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Ventilator-induced lung injury plays a crucial role in the outcome of patients with acute lung injury. Previous studies have shown a role for the cytokine tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF) in stretch-induced alveolar neutrophil recruitment, but the involvement of TNF in stretch-induced pulmonary edema is unclear. We investigated the effects of TNF through its individual p55 and p75 receptors on early pulmonary edema formation during high stretch ventilation, before neutrophil infiltration. Anesthetized wild-type or TNF receptor single/double knockout mice were ventilated with high tidal volume ( approximately 38 ml/kg) for 2 h or until they developed arterial hypotension. Pulmonary edema was assessed by physiological parameters including respiratory mechanics and blood gases, and by lavage fluid protein, lung wet:dry weight ratio, and lung permeability measurements using fluorescence-labeled albumin. High stretch ventilation in wild-type and TNF receptor double knockout animals induced similar pulmonary edema, and only 25-30% of mice completed the protocol. In contrast, the p55 receptor knockout mice were strongly protected from edema formation, with all animals completing the protocol. Myeloperoxidase assay indicated that this protective effect was not associated with decreased pulmonary neutrophil sequestration. The p75 receptor knockout mice, however, displayed increased susceptibility to edema formation, and no animals survived the full 2 h. These results demonstrate a novel role for TNF signaling (independent from its effects on neutrophil recruitment) specifically through the p55 receptor, in promoting high stretch-induced pulmonary edema, whereas p75 signaling may play an opposing role.  相似文献   

To clarify the role of tumor necrosis factor (TNF) in the inflammatory aspects of autoimmunity vs its potential role in the apoptotic elimination of autoreactive effector cells, we assessed the roles of the p55 (TNFR1/Tnfrsf1a/CD120a) and p75 (TNFR2/Tnfrsf1b/CD120b) TNF receptors in the pathogenesis of MOG(35-55)-induced experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE). TNFR p55/p75(-/-) double knockout mice were completely resistant to clinical disease. TNFR p55(-/-) single knockout mice were also totally resistant to EAE, exhibiting reduced MOG(35-55)- specific proliferative responses and Th1 cytokine production, despite displaying equivalent DTH responses. Importantly, IL-5 was significantly increased in p55(-/-) mice. In contrast, p75(-/-) knockout mice exhibited exacerbated EAE, enhanced Th1 cytokine production, and enhanced CD4(+) and F4/80(+) CNS infiltration. Thus, p55/TNFR1 is required for the initiation of pathologic disease, whereas p75/TNFR2 may be important in regulating the immune response. These results have important implications for therapies targeting p55 and p75 receptors for treating autoimmune diseases.  相似文献   

Localized tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNFalpha) elevation has diverse effects in brain injury often attributed to signaling via TNFp55 or TNFp75 receptors. Both dentate granule cells and CA pyramidal cells express TNF receptors (TNFR) at low levels in a punctate pattern. Using a model to induce selective death of dentate granule cells (trimethyltin; 2 mg/kg, i.p.), neuronal apoptosis [terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated dUTP-biotin in situ end labeling, active caspase 3 (AC3)] was accompanied by amoeboid microglia and elevated TNFalpha mRNA levels. TNFp55R (55 kDa type-1 TNFR) and TNFp75R (75 kDa type-2 TNFR) immunoreactivity in AC3(+) neurons displayed a pattern suggestive of receptor internalization and a temporal sequence of expression of TNFp55R followed by TNFp75R associated with the progression of apoptosis. A distinct ramified microglia response occurred around CA1 neurons and healthy dentate neurons that displayed an increase in the normal punctate pattern of TNFRs. Neuronal damage was decreased with i.c.v. injection of TNFalpha antibody and in TNFp55R-/-p75R-/- mice that showed higher constitutive mRNA levels for interleukin (IL-1alpha), macrophage inflammatory protein 1-alpha (MIP-1alpha), TNFalpha, transforming growth factor beta1, Fas, and TNFRSF6-assoicated via death domain (FADD). TNFp75R-/- mice showed exacerbated injury and elevated mRNA levels for IL-1alpha, MIP-1alpha, and TNFalpha. In TNFp55R-/- mice, constitutive mRNA levels for TNFalpha, IL-6, caspase 8, FADD, and Fas-associated phosphatase were higher; IL-1alpha, MIP-1alpha, and transforming growth factor beta1 lower. The mice displayed exacerbated neuronal death, delayed microglia response, increased FADD and TNFp75R mRNA levels, and co-expression of TNFp75R in AC3(+) neurons. The data demonstrate TNFR-mediated apoptotic death of dentate granule neurons utilizing both TNFRs and suggest a TNFp75R-mediated apoptosis in the absence of normal TNFp55R activity.  相似文献   

Tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha is a macrophage-derived proinflammatory cytokine implicated in hepatotoxicity. In the present studies, p55 TNF receptor 1 (TNFR1) -/- mice were used to assess the role of TNF-alpha in acetaminophen-induced antioxidant defense. Treatment of wild-type (WT) mice with acetaminophen (300 mg/kg) resulted in centrilobular hepatic necrosis and increased serum alanine transaminases. This was correlated with a rapid depletion of hepatic glutathione (GSH). Whereas in WT mice GSH levels returned to control after 6-12 h, in TNFR1-/- mice recovery was delayed for 48 h. Delayed induction of heme oxygenase-1 and reduced expression of CuZn superoxide dismutase were also observed in TNFR1-/- compared with WT mice. This was associated with exaggerated hepatotoxicity. In WT mice, acetaminophen caused a time-dependent increase in activator protein-1 nuclear binding activity and in c-Jun expression. This response was significantly attenuated in TNFR1-/- mice. Constitutive NF-kappaB binding activity was detectable in livers of both WT and TNFR1-/- mice. A transient decrease in this activity was observed 3 h after acetaminophen in WT mice, followed by an increase that was maximal after 6-12 h. In contrast, in TNFR1-/- mice, acetaminophen-induced decreases in NF-kappaB activity were prolonged and did not return to control levels for 24 h. These data indicate that TNF-alpha signaling through TNFR1 plays an important role in regulating the expression of antioxidants in this model. Reduced generation of antioxidants may contribute to the increased sensitivity of TNFR1-/- mice to acetaminophen.  相似文献   

Tissue factor expression on the surface of endothelial cells can be induced by tumor necrosis factor (TNF) and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) in a synergistic manner. We have investigated the role of the two different TNF receptors for this synergy. Firstly, stimulation of the 60 kDa TNF receptor (TNFR60) by a mutant of TNF specific for TNFR60 induced responses comparable to wild-type TNF. In contrast, stimulation of TNFR80 by a TNFR80-specific TNF mutein did not result in enhancement of tissue factor expression even in the presence of a suboptimal TNFR60 triggering. Secondly, we tested neutralizing TNF receptor antibodies for inhibition of tissue factor synthesis induced by VEGF and TNF. A TNFR60-specific antibody inhibited tissue factor production over a broad range of TNF concentrations, indicating an essential role of TNFR60 in the TNF/VEGF synergy. In contrast, blocking of TNF binding to TNFR80 strongly inhibited TNF-induced tissue factor expression at low, but less pronounced at high, TNF concentrations. In conclusion, these data are in agreement with a model in which TNFR80 participates in the synergy between VEGF and low concentrations of soluble TNF by passing the ligand to the signalling TNFR60.  相似文献   

In this study we investigated the expression of the 55 kDa (p55) and the 75 kDa (p75) TNF receptors in CD56+ NK cells and their role in NK and lymphokine-activated killer cells cell functions. By using mAb against the p55 and p75 TNF-R, NK cells were found to express both p55 and p75 upon activation, and both receptors were involved in the generation of lymphokine-activated killer cells activity. Proliferative activity of IL-2 stimulated NK cells was inhibited by anti-TNF-alpha mAb, indicating that endogenously produced TNF-alpha is important for optimal proliferation of NK cells. Furthermore, addition of rTNF-alpha increased the IL-2-induced proliferation of NK cells. mAb to p55 and p75 inhibited the IL-2-induced proliferation indicating that both TNF-R are involved in mediating this effect.  相似文献   

Giving C57BL/6 mice 10(4) PFU of coxsackievirus B3 (H3 variant) fails to induce myocarditis, but increasing the initial virus inoculum to 10(5) or 10(6) PFU causes significant cardiac disease. Virus titers in the heart were equivalent at days 3 and 7 in mice given all three virus doses, but day 3 titers in the pancreases of mice inoculated with 10(4) PFU were reduced. Tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha) concentrations in the heart were increased in all infected mice, but cytokine levels were highest in mice given the larger virus inocula. TNF-alpha(-/-) and p55 TNF receptor-negative (TNFR(-/-)) mice developed minimal myocarditis compared to B6;129 or C57BL/6 control mice. p75 TNFR(-/-) mice were as disease susceptible as C57BL/6 animals. No significant differences in virus titers in heart or pancreas were observed between the groups, but C57BL/6 and p75 TNFR(-/-) animals showed 10-fold more inflammatory cells in the heart than p55 TNFR(-/-) mice, and the cell population was comprised of high concentrations of CD4(+) gamma interferon-positive and Vgamma4(+) cells. Cardiac endothelial cells isolated from C57BL/6 and p75 TNFR(-/-) mice upregulate CD1d, the molecule recognized by Vgamma4(+) cells, but infection of TNF(-/-) or p55 TNFR(-/-) endothelial cells failed to upregulate CD1d. Infection of C57BL/6 endothelial cells with a nonmyocarditic coxsackievirus B3 variant, H310A1, which is a poor inducer of TNF-alpha, failed to elicit CD1d expression, but TNF-alpha treatment of H310A1-infected endothelial cells increased CD1d levels to those seen in H3-infected cells. TNF-alpha treatment of uninfected endothelial cells had only a modest effect on CD1d expression, suggesting that optimal CD1d upregulation requires both infection and TNF-alpha signaling.  相似文献   

Tumor necrosis factor (TNF) is a key mediator in the inflammatory response which is implicated in the onset of a number of diseases. Research on TNF led to the characterization of the largest family of cytokines known until now, the TNF superfamily, which exert their biological effects through the interaction with transmembrane receptors of the TNFR superfamily. TNF itself exerts its biological effects interacting with two different receptors: TNFR1 and TNFR2. TNFR1 presents a death domain on its intracellular region. In contrast to TNFR1, TNFR2 does not have a death domain. Activation of TNFR1 implies the consecutive formation of two different TNF receptor signalling complexes. Complex I controls the expression of antiapoptotic proteins that prevent the triggering of cell death processes, whereas Complex II triggers cell death processes. TNFR2 only signals for antiapoptotic reactions. However, recent evidence indicates that TNFR2 also signals to induce TRAF2 degradation. TRAF2 is a key mediator in signal transduction of both TNFR1 and TNFR2. Thus, this novel signalling pathway has two important implications: on one hand, it represents an auto regulatory loop for TNFR2; on the other hand, when this signal is triggered TNFR1 activity is modified so that antiapoptotic pathways are inhibited and apoptotic reactions are enhanced.  相似文献   

Pro-inflammatory cytokines are believed to play an important role in the pathogenesis of dengue infection. This study reports cytokine levels in a total of 54 patients examined in Recife, State of Pernambuco, Brazil. Five out of eight patients who had hemorrhagic manifestations presented tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) levels in sera which were statistically higher than those recorded for controls. In contrast, only one out of 16 patients with mild manifestations had elevated TNF-alpha levels. The levels of interleukin-6 (IL), IL-1beta tested in 24 samples and IL-12 in 30 samples were not significantly increased. Interferon-g was present in 10 out of 30 patients with dengue. The data support the concept that the increased level of TNF-alpha is related to the severity of the disease. Soluble TNF receptor p75 was found in most patients but it is unlikely to be related to severity since it was found with an equivalent frequency and levels in 15 patients with dengue fever and another 15 with dengue hemorrhagic fever.  相似文献   

Previous studies have demonstrated that tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) production from adipose tissue is elevated in obese animal models and in obese humans. It plays an important role in the induction of insulin resistance in experimental animals. In this study, we examined hypothalamic tissue expression of TNF-alpha and its receptors and TNF-alpha expression of adipose tissue in lean C57BLKSJ+/+ and obese polygenic New Zealand obese (NZO) mice. Obese animals exhibited hyperglycemia, hyperinsulinemia, hypertriglyceridemia, and hypercholesterinemia. Using RT-PCR, we observed increased expression (2.4-fold) of TNF receptor 2 (p75) in the hypothalamus of obese mice. TNF-alpha expression in adipose tissue of obese mice was eight times higher than in controls. TNF-alpha and TNF receptor 1 (p55) expression in hypothalamic tissue was similar in obese and lean animals. These results suggest that the hypothalamic TNF receptor 2 (p75) might play a role in obesity by modulating the actions of TNF-alpha in conditions of leptin resistance.  相似文献   

Macrophages play a fundamental role in silicosis in part by removing silica particles and producing inflammatory mediators in response to silica. Tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNFalpha) is a prominent mediator in silicosis. Silica induction of apoptosis in macrophages might be mediated by TNFalpha. However, TNFalpha also activates signal transduction pathways (NF-kappaB and AP-1) that rescue cells from apoptosis. Therefore, we studied the TNFalpha-mediated mechanisms that confer macrophage protection against the pro-apoptotic effects of silica. We will show that exposure to silica induced TNFalpha production by RAW 264.7 cells, but not by IC-21. Silica-induced activation of NF-kappaB and AP-1 was only observed in RAW 264.7 macrophages. ERK activation in response to silica exposure was only observed in RAW 264.7 macrophages, whereas activation of p38 phosphorylation was predominantly observed in IC-21 macrophages. No changes in JNK activity were observed in either cell line in response to silica exposure. Silica induced apoptosis in both macrophage cell lines, but the induction of apoptosis was significantly larger in IC-21 cells. Protection against apoptosis in RAW 264.7 cells in response to silica was mediated by enhanced NF-kappaB activation and ERK-mediated phosphorylation of the p55 TNFalpha receptor. Inhibition of these two protective mechanisms by specific pharmacological inhibitors or transfection of dominant negative mutants that inhibit IkappaBalpha or ERK phosphorylation significantly increased silica-induced apoptosis in RAW 264.7 macrophages. These data suggest that NF-kappaB activation and ERK-mediated phosphorylation of the p55 TNF receptor are important cell survival mechanisms in the macrophage response to silica exposure.  相似文献   

Hyperoxic lung injury, believed to be mediated by reactive oxygen species, inflammatory cell activation, and release of cytotoxic cytokines, complicates the care of many critically ill patients. The cytokine tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha is induced in lungs exposed to high concentrations of oxygen; however, its contribution to hyperoxia-induced lung injury remains unclear. Both TNF-alpha treatment and blockade with anti-TNF antibodies increased survival in mice exposed to hyperoxia. In the current study, to determine if pulmonary oxygen toxicity is dependent on either of the TNF receptors, type I (TNFR-I) or type II (TNFR-II), TNFR-I or TNFR-II gene-ablated [(-/-)] mice and wild-type control mice (WT; C57BL/6) were studied in >95% oxygen. There was no difference in average length of survival, although early survival was better for TNFR-I(-/-) mice than for either TNFR-II(-/-) or WT mice. At 48 h of hyperoxia, slightly more alveolar septal thickening and peribronchiolar and periarteriolar edema were detected in WT than in TNFR-I(-/-) lungs. By 84 h of oxygen exposure, TNFR-I(-/-) mice demonstrated greater alveolar debris, inflammation, and edema than WT mice. TNFR-I was necessary for induction of cytokine interleukin (IL)-1beta, IL-1 receptor antagonist, chemokine macrophage inflammatory protein (MIP)-1beta, MIP-2, interferon-gamma-induced protein-10 (IP-10), and monocyte chemoattractant protein (MCP)-1 mRNA in response to intratracheal administration of recombinant murine TNF-alpha. However, IL-1beta, IL-6, macrophage migration inhibitory factor, MIP-1alpha, MIP-2, and MCP-1 mRNAs were comparably induced by hyperoxia in TNFR-I(-/-) and WT lungs. In contrast, mRNA for manganese superoxide dismutase and intercellular adhesion molecule-1 were induced by hyperoxia only in WT mice. Differences in early survival and toxicity suggest that pulmonary oxygen toxicity is in part mediated by TNFR-I. However, induction of specific cytokine and chemokine mRNA and lethality in response to severe hyperoxia was independent of TNFR-I expression. The current study supports the prediction that therapeutic efforts to block TNF-alpha receptor function will not protect against pulmonary oxygen toxicity.  相似文献   

Recombinant murine and human tumor necrosis factor (mTNF and hTNF, respectively) were radioiodinated to high specific activity using a solid-phase lactoperoxidase method. A single class of high affinity receptors for 125I-TNF was identified on TNF-sensitive murine L cells and human HeLa S2 cells. Competitive radioligand binding assays were used to study the species specificity of TNF preparations. Unlabeled hTNF competed 30-fold less effectively than mTNF for binding to L cell receptors, whereas mTNF competed to approximately the same extent as hTNF for binding to HeLa cell receptors. A similar species specificity was observed in cytotoxicity assays; hTNF was more cytotoxic for HeLa cells than mTNF. Conversely, mTNF was more growth inhibitory and cytotoxic for L cells than hTNF. mTNF. and hTNF.receptor complexes were compared by gel filtration chromatography and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis before and after cross-linking with bis[2-(succinimidooxycarbonyloxy)ethyl]sulfone (BSOCOES). These complexes eluted in gel filtration at a position corresponding to a globular protein of 350,000 Mr. Gel autoradiographs of the fractions containing cross-linked complexes showed bands of 95,000 and 75,000 Mr as well as small amounts of higher Mr bands. mTNF and hTNF treated with BSOCOES formed cross-linked dimers and trimers. Therefore, we were unable to determine whether the 95,000 and 75,000 Mr bands represented two distinct subunits of receptors or one subunit to which either a dimer or a monomer of TNF was cross-linked. These results demonstrate species specificity in the TNF-receptor interaction. In addition, the affinity labeling studies in two species give an identical pattern for the TNF X receptor complexes, suggesting that the receptors have similar subunit composition.  相似文献   

The p55 tumor necrosis factor receptor (TNF-RI) is the main receptor by which TNF exerts its effects. The signaling capacity largely depends on the presence of an intact C-terminal protein-protein interaction domain, a so-called death domain (DD). Here we report the expression and purification of the human TNF-RI DD as a fusion with the Escherichia coli thioredoxin A (TRX) protein. When expressed under control of the bacteriophage T7 promoter, TRX-DD accumulates as a soluble protein in the cytoplasm of E. coli. The TRX-DD protein was released from the cells into the periplasmic fraction after osmotic shock. Due to self-association of the DD, a large part of the material appeared as multimers; it could be removed by selective precipitation and a combination of ion-exchange and size-exclusion chromatography. This purification protocol yielded 30 mg of purified, monomeric protein from 1 liter of shake-flask culture. The purified TRX-DD was found to be functional as it still bound to the TNF-RI-associated DD protein and the intracellular part of TNF-RI. We conclude that TRX-DD is correctly folded and can be used for further structure/function analysis.  相似文献   

The 55-kDa receptor for tumor necrosis factor (TR55) triggers multiple signaling cascades initiated by adapter proteins like TRADD and FAN. By use of the primary amine monodansylcadaverine (MDC), we addressed the functional role of tumor necrosis factor (TNF) receptor internalization for intracellular signal distribution. We show that MDC does not prevent the interaction of the p55 TNF receptor (TR55) with FAN and TRADD. Furthermore, the activation of plasmamembrane-associated neutral sphingomyelinase activation as well as the stimulation of proline-directed protein kinases were not affected in MDC-treated cells. In contrast, activation of signaling enzymes that are linked to the "death domain" of TR55, like acid sphingomyelinase and c-Jun-N-terminal protein kinase as well as TNF signaling of apoptosis in U937 and L929 cells, are blocked in the presence of MDC. The results of our study suggest a role of TR55 internalization for the activation of select TR55 death domain signaling pathways including those leading to apoptosis.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To investigate the effects of Lenercept , a recombinant soluble TNF receptor p55 fused to an immunoglobulin heavy chain IgG1, on the balance of pro- and anti-inflammatory mediators in sepsis. DESIGN: Post hoc analysis of a subgroup of patients enrolled in a multicenter phase III, prospective, double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized study of Lenercept in severe sepsis. SETTING: Surgical and medical intensive care units, and postoperative recovery room of a tertiary care teaching hospital. PATIENTS: A total of 57 patients were enrolled in the multicenter study in our center. Intervention: Septic patients were randomly assigned to receive either Lenercept 0.125 mg/kg or placebo. The patients were followed for up to 28 days after randomization. MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS: Circulating levels of TNF-alpha, IL-6, TNFsR75 and IL-1Ra were measured before and after treatment. The two groups were comparable with regard to age, gender and diagnosis distribution. The total level of TNF-alpha increased significantly in treated patients, compared to patients receiving placebo. The levels of the other inflammatory mediators did not differ between the two groups CONCLUSIONS: Lenercept -treated patients experienced a protracted TNF-alpha half-life, leading to higher total TNF-alpha levels throughout the study. However, the treatment had no effects on anti-inflammatory mediators. Therefore, peripheral inflammatory processes might not have been significantly modified by the treatment. This might account for the lack of efficacy this treatment in septic patients  相似文献   

Tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) is known to induce changes in endothelial cell morphology and permeability, but the mechanisms have not been extensively characterized. TNF-alpha rapidly induced RhoA activation and myosin light chain phosphorylation, but caused only small changes to cortical F-actin, without significantly increasing paracellular permeability up to 30 min after stimulation. TNF-alpha subsequently caused a progressive increase in permeability and in stress fiber reorganization, cell elongation, and intercellular gap formation over 8-24 h. Consistent with the increased permeability, Occludin and JAM-A were removed from tight junctions and ZO-1 was partially redistributed. Rho/ROCK but not MLCK inhibition prevented the long-term TNF-alpha-induced changes in F-actin and cell morphology, but ROCK inhibition did not affect permeability. These results suggest that the gradual increase in permeability induced by TNF-alpha does not reflect contractile mechanisms mediated by Rho, ROCK, and MLCK, but involves long-term reorganization of tight junction proteins.  相似文献   

Biological functions of tumor necrosis factor cytokines and their receptors   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
Tumor necrosis factor (TNF; formerly known as TNFalpha) and lymphotoxin (LT)alpha, originally characterized by their ability to induce tumor cell apoptosis and cachexia, are now considered as central mediators of a broad range of biological activities. These activities encompass beneficial effects for the host in inflammation and in protective immune responses against a variety of infectious pathogens. TNF family members on the other hand also exert host-damaging effects in sepsis, in tumor cachexia as well as in autoimmune diseases. In addition, the essential roles of the core members of the TNF superfamily, LTalpha, LTbeta, TNF, and LIGHT as well as their receptors during the organogenesis of secondary lymphoid organs and the maintenance of the architecture of lymphatic tissues now becomes appreciated. The elucidation of the biological functions of these cytokines and their specific cell surface receptors has been crucially advanced by the study of gene-targeted mouse strains. This presentation summarizes the roles of TNFR and TNF-like cytokines in infection, sepsis and autoimmunity as well as the pivotal involvement of these molecules in the development of secondary lymphoid organs.  相似文献   

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