number of body lengths travelled by walking and swimming migrants should be approximately invariant of body size. Data from over 200 species of migratory birds, mammals, fish, and invertebrates support the central conclusion of the model - that body size drives variation in maximum migration distance among species through its effects on metabolism and the cost of locomotion. The model provides a new tool to enhance general understanding of the ecology and evolution of migration.  相似文献   

1. Partially migratory species provide opportunities to understand which ecological factors cause some animals to migrate when others remain resident year round. Partial migration in birds has been explained by the dominance, arrival-time, and body-size hypotheses. 2. Testing these hypotheses has proven difficult due to the similarities of the predictions they make in temperate-breeding long-distance migrants. In tropical altitudinal migrants, however, these hypotheses make different predictions regarding the sex, age, and condition of migrants and residents. 3. Among white-ruffed manakins in Costa Rica, young birds were not more likely to migrate (as predicted by the dominance hypothesis), nor were females more likely to migrate (as predicted by the arrival-time hypothesis). All condition-related variables interacted with sex, together explaining much of the variation in migratory behaviour. 4. I re-articulate the body-size hypothesis in the context of tropical altitudinal bird migration, focusing explicitly on how limited foraging opportunities and differences in individual condition affect fasting ability during torrential rains. Despite ample food, the smallest birds or those stressed by parasites or moult may risk starvation at breeding elevations due to a reduction in foraging time. These results highlight how intrinsic and extrinsic factors may interact to produce observed patterns of within- and among-species variation in migratory behaviour.  相似文献   

Migrant species are commonly thought to be poor competitors in aggressive interactions with resident species. However, no studies have tested whether this relationship is widespread. Here, we compare the behavioural dominance of closely related species of migratory and nonmigratory birds, testing whether migrants are consistently subordinate to resident species in aggressive contests. We compiled published behavioural dominance data involving migrant and resident congeners, gathering additional data on the body mass and migratory distance of each species. Focal species included a diverse array of birds (28 taxonomic families, 12 orders) from around the world. We found that migrant species are usually subordinate to resident species, but that this relationship disappears at larger body sizes. For smaller birds (<500 g), resident species were behaviourally dominant in 83%–88% of comparisons; for larger birds (>500 g), resident species were dominant in only 25%–30% of comparisons. The relative difference in body mass best predicted dominance relationships among species, with larger species dominant in 80%–84% of comparisons. When migrant and resident masses were equal, however, resident species were still more likely to be dominant in smaller birds, suggesting that other factors may also contribute to the subordinate status of migrants. Overall, our results suggest that in smaller species, the evolution of migration is associated with lighter weights and other traits that compromise the competitive abilities of migrants relative to residents. In contrast, larger species appear able to evolve migration without compromising their size or competitive abilities in aggressive contests, suggesting size‐dependent constraints on the evolution of migration.  相似文献   

Irruptive migrants often show biased sex and age ratio, and typically young females are the most abundant class participating in irruptions. Several hypotheses have been proposed to explain differential migration in birds. We examined these hypotheses in a sexually size‐dimorphic species (females being larger than males), the pygmy owl Glaucidium passerinum, whose migration behaviour has also been poorly documented. Migration data were collected at the Hanko Bird Observatory, SW Finland during 1979–2010. Pygmy owls showed large fluctuations in migration numbers between years. Most of the migrants were young birds and females migrated in larger numbers than males. Results support the ‘territory defence hypothesis’ since males showed weaker tendency to migrate despite the smaller body size, but the ‘dominance hypothesis’ was also supported (subordinate young outnumber dominant adults in migration numbers). Findings support the idea that in owl species, which are dependent on nesting cavities, males show lower migration behaviour than females, whereas the pattern is opposite in species which normally breed outside cavities. In addition, adults migrated later than young, likely because they need to moult remiges before departure. Early hatched young also migrated earlier than late hatched young, suggesting that more dominant young migrate first.  相似文献   

Migration is an energetically expensive and hazardous stage of the annual cycle of non‐resident avian species, and requires certain morphological adaptations. Wing shape is one of the morphological traits that is expected to be evolutionarily shaped by migration. Aerodynamic theory predicts that long‐distance migrants should have more pointed wings with distal primaries relatively longer than proximal primaries, an arrangement that minimizes induced drag and wing inertia, but this prediction has mostly been tested in passerine species. We applied the comparative method of phylogenetically independent contrasts to assess convergent evolution between wing shape and migration within shorebirds. We confirmed the assumption that long‐distance migrants have less rounded wings than species migrating shorter distances. Furthermore, wing roundedness negatively correlates with fat load and mean distance of migratory flights, the basic components of migration strategies. After controlling for interspecific differences in body size, we found no support for a link between wing length and migration, indicating that wing shape is a more important predictor of shorebird migratory behaviour than wing length. The results suggest that total migration distance and migratory strategy may simultaneously act on the evolution of wing shape in shorebirds, and possibly in other avian species.  相似文献   

Metabolic rates may be informative of adaptations to migration or wintering at high latitudes and may therefore be particularly interesting in partial migrants requiring adaptations to both migration and residency. To study the extent of physiological adaptations in migratory and resident blue tits Cyanistes caeruleus during the period of autumn migration in southern Sweden, we measured basal metabolic rate (BMR) and cost of thermoregulation at 0°C (CTR0). In contrast to other migrants en route, migratory blue tits had lower BMR than residents. As migratory blue tits travel extraordinarily slowly on autumn migration and residents suffer from harsher climate and severe competition, residents may need dynamic adjustments that involve larger metabolic costs than migrants. Resident males had lower CTR0 than migrants and resident females. Resident males are socially dominant, which suggests that they have priority of access to food sources during summer and early autumn. They also spend more time on moult, which would give them the time and energy needed for molting into a plumage of higher insulation quality than is possible for migrants and resident females.  相似文献   

The seasonal pattern of clutch size variation in birds varies among species. In single-brooded bird species clutch sizes decline continuously with date from an early season maximum. In resident multi-brooded species, clutch sizes first increase to a mid-season maximum and then decrease again. Limited data for multi-brooded migratory birds suggest that clutches in these species also show a continuous decline throughout the season, but it remains to be resolved whether this applies generally and whether migration adds a constraint to the system. We here report on a study of the Eastern Bluebird Sialia sialis conducted using data collected by volunteers across most of its range. In the southern part of its range, where Eastern Bluebirds are largely year-round residents, clutches initially increase, reach a mid-season maximum and gradually decline later in the season. In the northern part of the range, where the majority of Eastern Bluebirds are migratory, clutch sizes decline continuously throughout the season. To determine whether seasonal changes in the clutch size of multi-brooded species are determined by migratory behaviour of the population we compared our results with published data on the Dunnock Prunella modularis and conclude that in multi-brooded species migratory behaviour is not a sufficient condition for a continuous seasonal decline in clutch size, but it could be a necessary one. We propose two mechanisms for the pattern observed among multi-brooded migrants: (i) a time or energy cost of migration, and (ii) a more abrupt increase in seasonal resources in spring at more northerly latitudes.  相似文献   

Migratory birds appear to have relatively smaller brain size compared to sedentary species. It has been hypothesized that initial differences in brain size underlying behavioural flexibility drove the evolution of migratory behaviour; birds with relatively large brains evolved sedentary habits and those with relatively small brains evolved migratory behaviour (migratory precursor hypothesis). Alternative hypotheses suggest that changes in brain size might follow different behavioural strategies and that sedentary species might have evolved larger brains because of differences in selection pressures on brain size in migratory and nonmigratory species. Here we present the first evidence arguing against the migratory precursor hypothesis. We compared relative brain volume of three subspecies of the white-crowned sparrow: sedentary Zonotrichia leucophrys nuttalli and migratory Z. l. gambelii and Z. l. oriantha. Within the five subspecies of the white-crowned sparrow, only Z. l. nuttalli is strictly sedentary. The sedentary behaviour of Z. l. nuttalli is probably a derived trait, because Z. l. nuttalli appears to be the most recent subspecies and because all species ancestral to Zonotrichia as well as all older subspecies of Z. leucophrys are migratory. Compared to migratory Z. l. gambelii and Z. l. oriantha, we found that sedentary Z. l. nuttalli had a significantly larger relative brain volume, suggesting that the larger brain of Z. l. nuttalli evolved after a switch to sedentary behaviour. Thus, in this group, brain size does not appear to be a precursor to the evolution of migratory or sedentary behaviour but rather an evolutionary consequence of a change in migratory strategy.  相似文献   

We investigated moult strategies in Loggerhead Shrikes by examining first prebasic or preformative moult patterns and by assessing the general location where individual feathers were grown using stable hydrogen isotope (δ2H) analysis. We tested the relative importance of factors known to impact moult timing and pattern, including age, sex, body size, food availability and migration. Migratory Shrikes showed evidence of suspended moult, in which feathers are moulted on both the breeding and the non‐breeding grounds with a suspension of moult during migration. Extent of moult was best explained by sex, longitude, migratory behaviour and breeding‐ground latitude. Male Hatch Year (HY) Shrikes replaced more feathers on the breeding grounds prior to migration than did HY females and moulted more extensively on the breeding grounds than did females. Non‐migratory HY Shrikes underwent a more extensive preformative moult than migratory HY Shrikes. Individuals in more southerly migratory populations moulted more extensively on the breeding grounds than did those breeding further north. Our data also indicate that individuals in the northeastern populations moulted more extensively on the breeding grounds than did those in the north and southwest. Our study underlines the complex structure and variation in moult possible within species, revealing surprising levels of differentiation between sexes and age cohorts, linked to environmental factors on the breeding grounds. Our study highlights the utility of an intrinsic marker, specifically δ2H analysis, to test hypotheses regarding the evolutionary and ecological forces driving moult. Although the methodology has not commonly been applied to this area of research, our results indicate that it can provide unprecedented insight into inter‐ and intra‐specific adaptive response to constraints, whereby individuals maximize fitness.  相似文献   

Both wing size and wing shape affect the flight abilities of birds. Intra and inter‐specific studies have revealed a pattern where high aspect ratio and low wing loading favour migratory behaviour. This, however, have not been studied in soaring migrants. We assessed the relationship between the wing size and shape and the characteristics of the migratory habits of the turkey vulture Cathartes aura, an obligate soaring migrant. We compared wing size and shape with migration strategy among three fully migratory, one partially migratory and one non‐migratory (resident) population distributed across the American continent. We calculated the aspect ratio and wing loading using wing tracings to characterize the wing morphology. We used satellite‐tracking data from the migratory populations to calculate distance, duration, speed and altitude during migration. Wing loading, but not aspect ratio, differed among the populations, segregating the resident population from the completely migratory ones. Unlike what has been reported in species using flapping flight during migration, the migratory flight parameters of turkey vultures were not related to the aspect ratio. By contrast, wing loading was related to most flight parameters. Birds with lower wing loading flew farther, faster, and higher during their longer journeys. Our results suggest that wing morphology in this soaring species enables lower‐cost flight, through low wing‐loading, and that differences in the relative sizes of wings may increase extra savings during migration. The possibility that wing shape is influenced by foraging as well as migratory flight is discussed. We conclude that flight efficiency may be improved through different morphological adaptations in birds with different flight mechanisms.  相似文献   

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